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Modul Speaking

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All praises belong to Allah S.W.T., the Almighty, the only creator of this universe and

His Messenger, as the greatest creature for the entire creation. Peace and blessing of Allah be

upon his prophet Muhammad, who has made him best of the best person here and after.

Hopefully, we can gather with Muhammad’s colleagues, companions, descendants, and

followers on judgment day.

Proudly the compiler acknowledges that he is not the best grammatical mastery. He just

tries his best to guide the beginners in studying English, especially in learning grammar. The

compiler tends to make the students easier to understand the basic structure for making

sentences so the students can develop their English to the next level after understanding the


The compiler also thanks his best parents who have trusted him to make this book and

encourage in every condition fully. The best gratitude of the compiler goes to the teachers of

BEC (Basic English Course) Pare and all of the English lectures of UIN Surakarta who have

taught me some English lessons so this book has been compiled briefly.

Correction and constructive suggestions are welcomed to complete and perfect this

written exercise book. Thank you so much.

Surakarta, April 2021

Mochammad Jauhari Achmad


I. Alphabet And Introduction

II. Numeral, time, and how to read dates

III. Direction

IV. Parts of speech and Pronoun

V. Simple Present

VI. Question Words

VII. Simple past and reading new concept

VIII. Simple Future and reading new concept

IX. Describing Picture

X. Test for Speaking Skill

I. Alphabet and Introduction

A. Introduce yourself



.No. Purpose Formal Semi-formal Informal

1. Greeting 1. Good morning Sir! 1. Same as in formal 1. Hello!

2. Good afternoon Sir! but there will be tonal 2. Hi!

3. Good evening Sir! difference. 3.A smile

(Greet with respect) 2.Casual Greeting 4.A wave of the


2. Introductions 1. How d’ you do 1. Glad to meet you. 1. Hi! Hello! Here.

Mam? (Question by (Starter) (Starter)

2. Fine. How d’ you 2.So am I (Answer) 2. Hai! Hello.

do? (Answer) (Ans)

3. Thanking 1. Thank you so much. 1. Thank you. 1. Thanks a lot.

2. I am grateful to you. 2.You’re welcome 2.Thanks a million

3.Not at all (or) (Answer) 3.It’s okay /

Don’t mention it That’s okay

(Answer) (Answer)

4. Parting/ 1. Good night Sir! 1.Same as in Formal 1.Bye

Taking leave 2. Good bye Mam! but with tonal 2.See you

(With respect) difference later

2.Casual Parting 3.See you


4. Okay. Bye.

5. Asking for 1. It would be in your Please meet the Meet the

advice interest to meet the doctor doctor.

(e.g. for doctor.

illness) 2 .If I were you, I

would meet the doctor.

6. Leave the Excuse me 1. Just a moment. 1.Be back in a

Place (or) 2. It won’t be long. moment

person you will not = won’t 2.Be back in a jiffy

are talking

with, in the

middle for
some work.

7. Requesting 1. Would you help me? Will you help me? Help me.

for help 2. I wonder if you

could help me.

3. You couldn’t help

me, could you?

8. Offering 1. What would you 1. What will you 1.A drink

something like to drink? have / drink now? (Starter)

when (Starter) (Starter) 2. Okay.

someone else 2. I’d like a glass of 2. Please get me a (Ans.)

comes to water. (Answer) glass of water. 3.A glass of

your place. (Answer) Water.

Yah. (Ans.)

9. For closing 1. Would you mind if 1. Please close the No permission is

the window I close the window? window. taken.

2. Would you mind 2. Do you mind Just say,

closing the window? closing the window? ‘Close the

3. Do you mind if I window.’

close the window?

10. Asking the 1. Would you be too Will you be free this 1. What are your

other person busy during the week week end? plans for week

about their end? end?

week end 2. Would you be free 2. Any plans for

plans. during the week end? week end?

11. You didn’t 1. I’m afraid I didn’t 1. I don’t think I 1. I don’t

understand understand. understand. understand.

what the 2. Would you mind 2. Do you mind this Explain.

other person explaining this again? Sir? Please explain 2. Will you again

is speaking. 3. Could you possibly again. explain?

How do you say why you are 3. Can you explain 3. Tell me why?

ask for saying like this? why?


12. How do you 1. May I come in? 1. Can I come in? (No permission is

ask for 2. Could I have a word 2. Can you spare a taken)

permission? with you? moment for me?

1. I need to talk to
(e.g.) To 3. Could I have a
enter a place. moment with you?
2. I want to talk to
4. I would (I’d) like a
word / moment with


13. Suggestions 1. May I suggest that 1. I suggest you meet Meet the

to solve the you meet the H.O.D./ the H.O.D./Principal. H.O.D./

problem in Principal. 2. You can meet the Principal.

your class 2. You could probably H.O.D./Principal.

(or) meet the H.O.D./

department Principal.


1. Formal Conversation: (Between Strangers)

A: Excuse me. Which is the way to the post office?

B: Sorry, I am also a stranger.

A: Yes, Please.

B: You might try the chemist in the shop across the street.

A: Thank you so much.

2. Semi-Formal Conversation:

(In a conference (during lunch) between participants)

A: Congratulations! You have raised disturbing questions in the session.

B: Thank you. I wondered if any one listened at all.

3. Informal Conversation: (Between Friends)

A: Meet me this evening

B: No

A: Why?

B: Don’t you remember? I have a talk to give.

A: How about tomorrow morning then?

B: Okay.
B. Please answer these questions!

1. Please introduce yourself?

2. How do you spell your nick name?

3. How do you spell ……?

4. What is the meaning of your name?

5. Does your name have a history?

6. Do you have any story of your parents’ love story?

7. Please tell about you in 3 adjective words! Why?

8. What is your strength?

9. What is your weakness?

10. What are your favourite actors and actress in this world?
II. Numeral and how to read dates

A. Numeral

1. Cardinal Number

Cardinal number digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu kuantitas berbagai hal.

1) Menunjukkan waktu : 10. 15 a.m.

2) Nomor telepon : 08975…..

3) Kecepatan : 100 km/hours

4) Harga : 1.500.000 rupiah

5) Penampilan secara fisik : I am 180 cm / I am 20 years old

6) Menyatakan jarak : 100 meters away

2. Ordinal Number

Ordinal Number digunakan untuk menunjukkan berbagai urutan/Tingkatan.

1) Menunjukkan tanggal : 9th of July 2021

2) Menunjukkan ranking : I am the third in my family (Saya anak

ke 3 di keluarga saya)

3. Fraction Number

1) Pecahan : 2/3 = Two Third ,2 5/7 = Two and five


2) Desimal : 0.5 = zero point five

4. Multiplicative number
Multiplicative number digunakan untuk menyatakan banyaknya aktifitas yang


1) Once : Satu kali

2) Twice : Dua kali

3) Three times : tiga kali

4) ………… times : …………….. kali

5) Many times : beberapa kali

6) Uneven : bilangan ganjil

7) Even : bilangan genap

8) A slice : Seiris

9) A piece : Sepotong

10) A bundle : Seikat

B. Telling Time

1. British system

Minutes => Hour (Menit dulu baru jam)

Beberapa istilah yang sering digunakan adalah

 Past : Lebih :1 – 30 menit

 To : Kurang :31 – 60 menit

 A Half : 30 menit

 A Quarter : 15 menit

 A.M. (Ante Miredium) : 24.00 – 12.00 (siang)

 P.M. (Past Miredium) : 12.00 – 24.00 (malam)

What time is it?

 07.10 = it is ten past seven

 07.05 =

 06.30 =

 03.00 =

 02.43 =

 Etc.

2. American System

Hour => Minutes (Jam dulu baru menit)

What time is it?

 07.20 = it is seven – twenty

 07.00 =

 06.15 =

 Etc.

C. How to read and write Dates

1. In writing:

 April 2nd, 2020

 2nd, April 2020

 2nd, April 2020

 April 2, 2020

 2 April 2020

 April, 2nd 2020

2. British Style

 On April 2nd, 2020

3. American Style

 On 2nd, April 2020

D. Please answer these questions!

1. When is your birthday?

2. Do you always celebrate your birthday?

3. What do you hope for on your next birthday?

4. Did your friends ever celebrate your birthday?

5. Is celebrating our birthday important?

6. Do you ever celebrate your friend’s birthday?

7. What gift did you ever get on your birthday?

8. What gift did you ever give to your friends?

9. Do you know your close people’s birthday?

10. Do you have a special one to celebrate your birthday?

III. Direction

A. Kalimat Asking Direction (menanyakan arah)

 Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the nearest post office?

 Excuse me, do you know where the nearest post office is?

 Excuse me, can you show me the way to the station, please?

 I’m looking for …

 Is this the right way for …?

 Do you know where is...?

 Do you have a map?

 Could you show me on the map?

 How far is it to...?

 Is it far?

 Can you please tell me how I can get to Oxford Street?

 Where is the nearest supermarket?

 How can I get to the local market?

 I'm trying to get to Downing Street.

 How do I get to the office?

 What's the best way to get to your house?

 Where is Mc Donalds can you tell me please?

B. Kalimat Giving Direction (Menunjukkan arah)

 Go straight on till you see the hospital then turn left.

(lurus terus sampai kamu melihat rumah sakit lalu belok kiri)
 Turn back, you have gone past the turning.
(kembali, tujuanmu sudah terlewat)
 Turn left when you see a roundabout.
(belok kiri ketika kamu melihat bunderan)
 Turn right at the end of the road and my house is number 67.
(belok kanan di akhir jalan dan nomor rumahku adalah 67)
 Cross the junction and keep going for about 1 mile.
(sebrangi persimpangan dan lurus terus sekitar 1 mil)
 Take the third road on the right and you will see the office on the right
(ambil jalur ketiga di sebelah kanan dan kamu akan melihat kantor di
sebelah kanan)
 Take the third road on the right and you will see the shop on the left
(ambil jalur ketiga di sebelah kanan dan kamu akan melihat toko di bagian
 Take the second road on the left and you will see the house on the left
(ambil jalur kedua di sebelah kiri dan kamu akan melihat rumah di sebelah
 Take the second road on the left and you will see the hospital straight
(ambil jalur kedua di sebelah kiri dan kamu akan melihat rumah sakit
 The hospital is opposite the railway station.
(rumah sakit ada di seberang stasiun kereta)
 The shop is near the hospital.
(toko ada di sekitar rumah sakit)
 The shop is in between the chemist and KFC.
(tokonya ada di antara ahli kimia dan KFC)
 At the end of the road you will see a roundabout.
(di ujung jalan kamu akan melihat bunderan)
 At the corner of the road you will see red building.
(di pojok jalan kamu akan menemukan bangunan merah)
 Go straight on at the traffic lights.
(lurus saja dari lampu merah)
 turn right at the crossroads.
(belok kanan di persimpangan)
 Follow the signposts for Manchester.
(ikuti rambu jalan untuki pergi ke manchester)

C. Contoh Dialog mengenai 'Direction and Location)

Jack: Excuse me. Could you tell me where the National Bank is?
Anna: The National Bank? Oh, I’m afraid that you are quite far from that.
Jack: What? I’m lost? I thought I was near!
Anna: Oh no. National Bank is in Saigon Road on Nguyen Street!
Jack: Could you please tell me how to get there?
Anna: Hmmm. Let me see... Go straight on this road, turn right at the traffic lights...
Jack: Is that all?
Anna: Hmmm… Hold on. Let me think... Ah! After that, go past the big church and
turn right into Saigon Road. And...
Jack: Okay. And?
Anna: Opposite Saigon Road is the Nguyen Street. You will see the Vina Mall. It’s
huge. National Bank is next to it. You surely won’t be lost anymore.
Jack: Got it! But is that the quickest way of getting there?
Anna: Yes, it is.
Jack: Do you have a map?
Anna: I’m sorry I don’t have.
Jack: Okay. Thanks.
Anna: You are welcome.
D. Answers these questions


 How often do you eat out? Whom do you go with?

 What restaurant do you usually visit?

 What type of food do you enjoy to eat? Western or Asian?

 How much do you usually pay when you eat out?

 Do you enjoy spicy food?

 Are the servers there friendly to you?

 Have you ever tried Korean food?

 Are you concerned about calories when eating out?

 Are fast food restaurants like KFC or McDonald’s famous in your country?

 Do you often drink ice when eating out?

IV. Parts of Speech

A. Kind of parts of speech

1. Pronoun : Kata Ganti :

2. Adverb : Kata Keterangan :

3. Noun : Kata Benda :

4. Conjunction : Kata Penghubung :

5. Verb : Kata Kerja :

6. Interjection : Kata Seru :

7. Preposition : Kata Penghubung :

B. Pronoun


I Me My….. Mine Myself

You You Your… Yours Yourself

They Them Their… Theirs Themselves

We Us Our…. Ours Ourselves

She Her Her… Hers Herself

He Him His… His Himself

It It Its… Its Itself

e.g.: I Bring My Book for Me Myself Because My Book is Mine.

C. Translate into English!

1. Rina membeli sebuah hadiah untuk dirinya sendiri kemaren.

2. Apakah ini bukunya Tomy?
3. Mobil merah siapa itu?
4. Buku biru baru itu bukan miliknya (pr).
5. Itu motor sepupu saya.
6. Anak perempuan kakak saya adalah keponakan saya.
7. Apakah miliknya (lk) bisa menjadi miliknya (pr)?
8. Milik siapa tas hitam ini?
9. Milik kita bukan milik mereka.
10. Telinga telinga kambing itu terluka.
D. Answer these questions about Present!

 What kind of presents are popular in your country?

 Who gave presents to you? On what occasions?
 What was your last present?
 What was the one you like best?
 Did you ever get a present you didn’t like?
 How do you thank people who give you presents?
 What are the times of the year that people give presents in your country?
 Who was the last person you gave a present to?
Is giving presents important in daily life?

V. Simple Present

A. Simple present

 Verbal : (Menggunakan Verb)

(+) S + Verb 1 (s/es) + O

(-) S + do/does + not + Verb 1 + O

(?) Do/Does + S + Verb 1 + O?

(?-) Don’t/Doesn’t + S + Verb 1 + O?

 Nominal : (Tidak menggunakan verb tapi diganti dengan to be (is, am, are))

(+) S + is/am/are + Complement (Adjective, Noun, Adverb)

(-) S + is/am/are + not + Complement

(?) Is/Am/Are + S + Complement?

(?-) Isn’t/Amn’t/Aren’t + S + Complement?

B. Time signal

 Always = Selalu

 Every day = Setiap hari

 Every year = Setiap tahun

 Every month = Setiap bulan

 Every week = Setiap minggu

 Usually = Biasanya

 Never = Tidak pernah

 Often = Sering

 Seldom = Jarang
 Sometimes = Kadang-kadang

 Once a week = Seminggu sekali

 Twice a week = Seminggu dua kali

C. Example for Simple Present tense

1. (+) Smith's family decides to meet Lucy’s teacher every month.

(-) Smith's family doesn’t decide to meet Lucy’s teacher every month
(?) Does Smith's family decide to meet Lucy’s teacher every month?
(-?) Doesn’t Smith's family decide to meet Lucy’s teacher every month?

2. She always (ask for) her mother’s opinion in anything.

(-) ……………………………………………………………………………………

3. The morning sun (shine) my plants in the garden.

(-) ……………………………………………………………………………………

4. My neighbour’s dog (be) noisy every night.

(-) ……………………………………………………………………………………

5. My little sister always (sing) a happy song in the bathroom.

(-) ……………………………………………………………………………………

D. Translate These Sentences Into English!

1. Apakah ini kursi – kursi saya? ..............................................................................

2. Apakah saya memiliki kursi - kursi ini? ………………………………………………
3. Bukankah kursi biru ini milikmu? ……………………………………………………..
4. Bukankah kursi baru ini meilik temanmu? …………………………………………..
5. Semua kursi itu bukan milik ayah kita. ……………………………………………......

E. Answer these questions about A Memorable story!

 How many events have you joined this year? What were they about?

 What was your most memorable event?

 What do you like about it?

 Tell about your favorite events!

 Who went to the event with you?

 What were some performances in the event?

 What do you miss from Ramadhan Month?

 What do you like From Ied Mubarok?

VI. Question Word

A. Kinds of Question word

 Who : Siapa : Menanyakan Subject orang

 Whom : Siapa : Menanyakan Object orang

 Whose : Siapa Punya : Menanyakan Kepemilikan

 Where : Dimana/ Kemana : Menanyakan tempat

 What : Aoa : Menanyakan Subject/ object selain orang, Aktivitas

 When : kapan : Menanyakan Waktu.

 Why : Mengapa : Menanyakan Alasan/ sebab

 How : Bagaimana : Menanyakan keadaan

 How many : Berapa banyak : Menanyakan benda yang Countable

 How much : Berapa banyak : Menanyakan benda yang Uncountable

 How old : Berapa umur : Menanyakan Usia

 How tall : Berapa tinggi : Menanyakan tinggi orang

 How high : Berapa tinggi : Menanyakan tinggi benda

 How weight : Berapa berat : Menanyakan Berat.

 What time : Jam berapa : Menanyakan Jam

 How price : Berapa harga : Menanyakan Harga

 How often : Seberapa Sering : Menanyakan Keseringan

 How Long : Berapa Lama : menanyakan Durasi

B. The formula of question word

1. Untuk menanyakan Subject

Q.W. + Verb 1 (s/es) + O?

2. Untuk menanyakan Selain Subject

Q.W. + Do/ Does + S + V1?


Her father buys an umbrella every month

a b c d e

a. Whose father buys an umbrella every month?

b. Who buys an umbrella every month?

c. What does her father do every month?

d. What does her father buy every month?

e. When does her father buy an umbrella?

C. Answer the question by using Question Word

1. Siska and Doni go to school every day.

a b c d

2. We leave the house at 6 a clock every morning.

a b c d e

3. The children always show their pictures to the teacher

a b c d e f
D. Translate these sentences into English!

1. Siapa yang suka saya?

2. Siapa yang seperti saya?

3. Saya suka siapa?

4. Saya seperti siapa?

5. Bukankah ayah kita seperti saya?

6. Siapakah yang mempunyai tas merah itu?

7. Apa yang mereka miliki kemaren?

8. Kamu akan melihat siapa besok?

9. Teman siapa yang malu setiap hari?

10. Siapa nama ibumu?

VII. Simple past

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