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Recent Advances in Implant-Based

Breast Reconstruction
Amy S. Colwell, M.D.
Learning Objectives: After reading this article, the participant should be able
Erin M. Taylor, M.D.
to: 1. Understand the indications for implant-based breast reconstruction
Boston, Mass. and the indications for nipple preservation compared to skin-sparing or skin-
reducing patterns. 2. Understand the indications for direct-to-implant breast
reconstruction versus tissue expander/implant breast reconstruction and the
advantages and disadvantages of total, partial, or no muscle coverage. 3. Un-
derstand the role of acellular dermal matrix or mesh in reconstruction. 4.
Learn the advantages and disadvantages of different types and styles of im-
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plants and develop a postoperative plan for care and pain management.
Summary: Breast reconstruction with implants has seen a decade of advances
leading to more natural breast reconstructions and lower rates of complica-
tions. (Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 145: 421e, 2020.)

n the past 10 years, the field of breast recon- higher incidence of risk factors is associated with a
struction has undergone tremendous changes higher chance for complications. Obesity is not a
that have resulted in our ability to more closely contraindication to immediate breast reconstruc-
mimic the native breast. Our success is attribut- tion; however, these patients are likely at higher
able in large part to the improved mastectomy risk for complications.1,2 If two or more risk factors
techniques with nipple preservation and efforts to exist, delayed reconstruction or a Goldilocks pro-
preserve a well-perfused skin flap following breast cedure to control the skin envelope and create a
removal. In addition, there has been evolution and small breast are considered.3 Compared to autolo-
advancement in the tools surgeons have to recre- gous reconstruction, implant reconstruction has a
ate the breast, including supplemental fat graft- lower rate of complications and reoperations but
ing. This article outlines important components a higher rate of failure.4
of successful implant-based breast reconstruction. Postmastectomy radiation therapy is the
risk factor that adversely affects outcomes and
increases complications more than any other in
implant-based reconstruction.5–8 Although we do
All women who have a mastectomy should not understand the entire mechanism of injury, it
be counseled on their options for breast recon- is likely influenced by the health and vascularity
struction. Important components of the history of the mastectomy skin envelope and the dose/
include the general health of the patient and the delivery of radiation. Other contributing factors
ability to withstand the extra time of anesthesia to radiation injury include a possible advantage
attributable to the reconstruction. Consultations of acellular dermal matrix and textured devices
with other specialists are necessary to deter- and a potential negative role for pectoralis muscle
mine whether it is safe to hold anticoagulation contraction. Timing of radiotherapy continues
medications and whether immunosuppressants/ to be debated. Lower rates of complications are
antimetabolites can be held. Diabetes should be reported with radiotherapy to the implant, and
controlled and smoking discontinued. In patients better cosmesis is reported with radiotherapy to
with prior breast irradiation, individual assessment the expander.9
of risk factors may help determine candidacy for
immediate implant reconstruction. In general, a
Disclosure: The authors have no financial disclo-
From the Division of Plastic Surgery, Massachusetts General sures.
Hospital, Harvard Medical School.
Received for publication January 1, 2019; accepted May 10,
2019. Related digital media are available in the full-text
Copyright © 2020 by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons version of the article on www.PRSJournal.com.
DOI: 10.1097/PRS.0000000000006510

www.PRSJournal.com 421e
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • February 2020

INCISIONS WITH NIPPLE also excellent candidates; however, if they would

PRESERVATION OR REMOVAL like a smaller, more uplifted breast, skin or areola
Nipple-sparing mastectomy procedures have sparing is sometimes preferred. With severe grade
become the default operation in many large cen- II and grade III ptosis, several options exist for
ters, with preference over skin-sparing or skin- nipple preservation, depending on therapeutic
reducing procedures. Oncologic indications for versus prophylactic, desire for number of opera-
nipple removal include involvement of the nipple tions, and patient preference for uplift of breast
on clinical or radiologic examination.10 From a (Table 1 and Fig. 4).15 If a staged approach is cho-
plastic surgery standpoint, nipple preservation sen, it is best to wait 3 months after a superior/
is considered if it will end up in the correct ana- medial pedicle and 9 to 12 months after an infe-
tomical position postoperatively or for patient rior pedicle with a Wise pattern before mastec-
preference.11,12 Prior incisions on the breast are tomy, which can be problematic for therapeutic
not contraindications to nipple-sparing mastec- procedures.
tomy.13,14 The most common incisions include When nipple preservation is not possible, an
an inferolateral inframammary fold incision for areola-sparing procedure can be considered. This
the best cosmesis (Figs. 1 through 3), a vertical preserves more skin at the time of the mastectomy
incision for the ptotic breast, and a lateral radial compared with skin-sparing procedures, which
incision for the best preservation of nipple blood has advantages for direct-to-implant reconstruc-
supply. A full-thickness incision around the areola tion, and may obviate the desire for nipple recon-
is largely avoided to minimize nipple ischemia. A struction. If nipple reconstruction is performed,
technical pearl for optimization of nipple posi- the thickened pigmented areola makes an excel-
tion in the first-stage surgery is to choose a wider lent nipple. Standard skin-sparing or skin-reduc-
expander or implant than would typically be used ing mastectomies are typically closed horizontally;
in skin-sparing procedures to try to keep the nip- however, a vertical closure provides better shape
ple centered. Patients with grade I breast ptosis are in a large breast. Although a Wise pattern pro-
universally good candidates to preserve the nip- vides the best control of the skin envelope and the
ple. Most patients with grade II breast ptosis are best cosmesis if it is successful, it is also associated

Fig. 1. Nipple-sparing mastectomy can be performed using these incisions. (Reprinted

with permission from Colwell AS, Tessler O, Lin AM, et al. Breast reconstruction following
nipple-sparing mastectomy: Predictors of complications, reconstruction outcomes, and
5-year trends. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2014;133:496–506.)

Volume 145, Number 2 • Implant-Based Breast Reconstruction

Fig. 2. This patient underwent bilateral direct-to-implant reconstruction through an inframammary incision
using large contour acellular dermal matrix and subpectoral/dual-plane, smooth, round, full, 560-cc implants.

with the most complications. If a Wise pattern is same size, although with experience, some degree
chosen, the inferior skin is typically deepitheli- of size change is commonly possible.16,18,19 It is
alized to provide implant support and to act an most frequently performed in nipple-sparing pro-
additional barrier with skin breakdown. cedures. Patients in general are otherwise healthy
with relatively symmetric breasts and volume less
than 900 cc. The most critical component of suc-
DIRECT-TO-IMPLANT VERSUS cessful direct-to-implant procedures is the health
TISSUE EXPANDER/IMPLANT and vascularity of the mastectomy skin flap. With
RECONSTRUCTION experience, physical examination alone is suffi-
Implant reconstruction can be performed in cient for assessing the flap; however, a perfusion
one stage or two stages. In a one-stage direct-to- assessment device gives additional objective infor-
implant reconstruction, the final implant is placed mation that may be particularly helpful for inex-
at the time of the mastectomy, whereas in a two- perienced surgeons or those working with many
stage approach, a tissue expander is placed imme- oncologic breast surgeons. To safely increase size
diately and then exchanged to the final implant in direct-to-implant reconstruction, the mastec-
in a second surgical procedure (tissue-expander/ tomy technique must be perfect in its ability to
implant).16 With experience, there is no dif- remove all the breast tissue yet leave a well-per-
ference in complication rates or revision rates fused flap. In the senior author’s experience, this
between direct-to-implant and tissue-expander/ type of flap is only routinely seen with one breast
implant reconstruction.15,17 surgeon, and the size increase is typically limited
Direct-to-implant reconstruction is considered to 50 to 100 cc greater than breast volume. How-
for patients desiring to stay approximately the ever, with continued improvement in technique,

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • February 2020

Fig. 3. This patient desired an enhancement in size with her mastectomy. She underwent bilateral nipple-spar-
ing mastectomy using an inframammary fold incision and subpectoral/dual-plane, 600-cc, moderate height,
variable projecting expanders and acellular dermal matrix. She underwent exchange to smooth, round, extra-
full, 750-cc implants with 30 cc of fat transfer to the upper pole of each reconstruction.

Table 1. Reconstructive Options for Nipple-Sparing Mastectomy and Severe Grade II or III Breast Ptosis
Choice Advantages Disadvantages
Fill/overfill skin envelope Any incision, DTI often possible Less lift compared to other techniques
Vertical incision Better centralization and lift than IMF DTI less likely secondary to more tension
incision, mastopexy at second stage and ischemia to skin flap
Staged mastopexy or reduction before Best lift and contour Delay in treatment, need for lumpectomy
mastectomy with first-stage surgery, insurance
Skin-sparing/skin-reducing mastectomy One of best options for size reduc- Loss of native nipple
tion, avoids delay
DTI, direct-to-implant; IMF, inframammary fold.

larger volume changes may be possible. Advan- thinning of the skin envelope, resulting in less
tages to direct-to-implant reconstruction include need for fat grafting and more control of nipple
the potential for one less operation and recovery position. At our center, direct-to-implant recon-
period compared to tissue-expander/implant struction is the procedure of choice if a patient
reconstruction.20 Furthermore, there is less needs postmastectomy radiotherapy secondary to

Volume 145, Number 2 • Implant-Based Breast Reconstruction

Fig. 4. One option for a patient with ptosis who desires to stay the same size and shape is to fill or overfill
the skin envelope using an inframammary fold incision and in this case subpectoral/dual-plane direct-to-
implant reconstruction (preoperative and postoperative images).

decreased complication rates compared with tis- SOFT-TISSUE SUPPORT OF THE

sue-expander/implant reconstruction. BREAST RECONSTRUCTION
Tissue expander/implant reconstruction is Options for soft-tissue support and cover-
indicated for significant size changes, very large or age of the breast implant reconstruction include
very small native breast volumes, asymmetry, or if the pectoralis major muscle, serratus anterior
the vascularity of the skin envelope is insufficient muscle or fascia, rectus abdominis fascia, acellu-
to support a full-sized implant. In addition, for lar dermal matrix products, and synthetic mesh.
inexperienced surgeons, tissue expander/implant
Excellent recent reviews of the support matrix
reconstruction is a safer choice until experience
materials available for breast reconstruction have
is gained determining skin perfusion. Advocates
been published.15,21 The ideal material should be
of tissue expander/implant reconstruction cite
flexible and soft, yet durable for long-term soft-
the ability to more precisely control symmetry and
implant position when given two operations com- tissue support. In addition, it is advantageous for
pared to one and the ability to fat graft at the sec- the material to thicken the soft-tissue envelope
ond stage. At the first stage, it is important to avoid for implant coverage without inducing capsu-
overfilling the tissue expander, which can lead to lar contracture. Finally, if the support matrix is
tension-induced ischemia. A technical pearl at biointegrated, it minimizes risk for matrix expo-
the second-stage operation is to perform superior sure and facilitates bacterial clearance in the set-
and medial capsulotomies if needed to accommo- ting of infection. Acellular dermal matrix is the
date an implant approximately 50 cc greater than most commonly used material for breast recon-
the volume of the tissue expander at the time of struction; however, synthetic meshes have been
exchange. This gives a nice hand-in-glove fit and used in attempts to reduce overall costs of the
makes up for the loss of projection seen with procedure either alone or in combination with
exchange to a softer, more mobile device. acellular dermal matrix.22,23 Short-term absorb-
With either direct-to-implant or tissue- able mesh has inconsistent outcomes, as the
expander/implant surgery, fat grafting has soft tissues struggle to maintain support, which
emerged as an integral tool for filling in upper may result in either excessive scar/capsular con-
pole divots and for masking contour irregulari- tracture or bottoming-out from lack of support.
ties. Fat is injected at the second-stage surgery Titanium mesh appears promising for its ease of
or as a revision procedure. The optimal way to use, long-term support, and stability. However,
enhance fat graft take remains elusive but is likely performance with smooth round implants in the
influenced by the quantity injected, quality of the prepectoral space and in the setting of radiother-
lipoaspirate, and vascularity of the recipient site. apy is lacking.

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • February 2020

TOTAL MUSCLE COVERAGE pocket creation. See Video 3 (online), which

In the technique of total or nearly total mus- displays subpectoral (partial muscle coverage)
cle coverage, the pectoralis major muscle covers direct-to-implant placement of implant and clo-
the majority of the device, whereas the serra- sure.] This is routinely referred to as “subpec-
tus anterior muscle or fascia covers the lateral toral” or “dual-plane” reconstruction. In this
aspect of the device. This is reserved in general procedure, the pectoralis muscle is raised from
for tissue-expander/implant reconstruction. The its lateral and inferior border to approximately
advantages of this technique are in having healthy the 4- or 8-o’clock position on the chest wall.
muscle as a barrier over the device and reduced This allows simultaneous upper pole soft-tissue
material cost. This technique has fallen out of coverage with muscle and inferior pole expan-
favor secondary to poor shape of the reconstruc- sion. To avoid pectoralis muscle retraction defor-
tion with lack of inferior pole projection and mity, the muscle is held on stretch with acellular
painful expansion. However, with technical exper- dermal matrix, which acts as an inferior exten-
tise, this technique can give excellent results in sion of the pectoralis muscle to the chest wall
selected patients.24 or inframammary fold. The lateral dissection of
the mastectomy often proceeds to the latissimus
dorsi muscle. To control the lateral border of the
PARTIAL MUSCLE COVERAGE reconstruction, acellular dermal matrix is sewn
(SUBPECTORAL OR DUAL-PLANE to the chest wall at the desired position. If the
RECONSTRUCTION) lateral skin flap is of adequate thickness, quilting
Partial muscle coverage offers a more natural sutures may be placed from the skin flap to the
shape by releasing the inferior pole constriction chest wall to close off dead space and improve lat-
of the pectoralis muscle. Control of pectoralis eral contour. However, if the skin flaps are thin,
muscle contraction and “window shading” may these sutures are typically avoided, as they lead
be achieved by sewing the pectoralis muscle to to skin puckering that may be permanent. The
the inferior skin flap or with spanning sutures to advantages of subpectoral partial muscle cover-
the chest wall. Lateral control of implant position age reconstruction include excellent soft-tissue
may be obtained by minimizing lateral dissection coverage of the superior pole of the breast, which
of the mastectomy with soft-tissue contouring to is most visible in clothing. The subpectoral recon-
the chest wall. However, partial muscle coverage struction tends to lift the breast, analogous to a
with acellular dermal matrix offers more control, dual-plane breast augmentation, and has excel-
predictability, and reliability and is therefore the lent long-term cosmetic and functional results.
most common technique performed currently for Compared to prepectoral reconstruction with
one- or two-stage surgery25 (Fig. 5). [See Video 1 acellular dermal matrix (Table 2), the costs of the
(online), which displays subpectoral (partial mus- reconstruction are lower. The main disadvantage
cle coverage) tissue expander reconstruction. is potential animation, which refers to distortion
See Video 2 (online), which displays subpecto- or movement of the implant with flexion of the
ral (partial muscle coverage) direct-to-implant pectoralis muscle. In the senior author’s (A.S.C.)
personal experience of more than 1500 sub-
pectoral implant reconstructions, most patient
animation is minor and present only with pecto-
ralis activity. However, in select patients, it can be
severe and bothersome.

As the quality of mastectomy skin flaps began
to improve, a movement began to place implants
on top of the muscle (Figs. 6 and 7).26,27 In these
“prepectoral” or “subcutaneous” reconstructions,
implants may be supported by soft tissue alone
Fig. 5. The subpectoral dual plane/partial muscle coverage tech- (no external support), anterior coverage with
nique has pectoralis muscle coverage of the superior implant acellular dermal matrix/mesh, or anterior and
and acellular dermal matrix coverage of the inferior implant. posterior coverage of the device.

Volume 145, Number 2 • Implant-Based Breast Reconstruction

Table 2. Comparison of Subpectoral Partial Muscle Coverage and Prepectoral Breast Reconstruction
Characteristic Subpectoral Prepectoral
Soft-tissue coverage Better soft-tissue coverage upper pole More implant visibility, rippling, and contour
irregularity upper pole
Animation More animation Less animation (implant may still move)
Symmetry Good symmetry for unilateral grade 1 ptosis; symme- Good symmetry for unilateral grade I to grade III
try not as good for grade II to grade III ptosis ptosis
Uplift More uplift of breasts Less uplift of breasts
Pain More acute pain than prepectoral (variable) Less acute pain than subpectoral (variable)
Follow-up Long-term follow-up Short-term follow-up
Cost-effectiveness More cost-effective Higher material cost
Implant size No limit on implant size No limit on implant size
Outcome with Variable outcome with radiation therapy Variable outcome with radiation therapy; avoids
radiotherapy pectoralis contracture
Projection Lack of projection in very large breasts Better projection in very large breasts
Medial position Excellent medial position of implants attainable Excellent medial position of implants attainable
except with wide sternalis muscle in all cases, more risk for symmastia

Fig. 6. This patient had a right nipple-sparing mastectomy using an inframammary fold incision and prepec-
toral placement of a full-height, moderate projecting shaped implant and anterior coverage with porcine acel-
lular dermal matrix. She had no fat grafting.

In reconstructions with no external support, acellular dermal matrix is typically used to cover
control of the device comes from soft tissue and the entire anterior surface of the device, with or
tabbed expanders or textured devices. To increase without posterior coverage. [See Video 4 (online),
predictability and for long-term tissue support, which displays prepectoral implant reconstruction

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • February 2020

Fig. 7. Prepectoral two-stage reconstruction with anterior acellular dermal matrix coverage was performed in
this patient who desired increased size. She had exchange to full-height, extra-full projecting shaped implants
and 35 cc of fat transfer to bilateral upper poles of the reconstruction.

with two sheets of acellular dermal matrix: pocket gutter of acellular dermal matrix inferiorly for
creation. See Video 5 (online), which displays pre- enhanced protection against inferior descent.
pectoral implant reconstruction with two sheets of These modifications are particularly important
acellular dermal matrix: implant placement and in direct-to-implant reconstruction with smooth
closure. See Video 6 (online), which displays pre- round implants.
pectoral implant reconstruction with a 16 × 20-cm Anterior and posterior device coverage is com-
sheet of acellular dermal matrix.] Anterior cover- monly known as the acellular dermal matrix wrap.
age uses two contour pieces of acellular dermal
matrix sewn together centrally or a single 16 ×
20-cm piece (Figs. 8 and 9). A slip of muscle may
be raised superiorly to allow enhanced superior
support for the device, a smoother chest wall/
implant transition in patients with a paucity of soft
tissue, and less acellular dermal matrix for device
coverage.28,29 Another modification includes a

Fig. 9. The prepectoral anterior coverage technique may be per-

formed with two sheets of acellular dermal matrix. The inferior
acellular dermal matrix is sewn to the inframammary fold and
chest wall similar to subpectoral dual-plane reconstruction. The
Fig. 8. The prepectoral anterior coverage technique may use superior acellular dermal matrix is sewn to the chest wall and/
one large piece of acellular dermal matrix for soft-tissue sup- or a superior slip of released pectoralis muscle. If desired, the
port. The superior portion may be anchored to a slip of released implant may be inserted centrally and the tension adjusted.
pectoralis muscle for enhanced support. In addition, an inferior Alternatively, the two pieces may be sewn together before
gutter of acellular dermal matrix may offer inframammary fold insertion into the breast pocket and the tension adjusted inferi-
support. orly and laterally around the implant.

Volume 145, Number 2 • Implant-Based Breast Reconstruction

The acellular dermal matrix wrap is an off-label the technique, prepectoral reconstruction may
use of the material. The acellular dermal matrix decrease surgeon operative time, which is likely
wrap is the easiest, fastest way to perform the one of the reasons for the increasing popularity of
reconstruction and may be performed with one the procedure. The greatest disadvantages are in
or two pieces of acellular dermal matrix. If the more superior pole implant visibility and rippling
posterior acellular dermal matrix integrates into and greater material cost. The implant visibility can
the muscle, it may enhance long-term support of often be improved with fat grafting in subsequent
the device and prevention of bottoming-out, but procedures. With the prepectoral technique, the
there may also be animation/movement of the implant tends to sit lower on the chest wall com-
device with pectoralis flexion. The greatest disad- pared with subpectoral implants. This can be an
vantages are increased material cost and possible important advantage in unilateral breast recon-
device malposition when only limited points of structions in patients with ptotic breasts. However,
fixation to the chest wall are used. Furthermore, it can be a disadvantage in bilateral reconstruc-
an excess of acellular dermal matrix material may tions. The senior author’s (P.D.N.) general prefer-
increase seroma rates. ences are subpectoral/acellular dermal matrix for
Initial safety results with the prepectoral tech- bilateral and prepectoral acellular dermal matrix
nique are promising for similar rates of compli- anterior coverage for unilateral reconstructions,
cations compared to subpectoral techniques.30–32 with some notable exceptions (Fig. 10).
The main advantage of the prepectoral technique Many comparisons of prepectoral versus sub-
is avoiding distorting animation. Prepectoral pectoral reconstruction continue to be debated,
reconstruction may also improve projection for including whether there is a difference in over-
the large breast, where an 800-cc implant replaces all pain and recovery, and long-term outcomes of
only a portion of the breast size. Depending on stability and capsular contracture. In their large

Fig. 10. Algorithm for partial muscle coverage (subpectoral) or prepectoral implant placement. The
senior author (A.S.C.) generally prefers the prepectoral position for unilateral reconstruction because the
implant sits lower on the chest wall, similar to the native breast. However, in patients with grade I ptosis,
the symmetry is excellent with subpectoral implant placement and there is less implant visibility and
rippling. The senior author generally prefers subpectoral implant placement for bilateral reconstructions
secondary to a better lift of the breasts and smoother result. However, prepectoral reconstruction is con-
sidered if postmastectomy radiotherapy is needed, particularly if the patient has a thin skin envelope.

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • February 2020

series, Sigalove et al. discuss that patients have postmastectomy radiation therapy. The main dis-
“less pain and a faster recovery” with prepectoral advantage includes the risk of BIA-ALCL, which
reconstruction,26 and in a small series of tissue is a rare low-grade lymphoma associated primarily
expanders, Walia et al. found decreased pain with with textured implants.35 Although uncommon,
prepectoral placement.33 Conversely, Baker et al. the risk of BIA-ALCL has led many surgeons in
measured pain scores and length of stay in their the United States to offer exclusively the smooth
prospective study and found no difference in pain round implants. Other disadvantages for some
or length of stay between subpectoral and prepec- patients include a risk of rotation and lack of
toral procedures.34 Most likely, pectoralis muscle upper pole projection. Modifications have sub-
elevation contributes to pain in some but not all sequently been made to round devices to make
patients. Overall pain in both techniques may be them more cohesive. The first modification
secondary to nerve pain from excessive traction or includes an increased fill ratio using the same gel,
dissection during mastectomy, which can be modi- which makes the implant slightly stiffer to help
fied by enhanced recovery protocols including minimize rippling. The second modification is
nerve blocks, gabapentin, and acetaminophen. a cohesive round silicone gel implant with all of
Long-term outcomes may be influenced by tech- the advantages of the cohesive shaped implants
nique and material. but without the risks of texturing. However, these
implants naturally flip in the anterior/posterior
position. With the highest projecting cohesive
TISSUE EXPANDERS round implants, a posterior flip presents as a
Advances in tissue expander design have noticeable new flatness of the device. The device
included texturing of devices for improved capsule can often be flipped anterior in the office, but it
quality and avoiding malposition. An integrated may be a recurring problem for the patient, only
valve has eliminated remote valve dysfunction fail- treatable by exchange to a different device style.
ures. Tissue expanders now focus on lower pole
expansion for more natural shape. A new device
(AeroForm; AirXpander, Inc., San Jose, Calif.) POSTOPERATIVE MANAGEMENT AND
uses carbon dioxide instead of saline for con- OUTCOMES
trolled expansion. The advantages of patient and Skin edges are trimmed or deepithelialized
physician convenience for this device are offset and meticulously closed in layers. Surgical glue
by disadvantages of device bulk, permeation, and seals the incisions and Tegaderm (3M, Maple-
cost. With knowledge of breast implant–associ- wood, Minn.) coverage allows patients to shower.
ated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) Drains sites are covered by BioPatches (Ethicon,
and its association with textured implants, new Inc., Somerville, N.J.) or sterile gauze and Tega-
smooth-walled tabbed expanders have resurfaced. derm to help prevent bacterial contamination.
The question remains of whether the new smooth- Devices may be stabilized by the addition of
walled expanders can improve on problems of Microfoam (3M) tape or a foam dressing. Patients
poor capsule quality and device malposition are followed weekly until drains are removed.
seen in the earlier generations of smooth-walled The typical criteria for drain removal is less than
expanders. 20 to 30 cc/24 hours. A light compressive bra or
wrap is placed following surgery or before patient
IMPLANTS Pain management planning begins before sur-
Silicone gel implants have the advantage of gery. Enhanced recovery after surgery pathways
a more natural appearance and feel compared using multimodal pain therapy are gaining trac-
with saline implants with similar safety profiles. tion and offer patients nonnarcotic options for
Implants are chosen based on breast base diam- pain control.36 A typical regimen includes 900 mg
eter and breast implant volume. Lower projecting of acetaminophen and 600 mg of gabapentin
implants have a larger diameter-to-volume ratio, given before surgery and a postoperative regimen
whereas higher projecting implants have a more of gabapentin 100 mg or 200 mg twice daily for
narrow diameter. Cohesive shaped anatomical 1 week or more after surgery. Furthermore, para-
implants offer a stiffer gel to help minimize rip- vertebral or local nerve blocks may help minimize
pling. These implants also have a better cosmetic intraoperative and postoperative opioid use.
result in the prepectoral position compared to Controversy remains regarding continuation
round implants and may have an advantage with of postoperative antibiotics with literature support

Volume 145, Number 2 • Implant-Based Breast Reconstruction

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