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agg Report No. R-65.2 GIS METADATA FOR AN IRRIGATION SYSTEM VOLUME II: SELECTED WATERCOURSES WITHIN CHISHTIAN SUB - DIVISION By Samia Ali Yann Chemin Salman Asif Mobin-ud-din Ahmad October 1998 PAKISTAN NATIONAL PROGRAM HMI INTERNATIONAL IRRIGATION MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE > LAHORE avBea AHaLNe ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction General features Killa coverages. ‘Square coverages....... Plot coverages Cropping pattem..... = Physiography and soil (SSP). Canal water allocation ....snur Actual canal water supplies... ‘Tube well water volumes.FOREWORD ‘A numerous research studies had been carried out around the world, but, retrieving data from such studies by a third party is not always possible. More importantly, researchers in general do not make a concerted effort to make such a valuable resource available to other interested parties. Researchers at IMi Pakistan were not an exception to this until recently. Mobin-ud-Din Ahmad, Samia Ali, Yann Chemin and Salman Asif have invested a considerable amount of time in producing this Metadata, on a compact disk (CD) and two volumes of these reports. Data presented in this CD relates to the Chistian Sub- division. It is described in the two volumes of reports. The first one provides sub- divisional level data, and the second one is a compilation of data from eight selected watercourses from the sub-division, The data were collected by a score of researchers associated with IIMI Pakistan, Punjab Irrigation and Power Department (PIPD), Soil Survey of Pakistan (SSP), Directorate of Land Reclamation (DLR), Water and Soil Investigation Division (WASID) WAPDA, SCARP Monitoring Organization (SMO) and Water Course Monitoring and Evaluation Directorate (WMED). Processing and compilation of data was carried by researchers at IMI Pakistan, CEMAGREF France and WMED. By any possible measure, it reflects a genuine collaborative effort among National and International Agencies and the output is one that every one associated can be proud of. The foreword will be incomplete, if Pierre Strosser's leadership and vision is not fecognized. My commendations to Pierre and his team. S. A. Prathapar Research Coordinator lIMI-PakistanACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ‘The authors wish to acknowledge Dr. Pierre Strosser to continuous supervision and valuable guidance to the GIS/RS activities in Chishtian sub-division, Most of our recognition goes to the ficld staff of Hasilpur field station, for their constant and huge efforts to collect and to get in shape these data sets. Special thanks to Mr. Saeed ur Rehman for his work on the Warabandi data. Authors wish to extend their thanks for the precious efforts and help of Héléne Debarnardi, Salman Ashraf, Ayesha Manzar, Gauhar Rehman, Asghar Hussain and SSP filed staff for the development of the GIS database. Moreover, all collaborators from government agencies from where the secondary information has been obtained. Authors appreciated the special editing care of Ms. Verenia Duke to bring this manuscript in the present form.1 INTRODUCTION This report describes Metadata' for different sets of information that have been collected in the Chishtian Sub-division to date, either by TIMI-Pakistan field staff or in collaboration with other organizations. Generally, Metadata is considered to be an extra and unnecessary task, but with long-term benefits. For example, if staff is substituted, new users could not exploit undocumented data, which may result to misleading conclusions. This work is presented in two different volumes; the first pertains to Metadata for the Chishtian Sub-division, and the other, to Metadata for Sample Watercourses. TWo main parts define its structures; an introductory explanation of the research’s context, and the actual Metadata. These two volumes are complemented by one CDROM containing Metadata along with the GIS / digital database, available from the IIMI-Pakistan library. 1.1 Background Research activities on the use of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS) for irrigation management in the Chishtian Subdivision was initiated in 1995. With a gross command area of 75000 ha, it forms part of the Fordwah Eastern Sadigia Irrigation System, which is confined by the Sule} River in the northeast, the Indian border in the east, and the Cholistan Desert in the southeast (Figure 1). These activities form part of the IMI-Cemagref collaboration supported by the Government of France. In addition, these complement activities undertaken under other research programs and projects in the same area, such as Managing Irrigation for Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture funded by the Government of the Netherlands. 111 Research Activities Research activities are organized around 4 different components, i.e.: Using GIS for spatial analysis of water supply performance; GIS and satellite imagery for the integrated approach; Satellite imagery for crop identification; and Satellite imagery and salinity monitoring. ‘These four components are described in further detail below. " Generaty speaking, Motadtarefors the “data about data’, deserbing the content, quality, conten, and other characteristics of data,Onshtan ew For Se Gan Oty Minor Oty 8 Tow — Moiatea road Inerationa Boundary alaay tne x Sandip Le Figure 1, Layout of Chishtian Sub-division, Punjab. 1.1.2 Using GIS for Spatial Analysis of Water Supply Performance The main objective of this research component is the analysis of irrigation system performance within the watercourse command area. The different variables integrated into the analysis include irrigation water supply (canal and tubewell), soil and salinity Parameters, and agricultural production indicators (cropping patterns, yields, and gross margins). A sample of 8 watercourses along the Azim and Fordwah Distributaries has been selected for the analysis, Allocation and distribution of canal water is analyzed at the plot, farm and landowner levels. Tubewell water supplies are then added to canal water supplies and compared 10 crop water requirements. Water stress and potential problems with the use of poor quality irrigation water are then spatially analyzed using GIS. Factors expected to influence water stress, crop production and salinity are included in the analysis. These factors include farm level characteristics (tubewell ownership, farm size, tenure status), physical factors (soil type), and spatial variables (such as distance from the head of the watercourse, or distance from tubewells).1.1.3 GIS and Satellite Imagery in the Integrated Approach In 1995, IIMI-Pakistan initiated an important research activity aimed at developing an integrated approach to assess the impact of changes in irrigation management on agricultural production, salinity and sodicity. This activity includes an analysis of the main physical and decision-making processes that take place within the irrigation system. Simulation and optimization models have been developed for the most important processes. The analysis of processes is coupled with the assessment of the present conditions in terms of physical characteristics (soils, groundwater quality,” water-table depth), irrigation water supplies and agricultural production. A large part of the efforts of this assessment was to develop a spatial database and an analysis of the spatial heterogeneity of the variables analyzed using GIS and statistical techniques. The information used for the analysis relates to different levels of the irrigation system (killa, farm, watercourse, soil unit, etc.) that are to be linked. ‘A watercourse-level database (520 watercourses) has been prepared to assess the present conditions. The database will be linked with simulation models to predict the impact of changes in irrigation management on agricultural production and salinity. The GIS is also used to present results of the simulations. 1.14 Satellite Imagery for Crop Identification Although the potential for the use of satellite imagery in irrigation system management is often said to be large, so far, little has been tested in the field of irrigation in Pakistan. IMI-Pakistan initiated activities on the use of satellite imagery for land use mapping and ‘crop identification in 1995, The initial objectives were to test techniques applied elsewhere in the context of Pakistan, and also to train IIMI-Pakistan researchers in the use of hardware and software. SPOT XS images were acquired for the Chishtian Sub-division in October 1994 and March 1995. Ground truth information was collected through a crop survey for 31 well- scattered watercourses, Supervised classification techniques were applied and land use classes obtained for Kharif 1994 and Rabi 1994-95 seasons. Classification results permit the separation of cropped and non-cropped areas, but between crops, confusion still exists. To date, the focus of the research has shifted from the application to the development of methodologies. The main question addressed during 1997-98, in the context of collaboration with the Watercourse Monitoring and Evaluation Directorate of WAPDA and Cemagref, relates to the identification of the appropriate methodology (satellite frequency, ground truth information) to identify cropping intensity or cropping pattern at a given level of accuracy.1.1.5 Satellite Imagery and Salinity Monitoring Due to the size of the irrigation and drainage project currently undertaken in Pakistan, monitoring and evaluation of the impact of these projects on salinity is a difficult and time-consuming task. Often, it is difficult to attach any accuracy to the salinity indicators estimated from this information. In this context, IIMI-Pakistan and Cemagref started activities on the use of satcllite imagery for salinity monitoring in 1995. A classification procedure uses the vegetation and brightness indices derived from SPOT images (acquired in March 1995), and compares these values to levels of visual salinity collected through surveys. With the classification obtained, highly saline areas are identified with good accuracy. However, results are less satisfying for cropped areas with low or medium salinity levels. In order to refine the analysis of the signal obtained from the satellite, a measurement campaign was organized in August 1997. Also, images from the Landsat satellite (with additional bands) were acquired. Final research results will be obtained in 1998 and compared to results of approaches developed by other organizations (e.g. Soil Survey of Pakistan, Directorate of Land Reclamation). 1.1.6 Collaborations ‘The research program on the use of GIS and remote sensing for irrigation management is jointly undertaken by the French research institute, Cemagref, with exchange information and results, visits, development of joint research studies, planning of research activities, etc. More recently, efforts have focused on the development and strengthening of collaboration with Pakistani institutes. Organizations that have been associated with GIS / RS activities in the Chishtian Sub-division include; (i) SCARP Monitoring Organization (use of ground water data); (ii) Directorate of Land Reclamation (use of GIS for the development of reclamation programs); and, (iii) Soil Survey of Pakistan (soil mapping and salinity risk assessment). Also, links have been established with the WAPDA Watercourse Monitoring and Evaluation Directorate (WMED). Technical assistance that IIMI-Pakistan has provided to WMED in the Fordwah / Eastern Sadigia (South) Irrigation and Drainage Project includes joint activities initiated to develop an appropriate methodology to assess crop- related indicators at various levels of the irrigation system (from the pixel to the sub- division as a whole). LL7 Training CEMAGREF and IIMI-Pakistan researchers jointly developed training activities France and Pakistan, respectively. Activities range from one week’s training on the use ofthe PC version of the Arc/Info software in Pakistan, to one month’s training on the use of satellite imagery for crop classification in France. Training has mainly been provided to I[MI-Pakistan researchers, WAPDA staff from the Watercourse Monitoring & Evaluation Directorate (WMED), staff from the Directorate of Land Reclamation, etc.. Training imparted to WMED staff, so far, has included: (i) initial training in GIS concepts and digitizing techniques (1 year, on-the-job training); (i) one month’s training, on the use of satellite imagery for crop identification, in France; ii) four months’ training on the same subject, in Pakistan; (iv) _ three weeks’ training in the use of the PC Arc/Info software; () one week's training on the use of satellite imagery for salinity monitoring; and (vi) two days’ theoretical introduction to remote sensing. AAs there is a general increase in the demand for training in the use of (mainly) GIS and RS in Pakistan, one week's training on the Use of GIS and RS for Irrigation Management was organized by IIMI-Pakistan in 1997. Participants attending this training included staff from agencies and research institutes working in the fields of agriculture and water in Pakistan. 12 Metadata Generally speaking, Metadata refers the “data about data”, and describes the content, quality, condition, and other characteristics of data (FGDC, 1994). Metadata are comprehensive, systematic and deductive information about the content, the relationships, the representation, and the use context of the data stored in the underlying, database (ESRI, 1995)’. Metadata is a toolbox containing geographical data that indicates if the data of one’s interest is available and fit for use. But, it also provides a solution towards accessing and processing that data. 1.2.1 Why is Metadata so Strategic? Metadata systems are application users-oriented; in a standard and concise form, it will provide the potential user with information about the adequacy of existing data to that of the actual need for study. Additional details about the data is not required, so that data pertaining to past projects do not lose its real value because of the absence of documentation (as frequently occurs in project-dependent organizations). With the passage of time, the lack of knowledge about existing data can lead to replication of studies. + Endo, K., 1997, Metadata for @ muli-discipinary project. A cage study in Alora, Spain. TC, Wageningen, The Netheriands, o1.2.2. What Standard has been used? The standard used has been referred to as Metadata developed in irrigation science. A comprehensive irrigation system geographical database developed in a study area in Spain is best suited to the present project in all aspects (data available, domain of activity and uses). However, the full Metadata is too developed for the real frame of applications in the Chishtian Sub-division, therefore, an effective and practical selection has been tailored to our requirements for future users. 13 Development of Metadata for the Chishtian Sub-division Considering the importance and utility of Metadata, it was decided to prepare a standard format of Metadata for IIMI-Pakistan, which would represent irrigation systems in Pakistan well. For information storage, two options, i. type and level, existed. Type of information refers to the physical environment, water supply, command area, agricultural production, socio-economic characteristics and satellite images. Whereas, level of information refers to irrigation sub-division, canal command, distributary, watercourse, field and / or block, square and killa. Finally, a structure, which takes both categories into account, has been developed (shown in the following flow chart). In this figure, shaded pottions represent type of information, and white boxes, level of information. Once the overall structure was finalized, a proforma, comprising different components, i.e. data set identification, data set overview, data set quality information, object type, attribute type, organization and organization role, point of contact and point of contact role, distribution and Metadata reference, was developed. For now, as described in the Metadata, the following data is available. 102 GENERAL FEATURES Eight Sample Watercourses AZ-111L GENERAL FEATURES i Command Area Boundary 1 IN Souare soundary Ni kita Boundary dietibutory M Matercourse Line & TubewelPz Data set ttle DETER oar erence) ‘General Feature Maps of Eight Sample Watercourses Physical name VDB-CHISHTIAN \ COMMAND AREA 1 IRRIGATION LAVOUT \ GENERAL FEATURES \ SAMPLE WATER-COURS \WATERCOURSE Le cen Format PC Arclinfo EP} Abstract, ‘This data set is for eight watercourses along the Fordwah and Azim Distributaries in the Chishtian Sub-division, containing the spatial information pertaining to the square and killa grid, watercourse line, toads, drains and tubewells in respective watercourses, Purpose of production ‘This information could be useful for various researches carried out along these watercourses. Usnze Used by Pierre Strosser, Salman Asif, Salman Ashraf, Helene Debarnardi, Ayesha Manzer, Samia Ali, Yann Chemin, etc. Period: 1994 to 1997 ‘This spatial database is prepared by Salman Asif and Salman Ashraf ‘and updated by Samia A ‘Geographical extent ‘The coverage fas been prepared for eight watercourses from the Fordwah and Azim Distributaries along the Chishtian Sub-division, with four watercourses selected from each of these. The watercourses selected from the Azim Distributary are Az-20L, Az-A3L, Az-631. ‘and Az-I11L, and from the Fordwah Distributary, Fd-I4R, Fd-46R, Fd-62 and Fd-130R. “Temporal extent From Kharif 1994 To ‘Rabi 1994-95 ‘Output document ‘+ “Spatial Analysis of Tirigation Water Supply Performance: A Case Study in the Fordwah 14-R Command Area”, Salman Asif and Salman Ashraf, '* “Spatial Analysis of Canal Water Allocation and Distit ‘Tertiary Level in the Chishtian Sub-division”, Helen Debarnardi + The Soil Survey of Pakistan and International Management Institute, Pakistan: Detailed Soil Survey of Watercourse Command Areas in Chishtian and Hasilpur Tehsils, Blue Report No, R-19. Reference of raw information: Field maps and tubewell census data. Document reference 13,Sample Tr ered Process history rey PD-4GR GENERAL FEATURI 15 Comrd tetany Moet enor peas © DATAENTRY: ‘Two grids, square and killa, have been produced using Arcilnfo, The size of one grid cell is provided according to the square and killa sizes in meters, respectively, and two grids were built to cover the ‘watercourses, Finally, these two grids were intersected in Arc/Info to develop a square-killa erid. A point-coverage giving the locations of tubewells in each watercourse was also prepared. Similarly, canals, roads and drains were digitised. * DATA PRocessiN ‘A map composition was prepared to overlay all the coverage in order to provide a complete impression of the watercourse. This watercourse map was also labeled with block and square numbers. ‘Overall positional accuracy “These grids for the eight watercourses are not geo-referenced. ‘Overall thematic accuracy For the Tocation of tubewells, block, square and killa numbers are available. As itis unknown where these are fixed within the killa, this ddata:is accurate up to the killa level. Overall temporal accuracy This will still be valid affer 100 years, oF more, except for abandoned ‘tubewells or those replaced by new ones. Overall completeness ‘This is available for the eight watercourses selected from the Fordwah and Azim Distributaries in the Chishtian Sub-division, Watercourses selected from Azim Distributary are Az-20L, Az-43L, ‘Az-63L, Az-IITL, and from Fordwah Distributary, Fd-14-R, Fd-46- R, Fd-62R and Fd-130R were selected, PEM OEE ject type name lumerous objects are indicated in this map. Object type definition Block, square, killa, tubewell, road, drain and watercourse Tne. Object type code : 14PEM) te type ‘Attribute type definition ‘Attribute type code Thematic accuracy nee] Crore tees ‘Organization name International Irrigation Management Institute ‘Organisation abbreviation name TIMI-Pakistan ‘Organisation address 12 ko Multan Road Lahore, $3700 Phone: (042) 541-0050-53 Fax; (042) 541-0054 E-mail: timi-pak@egiar.o ‘Organisation role TIMI-Pakistan field staff. collected the data, Function of the organisation TMF-Pakistan’s mission is to improve food security and the Hives of oor people by fostering sustainable increases in the productivity of ‘water used in agriculture through better management of irrigation and water basin systems Intemational Imigation Management lastute ation abbreviation name TIMI-Pakistan “Organisation address T2km Multan Road Lahore, $3700 Phone: (042) 541-00 0.53 Fax: (042) 541-0054 E-mait:jimi-pak@epiar.o ‘Organisation role ‘The data is entered and analysed by TIMI Cahore-based staff, Function of the organisation ESM ae roe Predera TIME Pakisian’s mission is to improve food security and the lives of poor people by fostering sustainable increases in the productivity of ‘water used in agriculture through better management of irrigation and ‘water basin sysiems Point of contact name Director Point of contact address 72 km Multan Road Lahore, $3700 Phone: (042) 541-0050-53 E-mail: iini-pak@cgiar.org Point of contact role Director, HMI-Pakistan Prior permission from the Director, acknowledgements in the published document. TIMI-Pakistan and Copyright owners TIMI-Pakistan Media Hard and soft copies; whole data set on CD-ROM, Formats “Are/tnfo Caverage ‘Onder Request to the Director, IIMI-Pakisian ‘Support services EX eres) Entry date ‘Not available at the moment. December 15, 1997 Cast check date December 22, 1997 Cast update date December 22, 1997 153 KILLA COVERAGES: Eight Sample Watercourses 10 Fey 11 12] 13} I) io [1617 EIPIEIE RIESE ‘elelel7 7 aS [tr [2] 8) 14) 5 fia [20 | 40] 18/47 id si 22) 24 (slaTs[tJelsisisht [ai sie sft {7 Jolwlols{7lelwlalel7 z7lefie [istapeifielis/tfis|iy fia) 1g 14) 4115 | tt [12] 18 18} 17 | 96 | 28/19] 18 [f7 | 16] 29] 19] 16) 97, rl 8] 22 | 28 [26 Fas [an | 22 zo | [2] [22] 28 235 4fSfil2isialel'i2ieie 7 jell ola l7ielwlolal7 44] 16] 11 12] ws fate |i1 [12] isjt4 [7 | t]20|19 [ve [17 | tela | tele A? fs 124 | bar {ze [2s | 29] 25 [21 [22 | asian 2} 3l4 tizisl4 ‘pai ale sje |7] 6lalsjel7 tole ale jr fo cA ecaceiaae 2] is 14 fis [11 fats] 14) 15) Af Kita tine 19 | 16)? | ig laa] iolie | 1719) 21 killa Nembee PIED 2if 2d 2324] aisial(sl 2fslateli la slelzjefiele | siz je le iat tahia [is] 11) 1319) ihe 19/16 | 77/16 F fie fie [7 Tas} 24 a| ai 22] FS S18] 12 AZIM-2@L. 16ee rE (eee Data set ttle Killa Grid Coverage of Eight Sample Watercourses Physical name \DB-CHISHTIAN\COMMAND AREA\GRID SYSTEMISAMPLE WATERCOURSESIKILLA L \WATERCOURSE ‘Azim 20-L = Az20 Azim 43-L = AzA3 Azim 63-L = Az63 Azim H1-L= Aztt Fordwah 14-R = Pdl4 Pordwah 46-R = Fd46 Fordwah 62-R = Fd62 Fordwah 130-R = Fd130 L_icoverace NAME Killa Coverage = KL_COV Peroni Abstract PC Arelinfo Coveray “This data set was the grid system coverage atthe killa level forthe watercourses selected from the Fordwah and Azim Distributaries inthe Chishtian Sub-division. ‘The irrigation system design divides all land area into a scheme of ‘measurement values forthe Block, Square and Killa into: © Block: X=1341.12m and Y=1207.008m. © Square: X=335.28m and Y=301.752m, © Killa: X=67.056m and Y=60.3504m. Purpose of production ‘This killa grid has been used in all the spatial studies carried out for these eight watercourses, especially for that of a large project focused ‘on the development of an integrated approach to analyze the impact of changes in water management on agricultural production and salinity / sodicity. This killa grid was also used to ascertain plot coverage using the dissolve command in Arc/Info. 17Usage ‘Geographical extent Used by Piewe Strosser, Salman Asif, Salman Ashraf, Helene Debamardi, ‘Ayesha Manzer, Samia Ali, etc, Period: 1994 to 1996 ‘This spatial database is prepared by Salman Asif and Salman Ashraf. ‘These coverages were prepared for eight watercourses along the Fordwah and ‘Azim Distributaries; four from each, The watercourses selected from Azim Distributary are Az-20L, Az-43L, Az-63L end Az-LI1L, and from Fordwah Distributary, Fd-14R, Fa-46R, Fd-62R and Fd-130R_ “Temporal extent From date To date ‘Output document ‘* “Spatial Analysis of Irigation Water Supply Performance: A Case Study in the Fordwah 14-R Command Area”, Salman Asif and Salman Ashraf. ‘+ “Spatial Analysis of Canal Water Allocation and Distribution at Tertiary Level in Chishtian Sub-division”, Helen Debamardi, ‘+ Soil Survey of Pakistan and Intemational Irrigation Management Institute, Pakistan: Detailed Soil Survey of Eight Watercourse Command Areas in Chishtian and Hasilpar Tehsils”, Blue Report No. R-19. Reference of processed information: Plot coverage. ‘Document reference ‘Sample Process history KILLA GRID ‘© DATAENTRY: A grid has been produced using Arc/Info. One grid cell size is given according to the killa size in meters. One grid was then built to cover the watercourse. DATA PROCESSING: ‘The grid has been overlaid to the relevant watercourse coverage with the help of Ground Control Points spread all over the area to determine the external boundary of the isrigation system. As a result, the grid has shifted from the "upper to the lower part, providing the observed effect on the coverage. ‘Overall positional accuracy “These grids for the eight watercourses are not geo-referenced. ‘Overall thematic accuracy ‘Numbering is automatic as a standardized sysiem is followed. ‘Overall temporal accuracy “This will still be valid after 100 years, or more. ‘Overall completeness This is available for the eight watercourses selected from the Fordwah and Azim Distributaries in the Chishtian Sub-division. The watercourses selected. from the Azim Distributary are Az-20L, Az-43L, Az-63L and Az-L11L. From Fordwah Distributary, Fd-14-R, Fd-46-R, Fd-62R and Fd-130R were selected, 18EMO ee Object type name Rilia Object type definition ‘Killa i the smallest unit of the grid system. Thete are sixiecn squares Ww one block and twenty-five Aiflay in one square, The size of the killa itv meters is 67.056 x 60,3504. ‘Object type code Killa ERM DAE “Attribute type name 1) Block 3 Killa Bksght ‘Autribute type definition 1) Block Number (Grid group system) 2) Square Number (Block sub-group system) 3). Killa Number 9 Combined numbering of Block, Square and Killa (Block ®10,000+ Square@100 + Killa) ‘Auuribute type code vouaa stocks si0cK =m ‘Thematic accuracy ‘Aavibuies to thematic accuracy have been conducted systematically, by computer entry, and fulfilling ground truth data. EXO) Ceres ‘Organization name International Irrigation Management Institute ‘Organisation abbreviation name TIMI-Pakistan ‘Organisation address 12 lan Multan Road Lahore, $3700 Phone: (042) $41-0050-53 Fax: (042) 541-0054 E-mail: jimi-pak @cgiar.o7 ‘Organisation role TIMI-Pakistan staff entered the data. Function of the organisation TiMI-Pakistan’s mission is to improve food security and the lives of poor people by fostering sustainable increases in the productivity of water used in agriculture through better management of irrigation and water basin systems. 7 E ‘Orgamisation name International Irrigation Management Institute ‘Organisation abbreviation name TIMI-Pakistan ‘Otyanisation address TZ km Multan Road Lahore, $3700 19Phone: (043) 541-0050-53, Fax: (042) 541-0054 iimi-pak@egnet.com ‘Organisation role TIMI-Pakistan staff entered the data, Function of the organisation ERA ed Peake Point of contact name agriculture throug Director, TIME-Pakistan’s mission is (0 improve food security and the lives of poor People by fostering sustainable increases in the productivity of water used in better management of irigation and water basin systems. Point of contact address T2 km Mulian Road Lahore, 53700 Phone: (042) 541-0050-53, Point of contact role 3.8 Distribution Restrictions on use Director, HIMI-Pakistan Prior permission from the Director, the published document. TMI-Pakistan, and acknowledgements in Copyright owners TIMI-Pakistan Hard and soft copies: whole data set on CD-ROM. ‘Are/info Coverage Request to the Director, IMI-Pakistan ‘Not available at the moment. December 15, 1997, Tast check date December 22, 1997 Castupdate date December 22, 1997 204 SQUARE COVERAGES Eight Sample Watercourses Azim-2@L 21a) Data set title ‘Square Grid Coverages of Eight Sample Watercourses Physical name \DB-CHISHTIAN\COMMAND AREAGRID SYSTEM\SAMPLE WATERCOURSES\SQUARE. \sQ_cov Format PC Arclinfo Co YM ror ‘Abstract ‘This data set isthe grid system coverage the square level for the ‘eight watercourses selected from the Fordwah and Azim Distributaries in the Chishtian Sub-Division. ‘The irrigation system design divides all land area into a scheme of Measurement values for the Block, Square and Killa © Block: X=1341.12m and ¥=1207,008m. © Square: X=335.28m and Y=301,752m. © Killa: X=67,056m and Y=60.3504m. Purpose of production This square grid has been used in all the spatial studies carried out for these eight watercourses, especially for a large project focused on the development of an integrated approach to analyse the impact of changes in water management on agricultural production and salinity / sodicity. Usage Used by Pierre Strosser, Salman Ashraf, Salman Asif, Helene Debarnardi, Ayesha Manzer, Samia Ali, Yann Chemin. Period: 1994 to 1996 “This spatial database is prepared by Salman Asif and Salman Ashraf. “Geographical extent These coverages are prepared for eight walcrcourses from the" Fordwah and Azim Distributaris in the Chishtian Sub-division; four from cach. The watercourses selected from Azim Distributary are Az20L, Az43L, Az63L and Az-IIIL. From the Fordwah Distributary Fd-14R, Fd.46R, Fd-62R and Fd-130R were selected. “Temporal extent From date : Todate ‘Output document ‘> “Spatial Analysis of Urigation Water Supply Performance: A Case Study in the Fordwah 14-R Command Area”, Salman Asif 22‘and Salman Ashraf. ‘+ “Spatial Analysis of Canal Water Allocation and Distribution at ‘Tertiary Level in Chishtian Sub-division", Helen Debarnardi, © Soil Survey of Pakistan and International Irrigation Management Institute, Pakistan: Detailed Soil Survey of Eight Watercourse ‘Command Areas In Chishtian and Hasilpur Tehsils, Blue Report. Reference of raw information: Document reference ‘Sample Process history ‘© DATAENTRY: ‘A grid has been produced using Arc/Info. One cell size is provided according to the square size in meters. A grid was then built to cover the watercourse. * DATA PROCESSING: ‘The grid has been overlaid to the relevant watercourse coverage, with the help of Ground Control Poinis spread all over the area. This ‘enables ascertaining the external boundary ofthe irrigation system. ‘Asa result, the grid has shifted from the upper to the lower part, giving the observed effect on the coverage. ‘Overall positional accuracy ‘These grids ofthe eight watercourses are not geo-referenced. ‘Overall thematic accuracy Numbering is automatic, 2s i follows a standardized system. ‘Overall temporal accuracy “This will stil be valid after 100 years, or more. ‘Overall completeness “This is available for the eight watercourses selecied from the Fordwah and Azim Distributaries in the Chishtian Sub-division, The watercourses selected from Azim Distributary are Az-20L, Az-43L, ‘Az-63L, and Az-111L, From Fordwah Distributary, Fd-14-R, Fd-46- R, Fd-62R and Fa-130R were selected. ere: a ‘Square’ ‘Object type definition Square f the vetond Biggest unit of the grid system, There we sixteen squares in one block. The size of the square in meters is 233528 x 30L TSI mi, “Object type code Ceo ‘Altribute type name’ Block 2) Square 3)_Bksq ‘Aiiribute type definition D Block Number (Grid group system) 2) Square Number (Black sub-group system) BD Combined numbering of Block and Square (Block®100+ Square) “Alribute type code eocxs Brock ce ‘sauane 16 ‘ewe got oth “Thematic accuracy Pre ers] Crees ‘Organization name ‘Attributes of thematic accuracy have been systematically conducted by computer entry, and by fulfilling the ground truth data, {Intemational Irigation Management Insitute ‘Organisation abbreviation name TIMI-Pakistan ‘Organisation address 12 km Multan Road Lahore, $3700 Phone: (042) 541-0050-53 Fax: (042) 541-0054 E-mail: jimi-pak@cgnetcom ‘Organisation role TIMF-Pakistan entered the data, Function of the organisation Onganisati TIMEPakistan’s mission is to improve food security and the lives of poor people by fostering sustainable increases in the productivity of ‘water used in agriculture through better management of irrigation and water basin systems International Irrigation Management Institute ‘Organisation abbreviation name TIME-Pakistan. ‘Organisation address 12 km Multan Road Lahore, $3700 Phone: (042) 541-0050-53, Fax: (042) 541-0054 E-mail: iimi-pak@cgiar ong | Onganisation role Function of the organisation oor people by fostering sustainable increases in the productivity of TiMI-Pakistan entered the data, TME-Pakistan’s mission is to iprove food security 24CR ear) Poudokeeeia Water used in agriculture through better management of wrigation and water basin systems. Point of contact name Director Point of contact address 72 km Multan Road Lahore, 53700 Phone: (042) 541-0050-53 Fax: (042) 541-0054 E-mail: jimi iar Point of contact role PEM eee) Restrictions on Use Director, IIMI-Pakistan’ Prior permission from the Director, IMI-Pakistan and acknowledgements in the published document. mH Entry date eres ‘Copyright Owners TIMI-Pakistan Media Hard and soft copies: whole data sei on CD-ROM, Formats Arclinfo Coverage Order Request to the Director, IMIEPakistan Support services ‘Not available at the moment. December 15, 1997 Last check date December 22, 1997 Tast update date December 22, 1997 255 PLOT COVERAGES Eight Sample Watercourses PLOT COVERAGE FD-62R Kharif 1994ery XML identification Data set title oy Plot Coverages of Eight Sample Watercourses Physical name Format \DB-CHISHTIAN \COMMAND AREA IRRIGATION LAYOUT \PLOT (OF SAMPLE WATERCOURSES) L season Kharif 1994 = K94 Rabi 1994.95 ~ R045 (_\WATERCOURSE Azim 20-L= A220 Azim 43-L = AzA3 Azimn 63-L = Az63 Fordwah 14-R = Fdl4 Fordwah 46-R = Fdd6 Fordwah 62-R = Fd62 Fordwah 130-R = Fd130 Lucoverace name Plot Coveraye = PLOT. BC Arc/Info Coverage he plot coverage forthe seven watercourses selected from the Fordwah and Azim Distribuiaries in the Chishtian Sub-division, ‘A plot is that part ofthe land assigned @ warabandi number forthe allocation of canal water. ‘This plot coverage was derived from killa coverage using the dissolve command in Arc/taf. Purpose of production ‘This plot coverage has been used in al the spatial studies carried out for these seven watercourses, especially for a large project focused on the development of an integrated approach to analyze the impact of changes in water ‘management on agricultural production and salinity /sodicity Usage Used by Pierre Strosser, Helene Debarnardi, Yann Chemin, Ayesha Manzer ‘and Samia Ali Period: 1995 10 1996 This spatial database is prepared by Samia Ali and Ayesha Manzer. Geographical extent “These coverages are prepared for seven watercourses from the Fordwah and ‘Azim Distributaries in the Chishtian Sub-division. The watercourses sclected from Azim Distributary are Az-20L, Az-43L, Az-631., From Fordwah Distriburary, Fd-14R, Fd-46R, Fd-62R and Fd-130R were sclected. ‘Temporal extent From date For Kharif 1994 April 16, 1994 For Rabi 1994-95 October 16, 1994 To date For Kharif 1994 October 15, 1994 For Rabi 1994-95 April 15, 1995 27‘Output document * “Spatial Analysis of Canal Water Allocation and Distribution at Tertiary Level in Chishtian Sub-division”, Helen Debarnardi Reference of raw information: Killa coverage. Document reference ‘Sample PLOr coverace FD-62R Khe 1904 re Process history. © DATAENTRY: The killa coverage pat file was used for data entry, The wurabancl number for respective seasons in each killa was entered in this pat file. * DATA PROCESSING: ‘This killa coverage was then dissolved to plot coverage on the basis of a ‘warabandi column (entered in pat file) using the dissolve command in Areflnfo, ‘Overall positional accuracy These plot coverages are not geo-referenced. ‘Overall thematic accuracy Tn this grid system, The fil is the smallest wai Hence, te plot coverage accurate up to the killa level, but where two plots exist within the same killa, the kila isnot divided further; the whole is assigned tothe bigger plot. ‘Overall temporal accuracy This is only valid for one agronomic season. ‘Overall completeness ERM Object type name Available for the seven watercourses selected from the Fordwah and Azim Distributaries in the Chishtian Sub-division. The watercourses selected from. Azim Distributary are Az-20L, Az-43L and Az-63L. From Fordwah Distributary, Fd-14-R, Fd-46-R, Pd-62R and Fd-130R were selected, Fordwah Distributary’s watercourses have separate plot coverages for Kharif94 and ‘Rubi 94-95, but only one coverage exists for the Azim Distributary. Azim Distributary is non-perennial, thus, waraband is not re-established for the Rabi season. Plot ‘Object type defi A plot is that part ofthe land assigned a warabandi number Tor the allocation of canal water. ‘Object type code Plot 1) WB_IDKH94/WB_IDRB94 ‘itribute type det | 1D For plot coverage” for Khan? 159%, the column inthe pat Ale L W_idkhO4, which gives the warabundi numbers for the Kurif season, 28Fr plot coverage for the Rabi season, the Ted Tor warahandi mambots established for Rabi 1994.95, is W_idrb 96 ‘Auribule type code “Thematic accuracy Cen] Ores ‘Organization name International Irrigation Management institute ‘Organization abbreviation name TIMI-Pakistan ‘Organization address 12 km Multan Road Lahore, $3700 Phone: (042) $41-0050-53, Fax: (042) 541-0054 E-mail 04 Organization role simicpak@egiat org TIMEPakistan staff collected and entered the data. Function of the organization ‘Organization name TIME-Pakistan’s mission is to improve food security and the lives of poor people by fostering sustainable increases in the productivity of water used in agriculture through better management of irrigation and water basin systems. International Irrigation Management Inst “Organization abbreviatvon name TiMI-Pakistan ‘Organization address 72 km Multan Road Lahore, 53700 Phone: (042) 541-0050-53, Fax; (042) 541-0054 E-mail: iumi-pak@egiar.ong ‘Organization role TIMI-Pakistan analyzed the data, Function of the organization eared Pouce ead TIME-Pakistan's mission is (0 iniprove food security and the lives of poor people by fostering sustainable increases in the productivity of water used in ‘agriculture through better management of irrigation and water basin systems. Point of contact name: Director Point of contact address 12 km Mullan Road Lahore, $3700 Phone: (042) 541-0050-53, Fax: (042) 541-0054 E-mail: iimi-pak@egiar. Point of contact role EE en) Restrictions ow use. Director, IIMI-Pakistan Prior permission from the Director, HMI-Pakistan, and acknowledgements in the published document. ConyTighT Own TIME Pakistan Media Hard and soft copies; whole data set on CD-ROM. Formats Arelinfo Coverage Order Request tothe Director, IMI-Pakisan ‘Support services EM Entry date ‘Not available at the moment. January 07, 1998, Last check date Tanuary 08, 1998 Tast update date Tanwary 08, 1998 236 CROPPING PATTERN Eight Sample Watercourses (Processed Information from Crop Census Data) i i i f I if 306.1 Data set eet ea) Data set ttle Physical name Cropping Pattern Maps For Eight Sample Watercourses \DB-CHISHTIAN\AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION\CROPPING PATTERNSAMPLE WATERCOURSES L_tseason Kharif 1994 = Ko4 Rabi 1994.95 = R9495, Kharif 1995 = K95, |__wwarercourse ‘Azim 20-L = A220 Azim 43-L = Azd3 Azim 63-L = A263 Azim H1-L = Azt1L Fordwah 14-8 = Fal Fordwah 46-1 Fordwah 62-1 Fordwat 130-R L_teiwe wane Cropping Pater Map = CROP.MAP ) Cremorne ‘These maps show percentages for barren, fallow and non-agriculture areas, and for areas under various crops in a watercourse command area. These maps are prepared for eight watercourses along the Fordwah and Azim Distributaries in the Chishtian Sub-division, and contain general information about the ‘watercourses in text format. This information is available for three seasons, Kharif 1994, Rabi 1994-95 and Kharif 1995. Purpose of production ‘This cropping pattern data was collected as part of an Inlegrated approach to assess farmers’ strategies, ez. decision-making, pertaining to whether different crops should be planted or whether land should be left fallow, problems related to water deficiency, salinity /sodicity, economics. etc ‘Usage Pierre Strosser, Helene Debamardi, Ayesha Manzer, Samia AN, Yann Chemin, Salman Asif and Salman Ashraf used these in different analyses and reports Period: 1994 to 1996 “This spatial database is prepared by Salman Asif and Salman Ashraf. ographical extent This information was prepared for eight watercourses along the Fordwah and Adin Distributaries in the Chishtian Sub-division, encompassing our watercourses from each, Watercourses selected from Azim Distibutary were Az- 20L, Az43L, Az-63L. and Az-IIIL. From the Fordwah Distributary, Fd-14k, Fd-46R, Fd-62R and Fu-I30R were selected, Temporal extent From date For Kharif 1994: April 16, 1994 For Rabi 1994-5: October 16, 1994 For Kharif 1995: April 16, 1995 31Toate For Khanit 1994: October 15, 1994, For Rabi 1994-95: April 15, 1995 For Kharif 1995: October 15, 1995 ‘Output document ‘O *Spatial Analysis of Canal Water Allocation and Distribution at Tertiary Level in Chishtian Sub-division”, Helen Debemardi © “Spatial Analysis of lrigation Water Supply Performance: A Case Study in the Fordwah 14-R Command Area”, Salman Asif and Salman Ashraf. Q Reference of Raw Metadata: Crop Census Data [amare ‘CNDB-Chishtian \ Agricultural Production \ Cropping Pattern \ Sample Watercourses \ Readme.txt Saniple rrr ieee Process history CROPPING PATTERN IN AZIM 20-1 FOR NTARIP Data collection ‘The data has been collected by IIMI-Pakistan field staff designated (o be in the field for one month each season. They visited the watercourses, inspected the cultivated and uncultivated land, and noted observations in the specific proforma, including any special remarks. ‘+ Data entry and processing ‘This data was checked and computer-entered at the Lahore office under the supervision of relevant staff. Each file was divided into 8-10 separate files, depending on crop names in each watercourse. These DBF files were then Joined with the Ate/info coverage of the watercourse, as individual ‘coverages were prepared for cach crop. With the use of this coverage, one final map was prepared for one watercourse, and one season. ‘Overall positional accuracy There could be a difference of fess than one maria im crop area, Grerall thematic accuracy ‘All crops that are not very dominant are classified as OTHERS", Although the *REMARKS' column in DBF files often indicate these, the case is not the same ‘on maps. ‘Overall empora accuracy “This data is valid for one agronomic season. ‘Overall completeness “These maps are available for all eight watercourses for two seasons, Le, Kharif 94 and Rabi 94-95. For Kharif95, however. maps for watercourses Fordwah-66 and Azim-43 were not prepared. 32eT ‘Object type name One kil Object type definition Killa is the smallest unit of the grid system. The size of one killa is equivalent to 8 acres; and in dimension, 198%220 feet ‘Object type code 6.5 Auribute type “Attribute type name Killa BLOCK SQUARE KILLA cRoP KANALS MARLAS C_AREA AREA_PER AREA_ACRE ‘Aluibute type detinition Block number ‘Square mumber Killa number Crop name ‘Area in Aanals covered by that crop ‘Acea in marlay covered by that crop Total area converted into Aanals Percentage of crop area in that particular killa Crop area converted into acres ‘Atribute type code eT eee ‘Organization name rr Intemational Lrrigation Management Institute “Organization abbreviation namie TIM ‘Organization address 12 km Multan Road Lahore, 53700 Phone: (042) 541-0050-53, (042) 541-0054 ‘Organization role Function of the organization era ere through better management of irrigation and water basin systems. International Lrrigation Management Institute Organization abbreviation name TIMI ‘Organization address Intemational Tirigation Management Institute 12 km Multan Road, ‘Chowk Thokar Niaz Baig Lahore-$3700 Phone: (042) 541-00S0-53 Email ; imi-pak@cgiat.oy ‘Organization role TIMI-Pakistan staff collected the data Faction of ie organ through better management of irrigation and water basin systems. 33 TIMIPakistan’s mission isto improve food security and the lives of poor people by fostering sustainable increases in the productivity of water used in agriculture TIMFPakistan’s mission is to improve food securily and the ives OT poor people by fostering sustainable increases in the productivity of water used in agricultureCM ace) Peake eee) Point of contact me Director Point of contact address 12 km Multan Road, Chowk Thokar Niaz Baig Lahore-53700 Phone: (042) $41-0050-53 Fax: (082) 541-0054 Email: fimi-pak@cpiar.org Point of contact role CEM seca) ‘Director, HIME-Pakistan Restrictions on use Prior Permission from the Director, IIMI-Pakistan, and acknowledgements in the published document. ‘Copyright owners TIMI-Pakistan Media lard and soft copies, and the entire data set for the Chishtan Subdivision, may be available on CD. Formats ‘AreMinfo Order Request fo the Director, IMI-Pakistan ‘Support servic Not available at the moment. Entry date ‘November 04, 1997 Tast check date ‘November 14, 1997 Cast update date November 14, 19977 PHYSIOGRAPHY AND SOIL (SSP) Eight sample Watercourse PHYSIOGRAPHY AND SOILS 35Data set ttle Physiography and Soil for Eight Sample Watercourses Physical name \DB-CHISHTIANIPHYSICAL ENVIRONMENTISOILSOIL ASSOCIATION SAMPLE WATERCOURSES L watercourse Azim 20-L = Az20 Azim 43-L = Aza3 Azim 63-L = Az63 Azim HL = Azi11 Fordwah 14-R = Fdld Fordwah 46-R = Fdd6 Fordwah 62-R = Fd62 Fordwah 130-R = Fd130 Lu vcoversce ano Mar NAME Soil Coverage = SOIL Format 7.2 Data set overview ‘Abstract Detailed soil investigations of eight watercourse command areas along the Fordwah and Azim Distributaries were carried out by the Soil Survey of Pakistan atthe request ofthe International Irrigation Management Institute (IiMI- Pakistan), Lahore, These investigations form part of IIMI-Pakistan’s research activities related to managing itrigation systems in general, and in particular, to the incidence of waterlogging and salinity related to irrigation management (Kuper and Strosser, 1992). Sol tithology and other sol characteristics like infiltration rates, hydraulic conductivity, salinity and / or sodicity natures, soil fertility and water table depths are prerequisites for researches ofthis nature. Purpose of production Present investigations were carried out in view of lIMI-Pakistan’s research program, and included the following: ‘+ Detailed investigations of the soil in the area and its identification at soil- phase levels. ‘+ Preparation of detailed survey maps at the scale of 1:10,000 for each watercourse command. + Characterization of each soil series with special reference to scil lithology (mechanical analysis of soil horizons), hydraulic characteristics (infiltration rates, permeability) bulk density, porosity, sail fertility (organic matter contents and micro nutrients, ete ‘These investigations will help to improve planning and exccuting research projects related to itrigation management. Results can also be applied on the related soil in the area Usage Marcel Kuper, Pierre Strosser, Neelje Kielen and several oiher researchers have Used these maps. Period: 1995-96. “This database and maps are prepared by Salman Ashraf and Salman Asif. ‘Geographical extent “This data set was prepared for eight watercourses along the Fordwah and Azim Distributaries_in_the Chishtian Sub-division, The Fordwah Disiributary is 36Perennial, bat becomes nor-perennial Tater, Four watercourses were selected from the Fordwah Distributary, ie. Fd-L4R, Fd-46R, Fd-62R, Fd-130R. From Azim Distributary, Az-20L, Az43L, Az63L and Az-11 1L were selected “Temporal extent From date ‘The survey was initiated in October 1995. To date “The survey concluded in November 1995. ‘Output document “Detailed Soil Survey of Eight Watercourse Command Areas in the Chishtian and Hasilpur Tehsils", Soil Survey of Pakistan and IIMI-Pakistan, joint report, November 1996. Document reference ‘Sample ABCC a eset ‘Process history © Data collection A detailed soil survey of the project area was conducted during October through November 1995. Base maps of all eight watercourses command areas were prepared separately at a scale of 1:5000. Each watercourse command area was transferred to available (1:40,000 scale) air-photos flown under the Colombo Plan in 1955-56. The air photos were scanned under a mirror slereoscope to delineate physiography and associated soils inthe areas on the basis of air photo patterns and tonalities. Field investigations were carried out using the interpretative physiography soil map and sampling with auger the soils toa depth ‘of 150 to 200 cm, mostly in altemate fields. Wherever necessary, observation sites were supplemented by additional checks, to trace the exact soil boundaries. However, in barren or dunal areas, the observation density was lowered. The information recorded at each auger observation site included the depth and thickness of horizons / layers; data for each horizon included the moist Munscll’s color, mottles, texture, structure, porosity, soil moisture status, consistence, calcareousness / gypsum and soil reaction. In addition, surface salt crust, depth 10 water table, land use and other factors influencing soil management were also noted, Soil types and related phases were differentiated on the basis of these characteristics. In total, about 1100 auger observations were made in each of the eight watercourse command areas. The information was recorded in a proforma using a separate sheet for each observation site. The sites were precisely located, ‘marked, indexed and numbered on the base maps. Twelve soil pits were exposed to a depth of two meters on representative sites of the soils recognized in the survey area, and were described and sampled according to the procedures laid down in the guidelines for soil description (FAO, 1977). The laboratory team performed replicated tests for infiltration (double ring infiltrometer) and permeability (auger hole and inverse auger hole methods) at the 12 sites, and collected undisturbed core samples from defined depths. In total, 213 disturbed soil samples and 73 undisturbed core samples were collected for detailed analysis, in the laboratories of SSOP, Lahore © Data entry Finalizing soil boundaries drawn in the field was facilitated through a deep insight of field observations recorded, and by comparison, supplemented with the ir-photo studies. Soil maps were digitized at the scale of 1:10,000 for the eight ‘watercourse command areas by the IIMI-Pakistan GIS section. 37‘Overall positional accuracy ‘The position of Boundaries between different classes 1s relatively accurate. The order of outlying boundaries of different soil classes is 1-3 meters. ‘Overall thematic accuracy ‘The SSOP field stafF has Tong experience in soil recognition in the Punjab province. Their skills are trusted ‘Gverall temporal accuracy “These maps may be valid beyond 25-30 years ‘Overall completeness ‘Available for the eight sample watercourses. These eight watercourses selected by IIML-Pakistan along the Fordwah Distributary are Fd-14R, Fd-46R, Fd-62R and Fd-130R, and Az-20L, AZ#3L, Az63L and Az-1IL from along the Azim istributary, Object type name a = —_ —_ = _ i ‘Object type definition “The Boundary limitation of each soil class within each watercourse. “Object type code Soil eee) SOIL Pat Hels “Attribute type name 1) SOM_TYPE 2) SOIL_CODE 3)_NSOILCODE ‘Attribute type definition 1) Soil association type with series and various water table depihs (WI, W2, W3 and W4). 2) Numeric codes were assigned to each soil type. 3) Color cades were assigned for map composition. ‘Ritribate type code 1)FAd -Adiipar foam (Name and definition) ‘Ad6-JK6X(b):-Adilpur loam ~ Thakkar loam complex (barren) Bg 4/W1:-Bagh fine sandy loam, water table at 90-150 cm Bg 6:-Bagh loam ‘Bg 6/3C W1.-Bagh loam, over coarse at 60-90 cm, water table at 90-150 cm D.L.Low sand dunes G.¥.-Grave Yard Gd 6:-Gandhra loam Hr 4/W1:-Haroonabad fine sandy loam, water table at 90-150 em Hr 4p:- Haroonabad fine sandy loam with alkali crust Hr 6:- Haroonabad loam Hr GW1:- Haroonabad loam, water table at 90-150 cm Hr 6p:-Haroonabad loam with alkali crust Ye 2:- Jhang loamy fine sand 3g 2avy:-Jhang loamy fine sand alkali variant 3g 2(av)}-DLX:- Jhang loamy sand alkali variant-dune land complex ‘Jg 2-DL+- Shang loamy sand, dune land complex 45g 2-DLX:- Shang loamy sand-dune land complex ‘3g 2p:- Thang loamy fine sand with alkali crust 3g 4p:- Jhang fine sandy loam with alkali crust 5k A/W1:- Shakar fine sandy loam, water table at 90-150 em ‘3k 6:- Jhakkar loam 3k Tee Thakkar silt loam ‘Sk T/W1:- Shakar silt loam, water table at 90-150 cm Kiln:- Kiln Lake:- Water logged area Mi 10:- Miani silty clay loam Mi 10/3me:- Mian silty clay loam over moderately coarse at 60-90 em Mi6:- Miani loam Mi 7:- Mian silt loam Mc 4s- Mali fine sandy loam Mt 4p/W1:- Mali fine sandy toam with alkali crust, water table at 90-150.em Nb 6/8ct~ Nabipur loam over coarse at 60-90 cm 38Ae ene] eee ‘Organization name Nb 6p:- Nabipur foam with aikali erust Pe 10:- Pacca sity clay foam Rs 2:- Rasupur loamy sand Rs 2(av):- Rasulpur loamy sand alkali variant Rs 2(av) bi Rasulpur loamy sand alkali variant (barren) Rs 2W1:- Rasulpur loamy fine sand, water table at 90-150 em Rs 2-DLX:- Rasulpur loamy sand, dune land complex Rs 2p:- Rasulpur loamy sand with alkali erust Rs 4:-Rasulpur fine sandy foam Rs 4{av):- Rasulpur fine sandy loam, alkali variant Rs 4(av)-DLX:- Rasulpur fine sandy loam alkali variant-dune land complex Rs 4/3C WI:- Rasulpur fine sandy loam over coarse at 60-90 em, water table at 90-150 em Rs 4i3m:- Rasulpur fine sandy loam over medium at 90-150 cm Rs 4i3mf:- Rasulpur fine sandy loam over moderately fine at 60-90 cm Rs 4/W1:- Rasulpur fine sandy loam, water table at 90-150 em Rs da/WI Rasulpur fine sandy loam with alkali surface, water table at 90-150 em Rs 4p:- Rasulput fine sandy foam with alkali crust Rs 4p/W1: Rasulpur fine sandy loam with alkali crust, water table at 90-150 em Rs 6:- Rasulpur loam RS 6/3m:- Rasulpur loam over medium at 60-90 cm. Rs 6/3m WI:- Rasulpur loam over medium at 60-90 cm, water table at 90-150 cm Rs G/WI:- Rasulpur loam, water table at 90-150 em Rs 6p:- Rasulpur loam with alkali crust ‘Sd 2/WIz- Sodhra loamy fine sand, water table at 90-150 om ‘Sd 4:- Sodhra fine sandy loam Sd 4(av)/W1:- Sodhra fine sandy loam alkali variant, water table at 90-150 em Sd 6:- Sodhra loam Sd 6/W2:- Sodhra loam, water table at 45-90 em St 7s Satgarah silt loam ‘Su Ii Sultanpur sandy over wash Su 6:-Sultanpur loam ‘Su 6/3e:- Sultanpur loam over coarse at 60-90 em Su 6/W2:- Sultanpur loam, water table at 45-90 cm Su 6p:- Sultanpur loam with alkali crust Su 7:- Sultanpur silt loam Soil Survey of Pakistan Organization abbreviation name SSOP. Organization address Multan Road Lahore, $4780 Phone: (042) 7843691 Fax: (042) 7832209 ‘SSOP collected the data. cred Survey ofall related soil sciences in Pakistan 39‘Organization name Tniernational Irigation Management Institute (Organization abbreviation name TMEPekistan ‘Organization address 12. Km Multan Road Lahore, 53700 Phone: (042) 541-00S0-53 Fax; (042) 541-0054 ‘Organization role Function ofthe organization Maen eed Poucokee ies) Point of contact name, TIMI-Pakistan’s mission is to improve food security and the lives of poor people | by fostering sustainable increases in the productivity of water used in agriculture through better management of irigation and water basin systems. Director Point of contact address 12 km Multan Road Lahore, $3700 Phone: (042) 541-0050-53 Fax: (042) 541-0054 E-mail jimi-pak@cgiar ong Point of contact role 8 Distrib) Restrictions onuse Director, IIMI-Pakistan’ Prior permission ftom the Director, IIMI-Pakistan, and acknowledgments in the published document. ‘Copyright owners TIMI-Pakistan Media Hard and soft copies and an entire data set for the Chishifan Sub-division may be available on CD. Formats PC Are/info ‘Order Request to the Director, IMI-Pakisian ‘Support services Not available at the moment Entry date January 08, 1998 Last check date January 09, 1998 Tast update date January 09, 1998 408 CANAL WATER ALLOCATION Eight Sample Watercourses (processed information from agreed upon warabandi) “Legend (Hfours/week) (18-032 = = (a 082-033 : : Gm 033-034 34-037 = = MiB 037-077 41Leer cece errors raed Data set title ‘Agreed Upon Warabandi (Canal Water Allocation) For Watercourse Command Area Physical name \DB-CHISHTIANWATER SUPPLY\CANALIWARABANDIPLOT (OF SAMPLE WATERCOURSES) LL season Kharif 1994 = K94 Rabi 1994-95 = R9495 Les \WATERCOURSE ‘Azim 20-L = A220 Azim 43-1, ‘Azim 63-L Fordwah 14-R = Fld Fordwah 46-R = Fd46 Fordwah 62-R = Fd62 Fordwah 130-R = Fd130 —— AUWBD.waQl \— CWA (ArcInfo Coverage) Format EER Abstract, Worksheet and Arc/info Coverage This dataset is an agreement between the farmers of a watercourse. The farmers who want to introduce some modifications in the official warabandi list (e.g. due to changes in land ownership, tenure status or may be influence of some power relationship etc.) they meet atthe beginning of the season to make this warabandi list by mutual agreement. This list with some modifications in the official warabandi list is named as Agreed Upon Warabandi list. Ths list is a timetable for one week in which each plot of the watercourse is considered, Here the start and end time for having the canal water is fixed in proportion to the operated area and it has to be repeated in 26 weeks of the season. Sometimes Nikal and Kihal bharai timings are also given according to the location of the plot A\ plot is that part of the land that is assigned a warabandi number for the allocation of canal water. Khal bharai is the time required to fill the unit length of empty watercourse before nakkah and Nikal is time duration required to empty watercourse after end of the water turn, Purpose of production Teis produced to see farmers’ role in water management activities, With time allocation some other parameters were collected in this list to see which type of farmers are more powerful and able to get high canal water allocation. The farmers who are big landholders or old settled families are more powerful in making decisions of itis related to tenure status. Usage Data used by Saced-ur-Rehman, Helene, Samia, Yann, Ayesha and Salman Ashraf During : 1995 ~ 1996 Samia Ali, Helen Debarnardi and Ayesha Manzer developed spatial database and 42‘aps from this dataset Document reference ‘Sample EXE Teg reed Process history ‘Geographical extent “This dataset is collected forthe eight watercourses fom the two diiibularics Ta Chishtian sub-division, These two distributaries are Fordwah and Azim and four ‘watercourses are selected from each of these. Tae watercourses selected from Azim distibutary are Az-20L, Az-43L, AZ-O3L and Az-111L and the other four selected from the Fordwah disteibutary are Fd-14R, Fd-46R, Fd-G2R and Fe 130R. Temporal extent Tom date Kharit 1994 To date Rabi 1994-95 ‘Output document + “Analysis of Canal Water Supply at Tertiary Level in the Chishiian Sub- division’, Helen Debamardi, GIs OUTPUT:- From this dataset Arc/Info coverages are prepared and maps showing four different classes of canal water allocation within a watercourse command! arca. ‘The quartile method was used for classification. Reference of Processed informatie ‘C:lwestudy\Readme.doc i: Agreed upon Canal Water Volumes. Data colicetion ‘The data collected is at plot levet in this warabandi list. The informa-tion collected for each plot is the name of the owner with father name, his land holding, warabandi identification number, cultivator name with father name, operated area, tenure status and start and end time for irrigation. The field staff was provided with the specific proformas to fill up with the collected information. They interviewed the farmers to fill these proformas with the ‘complete cycle of rotation of warabandi, which is one week long. After they ‘went to the field for the confirmation and after verification of each waler turn, the proformas were filled finally by the field staff. Data entry and Processing ‘These proformas were brought to the Lahore office. After checking, data ‘was entered in computer by the data entry person under the supervision of the relevant person. After time allocation per acre for each plot is calculated and these files are processed to use in Are/Info for the spatial analysis. ‘Overall positional accuracy “This information ts accurate up to The plot Tevel, but sometimes, whan waler {ums for two or more plois are combined, acquiring exact and accurate information is impossible. ‘Gverall thematic accuracy ‘Overall temporal accuracy “This Tist isnot in accordance to the agronomic season and itis always behind the time, In Kharif season it is revised four or five weeks after the season is started and in Rabi scason it is revised after the canal closure when ten or eleven weeks of Rabi have been passed, ‘Overall complcieness Wis available for the eight watercourses selected from Fordwah and Azim distributaries for the two seasons (Kh-94 and Rb-94 5), Bat since Azim distributary is non-perennial, therefore the agreed upon warabandi data for the 43.Cora Object type name four watercourses of Azim distributary are not available for Rabi 1994.95 due to the canal closure rule in Rabi season for Azim dist Plot Object type definition ‘ plot is that part of the land assigned a warabandi identification code for the allocation of canal water. Object type code 8.5 ees ‘Attribute type name Plot ACVOL.DBF fields 4) DY 2) we 3) OWNER’S NAME 4) LHOLD 5) ID 6) CULTIVATOR’S NAME 7) OPAREA 8) TENURE 9) DAY 10)SAGWT 44) EAGWT 42)DURWT 13) WTHRS. 14) ACTWT 15) ACRHRS 16) NIKAL 17) HRSNI 18) KBHRAI 19) HRSKB 20)INNAKKA 24) OUTNAKKA 22)REMARKS ‘Attribute type definition 1) Name of the distributary 2) Name of the watercourse. 3) Name of the owner with father's name 4) Land owned by the owner (Acre) 5) The warabandi number (water tum) assigned to the cultivator for the allocation of canal water for that particular season 6) Name of the cultivator with father’s name 7) Area cultivated by the cultivator (Acre) 8) Tenure status, ic., on what terms and conditions the cultivator is cultivating, owner's land 9) The day of the week on which the plot has to be irrigate, 10) Time at which irrigation for the plot is agreed to be start 11) Time at which irrigation for the plot is agreed to be stopped 12) Time duration of irrigation forthe plot 13) Time is converted to hours (4) Gross time of irigation either by including Nikal or excluding khal bharai 15) Time of irrigation per acre 16) It is the time (in minutes) required emptying the watercourse afler the hnakkah has been closed. 17) Nikal mentioned in hours. 18) 1Lis the time (in minutes) required to fill the watercourse aller the opening. of 44wakkah, 19) Khal bharai mentioned in hours, 20) The location (block, square and killa) of nakkah from where the farmers take the allocated water. 21) The location (block, square and killa) of nakkah from where the farmers Teaves the water after taking his turn, 22) Any special remarks. ‘Aitribute type code 1) FD: Fordwah distribuiary AZ: Azim Distributary 2) The number represents the reduced distance in thousand feet from the head of the distributary to the outlet of the watercourse. It shows the WC is on right side of the distributary. Lx It shows the WC is on left side of the distributary. Tenant Li Lease OC: Owner is cultivating his land himself 6) “Thematic accuracy Er reel ‘Organtaation nme Prune International Irrigation Management Institute. Organization abbreviation name TMT ‘Organization address 12 km Multan Road, (Chowk Thokar Niaz Baig Lahore-$3700 Phone: (042) 541-0050-53 Fax: 541-0054 Email : jimi-pak@egiar.oy ‘Organization role TIMT-Pakistan field staff collected the data, | Function of the organization prey Cree Organization name TIMI-Pakistan's mission is to improve food security and the lives of poor people by fostering sustainable increases in the productivity of water used in agriculture through better management of irrigation and water basin systems, International Irrigation Management Institute ‘Organization abbreviation name ganization address TIMI TZ km Multan Road, Chowk Thokar Niaz Baig Lahore-53700 Phone: (042) 541-0050-53 Fax: 5410054 Email : iimi-pak@icgiar.org ‘Organization role “The collected data was entered, checked and analysed by [IMI stall, Function of the organization TIMI-Pakistan’s mission is to improve food security and the lives of poor people by fostering sustainable increases in the productivity of water used tn agriculture through better management of irrigation and water basin systems. 45a ET) eke Point of contact name Director Point of contact address Point of contact role 12 km Multan Road Chowk Thokar Niaz baig Lahore-$3700, Phone: (042) 41-0050-53, Fax: (042) 541-0054 Email :iimi-pak@@egiar-org Director, IIMI-Pakistan x eT Restrictions on use Prior permission from the Director, IIMI-Pakistan, and acknowledgments: in the published document. Copyright owners TIMI-Pakistan Media Formats ‘Order ‘Support services 8.9 Entry date ero Hard and soft copies and the entire data set for the Chishtian Sub-division may be available on CD. Quattro and Arc/info Request to the Director, IIMI-Pakistan ‘Not available at the moment. ‘August 8,1997 Last check date September 16, 1997 Tast update date September 23, 1997 469 ACTUAL CANAL WATER SUPPLIES Eight Sample Watercourses (processed information from actual warabandi and daily Watercourse head discharges). 47CeCe eee) Data set title Actual Canal Water Volumes Within Watercourse Command Area. Physical name \DB-CHISHTIAN\WATER SUPPLY\CANAL\VOLUME\PLOT (OF SAMPLE WATERCOURSES) LL season Kharif 1994 = k94 Rabi 1994.95 = RO49S L \WATERCOURSE Azitn 20-1 Azim 63-L = Az63 Fordwah 14-R = Fdl4 Fordwah 46-R = Fd46 Fordwah 62-R = Fd62 Fordwah 130-R = Fd130 L_ ACVOL.DBF Format 9.2 ‘Abstract Data set overvie This data set describes the actual canal water volumes (in cubic meters) supplied to the farms and plots within a watercourse command area, The information has. been recorded on a weekly level, and is available for seven watercourses in the Chishtian Subdivision from two of the distributaries; three from the Azim Distributary are Az-20L, Az-83L, Az63L, and four from the Fordwah Distributary are Fd-14R, Fd-46R, Fd-62R and Fd-130R, A plot is the area that has to be irrigated in one warahundi turn, and farm is the area under cultivation by one farmer along a watercourse. Thus, a plot can also sometimes be a farm, Purpose of production This data set was produced to determine an estimate of the surface water supplied to farms @ watercourse command area, and to relate it with ‘cropping pattems, crop yields and salinity. The study of water markets and farmers’ strategies under different circumstances is also possible by the ‘comparison of agreed-upon and actual volumes. Usage Pierre Strosser, Helene Debarnardi, Samia Al, Ayesha Manzer and Vann Chemin used this data, which is valid for two seasons; Kharif 1994 and Rabi 1994.95. Period: April 96 — November 96 ‘This data is developed by Salman Asharaf, Ayesha Manzer, Helene Debarnardi and Samia Ali Geographical extent ‘This data set has been collected for seven watercourses from wo of the Fordwah and Azim Distributaries in the Chishtian Sub-division. The former is perennial, but becomes non-perennial later. Four watercourses selected from the Fordwah, 48Disiributary are Fa-T4R, FO-46R, Fa-G2R and Fd-130R, and three watercourses selected from the Azim Distributary are Az-20L, Az-43L and Az-63L. “Temporal extent From date Khavif 1994 To date Rabi 1994-95, Output document ‘> “Analysis of Canal Water Supply at Tertiary Level in the Chishtian Sub- division”, Helen Debarnardi, Gis OUTPUT:- From this dataset Are/Info coverages and maps are prepared. In map form (ACVOL.MAP) indicating four different classes of canal water distribution along a watercourse. The quartile method was used for classification. For this, the weekly volumes were combined for the whole season and computed per acre (in millimetres). The Simple Macro Language (SML) file and the key (Legend) file from which this map was prepared are: CWSSML_ ‘CWS2.KEY Reference of raw information: Actual warabandi data and daily discharges at the head of the watercourse. Document reference ‘CawestudyiReadme doe. ‘Sample 4. os Baath Bans. art Data collection To calculate the actual canal water volumes for all the plots within a ‘watercourse, two types of data was collected. One is the actual warabundi that contains the time duration during which canal water is supplied to the plots within a watercourse in 26 weeks of the season, The second is the daily discharges calculated at the watercourse outlet + Data entry Canal water volumes within a watercourse command area are calculated using a mode! called WCMODEL. The input required for this model isthe above two datasets that are actual warabandi data and daily head discharges. The output of the model is actual weekly volumes for each plot that is assigned a warabandt identification code. Volume (m*) = QxT x 28.3x3.6%S Where: Q= Water Discharge at the head of the watercourse in cusces, ‘T= Time duration of watering to the plot in hours. 'S= Seepage loss factor ‘Overall positional accuracy This information is accurate up To the plot Tevel, but sometimes, when water turns for two plots are combined, acquiring exact and accurate information is impossible. ‘Overall thematic accuracy "The WCMODEL takes into account the seepage losses only up to the farm gate, but afterwards, seepage loss is not considered. Thus, neglected percentage losses ate estimated to be up to 30 percent. ‘Overall temporal accuracy “Temporaly, iis almost accurate because in case of head discharges. the data has to be collected daily. n the case of holidays, the average number of surrounding 49‘days has been used to compute discharge. ‘Overall completeness ‘This is available for seven out of eight sample watercourses. The eight watercourses selected by IIMI-Pakistan along the Fordwah Distributary are Fd- JAR, Fa-46R, Fd-62R, Fd-130R, and from along the Azim Distributary, Az-20L, Az-43L, A2-63L and Az-I1IL. Since Az-11 iL has not received canal water at all for over four years, therefore, this data set is not available for this watercourse. Plot ‘A plot is that part of the land assigned a warahandi identification code for the allocation of canal water. Plot ERM ESET ‘Attribute type name 23) NAME 24) ID 28) VOLL 26) VOL 27) VOL3 27) VOLS 28) VOL26 ‘Attribute type definition 23) Name of the Cultivator 24) The warabarali number (water turn) assigned for the allocation of canal water during a particular season 25) Canal water volume supplied to a particular farm or plot in cubic meters during Week 1 26) Canal water volume (in cubic meters) supplied to a particular farm or plot during Week 2 I water yolume (in cubic meters) supplied to a particular farm or plot 27) Canal water volume (in cubic meters) supplied to a farm or plot during Week 25 28) Canal water volume supplied to a particular farm or plot during Week 26 (in cubic meters) “Attribute type code 1) Name 2) 1D "Thematic accuracy Discharge is (Ideally) supposed to be sampled daily, but in case of holidays, previous and newest data are averaged on the period. This is quite an inaccuracy already, adding to it the discharge was taken once a day, and flow of water is indeed variable on a day span, reducing the accuracy. For more details please refer to the WCMODEL document. RS er ee eee Jntemational Irigation Management Institute ‘Organization abbreviation name HMI ‘Organization address 12 km Multan Road, (Chowk Thokar Niaz Bai Lahore-53700 Phone: (042) 541-0050-53 Fax: 541-0054 Email: timi iat ‘Organization role HIME-Pakistan field staff collected the data, 50Function of the organization ee Organization name mnization abbreviation name TIMI-Pakistan’s mission is to improve food security and the lives of poor people by fostering sustainable increases in the productivity of water used in agriculture through better management of irrigation and water basin systems, International Irrigation Management Institute. TIME ‘Organization address 12k Multan Road, (Chowk Thokar Niaz Baig Lahore-53700 Phone: (042) 541-0050-53 Fax: 5410054 Email: imi iat ‘Organization role The collected data was entered and checked by IME-Pakistan staff. This dala was used as input in WCMODEL to calculate canal water volumes at IMI- Pakistan Function of the organization aeons Pedra aed TIMI-Pakisian’s mission isto improve food Security and the lives of poor people by fostering sustainable increases in the productivity of water used in agriculture through better management of irrigation and water basin systems, : Point of Contact Fale end Restrictions on use Copyright owners Point of contact name Director Point of contact address T2 km Multan Road (Chowk Thokar Niaz baig Lahore-53700, Phone: (042) 541-0050-53, Fax: (042) 541-0054 Email i iar.0 Director, (IMI-Pakistan Prior permission from the Director, published document. TiMI-Pakistan TIMPakistan, and acknowledgments in the Media Hard and soft copies and the entire data set for the Chishtian Sub-division tay ‘be available on CD. Formats Dbase and Arc/nfo ‘Order ‘Request to the Director, IIMI-Pakistan ‘Support services CEM oe ree Entry date ‘Not available at the moment August 15,1997 Last check date September 16, 1957 Tast update date ‘September 23, 1997 6110 TUBE WELL WATER VOLUMES Eight Sample Watercourses FORDWAH 130 TUBE WELL WATER DEPTH Kharif 1994 prtt20 2-28 mmnieason eis tsa mmrosson Fre mm/eacen 67 mmieeason 52Data set ttle Tubewell Water Volumes Within Watercourse Command Area Physical name \DB-CHISHTIAN\WATER SUPPLY\TUBEWELLIVOLUME\PLOT (OF ‘SAMPLE WATERCOURSES) {season Kharif 1994 = K94 Rabi 1994-95 = R949S L_warencounse Azimm 20-L = A220 Azim 43-L = AzA3 ‘Azim 63-L = A263 Fordwah 14-R = Fd14 Fordwah 46-R = Fdd6 Fordwah 62-R = Fd62 Fordwah 130-R = F130 —— TWVOL.DBF L___ TWVOL (Are/info Coverage) Format Dbase File and Arc/info Cover ‘This dataset describes the tubewell water volumes (in cubic meters) supplied to the farms / plots within a watercourse command area. The information was recorded each week and is available for the eight watercourses in the Chishtian Sub-division from two distributaries. Four watercourses were sclected from the Azim Distributary are Az-20L, Az-43L, Az-63L and Az-II IL, and four selected from the Fordwah Distributary are Fd-14R, Fd-46R, Fd-62R and Fd-130R. Identification numbers for tubewells are also given against each plot to indicate tubewells supplying water to respective plots. Plot is the area that has to be irrigated in one warabandi turn, and farm is that area that is under cultivation by one farmer along a watercourse. Thus, a plot can sometimes also be a farm. Purpose of production This data set was collected as part ofa large project focused on the development of an integrated approach to analyse the impact of changes in water management ‘on agricultural production and salinity /sodicity. Canal water supplied to the lands is not reliable and adequate to fulfil the demands of an increasing Population. To compensate, farmers use tubewell water, the poor quality of ‘hich may increase problems of soil salinity / sodicity. Thus, this information shows how much ground water had been used, in addition to surface water. Another data set is available to determine the quality of the groundwater used. Usage ‘Sophie E. Richard and Christophe L. Rigourd used this data for their analyses during their M.Sc, thesis, December 1996, This data base and maps are prepared by Ayesha Manzer, Samia Ali and Helene Debamardi. ‘Geographical extent ‘This data set was collected for eight watercourses from two distributaries along the Chishtian Sub-civision. Four watercourses from the Fordwah Distributary were Fd-14R, Fd-46R, Fd-62R and Fd-130R, and from the Azim Distributary, Az20L, Az-43L, Az-63L and Az-I IL were selected, 53— ‘Temporal extent From date Kharif 1994. To date Rabi 1994-95 ‘Output document Water Markeis in Pakistan: Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis Using an Economic Modelling Tool by Sophie &. Richard and Christophe L. Rigourd GIS OUTPUT:- TWVOL.MAP This is presented in map format indicating the distribution of tubewell water along a watercourse. Volumes were aggregated at plot level, regardless of the ‘tubewell. The weekly volumes are combined far the whole season and computed as volume per acre (ia millimetres). The quartile method was used for classification of these two datasets. ‘The Simple Macro Language (SML) and the key (Legend) files used to prepare this map are: TWV.SML TWS.KEY ‘Document reference ‘Sample Data Collection In the field, staff was appointed to observe the gauge reading and to note the diameter ofthe discharge pipes. They calculated the discharge Q~= (0.0174) (x) (D2/ ¥"%), Where: X= Reading of the gauge, D= Diameter of the pipe, YY = Constant (20cm). Time duration, in hours (how long a farmer is supplying tubewell water to his plot for), was also collected © Data Entry ‘The above data was checked and computer-entered at the Lahore office then checked and used for the analysis. Volume, which is the product of discharge and time, was calculated using the above collected data as: Volume = Discharge x Time [(meter’) = (cusecs) x (hours) x 28.3 x 3.6] ‘Overall positional accuracy ‘This information is accurate up 10 the plot level, but determining in which crop Over all thematic accuracy fet oe ground wae was wedi inposible ‘Seepage losses are neglected while calculating the volum ‘Overall temporal accuracy ‘Overall completeness ‘Avallable Tor the Cight watercourses delected from the Fordwah and heim Distributaries for two seasons (Kharif 94 and Rabi 94-5).MR ‘Object type name “Tubewell [ Object type definition Pump of groundwater fom shallow depth ‘Object type code TW EM) ea ‘Attribute fype name 4) IDUSER 2) NMR 3) WCCODE 4) WKt 5) Wk2 6) WK3 9) WK26 30) WK27_ “Aitibute type definition 1) The warabandl number of the Tarmer who is using tbewell water on his Jand 2) The identification number given to each tubewell, These numbers are unique for al the tobewells in these eight eample watercourses 3) Watercourse name 4) Volume of tubewell water during the first week of the season. The unit is cubic meters 5) Volume of tube well water in cubic meters during Week 2 6) Volume of tube well water in cubic meters during Week ) Tubewell volumes in cubic meters during Week 26 30) Volume of tube well water in the last week of the season ‘Aitribute iype code 3) FD: - Fordwah Distributary AZ: - Azim Distributary 14 (e.g. -The number represents the reduced distance in thousand feet from the head of the distributary to the outlet of the watercourse Ri The watercourse is on the right side ofthe distributary 4 + The watercourse is on left side of the dstributary ere ee, ee) Cees Organization name International ligation Management Institute ‘Organisation abbreviation name TIMI-Pakistan, “Organisation address T2 km Malian Road, Chowk Thokar Niaz Baig Lahore-53700 Phone: (042) 541-0050-53 Fax: (042) 541-0054 Email: fimi-pak@cgiar.org Organisation role TIMI-Pakistan field staff collected this data Function of the organisation TIMI-Pakistan’s mission is to improve food security and the lives of poor people by fostering sustainable increases in the productivity of water used in agriculture through better management of irrigation and water basin systems, eres ‘Organization name International Irigation Management Institute 55Organisation abbreviation name TIMI-Pakistan, ‘Onganisation address 12 km Multan Road, (Chowk Thokar Niaz Baig Lahore-53700 Phone: (042) 541-0050-53, Fax: (042) 541-0054 Hal: jimi-pak@eginon, Organisation role The collected data was entered, checked and analysed by IIMI-Pakistan staff. | Function of the organisation TIMI-Pakistan’s mission is to improve food security and the lives of poor people by fostering sustainable increases in the productivity of water used in agriculture as Me eae Point of contact name. Point of contact address 12 km Mullan Road (Chowk Thokar Niaz Baig Lahore-53700, Phone: (042) 541-0050-53 Point of contact role en Restrictions on use Prior permission from the Director, IIMI-Pakistan, and acknowledg: published document Copyright owners TMi Pakivan Media Hard and soft copies and an entire data set for the Chishtian Sub-division may Be available on CD. Formats Dbase and Are/info, Order Request to the Director, IMI-Pakistan ‘Support services Not available atthe moment. Entry date August 20, 1997 Last check date September 30, 1957 Tast update date October OF, 1997. 56IIMI-PAKISTAN PUBLICATIONS RESEARCH REPORTS Raport Tile ‘Author No, Pa ‘Grop-Based ligation Operations Study in the North West Catlos Garcos-F “lune Frontier Province of Pakistan J, Bandaragoda ‘904 Volume I: Synthesis of Findings and Recommendations Pierre Strosser Volume I Research Approach and Intorprotation Gatlos Garces A ine ‘Ms. Zaigham Habib 1994 Fiorro Strossor ‘iesa Bandaragods Rana M. Afag Sased ur Rahman ‘Abdul Hakim Khan ‘Volume Il Data Galection Procedures and Data Sets ‘Rana M. Alaq dune Pierre Stosser 1996 Saeed ur Rehman ‘Abdul Hakim Khan Carlos Garces-A 2 | Salinity and Sodicity Research in Pakistan - Proceedings of a one JW. Kino Mar day Workshop, Marcel Kupor 1905, ‘Muhammad Aslam Ra Farmers! Porceptons on Salty and Sodly: A case study into ‘Nealtje Kislan May farmers’ nowledge of salinity and sociciy, and ther strategies and 1996 practices to deal with safrity and sodicty in thei farming systems Re ‘Medeling he Elfects of Irigation Management on Soll Salinity and ‘Smete “lune Crop Transpiration atthe Field Level (M.Sc Thesis - published as, 986 Research Papo) 5 | Water Disinbution at the Secondary Level in te Chishlan Sub- Mi. Amin K Taree aay dvigon Khalid Mahmood 1998 ‘Anwar kqpal Mushiag Khan Marcel Kuper Re Famers Ablty Cope with Sally and Sodely: Farmers’ Nelle Kielon ‘aug perceptions stratogios and practices for dealing wih salinity and 1906 Sodlety in their famming eystoms RT Sally and Sediiy Effects on Soils and Crops in the Chishian Noslije Kielon Sept ‘Sub-Divsion: Documentation of a Restitution Process Muhammad’ Aslam 1986 Rafique Khan Marcel Kuper Re “Teniary Sub-Systom Managomont: Khalid Raz ‘Sept (Workshop proceedings) Robina Wahaj 1996 Re ‘Mobilizing Social Organization Volinteers: An inal Nethodological Mehrmoodul Hassan ‘Oct Slep Towards Estabishing Elleciive Waler Users Organization Zalar lal Mirza 1098 J, Bandaragoda 10 | Canal Wator Ditsbution at the Secondary Lavel in the Punjab, ‘Sloven Vissor ‘at Pakistan (M.Se Thosis published as Research Repert) 1996 B17 | Development of Sediment Traneport Technology in Pakislan: An Hasnain Khan et Annotaled Bibliography 1906, 12 __ | Modeling of Seaiment Transport in Ivigaton Canals of Pakistan Giles Blau Oat Examples of Appicalion 1996 (M.Se Thesis published as Research Report) A-12__ | Methodologies for Design, Oporation and Maintenance of irigaion ‘Alexandre Vabro ‘Oat Canals subject to Sediment Probloms: Appiation to Pakistan (M.Se 1996 Thesie published as Rosoarch Roport)[ Report Tilo aor Year We Tria | Sovenon Fovontno y Sal Onan or Waar Fanos | WaieedurZanan | Ga Managment Expres oa Conerand Waar Manegerent DsBandaragede | r000 Projstn te Puro Patan 776] Applrng Ran Appa of Aca Keowsape Slama Desk Kapor Wor (RAAKS) for Bung ir Agony Cotaboraon wustaga Yan | 006 ‘io vn Qoatum MC Rafige khan Natale overs Wotmod ot Hassan Tie [syne Ghaactaico ol Chehian Sub von, Forwah Gaal Tar fal Tov Ohisen tove Ba? [ Harte Ohatdsice ol Fagen Charro Wak ub ‘Gad Mahmood | Now Owrson: Sada Dusen, Fardwoh Easier Sada inpaton and {908 Cranage Post 7-18 | Proceedings of Nana Confrence an Managing Wigan for Bataan Nov Envronmentaly Sustainable Agere In Pakistan GanyordV. Stooatoo | 1806 its, Shatoo Volume: ‘Inauguration and Debora (Cato for al veins) nasa 182 | Volumes: Papers on ho Thame: Managing Canal persons 2183 | Voumost: Papers an ho Thame: Water Management Batow ho Moga p84 | Vole: Paper on th Thome: Envtoment Ncagomon' ol gated Lande 12105 | Voume: Papers on he Thame: ntton! Development 19] elated So Saray of Eh Sample Walercouse Garman Aras | — Sol Survey of Patan | Now InChshian ond Hastour abst iain fe90 720 | Unsioasy Flow Snaton of to Doped Por Fgh Lavel Canal Tighom Habib Dee fava Proposed Remade of Macha! gn Mara Banch Canals, Kenia Pongpat | 00 Noth lost Fronter Povase, Paklan Gaylord. loge ma T Allmatves for he Rech Doab, Pb, | Ghar Robman | ay WacarAtobange | 1997 tau obra 2211 | Youme One: Pinca ngs and inpleabons for Marne lary Sombie led Agel ono lager Rata | VoumeTwor Hii of igued Agree: A Sol ‘ahar Rehman | Jan pop Hasson Za Murmwvar | 107 213. [Voume Teo. Devooprent of Procedural and Avail inka Motammed fam | i997 agar A Johorgt au Ronan Aeghar Husain Neem a tassan Za nana nasa [Vote Fou FatiDaa Goledion and Procanng Gaxhar Rehan | Jan Aetarnmod am | 1007 Wovarcehengt Nott Us bn Abed Alaa Zia Munnar ‘aghar Hisoan acim A fran Ab am al nies [WolmeFia hacng Fase Tobnol Sani Dace Wihnnad sls | an iRaport Tite ‘Author Year No. 216 | Vokime Six Rasouree Use and Productviy Poleniial inthe ‘Wagar A. Jahangir Feb Imigated Agriculture ‘Mazin Alt 1997 21.7 [Volume Seven: _Inliative for Upscaling: Irigation Subdivision as. ‘Gauhar Rehman ‘Apr the Building Block ‘Agghar Hussain 1997 Hassan Zia Munawwar 21.8 [Volume Eight: Options for Sustainabiity: SectorLovel ‘Abdul Rehman ‘Apr ‘Allocations and Investmonts Gauhar Rohman 1907 Hassan Zia Munawar 22 | Salinisaton, Akainisation and Socifcaton on inigated Aroas in ‘Nicolas Condom Mar Pakistan: Characlrisation of the geochamical and physical 1987 processes and the impact of irigation water on these processes by the use of a hycro-gaochemical model (M.Sc Thesis published as Research Report) 23 | Alamative Scenarios for improved Operations al the Main Canal ‘Xavier Livico War Level: A Study of Ferdwah Branch, Chishtian Sub-Division Using A 1907 Mathomatcal Flow simulation Model(M. Sc Thesis published ae Raogoarch Popo) R24 | Surface Inigation Mathods and Practices: Fold Evaluation of te Treks Margot Kalvi) Mar Irigaton Processes for Selacted Basin Irigation Systems during 1997 Fab) 1995-96 Season 25 | Organizing Water Users (or Distibutary Management Preliminary ‘Dil, Bandaragoda “Aer Results from a Pilot Study in ho Hakra 4-R Distibutery of the Mohmood UI Hassan 1807 Eastocn Sacégia Canal Systom of Pakistan's Purjab Province Zafar Iqbal Mirza IM. Aaghar Cheoma Weheed vz Zaman 726 | Moving Towards Parcipaloy inigalon Management Dal, Bandarageda Yameen Memon 27 | Fhictuations i Canal Water Supplies: A Case Stidy ‘Shahid Sarwar HM. Naleos MS, Shafique R28 _| Hydraulic Characters of Pot Disuibutarias in te Mipurkhas, ‘Bakhshal Lashan ‘Sanghar and Nawabshah Disticts, Sind, Pakistan Gaylord V. Skogerboe Fubina Siddiqui R29 | Integraion of Agricultural Commodity Markals inthe South Punjab, Zubair Tahir Pakistan P30 | Impact of Irigation, Salty and Cultural Practices on Wheat Yields Florence Pintus in Southoastam Punjab, Pakistan Rai | Relating Farmers’ Pracices o Cotton Yields in Southeastem 0.8, Moerbach Punjab, Pakistan F-s2 | An Evalualion of Outlet Calibration Methods: A contribution to the ‘Avon During ‘study on Colloctve Action for Water Management bolow the Outlot, Haka 6-R Distbutary 1-38 | Farmers uso of Basin, Furrow and Bed-and Furrow Irigaion ‘Nanda M. Berkhout ‘Systems and the possbilios for tralvonal famors to adopt the Farhat Yasmoan Bed-end Furrow Irigation Mathed. Rakhehanda Maqeood Inako M. Kali Fra | Financial Feasbilly Analysis of Oporation and Mamenance Costs ‘arin Sohani for Walor Usere Federations oa three distrbutaias in Province of Sindh, Pakistan Ags | Assessing the Fila Inigation Performance and Atemative rake Margot Kalvi) Management Options for Basin Surface Inigation Systems through Hydrodynamic Modeling. F368 | Socio-Economic Baseline Survey for Three Piet Distibutares in "Yameen Memon ‘Sindh Provinca, Pekietan. Mehmood Ul Hassan ‘Don Jayatisea BandaragodaTile “Author ‘Socio-Economic Bastine Survey ir a Pile! Project on Water Usors ‘Organizations in the Hakra 4-R Distibutary Command Area, Punjab. ‘Muhammad Asghar Cheoma Zafar babel Mirza Mehmood UI Hassan Don Jayatiaea Bandaragoda Rae ae Reet Rez R992 Raed Baseline Survey for Farmers Organizations of Shahpur and Mirwal __| Smati Dame, Punjab, Pakistan Monitoring and Evaluation of rigation and Dralnage Facliice {or Pilot Distributariee in Sindh Province, Pakistan Volume One: Objectives, Stakoholders, Approachos and Methodology Muhammad Asghar Cheoma | Don Jayatisea Bandaragods M.S. Shafque BLK, Lashast M. Akbar Bhat Gaylord V. Skogertoe Volume Two: Bare Distibutary, Mirpurkhaa Dietct BX Lashart Waryam Balouch (Ghulam Mustafa Talpur Muhammad Nadoom, ‘Aaghar Al Memon Badr Hassan Memon (M. Altar Bhatt MS. Shafique Gaylord V. Skogorboe Volume Three: hore Nave Minor, Nawabshah District BK Latha ‘Abdul Rehman Soomro ‘Nizamudin Bharchoond ‘Munger Ahmed Mangrto Parvez Ahmed Pirzado Faloh Mohammad Mai M, Akar Bhat MS. Shafique Gaylord V. Skogerboe. Dee 1997 Volume Four Heran Distibulary, Sanghar Distt BK. Lasha M. Navood Khayal Niaz Hussain Sia ‘Abul Majeed Ansan ‘Abdul Jail Ursani ‘Ghulam Shabir Soomoro NM. Ghous Laghas M, Akhtar Bhat M.S. Shaique Gaylord V, Skogerboe Rao Reo. R402 ‘Maintenane Plans for Irrigation Faclities of Plot Diatibutatiee la Sindh Province, Pakistan, ‘Volume One: Dhoro Naro Minor, Nawabshah Dist, ‘Abdul Rehman Soomro ‘Munir Ahmed Mangtio Nizamuddin Bharchoond Fach Muhammad Mari Parvez Ahmed Pirzado ‘Baakhshal Lashart| 1M. Akhtar Bhat Gaylord V. Skogarboo Dee 1997 Volume Two; Horan Distibutary, Sanghar Distct ‘Abdul Majed Ansari ‘Niaz Hussain Sial ‘Alodul dail Ursani Ghulam Shabir M. Ghous Laghes M. Naveed Khayal Bakhshal Lashari M. Attar Bhatt Gayord V, Skogerboe Dee 1997Report Tite ‘Author Yoar No. R55 | Development of a Modited Low-Cost Pilot Tube for Measuring M.S. Shafque “ane Pump Discharges Nisar Hussain Bukha =| 1986 M. Mohsin Hafeez | 86 | Institutional and Physical Determinants of Waler Management Gis. deKien | sine Porformance al the Tertiary Level: The Dynamics of Watercourse Robina Waha} 1988 Maintenance in the Pakistan Punjab R57 | Formaization of Walor Users Associations by Farmer Leadors of Waheed uz Zaman ly Hakra 4R Distrbutary ‘Nasir Suitan 1988 Bial Asghar _|_ Muhammad Amjad Kamran Fs0 | Water Balance in Dhoro Naro Minor Command Area Sindh, Pakistan Boa Keller aly Gabor Jaimes 1998 Rs¢ | Performance Assessment of the Walor Distibution System in ho Zaigham Habie “haly CChishtian Sub-civsion atthe Main and Socondary Canal Level Marcol Kuper to08, 60 Tranation from local level Management Yo Stale Regulation: Wehmood ul Hassan aug Formakzation of Water Allocation Rules in Pakiotan ‘Abdul Hamid 1908, DJ. Banderagoda R61 | Multiple Uses of trigton Water in the Hakta 6-R Distibutary ‘Wagar A, Jehangir ‘aug Command Area, Punjab, Pakistan Muhammad Mudaseor | 1968 Mahmood ul Hassan Zuitiqar Ab R62 | Field Diechargo Calibration of Head Regulator, Mirpuihas Gub- ‘Abdi Hakoom Kran aug Division, Jamrao Canal, Nara Circle, Sindh Province, Pakistan Gaylord V, Skogorboe | 1998 ubina Sidi Bakhshal Lashari Zahid Hussain Jalbani Muhammad Ali Kruwaja Muhammad Hashim Meron ‘Wagar Hussain Khokhar F-68 | Training Farmers to Organize Farmer, Lessons Leamed in Social Mehmood ul Hassan ‘Sep Organization for igated Agnculure at the Hakra 4R Distabutary Zalar Iqbal Mirza 1908, J. Bandaragoda Rea | Physical Characlorcie and Operational Porlormance of Mirpur ‘Abdul Hakeora Khan ‘Sep has Sub-Oivision, Jamrao Canal Division, Nara Cielo, Sindh Fubina Siddiqui 1998 Provnce, Pakistan Zahid Husoain Jalbani Muhammad Ali Khowaja ‘Wagar Hussain Khothar Muhammad Hashim Memon Nakhshal Lashart Gaylord V. Skogerboe R65 | GIS Metadata for an Iigalion System ‘Mobin-uc-Din Ahmad et ‘Yann Chemin 1998, Res. | Volume | CChishtan Sub-Division Salman Asit Sara Ali Volume I ‘Selected Walercouraos within Chishlan Sub- ‘Samia Al ‘Oct Rese Division Yann Chemin 1988 ‘Salman Asif Mobin-ue-Din Ahmad‘apo Tite Piarre Strossor ‘Author No. 40.2 | Volume Three: Barej Disinbulary, Mipurthas Disict “Asghar All Memon Dee Waryam Balouch 1007 (Ghulam Musiafa Talpur ‘Muharnmad Nadeem Badrul Hassan Memon ‘Bakhshal Lashati M. Aidiar Bhat Gaylord V, Skogorboo fat | Preliminary Business Plane Porvaiz Ahmad Pirzada_| Dee Mohsin Khati 1997 att | Volume On Dhoro Naro Minor, Nawabshah Disict ‘Syed Daniyal Haidor 41.2 [Volume Two: Baroj Ditibutary, Mirpurthas Disvet ‘Mubaromad Nadeem Dee Mohsin Kats 1087 ‘Syed Daniyal Haidor 413 | Volume Three: Heran Distibulary, Sanghar Distt ‘Niaz Hussain Sial Deo Mohsin Kath 1997 ‘Syed Daniyal Haidar 'R-42 | Prospects for Famer-Managod Inigated Agriculture inthe Sinch DJ. Bandaragoda Dee Provinca of Pakistan. Final Report ‘Yameon Memon 1997 Gaylord V. Skogrboe 1-43 | Study Tour of Pakistani Piot Project FarmerLeadore 6 Nepal ‘Mebmncod Ul Hassan Jan ‘Yamean Memon 108 Rea | Salt-Holp Maintenance Actvitos by the Walor Users Federation of Waheed uz Zaman Fab Hakra 4-R Distbutary 1998 Fas | SemrDelaied Sol Suvey of Chishtan Inigation Sub-Division ‘Sol Survey of Pakistan | Mar IMi-Pakistan 46 | Tenancy and Wator Managomont in South-Eaatom Punjab, Pakistan 1908, 7-47 | The Collaboration betwen the Intemational inigation Management war apr Insitute and Cemagrel in Pakistan: Procaading oa one-day Comageo! 1908 workshop (R48 | Methodologies for Developing Downstream Gauge Ratings for Paul Wilem Vehmeyer | Apr ‘Operating Canal Discharge Regulating Strctures laza ur Rehman Abbasi | 1998 Mushiag A. Khan ‘Abdul Hakoom Khan Gaylord V. Skogorboe 49 | Community Inigaton Systems in the Province of Balochistan ‘lal Verhojen ‘apr 1998 '-50 | Modeling Sol Sanity and Sodiciy Processes in an Unsauraiod W. Aslam ‘Aor Zone using LEACHM: A Case Sludy trom tie Chishn Inigalion 4. van Dam 1998 ‘Sub-Division 51 | Waler Measurement Training for Subsystem Management of Hakra WaheoduzZaman May 4-R Disttbulary by the Water Users Federation ‘Anwar Iqbal 1998 ‘Abdul Hamid Gaylord V. Skagorboo R52 | Comparison of Diteront Tocs to Assoss the Wator Distnbution in| Mobin ud Bin anmad | May ‘Secondary Canals with Ungated Oulle's E.G. van Waijon 1998 Marcel Kuper Stovan Vissor 50 | Sediment Behavior of Sangro Distibutary, Mipurkhas Sub-dvision, Giles Belaud Moy Singh | ‘Abdul Hakeam Khan 1998 Ghulam Nabi 54 | Evatiaton of the inlograted Approach Developed in the Canton of Paice Gari May the M-CEMAGREF Colaboration in Pakistan Marcal Kuper 1998 Frederic Labbe:
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