2nd Year
2nd Year
2nd Year
Course Objectives:
This course is designed:
(i) to provide students with an understanding of the basic issues of Financial
(ii) to provide students with an understanding of the basic policies of Accounting.
(iii) to teach students the special issues of Accounting.
A. Accounting Recognition:
1. Revenue and Expense Recognition and Measurement: Definition of Revenue
and Expense; Measurement of Revenue and Expense; Identification of the
Transaction; Sale of Goods; Rendering of Services; Interest; Royalties/Franchise
and Dividends and Disclosures Requirements as per IAS 18; Basic Issues in
Revenue and Expense Recognition for Construction Contract; Instalment Sale;
Hire Purchase; Consignment.
B. Accounting for Current Assets: 10. Financial Instruments - Basic Issues: Meaning of ‘Financial
2. Accounting for Cash and Cash at Bank: Cash and Cash Equivalent; Restricted Instrument’;
Cash; Reporting of Cash; Cash Control systems; Cash Book and Bank Statement; Commerce, and Strategies for Successful E-Commerce, Technology Infrastructure
The Bank Reconciliation Statement. Required to Support E- Commerce and M-Commerce; Electronic Payment
3. Receivables: Introduction to Accounts Receivables and Notes Receivables; Systems; Privacy and Security in E-Commerce; Introduction to Intranet and
Valuation of Accounts Receivable; Uncollectible Accounts Receivables; Methods Extranet.
of Determining Uncollectible Accounts Receivable: Direct Write-off method, and 7. Information System in Business: Introduction to Information Systems; The
Allowances Method; Accounting for Previously Written Off Uncollectible; Significance of Information; Nature and Types of information; Information vs.
Discounting Notes Receivables: Interest Bearing and Non-Interest Bearing Notes data; Definition, Concept, Importance, System Approach to Problem Solving;
Receivables; Dishonoured Notes Receivables. System Design and Development; Types of Information Systems: Executive
4. Inventory: Definition of Inventory; General Basis of Inventory Measurement; Support Systems (ESS), Decision Support Systems (DSS), Management
Inventory Cost Flow Assumption; Inventory Valuation Methods: Net Realizable Information Systems(MIS), Knowledge Work Systems (KWS), Office Automation
Value (NRV) Calculation, and Disclosure Requirements as per IAS 2. Systems (OAS), Transaction Processing Systems (TPS).
8. Managing IT: Enterprise and Global Management; Managing Information
C. Accounting for Liabilities: Resources and Technologies; Global Information Technology Management;
5. Liabilities-Current: Definition; Identification of Major Types of Current Ethical and Social Challenges of Information Technology.
Liabilities; Accounting for Accounts payable and Notes payables; Accounting for 9. Practice of Computing: Introduction to Office Software. Word Processing
Other Liabilities; Presentations of Current Liabilities in Financial Statements and Using MS Word: Editing, Formatting, Colors and Styles, Drawing, Tables,
Disclosure Requirements. Equation; Spreadsheet Analysis using MS Excel: Recalculation, Formula, Graph &
6. Provisions, Contingent liabilities and Contingent Assets: Definition and Chart; Accounting Statements Preparation and Analysis through Application
Recognition; Measurement and Subsequent Treatment; Specific Application; Software; Introduction to Database Management Systems (DBM); Database
Disclosures Requirements as per IAS 37. Management System using MS Access: Table, Reports, Query, Form, Macro,
7. Liabilities-Long term (Bonds): Types of Bonds: Valuation of Bonds Payable- Database Design; Presentation Software Usage using MS Power Point: Slide
Discount and Premium; Cost of Issuing Bonds; Notes Payables; Notes Issued at presentation, Colors, Style, Theme, Transition, Sound and Video Linking.
Face Value; Notes not Issued at Face Value; Zero Interest Bearing Notes/Bonds; 10. Concept and Use of Programming: Orientation and use of Programming,
Interest Bearing Note; Notes Issued for Property, Goods and Services Different ways of Programming, Programming Languages.
Course Objectives:
This course is designed:
(i) to give ideas about concepts and principles of public finance and taxation.
(ii) Part A deals with budget, revenue and expenditure and basic concepts of
(iii) Part B focuses on issues that relate to computation of income tax for
individuals, partnerships, and companies.
(iv) Part C covers VAT, Customs duties, Gift tax, and Property related tax such as