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Heliyon 7 (2021) e06543

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Research article

What factors influence access to and the level of participation in high value
mango markets by smallholder farmers in Ghana?
Rexford Akrong *, Stephen G. Mbogoh, Patrick Irungu
Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Nairobi, Kenya


Keywords: Market participation is critical to smallholder agricultural production because it stimulates increased productivity
High value markets and enhances poverty alleviation. Accessibility to high value markets and participation by small-scale mango
Market participation farmers in these markets in Southern Ghana are low and have received little attention on both policy and aca-
demic fronts. This study analyzed the factors that drive smallholder farmers in Ghana to participate in high value
Level of participation
mango markets in Southern Ghana. A multistage random sampling technique was used to select 224 mango-
producing households. A triple hurdle model was used in the study to capture a 3-step decision-making pro-
cess. The results from the estimation of the triple hurdle model showed that participation in high value markets
was influenced by education, household income, farming experience, ownership of a motorized transport
(tricycle) and a radio, trust, distance to road, certification and access to credit. The level of participation in the
export markets was determined by household size, household income, farming experience, distance to tarmacked
roads and price. The study recommends intensive education and training to capacitate smallholder farmers to
enable them to understand and meet the requirements of high value markets. Also, the farmers should be given
access to credit and transaction-costs-reducing assets to enhance their participation in high value markets. Finally,
certification should be duly encouraged among smallholder mango farmers to ease their access to and partici-
pation in high value mango markets.

1. Introduction considering its local and global demand of over 1.37 million tons which
rivals that of pineapple (Akurugu et al., 2016; Zakari, 2012).
Horticultural marketing is critical in enhancing economic growth and After a recent fall in the pineapple subsector of Ghana, the mango
development and this is manifested in its contribution to the Ghanaian subsector has experienced tremendous growth and is currently the
economy. Horticulture remains an important component of agriculture in leading horticultural crop under large-scale production (Grumiller et al.,
Ghana concerning its contribution to GDP, foreign exchange earnings 2018). Despite the continued increase in mango production in Ghana, the
and food and nutrition security (Joosten et al., 2015). For instance, in production of the fruit is fraught with many challenges, including pests
2017, the horticultural export earnings of Ghana amounted to 86 percent and diseases (such as anthracnose), inadequate access to and use of input
of total agricultural earning (Ghana Export Promotion Authority, 2017). (such as fertilizer and pesticides), and lack of skilled labor (Micah and
Further, the horticultural sector provides an avenue for achieving the Incoom, 2016). These challenges have reduced the competitiveness of
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Numbers 1 and 2 on “no poverty” small-scale mango farmers and have impeded the development of the
and “zero hunger” by providing employment and income to smallholder subsector.
farmers in the country. Mango production in Ghana is concentrated in southern Ghana and its
In Ghana, horticultural products are intensively cultivated for do- marketing occurs at both local and international fronts with the major
mestic consumption and foreign trade (Agyei-Sasu et al., 2013). Of actors being producers, traders, industrial processors and exporters. On
Ghana's horticultural products, pineapple is the leading commodity in average, 90,000 tons of mangoes are produced in Ghana annually, of
terms of production and export value (Annor, 2017). However, mango which 70,000 tons are sent to both local and international markets
has the potential of becoming Ghana's key non-traditional export (Zakari, 2012). However, 80 percent of the marketed mangoes end up in
the local markets. Yet Ghana has the potential to take full advantage of its

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: akrongrexford@yahoo.com (R. Akrong).

Received 11 January 2021; Received in revised form 21 February 2021; Accepted 15 March 2021
2405-8440/© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-
R. Akrong et al. Heliyon 7 (2021) e06543

comparative advantage in mango exports due to its proximity to the access to extension services, income, market information access and
European Union (EU) market (Grumiller et al., 2018; Okorley, 2014). gender influenced the choice of marketing channels, while only group
Farmers in Southern Ghana sell their mangoes to both low and high membership significantly influenced the intensity of participation in the
value markets. Low value markets are predominantly local open-air export market. Also applying the double-hurdle model, Musara et al.
roadside markets while high value markets include domestic markets (2018) assessed market participation and marketing channel preferences
(such as industrial processors and supermarkets) and export markets. by small-scale sorghum farmers in semi-arid Zimbabwe and found that
Low value markets account for 42 percent of volume of mangoes sold choice of marketing channels was influenced by market price of sorghum,
whereas high value markets account for 58 percent (Eghan, 2017). High number of buyers in the market, distance to the market, dependency
value markets offer at least three times the unit price offered in low value ratio, and household income. Using the Heckman two-stage selection
markets (Baidoo-Williams, 2017). Thus, participation in high value model, Kyaw et al. (2018) assessed the drivers of smallholder rice
markets by famers provides an opportunity for farmers to maximize farm farmers’ participation in agricultural markets and found that the decision
income through the high profits accrued to the high prices offered by to participate in the rice market was influenced by age, education,
these markets. However, participation in high value markets by small- household size, total produce of rice, price of rice, household income,
holder farmers in southern Ghana is low. This low participation in high ownership of livestock, membership of farmer organization, access to
value market chains implies a loss of opportunity for these smallholder roads, distance to market, access to extension services, and market
farmers to maximize gains from mango production and marketing. It is, information.
therefore, not clear what motivates or hinders smallholder farmers in Under some circumstances, agricultural households are faced with a
Ghana to participate in high value mango markets. To this end, this paper three-step decision regarding market participation which thus cannot be
sought to analyze the factors that influence participation and the level of modeled with the double-hurdle models. Based on this observation, some
participation in high value markets by smallholder mango farmers in researchers have modeled this three-step decision with a triple-hurdle
Southern Ghana. Knowledge of these issues would help in crafting model. Applying the triple-hurdle model, Okoye et al. (2016) assessed
appropriate policies regarding institutional arrangements and creation of the effect of transaction costs on market participation among smallholder
adequate market and infrastructure which could benefit a large mass of cassava farmers in central Madagascar. The findings of Okoye et al.
small and marginal landholders dwelling in rural areas of Ghana. (2016) showed that group membership, being a native of the community,
Having presented the introduction of the paper in Section 1, the rest of the good road condition and farming experience positively influenced mar-
paper continues in the following order: Section 2 presents a review of ket participation. Age, distance to the nearest town and distance from
empirical literature. Section 3 presents the theoretical grounding of the study farm to market negatively influenced market participation. Okoye et al.
and empirical models used. Section 4 presents the results and discussion and (2016) also found that ownership of means of transportation and mar-
Section 5 presents the conclusion and policy recommendations. keting experience positively influenced the decision of a farmer to sell
off-farm. High cost of transportation, distance to the nearest town, and
2. Literature review distance from the farm to the market negatively influenced the decision
to sell off-farm. On intensity, personal means of transportation, good road
The importance of market participation has received attention from conditions and marketing experience increased the quantity of cassava
several researchers. Researchers began with modeling market partici- sold. Distance to the nearest town, distance from farm to the market and
pation as a single-step decision where the binary probit or logit models high transportation costs decreased the quantity of cassava sold.
were used for binary choices and such models as the multinomial logit or From the review of related literature on smallholder market partici-
multinomial probit models were used for a multiple choice outcome. pation, many approaches including the multinomial logit, the double
Applying the binary logit model, Sumari et al. (2018) analyzed the hurdle and the triple-hurdle models have been used to study smallholder
participation of smallholder vegetable farmers in high value market market participation. This review of related literature has revealed some
chains in Tanzania and found that participation in high value market in of the determinants of smallholder farmer market participation. How-
Tanzania was influenced by income, distance from farm to main road, ever, smallholder mango farmer market participation in Southern Ghana
yield, irrigation, access to extension services, access to market informa- has received little attention from researchers. Virtually, no study spe-
tion and distance to high value market. Other key determinants of cifically highlights the factors that influence participation as well as the
participation in high value markets by smallholder vegetable farmers level of participation in export markets as a case of high value mango
include age, education, farm size and membership if farmer groups or markets by smallholder mango farmers in Southern Ghana.
cooperatives (Maspaitella et al., 2018). Focusing on high value markets,
Ngenoh et al. (2019) used a multivariate probit model to assess the de- 3. Materials and methods
terminants of the competitiveness of smallholder African indigenous
vegetable farmers in high value agro-food chains in Kenya. The study 3.1. Theoretical framework
found that the factors that influenced participation in high value market
by smallholder farmers include access to information, location of the This study is anchored on the random utility theory. The theory posits
farm, the fertility of the soil and the type of irrigation used. Ngenoh et al. that when a consumer is faced with a set of mutually exclusive choices, s/
(2019) found that through group membership and access to extension he will select the alternative that maximizes his or her utility (Greene,
services, certification can influence participation in high value markets 2012). For practical purposes when undertaking a study of the marketing
since being members of farmer-based organization and also accessing channel decisions, a farmer is just like a consumer. Therefore, in the case
extension services increase the likelihood of being a certified farmer. of mango marketing, a rational farmer will participate in a market outlet
Considering that most agricultural households are faced with a two- that gives him/her the highest utility, based on the profits obtained from
step decision regarding market participation, the double-hurdle model that participation.
and the Heckman two stage model have been frequently used to model The utility, U, that the ith mango farmer would obtain from his/her
this decision-making process: the decision to participate in the market, participation in marketing outlet, j, can be expressed as a linear sum of
and the level of participation. Using the double-hurdle model, Muthini two components; a deterministic part, Vij, that captures the observable
et al. (2017) examined the determinants of smallholder farmers' choice of components of the utility function, and a random error term, εij, that
mango marketing channels in Kenya and found that distance to tarmac captures the unobservable components of the function including mea-
road, number of trees, group membership, access to training services, surement errors as shown in Eq. (1).

R. Akrong et al. Heliyon 7 (2021) e06543

Uij ¼ Vij þ εij (1) where yi* is the index variable that defines an underlying observable
tendency. The censoring point is assumed to be zero.
For binary choices regarding market participation, Eq. (1) translates
The three-stage decision problem of mango farmers regarding
to a binary outcome equation for participation in high value markets as
participation in high value markets has three possible outcomes. Not
shown in Eq. (2):
participating in a high value market (Yi ¼ 0); participating in a high
yi ¼ xi βi þ εi (2) value market but not choosing the export market as a high value mar-
keting channel ðEi ¼ 0jY1i ¼ 1Þ; and for those who sell to the export
where yi is the market participation decision; Xi ¼ regressors;βi ¼ market, intensity or level of participation (Qi ).
parameter estimates; εi ¼ stochastic error terms which are assumed to be Following Gebremedhin et al. (2017), the three decisions that mango
iid (independently and identically distributed) with mean ¼ 0 and farmers face are represented by Eq. (6), Eq. (7) and Eq. (8):
variance ¼ δ2.
From Eq. (2), one can think of an underlying latent variable y* with PrðYi ¼ 0Þ ¼ 1  ΦðX1i β1 Þ (6)
threshold τ below which the market participation decision is not
observed and above which the market participation decision is observed. PrðEi ¼ 0jY1i ¼ 1Þ ¼ ΦðX1i β1 Þ  ΦðX1i β1 ; X2i β2 Þ (7)

y ¼ 1ify* > τ; EðQi Þ ¼ Eðvolume of salesÞ ¼ ΦðX1i β1 ÞΦðX1i β1 ; X2i β2 Þ*exp X3i β3 þ δ23 2
and (8)
A likelihood function of the three possible outcomes is given by Eq.

li ð ∅ Þ ¼ 1½Yi ¼ 0log½1  ΦðX1i β1 Þ þ 1½Yi ¼ 11½Qi ¼ 0flog½ΦðX1i β1 Þ  log½ΦðX1i β1 ; X2i β2 Þg

log Qi  X3i β3
þ 1½Yi ¼ 11½Ei ¼ 0 log½ΦðX1i β1  þ log½ΦðX1i β1 ; X2i β2 Þ þ log ∅  logδ3 (9)

y ¼ 0ify* < τ
Therefore, a binary choice model whose dependent variable is bound where, ∅(.) is the standard normal density function, Φ(.) is the standard
between (0, 1) can be derived and specified as in the equations given normal cumulative distribution function, βs are parameters on Xs andδ3
hereafter. represents the error variance parameter.
For a probit model, the decision to participate can be represented by The nature of the likelihood function of the triple hurdle model allows
Eq. (3). for the separate estimation of the different components of the triple
hurdle models. This study used a maximum likelihood method to jointly
ProbðYi ¼ 1jxi Þ ¼ Φðxi βi Þ (3) estimate the marginal effects associated with the three-step decisions
made by mango farmers. Sekyi et al. (2017) argue that a simultaneous
where Φ represents the cumulative standard normal distribution func-
estimation of multiple equations gives efficient estimates and thus allows
tion. Likewise, its complement is given by Eq. (4).
for the testing of the correlations between the error terms.
ProbðYi ¼ 0jxi Þ ¼ 1  Φðxi βi Þ (4)
3.2. Empirical model
Reformulating Eq. (2) as an index function yields a Tobit model which
is used when the dependent variable has a mixture of zero and non-zero
The specification of the empirical model draws from the theoretical
observations and is given by Eq. (5):
framework on market participation. The probit model that was used in
the first stage to capture the decision to participate in a low-value or a

Pðyi ¼ 1Þ ¼ β0 þ β1 Age þ β2 Education þ β3 Hhsize þ β4 Income þ β5 Experience þ β6 Treedensity þ β7 OwnTrans þ β8 Trust þ β9 Distancetoroad þ β10 Cert þ β11 Radio
þ β12 Region

high-value market is given by Eq. (10):

y*i ¼ xi βi þ εi (5)

Where yi ¼ 1 for participants of high-value markets and yi ¼ 0 for par-

yi ¼ y*i if y*i > 0 ticipants of low-value markets.
The probit model that was used in the second stage to capture the
yi ¼ 0 if y*i  0 decision to participate in a domestic or foreign (export) high-value
market is given by Eq. (11):

R. Akrong et al. Heliyon 7 (2021) e06543

Pðyi ¼ 1Þ ¼ β0 þ β1 Education þ β2 Hhsize þ β3 Income þ β4 Experience þ β5 Treedensity þ β6 OwnTrans þ β7 Trust þ β8 Distancetoroad þ β9 Credit þ β10 Radio
þ β11 Region (11) Sample selection. The data used in the study were collected in
Where yi ¼ 1 for participants of foreign high-value markets (export three districts in Southern Ghana where mango is predominantly pro-
market) and yi ¼ 0 for participants of domestic high-value markets. duced and marketed namely: the Shai Osudoku, Yilo Krobo and Manya
The tobit model that was used in the third stage to capture the Krobo Districts. A multistage sampling technique was used to select a
quantity sold to the export market is given by Eq. (12): total of 224 mango farmers. The first stage and second stages involved
the use of purposive sampling techniques. In the first stage, the Greater
yi ¼ β0 þ β1 Education þ β2 Hhsize þ β3 Income þ β4 Experience Accra and the Eastern Regions were selected. In the second stage, the
þ β5 Treedensity þ β6 OwnTrans þ β7 Distancetoroad þ β8 Credit þ β9 Radio Shai Osudoku from Greater Accra; and Yilo Krobo and Manya Krobo
Districts from Eastern region were selected. Within each of the selected
þ β11 Price þ β10 Region
districts, a list of farmers was drawn from high mango-producing dis-
tricts. This list formed the sampling frame for the study. Random
Where yi represents the quantity of mangoes sold to the export market. numbers were assigned to each farmer on the list using Microsoft Excel
2016 and the first 384 were selected for the interviews. However, only
224 out of the 384 farmers were willing to participate in the study. The
3.3. Study area and description of variables sampled farmers consist of 122 participants of high-value markets and
102 non-participants of high-value markets.
3.3.1. Sampling The survey was conducted using a structured questionnaire where
trained enumerators who were supervised by one of the authors Sample size determination. The sample size for the study was administered the questionnaire to the mango farmers. The information
determined using the following Cochran (1963) formula for unknown captured by the survey included socio-economic characteristics of
population size represented in Eq. (13): households, household resource endowment, farm characteristics, access
  to information and institutional and market services.
Zα2 δ 2
Table 1 presents the definition of variables that are expected to in-
n¼ (13)
E fluence access to and the level of participation in high value mango
markets by small-scale farmers in Southern Ghana.
where n is the sample size; Zα2 is the critical Z-value equal to 1.96; σ is the

population standard deviation; E is the expected margin of error, and α is 4. Results and discussion
the confidence level.
The desired confidence level for the study was 95 percent and a 5 Table 2 presents the descriptive statistics of the variables that were
percent level of precision. The variation among mango farmers in expected to influence access to and the level of participation by small-
Southern Ghana was not known, so the study assumed a variance of 0.5. scale mango farmers in Southern Ghana in high value markets.
This level of maximum variability produced a more conservative sample Regarding household characteristics, the study found that partici-
size than the mean would calculate (Israel, 1992). pants in high value markets had received more formal education than
 2 non-participants. Education provides farmers with managerial compe-
ð1:96Þð0:5Þ tence and the ability to implement improved production, processing and
n¼ ¼ 384 respondents
0:05 marketing practices (Marenya and Barret, 2007). Education was thus
However, 224 mango farmers agreed to participate in the study. expected to enhance participation in high value mango markets.

Table 1. Variables that influence access to and the level of participation in high value mango markets by small-scale farmers in Southern Ghana and the Expected Signs
for Coefficients.
Variable code Factors Measurement Expected sign

Hurdle 1 Hurdle 2 Hurdle 3

Education Education of respondent in years Continuous þ þ þ
Hhsize Number of household members Continuous þ/- þ/- þ/-
Income Average monthly income of household in GHS Continuous þ/- þ þ
Experience Number of years of farming mango Continuous þ þ þ
Credit Access to credit Dummy: 1 ¼ yes 0 ¼ no þ
OwnTrans Ownership of means of transporting mangoes Dummy: 1 ¼ yes 0 ¼ no þ þ þ
Distance Distance to the nearest tarred road in km Continuous þ/- þ/- þ/-
Treedensity Total number of trees per acre Continuous - - -
Cert Certification Dummy: 1 ¼ yes 0 ¼ no þ
Radio Ownership of a working radio Dummy: 1 ¼ yes 0 ¼ no þ þ þ
Trust Trust level Dummy: 1 ¼ yes 0 ¼ otherwise þ þ þ
Price Price offered at channels Continuous þ
Region Location of farmer Dummy: 1 ¼ Eastern 0 ¼ Greater Accra - - -

R. Akrong et al. Heliyon 7 (2021) e06543

Table 2. Selected household and farm characteristics comparing participants and non-participants of high-value mango markets.

Variables Description of variables High-value participants n ¼ 122 Non-participants n ¼ 102 t-test

Mean (A) Standard deviation Mean (B) Standard deviation Difference (A-B) t-value
Household characteristics
Head education Education level of household head (years of schooling) 9.20 0.41 8.39 0.52 0.81 -1.24
Household size Total family size (number) 4.96 0.19 5.48 0.24 -0.52 1.75 *
Resource endowment
Household income Total annual income of household (GH¢) 14221.38 1315.81 8637.33 977.53 5548.05 -3.30 ***
Credit access Access to agricultural credit (1 ¼ yes, 0 ¼ no) 0.59 .04 0.08 .03 0.51 -9.36 ***
Farm characteristics
Farming experience Number of years of producing mango (years) 8.56 0.35 10 0.55 -1.44 2.28**
Tree density Number of trees per acre of mango 38.85 0.91 39.10 1.16 -0.25 0.18
Access to information, institutional and market services
Price Current price of mango (GH¢) 2.06 0.063 1.07 0.0265 0.99 -13.64***
Tricycle Ownership of a tricycle (1 ¼ yes, 0 ¼ no) 0.25 0.04 0.05 0.02 0.20 -4.18***
Trust level Trust level between a farmer and a buyer (1 ¼ high, 0 ¼ low) 0.78 0.04 0.43 0.05 0.35 -5.68***
Distance to road Distance to nearest tarmac road (Km) 9.91 0.90 9.61 1.19 0.3 -0.21
Certification Whether a farmer has Globa lGAP certification (1 ¼ yes, 0 ¼ no) 0.78 0.04 0.16 0.04 0.62 -11.75 ***
Radio Whether a farmer has a working radio (1 ¼ yes, 0 ¼ no) 0.84 0.03 0.89 0.03 -0.05 1.21
Region Location of a farmer (1 ¼ Eastern Region 0 ¼ Greater Accra Region) 0.90 0.03 0.74 0.04 0.16 -3.34***

Note: *, ** and *** indicate 10%, 5% and 1% significance levels respectively.

Source: Survey data (2019)

Participants in high value markets in Ghana were found to have a rela- farm produce and this increases a farmers’ chance to participate in a high
tively small family size as compared to non-participants. According to value market. The study found that more participants in high value
Muriithi and Matz (2015), large family size leads to an intensified markets were certified mango farmers as compared with
cultivation of land for food crops relative to cash crops, thereby reducing non-participants. The study expected certification to positively influence
quality and quantity of cash crops produced. However, large family size access to and the level of participation in high value mango markets.
can enhance production of cash crops since there is the availability of On trust level, the study found that participants in high value markets
household labor. The relationship between household size and partici- had more trust in the high value markets than non-participants. Trust is a
pation in high value markets is therefore ambiguous. transaction-cost-reducing tool that reduces the time farmers take to
Regarding household resource endowment, the study found that enforce and monitor contracts with buyers (Maina et al., 2015). The
participants in high value markets had significantly high income and tricycle is a popular means of transportation in mango production and
more access to credit. According to Abu (2015), the availability of re- marketing in Southern Ghana. The study found that more participants in
sources enables farmers to cultivate larger land size and access improved high-value markets had a tricycle as compared with non-participants.
inputs and technology that can enhance productivity and quality of This means of transportation reduces transport costs and can boost the
outputs. Resource endowed households are thus expected to access volume of transport, hence the volume of sales (Sigei et al., 2014).
high-value markets relative to less resource endowed households. Ownership of a working radio was used as a proxy for access to pro-
With regards to farm and farmer characteristics, the study found that duction and market information. Ownership of a working radio was
participation in high value markets was significantly common among less found to be higher among non-participants in high value markets as
experienced farmers. Mango production for exports and other high value compared to participants. Ownership of working radio reduces fixed
market chains is a recent phenomenon in Ghana (Okorley, 2014); thus transaction costs (Gebremedhin et al., 2017); thus the study hypothe-
older farmers are likely to have established relationships with buyers sized a positive relationship between ownership of a working radio and
from low value markets, reducing the likelihood of these farmers shifting participation in high value markets.
to high value markets (Martey et al., 2012). Also, younger farmers are On price received by farmers, the study found that participants in
more receptive and are less risk averse as compared with older farmers. high value markets received a higher price than non-participants. Ac-
The study hypothesized an inverse relationship between participation in cording to the law of supply, a higher price is expected to drive an
high value markets and farming experience. increased level of participation in high value mango markets. Thus, the
Mango trees per acre of mango farmland were found to be slightly study hypothesized a positive relationship between price and level of
higher for non-participants in high value markets than participants. participation in high value mango markets.
The study expected that a higher tree density increases competition Table 3 presents the maximum likelihood estimates of the factors that
among trees for nutrients which reduces the quality of fruits. Thus, a influence access to and the level of participation in export markets as a
denser tree population reduces the propensity to participate in high case of high value mango markets in Southern Ghana. A chi-square value
value markets. of -169.6211, indicating that the likelihood ratio statistics are highly
The distance to tarmac roads, Global GAP certification, level of trust significant (P < 0.000), suggests that the overall model had a strong
between a farmer and a buyer, ownership of a tricycle and a working explanatory power. The results showed a correlation between the error
radio were used as proxies for access to information, institutional and terms of choice between high value markets (Hurdle 2) and quantity sold
market services. Participants in high value markets were slightly farther to the export market (Hurdle 3). This implies that estimating the choice
from tarmac roads than non-participants. Global GAP certification im- between two domestic high value markets and export markets and the
plies compliance with the Global GAP standards. Lee et al. (2012) argue intensity of participation in export markets models separately is likely to
that compliance with the standards enhances productivity and quality of yield results that are both biased and inconsistent.

R. Akrong et al. Heliyon 7 (2021) e06543

Table 3. Maximum likelihood estimates of factors that influence access to and the level of participation in high-value mango markets.

Variable Hurdle 1 Marginal effects Hurdle 2 Marginal effects Hurdle 3 Marginal effects
Years of schooling -0.010 -0.002 0.160** 0.0316 0.0213 0.005
(0.024) (0.071) (0.040)
Household size 0.007 0.002 0.101 0.020 -0.063* -0.015
(0.050) (0.080) (0.035)
Household income 0.374** 0.083 0.174 0.035 0.339*** 0.079
(0.150) (0.224) (0.096)
Farming experience -0.074*** -0.016 0.0172 0.003 0.054*** 0.012
(0.027) (0.047) (0.019)
Tree density -0.0007 -0.0001 -0.011 -0.002 -0.0003 -0.00008
(0.010) (0.015) (0.009)
Tricycle (Yes) 0.890** 0.199 -0.070 -0.014 0.196 0.046
(0.380) (0.347) (0.174)
Trust level (High) 0.324 0.072 1.601*** 0.317 0.127 0.030
(0.249) (0.611) (0.274)
Distance to road 0.032*** 0.007 -0.003 -0.0006 0.024** 0.006
(0.011) (0.023) (0.012)
Certification 1.968*** 0.439
Radio -0.242 -0.054 0.746** 0.148 0.039 0.009
(0.351) (0.372) (0.207)
Credit access 1.689*** 0.336
Price -0.571** -0.132
Region -0.562* -0.125 -3.133*** -0.621 -0.665** -0.154
(0.320) (0.839) (0.299)
Constant -3.338** -4.118* -1.297
(1.342) (2.489) (1.196)
Rho_12 0.193
Rho_13 -0.081
Rho_23 0.908**
LRχ 2 (23) 223.37***
Log likelihood -169.621
Observations 224 122 50

Note: *, ** and *** indicate 10%, 5% and 1% significance levels respectively. Standard errors in parentheses.
Source: Survey data (2019).

Hurdle 1 presents results of the factors that influence the decision of a Contrary to expectation, distance to a tarmacked road positively
farmer to participate in high value markets. As expected, household in- influenced participation in high-value mango markets by mango farmers
come significantly and directly influenced participation in a high value in Southern Ghana (0.002). An increase in distance to a tarmacked road
market (p ¼ 0.013). Wealthy farmers can afford approved chemicals and by 1km increases the probability of participation in high value markets
inputs that are required to produce mangoes that meet the requirements by 7 percent.
of high value markets (Nyaga et al., 2016). Accordingly, a GH¢ 1 increase Global GAP certification was found to significantly and positively
in household income would increase the probability of a farmer's influence access to high value markets among small-scale mango farmers
participation in high value markets by 8.3 percent. in Southern Ghana (p ¼ 0.000). Moving from “not being certified” to
Farming experience negatively influenced participation in high value “being certified” increases the probability that a farmer will participate in
markets by mango farmers in Southern Ghana (0.007). An increase in a high value market by up to 44 percent.
farming experience by a year reduces the probability that a mango farmer Contingent on participation in high value markets, a farmer chooses
in Southern Ghana would participate in high value markets by up to 2 a high value market (domestic or foreign high value market) in which
percent. to participate. Hurdle 2 presents results for factors that influence the
As expected, ownership of motorized transport (tricycle) significantly choice of the export market as a high value marketing channel by
and positively influenced participation in high value markets by mango mango farmers in Southern Ghana. As expected, years of schooling
farmers in Southern Ghana (p ¼ 0.019). Ownership of a tricycle increases positively and significantly influenced participation in the export
the probability of participating in high value markets by mango farmers market by small-scale mango farmers in Southern Ghana (p ¼ 0.025).
by 20 percent. An increase in the years of schooling of the household head by one year

R. Akrong et al. Heliyon 7 (2021) e06543

increases the probability of participating in the export market by 3.2 educated vegetable farmers are more likely to shift from traditional
percent. markets to high value markets and export markets. In the case of the
The level of trust between a farmer and the export market signifi- export market, more educated farmers are likely to understand interna-
cantly and positively influenced participation in the export market by tional standards which can enhance their access to such remunerative
mango farmers in Southern Ghana (p ¼ 0.009). Transitioning from a low markets. Thus, there is the need to build the capacity of farmers and
level of trust to a high level of trust in the export market increases educate them on supply requirements.
participation in the export market by up to 32 percent. Farming experience decreased the probability of participating in high
As expected, household ownership of a working radio increases value markets. However, more experienced farmers who participated in
participation in the export market (p ¼ 0.065). high value markets supplied more to the export markets. Given that more
Access to credit positively influenced participation in the export experienced farmers have longstanding relationships and contracts with
market (p ¼ 0.001). Access to agricultural credit increases the probability buyers from low value markets and have built trust with them (Maspai-
that a farmer will participate in the export market by up to 34 percent. tella et al., 2018), they are less likely to shift to high value markets which
Contingent on choosing to participate in the export market, a farmer are relatively new marketing channels in Ghana's mango subsector. This
decides the quantity to sell to this market. Hurdle 3 presents results for is in line with the findings of Bobojonov et al. (2016), but contrary to the
factors influencing the level of participation in the export market. As finding of Sumari et al. (2018) who found that more experienced farmers
expected, household income significantly and positively influenced the were more likely to supply to high value markets. This finding suggests
level of participation in the export market by mango farmers in Southern that there is a need to educate older farmers on the benefit of partici-
Ghana (p ¼ 0.000). Relatively wealthy farmers can afford more pro- pating in high value markets.
ductive inputs and technologies that can increase yield (Abu, 2015). Farmers who owned motorized transport (tricycle) were more likely
Accordingly, an increase in household income by GH¢ 1 would increase to participate in high value markets. Muthini et al. (2017) found that this
the level of participation in the export market by up to 8 percent. variable transaction cost-reducing tool was functional in enhancing ac-
Farming experience was found to significantly and positively influ- cess to remunerative markets by mango farmers in Kenya. The tricycle
ence volumes sold to the export market (p ¼ 0.000). facilitates the transport of mangoes from bulking points to both storage
Contrary to expectation, distance to tarmacked road was found to facilities and domestic high value markets in Ghana. However, distance
positively and significantly influence the level of participation in the to the nearest tarmacked road, which is a fixed transaction cost, was
export market (p ¼ 0.035). An increase in distance to tarmacked road by found to increase participation in high value markets and the intensity of
1km increases the level of participation in the export market by 0.6 participation in the export markets. Muthini et al. (2017) explain this
percent. relationship by arguing that farms that are farther away from tarmacked
Contrary to expectation, price negatively influenced the level of roads are mostly large farms that are preferred by buyers from high value
participation in the export market by mango farmers in Southern Ghana markets. Also, based on the position of Muthini et al. (2017) on this
(p ¼ 0.038). This could be attributed to the inability of mango farmers to relationship, it can be inferred that farmers who own such farms can
meet the high quality of mango demanded by buyers from the export supply more to the export markets since they have larger farms than
market who offered relatively high prices. In such instances, farmers those who are closer to tarmacked roads.
have a limited supply of quality mango, thereby reducing the quantity of The results revealed that farmers who had a high level of trust in the
mango available for sale as price increases. Thus, an increase in price by export markets were more likely to participate in these markets. Ac-
GH¢ 1 reduces the level of participation in the export market by 13 cording to Maina et al. (2015), high levels of trust reduce transaction
percent. costs because farmers spend less time ensuring that contracts are
enforced mostly regarding timely payments. In addition to the
5. Discussion transaction-cost-reducing function of trust, it facilitates the circulation of
reliable information about technology and market opportunities and also
The study found that wealthier farmers were more likely to partici- enhances the exclusion of unreliable agents for farmers (Lu et al., 2008).
pate in high value markets and also supplied more mangoes to the export Considering that the export market is the most organized market, the
markets. High value markets, especially the export markets, require agents are trustworthy and there is a relatively high level of transparency
farmers to use approved farm inputs which are expensive but could be in their dealings with the farmers. Transparency being a positive signal
relatively affordable to wealthy farmers. This finding is in line with the increases the trust level of farmers (Granja and Wollni, 2019). This
findings of Muthini et al. (2017) and Sumari et al. (2018) who found that finding is in line with the findings of Shammah et al. (2017) who found
wealthier mango farmers and vegetable farmers, respectively, were more that small-scale pineapple farmers in Ugandan households who had high
likely to participate in high value markets. Muthini et al. (2017) argue trust were more likely to participate in the export market.
that wealthy farmers can incur transaction and transportation costs Ownership of a working radio increases participation in the export
associated with participating in remunerative markets. Further, high market. This is because owning a working radio increases access to
value markets require a constant supply of quality products which are production and market information and reduces fixed transaction costs
associated with high costs (Sumari et al., 2018). This is also true for (Gebremedhin et al., 2017). Thus, farmers who have a working radio are
farmers who have access to credit. This institutional support service in- likely to have access to information about the requirements of the export
creases the resource endowment of mango farmers, thereby capacitating market and are more likely to participate in this market. This result is in
them to access approved inputs that are necessary for enhancing the line with the findings of Zamasiya et al. (2014) and Nwafor et al. (2020)
quality of farm produce which are preferred by export markets (Ngenoh who found that ownership of radio positively influences market partici-
et al., 2019). This finding reinforces the need for interventions that can pation in Zimbabwe and South Africa, respectively, because farmers who
increase the resource endowment of farmers to enhance their access to own radio have access to information on rainfall and varieties and also
approved inputs, thereby increasing their participation and level of increases farmers’ propensity of receiving higher prices for their
participation in high value markets. products.
The results revealed that more educated farmers were more likely to The study found that certification enhance participation in high value
choose the export markets over domestic high value markets. Highly markets. Buyers within high value markets prefer certified farmers
educated farmers have a better understanding of production processes, because, as found by Lee et al. (2012), certified farmers employ good
market dynamics as well as supply requirements which can enhance their agricultural practices which positively influence their productivity and
access to the export market. This is in line with the findings of Bobojonov the quality of mangoes produced. This finding is in line with the findings
et al. (2016) and Maspaitella et al. (2018) who found that highly of Ngenoh et al. (2019) who found that certified farmers have greater

R. Akrong et al. Heliyon 7 (2021) e06543

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