MSP 3008
MSP 3008
MSP 3008
C275 D5 50Hz
1. Sound pressure levels at 1 meter are measured per the requirements of ISO 3744, ISO 8528-10, ANSI S1.13, ANSI S12.1 and European
Communities Directive 2000/14/EC as applicable. The microphone measurement locations are 1 meter from a reference parallelepiped
just enclosing the generator set (enclosed or unenclosed).
2. Seven-meter measurement location 1 is 7 meters (23 feet) from the generator (alternator) end of the generator set, and the locations
proceed counterclockwise around the generator set at 45° angles at a height of 1.2 meters (48 inches) above the ground surface.
3. Sound Power Levels are calculated according to ISO 3744, ISO 8528-10, and or CE (European Union) requirements.
4. Exhaust Sound Levels are measured and calculated per ISO 6798, Annex A.
5. Reference Sound Pressure Level is 20 µPa.
6. Reference Sound Power Level is 1 pW (10-12 Watt).
7. Sound data for remote-cooled generator sets are based on rated loads without cooling fan noise.
8. Sound data for the generator set with infinite exhaust do not include the exhaust noise contribution.
9. Sound levels are subject to instrumentation, measurement, installation, and manufacturing variability.
10. Unhoused/Open configuration generator sets refers to generator sets with no sound enclosures of any kind.
11. Housed/Enclosed/Closed/Canopy configuration generator sets refer to generator sets that have noise reduction sound enclosures
installed over the generator set and usually integrally attached to the skid base/base frame/fuel container base of the generator set.
*12. Sound Pressure Levels are calculated and not measured.
Cummins Power Generation Data and Specification Subject to Change Without Notice Bulletin msp-3008a