Concept Paper
Concept Paper
Concept Paper
the Senior High School Students in Sta. Cruz National High School
can simulate human-like reasoning, learning, problem-solving, and creative processes, among
other behaviors and processes that humans would refer to as intelligent (Bailey, 2023). Through
continuous development and research, AI has been gaining further recognition not just in
business and medical field, but also in education. There are AI-infused technologies that have
been used by students and teachers such as Thinkster Math, Jill Watson (AI enabled teaching
The intervention of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the learning system has been
gaining various viewpoints and has been the subject of argument between professionals. This
raises concerns about whether artificial intelligence (AI) is actually advancing and improving the
current educational system or if it is just another obstacle preventing the learning systems’
development and progress for both teachers and students. One of the ways to help determine the
impacts of AI on the learning system of the students is through the assessment of their academic
performance. Hence, this study will evaluate the impacts of AI system on the academic
performance of Senior High School students in Sta. Cruz National High School.
The study will help determine how the AI systems have been impacting the
academic performance of the students. Moreover, this study will benefit both the students and
educators as the result of this study will be a helpful guide to assess which area of the education
Research Objectives
The general objective of this paper is to evaluate the impacts of using Artificial
Intelligence (AI) System to the academic performance of the Senior High School students in Sta.
2. To determine the students’ General Weighted Average on the last semester attended.
3. To determine the number of students who have been using AI system in studying and
4. To identify which variety of AI systems, do the students used mostly in studying and
5. To determine how long have the students been using AI system in studying and
6. To determine how often they are using AI system in studying and accomplishing school
Research Questions
1.2 Age
1.3 Sex
2. What is the General Weighted Average (GWA) of the students on the last semester
3. Do the students use Artificial Intelligence in studying lessons and accomplishing school
4. What is the most commonly used Artificial Intelligence system by the students in
5. How often do the students use Artificial intelligence system in studying and
6. How long have the students been using Artificial Intelligence system in studying and
Research Methodology
This study will use descriptive research design. This method is most appropriate
to utilize because the emphasis of the study is on the impact of AI systems on the academic
performance of the senior high school students in Sta. Cruz National High School.
In this paper, Probability Sampling will be used in choosing sample from the
target population. This study will also utilize survey questionnaire to gather fundamental data
Bailey, J. (2023). Artificial Intelligence in Education: The leap into a new era of machine
intelligence carries risks and challenges, but also plenty of promise. Technology, 28-35.
Retrieved March 17, 2024