Copalp -
Tool Kits & Stacks> TEC61131-3 PLC / STRATON* TOOL KIT
‘The straton* Tool Kit isa set of components easily portable and flexible
straton / to implement PLC engines and communication tools in your hardware
Virtual Machine Porting kit: Complete Toolkit for porting or adapting the
straton* Virtual Machine to another operating system or hardware platform,
Delivered with full source code, code generation wizards, interfaces and docu
‘mentation, plus a rich set of samples and training,
Function Block Development Kit (FBDK): Toolkit with all necessary mate~
vial for integrating new “C” waitten functions and funetion blacks to the stra~
‘ton® Virtual machine,
—\ Driver Development Kit (DDK): Tolkit fr developing new /0 divers, yp-
i “ically dedicated to fieldbus 1/0s, an integrating them tothe straton* Virtual
Machine: Wizard DLLs for managing the 1/0 configuration tee in the staton”
fieldbus configuration tool canbe implemented
‘Communication Development Kit (CommDK): A set of DLLs for commu-
COPALP supplies a complete range of services and support in order
to help you in the development of your communication stack. Reli-
ability, stability, reactivity and availability characterize the COPALP
MODBUS: The MODBUS toolkit enables the easy implementation of the MOD-
[BUS protocol in a Virtual Machine, MODBUS RTU and OPEN MODBUS over
ETHERNET are supported, for both slave and master protocols.
‘CAN/CANopen: The straton® CAN communication stack implements all features
necessary to manage CAN protocols. The communication stack is independent
from the CAN hardware and uses the same configuration files, It also ensures high
;portablity thanks to its independence from the Operating System and the main
‘processor anid its small memory footprint. The big advantage i thatthe same con-
~ figuration can be loaded to different hardware using different CAN controllers.
*~ AS-i: Fasy implementation of the AS-iI/O driver in @ Virtual Machine, De-
livered with full source code, interfaces, documentation and a ready-to-use
Lae iWin ae
BACNET: A portable BACNET stack for very small devices as for PLC control-
lers. The ‘C) ANSI code of the stack implementation is portable to any hardware
platform with ininimal effort. The biggest advantage of the COPALP implemen-
tation isa very small footprint for the program and its associated memory
space. The configuration of the BACNET stack parameters is done through an
‘easy to usé tool with tree-style navigation. Variables and parameters can be
‘declared in anyefficient way through the import of configuration files directly
from databases orto eee
PROFINET: The PROFINET 10 controller stack is composed of two C+ APIS.
‘The first encapsulates all functions required by the runtime application: con-
figuration of cVelic data exchange, device connection management and data
‘exchange using a shared memory area
‘The second can be used for device discovery and configuration. It enables the
user application to search for PN-I0 devices in the local network and configure
their PN-I0 names,
DNP2: The DNP3 protocol is an international standard for energy and water
industries. COPALP has developed tools to manage this protocol and a graphical
tool with tree-style navigation for the configuration.
{TEC60870: The IECB70 is an international standard for system monitoring and
telecontrol in utilities for water distribution, gas and electricity distribution and
‘energy power system. The straton IEC 870 stack supports both IEC 60870-5-101
‘and IEC 60870-5-104, Both protocols are identical on the application layer and
‘asa result the configuration and implementation for both serial communication
(101) ané-TCP/IP networks (-104) i a single configuration tool in straton®,
118051850: The Energy and Water industries require more and more complex
protocols and control applications to meet the growing demands for more in
formation, more often. COPALP is developing a range of components for its
customers in order to facilitate the integration of industry standard protocols
‘and applications and is simplifying the configuration process by providing the
‘end customer with easy to use graphical tools. The IEC61850 is one new com-
ponent to the COPALP offer that comes in addition to the existing one like
IEC60870-101 slave, IEC50870-104 server and DNP3 slave protocols,straton
10 Rue de Chamechaude
Sassenage, 38360
433 (0) 438 26 0075,
£433 (0) 476 26 3417