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Speaking, Listening and Understanding

Debate for Non–Native-English Speakers

Gary Rybold

International Debate Education Association

New York • Amsterdam • Brussels
Published by
International Debate Education Association
400 West 59th Street
New York, NY 10019

Copyright © 2006 by International Debate Education Association

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or

transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, in-
cluding photocopy, or any information storage and retrieval system, with-
out permission from the publisher.

For permission to reproduce in whole or in part, please contact: idea@


Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Rybold, Gary.
Speaking, Listening and Understanding : debate for non–native-English
speakers / Gary Rybold.
p. cm.
ISBN-13: 978-1-932716-24-5
ISBN-10: 1-932716-24-6
1. Debates and debating. 2. English language—Study and
teaching—Foreign speakers. I. Title.
PN4181.R94 2006

Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii

Chapters in Brief. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x

Chapter 1 Welcome to Debate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Chapter 2 Debate Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Chapter 3 Delivery for Effective Speaking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Chapter 4 Organization for Public Speaking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Chapter 5 Debate Formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Chapter 6 Propositions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

Chapter 7 Case Development. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

Chapter 8 Critical Thinking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

Chapter 9 Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

Chapter 10 Refutation and Rejoinder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98

Chapter 11 Note Taking and Flowing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .107

Chapter 12 Tournaments and Judges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .113

Debate Transcript. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .125
Debate Flow Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .160

Glossary of Debate Terms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .162


Speaking, Listening and Understanding introduces new

English language speakers to the basics of debate. The ini-
tial version of this text was presented at the International
Debate Festival held at the Xi’an International Studies Uni-
versity in the People’s Republic of China in August 2004.
Before writing this book, I noticed that there were no simple
debate texts for new English language students. Texts avail-
able in the United States seemed too complex or used ex-
cessive cultural references. Too often, these qualities made
learning difficult. This text was written with the non–native-
English speakers in mind.
I had my first debate in 1965. Since that time I have met
thousands of people who have found that the world of de-
bate opened the doors of knowledge. At the heart of debate
is a sharing of ideas and information. Ultimately, this book
is about that sharing. I will share information that should
help you get started in formal debating. Then once you de-
bate, you will share your ideas on a variety of topics. As you
share, you will also learn new concepts, a new vocabulary,
and a love for the exchange of ideas.
Different coaches have different theories about debate.
As you develop as a debater, you will learn these. Like all
theories, some you may like and others you may not. Part
of the sharing process in debate involves understanding how
others see the world.
I would also like you to share your experiences in learn-
ing debate. If you read something in this book that is unclear
or if you would like to see something added, I encourage you
to write to me. Please send all recommendations and com-
ments through IDEA at www.idebate.org. I feel honored to
be part of your learning experience and would appreciate
any ideas you have. Good luck and good debating.

Gary Rybold
Irvine Valley College
Irvine, California

Welcome to Debate ix
Chapters in Brief

Speaking, Listening and Understanding was written to make

it easier for you to become a debater. Each chapter is short
enough to read in one session. At the end of each chapter,
you will find a list of the important concepts and key vo-
cabulary terms used in that chapter. All definitions are listed
in the glossary at the end of the book. Each chapter teaches
you a skill, which the next chapter builds on.
Chapter 1 welcomes you to debate and encourages you to
be the best student of communication that you can be. Re-
member, the skills you learn should help you in every lan-
guage, not just English.
Chapter 2 explains the basic concepts of debate. You will
learn some of the rules and responsibilities of debate and
what you should do when you participate.
Chapter 3 explains how to improve your oral skills (deliv-
ery). It also helps you overcome any fear of public speaking
you might have.
Chapter 4 discusses how to write clear speeches and papers.
Chapter 5 describes the many different debate formats. De-
bates can be held with different time limits, types of ques-
tions, and number of debaters. The chapter also includes the
time limits used for debate formats in the United States.
Chapter 6 discusses different types of propositions—how
topics are worded to make them easier to debate.
Chapter 7 describes how to develop cases. Cases are how
you write organized arguments to support your side.
Chapter 8 discusses critical thinking. You will learn how to
understand the parts of an argument and how to tell when
someone is using thinking that is not logical (using fallacies).
Chapter 9 discusses research. It explains how to find evi-
dence to support your arguments, how to use the evidence
in the debate, and how to attack the evidence of the other
Chapter 10 explains refutation. You will learn how to de-
feat the arguments of the other side and how to defend your
Chapter 11 explains note taking and “flowing” for debate.
You will learn how to flow the arguments in a debate.
Chapter 12 describes tournaments and judging. You will
learn how a tournament works and the different approaches
that judges take in their evaluations.

Chapters in Brief xi

Welcome to Debate

his chapter introduces the activity of debating and

T explains skills that you will gain if you participate in
debates often. In choosing to read this book, you are now a
student of communication. Speaking, Listening and Under-
standing covers a special kind of communication: U.S. style
debate. So, if you want to improve your presentation skills
and your critical thinking abilities, read on! Although debat-
ing is a great educational opportunity, let me start off with a
simple statement:

People debate because it is FUN.

Debating Teaches Skills

Public Speaking
I know that most people have a fear of public speaking. In
fact, in my classes, I start the first day by telling my students
that speaking before an audience is the number one fear in
the United States. Death is only seventh on the list. That
means more people would rather die than get up to speak
in front of a group. Yet, the thousands of debaters I have
debated, taught, coached, and judged have learned to love
public speaking. Once they get over their fears, the excite-
ment of competition becomes more enjoyable with each de-
bate. And debaters know they are developing skills that will
help them for the rest of their lives. For this reason, many
English teachers use debate as an effective way to teach
speaking skills.
When you first started learning English, you probably
began with grammar rules. Often, students learn to read and
write English before they practice their oral (speaking) skills.
If this happened to you, speaking in English may not be as
easy as writing in English. You may even be so shy that you
do not want to share your ideas. Debating will help you
overcome your fears and develop your oral English skills. In
fact, debating is like an immersion program: eventually, you
will begin thinking in English!
Debating will help you to become a better speaker in
all situations—private and public. Everyone in the debate
contributes and has a voice in the argumentation. With new
debating skills, you will be able to give more power to your
own voice.
Of course, you will make mistakes. All debaters do.
That is why debating is something you must practice. As
you practice thinking about your ideas and explaining those
ideas to others, you will gain confidence, and you will ex-
press your ideas more clearly when you speak.
Debate also develops several other skills that will help
you communicate effectively in English—or in any language
you use.

2 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

Critical Thinking
Critical thinking skills are important not only in debate but
also in other aspects of your life. Critical thinking helps
you to ask better questions, evaluate answers, keep an open
mind, be honest about your own biases, and make better
decisions. You can improve several critical thinking skills by
studying debate:
1. Debate will teach you how to use reliable sources of in-
formation. Not all information is good. You will learn
how to evaluate sources to find those that are most reli-
able and most valuable. You will gather evidence from
many sources and assess and compare their arguments.
2. Debate will teach you how to develop good arguments
and find the flaws in bad arguments. Arguments can be
strong or weak. You will learn to present the best argu-
ments for your side and understand the weaknesses of
your own and others’ arguments.
3. Debate will teach you how to solve problems. One of the
main reasons for debating is to find solutions to prob-
lems. You will learn how to make comparisons and de-
termine the best solutions.
4. Debate will teach you how to ask and answer questions.
When debaters learn to ask questions, they can deter-
mine the central points of an issue. When they respond
to questions, they clarify their own thinking.

Welcome to Debate 3
Other Skills
1. Note Taking: Debate will help you to become a better
note taker. Since your debates may last an hour or more,
you will need to write down what the other team says,
what your partner says, and even what you want to say.
You will be surprised how your memory will improve at
the same time.
2. Organizing: Debate will help you to become a better or-
ganizer. Because each of your debates will involve many
ideas, you must be able to organize them so that the
audience understands your arguments and how each one
fits into the debate.
3. Researching: Debate will help you become a better re-
searcher. To be successful in debate, you need to under-
stand both sides of an issue and support your position
with evidence. You will learn how to use libraries and
electronic resources to find the information you need.
You will also learn how to evaluate material and orga-
nize it efficiently.
4. Writing: Debate will help you to become a better writer.
Once you complete your research, you must be able to
write speeches, or briefs, short organized arguments that
help you to understand and explain your viewpoint.
5. Listening: Debate will help you to become a better listen-
er. When members of the other team are speaking, you
must listen to what they say so that you can respond. In
many debates you will have a partner. You will also have
to listen to him or her carefully in order to advance your

4 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

side. You will become a critical listener, which means
that you will think about what is being said.
6. Teamwork and People Skills: Debate will teach you
teamwork and people skills because you must work
and think as a team in order to succeed. You will have
to work with a partner, coach, and other teammates,
sharing information and developing strategies. As you
develop your speaking skills, you will also develop your
people skills, so you will be able to talk to others with
ease. Sometimes debate partners become friends for life.
Even competing debaters from other schools can become
your friends.

Making the Most of Your Training

Debate can be one of the best educational experiences in
your life. It can help you with your English language skills.
It can be exciting and fun. It can also teach you skills that
will last a lifetime. Here are a few recommendations to help
you make the most of your training:
1. Read your assignments before coming to class. This
book and any additional assigned materials will give
you background before the session. If you read and un-
derstand the material, the class will make more sense to
you. Many students take notes on each chapter before
coming to class. Writing notes in an organized way is
called outlining. Outlining is a great way to get the infor-
mation from the page to your brain.

Welcome to Debate 5
2. Take notes in class. Many cultures have the same saying:
“In one ear and out the other.” Perhaps your parents
said this to you. It means that when we hear without
trying to understand, we will not remember the informa-
tion. You do not have to record every word you hear
in class, but you should write down the main ideas the
teacher presents along with your thoughts on these ideas.
You will find your note-taking skills improving as you
become a better debater.
3. Stay organized. Be sure to organize your notes. Some
students type their notes into their computer. Others use
a loose leaf binder to organize their notes, outlines from
the textbook, and handouts from the instructor.
4. Review the information. Be sure to read your notes as
soon after class as possible. Read them aloud and think
about what they mean. Feel good about what you are
learning. Write down any questions you have for the
next lesson. Also try explaining what you learned to
someone else. Sometimes teaching a new concept is the
best way to learn.
5. Ask questions. As a debater you will learn how to ask
questions. If you do not understand a concept, ask your
instructor to explain it further.
6. Practice. I teach all of my students the “Five Ps”:

Preparation and Practice Prevent Poor Performance

This text and your instructors and coaches will give you
many ideas about how to prepare for a debate. You will also

6 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

have many opportunities to practice debating in a group or
with your partner against another team. You will learn the
most in formal practice debates. However, you can always
practice alone or with a partner. Practice asking and answer-
ing questions, and practice the speeches you have prepared.
If you finish a debate and are unhappy with your speech,
note where you feel you could have done better so you can
avoid those mistakes in future debates.
At the end of every debate, listen to what the judge, your
coach, or other debaters have to say. This feedback provides
an excellent opportunity to learn what you are doing well
and where you need improvement. Take notes on what they
say. In the United States, we call these comments construc-
tive criticism. The comments are meant to improve your
performance, not to make you feel bad about what you just
did. Sometimes the judge will write down the comments. Be
sure to review these with your coach and teammates so you
can improve.
So, you need to read, listen, and speak in order to be-
come a better debater and critical thinker.
Speaking, Listening and Understanding is designed to
explain what you need know to get started in debate. It is a
beginner’s textbook. As you improve, you will want to read
other books. I encourage you to continue your education
after this course. Perhaps you will learn to love debate as I
do, and teach others.

Welcome to Debate 7

1. People debate for many reasons: to have fun, to take ad-

vantage of a great educational opportunity, and to learn
effective English language skills.

2. Debate develops a variety of skills, including note taking,

organization, research, writing, listening, teamwork, and
critical thinking.

3. To improve your chances of success in debate and in

school, read assigned materials prior to class, take notes,
stay organized, review information learned, ask ques-
tions when necessary, and practice.


1. List the goals you hope to achieve by learning to debate.

2. Get a notebook just for debate. File your notes so that

you can refer to them later.

3. Start a vocabulary list. Write down in your notebook ev-

ery new word you learn.

4. Read. Whether it is newspapers, periodicals, histories,

biographies, philosophical works, or even science fiction,
nothing develops the mind like reading.

8 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

constructive criticism
critical listener
people skills

Welcome to Debate 9

Debate Basics

his chapter outlines the basics of debating. You will

T learn who is involved in a debate, the purpose of a de-
bate, and what responsibilities debaters have during a
The first rule of debate:
Two teams agree to disagree about a specific topic.

The Teams
A team may consist of one to four debaters, although most
debates have two debaters on each side. A team must either
be for the topic or against the topic. When you debate, you
can call the other team your opponent (regardless of what
side you are debating). Depending on the type of the debate,
the teams are called different things:

For the topic Against the topic

Affirmative Negative
Pro Con
The Government The Opposition
Proposition Opposition
Usually, the teams do not choose what side of the topic they
will defend. The tournament assigns the side. Because they
do not make that choice, teams do not need to believe in
the side of the topic they support. In some debate activities,
when the same topic is used for the whole season, the debat-
ers switch sides.
Teams role-play to present the best arguments for their
side in a process called perspective taking. Like a lawyer
who has to defend a guilty client, you may have to defend
something that you don’t believe. Perspective taking helps
you keep an open mind while you search for the best argu-
ments for the side you must defend. Through perspective
taking, you also learn how other people think about their
side of a topic.

Perspectives on Debate
Many debaters consider debate a game in which the par-
ticipants sharpen their thinking and speaking skills. Like
sports, debate has rules, teams, officials, winners, and losers.
Debate becomes mental gymnastics, with teams matching
wits against each other. Your job as a debater is to find the
best way to achieve victory. Many find the game of debate
great fun.
Others debaters think of debate as a laboratory, where
one team tests its arguments against the arguments of an-
other. Your job is to do the best job of debating so that the
best arguments will emerge. As you improve as a debater,
you will become better at testing ideas.

Debate Basics 11
In many cases, students think of debating as a way of
finding truth. This means the winning arguments should be
the truest arguments.
These perspectives allow debaters to develop the best
arguments for a position without injecting their personal
beliefs into the debate. To remind everyone that the debate
is a contest in which the teams could have been assigned
the other side of the issue, the debaters traditionally shake
hands at the end of the event. This is a way of indicating
that the debate was just a test of skills, not a presentation of
deeply held personal beliefs.

The Burdens
A burden is a responsibility that each debater is given. Audi-
ences and judges evaluate debaters based on how well they
fulfill their burdens. Failure to meet the expectations of the
burdens can result in losing the debate. Debaters share three
types of burdens:
1. The Burden of Proof. The saying debaters use for this
burden is, “Those who assert must prove.” Whoever
wants to make a point (an assertion) must provide rea-
sons and proof that their point is right. Points, or as-
sertions, are significant, outstanding, or effective ideas,
arguments, or suggestions that make up your case. Since
most debaters are not experts about the topic they are
discussing, they must use sources of evidence that provide
valid reasons for the audience to believe the position they
are asserting. When a debater asserts a point without

12 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

providing evidence, the other side may state the opposite
(known as a counterpoint) without evidence, and both
sides will tie on that particular point. If neither side gives
evidence, the point is not proved and is considered moot,
or still up for debate.
2. The Burden of Refutation. Refutation is the process of
attacking and defending arguments. For this type of bur-
den, you could say, “Silence is admission.” This means
that if you present an argument in a debate and the other
team doesn’t address it, you win that point automati-
cally, since by its silence the other side has admitted that
you are right. The other team is not doing its job, which
is to debate your arguments. You win the argument
because the other team failed its burden of refutation.
When you choose to answer each point or argument the
other team presents, you are using line-by-line refuta-
tion, because you are following your opponent’s orga-
nization line by line in your notes and explaining to the
judge why each point is wrong (each line in your notes
would be another argument). You may also answer sev-
eral of the other team’s arguments with only one or a
few responses. This type of refutation is called grouping,
because you take several lines of argument in your notes
and group them together for your answers.
3. The Burden of Rejoinder. The saying for this burden is,
“Answer the answer.” A good debate is like a good table
tennis match: when one team hits the ball, the other
team returns it. The other team refutes what you say. To
refute means to prove something the other side said is

Debate Basics 13
wrong. You then have the burden of refuting. You have
to prove that the other team’s argument or response is
weak and your argument is stronger.

The better you handle the three burdens, the better your
chances of winning the debate. When the other team has
not met its burdens, point this out to the judge. Alerting the
judge to the other team’s failure should help you win the

The Decision
Debates may have one or more judges. Judges give a win to
the team that did the better job in that debate. They are not
to consider a team’s previous record or vote for the side of
the topic that they support.
The judges will write their decision on a ballot and give
reasons why they voted the way they did. They will also
write individual comments so each debater can improve
for the next debate. Sometimes a judge will provide an oral
critique by specifically telling the debaters what she thought
about the debate.
In many debate contests or tournaments, the coaches
from one team will judge the debaters from other schools,
but they cannot judge their own debaters. This is the only
competitive activity in which a coach from one team will
give comments to another team on how it can improve.
Education is always the number one goal of debate.

14 Speaking, Listening and Understanding


1. Debates take place between two teams, with one to four

debaters on each team. One team is for an issue and the
other team is against the same issue.

2. There are many ways to perceive debate: as a game or

sport, as a laboratory, or as a way of finding truth.

3. Debaters share three burdens: burden of proof, burden

of refutation, and burden of rejoinder. Meeting the ex-
pectations of the burdens can help a team win a debate.

4. Judges decide who won the debate based on which team

did the best job of debating, not on whether they agree
with the arguments presented. They indicate their deci-
sion on a written ballot and they offer reasons for choos-
ing the winning team.


1. Write about your favorite food. Write three reasons why

you think that food is good. Say your arguments aloud,
using three proofs or pieces of evidence.

2. Think of a food that is bad for you. Think of three rea-

sons why people should not eat that food. Say your refu-
tation aloud.

Debate Basics 15
oral critique
perspective taking

16 Speaking, Listening and Understanding


Delivery for Effective Speaking

his chapter teaches you how to best prepare yourself

T mentally and physically for a debate. Debating can be
nerve wracking because you are speaking in public, present-
ing ideas that your opponent will attack. That’s a lot to pre-
pare for! Becoming a more confident speaker will help you
in your debating.
When learning to debate, you are also learning how to
be a better speaker. As the delivery of your speeches be-
comes smoother, you will become more confident—not only
with your English skills but with your thinking skills as well.
This and the next chapter explain the basic concepts that we
teach in American public speaking classes. These skills will
help you any time you speak in public, including when you
are debating.

Fighting Your Fears

Some people have good ideas but are so nervous in their
presentation that the audience does not fully listen to them.
Others may have weak ideas but “sell” themselves to the
audience with great delivery skills. Your goal is to become
a genuine and enthusiastic speaker, an honest person who is
involved in what you are saying.
First, let’s talk about nervousness. Remember, most
people have a fear of public speaking. In the United States,
we have a term for this type of nervousness: speech anxiety.
Anxiety is your body’s way of preparing you for a danger-
ous situation. Think about how our ancestors had to pro-
tect themselves from wild animals by fighting or running
away. In order to survive, they needed a good fight or flight
response. Your brain thinks public speaking is a danger-
ous situation, so your body finds a way to increase your
strength. When your heart beats faster, more oxygen goes to
your arms and legs to make you stronger. You may feel out
of breath because you are using up oxygen. You may even
move your feet or hands without thinking. All of this comes
from your body’s extra energy.
Although the fight or flight response is natural, you can
control it. Remember, “Preparation and Practice Prevent
Poor Performance.” If you prepare your body and your
mind, you can reduce your nervousness by taking control of
the “dangerous situation.” Once you have done something
several times, your body will no longer think of the situation
as dangerous. Even so, some nervousness is a good thing
and will help your performance and learning.

18 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

Preparing Your Body and Mind for Public Speaking
Here are a few tips that will help you relieve your anxiety
about public speaking and debating. To minimize your ner-
vousness, you must prepare both your body and mind.

Preparing Your Body

Eat the right foods. Don’t eat large meals or have a lot of
meat or dairy products before a debate or presentation. Try
to limit eating to bread products, salads, and fruit.
Be sure to drink lots of water. Drink water before your de-
bate and have water with you during the debate in case your
mouth becomes dry.
Get plenty of sleep the night before. You may need eight or
nine hours of sleep to get your brain and body ready.
Get off your feet. At debate tournaments, you may find
yourself standing up between rounds to talk with other de-
baters. Sit down when talking to conserve your energy.
Practice deep breathing. If you start to have some speech
anxiety, go some place quiet, close your eyes, think of a
pleasant place, and do a minute or two of slow deep
breathing—in through your nose, out through your mouth.
Sometimes just a few deep breaths can help.

Preparing Your Mind

Have the right attitude. As a student of communication, you
should have this attitude: “I can do this. I am a smart per-
son. I am learning a new skill and this is exciting.” Millions
of others have learned to debate, and so can you.

Delivery for Public Speaking 19

Use positive mental attitude or prayer. You may want to use
positive statements that focus your thoughts on good perfor-
mance. Say and think the things you want to have happen.
Avoid negative thoughts. If you believe in a higher power,
you can use that strength as well. Pray for the help you
want. Whatever your beliefs are, do something that helps
your mind stay calm.
Act confident so you will become confident. We have a say-
ing in the United States: “Fake it until you make it!” This
means that you should never let the nervousness win. No
matter how you feel, act as if nothing bad is happening.
Follow the ideas on how to be a good speaker and you will
become a good speaker.
Give no disclaimers. A disclaimer is when you deny respon-
sibility for something. Some people may use a disclaimer
before they speak (e.g., “I am very nervous, so this won’t be
very good”). This only prepares the audience for a bad per-
formance. Usually, the audience will never know if you are
nervous or if you have said or done something wrong unless
you tell them. Winston Churchill once said, “If you don’t
tell people that you are sick, they probably won’t know.”
Do not say negative things about your performance before,
after, or during the debate.
Focus on your message. You have spent many hours prepar-
ing your speeches. You have something important to say.
Say it clearly, with confidence.

20 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

Concentrate on the audience. The audience came to hear
your message. Let them hear it. Remember that they are the
reason you are speaking.

Although preparing your body and mind is very important,
practice is the key to reducing your speech anxiety and win-
ning the debate. You may even begin to think of the debates
at the tournaments as just one more practice to make you
more confident. So, how should you practice?
Practice out loud. Don’t just think about your speeches—say
them. As you hear the words, you will understand where
you need to clarify your arguments or present them in a
more exciting way. As you say the words, you will learn
which phrases or arguments make the most impact.
Practice with your notes. Use the actual notes you will take
into the presentation or competition. Practicing with your
notes will ensure that they are adequate.
Practice many times. The more you practice, the better your
presentation will be.
Practice in front of an audience. Practice in front of your
family, friends, coaches, or other debaters, if possible. If you
can’t find an audience, practice in front of the mirror.
Practice using all of the delivery techniques. You will read
about standing and speaking, gesturing, and eye contact
below. Follow all of the delivery guidelines during your

Delivery for Public Speaking 21

Practice after the tournament. Often during a tournament,
you will lose an argument that you shouldn’t have lost, be-
cause of the way you explained it. When you get home, study
your notes and think of ways you could have improved your
speech. Also review the judge’s comments. Debate judges will
give you constructive criticism or positive ways to improve.
Your coach, too, may suggest ways of improving. Consoli-
date their comments and then rework your presentation.
Practice by using new words to make your point stronger.
Using well-developed vocabulary that is not overly technical
or difficult and that better describes the point you are mak-
ing will improve your presentation.

Now that you understand how to control your nervousness,
you need to learn the elements of good delivery to make
your speeches sound better and make you look better deliv-
ering them.
Be yourself. You don’t have to become an actor. Instead,
speak as if you are having a conversation. Be your confident
self. And remember to be genuine and enthusiastic.
Use vocal variety. Sometimes, the way you say a word
brings out its true meaning. You don’t want to speak in a
monotone—everything sounding the same. Instead, allow
your thoughts and emotions to come to life by the way you
say your words. So, use your tone of voice and speed of
delivery to help bring out your meaning. When you speak,

22 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

stress the important words by using a loud voice, a pause, or
saying the word slowly. Speaking in this way keeps the audi-
ence interested. Be sure to pronounce your words properly
and clearly. Perhaps, you will have to slow down so that ev-
eryone can understand you.
Speak up. Make sure that everyone in the room can hear
you. Because many non–native-English speakers are not
sure of the words they say, they whisper or mumble them to
cover any possible mistakes. As a debater, you must learn to
project your voice to the back of the room. Projecting is a
good way to show confidence.
Control your body. When you have so much energy flowing
through your body, your nervousness may come out in nega-
tive ways that can hurt your delivery. The best way to get
control of your body is to practice using a relaxed position
to deliver your speeches. Remember the following:
• Plant your feet. Good speakers do not aimlessly walk
around the room or nervously move their legs or feet as
they speak. Also, don’t move your knees when speaking.
Balance your weight on both feet.
• Relax your arms at your sides. Move your fingers or
your arms only when you want to gesture. If you have
a lectern, you may rest your hands on the top but don’t
grab or lean on it. The lectern is a great place to put your
notes so your hands will be free to gesture occasionally.
• Gestures are acceptable. Don’t move your hands con-
stantly. Doing so is called talking with your hands.

Delivery for Public Speaking 23

Instead, move your hands only to emphasize a point.
Keep your hands in front of you and above your waist.
• Have eye contact with the audience. Look different audi-
ence members in the eyes. Tell a member of the audience
a complete thought before going to the next member.
Vary your eye contact so that the audience doesn’t know
where you are going to look next. Be sure that you look
at everyone in the audience throughout the debate. Al-
ways look at the audience, even when the other team is
asking you questions.
• Don’t play with your notes. If you have a lectern or
desk, place your notes on it. Try not to gesture with your
notes, because it will distract the audience from what
you are saying.
Use the microphone effectively. If you will be using a micro-
phone, be sure to practice with it in advance. Make sure it is
in its proper place and don’t touch it. Always leave at least
six inches between you and the microphone.

Finally, be conscious of the clothes you will wear during the

debate. Although the world is becoming more informal, you
should match your clothing to what the audience expects.
Sometimes a casual look is appropriate. Other times the
event requires more formal attire. In most cases, the audi-
ence expects business attire, so you should have clothes
for competition that are better than what you would wear
to school. Your shoes should be comfortable but polished.
Make sure that whatever you wear is neat and clean. If you
have long hair, pull it back so it doesn’t get in your way.

24 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

Avoid dangling jewelry that might distract the audience
from your message.


1. Developing confidence in speaking greatly improves your

debating skills.

2. Necessary public speaking skills include fighting your

fear, preparing your body and mind, practicing, and
speaking more effectively.


1. Find a short story in a book or magazine. Read it out

loud so that the words come to life. Stand up and read
the story using appropriate gestures. Assume that you
have an audience so that you can practice eye contact.

2. Find a newspaper article and read the words out loud

for effectiveness. Put the paper down and summarize the
article using vocal variety and gestures.

disclaimer speech anxiety
fight or flight response talking with your hands

Delivery for Public Speaking 25


Organization for
Public Speaking

ood organization means presenting your ideas in a way

G that enables the audience to follow your arguments
easily. This chapter teaches you the components of a good
speech and describes how to organize and draft speeches
that are clear and easy to follow. Debates involve many
arguments. If the judges do not know where your ideas fit
into the debate, they may not give you a point that you have
won. Therefore, you must let everyone know where you are
in your presentation.

The Linear Model of organization

This chapter discusses the linear model of organization. Lin-
ear means to present something in a straight line. A linear
way of organizing means that you present one idea after
another so that the audience can follow the line of ideas
you are using to prove your arguments. Many U.S. students
use the linear model in public speaking or when they write

- Follocies: sound persuasive but not enough evidence.

- Deductive: Main points first, details later.
- Inductive: Details first, main points later.
papers. Their teachers can then assess how well the students
have proved their points.
The linear model of organization will also help you
when you are asked to speak with only a limited amount
of time to prepare. This model allows you to organize your
thoughts quickly, so you will sound professional when you
speak. If you are not using the linear model, you might want
to try it when you write your next paper or give a speech. It
really helps. The model is organized into six sections:
1. Introduction
2. Thesis statement
3. Preview
4. Body
5. Summary
6. Conclusion

1. Introduction
The goal of the introduction is to get the attention of the
audience and set the stage for the topic you will be discuss-
ing. You need to gain attention at the beginning of your
speech because members of the audience may still be talking
to each other. You want them to stop what they are doing
and listen to you. You want to peak their interest, but you
shouldn’t begin with very important information because
they may not yet be listening closely.
Good introductions give you confidence and help you win
the acceptance of the audience. The first part of the speech
is where most speakers are nervous. Knowing that you have
prepared and practiced a good introduction will help you
relax. And you will establish credibility with the audience.

Organization for Public Speaking 27

They will assume that you know what you are talking about
and will see you as a good source of information.
You can introduce your presentation by using stories,
statistics, a direct quote, or a joke.
• Stories. I recommend this type of introduction because
it is the easiest and most effective. Telling a story that in-
troduces your topic draws the audience in easily. Practice
your story so you do not have to read it. This way, you
will begin your speech with good eye contact. Remember
the key points of delivery. Your vocal variety will im-
prove each time you practice the story.
• Statistics. Sometimes you can begin your presentation
with an important statistic that supports your case, for
example, the percentage of people affected by your topic.
A powerful statistic helps your audience understand the
importance of your subject. Remember to tell the audi-
ence the source of the statistic; doing so increases your
• A direct quote. You can begin your presentation with
a quote from a highly respected expert on your issue.
Sometimes a quotation or saying from a historical figure
or a philosopher makes a good introduction. You may
even use literature, for example, a poem, to start your
• A joke. Some speakers like to start their speeches with
humor. Telling a joke increases the audience’s interest
and makes you likeable. Make sure that the joke fits and
that you can tell it in a way that people will laugh. An

28 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

unfunny, bad, or inappropriate joke may cause the audi-
ence to reject your message from the start.

2. Thesis Statement
Once you have finished your introduction, you need a thesis
statement to tell the audience what your speech is about.
Using only one sentence, you should let the audience know
the topic and purpose of your speech. Although speeches
can cover many different topics, they usually have only three
purposes: to inform, to persuade, and to entertain.
• Speech to inform. Whenever you want to educate your
audience about a subject, you are making a speech to
inform. You may demonstrate how something works or
how something is made. You may give a report on a spe-
cific subject. Your thesis statement for this type of speech
could be the following: “Today, I am here to inform you
about. . . .”
• Speech to persuade. Whenever you want the audience
to change what its thinking or to take some action, you
are making a speech to persuade. Usually, you identify
some problem that needs to be solved and then tell the
audience how you intend to reduce or solve the problem.
Your thesis statement for this type of speech could be the
following: “Today, I am here to tell you what we must
do to take care of the problem of. . . .”
• Speech to entertain. Whenever you are involved in a
speech in which you are not informing or persuading,
you are usually entertaining. Sometimes this could be an
after-dinner speech that makes people laugh. Perhaps you

Organization for Public Speaking 29

are trying to inspire at a graduation ceremony. You could
also be giving a speech that will help set the tone of a
meeting. Your thesis statement for this type of speech
could be the following: “Today, we celebrate. . . .”

Remember that your thesis statement should be only one

sentence. Make it simple so that the audience will remember
it. You will have plenty of time to prove your point.

3. Preview
Once you have told the audience the purpose of your
speech, you must tell them how the speech will meet that
purpose. You can do this with a preview of the main points
you will make. Group your ideas into three-to-five main
points so that the audience can better remember your
speech. You can even signpost your speech by providing
numbers for your main points. Signposting means that you
provide the order of the arguments you will present. So a
speaker previewing a persuasive speech might say: “First, I
will talk about the problem. Second, I will discuss the causes
of the problem. Third, I will tell you about the solutions to
take care of this problem.”

4. Body
The body is the most important part of your speech. This is
what the audience came to hear. It is where you provide all
of the arguments that prove your thesis. The body should
be 90 percent of the total speech. When you organize your
ideas, you use a pattern that enables the audience to eas-
ily follow the progress of your arguments. Using the linear
model will help you do this.

30 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

Before writing your speech, read all your evidence and
separate it into logical groups. Even if you do not have evi-
dence, you may have come up with ideas about your topic.
For example, if you were going to talk about your family
meals, you wouldn’t find evidence in the newspaper, but you
would have many ideas about what you wanted to discuss.
When you list as many ideas on a topic as you can think of,
it is called brainstorming. For some speeches you will use
brainstorming as a step to guide your research.
Once you have generated all of the ideas that you think
you may use, select the best and organize them. You may or-
ganize them as you think appropriate, but there are several
simple types of organization you can use:
• Time. You can explain how things happen chronologi-
cally. For example, if you want to demonstrate how
to do something, you would show the first step in the
process, then the next, and so on. If your presentation
includes many steps, group them in three-to-five main
points. For example, if you were giving a speech on how
to prepare your favorite food, you could have three main
points: gather and prepare the ingredients, cook the
food, and serve the food. The individual steps would be
organized under the main points.
• Space. You can organize your main points based on how
things are located in physical space or geography. For
example, you may analyze the characteristics of students
in your classroom by dividing the class in half and first
describing the half on your right and then the half on
your left. If you wanted to look at trade with China, you

Organization for Public Speaking 31

might come up with three points: trade with the United
States, trade with the European Union, and trade with
• Topics. One of the types of organization is by topic,
because every major topic has many subtopics associ-
ated with it. Choose the subtopics that best prove your
thesis statement. If you are giving a speech on an apple,
you may divide the speech into subtopics such as taste,
color, and cost. If you are describing how your school is
organized, you could discuss the math department, the
English department, and the speech department. If you
are talking about pollution, you might discuss water pol-
lution, solid waste, and air pollution.
• Problem-Cause-Solution. This is a good pattern for a
persuasive speech. Your first main point would prove
that there is a problem (harm) that must be solved. You
would also show who and how many are harmed. This
is called significance because you are showing how im-
portant the harm is to those affected by it. Your second
point would prove what causes the problem, and your
third how to solve the problem. You would also offer
personal action steps that the audience could take to
solve the problem or protect themselves from the harm.

Of course, you will find there are many other ways to write
a speech or paper. Be creative, but be consistent.

5. Summary
Once you deliver the body of your speech, you should
summarize the main points for the audience. Remind the

32 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

audience of your thesis statement and preview, but be sure
to use the past tense. “Today, we have learned about [your
topic]. First, I spoke about the problem, then the cause, and
finally the solution.”
Repeating your main points will help your audience to
remember them. Using the linear organization, you have
presented the points in the preview, elaborated on them in
the body, and restated them in the summary. You can think
about it this way: “I tell them what I am going to tell them,
then I tell them, then I tell them what I told them.”

6. Conclusion
At the end of the speech, let the audience know your speech
is over. Be sure to conclude your remarks with confidence.
You may need to take questions or be seated.

Most speakers do not write their speech by starting with the

first word and then continuing all the way through to the
last word. Instead, they organize and write the body first so
that the introduction fits the body and preview mirrors the
main points they will discuss.
Organization is central to good debating and public
speaking. Good organization will give you more confidence.
You will feel more relaxed and have less speech anxiety.
The audience will understand your points better, and con-
sequently you will have a better chance of meeting the goal
of your speech. And the more you practice organization, the
easier it is for your brain to think in organized ways.

Organization for Public Speaking 33

Sample outline
Below is an illustration (without evidence citations) of an
outline of a persuasive speech using the problem-cause-
solution organization. Note, it is not a complete speech but
a narrative outline that a speaker could refer to while giving
a speech on the threat of global warming.

1. Introduction. Tell the story of the movie Water World,

in which Kevin Costner stars as the hero who must live
in a world after the polar ice caps have melted and Earth
is almost completely covered with water. Although the
movie is science fiction, it paints a picture of what could
happen if we don’t do something about global warming.
Because the greenhouse effect traps heat, the world will
be faced with many new environmental disasters. Yet, if
we take strong and decisive actions, we may be able to
save our planet for our children.

2. Thesis Statement. Today, I urge you to help stop global


3. Preview. First, I will describe the increasing problems we

can expect from rising temperatures. Second, I’ll explore
the many causes for this threat. Finally, I will examine
what we can do to slow down the damage to our world.

4. Body.
I. The worldwide problems of global warming will increase
in significance.
A. As temperatures rise, much harm will occur.

34 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

1. Farmland will become deserts as temperatures in-
crease. This will lead to food shortages and mass
2. As oceans water levels rise, saltwater will back up
into rivers and destroy freshwater supplies. The
lack of water will cause great problems.
a. 1.2 billion people currently do not have access
to clean water. That number will increase with
global warming, causing more deaths.
b. Currently, 2 billion people do not have ad-
equate sanitation, causing many people to
become ill. The number of ill people will
c. Children are most likely to be the victims of
inadequate clean water supplies.
3. As farmland and freshwater decrease, more con-
flicts over resources will cause war.
4. Entire countries and islands will disappear under
rising seawater levels, affecting over 100 million
B. Changes in climate zones will increase insect-borne
II. This problem has many causes.
A. Increased use of fossil fuels is the main cause of glob-
al warming.
1. Use of inefficient transportation modes like pri-
vate automobiles adds to the problem.
2. Most electricity comes from burning fossil fuels.

Organization for Public Speaking 35

B. International treaties are not working.
1. The United States has not signed the Kyoto
2. The European Union ignores the Kyoto Accords.
3. Developing countries do not have to follow the
Kyoto Accords.
4. The World Trade Organization encourages growth
policies that do not reduce global warming.
III. All of us have to act to reduce global warming.
A. Society needs to take action.
1. We need to expand green technology in transpor-
tation and energy.
2. Conservation of fossil fuels requires worldwide
3. The nations of the world need to create ways to
penalize nations that hasten global warming, and
work together to research ways to reverse the
B. Individuals need to take action.
1. Conservation begins at home for all of us.
a. Take public transportation.
b. Buy energy efficient appliances/autos.
c. Shut off lights and appliances when not in use.
2. Activism is for everyone.
a. Join environmental protection groups.
b. Start conservation/recycling in your
c. Speak up for the environment.

36 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

5. Summary. Today we have learned that the future of life
on Earth is uncertain. We now know that global warm-
ing will destroy the lives of many and change the way we
all live. We have learned that fossil fuel usage and lack
of strong government actions is increasing the problem.
Finally, we must commit our societies and ourselves to
action to reduce global warming before it is too late.

6. Conclusion. Thank you for your attention to this impor-

tant matter. If we can all take action now, perhaps our
children will not have to live with a water world in the


1. Using the linear model helps you organize your thoughts

quickly and thoroughly.

2. The linear model of organization involves an introduc-

tion, a thesis statement, a preview, a body, a summary,
and a conclusion.

3. The introduction may consist of a story, statistics, direct

quotes, or a joke to get the interest and attention of your

4. The thesis statement tells the audience what you will

speak about and whether your speech will inform, per-
suade, or entertain.

Organization for Public Speaking 37

5. The preview tells the audience how your speech will in-
form, persuade, or entertain.

6. The body is the biggest part of your speech—about 90

percent. It contains all the arguments that support your
thesis organized in an established pattern.

7. The summary reminds the audience of the order and

components of the speech up to this point and begins to
wrap up the speech.

8. The conclusion signals the end of the speech.


1. Find a quotation from a famous person. Think about

three examples that prove that the quotation is true.
Write them down. Then think of an introduction (per-
haps a story) for the quotation. Give a speech using the
linear organizational model. Be sure to use the delivery
ideas in Chapter 3. You can give many speeches like this
by yourself or you can deliver speeches to other students
or your teacher for practice and improvement. This type
of speech is called impromptu speaking.

2. Find an article in a magazine or newspaper. Using the

linear model of organization explain three main points
of the article. See if you can find different articles to sup-
port these points. Give a speech on the topic, using the
articles to explain the ideas.

38 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

3. Write a speech that includes evidence you have re-
searched. You might choose a topic such as global warm-
ing and the Kyoto Accords.

impromptu speaking
thesis statement

Organization for Public Speaking 39


Debate Formats

o ensure that everyone has a fair chance to speak, de-

T bates have specific rules about speaking order and time
limits for each speech. These rules vary depending on the
debate format. This chapter discusses the general format
of a debate and presents an overview of six popular debate
One of the great things about debate is that everyone is
assured an equal opportunity to speak. During your speak-
ing time, you can express your ideas about the topic and
what the other team has said about the topic. In arguments
that you have outside of debate, this may not be true. Some
people may speak more than you or interrupt you. Some
may get angry and raise their voices or even threaten you!
However, this should never happen in debate. Debate al-
lows for a fair exchange in which all the debaters know how
much time they have and when they will speak. It is gov-
erned by rules that everyone agrees to follow. The arrange-
ment of the rules is called a debate format.
There are many different formats (number of participants
and time limits) of debate in the United States. Most consist
of one or two debaters on each side. However, debates in
many other parts of the world require three or four debat-
ers per side. In some classroom debates, the teacher may
decide to experiment with new rules to fit time schedules or
to allow everyone to participate. For example, when I train
new debaters, their first debates will usually consist of one-
minute speeches, and in their second debates, they have two-
minute speeches.
Regardless of the format, the rules should allow every-
one equal opportunity to participate. All debaters and judg-
es should be aware of all rules.

General Debate Format

In debates there are two sides: (1.) the affirmative team,
which supports (affirms) the resolution and (2.) the negative
team, which rejects (negates) the resolution. The affirmative
team usually begins the debate because it may be arguing for
a change. Because this is more difficult to do than defend-
ing present policy, the affirmative team gets the advantage
of speaking first. Also, the affirmative must go first so that
the negative knows what to speak against. Most debate for-
mats also allow the affirmative to have the last speech in the
debate since it has the responsibility of proposing a change,
although this isn’t always the case, as you will read later in
this chapter.
To be sure that the debate is fair, both teams have an
equal amount of speaking time, although the amount of
time changes from format to format. If you want to reduce

Debate Formats 41
speaking times in the format you create, you must make
sure that you reduce times equally for both teams.
In the United States, the judge usually keeps time for the
speeches or will ask for a volunteer from the audience. If
you are keeping time, be sure to use a good stopwatch and
give clear time signals with your fingers. Hand signals are
as follows: hold up four fingers when the speaker has four
minutes left; hold up three fingers for three minutes; hold
up two fingers for two minutes; and hold up one finger for
one minute. When 30 seconds remain, you can hold up your
thumb and fingers in the shape of a big “C.”
In some types of debate, a judge may give oral time
signals by announcing how much time is left (e.g., “Three
minutes”). When the time is up, she allows the alarm on the
stopwatch to sound for all to hear. If there is no alarm, or if
the alarm is not loud enough, she should hold up a fist and
say, “TIME!” When the time is up, the speaker can finish
the last sentence, but to ensure fairness to the other team,
judges usually will not listen to arguments given after a
debater’s time has finished.
In the United States, teams also time themselves. This
way, the debater can keep track of the time even if the time-
keeper misses a signal. You will need a good stopwatch that
counts the time down and has a beep to tell you when time is
up. You may also want to use your stopwatch in practices to
get used to timing yourself.

42 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

Six Popular Debate Formats
The remainder of this chapter discusses the six most popular
debate formats. They are Policy Debate, Lincoln–Douglas
Debate, Parliamentary Debate—NPDA, Parliamentary De-
bate—Worlds Style or European/British Parliament, Public
Forum, and Karl Popper Debate.

Policy Debate (Cross-Examination)

Policy Debate has existed in the United States for over 100
years. It has several other names: Team Research Debate,
Cross-Examination Debate Association (CEDA), National
Debate Tournament (NDT), and Oregonian. Typically,
policy debaters have the same topic for the entire school
year and regularly read evidence word for word during the
debate to support their arguments. The wording of the topic
is in the form of a policy such as this: “There should be a
change in the way Organization X does Y.”
Policy Debate calls for two teams: the affirmative and
the negative. The first four speeches are each nine minutes
long, and each is called a constructive speech. During these
speeches, debaters may propose or advance new arguments.
After each constructive speech, the other team is allowed
to cross-examine for no longer than three minutes. The af-
firmative gives the first constructive speech, followed by a
cross-examination from the negative team. The negative
gives the second constructive speech, followed by a cross-
examination from the affirmative team. The affirmative is
allowed to speak again for the third constructive speech, af-
ter which it is again cross-examined by the negative. Finally,

Debate Formats 43
the negative gives the fourth and final constructive speech,
after which the affirmative cross-examines the negative. The
teams use all four of their constructive speeches to propose
their arguments and inform the audience about their evi-
dence and reasoning to support their arguments.
The last four speeches of the debate are called rebuttals.
During a rebuttal speech, the debaters are not allowed to
present new arguments, since these speeches are meant to
challenge the arguments the other team introduced in its
constructive speeches. Debaters also use rebuttal speeches to
defend their team’s arguments from challenges by the other
team. Each rebuttal is six minutes long. The negative gives
the first rebuttal speech. The affirmative gives the second.
The negative is allowed to speak again for the third, and the
affirmative gives the fourth and final rebuttal speeches.

The speaking order and time limits are as follows:

Constructive speeches:
First Affirmative Constructive (1AC*) 9 minutes
Cross-Examination (of 1AC by 2NC**) 3 minutes
First Negative Constructive (1NC) 9 minutes
Cross-Examination (of 1NC by 1AC) 3 minutes
Second Affirmative Constructive (2AC) 9 minutes
Cross-Examination (of 2AC by 1NC) 3 minutes
Second Negative Constructive (2NC) 9 minutes
Cross-Examination (of 2NC by 2AC) 3 minutes

* AC=Affirmative Constructive
**NC=Negative Constructive

44 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

Rebuttal speeches (no cross-examination):
First Negative Rebuttal (1NR*) 6 minutes
First Affirmative Rebuttal (1AR**) 6 minutes
Second Negative Rebuttal (2NR) 6 minutes
Second Affirmative Rebuttal (2AR) 6 minutes

Preparation Time: Because the debates are complex and

require significant evidence, each team is allowed a total of
ten minutes to prepare for its speeches. This means that if a
team takes two minutes “prep time” before its first speech,
the team would have eight minutes remaining for prepara-
tion before their other speeches.

Lincoln–Douglas Debate
This format uses two people: one for the affirmative and the
other for the negative. Lincoln–Douglas Debates can use the
same topic throughout the year, but this is not always the
case. College debates use a policy topic, while high schools
debate a value topic (such as whether or not globalization is
more harmful than good). (The different types of topics will
be explained in Chapter 6.) The main differences between
Lincoln–Douglas and team debate is that there are fewer
speeches and you won’t be able to depend on a partner to
help you.
Notice that even though the same kinds of speech are not
the same length for each team, both teams have the same
total speaking time.

* NR=Negative Rebuttal
**AR=Affirmative Rebuttal

Debate Formats 45
The speaking order and time limits are as follows:

First Affirmative Speech 8 minutes

Cross-Examination 3 minutes
First Negative Speech 12 minutes
Cross-Examination 3 minutes
Second Affirmative Speech 6 minutes
Second Negative Speech 6 minutes
Third Affirmative Speech 4 minutes

Preparation Time: Each debater is allowed six minutes prep-

aration time for the entire debate.

Parliamentary Debate (National Parliamentary Debate

Parliamentary Debate—NPDA requires a different topic,
also called a motion, for every round. The assembly partici-
pant introduces it just like a member would in a national
parliament. You might debate motions such as this: “The
United Nations should take more action to reduce water
Tournaments usually have six rounds. In each round,
the tournament host will assign teams to debate on the gov-
ernment (proposition) or opposition side of a new topic.
This format has a short preparation time before the debate
begins. Once the topic is announced, the teams have 15 min-
utes preparation time before the opening speech is delivered.
In debate competitions, each two-person team will de-
bate three times on the government side and three times
on the opposition side. Note that not every tournament is

46 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

run the same way. Sometimes the judge in each debate will
read the topic in the room and allow teams 15 minutes to
prepare. Other times, a tournament official announces the
topic to all of the teams in the tournament at the same time,
so that each school may prepare as a group and even receive
some coaching.
The team affirming the resolution is called the govern-
ment (gov), or the propositional (prop) team, while the team
negating is called the opposition (opp).
The first four speeches are constructive speeches during
which the debaters may present new arguments. The first
propositional speaker is called the prime minister (PM). The
first oppositional speaker is called the leader of the opposi-
tion (LO). The next speaker is the member of the govern-
ment (MG). Finally, the member of the opposition (MO)
The last two speeches are rebuttal speeches, during
which the debaters can present no new arguments. The LO
has the first rebuttal speech, and the PM finishes the debate.
There are no cross-examination periods in parliamentary de-
bate, but the other team may ask for a point of information
of the speaker during the constructive speeches. The other
team uses points of information to ask a question to clarify
or make a point. You do this by standing up during an
opponent’s constructive speech and ask, “Point of informa-
tion?” The speaker does not have to take the question and
may say, “Not at this time.” To take a question, the speaker
says, “Yes, what is your point?” The participants cannot

Debate Formats 47
ask questions during the rebuttal speeches or during the first
minute or last minute of each constructive speech.
Because no new arguments are allowed in the rebuttals,
the other team may interrupt the speaker with a point of or-
der to ask the judge to determine if the speaker is presenting
a new argument. To do so, a debater stands and says, “Point
of order.” The judge then says, “State your point.” Then the
debater must explain why she thinks the argument is new.
The judge may decide it is not new and allow the argument
to stay in the round. The judge would then say, “Point not
well taken.” If the judge agrees that it is a new argument
and he will not consider the argument in the debate, he will
say, “Point well taken.” The judge may also say, “Taken
under consideration,” and decide later if the argument was
new or not.

The speaking order and time limits are as follows:

Announce topic and pre-speech
preparation time 15 minutes

Constructive Speeches:
Prime Minister Constructive (PMC) 7 minutes
Leader of the Opposition Constructive (LOC) 8 minutes
Member of the Government Constructive
(MGC) 8 minutes
Member of the Opposition Constructive
(MOC) 8 minutes

Rebuttal Speeches:
Leader of the Opposition Rebuttal (LOR) 4 minutes

48 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

Prime Minister Rebuttal (PMR) 5 minutes

Preparation time: There is no additional preparation time

between speeches. The only preparation time is the 15 min-
utes given before the debate begins.

NPDA Parliamentary Debate is different from other formats

in several ways:
1. There is no preparation time between speeches. Debaters
are expected to rise to speak as soon as the other team
has finished.
2. Debaters have titles within the debate as described above
and belong to teams that have names different from sim-
ply affirmative and negative.
3. There is no cross-examination period in parliamentary

Parliamentary Debate (Worlds Style or European/

British Parliament)
In Parliamentary Debate—Worlds Style or European/British
Parliament, four teams compete at the same time with two
two-person teams on the propositional side and two two-
person teams on the oppositional side. All speeches are
seven minutes long. The four teams prepare their arguments
separately and all compete against each other. The judge
will decide which teams did the better debating based on the
strength of their arguments and the style of their delivery.
The top team in the debate would be awarded three points,
the second best team receives two points, the third best team

Debate Formats 49
gets one point, and the fourth team gets no points. In some
cases, one of the teams representing the proposition could
be awarded three points, while the other receives none.
In the Worlds style debate, speakers may still accept or
reject a point of information as in the NPDA style, but this
format does not allow points of order.

The speaking order and time limits are as follows:

Announce topic and pre-speech

preparation time 15 minutes

First Opening Propositional 7 minutes

First Opening Oppositional 7 minutes
Second Opening Propositional 7 minutes
Second Opening Oppositional 7 minutes
First Closing Propositional 7 minutes
First Closing Oppositional 7 minutes
Second Closing Propositional 7 minutes
Second Closing Oppositional 7 minutes

Public Forum
Public Forum (also called Ted Turner Debate or Contro-
versy) is one of the newest events in U.S. high school compe-
tition. Public Forum attempts to get more students involved
by making the event an audience-oriented contest, usually
without expert debate judges involved. This event is similar
to what audiences have come to expect from news programs
like CNN’s “Crossfire.” New topics, chosen for their bal-
ance of evaluative arguments on both sides, are announced

50 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

each month on www.nflonline.org. Debaters use evidence
but usually will not read it verbatim during the debate. The
two-person teams in Public Forum are pro (affirmative) and
con (negative). The resolution can either be a policy or a
value topic.
Before the debate, the teams flip a coin, with the win-
ner choosing either to be pro or con or to be the first or last
speaker. Unlike the other formats, the con may begin the de-
bate. The team that speaks first will not speak last.
Instead of cross-examination speeches, Public Forum has
crossfire. During this time, the debaters who just finished
speaking can ask and answer questions of each other.
The summary speeches allow the debaters to recap the
best arguments for their side. This is a chance for more refu-
tation but not new arguments. In the last shot, each team
will reprise the ONE argument that they believe will win the
debate for them.

The speaking order and time limits are as follows:

Team A Speaker 1 4 minutes

Team B Speaker 1 4 minutes
Crossfire (between A1 & B1) 3 minutes

Team A Speaker 2 4 minutes

Team B Speaker 2 4 minutes
Crossfire (between A2 & B2) 3 minutes

A1 Summary 2 minutes
B1 Summary 2 minutes
Grand Crossfire (all speakers) 3 minutes

Debate Formats 51
A2 Last Shot 1 minute
B2 Last Shot 1 minute

Preparation Time: Each team is allowed a total of two min-

utes of preparation time between speeches.

Karl Popper Debate

The Karl Popper debate format calls for two teams: af-
firmative and negative. Each team has three debaters, with
each debater speaking once in the debate. The same topic
can be debated for the whole year or the topics can be new
for each tournament.

The speaking order and time limits are as follows:

Affirmative Constructive 6 minutes

First Negative Cross-Examination 3 minutes
Negative Constructive 6 minutes
First Affirmative Cross-Examination 3 minutes
First Affirmative Rebuttal 5 minutes
Second Negative Cross-Examination 3 minutes
First Negative Rebuttal 5 minutes
Second Affirmative Cross-Examination 3 minutes
Second Affirmative Rebuttal 5 minutes
Second Negative Rebuttal 5 minutes

Preparation Time: Each team is allowed a total of eight min-

utes of preparation between speeches.

Karl Popper Debate permits more students to be involved

because there are three students on a team. It also requires

52 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

students to speak only once, so novices find it an easier way
to start their debating career.

The different formats were designed to make each debate as
fair as possible. Like any sport, debate has rules that allow
the competitors to prepare and that give all the competitors
an equal chance to win. You can easily follow the formats
I have explained or create your own. Remember, fairness is
the number one goal when setting up a debate.


1. Debate formats are Policy Debate, Lincoln–Douglas

Debate, Parliamentary Debate, Public Forum, and Karl
Popper Debate.

2. All formats have an affirmative and a negative team,

both of which have the same amount of total speaking

3. Policy Debate involves teams debating a current policy.

Typically, debaters have the same topic for the entire
school year and read evidence word for word during the

Debate Formats 53
4. Lincoln–Douglas Debate has only one person on each
team, and the topic remains the same throughout the

5. There are two types of parliamentary debate: National

Parliamentary Debate Association and Worlds Style or
European/British Parliament. Both involve the two teams
taking the roles of governmental leaders. This format re-
quires a different topic for every round.

6. Public Forum introduces new topics each month and

does not permit the use of expert debate judges.

7. Karl Popper Debate permits more people to be involved

because there are three students on a team.


1. Conduct a debate in your class using a fun topic on

something dealing with your school. Organize the class
into groups of four to six so that two students are the
pro team, two students are the con team, and one to two
students are judges. You may want to reduce the time
limits for the debate. Perhaps each debater speaks for
only one or two minutes. Make sure one of the judges in
each group serves as the timekeeper.

2. Take notes on a debate and explain which team won and


54 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

constructive speech
Karl Popper Debate
last shot
leader of the opposition
Lincoln–Douglas Debate
member of the government
member of the opposition
Parliamentary Debate—NPDA
Parliamentary Debate—Worlds Style or European/British
point of information
point of order
point not well taken
point well taken
Policy Debate
prime minister
Public Forum
rebuttal speech
state your point
Ted Turner Debate

Debate Formats 55


he two sides in a debate must have a specific topic to ar-

T gue. This topic is worded in the form of a proposition—
a statement to be proved. This chapter presents an overview
of the three main types of propositions and teaches you how
to develop an effective proposition.

Developing a Proposition
The proposition (also called the topic, resolution, or mo-
tion) should be very clear so that both sides know what they
are to argue. When developing a proposition, you must con-
sider the following:
1. The proposition must involve a debatable topic, one on
which people can disagree. For example, you couldn’t
debate a topic like “Humans need oxygen to live,” since
there is no alternative to this proposition for the negative
to advance.
2. The proposition should entail only one statement for
the affirmative to prove. Proving two things (a complex
statement) is difficult. For example, the proposition
“Information should be free and available to everyone”
requires the affirmative to prove (a.) that information
should be free and (b.) that information should be avail-
able to everyone. Because there are multiple factors in-
volved, the affirmative would have difficulty proving it.
3. The proposition should have enough arguments on both
sides so that the debate is fair. When this type of fair-
ness exists, both sides are said to have fair ground in the
4. The topic must hold the interest of the debaters over
the course of the debate period. Some national debate
associations in the United States use the same topic for
an entire year. Those associations spend many months
researching the topic to be sure that the topic area will
allow both sides to have arguments over the course of
many tournaments.

Propositions fall into three categories: propositions of fact,

propositions of value, and propositions of policy.

Propositions of Fact
A proposition of fact is a statement that can be proved using
some kind of a measurement. When we can prove something
using a statement based on an observable event or measur-
able facts, we say that the statement is an objective state-
ment. If you were to say that someone is two meters tall, you
could objectively measure that person to see if the statement
is correct. When we make a statement and then use some

Propositions 57
agreed measurement to prove the truth of that statement, we
are using objective verification. If the statement and the mea-
surement match (if the person is two meters tall), then the
proposition of fact is valid. If we make a statement and the
measurement proves us wrong (if the person is 1.5 meters
tall), then the proposition of fact is invalid.
Of course, a debate involves far more important top-
ics than a person’s height. It could be about environmental
damage and may involve the number of people who have
been harmed by air pollution. If you were debating this
topic, you may find a scientific report that claims to prove
how many people suffer because of bad air. So, you could
use statistics or a statement by an expert to prove a proposi-
tion. Your opponent would then try to prove that your mea-
surement or statement was incorrect or that better evidence
proves you wrong.

Propositions of Value
A proposition of value requires the affirmative to persuade
the judges and audience to accept an opinion or value. You
debate values all the time. You argue with your friends
about whether a certain movie is good or not. You have
opinions about what food is best. You may even argue
about which of your teachers is best. There is no right or
wrong to a subjective opinion since it is simply what some-
one believes, not what someone knows. When you argue a
proposition of value, you are trying to provide evidence that
your subjective opinion is better than the other team’s.

58 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

Arguing a proposition of value involves more steps than
just making a statement and backing it up with a measure-
ment as we saw in propositions of fact. Here’s how you
prove a value:
1. Provide a general definition of the value term you are
discussing. Let’s keep this simple. A proposition of value
may be the following:
It is too cold in our classroom.
The value term “cold” is not a fact; it is an opinion,
since some people feel cold when others feel hot. Howev-
er, when you give the general definition of cold as “being
a low temperature,” you are letting everyone know that
you will not be discussing a specific temperature, which
is a fact that can be measured.
2. Provide the specific definition for the value term. This
is called the contextual definition for the value. In other
words, you are telling the audience what “too cold”
means for the context of the classroom. The contextual
definition would be different if we were talking about
the temperatures for a food freezer, which should be very
cold. In this case, the contextual definition of “cold” is
the temperature at which students cannot learn because
they are too cold to focus on the lesson. Since students
are in class to learn, you could ask about the value:
“What temperature allows students to learn the best?”
This contextual definition would provide the highest
value for the specific term.

Propositions 59
3. Provide standards of measurement, or criteria. Use crite-
ria to show that you have justified your value in asking,
“What is the best temperature for learning?” You could
find these criteria from a variety of sources. You might
find a study evaluating classroom temperatures, or per-
haps your teacher might know the appropriate (suitable)
temperature. Based on such sources, let’s say you can
show that the best temperature for learning is 21° C.
4. Now that you have provided a definition of “cold” (a
low temperature), the context of the value term (the tem-
perature below which students cannot learn because they
are too cold to focus on the lesson), and the criteria (the
best temperature for learning is 21° C), you must provide
proof that supports the criteria. Since you now have a
proposition of fact (less than 21° C is too cold for stu-
dents to learn in a classroom), you measure the tempera-
ture. If it is less than 21° C, you have justified your value
that the classroom is too cold for learning to take place.
If it is higher than 21° C, you did not justify the proposi-
tion based on the definitions, context, and criteria you

As you can see, in order to confirm values, you must provide

facts. In effect, you can change a proposition of value into
a proposition of fact. You can take a value term like “cold”
and turn it into an objective verification like “the tempera-
ture in the classroom is less than 21° C.”

The example we’ve used is simple. However, debating values

will often be more difficult because it involves issues more

60 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

important to you than temperature. You may debate the
morality of specific actions. For example, you may debate
whether watching television is good or bad for children.
Or you may weigh the relative benefits of two things: for
example, economic prosperity vs. environmental protection.
If you are defending the proposition as part of the affirma-
tive team, you must provide definition, context, criteria, and
proof. Your opponents can attack any or all of these. They
may say that your definition is wrong or your context is not
appropriate, or perhaps there are better criteria for judg-
ments. Or, as when debating a proposition of fact, your op-
ponent can even prove that your measurement is wrong or
that you don’t have the best facts.

Proposition of Policy
A proposition of policy recommends taking a certain ac-
tion. If you can justify a value and that value is based on
facts, you are recommending that value as well as ways to
promote the value. For example, you have found research
showing that arts education improves students’ critical
thinking skills and you want your school to offer more arts
classes. Based on this research, you could debate that having
the school change its class offerings would be better for stu-
dents, or would reduce a harm such as poor student prepa-
ration for college, or would come closer to a value such as
better test scores. You do not have to prove that your school
will change. The question for the affirmative team in a pol-

Propositions 61
icy debate is this: If an action were taken, would the results
be desirable?
In order to prove the desirability of a proposition of
policy, the affirmative has to prove what are known as stock
issues. These are harm, significance, inherency, plan, advan-
tage, and solvency:
1. You must prove that there is a need to change the current
policy because the situation is harmful. Your harm could
be the people who die or are injured, have psychological
pain, lose their quality of life, are subjected to a lower
standard of living, or lose their independence because of
the current state or situation.
2. You must prove that there is a significant need. In some
cases, you might want to show how many people are af-
fected by the current policy. If you are discussing an envi-
ronmental problem, for example, you might describe how
it impacts humans or discuss how it seriously affects an
ecological system. Or perhaps you would prove that some
value, such as a culture, is being lost by current actions or
3. You must prove inherency. Inherency means that the
status quo (Latin for “current system”) is not solving the
problem. Perhaps social attitudes or bad laws are caus-
ing the harm. Whatever the inherency, you need to show
how it exists and that it allows the harm to continue.
4. You must provide a plan to solve the problem. A plan
is the action you would take to reduce or eliminate the
harms the status quo is causing. You need to include

62 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

several points in your plan. You need to explain who
will take the action (agent of action); what will be done
(mandate); how you would pay for the plan (financing);
and who will make sure the plan is carried out (en-
forcement). The individual points of the plan are called
• Plank One: Agent of Action. An agent of action is the
individual, group, or government that will adopt the
• Plank Two: Mandate. A mandate is the specific action
the plan requires.
• Plank Three: Financing or Funding. Financing lists
specific sources of funding, such as taxes.
• Plank Four: Enforcement. Enforcement indicates the
specific agency that will implement the mandates.
5. You should prove solvency or how the plan will solve or
reduce the harm you presented in stock issue one.
6. You should provide advantages or additional benefits to
the plan. These advantages may not address the harm
directly but will discuss other good things that will result
from adopting the plan, thus provide more reasons to
accept the proposition.

You can present these stock issues in many different ways.

Regardless of how you present them, you must remember
that when proving a policy proposition, you must provide
the policy you want to put into effect (the plan) and explain
why it would be good (the case). So, in order to prove a

Propositions 63
proposition of policy, you must also have facts and values
on your side to make your case.
Your opponent may argue against your case or any or
all parts of your plan to prove that you have no need or an
insignificant need, or that the status quo is solving the prob-
lem. The opponent might also show that your plan won’t
work or that it will cause more harms than the status quo.
An attack that shows that adopting your plan is worse than
the status quo is called a disadvantage. It is each team’s job
to show that their side has more significance than the other
Propositions guide the debate so that the debaters know
what they must prove. They also provide fairness before the
debate so the debaters know their ground. Propositions al-
low debaters to research and think about their arguments in
order to have well-informed debates.


1. There are three types of propositions: fact, value, and


2. Propositions of fact are statements proved with some

kind of measurement. Objective verification proves these
propositions to be valid.

3. Propositions of value are value or opinion statements

that the affirmative attempts to prove by giving a general
definition of the value term, a contextual definition for

64 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

the value term, criteria of the value, and proof that sup-
ports the criteria.

4. Propositions of policy are recommendations that a cer-

tain action be taken to change a current policy or situ-
ation. To prove the desirability of the recommendation,
the debater must prove stock issues: a significant need
for change, inherency, solvency of the harms, and ad-
vantages. The debater must also provide a detailed plan
that includes the agent of action, mandates, funding, and


1. List five topic areas. Write three propositions for each

topic (one fact, one value, and one policy).

2. Listen to a discussion on TV. Are the people debating

facts, values, or policies?

advantage disadvantage
agent of action enforcement
appropriate fair ground
complex statement financing
context funding
contextual definition harm
criteria inherency

Propositions 65
invalid proposition of value
mandate resolution
motion significance
objective statement solvency
objective verification status quo
planks stock issues
proposition subjective opinion
proposition of fact topic
proposition of policy valid

66 Speaking, Listening and Understanding


Case Development

n the previous chapter you learned about three kinds of

I propositions. This chapter provides detail on how to de-
velop your arguments to support your proposition. In de-
bate, your job is to present the best ideas you can to support
the side you represent. To do this, you must organize your
best arguments and present them clearly to other partici-
pants, the judge, and the audience. This is called developing
a case. A case is one or more arguments sufficient to support
a proposition. How you develop a case depends on whether
you are the affirmative or negative and what type of propo-
sition you are debating.

affirmative Case Development

When the affirmative meets all of the expectations of the
burdens associated with the type of resolution (fact, value,
or policy), it is said that the affirmative case is prima facie,
Latin for “on its face,” or literally “first face.” This means
that the affirmative has met enough of its burden of proof
to support the proposition. If the affirmative team does not
meet the burden throughout the course of the debate and
therefore does not provide a prima facie case, it should lose
the debate.
You may be creative in presenting your case, but when
judges get used to a specific type of organization, they tend
to reward those teams who meet their expectations. While
this book is not a comprehensive guide for all aspects of
debating, judges generally adhere to the basic standards
presented here. You should try to match what the judges are
looking for with the type of organization you use. Since the
majority of topics deal with policy propositions, we will first
look at their organization.

Policy Propositions
A case for a policy proposition might have the following
I. Resolutional Analysis
This is an observation that provides the framework for
the affirmative’s case. It may include one or more of the
items listed below. Let everyone know the position you
are taking on the resolution. Then provide the following:
A. Definition of key terms. You do not have to define
every word, only those that are important for the
debate. To be fair to the other team, your definitions
must be reasonable. Some teams will even provide the
source of their definitions.
B. Resolution type. Tell the judge which words in the
resolution allow you to argue that this is a policy

68 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

resolution. You would analyze the verb that makes
the resolution a call to action.
C. Burdens. Explain what you must prove to win the
D. Decision rule. Indicate to the judge that your team
won the debate because your plan has more benefits
than the other team’s plan.
II. Needs
This is the part of the affirmative case that identifies a cer-
tain problem that the existing system cannot solve. When
presenting the need, you must discuss the following:
A. Harms. Explain what bad things are happening under
the existing system. You may also want to point out
how a value is involved. For instance, you could dis-
cuss how a group of people is being treated unfairly
because of the current situation.
B. Significance. Describe the importance of the harm.
There are two different types of significance, quantita-
tive and qualitative. Quantitative significance provides
numbers (X number of people are being hurt); while
qualitative significance provides why the value is im-
portant (why protecting Y is important). You may
decide to prove both or only one type of significance.
III. Inherency
This is the cause of the problem, the attitude or law that
allows a condition/harm to exist. Describe either or both
of these types of inherency.

Case Development 69
A. Attitudinal Inherency. Explain what attitudes or feel-
ings are causing the problem. Examples are greed,
ignorance, apathy, and prejudice.
B. Structural Inherency. What policies or laws could be
improved to limit or stop the harm?
IV. Plan
This is a course of action the affirmative proposes to
solve the problems identified in the need. To show how
you propose to stop or reduce the harm, you must dis-
cuss the following:
A. Agent of action. Explain who will take the action.
B. Mandate. Describe what must be done to stop or re-
duce the harm.
C. Funding. Indicate who will pay for the plan.
D. Enforcement. Specify who will enforce the plan.
V. Solvency
Solvency explains how the plan will stop or reduce the
harm by providing analysis and evidence in support of
the plan.
VI. Advantages
This section demonstrates the positive effects of the plan,
the good things that will come from it.

Value Propositions
With a value resolution, the affirmative does not have to
present a plan but rather just provide evidence to support

70 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

the claim made by the resolution. The outline below illus-
trates how to construct a case for a simple value proposition.
I. Resolutional Analysis
This is an observation that provides the framework for
the case. It may include one or more of the following
items. Let everyone know the position you are taking on
the resolution. Then provide the following:
A. Definition of key terms, including a general definition
of the value term.
B. Resolution type and appropriate context. This states
whether you are making a value judgment or compar-
ison. This is where the contextual definition would
present the highest value.
C. Criteria. This is a measurement that determines
when enough evidence has been presented to prove a
II. Examples or Proof
A. You must provide examples or proof that support
your criteria. Include as many specific points (obser-
vations or contentions) as you have time for.

Fact Propositions
Developing a case for a fact proposition is similar to devel-
oping one for a value proposition. The resolutional analysis
for the fact proposition is similar but the case for a fact
proposition has a special focus on the criteria. Since a prop-
osition of fact needs to objectively prove a statement, the
affirmative must present an acceptable measurement in the

Case Development 71
criteria. Then the affirmative must provide a point at which
we know that they have proved the criteria, and thus proved
their argument. This is called a threshold. Once the resolu-
tional analysis is given, the team must present contentions,
specific points to prove the proposition valid.

Negative Case Development

The negative can win a debate through effectively arguing
against (refuting) the affirmative case. But to increase their
chances of victory, the negative must present a planned and
careful case to supplement its response to the affirmative’s.
This independent argument, or case, is called a counter-case.
If you choose to use a counter-case, you would craft an ar-
gument in the same way that the affirmative crafted its. You
would organize your thoughts with your own specific points
(counter-contentions or counter-observations). You should
label them “Counter-Contention One,” etc. before stating
them. Remember that these arguments are not a direct refu-
tation of the affirmative case but are independent reasons
for rejecting the affirmative and the resolution.


1. How you develop a case depends on the type of debate

proposition: policy, value, or fact.

72 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

2. A policy debate involves resolutional analysis, details
about needs, inherency, a plan, solvency, and advantages.

3. Case development for value and fact propositions does

not involve a plan but does include resolutional analysis
and examples or proof.

4. Developing a negative case may involve creating a

counter-case with counter-observations to reject the
affirmative’s resolution.


1. Write a case for a policy topic. Make it something fun.

Resolved: All students should be taught to dance.

2. Write a case for a value topic. Resolved: Art is more im-

portant than science.

contentions prima facie
counter-case quantitative significance
counter-contentions or qualitative significance
counter-observations resolutional analysis
highest value threshold

Case Development 73

Critical Thinking

ritical thinking is thinking about how you think. It

C is the process of asking and answering questions and
trying to understand how and why you come to the con-
clusions that you do. This is an essential skill for debate
because debaters need to plan what they will say, antici-
pate the other team’s response, and think of an argument
to counter the other team’s arguments. Debate is not just a
discussion between two sides. Rather, it is a contest in which
each side is trying to win by presenting a better argument
and making the other team’s argument look less reasonable
or weak.
This chapter describes the main parts of an argument
and shows how critical thinking is necessary to create the
strongest, most cohesive argument possible. The chapter
also describes how to recognize flawed arguments and use
your opponent’s flaws to your advantage.
Critical thinking is not just something we should strive
to use in debate; it should be part of everything we do. You
can use many skills to become a better critical thinker:
1. Comparing the viewpoints of other people to your own
way of thinking or your perspective;
2. Finding ways to ask questions that apply to many
3. Understanding why some statements are correct and oth-
ers are not, while still understanding the uncertainty of
4. Researching through critical reading and evaluation;
5. Understanding how problem solving works;
6. Establishing criteria for making judgments;
7. Presenting arguments in a constructive way.

Many other skills are involved in developing critical think-

ing. When you learn to argue and defend your own position,
you are a critical thinker. When you argue against another’s
position, you are a critical thinker. When you change your
mind because of the arguments you hear, you are a critical
thinker. When you understand that argumentation occurs
whenever someone communicates to influence others to
change their beliefs or behavior, you are a critical thinker.

Constructing an argument
Arguments in debate must be well thought-out and have a
line of reasoning that is relatively easy to follow. Therefore,
you must use critical thinking when constructing an argu-
ment. Argument construction occurs when you are making
an argument for or against a certain viewpoint. Do not

Critical Thinking 75
confuse this with having an argument with your friends
over the best movie of all time.
According to Stephen Toulmin, a British philosopher, an
argument is something made to support a position. It may
be as simple as a single statement or it may be a chain of ar-
guments used to answer a complex question. To understand
an argument, we can use the Toulmin Model. This model
divides an argument into three main parts called a triad.
1. Claim. Whenever you make a statement that you want
others to accept, you are providing a claim. There are
three types of claims: fact, value, and policy.
2. Grounds. When you make statements that provide facts
to support the claim, you are giving the grounds for your
claim. We usually call this evidence, but it also can be
called proof, research, data, support, documentation, or
3. Warrant. When you make statements to show how the
facts are connected to the claim or provide the reasoning
for your arguments, you are providing the warrant. This
is also called analysis.

76 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

Here is an example of the three parts of an argument in a
Toulmin Model:

Foods like fresh
vegetables that pro-
vide vitamins and
other nutrients with
less fat make food
healthy to eat.
Chinese cook- Chinese cook-
ing uses lots of ing is healthy
fresh vegetables food to eat.
in many dishes.

As a novice debater, you might find the Toulmin Model a bit

difficult to understand, but you should learn how to use it
because it helps keep your argument linear and to the point.
Many times, you will not actually need to say the warrant
or analysis, but it must be implied in your arguments. Anal-
ysis that is not spoken is called an implied warrant. You can
still have a complete argument if your warrant is implied.
However, if you have not stated a warrant, the other team
can attack your argument more easily.

analyzing arguments
In very basic terms, an argument must prove a claim. When-
ever an argument does not, it is called a fallacy. One of the
most difficult skills you must learn in debating is recognizing

Critical Thinking 77
fallacies. You need to use critical thinking to avoid them in
your arguments and to alert the judge when your opponent
uses them.
Although debaters can use improper reasoning in many
ways, fallacies usually occur in one of the three areas of an
argument: claim, grounds, or warrant. See how each of the
fallacies below violates the rules associated with the Toulmin
Model. The list below includes only a few types of fallacies.

Fallacies Involving Claims

Equivocation. Debaters make an equivocation when they
use a word in two different senses and the meaning of the
word is shifted during the argument. For example, let’s say a
debater argues that all men are created equal, but that Nan-
cy is a woman, therefore she cannot be equal. In this case
the use of the word men refers to people in a general sense
of humans as a species, not specifically the male gender.
Therefore, this is a shift in the meaning of the word “men.”

Amphiboly. This fallacy arises when the grammar of a sen-

tence makes it ambiguous. Here is an example of an am-
phiboly: if a debater says that the government will give $100
million to Chad and Congo, does this mean each country
will get $100 million or that they will have to divide the
money in some way?

78 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

Fallacies Involving Grounds
Begging the Question. Whenever an argument makes a
claim and then provides evidence that is the same as the
claim, it is begging the question. The following is an exam-
ple. A says, “Gary is telling the truth.” B says, “Why do you
say that?” A replies, “Because he wouldn’t lie to me.”
Circular definition (tautology). To give a circular definition
(tautology) is to define a term by using the same term. “A
bad law is a law that is bad” is an example.
Question begging epithets. When an adjective or adverb
is added to a term to form an additional argument, it is a
question begging epithet. For example, to call someone a
cowardly pacifist is to say that not only is the person against
war, but is against war because of fear. In this case te term is
making two arguments. Someone who is a pacifist may have
a great deal of courage to hold that position, so we cannot
assume that a pacifist is also a coward just because someone
put the adjective “cowardly” in front of the noun “pacifist.”
Straw argument (also straw man or straw person). Inten-
tionally misinterpreting an opponent’s argument and then
defeating it is committing a straw person fallacy. For exam-
ple, if Team A says air pollution is bad, and Team B argues
that Team A is wrong because water pollution isn’t that bad,
Team B is creating a straw argument or straw man.
Red herring. To divert attention from the main argument to
something insignificant is called using a red herring. For ex-
ample, if the argument is about bad drinking water and the

Critical Thinking 79
other team asks questions about how swimming pools are
filled, they are using a red herring.
Ad hominem attack. To attack the debater and not the argu-
ment is an ad hominem attack. Debaters also commit this
fallacy when they attack someone for the group he belongs
to. For example, if someone says “he doesn’t know what he
is talking about because he is too old,” she has used an ad
hominem attack.
Appeal to the people. To say that something is true because
the majority of people support it is an appeal to the people.
Popularity doesn’t necessarily make something true. For ex-
ample, saying that millions of people like to eat fast food, so
it must be good for them is an appeal to the people.
Appeal to authority. When a debater says someone’s opinion
is final and that there can be no argument with it, he is mak-
ing an appeal to authority. For example, if I say my expert is
the most respected in her field, and so, no one can defeat her
position, I am appealing to authority.
Hasty generalization. When we jump to conclusions by us-
ing too few examples or examples that are not typical of the
group, we are using hasty generalizations. For example, if
you meet two Americans who do not like hot dogs and you
say that all Americans don’t like hot dogs, you are giving a
hasty generalization.
Accident. The opposite of a hasty generalization is when
we think that something that is generally true applies to an
entire group. For example, if you know that Americans love
to drive cars and you conclude that John loves to drive a car,

80 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

because he is from the United States, you have committed an
accident. John may only ride a bicycle because it is good for
the environment, and he may not like to drive.

Fallacies Involving Warrants or Unwarranted

Non Sequitur. This is Latin for “does not follow.” The term
describes an argument in which the claim or conclusion does
not follow from the reasoning or grounds provided. For ex-
ample, Bill eats McDonald’s hamburgers; therefore he sup-
ports globalization. This is a non sequitur.
False cause. There are many types of false cause fallacies. Two
of the most common are post hoc fallacies and correlations.
1. Post hoc. This is Latin for “after the fact.” Sometimes
people will claim that because something came first, it
caused something that came after it. This is called a post
hoc fallacy. Here’s an example: “Gary is from California,
where it is sunny. Since he came to visit our school, there
have only been sunny days. Therefore, he must have
caused the good weather.”
2. Correlation. In looking at two things that don’t cause
each other but are related to a third thing that causes
both of them, we have a fallacy of correlation. For exam-
ple, when someone says, “Increased ice cream sales causes
increased murder.” We know that ice cream doesn’t cause
murder but both increased ice cream sales and increased
murder are a response to higher temperatures.

Critical Thinking 81
False analogy. Using a comparison, like a simile, may be a
good literary device, but it is a weak argument and a false
analogy. All analogies are false analogies. For example,
“I hate this argument like a cat hates water” provides no
grounds or warrants to support a claim.

Your job as a debater is to present the best arguments you

can construct. At the same time you need to attack the argu-
ments of the other side. As you get better at critical think-
ing, you will start to recognize faulty reasoning in others.
Sometimes the fallacies will fit into neat little groups like
the ones I listed above. Other times they will be complex.
Regardless, you need to develop the ability to explain what
is wrong with the thinking of others. And when they analyze
your thinking, you need to defend your arguments and ex-
plain that you have good reasoning.

Cross-examination is a short period of time at the end of
constructive speeches given to one team to ask questions
of the other team. The purpose of the cross-examination is
not to argue with the other team but to gather information
to support your case. Critical thinking is key at this point
because debaters must determine where they are going with
their arguments in light of what the other team has said.
The cross-examination period is the time when one team has
the chance to question the other to highlight deficiencies in
the opponent’s case and build up support for its case. So you

82 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

must think carefully—and strategically—about both your
questions and answers.

When you are asking questions of the other team

1. Face the audience when speaking. Do not face your op-
ponent. Stand next to the speaker and slightly behind
him or her.
2. Ask simple questions that require “yes” or “no” answers
as much as possible.
3. Do not allow the person to answer with a long, involved
4. Be polite when interrupting your opponent if her an-
swers are too long.
5. Do not allow your opponent to ask you questions.
Politely remind them, “This is my cross-examination
6. Do not make arguments during cross-examination.
7. Use your opponent’s answers from the cross-examination
during your next speech.

When you are answering questions from the other team

1. Face the audience.
2. If you need to explain your answer, tell your opponent
you cannot answer “yes or no” and need to qualify your
3. Do not try to ask questions unless it is to clarify a

Critical Thinking 83
4. When the time is finished, you do not need to answer
any more questions.
5. Think before you speak.

Points of information
Many types of debate permit a debater to interrupt the
speaker and ask a simple clarifying question—if the speaker
allows it. Points of information keep the speaker on task
and allow the opposing team to point out inconsistencies
in his argument. Thinking critically is vital when request-
ing points of information. Teams must use these strategi-
cally to point out flaws in the other teams’ arguments while
highlighting their own plan. Determining which questions
will help your team, how to word the questions, and when
to ask them involves a keen game plan. Randomly request-
ing points of information only serves to annoy the judges
and audience and may hinder your case. But thinking and
planning about how and when to ask the right questions are
good debating techniques.

Asking points of information

1. Stand and wait to be recognized before interrupting the
2. If the speaker does not see you standing or allows you to
stand unrecognized for more than five seconds, politely
ask, “Point of information?”
3. Look at the audience when asking your questions.

84 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

4. Ask your question in less than 15 seconds and sit down
after asking your question.
5. Do not ask questions during the first or last minute of
the constructive speeches.
6. If the speaker does not want any more questions, do not
interrupt the speech.
7. Be sure to ask at least one good question to prove to the
judge that you know what is important.

Answering points of information

1. Look at the audience.
2. When your opponent stands for a point of information,
either take the question or ask her to sit down. Do not
leave her standing without some recognition.
3. When accepting a question say, “Your question, please?”
4. When not accepting a question say, “Not at this time.”
5. Take at least a few point-of-information questions. If you
do not take questions, the judge will think you are not
being fair to the other team. The number of questions
you should take is not fixed, but many in the United
States think three is a reasonable number.
6. Provide good answers to the questions. If the question is
about something you will discuss later, tell the questioner
to be patient and that you will get to it. You do not have
to answer the questions, but the judge may take that into
consideration in coming to her decision.

Critical Thinking 85
When you ask and answer questions, you are trying to make
the best impression you can on the judge. You want to ap-
pear fair, polite, and intelligent. You want to use each ques-
tion as a way to get the judge to like you more.


1. Critical thinking is central to arguing a position and at-

tacking an opponent’s position effectively.

2. Using the Toulmin Model enables a debater to make a

sound argument that flows from grounds to claim.

3. A fallacy is an unsound argument and typically occurs

in one of three areas of argument: claims, grounds, and

4. During cross-examination and by the strategic use of

points of information, a team can strengthen its argu-
ments and weaken its opponent’s.


1. Look for advertisements in magazines and newspapers.

See if you can spot any fallacies.

2. Look at the cases you wrote for the last chapter. Write
down some questions you must answer to help prove
your point.

86 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

3. Think of some questions that the other team might ask
you. Practice the answers you would give.

accident false analogy
ad hominem attack false cause
amphiboly hasty generalization
analysis grounds
appeal to authority implied warrant
appeal to the people non sequitur
argument construction post hoc fallacy
begging the question question begging epithet
circular definition red herring
claim straw argument
correlation straw man
critical thinking tautology
cross-examination Toulmin Model
equivocation triad
evidence warrant

Critical Thinking 87


n Chapter 2 you learned that if you make an assertion,

I you must prove it. You must provide evidence. This chap-
ter explains how to gather evidence and organize it so that
you can find it quickly during your debate.

The Importance of Evidence

You now know that you must give grounds (offer proof)
to complete an argument. You also know that if a debater
makes an argument without proof, the opposing team can
challenge it. When two non-experts (as debaters usually are)
make an argument against each other without proof, neither
side wins the argument. That argument is considered moot,
which means it is still uncertain who will win the argument.
To prove an argument, you need facts and information
that support it. The only way to get these facts is through
research. In some debates, you have little formal prepara-
tion time, and so you must constantly be alert for informa-
tion you think might be useful. By watching the world news
regularly, reading newspapers, and researching especially
important topics, you will build up a wealth of knowledge
to use at your next debate. These topics might include taxa-
tion, criminal and civil justice, political systems and philoso-
phies, privacy and individual rights, social justice, labor and
economic policy, international affairs and policy, media, pop
culture, education policy, health care, and family matters.

Some of the best lessons you can learn from debating will
come while researching. You will learn where to find good
sources of information and how to evaluate evidence. You
will be able to defend your research and attack that of oth-
ers. Most significantly, you will learn the importance of us-
ing your research honestly. You want to have a reputation
for being a thorough and honest researcher.
When researching, you should focus on both sides of an
issue. You could be assigned either side of an argument, and
if you collect evidence or information to support only the
side that you agree with, you will be at a loss if you must ar-
gue the other side. Remember, too, that debate is not about
defending your personal viewpoint but about defending the
position assigned and convincing the judges and audience
that you actually support it. You must also research both
sides of an issue because you have to be prepared for the ar-
guments the other team presents.

Research 89
What to Look for in Your research
Evidence is any piece of information that helps a side prove
its claim. There are various kinds of evidence you can use
to support your case. Three of the most important are the
Statistics. Whenever you need to prove significance, you
should use data, if possible. You should find out how many
people are affected by the issue or what percentage that
number means in comparison to the whole. For example,
the World Bank states that 1.2 billion people in the world
do not have access to clean water. This means that of the
6.425 billion people in the world, 18.7 percent of the popu-
lation uses polluted water.
Examples. Another way of showing significance is by using
an example. For instance, to illustrate the dangers of global
warming, you may say: “My example is Tuvalu, where 80
percent of the island is seven feet or less above sea level. If
the trends continue, the island will disappear in the next
century due to rising sea levels caused by global warming.”
You could also use an example to show how your plan will
succeed by presenting a case in which it has worked in the
past or a similar plan that is now working.
Testimonials or Expert Opinions. Sometimes experts can
provide an opinion that supports your position. This is
called a testimonial. For example, based on research, sci-
entists working for the United Nations in their millennium
ecosystem assessment (www.millenniumassessment.org) in-
dicated that destruction of ocean fisheries posed the greatest

90 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

threat of starvation on the planet. You could use this fact
to support a case about denying oil drilling rights in coastal
areas because the resulting destruction of healthy coastal
ecosystems harms or kills fish. An expert may offer sug-
gestions on how to solve a problem or provide you with a
philosophical basis for a value that you could use.

Finding the Evidence

You can find evidence in several ways. As you now know,
you can uncover evidence everyday by reading newspapers
and magazines, but you can also find evidence on the Inter-
net and in the library. Both sources have pluses and minuses.

The Internet
Many people rely on the Internet for a quick, easy way to
access all kinds of information. And because sites are up-
dated regularly, you can use the Internet to find the most
current information on your topic. Remember, though, that
there is so much information available it is easy to become
overwhelmed; so construct your search terms carefully. A
good starting point for your research is Debatabase, spon-
sored by the International Debate Education Association. It
can be found at http://www.debatabase.org.
When using the Internet, you must evaluate the informa-
tion you find very carefully, because many sites are not reli-
able and do not go through the extensive editorial and re-
view process that many print sources do. To evaluate a site,
ask yourself the following questions:

Research 91
• Who are the authors of the site?
• What are their qualifications?
• Might they have a bias? Is the site associated with groups
that advocate a specific position?
• What date was the information put on the Web? When
was it last updated?

The Library
Today, many researchers don’t go beyond the Internet. This
is a mistake. You need to use the library for background and
history as well as in-depth analysis of your topic. Books,
specialized magazines, scholarly journals, dissertations, etc.
can help you delve deeply into your topic, and because these
sources go through an extensive editorial process, the infor-
mation is likely to be accurate.
Many libraries also have access to a wide variety of elec-
tronic materials that can be extremely helpful in researching
your topic. Some of the most useful resources for debaters
include the following:
• Congressional Quarterly Researcher, http://library2.cq-
• EBSCO Research, http://support.epnet.com/CustSupport/
• EHRAF Collections of Ethnography, http://library2.cq-
• Global Books in Print, http://www.globalbooksinprint.
• InfoTrac Databases, http://web5.infotrac.galegroup.com/

92 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

• JSTOR journal storage, http://www.jstor.org/demo.shtml
• Lexis-Nexis Databases, http://www.lexis-nexis.com
• Project Muse scholarly journals online, http://muse.jhu.
You must plan your trip to the library just as you plan
your Internet search. Write down the topics you wish to
research and the key words associated with them so that
you can use the library’s electronic catalog efficiently. And
remember that the library has one big advantage over the
Internet: the reference librarian. He or she will be very will-
ing to answer any questions you have, describe the resources
available, and help you focus your research. These profes-
sionals are invaluable.

reading and Cutting the Evidence

Once you find the evidence you are looking for, you need
to put it into a usable form. Many debaters use a “cut and
paste” technique either with their computers or with scissors
and tape. When you find some useful information, you cut
the information out and transfer it to a fresh piece of paper.
You may also use a computer program to cut and paste the
information into a file. Put only one piece of information on
each sheet so that you can file it for easy reference. At the
top of the sheet write a claim that the evidence supports.
Also include a source citation for each piece of evidence.
List author, qualifications of the author, publication, date,
page number, and, if a website, electronic address (URL)
and date of access.

Research 93
organizing the Evidence
To debate successfully, you must be able to locate your infor-
mation quickly. Therefore, you must organize it efficiently.
Once you start gathering evidence, you should put all
the evidence about one area or topic into a single file so you
can see what you have. If the main topic file gets too thick,
divide the topic into subtopics and create files for each. The
key to filing is to arrange the information so that you can
find the evidence quickly. Remember, you will have very
little time to find the evidence you need during a tourna-
ment. If you can’t find it in a few seconds, you need a better
organizing system. Read through your evidence regularly so
you become familiar with your files and adjust the organiza-
tion if necessary.
How you organize the information that you gather is
important. In some types of debate, like policy debate, you
are expected to read your printed evidence. This is called
direct quotation. In other formats, such as parliamentary
debate, you may not read specific quotations from evidence
during your speeches. This means that you must be familiar
with the research you have read and be able to tell the judge
about the proof. Offering the evidence to the judge without
reading it word for word is called paraphrasing. In fact, de-
baters in parliamentary debate learn to develop a narrative.
This means that they will put together a summary about
what they may have learned from many sources. Debaters
may practice delivering information many times so that they
can develop strong explanations. Remember, only the notes

94 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

you have written down during preparation time can be used
during a parliamentary debate.

Building arguments
Once you have enough evidence, you can build arguments
using the information you have. This is called building a
brief. A brief is a short written version of the argument.
Since all debates are timed, you usually cannot read all of
the evidence in your file. You must make choices. Take the
best evidence and write briefs using it. Remember that while
the brief is short, it must have a complete argument with
evidence or your opponent can easily attack it.

Testing the Evidence

Not all evidence has the same value. To be valuable, evi-
dence must be recent, relevant, and reliable.
Recent. How old is the evidence? Timeliness is not an is-
sue in some areas, such as philosophy or religion. But when
dealing with current events, the judge usually will trust the
newest evidence. If you have evidence from last week that an
international treaty doesn’t have much hope of adoption and
your opponent has evidence from today that major countries
have signed the treaty, your opponent’s evidence is better
because it is more recent. Situations and laws change, so you
must be prepared to defend the currency of your evidence.
Relevant. Does the evidence prove the point? Your evidence
must be directly related to the claim it is to support. If it

Research 95
isn’t, you actually have offered no evidence. To determine
relevancy, ask what kind of methods the author used to
reach his or her conclusions.
Reliable. Are the sources trustworthy? Is the source quali-
fied? You want to quote an expert on the topic, someone
with advanced training, who has conducted research, or
who has experience in the field. When evaluating the reli-
ability of a source, ask yourself the following questions:
• Is the source in a position to know the truth?
• Was the source a witness to the event?
• Does the source have a bias?
Be sure the source is objective. He or she should be un-
biased and report what actually happened without allowing
emotions or imagination to intrude. Once again, you should
be able to defend the type of methods your sources used.

I have judged many debates in which the quality of research

determined the winner. You want to be an expert on the is-
sues. Having better research is a powerful tool for defeating
your opponent.


1. Debate requires good research skills to gather evidence

that you can use at a moment’s notice.

2. Statistics, examples, testimonials, and expert opinions

are excellent types of evidence.

96 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

3. To evaluate evidence, determine if it is recent, relevant,
and reliable.


1. Read an article by an environmental expert. Be able to

state the qualifications of the source. How many indi-
vidual pieces of information can you find in the article?

2. Find several articles on a topic that interests you. Cut

and paste the evidence onto different sheets of paper.
Find the evidence that supports one part of your case
(e.g., harms).

3. Develop a contention with at least three pieces of evi-

dence that support your argument.

4. Start files of evidence on your topic.

5. Find the three types of evidence (statistics, examples, and

expert opinions) in a newspaper article.

direct quotation
recent, relevant, and reliable

Research 97

Refutation and Rejoinder

his chapter explains one of the most crucial parts of a

T good debate—refutation. Before refutation takes place,
the two teams are really just presenting what they want
you to know about their side of the issue. Refutation is
when you show that your argument is stronger than your
opponent’s or that your opponent’s argument is weaker than
yours. Refutation almost always involves countering the
evidence that the opposition presented, blurring the link be-
tween its evidence and its argument, and/or ripping apart the
argument’s reasoning. In earlier chapters, you learned how
to make your arguments stronger. This chapter shows you
how to challenge your opponent’s arguments successfully.

repeat, refute, replace

Refutation is a process that involves three steps:
1. Repeat the argument you are going to refute. Provide the
number your opponent used when he presented the argu-
ment. For example, “Go to the first contention on the
harms of the status quo.” This signposting will help the
judge locate the argument.
2. Refute the argument. Explain what is wrong with the
other team’s argument. Look to the claims, grounds, or
warrants. You might say, “Their evidence is old; it is
from two years ago.” If you have many reasons why the
argument is flawed, let the judge know how many argu-
ments you have and number each one (“I have four argu-
ments against this point, first . . .”).
3. Replace the argument with your argument. For example,
“My evidence from two weeks ago proves the situation
has changed from the time of their evidence.”

Make sure that your refutation is organized and that it

includes all three steps. Good organization is the key to
winning the debate. A debate can be won or lost on one
argument. So, be certain that the judge can follow your

refutation Techniques
You can use the following techniques to carry out the
repeat-refute-replace process effectively.

1. Use signposting in the repeat phase

Signposting is when, at the beginning of the speech, you tell
everyone the organization and order of your refutation. This
is also called presenting a roadmap, because you are telling
the judge, your teammate, the other debaters, and the audi-
ence the order of your arguments. When you first address

Refutation and Rejoinder 99

the audience, announce which arguments you will speak
to first, second, and so on. If you don’t let everyone know
where you are on the flow sheet, they will miss one or more
of your arguments. By telling everyone what argument you
are discussing, the debate stays organized.

2. Clash in the refute phase

Clash means that the two teams are directly debating each
other’s arguments. You want to clash with your opponent’s
arguments. This is a technique used in the refute phase.
When the other team does not clash with your arguments,
you need to point that out to the judge. Remember, “Silence
is admission.” If you don’t counter the other team’s argu-
ments, you are agreeing with those arguments. If the other
team does not clash with one of your arguments, you should
win that argument. Unfortunately, beginning debaters often
fail to clash, primarily because they are disorganized. If you
can stay organized and clash with the other team by directly
refuting its arguments, you will likely win the debate.

3. Employ direct refutation in the refute phase

Direct refutation is when you point out the flaws in the
opponent’s argument. Sometimes you will go straight down
your flow sheet in the same organization as the earlier
speeches in the debate. When you say something about ev-
ery point, this is called line-by-line refutation. You may have
more than one argument against each line of argument by
the other team. During the debate you should tell everyone
where you are on the flow sheet and what your answer is so
they can write it down.

100 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

4. Group arguments in the replace phase
Grouping arguments is when you refute multiple arguments
of the other team with only one argument of your own. If
an entire contention is flawed because it is based on old evi-
dence, you may defeat it with one argument attacking the
relevance or reliability of the evidence.

5. Include impact in the replace phase

Impact is why the argument is important. You should al-
ways ask yourself, “What does this argument do for my po-
sition?” Use your answer to explain the impact to the judge.
If the other team does not explain the impact of its argu-
ment, you should point that out to the judge. The way you
explain the impacts of your arguments and your opponent’s
arguments will likely make a difference in the decision of the

Constructing arguments
You can use two types of arguments during refutation: on-
case and off-case. When the negative attacks the issues that
were defended in the first affirmative speech, it is presenting
an on-case argument. When the negative offers a new argu-
ment that does not directly address those the affirmative has
presented but is a significant reason for rejecting the case or
plan, it is presenting an off-case argument.
Regardless of which type of argument you use, you
should consider the following:

Refutation and Rejoinder 101

1. Solvency. When you prove that the plan will not solve
the need, you are showing the judge there is no reason to
vote for the plan. You can attack the solvency arguments
by directly refuting the case or you can prove that the
plan is not workable. Perhaps you can prove there are
other causes the plan does not address and these causes
will continue the harm. For example, if the affirmative
wants to stop air pollution by reducing coal burning but
encouraging the use of oil, there is no solvency because
burning oil also results in air pollution.
2. Disadvantage. The most important argument against a
plan is a disadvantage. You want to point out the harm-
ful things that will happen because of the affirmative’s
plan. I tell my debaters they should start with disadvan-
tages against a plan whenever they negate a policy prop-
osition. The disadvantage is a cause-effect argument. The
plan is the cause and the negative impact of the argu-
ment is the effect. For example, if the affirmative plan
involves spending money on a new governmental pro-
gram, that money must be taken from somewhere else. If
you can prove that some other important program will
be hurt, that would be a disadvantage.
3. Criteria. In a value debate, the affirmative team must
provide criteria, or standards of measurements, that are
fair to the opposition. The negative team does not have
to accept these, and may provide better counter-criteria.
By doing so, the negative indicates that the proposition is
not being proved and that it has a better case for reject-
ing the proposition.

102 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

4. Topicality. If the affirmative provides definitions or a
plan that does not meet the resolution, it is not topical.
Unless the affirmative is topical, the negative does not
have fair ground to argue against the resolution, and the
affirmative deserves to lose. By arguing that the affirma-
tive is not topical, the negative is saying that the judge
cannot vote for the affirmative because it is not debating
the topic assigned. To argue topicality, the negative must
address the following:
a. Definition of term: Tell the judge what term or word in
the resolution the affirmative defined inappropriately.
b. Standards: Explain how we should evaluate whether
the definition provides fair ground for debate. Re-
member to examine the source of the definition to
determine if the definition is the best or most appro-
priate available. For example, using a scientific dic-
tionary to define a physics term is better than taking
the definition from a general magazine article. When
you provide the way you want the judge to view the
term, you are providing standards.
c. Violations: Violations occur when the other team has
not met the standard. Explain this to the judge. In
a policy debate, your focus should be on explaining
how the affirmative’s plan does not address the as-
signed topic.
d. Voting issue: Finally, you must explain to the judge
why your argument is a voting issue, the reason why
you should win this debate on this argument alone.

Refutation and Rejoinder 103

You can tell the judge that the affirmative presented
a case that did not fit the topic assigned. Therefore, it
didn’t follow the first rule of debate: to agree to dis-
agree on a specific topic. You may also tell the judge
that she does not have the authority to decide this
debate because it was not on the assigned topic.

You may present several different topicality arguments in

a single debate. The affirmative must win the topicality
argument or it loses the debate. But even if the affirmative
wins the topicality argument, it still has to win its plan and
case to win the debate. On the other hand, topicality is a
“no-lose argument” for the negative. If the negative wins a
topicality argument, it wins the debate; if the negative loses
it, the team can still win on other issues. The negative team
should not overuse topicality. But it is a good way to make
sure an affirmative team is not presenting a case that doesn’t
debate the topic.

Remember that both teams have a “burden of rejoinder”
(to address the responses of the other team). A good debate
is like a table tennis match: both teams keep returning the
argument back to the other side. So, when it is your turn
to speak, be sure that you give a rejoinder to the argument
and do not just repeat it. Repeat the main argument and the
last argument of the other team; then give your response. If
the other team does not answer one of your arguments, tell
the judge the argument was dropped and that your team’s

104 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

last argument is now the only argument left. Then stress the
impact of the argument (“this is important because . . .”). If
an argument has no impact, don’t waste time addressing it.
Remember, arguments are only valuable if they have some
impact on the position of either team.


1. Refutation is showing the opponent’s argument as weak-

er than yours or showing that your argument is stronger.

2. The basic process of refutation can be summed up as


3. Techniques used in refuting an argument include sign-

posting, clashing, refuting directly, explaining impact,
and grouping.

4. The negative can use on-case arguments or off-case argu-

ments to respond to the affirmative’s argument.

5. In refuting the affirmative’s argument, the negative

should address solvency, disadvantages, criteria, and


1. Read a newspaper editorial. Think of reasons why you

might support the editorial and why you might reject it.
Give a speech about both sides.

Refutation and Rejoinder 105

2. Develop a plan for refuting a topic of your choice. Come
up with an on-case AND an off-case argument that will
respond to the affirmative’s argument.

cause-effect argument
direct refutation
line-by-line refutation
off-case argument
on-case argument
voting issue

106 Speaking, Listening and Understanding


Note Taking and Flowing

his chapter explains the importance of debaters and

T judges taking notes during a debate. Debaters call this
process flowing a debate. You will learn how to use a flow
sheet in flowing and will compare a completed flow sheet to
the actual debate that it flowed.

Importance of Notes
To win in debate, you need to take good notes. You have
to remember the other team’s arguments and the order in
which they were presented. You also need to jot down your
responses so that you can present them in an organized
manner. Taking organized notes is important because you
must be able to tell the audience exactly where an argument
fits in the debate before you state your own points. And if
you are ever a judge, you must be able to explain to the de-
baters what arguments were important and why. Although
you may initially find taking notes difficult, most debaters
eventually become so good that following their instructors’
lectures in classes is easy.
Flowing a Debate
Skilled debaters, audience members, and judges use a flow
sheet to follow the progression of arguments in a debate.
When you write down the arguments in a debate, you are
“flowing the round.” You do this by dividing a sheet of
paper into columns—one for each speech—and then write
your notes on each speech in its own column. With eight
speeches in a debate, you would divide the sheet into eight
columns. Note that while a flow sheet initially starts with
one page, you can use more sheets if you need more space to
record your notes.
When the first speaker presents the affirmative case,
write down the main points in the first column. Good de-
baters will number the points they present so that everyone
can track the argument during the debate. You should write
down the arguments regardless of the team you are on. Both
sides need to flow the entire debate.
If you are addressing the other team’s argument, tell ev-
eryone what argument you are discussing, first by repeating
the argument (with its number listed) and then by providing
an organized refutation. If you have multiple responses to
an argument, make this clear. For example, you would say:
“On the first contention I have three arguments. My first ar-
gument is. . . .” If you are presenting new arguments in sup-
port of your own case, then let the audience know that.
Make sure that you remain organized so that the judge
can flow the arguments. Many judges will say a point for a
team counts only “if it gets written on the flow.” What this
means is that if the judge misses your argument because you

108 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

were disorganized in your speech, you will have lost that
When your debates are over, you may want to keep your
flow sheets and file them for later discussion with coaches
and teammates. Flow sheets are especially helpful when
writing a summary of the debate. This summary will help
you to prepare if you ever debate the same topic again.

Arguments can come very fast in a debate, so you will not
be able to write down every word. Consequently, you need
to find ways to abbreviate words (also called shorthand)
to make sure you record all the information you need. You
may also use arrows (‡) to show where each argument fits
into the debate. If a debate involves many arguments, some
debaters use very small handwriting or larger paper or many
sheets of paper, with each contention on a separate page.
Each page is divided so that each speech has its own column.
You may want to develop your own symbols so you can
flow faster. Here are some of my favorite shorthand abbre-
agent of action A of A
because b/c
better B
billion bil
contention C
cost benefit analysis CBA
criteria Crit

Note Taking and Flowing 109

decrease ↓
disadvantage DA
dollars $
dropped [D]
enforcement Enf
evidence ev
funding fund
greater than >
impact imp
increase ↑
inherency INH
is/equals =
less than <
linear /
link L
million mil
not equal ≠
not ∅
number #
observation O, obs
policy P, pol
quantify Q
question ?
should not s/n
should s/
significance sig
solvency sol
status quo SQ
therefore ฀∴

110 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

thousand K or M
topicality T
uniqueness U
voting issue VI
with w/
without w/o

To see how a flow sheet corresponds to an actual debate, re-

fer to the debate transcript and accompanying flow sheet in
the Appendixes.


1. Good note taking is one of the attributes of good


2. Flow sheets chart a debate and allow the debaters, the

audience, and the judges to track arguments.


1. Practice your flowing skills when you watch or listen to

the news. Write down the main points. During the com-
mercial break, give a short speech on what you heard,
presenting the main points in an organized manner.

2. Flow every debate you watch. It is great practice.

Note Taking and Flowing 111

3. Try to flow a teacher’s lecture. Draw a line down the
middle of your note paper. Write the teacher’s comments
on the left side and your comments about the lecture on
the right side. You will have to stay focused to do this
successfully. Later, try to reconstruct the lecture from
memory and see how much more you remember when
you review your notes.

flow sheet

112 Speaking, Listening and Understanding


Tournaments and Judges

his chapter discusses how to put your debating skills to

T the test by either participating in a debate tournament
or observing one. While observing a tournament may not
sound like a challenge, you will find that it is an excellent
way to practice anticipating arguments, identifying fallacies,
and flowing debates. You will come away excited about
Some students may be satisfied with debating in the
classroom, but others enjoy tournaments, which allow
students to compete against debaters from other schools.
Tournaments add interest to debating. Every year hundreds
of tournaments are held in the United States because compe-
tition is a good way to develop and demonstrate knowledge
and skills. Teams that want to be champions want to debate
against as many good schools as possible. The more experi-
ence they have against good teams, the more they will be
prepared for the championships.
As a novice debater, you will probably not yet be ready to
participate in debate tournaments, but it is definitely a good
idea to attend them as an observer and watch how prac-
ticed debaters organize their arguments and take on their
opponents. Without a doubt, this will help you develop
your debating skills and prepare to one day take part in a
Local, state, and national associations hold tournaments.
These associations have specific rules for their contests. But
any school may decide to hold a tournament and invite
other schools. These tournaments are called invitational
If you are a more seasoned debater ready to take part
in a tournament, your coach will help to decide which
tournament(s) to take part in. When the coaches at my
school decide which tournaments to attend, we look at how
much the tournament will cost and what kind of experience
our students will have. Tournaments charge fees to cover
expenses like awards, meals, and judging. Schools must con-
tact the tournament officials to register, usually three days
to three weeks before the tournament begins. Schools must
also provide one qualified judge for every two teams or pay
an additional fee so that the tournament can hire a judge.
We make sure to attend the California state champion-
ships, where all of the community colleges can compete
against each other. However, because there are so many na-
tional tournaments, we must select the few tournaments we
can afford.

114 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

The motto of my team is “Education—Ethics—
Excellence.” My students may attend between 15 and 20
tournaments per school year to get the best education they
can, but they also go to win, while all the time being honest
and ethical debaters.
Tournaments generally take place on weekends. Some-
times the tournaments are close enough that we can drive
to them each day. The van may leave at 6:30 A.M. and come
back at 9:00 P.M., meaning students give up their weekends
as well as their sleep! Sometimes a tournament is far away,
so we have to stay in a hotel. Other times a tournament may
be so far away that we have to fly there. Debate competition
in the United States can involve a lot of time and a lot of
Most U.S. tournaments have six rounds, when all the
teams compete at the same time. These rounds are called
the preliminary rounds. There is usually only one judge
in each debate room. The tournament will make sure that
each team gets to debate an equal number of times on each
side—affirmative and negative. So, if there are six prelimi-
nary rounds, you should debate three times on the affirma-
tive and three times on the negative. At the end of the pre-
liminary rounds, the administrator of the tournament will
add up the wins and losses of every team. The top teams
will then debate in the elimination rounds. During these
rounds, once a team loses a debate, it is eliminated from the
tournament. In deciding which team makes it to the elimina-
tion rounds if two teams tie with the same win-loss record
in the preliminary rounds, the tournament administrator

Tournaments and Judges 115

will look at the total score of each team’s individual speaker
points. The team with the higher points is judged the better
team for the elimination rounds. Special computer programs
compute the win-loss records and points for each team and
When all teams have competed and a winning team has
been decided from each debate, the finalists from each de-
bate compete in a final round. If the tournament is small,
with four to seven teams competing, the tournament may
skip the elimination rounds and stage only a final debate
between the top two teams. If the tournament is large, with
200 or 300 teams, 64 teams might participate in the elimi-
nation rounds.

A typical schedule for a four-round, one-day tournament
may look like this:

8:00–8:30 A.M. Registration

8:30–9:45 Round one
9:45–11:00 Round two
11:00–12:15 Round three
12:15–12:45 P.M. Lunch
12:45–2:00 Round four
2:30–4:00 Quarter-final elimination round
4:00–5:15 Semi-final elimination round
5:15–6:30 Final round
6:30 Awards ceremony

116 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

At the beginning of the tournament, teams are separated
into three different divisions based on experience: novice,
junior, and open debater. Although the rules vary from
tournament to tournament, most U.S. tournaments use the
following definitions. A novice is someone in his or her first
year of competition who has not yet won a tournament or
someone who has debated for less than 30 rounds in com-
petition. Novices will compete only against other novices.
Juniors are debaters in their first two years of competition
who have not yet won a tournament at the junior level. All
other debaters are open debaters. Anyone can compete as
an open debater, even a novice, but novices generally have a
harder time winning in this category.
Teams in all levels receive awards. Each team that
advances to the elimination rounds receives a trophy or
plaque. The individual debaters who scored the most points
during the preliminary rounds also receive speaker awards.

A judge’s primary duty is to determine which team did the
better job of debating and to give speaker points to each
debater. When making their decisions, judges focus on the
quality of each team’s arguments and the way in which each
team responded to the opponent’s arguments. They also
judge organization and the important verbal and non-verbal
elements you learned about in chapter 3. A typical scale al-
lows for 1–30 points for each debater. A perfect score of 30

Tournaments and Judges 117

points would be very rare; most judges would not give un-
der 20 points, even in a novice round.
Judges are expected to be objective. They are to decide
which team wins based on what happened in the round, not
on a team’s previous record or on their own opinion about
the topic. Judges never judge their own teams.
In addition to determining a winner and awarding points,
judges have other duties as well. These include keeping time
and giving time signals to the teams. They may also have to
make decisions in the middle of the debate. In parliamentary
debate, for example, if a team brings up a new argument in
the rebuttals, the other team may call a point of order and
ask the judge to decide if the argument is new or not.
Judges are committed to judge every round. However,
at least three judges are assigned to each elimination round
debate (although more can be used, as long as it is an odd
number so there can’t be any ties).
You will have many different judges during your debat-
ing experience. Sometimes the judge may be a coach from
another school and a debate expert. Other times the judge
may be a teacher, who, although intelligent, is not an expert
in debate. You may also have students judge you. In the
United States, college students are hired to judge high school
tournaments. Sometimes these students are debaters and can
be experts. Still another judge may never have seen a debate
before and is known as a lay judge. When a tournament is
low on judges, open debaters may judge the novices.
It doesn’t matter if you have an expert or a lay judge
in your debate. Your job as a debater is to try to win the

118 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

ballot. Therefore, pay special attention to what the judge
says and try to debate to please him or her. This approach
is called adapting. You must adapt to the judge—the judge
does not adapt to you. Before the round begins, judges
should explain their judging philosophies and tell you their
experience levels. Sometimes judges provide written philoso-
phies that are distributed to all teams before the tournament

Ballot information includes the following:
1. Division: novice, junior, or open
2. Round number: preliminary 1 through 6 or elimination
round (i.e., semi-finals or finals)
3. Room number
4. Judge name
5. Topic: in parliamentary debate the topic will be different
each round
6. Team on the affirmative/government (school and code if
• Name of first speaker
• Name of second speaker
7. Team on the negative/opposition (school and code if
• Name of the first speaker
• Name of the second speaker

Tournaments and Judges 119

8. Rank: the best speaker gets 1st, second best gets 2nd,
and so forth
9. Rate: points given to each speaker (1–30 points each).
Sometimes there are boxes to check with an “x” and
other times just total points are required
10. Winner of the debate: side and school name
11. Judge signature and school represented
12. Written comments in the bottom half of the paper about
each debater and an explanation of the decision about
who won and why

At the end of the round, the judge fills out a ballot and turns
it in to the tournament administrator. The format or design
of the ballot can be different for different tournaments, but
they all have the same vital information. The ballot is dupli-
cated so each team will have its own copy. Here is what the
top of a ballot looks like for a parliamentary debate:

120 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

Division ________ Round _____ Room ______ Judge _________
Topic ___________________________________________________
Proposition Team ___________ Opposition Team ____________
from_________________School from_________________School

Rate Rank Rate Rank

Names of debaters (1–30) (1–4) Names of debaters (1–30) (1–4)
Leader: Leader:
Member: Member:
Circle the winning team
Comments and reason for decision

Judge’s signature Judge’s school

Tournaments and Judges 121

Ballot review
You will receive a copy of the ballot at the end of the tour-
nament to share with your coach and team. You should
discuss what the judge wrote and learn how to improve for
the next debate based on the judge’s comments. In addition
to writing comments on the ballot (called a written critique),
the judge may also provide an oral explanation (an oral cri-
tique) of the decision at the end of the debate. This is a time
for you to listen and take notes. Do not argue or debate
with the judge. Even if you disagree with what the judge is
saying, listen and thank her or him for the comments. Af-
terward, you can share with your coach and teammates the
comments that the judge gave you. If you debate before the
same judge again, you can use the comments to adapt to her
or his style of judging.
Perhaps, one day, you too will become an expert and
judge a debate. But before that day, your teacher may call
on you to be a judge during informal classroom debates.
When you are a judge, you have an obligation to make a
fair decision. You must leave personal feelings aside and
determine a winner based only on what happened in the de-
bate and who did the better job of debating. You must also
be prepared to offer both positive and negative constructive
comments to help the teams learn from their debating ex-
perience. You should be able to justify your decision based
on the arguments you have heard. Remember to flow the
entire debate carefully. Many times debaters will stop taking
good notes after they have finished their own last speech.
But judges must continue flowing until the last word spoken

122 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

because they do not know what may be important until the
debate is over.

Tournament competition is exciting and fun. It is also one of
the best educational opportunities in your life. Not only do
you learn oral English and critical thinking skills, but you
also develop interpersonal communication skills. Perhaps
you will be involved in international debates and learn more
about intercultural communication. You will learn the im-
portance of teamwork. You will also learn about disappoint-
ment and how to handle losses when things do not turn out
as you expected. Debate lessons are life lessons. Learning
how to accept the wins and losses in debate will help you
deal with the joys and disappointments of life.
More practically, debate looks very good on your resume
when you apply for college and graduate school or try to get
a job. It means that you care about learning, as well as how
to think and how to speak better. I hope you have many
opportunities to debate and discover the same enjoyment I
have found.


1. Competing in debate tournaments is an excellent way to

improve your English skills and become a better debater.

Tournaments and Judges 123

2. Tournaments can have many different formats, but most
U.S. tournaments have six rounds involving all teams.

3. The competitive divisions in a debate tournament are

novice, junior, and open debater.

4. Judges must be fair in their decisions and also provide

critical feedback to debaters.


1. Participate in as many debates as you possibly can.

2. Enjoy yourself!

invitational tournaments
lay judge
open debater
preliminary rounds

124 Speaking, Listening and Understanding



The following transcript is from a Parliamentary Debate.

The two teams are composed of the following debaters:

Proposition Opposition

Prime Minister: Leader of the Opposition:

Dan Neidle Rob Weekes

Member of the Member of the Opposition:

Government: Seb Isaac Andy Kidd

The topic was We felt safer during the Cold War.

In Parliamentary Debate, the Government, or Proposition,

side is expected to argue that we felt safer during the Cold
War. The Opposition is expected to argue that we feel safer
now, in the post–Cold War era.
This transcript is verbatim (word for word) and so you
may notice some incorrect grammar or choice of words.
Speakers are constantly searching for the right words under
pressure, which explains some of the mistakes. As you read,
try to understand the lines of argument that the two teams
are giving. Try to create a flow sheet to follow the various
arguments. Were all the points addressed? Which team did
a better job of proving its side? Use your flow sheet to track
the arguments and record which team did a better job. Com-
pare your flow to the flow sheet at the end of the transcript.
You will find a brief explanation at the beginning of each
speech. These explanations are from the Teaching Notes
written by Alastair Endersby.1 These explanations give you a
preview of what you will read and help you to keep track of
the arguments.

Prime Minister: Dan Neidle

Dan Neidle speaks for seven minutes in his Constructive speech.

This fulfills the key responsibilities of the Prime Minister (PM) in
the opening speech: outlining a clear case (with a straight link to
the motion), providing some information on the case background,
and presenting arguments that support the case.

The structure of the speech is as follows:

• Introduction: including a rhetorical opening and statement of the
case in three parts
• Summary and division of arguments between himself and his
• Exposition of his first point. This begins with an explanation of
how superpower rivalry in the Cold War actually led to stability
and the avoidance of risk, in practice and in theory.

Alastair Endersby, “We Felt Safer during the Cold War,” Teaching Notes, On
That Point DVD Series OTP0002, American format, British style Motion (New
York: Open Society Institute, 2003).

126 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

• In the course of the speech, Dan takes two points of
information, which are of different types:
• The first is literally a piece of information, a challenge about the
application of game theory in the Cold War; Dan’s response
here is to clash at a factual level.
• The second point of information suggests a logical flaw in
Dan’s argument about the rationality of superpower leaders in
the Cold War; a point he answers with an explanation of the
doctrine of Mutually assured Destruction. The issues raised in
both points will resurface later in the debate.
• Then he moves to explain how nuclear weapons are more
dangerous today than in the Cold War, both in the hands of
rational leaders and in the possession of irrational states.
• Concluding summary of the arguments advanced in support of
the case.

Prime Minister Constructive Speech (PMC) (7 minutes)

Mr. Chairman, ladies and gentlemen, members of this au-
gust house, I grew up in the 80s. I remember as a child
dreading the nuclear threat. I remember the feeling that the
Cold War was gonna be the death of us all. It was a feeling,
though it wasn’t just mine—it was a feeling that was shared
throughout—the people marching in the streets, the people
protesting with banners at Green and Common and in West
Germany. Ladies and gentlemen, those feelings were strong
at the time. But now, we can look back and we can say three
things: we can say that the Cold War was actually not as
dangerous as it seemed at the time. That with the benefit of
historical hindsight looking back at the events which seemed
so terrifying, in reality, they’re only going to end one way.
They’re only going to end peacefully and without nuclear

Debate Transcript 127

holocaust. We can say, Mr. Chairman, that this wasn’t just
luck, but this was an inevitable theoretical result of the ten-
sions of the frameworks with the technologies and with the
politics of the Cold War.
And we can say, Mr. Chairman, something else. We can
say that what the last few years have shown us beyond any
doubt, is that the end of the Cold War has left us in a more
dangerous world. That today, we’re threatened—not only
by states which seek to destroy us—but by individuals and
groups and other non-state actors who are in a position of
empowerment by technology and by politics, which they
never were throughout the height of the Cold War. And Mr.
Chairman, that is our case. I am going to talk about the
states; I’m going to talk about Weapons of Mass Destruc-
tion, about Mutually Assured Destruction, and about game
theory. And how that led, inexorably, to a position during
the Cold War of stability between states, and that whilst it
may have looked on the surface as though there was insta-
bility, beneath the surface, in fact, all was fairly safe. Mr.
Chairman, my partner is going to look at non-state actors.
He is going to show how the terrorist threat, whilst it may
have existed during the Cold War, has since then risen to an
entirely different level where now it actually threatens all of
us—our lives and our economies. Mr. Chairman, my part-
ner is also going to look at some of the events in the Cold
War, which at the time seemed to have the potential to cause
nuclear holocaust. And he’s going to show that if you look
at them with more than a superficial gaze, you’ll see that
actually the threat they involved was nothing more then su-

128 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

perficial. Mr. Chairman, I’ll turn first to the role of the states
in the Cold War. And in the Cold War there were primarily
only two states that mattered. There were two states main-
taining a power balance—not just between themselves—but
between their subordinate states, between their almost—
empires. Now Mr. Chairman, we can see this because when-
ever any of their client states began to step out of line, it
wasn’t too long before America or the Soviet Union—
whichever was supporting it—pushed them back into place.
We can see that even in the case with the United Kingdom,
which still had delusions of imperial grandeur in the 50s,
until America told it during the Suez Crisis, that it could go
this far and no further towards disturbing the stability of the
world. We can see that in the case of Russia, which pulled
China back from the brink during the end of the Korean
War. We can see it in the case of Tanzania, when at the end
of the Tanzanian invasion of Uganda, that the Soviet Union
which stopped the Tanzanian occupation. Mr. Chairman,
it was clear that the bi-polar state of the Cold War wasn’t
an accident. But that both states had a solid motivation to
ensure that they were the only ones with the power to domi-
nate on the world stage and they were the only ones to pos-
sess nuclear weapons. Now Mr. Chairman, nuclear weapons
are really why this debate matters. Nuclear weapons, the
element which enables a country on one side of the world to
harm us here, and it’s that more than anything else, which
makes us feel less safe now than we did in the past. My col-
league is going to talk about how nuclear weapons could,
in the future, empower non-state actors. But it’s clear in the

Debate Transcript 129

hands of the state, nuclear weapons are far more dangerous
today then they ever were during the Cold War. Now, the
reason for this comes down to game theory and rationality
and that ignoring the hype, ignoring the propaganda—-both
sides in the Cold War had in their interests the maintenance
of stability.

Point of Information:
It’s interesting that you mention game theory. The founder
of game theory, who was an advisor to the US government,
was the very person who advised Roosevelt to start pre-
emptive strikes against the Soviet Union after the Second
World War as the logical outcome of applying game theory
to the nuclear problem.

PM continues . . .
I don’t think that’s the case at all; I think you’re referring to
Teller who wasn’t actually a founder of game theory what-
soever. I look forward to hearing that elaborated later on.
I thought, Mr. Chairman, that the founder of game theory
was John Von Neumann, who, I don’t believe, had any con-
tributions in that area whatsoever. But we look forward to a
piece of revisionist history in fifteen minutes time.
Mr. Chairman, the difficulty now is that if you are a dic-
tator of a small country in the Middle East and when you’ve
seen what happened to the dictator of a similar country in
Iraq, or to the rulers of a not dissimilar country in Afghani-
stan, clearly you need a way to protect yourself. You need
a way to get yourself in the position where you cannot be
invaded by a superpower. And there is only one way to do

130 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

that. And that way is by the possession of nuclear weapons.
A Russian leader knows the only way to maintain them-
selves in power, the only way to protect their regional hege-
mony is by the possession of nuclear weapons. And this isn’t
just a theoretical abstract. We’ve seen it in the case of North
Korea. Compare and contrast North Korea and Iraq. Both
led by unpleasant dictators, both oppressing their popula-
tions, both testing missiles, both threatening their neighbors,
but America only threatened one. America only invaded
one. It cannot invade the other and that is simply because of
the possession of nuclear weapons. It sends, Mr. Chairman,
not just a logical message but it sends a powerful political
message to dictators across the world that the way forward,
the way for them to protect themselves is by developing nu-
clear weapons. Now Mr. Chairman, the difficulty with this
is, not only is it rational for them to possess nuclear weap-
ons, but there are circumstances where it will be rational for
them to use nuclear weapons. It will be rational for them to
use nuclear weapons in defending themselves against any
attempted intervention by the likes of America, but also de-
fending themselves in regional conflicts. We can see that it
would be rational for Israel to use nuclear weapons if it was
attacked by the Arab states. It would be rational for Iran to
use nuclear weapons if it was attacked by Iraq. It would be
rational for India to use nuclear weapons against Pakistan,
maybe even more rational for Pakistan to attack India be-
fore India can match its far superior army against Pakistan’s.
And Mr. Chairman, rational states with nuclear weapons
are dangerous now to an extent they never were during the

Debate Transcript 131

Cold War. But irrational states, Mr. Chairman, are even
more of a danger. North Korea—I put it to you, we don’t
know enough about its internal government to know if it is
a rational or an irrational actor. But if indeed, the leader of
North Korea is as bonkers as he appears to be, and he is ir-
rational . . . then there could be any conceivable scenario by
[which] he feels threatened by negotiations with the United
States—at which point, he decides to use nuclear weapons.
And North Korea . . . Yes sir.

Point of Information:
I’d be interested to know what particular things in the Cold
War guaranteed that the leaders of the superpowers were
actually rational minds?

PM continues . . .
The reason which guaranteed stability during the Cold War
was Mutually Assured Destruction. It was the knowledge
[that] the launch of one nuclear weapon, by one leader, of
one superpower, or no matter how small of scale it was
would inextricably lead to a snowball effect to the use of
greater nuclear weapons—perhaps within Europe, perhaps
on a tactical scale, and then on a greater scale throughout
an exchange of intercontinental ballistic missiles and nuclear
exchanges on the world level. And Mr. Chairman, that’s the
point on which my colleague is going to go into more de-
tail. But at this point I’ll simply summarize our case. Is that
the world is a more dangerous place, it’s a more dangerous
place because of the absence of two powers and the stabil-
ity they brought. It’s a more dangerous place because the

132 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

increasing number of small powers that are empowered by
nuclear weapons and non-state actors who are able to get
nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction
and threaten our safety. And for that reason, Mr. Chairman,
I beg to propose. Thank you.

Leader of the Opposition: Rob Weekes

he has no need to object to the case outlined by the Government

(e.g., on grounds of tightness or specific knowledge), so this aspect
of an LoC is demonstrated here.

The structure of the speech is as follows:

• rob opens with an attack on the quality of the Government’s
• he proceeds to rebuttal of the Government’s arguments
• he then outlines three constructive arguments for the
• argument 1 is explained
• argument 2 is explained
• argument 3 is explained
• rob concludes with a clear summary of the opposition’s
• In the course of the speech he takes three points of information
which challenge him in different ways:
• The first is an attempt to challenge rob’s analysis of events,
arguing there is no difference between violent situations during
the Cold War and since it has ended. rob answers this by
making a distinction between different types of conflict.

Debate Transcript 133

• The second responds to a direct challenge that rob himself
posed to the Government, in terms of a question which Dan
answers. Unsurprisingly, given the way he set this point up, rob
answers it confidently and quickly.
• The third point of information challenges rob to substantiate
an assertion which he has just made. he answers it by providing
several examples.
• although speakers are often advised to take only two points
of information, rob shows that three can be taken without
disrupting the speech, providing the answers are succinct and

Leader of the Opposition Constructive Speech (LOC)

(8 minutes)
Well ladies and gentlemen, I know that on behalf of the side
Opposition in this debate, it is standard to begin by thanking
the Proposition for the splendid speech that they gave. But,
unfortunately ladies and gentlemen, given the standing of the
speech, I’m going to move straight into analyzing the two
enormous arguments that we were presented. The first one
was rather incredible; it was called the “states argument,”
rather ironically for this form of debate. And that was there
were only two states of significance in the Cold War, pre-
sumably the United States and the USSR. And because there
were only two states of significance, everybody felt safer.
Presumably if you were American, you looked to America.
If you were non-American and Communist, you looked to-
wards Russia. Well ladies and gentlemen, we contest imme-
diately that there were only two states of significance during
the Cold War. What we would say straight out is millions

134 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

of people died in the Cold War outside of those two states.
Millions of people died in Vietnam. Millions of people died
in Korea. Millions of people died in the Afghanistan conflict,
millions of people died in the various Middle East conflagra-
tions. And ladies and gentlemen—it’s not good enough for
the 1st Proposition to stand up and say, when we talk about
safety, we’re presumably meaning only the safety of Ameri-
cans. We say no. Though the people who didn’t feel safe
during the Cold War were those people in the client states, in
the proxy states who were significant because they were be-
ing killed. And it doesn’t matter whether they’re being killed
by two states or different states. They lost their lives.

Point of Information:
Aren’t there still people dying in, for example, Rwanda af-
ter that period? There’s no change you can point to which
makes your situation more dangerous.

LO continues . . .
Well, absolutely—there is. Because there is a significant dif-
ference between the situation which you had in the Cold
War where you had a series of hot wars, not cold wars—
where people were killed. And the situation that you have
prevailing today where you have fewer conflicts and fewer
people dying overall. As I point out obviously, the Rwanda
conflict was a civil war, rather than the problem in the
Cold War, which was a series of hot wars between differ-
ent states. Now the second argument we are presented with
was another extraordinary one—it was the nuclear weapons
argument. Now, this was fascinating because if we have

Debate Transcript 135

nuclear weapons today, only we have a greater proliferation
of them. And Dan apparently argued that because there’s
more nuclear weapons today, everything is safer. Whereas
before, that you were guaranteed to have rational behavior
on behalf of two leaders. Now, on a point of information,
Mr. Kidd stood up and said what’s the guarantee that they
would behave rationally and we received no answer to that.
And we say, moreover, where is the guarantee that Mutually
Assured Destruction can possibly work in any manner that’s
different when you have greater proliferation of weapons?
Go ahead.

Point of Information:
Your proof is fifty years of two superpowers armed to the
teeth failing to attack each other with nuclear weapons.
That’s your proof.

LO continues . . .
And the present situation today is people still don’t attack
each other with nuclear weapons, even though there is more
proliferation. So ladies and gentlemen, what I want to look
at is this debate on three different planes. What I want to
talk about firstly is the situation of the individual vs. the
state. That’s the terrorism situation. Secondly, I want to look
at the situation of the state vs. the state—that’s the war situ-
ation, and I’ve already said that that’s the situation you had
during the Cold War where millions of people were dying
because of state-on-state conflicts, though generally there’s
much fewer people dying today in that type of situation.

136 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

And thirdly and crucially, I want to look at the situa-
tion of the state vs. the individual. And what do I mean by
that? I mean huge state apparatus designed to persecute,
intimidate and execute, exterminate individuals within the
state. I’m talking about Stalinism; I’m talking about the Chi-
zhevsky regime. I’m talking about Pol Pot in year zero. I’m
talking about the people who died throughout the commu-
nist block because of the internal state situation.
So, first of all—individual vs. the state. This is the terror-
ism argument and it’s one that Dan flagged but refused to
address in his speech. And what we say is today, ladies and
gentlemen, you have a terrorist threat, just as you had a ter-
rorist threat before, ladies and gentlemen, but the difference
is now, you have a terrorist threat which is situated where
you have . . . Go ahead.

Point of Information:
Can you name a large scale targeting of civilians by terror-
ists during the Cold War?

LO continues . . .
What I can say is during the Cold War we had the Basque
conflict, the conflict in Palestine, the IRA conflict. All those
conflicts were still ongoing—there is no qualitative differ-
ence. The terrorist threat has existed throughout; it’s simply
an argument which can’t fall on your side of the house.
So, the second point is the state’s point. State vs. state
war. And we said millions died in the Cold War and more-
over millions of people were absolutely terrified during the
Cold War. And we say things like the Cuban Missile Crisis

Debate Transcript 137

was a point in which 75 percent of people believed they
were brought to the brink of war. Now Seth can shake his
head and say that didn’t happen—obviously we didn’t have
a nuclear war then, but this is ultimately a debate which de-
pends on a subjective feeling. We assert that people couldn’t
have felt safer during the Cold War, you assert otherwise.
And we just simply say that given that 75 percent of people
according to the surveys suggest that they felt that way, then
that’s all we need to actually say. And we moreover say that
the same weapons exist today as existed during the Cold
War. So given that those weapons existed, you can’t possibly
say that you feel less safe today, because if you have exactly
the same weapons which pre-existed, as you have now.
And the third situation is the one I want to concentrate
on, which is about the state vs. the individual. And that’s
about totalitarianism, ladies and gentlemen. And we say it’s
all very well that Seth is going to stand up and complain
about individual terror groups and people feeling terrorized
by individuals, small groups of people who are statistically
insignificant in numbers they actually kill. Whereas what
you should look at is the millions of people who were killed
by much more organized terror groups that was the state
itself. There was a Chizhevsky regime, there was the re-
gimes throughout the communist block and now this is very
important because it’s not simply an argument bluntly about
how many people died. Although let’s get it clear, lots and
lots of people did die. It’s also an argument about account-
ability. Because what you fail to realize is that nowadays
you have massive accountability that you didn’t have before.

138 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

How do you have that? First of all, you have it through an
international security system, a security system which is not
only military but is also political. You have international
tribunals that actually can hold people accountable for the
degradations they commit against their own citizens and
the citizens of other countries. You have even an Interna-
tional Criminal Court set up precisely to deter further hu-
man rights violations. The very concept of human rights
has taken off massively since the end of the Cold War. And
moreover you have accountability in the sense of the news
media. Because it is a crucial part of our case, though we
say nowadays you can quantify the threat. Nowadays, CNN
can be in Tehran and say, “No, there is rational discourse in
Iran. There are people who are prepared to listen to western
ideas of debate. They’re not rabid fundamentalists, ladies
and gentlemen.” And we contest that you couldn’t possibly
have said that before. You couldn’t possibly have made the
same arguments because you didn’t have the information. So
what we say very simply is the freedom of information al-
lows people to know they are not at risk.
So what have we told you today? We’ve looked at three
different planes. We’ve told you that many of the threats
that’re proposed by the Proposition are identical today, and
we said that what’s more, today you have much better sys-
tems of accountability and information that allow you to
know that, in fact, you were less safe during the Cold War.
And on that I beg to oppose.

Debate Transcript 139

Member of the Government Constructive: Seb Isaac

Seb Isaac delivers the eight-minute Member of the Government

(MG) Constructive. This shows the use of rebuttal to defend the
Government’s arguments from the attacks of the Leader of the op-
position, and to attack the independent arguments put forward by
the opposition. It also features additional constructive material in
support of the Government’s case.

The structure of the speech is as follows:

• a brief introductory attack on one of the last arguments of the
Leader of the opposition
• a new constructive argument in three parts
• a defense of the arguments put forward in the Prime Minister’s
• an attack on arguments put forward by the Leader of the
Seb takes one point of information, which is phrased as an attempt
to clarify his argument but done in a manner designed to make his
case look foolish. he handles it well by correcting his challenger’s
pretended misperception.

Member of the Government Constructive (MGC)

(8 minutes)
Well, Mr. Speaker, Ladies and Gentlemen, I’m going to
open my speech by looking at terrorism because that’s re-
ally where Rob set a lot of his case. And he made this claim
that because terrorism existed during the Cold War, terror-
ism can’t be worse now than it was during the Cold War
because terrorism is terrorism. Now taking that argument
to its logical conclusion, we can go back to Hereward the

140 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

Wake, ladies and gentlemen, and say that Norman Britain
couldn’t possibly be a more or less vulnerable place to ter-
rorism than it is—the modern world is. And that would
make no sense. What we’re arguing on our side of the house
is not that terrorism has either disappeared or come into
existence, we’ve argued that there’s something qualitatively
different about the Basque conflict that Rob pointed to and
modern terrorism, ladies and gentlemen. And I’m going to
point to three key reasons why that is.
The first is because at the moment what we have is
acephalous rather than state-sponsored terrorism, ladies
and gentlemen. And that’s absolutely vital in understand-
ing how and why terrorist organizations behave as they do
now. Because there is an uncontrollability which was not
the case during the Cold War. Because there has been a fail-
ure of sovereignty as a basic guarantee of certain minimal
standards of behavior because ultimately during an era of
state-sponsored terrorism, someone could be held account-
able. And what we see during the Afghanistan and Iraq wars
of today is precisely an attempt by the American govern-
ment to shoehorn what is a qualitatively different type of
terrorism into the old model of state responsibility in order
to make it more easy to control. Because, as Kalschmidt has
always told us, “War without borders is the worst thing that
can possibly happen to our state,” ladies and gentlemen.
But second what we look to is the very fact of state
failure as a basis of terrorism. And state failure has been
explicitly and obviously a product of the breaking up of the
Cold War freezing effect, ladies and gentlemen. Precisely

Debate Transcript 141

because there is no longer a stake in those unstable regions
of the world and they have been allowed to collapse into
the kind of situation we currently see in large parts of the
Middle East, of Africa and of Southeast Asia in at this mo-
ment. And we show you that this not only gives a training
and geographical base for terrorists, which wasn’t available
without state sponsorship before the failure of those states.
And not only does it give many states and many groups of
people a cause for terrorism which they did not have during
Cold War, they did not have when they were living in failed
states, ladies and gentlemen. But third, we show you that
this is explicitly a cause of—no thank you, Rob—explic-
itly a cause of weapons proliferation and this doesn’t just
mean nuclear proliferation, which I’m going to go onto as
my third point—this means proliferation more generally of
the kind of small arms, the kind of explosives, the kind of
airplanes, the kind of weapons facilities which are vital to
a non-state actor capable of threatening people without the
controls which were characteristic of state-based terrorism.
And finally, we look to nuclear proliferation as a product
of the break-up and failure of states. We look at the fact that
a state like Pakistan, which is now a nuclear state, President
Musharraf has made it clear that he simply is not in con-
trol, not only of large parts of his eastern border, but also of
large parts of his military, ladies and gentlemen. And that is
certainly the case in many parts of the Russian Empire and
many parts of the former Russian Empire, where there is po-
tential proliferation of nuclear weapons, which was not the
case during the Cold War.

142 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

So what we have is not only a new type of terrorist
who lacks the kind of moral and sovereign controls which
was the case during the Cold War, but we also have a new
type of weapon standing with those terrorists. And we say
that makes terrorism not quantitatively different, Rob, but
qualitatively different to the way it was during the Basque
conflict. So you can’t just say the Basque conflict’s still going
on, so terrorism is no different, because firstly the Basque
conflict is still going on, and secondly, we have new terror-
ism, new danger. Go.

Point of Information:
So I accept, do I then, your assertion that terrorism is, of
course, completely different because in the Cold War you
had moral terrorists and now you have amoral terrorists?

MG continues . . .
No, in the Cold War you had terrorists who were ultimately
controlled by state actors who were subject to the epistemic
pressures to conform and behave which were the case dur-
ing a system of stable sovereignty, but which are not the case
during the modern system. When you’ve read it, you can
So ladies and gentlemen, let’s look at this question of—
Was Russia rational? Why was there Cold War stability?
Well, I’ll show you two things. Firstly, and it’s worth noting,
the high point of Cold War pressure was under Khrushchev
and Brezhnev, not under Stalin—the person who you could
most easily paint as an irrational actor, ladies and gentle-
men. And Khrushchev and Brezhnev were explicitly rational

Debate Transcript 143

in their behavior both within Russia and also and even more
clearly in their external relations.
But secondly, that the pressures acting upon Russia
and the USSR were systemic, rather than internal. So even
if you’d had an irrational actor within the Kremlin, they
would be unable and unwilling to behave in the irrational
way that a state which is not subject to those constraints
like North Korea, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan—
because of those systemic pressures. And I’ll look to you at
three examples.
The first and simplest is actually an argument from the
epistemic community—the intellectual environment—
because if we look at both the USSR and the United States
during that period, what we see is that both of them were
in the grip of realist political theory. The theory of people
like Morgenthau and Waltz, the kind of people who
preached explicitly about how to maintain sovereign bor-
ders, how to maintain sovereign power, how to maintain
sovereign control. These are not people preaching about
warfare; they’re not people preaching about how to take
over the world; these are preaching about how to stabilize
your state.
And secondly we look specifically at the kind of crises,
the Suez and the Congo, which we looked at in the first
speech on our side of the house, and the fact that through-
out those conflicts, there was the development of the archi-
tecture of United Nations peace keeping which both sides—
the USSR and the United States—were heavily involved in
precisely as a way of creating a get-out clause, a way of

144 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

creating a pressure valve to take the pressure off themselves
and the possibility of war out of those conflicts. They were
explicitly involved in reducing the possibility of pressure.
And finally, we look at the one argument which might
stand on your side of the house—the Cuban Missile Cri-
sis. But the reason those weapons were put in Cuba, ladies
and gentlemen, was precisely an attempt by Khrushchev to
stabilize the situation, to stabilize the situation in a context
where America had developed Intercontinental Ballistic Mis-
sile technology, which Russia could not without sparking a
new arms race and without developing those missiles itself.
And the moment it became apparent that that situation, that
that act was potentially destabilizing rather than stabilizing
he pulled back from the brink, as he always was going to.
Because his intention was never to go to the brink. His in-
tention was to allow himself so to do.
And finally, we look at Rob’s argument about “people
died in conflicts.” And he said two things. Fewer people
have died today. Well, I think the four million people who
died in Rwanda in about six months would seek to disagree
with you. But then when we put that to him, he said, “Well,
but, that was civil war, not international war.” And I say
two things: Number one—go tell them that that means it
doesn’t matter, but number two, and more importantly, is it
really true that the Vietnam conflict was not a civil war? Is
it really true that the North Korean conflict was not a civil
war? Are we really now claiming that these are, weren’t in
any sense one country before the war started? Just because
you divide it at the end, doesn’t mean it’s not a civil war,

Debate Transcript 145

Rob. That’s what happens sometimes when two equally
matched sides fight a civil war. And finally, we look at this
question of internal damage and I’ll show you only one ex-
ample, the example of Chechnya, because Rob said, “Oh
well, now we’ve got an international criminal court and
now that we’ve got accountable states and media, no one
could possibly kick the hell out of people that live on their
land.” And I tell you, well they’re managing in Chechnya
pretty damn well, Rob, and if you really think that a couple
of CNN reporters going in is going to deal with that prob-
lem, then you’ve got another thing coming. Thank you very
much. Down.

Member of the Opposition: Andy Kidd

andy Kidd delivers the eight-minute Member of the opposition

(Mo) Constructive, including within it a new opposition argument
and rebuttal responses to the Member of the Government speech
which came before.

The speech is very clearly organized, with the structure flagged up

in the introduction:
• Very brief introduction setting out the four points to be
• argues point 1, which is largely rebuttal of the Prime Minister’s
• argues point 2, rebutting the arguments of the Member of the

146 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

• argues point 3, defending the arguments of the Leader of the
• Introduces new point
• There is additional rebuttal of new material from the Member
of the Government’s speech
• Concluding summary

andy takes one point of information. This is interesting, as the chal-

lenge is that andy’s analysis does not account for some important
examples—showing another way in which information can literally
be used to undermine an argument.

Member of the Opposition Constructive (MOC) (8 minutes)

Thank you very much indeed, Mr. Speaker, ladies and
gentlemen; it’s my great pleasure to continue the case for
the opposition side. There are four points I’d like to make
in this speech. The first two really following on from the
first proposition speech with its focus on the nuclear stale-
mate question. The first point I want to contend, is that it is,
in fact, inevitable that nuclear weapons would never have
been used in the Cold War. And the second point I want to
contend is that it is somehow different and much less in-
evitable that they wouldn’t be used now. The third point is
an examination of the non-nuclear threats that we’ve heard
both from my partner, Rob, and also further down the table
on the proposition. And the last point I want to make is
one about the spread of liberal democracy and international
trade and the impact of that on stability in the global

Debate Transcript 147

So, the first point that I want to make is around this in-
evitability. And Mr. Neidle’s speech was very clear that this
was extremely important because he recognized that we did
feel under threat during the Cold War, but points out the
retrospectively subject to retrospective analysis using his
particular brand of game theory. It turns out after all—it
was inevitable that nuclear weapons would ever have been
used and therefore there was actually nothing to fear. Well,
the first point is—and I raised it in a point of information
to him—is that there is no guarantee that the principal ac-
tors in these situations are always going to act rationally.
He accepted that there’s no guarantee that actors today
will act rationally, and apart from describing very generi-
cally and without saying what they were, the existence of
so-called systemic pressures that in the Cold War made
people rational, he hasn’t actually done anything to con-
vince us that that is the case. He talked about game theory
but he didn’t talk about what game theory was. And I’ll
address the point that he encouraged me to develop in his
speech which is that the person he talked about, John Von
Neumann—and you can go and look this up—John Von
Neumann was an advisor to President Roosevelt at the end
of the Second World War and his advice was that the logi-
cal application of game theory of minimizing the maximum
possible loss, the Minimax principle, when applied to the
nuclear problem resulted in pre-emptive strike being the
only logical solution. He not only advised Roosevelt of this
on a regular basis, but persuaded the vice president at the
time that he was right.

148 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

Point of Information:
[Point of information was denied]

MO continues . . .
No thank you. And so, in the light of firstly that there can
be no guarantee of rational behavior, and secondly that
there are actually rational frameworks that suggest rational
use of nuclear weapons during the Cold War, it is far from
inevitable that nuclear weapons would never be used. And
in fact that they were never used rests on many of the same
controls that are still in place today. The principle one being
that you are betting that anyone who has nuclear weapons
is actually using them principally as a form of defense. And
what we would argue on this side of the house is that that
logic still holds true today, that the majority of people who
have and are seeking to get nuclear weapons want them not
as a way to launch a pre-emptive or offensive strike, they
want them as a defense. They want them as a bargaining
tool—no thank you—they want them for leverage but they
do not want them to actually use them for the reasons that
anyone who uses nuclear weapons—no thank you—faces
dire consequences if they do and there is always more to be
gained from not using them than there is from using them.
And we would argue that no matter what threats of prolif-
eration that side of the house put across, those fundamental
principles still hold true. Yes.

Point of Information:
But that kind of analysis would not explain the deliber-
ate efforts towards proliferation, which have been done by

Debate Transcript 149

exactly the states you came out acting only for defense for
rational reasons.

MO continues . . .
No, no, I don’t agree at all. I think that it gives states who
feel under threat, particularly from countries like the US a
feeling of security, a feeling that you have some leverage—
no thank you—against the US if they ever feel that they are
threatened. But the primary role of such weapons is purely
for defense and security of those countries. The third point
then, though, is around these non-nuclear measures. I think
the best that we could possibly say is that the nuclear threats
are about the same today as they was, were during the Cold
War but certainly not any greater. But it is the non-nuclear
threats where this side of house, we really see that the key
argument lies. And this lies principally in three areas. The
first is around the potential for escalating regional conflict.
And we’ve heard a lot of analysis so far of the fact that there
was a war in Rwanda that four million people died in after
the end of the Cold War. Our point in this side of the house
is that because that was a civil war, the fact that the war oc-
curred was not to do with the broader geopolitical environ-
ment. No thank you. And the country examples that that
side of the house have tried to refute of Vietnam, Korea,
Afghanistan, and so forth were everything to do with the
broader geographical environment. They may have arisen as
civil wars but the very fact—no thank you—that the broad-
er geopolitical environment was—as it is—was, was what
caused these wars to escalate into non-civil war conflict. The
fact that American soldiers were fighting in Vietnam defines

150 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

it as a non-civil war. It became a, it became a global conflict
which escalated far more than it would have done if the two
active superpowers had not been arming and engaging—no
thank you—with the sides in that conflict and far more
people died—no thank you—in Vietnam and Korea and in
Afghanistan than would have died—no thank you—had
those conflicts occurred in a different geopolitical environ-
ment. The second point then is around oppressive regimes.
My partner has already mentioned that to take a very pro-
western view of the situation discounts the great fear felt
by many people in oppressive regimes both within the com-
munist bloc and under—no thank you—and under its influ-
ence. And moreover not only did that oppression take place,
but the international community was powerless to act. The
Security Council was essentially completely disabled dur-
ing the Cold War through the power of veto—no thank
you—that the superpowers had, and that today what we
see is that the proactive activities of a nation like the United
States acting as a global superpower creates a stable frame-
work within which, within which nations which potentially
may be disruptive face strong logic to not be. My final point
is this that the spread of liberal democracy that the new
geopolitical environment has brought, the spread of inter-
national trade and liberalization, in fact, brings the logic of
game theory onto our side. That the possibility for coopera-
tive gains through the cooperation of nations through trade,
through democracies acting in the interests of their citizens
reduces greatly the likelihood of any conflict between states.
The issue of terrorism as well, Mr. Speaker, is one that we’ve

Debate Transcript 151

covered on this side of the house. There were clearly terror-
ist organizations acting before the Cold War and of course,
many non-geopolitical enablers like worldwide communica-
tions have enabled terrorist organizations that operate in
many states to arise, but that’s not uniquely to do with the
end of the Cold War and in fact, we can see that such ter-
rorist organizations—no thank you, sir—would have been a
significantly greater threat—no thank you—during the Cold
War. To wrap up, Mr. Speaker, ladies and gentlemen, this
side of the house, we’ve said four things. We’ve said that in
fact we weren’t as safe as Mr. Neidle would have us believe
during the Cold War. We still face in the world today, we
face, at very best you could say, similar risks to nuclear con-
flict, that the non-nuclear environment is far safer and that
this trend is set to continue through the widespread, wider
spread of liberal democracy and trade. For that reason, Mr.
Speaker, we beg to oppose.

Leader of the Opposition: Rob Weekes

In this four-minute speech, rob attempts to summarize the debate

into clear reasons for voting with the opposition, showing how
these outweigh the arguments of the government. It is structured
as follows:
• an opening section identifies and rebuts the key government
assertions on sovereignty.
• The clash over terrorism is addressed.

152 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

• The opposition’s constructive arguments about what has
changed are summarized.
• a brief conclusion emphasizes what hasn’t changed and what
has changed.

Leader of the Opposition Rebuttal (LOR) (4 minutes)

Well, ladies and gentlemen, as they say on the TV, welcome
back. The proposition case we’ve been given today really
came down to two words linked by another. Sebastian and
Dan said, “Sovereignty equals stability.” Now, what’s in
that? Well, ladies and gentlemen, in that is an assertion. First
of all, that you buy the idea that having a state with secure
borders means that you have internal stability, so you would
feel safer during the Cold War, and secondly, that you have
to accept the assertion that all the client states and the proxy
states, which we identified right from the outset has been
those states affected by Cold War conflicts which were the
hot wars that took place throughout the Cold War, actually
had any sovereignty. You have to accept that states like Af-
ghanistan were sovereign, that states like Vietnam were sov-
ereign, even if their territory was occupied by other states.
And ladies and gentlemen, Sebastian tried to explain this by
use of the words “epistemic” and “systemic.” Apparently,
you have epistemic and systemic pressures that ensured that
sovereignty was an effective force in reducing conflict. And
ladies and gentlemen, I don’t think an assertion that there
is some international system is good enough to carry the
whole case. And Sebastian didn’t think so either. So he fell
back on the moral terrorist argument. This was that terror-

Debate Transcript 153

ists are inherently moral if they’re sponsored by a state, but
if they’re sponsored by individuals within that state, they
are no longer moral, they become amoral terrorists who are
liable to wreak destruction on the rest of the world. And
ladies and gentlemen, they never addressed the argument,
and it’s very important to leave one of the major arguments
completely hanging in the air, they never addressed the argu-
ment that sovereignty never protected people in the states
from their own governments, ladies and gentlemen. Not
even governments from their own dictators, from their own
neighbors, ladies and gentlemen. They never addressed the
fact that sovereignty was detrimental because a strong sov-
ereign state meant it could persecute its own citizens with
impunity. And ladies and gentlemen, what I said and what
Mr. Kidd developed much more in his speech is, what has
changed today? We say what has changed from the Cold
War? Well, not the nuclear threat, we told you—the weap-
ons are still there. It’s still the same problem. Not terrorism.
Terrorism is not a new fangled concept that came about,
apparently as Sebastian argued by the collapse of commu-
nism. The state disputes about terrorism still exist today as
they did before. No. What has changed? Are things like the
flow of information which limits threats, which allows us
to quantify threats. What has changed, as Mr. Kidd pointed
out, was the level of international trade that binds people
together so they do have a lot to lose if they’re to engage
in wars, ladies and gentlemen, or even to engage in terror-
ism. Where we were worried about China and Korea, now
we’re confident with China hosting the Olympics and being

154 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

a member of the WTO. What has changed is the growth of
liberal democracy. What has changed is the development of
an international globalized objective news media, ladies and
gentlemen, and not only a news media that is western, but
a news media that is eastern as well and presents a different
perspective, thereby allowing us to know—not just to feel
safe, ladies and gentlemen, allowing us to have knowledge
to enforce that feeling of safety. And what’s also changed
has been the development of international security organi-
zations. So ultimately, ladies and gentlemen, what have we
told you? We’ve told you what hasn’t changed is the threats
which have been identified by the proposition, but what has
changed are all the trends in the opening of liberal democra-
cy, accountability, and the flow of information. And on that,
we beg very much to oppose.

Prime Minister: Dan Neidle

In this five-minute speech, Dan attempts to present the debate in

terms of key issues that the government has won, showing how
opposition attacks and the opposition’s constructive arguments
are unpersuasive. he includes direct rebuttal of new constructive
material in the Member of the opposition speech, which has not
previously been responded to on the government side. The struc-
ture of the speech is as follows:
• an introductory attack on the nature of the opposition’s
arguments with rebuttal of the first speaker
• rebuttal of the new material in the opposition’s second speech

Debate Transcript 155

• a summary of the key issues in terms of what has changed and
what has remained the same
• a brief final concluding summary

Prime Minister Rebuttal (PMR) (5 minutes)

Mr. Chairman, ladies and gentlemen, the Opposition have
indeed been generous today, they’ve given us not just one
opposition; they’ve given us two. They’ve given us an en-
tirely new and different way of opposing a debate—at the
start of Rob’s first speech and again in his summation. It’s
a postmodern opposition, Mr. Chairman. It says ignore the
facts, ignore the realities, ignore the dangers of nuclear war,
ignore terrorism. What’s important, Mr. Chairman, he says,
is how you feel. What’s important is that information is
flowing across the world and we can understand each other
more. Trade is flowing across the world, we can buy carpets
cheaper. All of this he thinks makes us feel safer. And be-
cause of this we should ignore all the arguments about game
theory, all the arguments about weapons of mass destruc-
tion, all the arguments about terrorism. All of these, Mr.
Chairman, fly straight out the window because Mr. Weekes
feels safe. Because Mr. Weekes likes listening to Aljezeera.
Mr. Chairman, this is not an Opposition strategy. Mr. Chair-
man, I think that was recognized by the second speaker
who suddenly got all technical on us and he decided that he
could rule out half of our case by looking at examples like
Rwanda, like the other examples of internal strife which
we gave which had happened since the Cold War, and he
could say that these were not relevant. That these were not

156 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

part of the proposition case because he said they were not
geo-political. These are special, these are different, and they
don’t count. But Mr. Chairman, he can still point to internal
repression during the Cold War, he can still point to the Gu-
lags, he could point to Stalin, he could point to Year Zero
in Cambodia—this could count. It’s easy, Mr. Chairman,
by an incredibly complicated technical analysis the Oppo-
sition have proved that all of our arguments simply can’t
work, and all of their arguments automatically work. It’s
brilliant, Mr. Chairman, and it almost wins. Except for the
tiny flaw that it lacks a scintilla of logic. It lacks a scintilla
of argument to take us from the one to the other. Mr. Chair-
man, the key to this debate is very simple. It’s to look at
what has changed since the end of the Cold War and what
has remained the same. And what’s been clear throughout
my speech and throughout my partner’s speech is that an
awful lot has remained the same. Liberation terrorism in
the Basque region, in Ireland—it was there, it’s still there.
Internal state oppression, it was there during China, it was
there a few years ago post-Cold War in Rwanda. Civil war,
the disintegration of states, it was there during the Cold War
in Korea and Vietnam, it was there afterwards, through-
out Africa today, throughout Yugoslavia a few years ago.
The Middle East, they give us the Yom Kippur War, we
give them the Gulf Wars—we give them two Gulf Wars.
Mr. Chairman, Tony Blair has declared war five times since
1997. Five times. No other British Prime Minister has with-
in that period declared war even twice. And yet, they’re tell-
ing us that the world is a more dangerous place during the

Debate Transcript 157

Cold War then it is today. Mr. Chairman, it simply doesn’t
work. No matter which way you add it up, no matter what
kind of logical guillotine, you’re caught between one and
the other; the fact is that all these things have remained the
same or have got worse since the end of the Cold War. So
much, Mr. Chairman, for the differences, but Mr. Chairman,
look very carefully at what’s fundamentally changed—what
was fundamentally misunderstood by both of the opposition
speeches is the difference between a power balance between
two states, and the multi-polar chaos that we see today. Be-
cause it wasn’t just the fact there were only two states that
had nuclear weapons, and this was their misunderstanding.
It’s that there were systemic, political, and economic factors
within those two states which tied the states and the leaders
of those states, and the power structures, and the whole pol-
itics of those states towards stability. An American President
would never going to condemn millions of his countrymen
to death in a nuclear holocaust. The Russian Premier, who
was really just an artifice of the Russian bureaucracy, was
never going to condemn the rest of that bureaucracy and the
entire socialist experiment to catastrophe. Mr. Chairman,
they were into entirely different situations from a Saddam
Hussein or a Kim il-Song. There simply is no comparison;
it may be politically incorrect to say that a leader like Kim
il-Song is irrational, and a leader like Khrushchev was ra-
tional, but Mr. Chairman, it’s true. It’s true if we look back
at the history of the Cuban Missile Crisis, as said a few mo-
ments ago. And it’s true because of those powerful systemic,
economic, and political reasons. So, Mr. Chairman, we look

158 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

at what’s changed and we look at what’s stayed the same.
What’s changed is there are more powers, dangerous pow-
ers, unstable powers, and powers with access to weapons,
which are frightening beyond belief. What’s stayed the same
is that the world is still full of conflict, full of drama, full
of mass murder on a huge scale, and Mr. Chairman, that’s
always been the case. But what has increased since the Cold
War, what’s immeasurably increased since the Cold War is
the danger of imminent catastrophe for all of us. That, Mr.
Chairman, is why we felt safer then, and that, Mr. Chair-
man, is why I beg to propose. Thank you.

End of Debate

Final Notes

Complete your flow sheet. Compare your flow sheet to the follow-
ing flow sheet to see how well you have followed the arguments.
Were all arguments answered? Who built a stronger case? Who do
you think won the debate?

according to the judge’s notes, the Government, or Proposition,

side (Neidle and Isaac) won. It was the unanimous view of the three
adjudicators that the Government side was the stronger of the two
teams. however, all agreed that the decision was a fairly tight one.
They also noted that the second half of the debate was significantly
stronger in terms of content and, particularly, the level of analysis.2

Andy Hume, Bob Dalrymple, and Richard Wilkins, Written Adjudication,
OTP0002 American format, British style (New York: Open Society Institute, 2003).

Debate Transcript 159



1. States – 1. People didn’t feel safe 1. Qualitative diff. of

a) 2 states held power during Cold War terrorism
balance: US/USSR a) Client states—people a) Individual sponsored
b) 2 states oversaw their died b) State failure
client states & stopped c) Small arms proliferation
conflict essential to non-state actors
c) Only 2 actors to have d) New terrorists have lack
nuclear weapons of moral control

2. Weapons – 2. Greater proliferation 2. Was Russia rational?

a) Small state actors more of weapons does not = a) Pressures under
dangerous. Dictators rational actors or greater Khrushchev
b) Possession of nuclear b) Pressures systemic, not
weapons deters invasion internal
c) Rational action can
mean attacks today. Didn’t
during the Cold War

3. MAD – 3. Individual vs. the State 3. Russia is stable

a) Risk of one attack a) Terrorism is more a) Systemic—not internal
ending world stopped one massive now pressures
from being launched b) Cold War involved UN
c) Cuban Missile Crisis—
Russia did it in response to
ICBM’s to create stability

4. State vs. State 4. People dying

a) Millions died in Cold a) Rwanda is a civil conflict
War b) Media just shows
b) 75% believed nuclear brutality—doesn’t stop
war would happen—Cuban
Missile Crisis

5. State vs. Individual

a) Millions died at hand
of state
b) Totalitarianism
c) Int’l security system
d) Accountability
e) Mass media

160 Speaking, Listening and Understanding


1. Inevitabilty 1. Moral terrorist argument 1. Post-modern opposition

a) Not proven. Nuclear is flawed a) Debate about how you
weapons would never have feel
been used b) Flow of info hasn’t made
b) Minimax principle us safer
Preempt w/FDR
c) No guarantee of rational

2. Non-nuclear threats 2. They never answered 2. Oppositional strategy

a) Regional—Rwanda, Viet the argument that people doesn’t make our
Nam, N. Korea in sovereign states are arguments invalid
oppressed by their own
b) Oppressive regimes—
UN powerless

3. Terrorism 3. Nothing has changed 3. What has changed

a) Nuclear weapons still a) Terrorism is still
here occurring
b) Flow of trade limits b) Internal state oppression
threats c) Civil wars rage
c) International stability
d) Accountability
e) Globalized news
media—western and

4. Difference in power
balance of 2 states and
multi-polar chaos

Debate Flow Chart 161

Glossary of Debate Terms
[Thanks to Robert Trapp of Willamette University for his
contributions to this glossary.]

See Shorthand.
The opposite of a hasty generalization. A fallacy that asserts that
something generally considered true applies to all of the examples.
Trying to debate in a way that pleases the judge.
Ad hominem attack (Attack on the person)
An attack on the debater, not the argument. This type of attack
can also be used to attack someone for the group she belongs to.
The part of the affirmative’s policy case that demonstrates the
positive effects of the affirmative’s plan.
The side or team in a debate that supports the resolution.
Agent of action
When explaining a plan of action, this describes who will perform
the action.
A statement in which faulty grammar confuses the situation.
An argument that supports associations between things based on
their similarity or dissimilarity.
When you make statements to show how the facts are connected
to the claim or provide the reasoning for your arguments. Also
called a warrant.
Appeal to authority
A fallacious argument that occurs when a person’s opinion
of something is considered the last word without allowing an
argument against it.
Appeal to the people
A fallacious argument that occurs when a debater uses the
popularity of a person, product, or belief to justify a conclusion
about that person, product, or belief.
What is the most suitable or fitting for the time and place.
A controversial statement, frequently called a claim, supported
by grounds (evidence) and a warrant. The standards of a logically
good argument are acceptability, relevance, and sufficiency.
See also Standard of acceptability, Standard of relevance, Standard
of sufficiency.
Argument construction
The process of creating an argument that occurs when you are
“making” an argument for or against some viewpoint.
To pronounce or say words clearly and slowly.
A point in an argument.
An argument that supports a claim with the opinions of experts in
the field.
A sheet of paper on which the judge records the decision (who
won the debate), the reasons for the decision (why that team
won), and speaker points awarded to each debater.

Glossary 163
Begging the question
A fallacy of acceptability that occurs when a debater introduces
evidence that is the same as the claim.
A process of listing as many ideas on a topic as you can think of.
A legal term for a written, shortened version of an argument;
arguments with evidence prepared in advance of a debate for
quick reference.
What a team (usually the affirmative but not always) must do to
prove its case and win the debate.
Burden of proof
The requirement to provide evidence to support a claim.
Burden of refutation
The requirement to provide an argument against an argument
advanced by the other team.
Burden of rejoinder
The requirement to provide the latest argument in a chain of
One or more arguments sufficient to support a proposition.
Case argument
When the affirmative presents their arguments to accept the
Cause-effect argument
In a refutation against an off-case argument, this is a type of
disadvantage. The plan is the cause; the effect is the negative
impact of the argument.
Circular definition
A definition in which a term is defined by using the same term.

164 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

A controversial statement an arguer supports using reason. Claims
can be fact claims, policy claims, or value claims.
Directly answering the other team’s argument in a debate.
Complex statement
A proposition where more than one thing needs to be proved.
The two person negative team in Public Forum debate.
Constructive criticism
To make comments about a performance in a positive way to
motivate and educate.
Constructive speech
A speech that presents a debater’s basic arguments for or against a
resolution; new arguments are allowed.
See Observations.
The words, phrases, or passages that come before and after a
word in a speech that helps to explain its meaning.
Contextual definition
The specific definition for the value term considering the time,
place, and context of the argument at hand.
Another term for Public Forum debate. See Public Forum.
A false cause fallacy is an argument that incorrectly contends that
two things are causally related when in fact they are not linked
but simply related to a third thing that caused them both.
A case presented by the negative to respond to the affirmative.
Counter-contentions or counter-observations
The negative’s specific points in their counter-case.

Glossary 165
A plan proposed by the negative team as an alternative to the
affirmative plan.
Given when a debater asserts a point without providing evidence
and the other side asserts the opposite.
Something you have when the audience thinks you know what
you are talking about.
Something that must be proven to win; the most important values
or standards in a debate.
Critical listener
A person who is able to listen carefully to what other people and
the other team say and remember necessary bits of information.
Critical thinking
A process or skill that involves thinking about how you think.
It is the process of asking and answering questions and trying
to understand the process and reasons why you came to the
conclusions that you did.
A judge’s written comments on a ballot.
A period during the debate when a member of one team asks
questions of a member of the opposing team.
A part of Public Forum debate when both teams are allowed to
question each other in a brief period of time.
The process of arguing about claims in situations where a judge
must decide the outcome.

166 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

Debate format
The arrangement of a debate with rules establishing time limits,
speaking order, and manner in which a debate will be conducted.
Various formats of debate exist, each with its own way of
The win or loss given by a judge in a debate; speaker points for
each debate may also be part of the decision.
Decision rule
To provide for the judge a way to weigh the round and decide
who won the debate.
Direct quotation
To read evidence word for word to support a claim.
Direct refutation
A refutation in which you point out the flaws in the opponent’s
The harm that will come from a plan.
A statement in which the speaker denies responsibility or
Categories in a competition such as novice, junior, or open.
For example.
In describing a plan, the person or agent who will make sure the
plan is carried out.

Glossary 167
A fallacy of language that occurs when a word is used in two
different ways and the meaning of the word shifts during the
Different types of information (facts, statistics, theories, opinions,
or narratives) that are used to support arguments; evidence can be
divided into two categories: that relating to reality (facts, theories,
and presumptions) and that relating to preference (values, value
hierarchies, and value categories).
Expert opinion
Evidence given to support a claim from a source that has
credibility because of education, study, research, or experience in
the field.
Facts (evidence)
Observed or observable data.
Fair ground
When the proposition has enough arguments on both sides so that
the debate is fair.
An argument that does not have good reasoning and that fails
to meet any one of the standards of acceptability, relevance, or
False analogy
All analogies are false analogies, as they provide no warrants or
evidence to support a claim.
False cause
A fallacy involving warrants; includes post-hoc fallacies and
correlations. See also Post-hoc fallacies; Correlations.
Fight or flight response
A response dating from our ancestors who had to protect
themselves from wild animals by fighting or running away.
In modern times your brain thinks a speaking situation is a
dangerous situation, so your body tries to find a way to increase

168 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

your strength through a faster heartbeat, increased oxygen in the
body, and anxious movements.
The method of paying for a proposed plan.
When you write down the arguments in a debate.
Flow sheet
Notes taken during a debate, usually written in columns so that
arguments from each team can be written next to each other and
can flow across the page.
The speaking positions and times in a debate.
See Financing.
Gives a win
The process of a judge deciding who did a better job of debating.
The proposition or opposition side of a debate. Is also referred to
as gov.
Government team
The team affirming the resolution in a Parliamentary Debate.
Also called the gov.
See Evidence.
To answer a set of arguments with one or more arguments rather
than a line-by-line refutation.
A problem that currently exists in the status quo because of
attitudes or laws that permit it.

Glossary 169
Hasty generalization
A fallacy of reasoning whereby a conclusion is based on one or a
few examples that may be too few or not like the rest of the larger
group being discussed.
Highest Value
The minimal value at which a condition is acceptable.
That is.
To explain why an argument is important.
Implied warrant
Unstated reasoning process that explains the relationship between
the evidence and the claim.
Impromptu speaking
When you speak with little to no preparation time.
Attitudes or laws that allow a condition (harm) to exist; the cause
of the problem.
A wrong statement of measurement.
Invitational tournaments
Tournaments in which debate teams participate by invitation.
An observer of a debate who has the responsibility of deciding
which team has done a better job of debating.
An experienced debater who is no longer a novice but has not
won at the junior level.
Karl Popper Debate
A debate format that matches two three-person teams against
each other: one team affirming the proposition and the other team

170 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

opposing it; each team has one constructive speech presenting
its basic arguments for and against the proposition and two
constructive speeches refuting the opposing team’s arguments and
summarizing its own.
Last shot
The final one-minute speech allowed by both sides in a Public
Forum debate.
Lay judge
A judge who has never seen a debate before or is not an expert
debate judge.
Leader of the opposition
The first oppositional speaker in Parliamentary Debate.
Lincoln–Douglas Debate
This debate format has only one person on a team (affirmative or
negative). The same topic can be debated throughout the year. In
college, a policy topic is used, whereas in high school a separate
value topic is debated.
The presentation of something in a straight line. The linear way
of organizing means that you present one idea after another in a
specific way so that the audience can follow the line of ideas you
are using to prove your arguments.
Line-by-line refutation
When a team refutes every point in the opponent’s case.
The specific action a plan requires.
Member of the government
The affirmative speaker who speaks after the Leader of the
Opposition in Parliamentary Debate.
Member of the opposition
The negative speaker who speaks after the Member of the
Government in Parliamentary Debate.

Glossary 171
A manner of speaking in which everything sounds the same.
When it is still uncertain who will win the argument.
A topic of argument.
A way of presenting information by telling a story in your own
The part of the affirmative case about policies that identifies a
certain problem in the status quo that the existing system cannot
The side in a debate that rejects the resolution.
Non sequitur
This general term is used when anyone provides an argument in
which the claim or conclusion does not follow from the reasoning
or grounds provided.
A beginning debater, usually having debated less than 30 rounds
or not won a tournament.
Objective statement
A statement involving something that can be proved by observable
phenomena or measurable facts.
Objective verification
This occurs when we make a statement and then have some agreed
measurement to prove the truth of that statement.
Specific points addressed in a debate.
Off-case argument
Negative argument against a plan that would have its own
organization, usually flowed on separate paper from the case.

172 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

On-case Argument
Negative argument against the issues that were defended in the
first affirmative speech.
Open debater
A debater with the highest level of experience in tournaments,
separate from the novice and junior divisions. Anyone can
compete as an open debater, even a novice, but it is generally
harder for a novice to win as an open debater.
The term used for the other team, regardless of what side you are
The team negating the propositional team in Parliamentary
Spoken, not written.
Oral critique
The judge’s oral explanation of the decision right after the debate.
Writing notes in an organized way.
Oxford-style debate
A version of policy debate in which no cross-examination is
Explaining evidence in your own words.
Parliamentary Debate—NPDA
A debate format in which the two teams take on the role of
governmental leaders. This format requires a different topic for
every round.

Glossary 173
Parliamentary Debate—World’s Style or European/British
A version of Parliamentary Debate in which four teams compete
at the same time: two teams on the propositional side and two
teams on the oppositional side.
People skills
The ability to talk to others with ease.
Perspective taking
Role playing to present the best arguments for an issue.
A course of action proposed by the affirmative when debating a
proposition of policy intended to solve the problems identified by
the “need” or “harm” arguments.
The individual points of a plan, which include the agent of action,
the mandates, financing, and enforcement.
A significant, outstanding, or effective idea, argument, or
suggestion; an assertion.
Point not well taken
When a team calls for a point of order and the judge decides to
allow the argument to stay in the round.
Point of information
To seek permission to interrupt the speaker for the purpose
of asking a question or clarifying or making a point during a
Parliamentary Debate.
Point of order
To interrupt a speaker in a rebuttal speech to ask the judge to
make a decision about whether a new argument was offered in a
rebuttal speech.
Point well taken
When a team calls for a point of order and the judge decides that
it is a new argument and does not allow the argument.

174 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

Policy Debate
A debate format in which opponents debate a policy (usually a
governmental policy) currently in effect. Typically debaters have
the same topic for the entire school year and read evidence, word
for word.
Post hoc fallacy
Occurs when a debater assumes that because one thing happens
before another, the first must have caused the second.
Preliminary rounds
The beginning rounds in a tournament before the elimination
rounds. All teams compete in the preliminary rounds. Six
preliminary rounds are standard for most tournaments in the
United States.
Preparation time
The time allotted to each team for preparation during the debate
(eight minutes in Karl Popper Debate).
The assumption that current policies will be maintained until
someone makes a case that another policy is a better option.
Presumption (evidence)
A statement concerning what people ordinarily expect to happen
in the course of normal events.
Prima facie
Latin for “on first face”; a requirement of cases presented that
means that all necessary issues are present.
Prime Minister
The first propositional speaker in Parliamentary Debate.
The two-person affirmative team in Public Forum debate.
A claim made by a debater and supported by a combination of
claims: a statement to be proven (fact, value, or policy).

Glossary 175
Propositional team
See Government team.
Proposition of fact
A statement that can be proven with some kind of a measurement.
Proposition of policy
A statement that makes a recommendation that a certain action
should be taken.
Proposition of value
A statement that tries to prove an opinion.
Public Forum
A debate forum that is audience-oriented usually without expert
debate judges allowed. Topics are new each month and are chosen
for their balance of evaluative arguments on both sides. Evidence
is encouraged but usually not read directly, and should be part of
the decision by the judge.
Qualitative significance
This statement describes in words why a value is important in a
Quantitative significance
This statement provides numerical or statistical evidence of why
an issue is important in a debate.
Question-begging epithet
When an adjective or adverb is added to a term to form an
additional argument.
The process used to connect evidence to a claim; providing
reasons for something. See also Warrant.
Rebuttal speeches
The speeches in a debate that challenge and defend arguments
introduced in the constructive speeches; no new arguments are

176 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

Recent, relevant, and reliable
Three tests for all evidence that examine the age of the evidence,
whether the evidence proves a point, and whether the source can
be trusted.
Red herring
A fallacious argument that shifts the focus from the original
The process of attacking and defending arguments.
To prove something wrong.
An argument given, regarding the last argument of the other team,
about why they are wrong, why you are right, and the impacts of
your argument.
The process of locating and selecting evidence in preparation for
A debate topic specifically worded to make for fair debates.
Resolutional analysis
An observation that provides the framework for the affirmative’s
case; it may include definition of terms, context, criteria, value,
and decision rule.
A statement at the beginning of a speech letting everyone know
the order of a debater’s speech.
When all of the teams are debating at the same time.
A system of writing that uses abbreviated words and symbols to
rapidly record what is being said.

Glossary 177
An issue that is important.
To provide the order of the organization of the arguments to be
Arguments that explain why a plan will cure the harm.
Speech anxiety
Nervousness about speaking or giving a speech in public.
Means of evaluating a term or value accepted by all parties.
State your point
What a judge says when a team calls out, “point of order.” When
a judge calls for a team to state its point, then the team must
explain why the argument from the other team was not mentioned
in the constructive speeches and is therefore new.
Evidence expressed in numbers.
Status quo
The course of action currently in use (i.e., the present system).
Stock issues
The main arguments necessary to prove a case; in Policy Debate
the stock issues for the affirmative are need, significance,
inherency, plan, and solvency.
Stop a harm
To prevent something bad from happening.
Straw argument
A fallacy that occurs when an arguer, intentionally or
unintentionally, misinterprets an opponent’s argument and then
proceeds to refute the misinterpreted argument as if it were the
opponent’s actual argument.
Straw man
See Straw argument.

178 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

The language, voice, and body language used by a debater.
Subjective opinion
A belief or attitude that cannot be proven and that is typically
Taken under consideration
When a team calls for a point of order and the judge decides later
if the argument is new or not.
Talking with your hands
The act of constantly moving your hands when you talk.
See Circular definition.
Ted Turner Debate
See Public Forum.
Word or phrase.
A statement in support of a fact or claim. An expert opinion.
A statement that explains other facts or that predicts the
occurrence of events.
Thesis statement
At the beginning of a debate or speech, a statement given to let the
audience know exactly what your speech is about. It consists of
only one sentence to tell the audience the purpose: to inform, to
persuade, or to entertain.
The point in an argument at which you have provided enough
evidence to prove your argument.
Tie goes to the negative
A term that means that it is best to stay with the status quo since
the affirmative has not proven that its plan is better.

Glossary 179
An area for discussion or debate.
An instance where the affirmative team does not debate the
Toulmin Model
A model of argument developed by philosopher Stephen Toulmin.
The basic model includes claim (statement), ground (evidence),
and warrant (analysis).
A series of debates in which a number of teams or debaters
compete to win.
Three main parts of an argument: claim, grounds, and warrant.
True or legitimate.
Evidence based on the audience’s preferred value.
Value case
A case supporting a proposition of value; three principal elements
of such a case are describing, relating, and evaluating.
Ways that the other team has not met the standard of the topic.
Voting issue
An instance when the judge does not have jurisdiction or when
a debater will summarize the winning arguments in a rebuttal
Stated or unstated reasoning process that explains the relationship
between the evidence and the claim.

180 Speaking, Listening and Understanding

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