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Database Access

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Database Access

Database Programming using JDBC

There are 6 steps to connect any java application with the database using JDBC. These steps are as
 Import java.sql package
 Register the Driver class
 Create connection
 Create statement
 Execute queries
 Close connection

1) Register the driver class

The forName() method of Class class is used to register the driver class. This method is used to dynamically

load the driver class.

Syntax of forName() method

public static void forName(String className)throws ClassNotFoundException

Here, Java program is loading oracle driver to esteblish database connection.


2) Create the connection object

The getConnection() method of DriverManager class is used to establish connection with the database.

Syntax of getConnection() method

1) public static Connection getConnection(String url)throws SQLException

2) public static Connection getConnection(String url,String name,String password)
throws SQLException

Example to establish connection with the Oracle database

Connection con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:xe","system","passwo

3) Create the Statement object

The createStatement() method of Connection interface is used to create statement. The object of stateme
execute queries with the database.

Syntax of createStatement() method

public Statement createStatement()throws SQLException

Example to create the statement object

Statement stmt=con.createStatement();

4) Execute the query

The executeQuery() method of Statement interface is used to execute queries to the database. This method re
ResultSet that can be used to get all the records of a table.

Syntax of executeQuery() method

public ResultSet executeQuery(String sql)throws SQLException

Example to execute query

ResultSet rs=stmt.executeQuery("select * from emp");

System.out.println(rs.getInt(1)+" "+rs.getString(2));

5) Close the connection object

By closing connection object statement and ResultSet will be closed automatically. The close() method of Con
used to close the connection.

Syntax of close() method

public void close()throws SQLException

Example to close connection


Java Database Connectivity with MySQL

To connect Java application with the MySQL database, we need to follow 5 following steps.

In this example we are using MySql as the database. So we need to know following informations for
the mysql database:

1. Driver class: The driver class for the mysql database is com.mysql.jdbc.Driver.
2. Connection URL: The connection URL for the mysql database
is jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/sonoo where jdbc is the API, mysql is the database, localhost
is the server name on which mysql is running, we may also use IP address, 3306 is the port
number and sonoo is the database name. We may use any database, in such case, we need to
replace the sonoo with our database name.
3. Username: The default username for the mysql database is root.
4. Password: It is the password given by the user at the time of installing the mysql database. In
this example, we are going to use root as the password.
Let's first create a table in the mysql database, but before creating table, we need to create database

create database sonoo;

use sonoo;
create table emp(id int(10),name varchar(40),age int(3));

Example to Connect Java Application with mysql database

In this example, sonoo is the database name, root is the username and password both.

import java.sql.*;

class MysqlCon{
public static void main(String args[]){

Connection con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/sonoo","root","root");
//here sonoo is the database name, root is the username and root is the password
Statement stmt=con.createStatement();

ResultSet rs=stmt.executeQuery("select * from emp");

System.out.println(rs.getInt(1)+" "+rs.getString(2)+" "+rs.getString(3));


}catch(Exception e){ System.out.println(e);}

Java Database Connectivity with Oracle

To connect java application with the oracle database, we need to follow 5 following steps. In this
example, we are using Oracle 10g as the database. So we need to know following information for the
oracle database:
1. Driver class: The driver class for the oracle database is oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver.
2. Connection URL: The connection URL for the oracle10G database
is jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:xe where jdbc is the API, oracle is the database, thin is
the driver, localhost is the server name on which oracle is running, we may also use IP address,
1521 is the port number and XE is the Oracle service name. You may get all these information
from the tnsnames.ora file.
3. Username: The default username for the oracle database is system.
4. Password: It is the password given by the user at the time of installing the oracle database.

Before establishing connection, let's first create a table in oracle database. Following is the SQL query
to create a table.
create table emp(id number(10),name varchar2(40),age number(3));

Example to Connect Java Application with Oracle database

In this example, we are connecting to an Oracle database and getting data from emp table.
Here, system and oracle are the username and password of the Oracle database.

import java.sql.*;
class OracleCon{
public static void main(String args[]){

Connection con=DriverManager.getConnection(

Statement stmt=con.createStatement();

ResultSet rs=stmt.executeQuery("select * from emp");

System.out.println(rs.getInt(1)+" "+rs.getString(2)+" "+rs.getString(3));


}catch(Exception e){ System.out.println(e);}


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