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School: Grade Level: VI

GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Credits to the Writer of this DLL Learning Area: MAPEH
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: APRIL 1-5, 2024 (WEEK 1) Quarter: 4TH QUARTER


A. Content Standard Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates understanding of the Demonstrates the concept of CATCH-UP FRIDAY
understanding of the understanding of the various tempo texture as:
various tempo various tempo 1. Monophonic(one voice)
2. Homophonic (Voice and

Polyphonic ( Many voices)

B. Performance Performs a given song, Performs a given song, Performs a given song, using tempo Performs a given song, using tempo
Standard using tempo marks using tempo marks marks appropriately marks appropriately
appropriately appropriately

C. Learning Identifies the different Distinguish between Demonstrates the different kinds of Identifies aurally the texture of
Competencies tempo in a given song or ritardando and accelerando tempo by following tempo marks in a musical pieces
(write the LC Code) music: as used in a song familiar song 4.1 monophonic
-allegro MU6TX-Iva-b-2 “Pandangguhan” 4.2 homophonic
-andante MU6TX-Iva-b-3 4.3 polyphonic
-ritardando MU6TX-IVC-D-1
II. CONTENT tempo tempo tempo texture


A. References 21st century Mapeh in 21st century Mapeh in 21st century Mapeh in action 6 21st century Mapeh in action 6
action 6 action 6
1. TG/CG pages
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages 63-65 63-65 63-65 67-68
4. Materials downloaded
from LRMDS
B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing previous What is tempo? Review about the previous Review about the previous lesson.
lesson and presenting Give the different symbols used. lesson.
new lesson
B. Establishing a purpose Which moves faster a horse Let the children to sing the song Today we are going to sing a song Today we are going to analyze the
for the lesson or a turtle? Sitsiritsit. with different tempo marks. three different kinds of texture.
Compare the movement of
the two animals. Which
runs fast?
C. Presenting Imagine yourself riding in an Today we are going to Sing the song.
examples/instances of airplane going to Davao, or distinguish between ritardando Are You Sleeping
the lesson in a “Ro-Ro Ship” going to and accelerando.
the same destination. Will
you arrive first riding in an
airplane or in a “Ro-Ro
Ship”? Why?
D. Discussing new Singing of the Song from Ask the pupils if they know the Study Pandangguhan (note Discuss the three types of tempo. c.
concepts and practicing the Beatles “Ob-La-Di-Ob- song Ob-La-Di-Ob-La-Da by the mahaba di kasya song) a. Monophonic or
new skills #1 La-Da” then describes the Beatles? monophony- as the prefix
flow of the music? How do Teach the song. “mono” means one sound.
you feel when singing it? Identify the flow of the song.
Ex. Are you sleeping,
Describes its flow.
brother John?
b. Homophonic texture- is a
single melodic sound with
accompaniment. It gives
focus on the melody as its
main feature and is
supported and colored by
another instrument like
the guitar or the piano.
Example Are You sleeping,
brother John?

Polyphonic texture-means “having

many sounds”. It contains two or
more independent musical lines. It
is a musical composition, which
makes use of two or more
melodies. Example Choral music
and orchestral music.
E. Discussing new What is tempo? Ritardando (rit.) a gradual Identify the different tempo What is texture?
concepts and practicing Give the most commonly change to a slower tempo. marks used in the song. Texture in music refers to the
new skills #2 used tempo markings or Accelerando (accel.)a slow structure of a musical composition
symbols. gradual change to a faster showing how many sounds, various
tempo. layers, or voices are heard at the
same time.
F. Developing mastery What are the most common Present the song Sitsiritsit. Give the meaning of all the Discuss about the different types of
(lead to formative used tempo markings or Study the song. tempo marks in the song texture.
assessment 3) symbols? What are the tempo markings Pandangguhan.
used in the song?
G. Finding practical Groupings Have you watched a concert or a
application of concepts Singing of the song Sitsiritsit choral singing in your school? How
and skills in daily living (two groups) many voices did you hear?

H. Making generalization What is tempo? Tell that Ritardando (rit.) a What are the three kinds of
and abstractions about Give the different symbols gradual change to a slower texture?
the lesson of tempo. tempo.
Accelerando (accel.)a slow
gradual change to a faster
I. Evaluating learning Give the meaning of the Give the song piece Sitsiritsit Singing Pandangguhan Singing of the song. Follow the
following. and be able to identify the 1.Vivace (lively) voices like the choral groups.
1. Andante tempo in each part of the song. Manunugtug ay
(moderately slow) nangagpasimula
2. Andantino At nangagsayawan ang
(moderately slow mga mutya
but flowing tempo) Sa mga padyak parang
3. Adagio (slow, or in magigiba
an easy graceful Ang bawat tapakan ng
manner) mga bakya
4. Lento (Slow)
5. Largo (very slow, II
broad) Kung pagmamasdan ay
6. Allergo (fast, lively, nakatutuwa
brisk, and faster Ang hinhin nila'y hindi
tempo) nawawala
7. Allegretto (quicker Tunay na hinahangaan
than andantino) ng madla
8. Moderato Ang sayaw nitong ating
(moderate) munting bansa
9. Vivace- (quickly, 2.Andante(moderate)
lively) Dahil sa ikaw mutyang
10. Presto (a very fast paraluman
tempo) Walang singganda sa
dagat silangan
Mahal na hiyas ang puso
mo hirang
becoming fast)
Ang pag-ibig mo'y hirap
Kung hindi taos ay
Mga pagsuyong iniaalay
Kung hindi taos ay
Mga pagsuyong iniaalay
3 Largo (very very slow)
Halina aking mahal,
ligaya ko ay ikaw
Kapag 'di ka natatanaw,
Ang buhay ko ay anong
Halina aking mahal,
ligaya ko ay ikaw
Kapag 'di ka natatanaw,
Ang buhay ko ay anong
4 Allegro(brsik,lively,
Kung may pista sa aming
Ang lahat ay
May letchon bawat
May gayak pati
Paglabas ni Santa
Mariang mahal,
Kami ay taos na
Prusisyon dito ay
Kung kaya't ang iba'y
5 Presto (very fast)
May tumutugtog at may
Mayrong sa galak ay
Ang pista sa bayan
namin ay ganyan,
Ang saya'y tila walang
6 Vivace (fast, lively)

Manunugtug ay
At nangagsayawan ang
mga mutya
Sa mga padyak parang
Ang bawat tapakan ng
mga bakya
Kung pagmamasdan ay
Ang hinhin nila'y hindi
Tunay na hinahangaan
ng madla
Ritardando (gradually
Ang sayaw nitong ating
munting bansa

J. Additional activities for

application or


A. No. of learners who B.

earned 80% in the
C. No. of learners who D.
acquired additional
activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
E. Did the remedial lessons F.
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
G. No. of learners who H.
continue to require
I. Which of my teaching J.
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
K. What difficulties did I L.
encountered which my
principal can help me
M. What innovation or N.
localized materials did I
used/discover which I wish
to share with other

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