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Theoretical Foundations of Employee Motivation and Practical Application in The Workplace

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Boosting Employee Motivation and

Theoretical Foundations of Employee Motivation
and Practical Application in the Workplace.

Employee motivation, a cornerstone of organizational success, finds its roots in various
theoretical frameworks that delve into the intricacies of human behaviour and engagement.
Theories of motivation include content theories, process theories, and contemporary
theories. Content theories include Maslow's hierarchy of needs, Herzberg's motivator-
hygiene theory, Alderfer's Existence, Relatedness and Growth theory, and McClelland's
needs theory. Process theories explain motivation's origin and its impact on satisfaction.
Contemporary theories include equity, control and agency theory, goal setting,
reinforcement, and job design theory. To motivate employees effectively, managers should
focus on job content or motivation factors, enriching jobs, providing feedback and
recognition, and fostering a broader employment relationship and social exchange. This
article will explore the foundational theories of employee motivation and provide practical
insights on their application within the workplace.
Motivation is a positive emotional state resulting from job appraisals, involving emotional
attachment and deliberate employer review. It is cognitive decision making aimed at
achieving goals through initiation and monitoring. Appraisals at work use predetermined
standards, causing emotional reactions that determine employee satisfaction or
dissatisfaction. Motivation can be external (extrinsic) factors like rewards or internal
(intrinsic) desires to improve. Employee motivation describes how committed an employee is
to his job, how engaged he feels with the company's goals and how empowered he feels in
his daily work. (A Donohoe , 2018)
Boosting Employee Motivation and
1. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs: Understanding the Human Psyche

Theory Overview: Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs proposes that individuals have a

pyramid of needs, starting from basic physiological requirements and progressing to
higher-order aspirations like self-actualization.

Application in the Workplace:

Physiological Needs: Ensure a safe and comfortable working environment,

addressing basic needs like adequate breaks and rest areas.
Safety Needs: Establish clear safety protocols and provide job security to reduce
employee anxiety.
Social and Esteem Needs: Encourage team-building activities, recognize
achievements, and provide opportunities for professional development.
Self-Actualization: Foster an environment that encourages innovation, creativity,
and personal growth.

“Prioritising our needs is the key behind a motivated workforce: it’s unhelpful to try
and promote workplace football if basic day-to-day safety needs have not yet been
met. It’s worthwhile reflecting on the more basic needs in your workplace, and
examining whether any have been overlooked”. The ideal outcome? Everyone
achieves a sense of self-actualisation (J Strick, 2022)
Boosting Employee Motivation and
Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory: Balancing Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction

Theory Overview: Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory differentiates between hygiene

factors (prevent dissatisfaction) and motivators (create satisfaction).

Application in the Workplace:

Hygiene Factors: Ensure competitive salaries, safe working conditions, and fair
company policies.
Motivators: Implement recognition programs, provide opportunities for skill
development, and encourage employee involvement in decision-making processes.

According to Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory, “motivators” are factors that lead to job
satisfaction and motivate employees to perform better. These include meaningful work,
recognition, responsibility, opportunities for growth, achievement, and advancement. These
factors are intrinsic to the work and are related to an individual’s need for personal growth
and self- fulfilment.(C Nickerson,2023)

Expectancy Theory: Linking Effort, Performance, and Rewards

Theory Overview: Expectancy Theory posits that individuals are motivated to act in
a certain way if they believe their efforts will lead to performance and that
performance will result in desired outcomes.

Application in the Workplace:

 Clearly communicate performance expectations and link them to

organizational goals.
 Connect individual efforts with meaningful rewards, emphasizing the
correlation between hard work and positive outcomes.

Equity Theory: Striving for Fairness in the Workplace

Theory Overview: Equity Theory emphasizes the importance of perceived fairness

in the workplace, where employees compare their inputs and outcomes to those of
their peers.

Application in the Workplace:

 Implement fair HR policies and transparent performance evaluation
Boosting Employee Motivation and
 Ensure equitable distribution of workload and access to growth opportunities.

Goal-Setting Theory: Catalysing Performance through Clear Objectives

Theory Overview: Goal-Setting Theory stresses the significance of specific and

challenging goals in driving performance.

Application in the Workplace:

 Collaboratively set clear and challenging goals with employees.
 Provide regular feedback, tying goal attainment to recognition or
advancement opportunities.
Practical Integration of Theories: Strategies for Application
1. Customization: Tailor motivational strategies to the unique needs and
preferences of your workforce.
2. Leadership Involvement: Engage leadership in embodying and promoting
motivational strategies throughout the organization.
3. Communication Strategies: Foster transparent communication channels to
convey organizational goals, expectations, and recognition initiatives.
4. Continuous Evaluation: Regularly assess the effectiveness of implemented
strategies, seeking feedback from employees and adapting approaches
Conclusion: Cultivating a Motivated and Engaged Workforce
By understanding and strategically applying these foundational theories of employee
motivation, organizations can cultivate a workplace culture where individuals are not just
employees but motivated contributors. The integration of theoretical insights into everyday
practices ensures that organizations foster environments where employees thrive, leading to
increased job satisfaction, higher productivity, and sustained success.

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Boosting Employee Motivation and

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Table.1.3. Different Motivational Theories

 Saari, L.M. and Judge, T.A. Employee attitudes and job satisfaction. Human Resource
Management, 2004,43 (4): 395-407. Crossref

 Saif, K.F., Nawaz, A., Jan, A. and Khan, M.I. Synthesizing the theories of job-
satisfaction across the cultural/attitudinal dimensions. Interdisciplinary Journal of
Contemporary Research in Business, 2012,3 (9): 1382-1396.

 David, A. and Anderzej, A. Organisational Behaviour. 7th ed. London: Pearson, 2010.

List of References

A Donohoe (25th October 2018) Employee motivation is [Online] Available


[ Accessed on 02ndDecember 2023]

Jessica Strick (1st June 2022) Applying Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs to A Modern
Workplace (Online) Available at: https://www.ecoportal.com/blog/maslows-hierarchy-
of-needs (Accessed on 02ndDecember 2023]

Charlotte Nickerson (28th September 2023) Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory Of

Motivation-Hygiene( Online) Available at:
https://www.simplypsychology.org/herzbergs-two-factor-theory. (Accessed on
02ndDecember 2023]
Boosting Employee Motivation and

The dynamic nature of employee motivation necessitates the creation of tailored

strategies that cater to the unique needs and preferences of the workforce.
Organizations must invest in understanding their employees' individual differences and
the dynamic nature of motivation. By tailoring strategies to align with their specific
characteristics and aspirations, organizations can create a more responsive and resonant
motivational framework. Leadership plays a pivotal role in the success of motivational
strategies, as they embody and promote the motivational ethos. Transparent
communication channels are essential for conveying organizational goals, expectations,
and recognition initiatives. Open dialogue fosters inclusivity and co-creation of
motivational strategies. Continuous evaluation and adaptation are crucial for sustained
motivation. By embracing a mindset of continuous improvement, organizations can stay
responsive to the evolving needs and preferences of their workforce.

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