Current Pointer
Current Pointer
Current Pointer
l Topicals
¨ Which Fertiliser Plant was dedicated to nation  Signed contracts are
recently by PM Modi? (1 March 2024) - One with Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL)
- Hindustan Urvarak & Rasayan Ltd for procurement of aero-engines
(HURL) Sindri Fertiliser Plant for MiG-29 aircraft
 Plant is situated at -Sindri, Dhanbad, Jharkhand -Two with Larsen & Toubro (L&T) for
 Hindustan Urvarak & Rasayan Limited (HURL) is a procurement of Close-in Weapon System (CIWS)
Joint Venture Company of and High-Power Radar (HPR)
- National Thermal Power Corporation Ltd -Two with BrahMos Aerospace Private Limited
(NTPC), Indian Oil Corporation Ltd (IOCL), (BAPL) for procurement of BrahMos missiles
Coal India Ltd (CIL) and FCIL/HFCL
and ship borne BrahMos cruise missile systems
 HURL was entrusted with the responsibility of
¨ Who approved the establishment of International
-setting up New Ammonia-Urea Plants at Sindri
Big Cat Alliance (IBCA)? (1 March 2024)
having capacity of 2200 TPD Ammonia and 3850
-The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime
TPD neem coated urea
Minister Shri Narendra Modi
 Total investment in the revived plant
 Where will be the headquarters of IBCA established?
-Rs. 8939.25 Crore and equity participation of
29.67% each by NTPC, IOCL - India
and CIL and 11% by FCIL Â IBCA was formally announced on
¨ Which state has become the first state to issue five -April 9, 2023 (50 years of India's Project Tiger)
crore Ayushman cards under AB-PMJAY? (1 March  The International Big Cat Alliance has been conceived
2024) -Uttar Pradesh as a -multi-country, multi-agency coalition of
 Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya 96 big cat range countries, non-range countries
Yojana was launched on interested in big cat conservation, conservation
- 23rd September, 2018 in Ranchi, Jharkhand partners and scientific organizations working in
¨ The Ministry of Defence (MoD) signed five major the field of big cat conservation
capital acquisition contracts worth how much for  Seven big cats include
the three services? (1 March 2024) -Tiger, Lion, Leopard, Snow Leopard, Puma,
- Rs. 39,125.39 crore Jaguar and the Cheetah
¨ Who has recently launched logo and website for  It is an initiative of - Reliance Industries and
Alliance for Global Good – Gender Equity and Reliance Foundation , led by Anant Ambani
Equality? (28 February 2024)- Smriti Zubin Irani, Â It is a comprehensive initiative for
Union Minister of Women & Child Development - rescuing, treating, and rehabilitating animals
and Minority Affairs, Government of India ¨ Who has been appointed as New Chairperson of
 The Alliance is supported by the Lokpal? (27 February 2024)
- Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and anchored - Justice A M Khanwilkar
by the CII Centre for Women Leadership  What is Lokpal? - anti-corruption ombudsman
 World Economic Forum as - a ‘Network Partner’ authority in India
and Invest India as an ‘Institutional Partner’ Â What kind of body Lokpal is
 Alliance was established at - The 54th annual - independent statutory body
World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos  It is established thorugh
 The alliance is a response to - the G20 Summit 2023 - The Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act,2013
Leaders' Declaration and India's commitment
 Tenure of Lokpal
to women-led development.
- The Lokpal chairperson and the members are
¨ The 'Tawi Festival' is colourful celebration of local
appointed for a term of five years or serve till
culture and heritage of which state?
they are 70 years old, whichever is earlier.
- Jammu and Kashmir
 Other six members appointed by government in
 This festival will be celebrated from
Lokpal panel - Former Himachal Pradesh High
- 1 March to 4th March
Court Chief Justice Lingappa Narayana Swamy,
¨ Who launched India’s first indigenously developed
former Allahabad High Court Chief Justice
hydrogen fuel cell ferry? (28 February 2024)
Sanjay Yadav and former Karnataka High Court
- Prime Minister Narendra Modi
Chief Justice and Law Commission Chairperson
 He launched the ferry
Ritu Raj Awasthi are judicial members; non-
- virtually from Thoothukudi in Tamil Nadu
judicial members include former Chief Election
 Ferry is built by - Cochin Shipyard Limited (CSL).
 It will be handed over to Commissioner Sushil Chandra, former Chief
- Inland Waterways Authority for operations Secretary of Gujarat Pankaj Kumar and former
 It will be operated at - Varanasi Rural Development Secretary Ajay Tirkey.
¨ Which two organisations were recently banned by  The first Lokpal chairperson was - former Supreme
Union Home Ministry? (28 February 2024) Court Justice Pinaki Chandra Ghose
- Muslim Conference Jammu & Kashmir (Sumji ¨ Pankaj Udhas, who passed away recently, was
faction) and Muslim Conference Jammu & associated with which field? (26 February 2024)
Kashmir (Bhat faction) - Singing (famous ghazal singer)
 They were declared illegal under ¨ The Kannada Language Comprehensive
- Section 3 of Unlawful Activities Development (Amendment) Bill, 2024, received the
(Prevention) Act, 1967 assent from Governor of which state? (25 February
¨ ‘Vantara’ initiative, recently seen in the news, is 2024) - Governor Thaawarchand
associated with - Animal Welfare Gehlot of Karnataka
¨ Under the Viksit Bharat Viksit Madhya Pradesh  Vantara is spread over across
program the foundation stone of many development - 3,000 acres (green belt of Reliance's Jamnagar
projects worth over Rs. 17 thousand crore laid and Refinery Complex)
inaugurated by (February 29, 2024) ¨ Who opposed the China-led Investment Facilitation
- Prime Minister Narendra Modi for Development (IFD) proposal as part of the formal
 On the occasion, the Cyber Tehsil Project in the state WTO framework? (February 28, 2024)
was also launched by - Prime Minister - India and South Africa
 The foundation stone of irrigation projects worth  Why it was opposed by India?
more than Rs 5,500 crore laid down including - India argued it is a non-trade issue
- Upper Narmada Project, Raghavpur  The Investment Facilitation for Development
Multipurpose Project, and Basaniya Agreement (IFD) was first proposed in
Multipurpose Project. – 2017
 Three railway projects built at a cost of more than  The proposal was initiated at
- World Trade Organisation
Rs 2,200 crore were also dedicated to the nation,
(WTO) Conference
 It is which edition of WTO Ministerial Conference?
-Veerangana Laxmibai Jhansi-Jakhlaun and
- 13th(February 26 - March 2, 2024)
Dhaura-Agasaud routes, -New Sumavali-Jora
 13th Ministerial Conference of WTO was held in
Alapur railway line, and -Flyover construction
- Abu Dhabi, UAE
project on the Powarkheda-Jujharpur
 Which countries became member of the World Trade
railway line
Organization in the conference?
¨ Reserve Bank of India gave final approval to
- Comoros and Timor Leste
which company recently to operate as a payment
 The Indian delegation was led by
aggregator? (February 26, 2024) - Amazon Pay
- India's Commerce Secretary,
 Payment Aggregators are defined by RBI as
Sunil Barthwal
- Entities that facilitate e-commerce sites ¨ Who observed recently Financial Literacy Week
and merchants to accept various payment from February 26 to March 1, 2024?(February 26,
instruments from customers 2024) - RBI
¨ The launch of the Vantara (Star of the Forest) Â The main aim of the week is
program in Jamnagar was announced by (February - To promote financial literacy and education
26, 2024) among the citizens.
- Reliance Industries and Reliance Foundation. Â This year’s Financial Literacy Week is centred on
 Vantara program is a comprehensive initiative the theme
focusing on - Make a Right Start: Become
- Rescue, treatment, care, and rehabilitation of Financially Smart
injured, abused, and endangered animals  This week-long programme has been conducted by
both in India and abroad the RBI since – 2016
Current Affairs Pointer (12) Sam-Samayik Ghatna Chakra
¨ Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami  Redevelopment of how many railway stations under
presented a budget for the financial year 2024-25 of the Amrit Bharat Station Scheme has been started?
(February 27, 2024) - Rs 89,230 crore - 553 railway stations
 The budget is how much more than the previous  These stations will be developed as - ‘City Centres’
year,2023-24? - 15.27 per cent  Amrit Bharat Station Scheme was launched for
 In the year 2022-23 the economic growth rate of - Upgrading station facilities with modern
Uttarakhand was - 7.63 per cent infrastructure
 As per the multidimensional poverty Index, how  It was launched in February 2023 by
much people have come out of poverty in the - Ministry of Railways
Uttarakhand? - 9 lakh 17 thousand 299 people  How many Railway stations are to be redeveloped
 In the budget, Rs 5,658 crore has been allocated for under the scheme? - 1275 railway stations
- Welfare of the poor ¨ The nation's longest cable-stayed bridge, inaugurated
 With a 12 per cent increase in per capita income, in by PM Modi is named as (February 25, 2024)
- "Sudarshan Setu"
2023-24 it has been reached to - Rs 2.61 lakh
 Length of the bridge is
¨ For the fiscal year 2024–25, the Jharkhand
- Approximately 2.32 km long
government presented a budget of (February 27,
 The bridge connects
2024) - Rs 1.28 lakh crore
- Mainland of Okha with the island of Beyt
 The government is targeting Jharkhand's economy to
Dwarka, Gujarat
reach Rs 10 lakh crore by - 2029–2030
 The bridge is built at a cost of around
 For the fiscal year 2024–2025, State Finance Minister
- Rs. 980 crores
is - Rameshwar Oraon
 Sudarshan Setu has footpaths decorated with verses
 A distinct 'Bal' budget has been introduced by the
from scripture - Srimad Bhagavad Gita
government to support
¨ According to NITI Aayog, in India poverty has come
- Students' inclusive growth
down to below (February 26, 2024) - 5%
(Rs 8,866 crore budget)
¨ Who released data on household consumption
 The government will build 3.50 lakh houses between expenditure for the year 2022-23? (24 February,
2024 and 2025 under which scheme proposed in the 2024)
budget? -'Abua Awas (Housing) Scheme' - The National Sample Survey Office (NSSO)
¨ Which country has amended the Double Taxation  According to this data, the per capita monthly
Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) with India?(February household expenditure has become doubled in 2022-
23, 2024) - Mauritius 23 as compared to - 2011-12
 The Mauritius Cabinet has decided to amend the  According to the data, the average per capita monthly
agreement to comply with the minimum standards expenditure for all categories in rural areas stood at
of multilateral instruments (MLI) of OECD under - Rs 3,773
- Base Erosion and Profit Shifting  Average per capita monthly expenditure for all
(BEPS) rules categories in urban areas is - Rs 6,459
 The main aim of this amendment is to ¨ The first-ever 'Maharashtra MSME Defence Expo'
- Forestall tax avoidance or minimisation was inaugurated in (February 24, 2024)
through exploitative tactics - International Exhibition and Convention
 The Cumulative FDI from Mauritius to India Center of Moshi, Pune, Maharashtra
between 2000 – 2022 was - $161 billion ¨ The first solar project of NTPC Renewable Energy
¨ Who laid the foundation stones and inaugurated (NTPC-REL) started operation in (February 21,
around 2,000 railway infrastructure projects worth 2024) - Chhattargarh, Rajasthan
more than Rs.41,000 crore? (February 26, 2024) Â The current operational capacity of the plant is
- Prime Minister Narendra Modi - 70 MW
The Yogi Adityanath government presented its Budget speech with lines from Ramayan
budget for the financial year, 2024-25 on February 5, Uttar Pradesh Finance Minister Suresh Kumar
2024, with Finance Minister Suresh Kumar Khanna Khanna starts the speech quoting Ramayan.
stating that it is an inclusive budget that caters to all. He also said "newmeues efoue ceW peye ceÛeueles nQ, DeebefOeÙeeW ceW
This budget will be the eighth consecutive budget Ûejeie peueles nw~"
presented by the BJP government and the fifth Khanna also highlighted that the state is expected to
consecutive one presented by Finance Minister of receive around Rs 2,18,816.84 crore from the Central
U.P. Suresh Kumar Khanna. taxes, according to the interim budget presented by
Finance Minister of Uttar Pradesh Suresh Kumar Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on
Khanna presented a record budget of Rs 7.36 lakh February 1, 2024.
crore for the financial year 2024-25 in the State In the previous year, the Yogi government had
Assembly of Uttar Pradesh. presented a budget of Rs 6.9 lakh crore for 2023-
Uttar Pradesh FM said that this budget will lay a 2024, along with a supplementary budget of Rs
strong foundation for UP to become a one-trillion- 28,760.67 crore, which included funding for various
dollar economy. development projects in Ayodhya.
He emphasized that it will address the needs of people
from all walks of life in the state, with a particular Economic Highlights
emphasis on infrastructure, improving the lives of Budget Size
youth, women, farmers, and the underprivileged. 6.7% Increase over
Rs. 7.36 Lakh crore
Rupee Comes In 2023-24
Recovery of Loan
and Advance Expenditure
Public Debt 0.5% Public Account
Receipt (Net) 0.8% Revenue Expenditure Rs. 5.33 Lakh crore
Non-Tax Revenue Capital Expenditure Rs. 2.04 Lakh crore
3.4% State Own
Tax Revenue Capital Outlay Rs. 1.55 Lakh crore
Central Tax Receipts
Total Receipts Rs. 7.21 Lakh crore
Grant in Aid Revenue Receipts Rs. 6.07 Lakh crore
Capital Receipts Rs. 1.14 Lakh crore
Rupee Goes Out
Other Expenditure State’s own Tax Revenue
Subsidy 3.8% 12.7% Rs. 2.70 Lakh crore
Devolution to Repayment
Local Bodies 5.4%
21% Disbursement
Biggest budget in the history of UP
Interest of Loan &
Payment 7.3% Advances
At Rs 7.36 lakh crore, this is the biggest budget in the
11.7% 1.3% history of UP.
9% The total capacity of the power transmission system,
Salary-Aided Salary- which was 16,348 MW in the financial year 2016-
Institution Government
Employee Employee 2017, has been increased to 28,900 MW in the year
11.7% 2022-2023
6. Borrowings and Other Liabilities (out of which 66846.94 109114.90 99114.90 111232.79
ways and means Advances from RBI)
0.00 10000.00 0.00 10000.00
7. Total Receipts (1 + 4) 485425.76 683292.74 627644.92 721333.82
12. Loan Repayments in which ways and means 22690.46 31181.43 21317.81 39806.17
Advances redemption from RBI
0.00 10000.00 0.00 10000.00
13. Total Expenditure (8 + 10) 505905.55 690242.43 632362.37 736437.71
¨ PM Narendra Modi laid the foundation stone  The edition of BioAsia 2024 is - 21st edition
of ISRO’s new launch complex (India's second  This convention was inaugurated by
spaceport) in (February 28, 2024) - Chief Minister Revanth Reddy
- Kulasekharapattanam, village, Â The theme of the conclave was
Thoothukudi district, Tamil Nadu - ‘Data & AI: Redefining Possibilities’
 This facility will accommodate how many launches ¨ How many astronauts have been named for India's
per year? - 24 first manned space mission (Gaganyaan)?(February
 The spaceport will be built at the cost of 27, 2024) - Four
- Rs 986 crore
 Name of the four astronauts are
 This launch complex is being built for launching
- Prashanth Nair, Angad Prathap,
- SSLV-type rockets
Ajit Krishnan, and Shubhanshu Shukla
 He also flagged off India’s first indigenous green
 The astronauts have undergone a year-long training
hydrogen fuel cell inland waterway vessel as part of
course in - ZvyozdnyGorodok city, Russia
- HaritNauka initiative
¨ India's first ammunition-missile manufacturing  To train astronauts for the manned mission, ISRO has
complex unveiled by (February 26, 2024) set up an Astronaut Training Facility in - Bengaluru
- Adani Group (Adani Defense and Aerospace) ¨ To improve the country's space sector, three important
 Adani Defense and Aerospace opened two facilities space infrastructure projects was inaugurated by
for manufacturing ammunition and missiles in (February 27, 2024)
- Kanpur,Uttar Pradesh - Prime Minister Narendra Modi
 The Kanpur complex is set to become one of the  These projects include
largest integrated ammunition manufacturing -PSLV Integration Facility (PIF) at Satish
complexes in - South Asia Dhawan Space Centre, Sriharikota, -New
¨ National Science Day or RashtriyaVigyan Divas was ‘Semi-cryogenics Integrated Engine and Stage
celebrated in India on - 28 February, 2024 Test facility’ at ISRO Propulsion Complex at
 The day is celebrated to remember the discovery of Mahendragiri, -‘Trisonic Wind Tunnel’ at VSSC,
the Raman Effect by
- Sir C V Raman (on 28 February 1928)
¨ Haryana Chief Minister launched a program for early
 The first National Science Day was celebrated on
screening and detection of breast cancer, named as
- 28 February 1987
(February 25, 2024) - 'Savera'
 The nodal agency for the coordination of National
Science Day celebrations is  This program has been initiated by
- The National Council for Science and - Medanta Foundation (collaboration with
Technology Communication (NCSTC) Gurugram health department)
¨ Asia's premier biotechnology and life sciences  The CM also mentioned the establishment of the
convention, BioAsia 2024, started in (February 26- National Cancer Institute at AIIMS in
28, 2024) - Hyderabad - Jhajjar district
¨ The Climate and Clean Air Conference 2024 urged  They are Predominantly found in - evergreen and
global cooperation to (21-23 February, 2024) semi-evergreen forests in the Western Ghats
- eliminate Super pollutants. ¨ There is Draft resolution for conservation of (14
 It has been held before the sixth -United Nations February, 2024) -hawksbill turtle and angelshark
Environment Assembly (UNEA-6). Â This draft resolution was adopted at -CMS COP14.
 UNEA-6 was held in -Nairobi, Kenya  This is one of the - smaller sea turtle species, the
 UNEA-6 was held -from 26 February hawksbill turtle gets its name
to 1 March 2024 from its narrow, elongated head
 Short-lived climate pollutants are known as  It has - V-shaped lower jaw.
- Super pollutants. Â It is typically found in - coastal reefs, rocky areas,
 It includes - methane, black carbon, estuaries, and lagoons.
hydrofluorocarbons and tropospheric ozone. ¨ Researchers have discovered a (14 February, 2024)
¨ Tamil Nadu established a special fund to save - new species of marine amphipod
-Purple Frog in the Western Ghats. Â The new species has been named - Parhyale odian
 The Purple Frog is believed to be a-‘living fossil’  Species is discovered by researchers at odisha's
having - coexisted with dinosaurs Berhampur university from - Chilika Lake, Odisha
 It ranked four on the -‘EDGE (Evolutionarily  Central Asian Flyway was introduced by (17
Distinct and Globally Endangered) February, 2024) - India
of Existence’ priority amphibians list  It is introduced during the 14th Meeting of the
-Conference of the Parties to the Conservation
 Edge is collated by the - Zoological Society of London
of Migratory Species of Wild Animals
¨ Recently Indian Institute of Science (IISc) have
(CMS COP 14)
developed a synthetic human antibody. This
 It is Supported by - Bird Life International and
antibody has been developed (22 February, 2024)
30 other governments.
-to neutralise lethal snakebite toxin
 It is an initiative under the CMS to - restore and
 According to World Health Organisation around
maintain favourable conservation status
90% of snakebites in India are caused by the
 The initiative will develop and enforce a
- 'big four' among the crawlers
-Programme of Work
 The big four crawlers named -common krait,
¨ The Commission for Air Quality Management
Indian cobra, Russell's viper and saw scaled viper (CAQM) has decided (19 February, 2024)
 WHO recognised snakebite as a - to revoke Stage II of the Graded Response
- neglected tropical disease in 2017 Action Plan (GRAP)
 WHO in 2019, set a target to halve the global  The plan has revoked in the entire National Capital
burden of snakebite by - 2030 Region (NCR). Delhi’s average Air Quality Index
¨ Scientists made a surprising discovery a - mushroom (AQI) was recorded at - 231
growing out of the side of -Golden-backed frog. Â GRAP is a set of emergency measures aimed at
 This discovery occurred in mitigating - air pollution in the Delhi National
-the foothills of the Western Ghats in India, Capital Region (NCR)
 The Golden backed frog, also known as -Trivandrum  It was initially proposed by - the Central Pollution
frog, common wood frog, or small wood frog, is a Control Board (CPCB) in 2016
small -sized amphibian. Â It was first notified by the- Ministry of Environment,
 They are-partially arboreal and partially aquatic. Forest, and Climate Change in 2017
Current Affairs Pointer (34) Sam-Samayik Ghatna Chakra
 Since 2021, the GRAP is enforced by the - CAQM ¨ India’s first comprehensive survey estimates the
 The GRAP considers multiple pollutants, including snow leopard population at (30 January, 2024)
- ozone, sulfur dioxide, oxides of nitrogen, -718 in the wild
PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations  The four-year-long exercise used camera traps in 1,971
¨ The Himachal Pradesh (HP) budget for the year 2024- locations and surveyed 13,450 km of trails across regions
25 has introduced initiatives aimed at (17 February, like - Ladakh(477), followed by Uttarakhand (124),
2024) - promoting sustainable development and Himachal Pradesh (51), Arunachal Pradesh (36),
supporting farmers Sikkim (21), and Jammu and Kashmir (9)
¨ The initiative named -Mukhya Mantri Harit  The survey, named - Snow Leopard Population
Vikas Chhattravriti Yojana (CM Green Assessment in India (SPAI)
Development Scholarship Scheme) Â Its began in -2019
 Under this initiative Postgraduate science and engineering  It involves collaboration between the
graduates will receive -two-year scholarships - World Wide Fund for Nature-India, the
 The scholarship is provided to conduct research on Nature Conservation Foundation, and the
- climate change and environmental Wildlife Institute of India
conservation  The snow leopard is classified as - “vulnerable”
 Rajiv Gandhi Natural Farming Startup Scheme in the and faces threats such as human-wildlife
state was launched with budget of - Rs. 50 Crore conflicts, free-ranging dogs, and poaching.
 It has been introduced with a focus on ¨ The Interim Budget of India (2024-25) highlights the
- chemical-free farming. promotion of - ‘blue economy 2.0,’ emphasizing
 Under this ten farmers from each panchayat will be sustainable development related to oceans, seas, and
encouraged -to adopt natural farming practices. coasts
¨ The Black Necked Crane assessment was recently  The budget proposes a scheme for-restoration and
carried out by the (February, 2024) - Wildlife Institute adaptation measures, coastal aquaculture, and mariculture
of India and the Zoological Survey of India. with an integrated and multi - sectoral approach.
 Additionally, the budget outlines plan to set up
 Black-necked crane is a medium - sized crane
- five integrated aquaparks
 It is native to -Asia
 It enhance the Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada
 It is endemic to - Tibetan Plateau
Yojana (PMMSY)
 This species is found in- India, China and Bhutan
- to increase aquaculture productivity, double
 It breeds in
exports, and generate employment opportunities.
- high altitude wetlands in the Tibetan plateau
¨ Recently Five more wetlands in India have been
 A small wintering population is also found in
added to (2 February, 2024) - the Ramsar list of
- Sangti and Zimithang valleys of
wetlands of international importance
Arunachal Pradesh.
 The total number of the ramsar sites in india now is - 80
¨ Recently Scientists declare Hindu Kush Himalaya
 The new five ramsar wetland sites are - Aghanashini
-a biosphere on the brink of collapse
Estuary (Karnataka) , Magadi Kere Conservation
 The Hindu kush Himalaya is the world’s most Reserve(Karnataka), Ankasamudra Bird
important -‘water tower’, Conservation Reserve (Karnataka), Karaivetti
 It is being the source of Asia’s largest rivers. It is the Bird Sanctuary (Tamil Nadu), Longwood Shola
largest volume of ice and snow Reserve Forest (Tamil Nadu)
- outside the Arctic and Antarctica  New Sites were announced on- World Wetlands Day
¨ For the first time, the Kerala government has introduced (2 February) Theme of World Wetlands Day 2024
an (5 February, 2024) - Environment Budget -'Wetlands and Human Wellbeing'
 It was introduced as a distinct document alongside ¨ The Government of India has issued guidelines for
the - State Budget (2 February, 2024) - pilot projects using green
 The sectors selected for the first Environment Budget hydrogen in the shipping and steel sectors Under
are - agriculture, livestock, fisheries, forests National Green Hydrogen Mission.
and wildlife, environment, water resources, Â These projects are implemented by - Ministry of
cooperation, soil survey, and the energy sector. New & Renewable Energy (MNRE)
 It refers to the process of evaluating the ¨ Recently the Wildlife Institute of India and the
- environmental impacts of budgetary Zoological Survey of India have been conducting
and fiscal policies assessments of -the black-necked crane population.
 A separate Environment Budget would help in  The black-necked crane is listed in
-mainstreaming environmental awareness - Schedule I of the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972
¨ Who became the quickest batter to surpass the ¨ BWF Para Badminton World Championships 2024
milestone of 10,000 runs in T20 cricket? (22 concluded in(25 February, 2024)
February, 2024) - Babar Azam (Pakistan) - Pattaya, Thailand
¨ Who has resigned as the head coach of the Indian  Gold medal winner in men’s singles SL 4
women’s hockey team? (23 February, 2024) - Suhas Yathiraj
- Janneke Schopman  Gold medal winner in men’s singles SH 6
¨ Who has officially unveiled the logo for the highly - Krishna Nagar
 Gold medal winner in men’s Singles SL 3
anticipated 7th North East Youth Festival 2024? (26
- Pramod Bhagat
February, 2024)
¨ Who bettered world record score while winning the
- The Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports
men’s 50m rifle 3 positions (3P) national trials? (26
 Mascot of the 7th North East Youth Festival 2024?
February, 2024) - Shooter Aishwary Tomar
- The Phayre’s leaf monkey
¨ The Khelo India Winter Games 2024 concluded in
 The event is scheduled to take place in – Tripura (25 February, 2024) – Gulmarg
¨ Who have completed the Pangong Frozen Lake  Who tops the medal tally of The Khelo India Winter
Marathon 2024? (20 February, 2024) Games 2024? - Army (21 Medal with 10 gold)
- Bhagwan Singh and Mahesh  Which state secured second place in the medal tally
Khurana (Bhopal) of the Khelo India winter games
 The Pangong Frozen Lake Marathon was held in - Karnataka (11 medal with 9 gold)
- Leh-Ladakh  Which state secured third place in the medal tally of
 The marathon was organized by the Khelo India winter games?
- the Adventure Sports Foundation of Ladakh - Maharashtra (22 medal with 7 gold)
¨ Who has etched her name in the annals of sports ¨ Who won the inaugural JSG Women’s Yuva Kabaddi
history as the India's first female pitch curator? Series 2024? (26 February, 2024)
(February, 2024) - Jacintha Kalyan - Murthal Magnets
¨ Who etched his name in cricketing history by
¨ Who becomes first Indian to take five wickets in
scoring the fastest T20 International (T20I) century?
WPL history?(24 February, 2024) - Asha Shobana
(27 February, 2024) - Jan Nicol Loftie-Eaton
¨ Which player completed 4000 runs in Tests during
 Jan Nicol Loftie-Eaton belongs to which country?
India’s fourth match against England in Ranchi? (25
– Namibia
February, 2024) - Rohit Sharma
 He scored fastest hundred in T20 International
¨ Who won the New Delhi Marathon title? (25 against - Nepal
February, 2024) - Gopi Thonakal  Jan Nicol Loftie-Eaton scored hundred in how many
¨ Who clinched his eighth PSA title with a convincing bowl? - 33
3-0 victory over Elliott Morris Devred of Wales in ¨ Who announces retirement from the international
the final of the Goodfellow Classic, a 9000 Dollar cricket? (27 February, 2024) - Neil Wagner
Challenger event, in Toronto? (24 February, 2024) Â Neil Wagner belongs to which country?
- Abhay Singh - New Zealand
Current Affairs Pointer (36) Sam-Samayik Ghatna Chakra
¨ Which team books its place in the women’s football ¨ Who surpassed Dhoni’s tally of 78 sixes Test cricket
tournament at the Paris Olympics after defeating during the opening day of the third Test against
Uzbekistan? (28 February,ruary, 2024) - Australia England at the Niranjan Shah Stadium in Rajkot?
¨ Who is set be elected unopposed as the Paralympic (15 February, 2024) - Rohit Sharma
Committee of India (PCI) president? (February, Â The record for most sixes in Tests by an Indian
2024) - Devendra Jhajharia - Virender Sehwag (91 sixes)
 Devendra Jhajharia will replace which Para athlete ¨ Who made his international debut during the third
as the Paralympics Committee of India president Test between India and England at the Niranjan Shah
– Deepa Malik Stadium in Rajkot? – Sarfaraz khan
 Devendra Jhajharia is associated with ¨ Indian football national team has fallen at which
- Javelin throw position in the latest FIFA rankings? (16 February,
¨ The overall champion of the fourth Khelo India 2024) - 117th position
University Games (29 February, 2024) ¨ Who became second Indian bowler to take 500
- Chandigarh University
wickets in Test matches? (16 February, 2024)
 How many medals were won by the Chandigarh
- Ravichandran Ashwin
 First india bowler to achieve this feat
-71 medals (32-Gold, 18 silver, 21 Bronze)
- Anil Kumble
 How many Indian universities competed for the
 After achieving this feat, R. Ashwin comes at which
KIUG 2024 title? – Over 200
place world wide? - 9th
 Top three universities in the Khelo India University
 R. Ashwin achieved this feat in how many matches?
games - Chandigarh University(71 medals),
- 98 match
Lovely Professional University (42 medals), Guru
¨ Who won the Qatar Open for the third year in a
Nanak Dev University (51 Medals)
 Who was the most successful female athlete? row after beating Elena Rybakina in the final? (17
- Pratyasa Ray , Swimmer (Utkal University) February, 2024) - Iga Swiatek
with 4 gold, 1 silver & 1 Bronze  The first player to win three straight titles at the
 The most successful male athlete same WTA event since Serena Williams completed
- Xavier Michael Dsouza a Miami Open hat-trick from 2013-15
(Jain University) with 4 gold - Iga Swiatek
¨ The All India Football Federation (AIFF) announced ¨ Who broke the National Record to win gold in the
a new competition(29 February, 2024) women’s 60m hurdles at the Asian Indoor Athletics
- Swami Vivekananda U20 National Football Championships? (17 February, 2024)
Championship - Jyothi Yarraji (India)
¨ Who won the inaugural edition of the UEFA Â The Asian Indoor Athletics Championship was held
Women’s Nations League? (29 February, 2024) in – Tehran
– Spain  Who clinched India’s first gold in the Asian Indoor
 Women’s National League was held in - Spain Athletics Championship clocking 4:29.55 in the
¨ Who has been selected to host the 2027 World women’s 1500m - Harmilan Bains
Athletics Championships? (29 February, 2024) Â Jyothi Yarraji clocked how many second in the finals
- Beijing to break her own National Record and win India’s
¨ Who has been banned for 12 year for her second second gold in the competition? - 8.12s
anti-doping rule violation by Athletics Integrity ¨ India’s biggest win (by runs) in the longest format of
Unit (AIU) and the National Anti-Doping Agency the game (test cricket) against (17 February, 2024)
(NADA) (13 February, 2024) - Rachna Kumari – England by 434 runs
¨ Who showcased his skills at the Diving in World in the third test match series
Aquatics Championships in Doha, marking 59 years ¨ Who equaled Wasim Akram’s record for most sixes
since retirement (9 February, 2024) (12) by a batter in a Test innings? (17 February,
- Iranian diver Taghi Askari (100 years old) 2024) – Yashasvi Jaiswal (India)
Current Affairs Pointer (37) Sam-Samayik Ghatna Chakra
 Who becomes third-youngest batter to score two ¨ Who is the esteemed Vidarbha cricketer, who
Test double hundreds? - Yashasvi Jaiswal (India) has decided to retire from all forms of the game ?
 Who broke record for most sixes by an Indian in an (February, 2024) - Faiz Fazal
innings in Tests? - Yashasvi Jaiswal (India) ¨ Who inaugurated the fourth Khelo India Winter
¨ The teen prodigy who scripted history by guiding Games 2024? (21 February, 2024)
India to its first Asian Team Championships title (18 - Jammu and Kashmir
February, 2024) - Anmol Kharb Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha
¨ Who won a historic gold medal at the Badminton ¨ Who was named the head coach of UAE’s men’s
Asia Team Championships 2024? (18 February, cricket team for a three-year period? (21 February,
2024) - Indian women’s team 2024)
 The badminton Asia Team Championships 2024 was - Former India cricketer Lalchand Rajput
held in - Shah Alam, Malaysia ¨ Who bagged 2024 Tata Steel Chess Tournament?
 India Team defeated which team to clinch gold in (February, 2024) - Wei Yi (China)
¨ Saurashtra Cricket Association (SCA) Stadium is
the badminton Asia Team championship 2024?
rebranded as the (14 February, 2024)
- Thailand
- Niranjan Shah Stadium
 The Indian men's team had previously won two
 The change comes as a tribute to the former first-
bronze in - 2016 and 2020
class cricketer and senior cricket administrator
 The 2024 Badminton Asia Team Championships
- Niranjan Shah
served as a qualifying tournament for
 In which decades did Niranjan Shah play first-class
- the 2024 Thomas & Uber Cup Finals
cricket for Saurashtra?
 The tournament was organized by
-From the mid-1960s to the mid -1970s
- Badminton Asia along with the Badminton
¨ Who has been honoured with a plaque at the famous
Association of Malaysia
Ice Palace at Jungfraujoch, known as the ‘Top of
¨ Who was selected as the Captain of IPL's all-time
Europe’, in Switzerland ( 8 February,, 2024)
greatest team? (18 February, 2024)
- Neeraj Chopra
- Mahendra Singh Dhoni ¨ The Centre has awarded How many rupees to
¨ Who has secured a Paris Olympics quota in dressage athletes under the Khelo India scholarship scheme
discipline in Equestrian? (19 February, 2024) during the 2023-24 financial year? - over 30 crore
- Anush Agarwalla ¨ Who launched the Logo, Anthem, Mascot, Jersey
¨ Who was designated as Punjab 'state icon' for Lok and Torch of Khelo India University Games - 2023?
Sabha polls? (19 February, 2024) - Shubman Gill (8 February, 2024) - Assam Chief Minister
¨ Who lost his men’s 3000m gold medal in the Asian Dr. Himanta Biswa Sarma
Indoor Athletics Championships after he was  Khelo India University Games – 2023 will be held
disqualified for ‘lane infringement’? (19 February, in – Guwahati, Assam
2024) - Gulveer Singh (India) Â The mascot of the Khelo India University Games
¨ Who became the second-fastest bowler to pick up 2023 - Ashtalakshmi (Butterfly)
100 T20I wickets? (20 February, 2024) ¨ Sportstar Aces Awards 2024 - (February, 2024)
- Wanindu Hasaranga (Sri Lanka) Â Sportsman of the Year (Individual)
¨ Who made history by defeating 37-year-old - Satwiksairaj Rankireddy, Chirag Shetty
Polish grandmaster Jacek Stopa at the Burgdorfer  Sportswoman of the Year (Individual)
Stadthaus-Open in Switzerland at the age of just 8 - Rameshbabu Vaishali, Sift Kaur Samra
years and 6 months? (21 February, 2024) Â Sportsman of the Year (Parasports) - Sumit Antil
- Ashwath Kaushik  Sportswoman of the Year (Parasports)
 The youngest chess player Ashwath Kaushik who - Thulasimathi Murugesan
defeats a grandmaster belongs to - Singapore  Coach of the Year - Rahul Dravid