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1.2.x Changelog

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Version 1.2.

2 Patch Notes - March 31, 2024:

The hollows await your arrival.

Content Additions:
- Introducing Epic Realms! Epic Realms are a new form of Premium Epic Quest that
serve as miniature worlds!
- Epic Realms will be marked in the shop with a Key for the specific Realm.
- Note that, currently, the Keys to purchase Epic Realms will still appear after
buying them. You only need to buy it once!
- With Epic Realms comes the first new Epic Realm: Hypothermic Hollows!
- Hypothermic Hollows has you return to Frostbite Caves, decades after Zomboss's
last visit. The Cave Zombies have been abandoned by Zomboss, and they've turned to
a new leader.
- Many new zombies to encounter, including evolved versions of some previous
- Earn Flameweed by clearing the Epic Realm! Flameweed's an all-new member of the
spike family, and he is exclusive to the Hypothermic Hollows Epic Realm!
- Travel Log's Tourist Trap: replay previous Epic Quest levels that you've already
- You need to complete Epic Quest - Flame On - Step 1 to unlock!
- To introduce this feature, we have reset all current Epic Quest progress prior
to this update. This doesn't impact your already earned rewards, but you'll need to
replay the Epic Quests again to unlock them.
- Also included in Travel Log's Tourist Trap is the Sandbox Arena. Use the
Sandbox Arena to try out plants you don't own, or just mess around with wacky
- New Epic Quest: Parody Insanity! Zomboss is now producing cheap, ripoff movies!
Help Dave and Penny put a stop to this scheme!
- Penny's Challenges: new, extreme gauntlet style challenges aiming to test your
- After your first free play, runs at the Challenge will cost Gems! You'll need
to pick up Challenge Tickets to continue!
- These levels are super difficult! If you endure the challenge, you'll get a
massive coin reward for your efforts!
- Challenges start on April 8th, 2024, and will then reset to a new level every
- Added two new gemium plants: Pokra and Pyre Vine!
- PvZ's 15th Anniversary celebrations: coming in May! This year's Thymed Event will
be celebrating the first PvZ!
- Pinata Parties run from May 2nd -> May 11th.
- Thymed Event runs from May 2nd -> May 31st.
- Earn special PvZ themed-costumes from the Thymed Event! After the event is
over, these costumes will be in the Shop.

General Additions/Changes:
- With the addition of Travel Log's Tourist Trap, we have retired the Penny's
Classroom Epic Quest as it has been too difficult to keep updated in the midst of
other work. Our balancing is constantly evolving: upkeeping the quest after launch
often gets forgotten, and its purpose is no longer necessary as well.
- More and more updates to Inzanity! We're always keeping the experience as inzane
as possible!
- Detailed patch notes in the Inzanity Changes section of this changelog!
- Adjusted Travel Log quest panels to be bigger, allowing for longer Epic Quests to
appear correctly in the UI.
- Added tons of code templates for custom level makers, allowing for expansions to
the types of custom code that can be utilized in custom levels.
- Stay tuned in our Discord for information on this.
- Endless Zones should now drop coins more frequently.
- Arthur's Challenge now has randomized Necromancies.
- Icebound Battleground has gotten updated Slider layouts to match Inzanity, and
now features Chief Icewind and Charred Zombie (found in Hypothermic Hollows).
- Lost Explorer Zombie now appears in both variants of Temple of Bloom.
- Highway to the Danger Room's gravestones layout now features randomized
Necromancies, and now has an instance featuring minecarts. Chief Icewind and
Charred can also be found here too now!
- The Zen Garden has received some reworks. Visit our Balance Changes section for
detailed information!
- Some plants have also received changes to the boost they receive. This
information is also listed down there.
- Gem rewards from various sources have been buffed. Detailed info below in the
Balance Changes section.
- The Boost that a plant receives from the Zen Garden (and what it does for that
specific plant) is now listed in the Almanac.

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed an issue where the Victory music in Neon Mixtape Tour Zomboss Fights wasn't
being affected by the volume slider.
- Fixed issue where Hero-Tron 2.0 and Disco-tron 3000 weren't immune to being moved
by Garlic.
- Fixed various incorrect boosted stats for quite a few plants.
- Fixed an issue where after the 1.2.1 update, huge wave sounds disappeared.
- Steam Ages Day 1 dialogue has been updated to resolve outdated information
related to the Sewers.
- Fixed sun sprites when zombies spawned from the ground on the Sandbox Arena's
- Ancient Egypt Ultimate Battle has been restored in the game intro cutscene.
- Fixed various Imp hitboxes which were allowing them to eat Celery Stalker when he
pops up to attack them.
- Fixed various broken flag waves in Inzanity.
- Fixed Arcade Zombie being listed as Speedy in the Almanac.
- Chomper and Toadstool will no longer eat Parrots.
- Lotus Root and Maypop Mechanic's projectiles should now correctly align with the
- Snap Pea no longer ignores Bug Bot Imps (and other similar Imps built off of
- Inferno now correctly ashes zombies when he kills them.

Inzanity Changes:
A note from Design Co-Lead Slimeakku:

"Hello gardeners, Slimeakku here to give another personalized note about Inzanity!
Initially there wasn't going to be a lot added for this update but the complete
opposite happened, a lot was added that I'll be writing them as a list but first
let's talk about major additions.

With the addition of Hypothermic Hollows, said content appears in inzanity! Now
Frostbite Cave's initial chance of appearing from 8 is now lowered to 4 with
Hypothermic Hollows taking up those other slots, it also has a invaders instance
too! There's also a ton of new slider layouts to coincide with this addition that
appears for both worlds and Modern Day.

Second addition has been a community request: Brain Busters! Dark Age and Far
Future have received instances of their respective Brain Busters. Far Future also
introduces a familiar face, Space Dancer! Space Dancer's addition to Far Future is
a bit of an experiment with our new principal to include quest-exclusive content to
Inzanity, so let me know what you think in our Discord server in the Inzanity
thread! Dark Ages has also received some more grave layouts and guaranteed chances
for Necromancy events to happen (this chance isn't guaranteed in its Brain buster

The last major addition I think is worth noting is randomized Necromancies! Not
only does Dark Age get guaranteed Necromancy events, but the zombies that come out
of it can also be randomized, now you're not only facing against unarmored basics.
This also goes with every other world that spawns with gravestones, Modern Day is
especially chaotic with this feature. Its important to note however worlds outside
of Dark Age do not give guaranteed Necromancy events, as well as there is no way to
tell what zombies come out of the graves in choose your seeds due to the fact it
would cause every choose your seeds to be filled with every world zombie."

Now with the major additions out of the way, here's a list of smaller changes.

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed some wave datas displaying incorrect wave/flag count (note: not all of them
have been fixed)

- Increased the seed generation count
- Added some new wave datas
- Adjusted a few wave datas' point distributions
- Increased the chance of backwards zombies appearing in Steam Age
- Added chocolate rain to Springening
- Added Pokra, Pyre Vine, and Flameweed to endangered plants
- Added Lost City Night invaders
- Lost Explorer can now appear in both Lost City instances and Modern Day
- Added Lost Explorer to Ancient Egypt invaders
- Added Charred Zombie to Ancient Egypt invaders
- Added Taco Imp to Ancient Egypt invaders
- Added Chief Icewind Zombie and Deep Sea Gargantuar to Pirate Seas invaders
- Added Witch to Dark Age invaders
- Added Frankentuar to Dark Age invaders
- Removed a few invaders from Frostbite Caves
- Added Cannon to Frostbite Caves invaders
- Added Breakdancer to Frostbite Caves invaders
- Added ZCorp Helpdesk to Lost City invaders
- Added Overstuffed to Lost City invaders
- Added Head Office Impgantuar to Eighties invaders
- Added Surfer to Jurassic Marsh invaders
- Added a secret enemy

Balance Changes:
Hey everyone, we hope you weren’t overwhelmed with all the new stuff being added to
this update just yet, because we have a bunch of balance changes to share with you,
and this time it’s not mainly about Plants, so stick around! Alright, let’s see
what’s changed!

- Dazey Chain: (Rework/Nerf)

- Cloud Effect: Stun -> Stall
- Stall Duration: 1.5/2/2.5 -> 3/4/5
- Shots Between Clouds: 12 shots -> 15 shots
- Clouds move slower horizontally and have an angle variance ranging from -30° to
- Dev Comment: With Dazey Chain being viewed as an extremely powerful stunner
more than a damage dealer, we especially wanted to hammer down on their dominance
for the upcoming Penny's Challenges. So, we have reworked how their cloud works.
Stunning was simply too overbearing on principle, so we changed it to stall which
fits the visual more as well as being more interesting to play with. Stall is
obviously less powerful than stun and therefore the length of the condition has
been doubled. Secondly, we changed the way that the cloud itself moves. It moves a
lot slower horizontally, meaning that it is alive on the lawn for a longer amount
of time than before. More importantly however, it now has a random vertical speed
that makes it so there's a chance that the cloud travels to adjacent lanes. This
can be both beneficial or detrimental based on what you're looking for with Dazey
in your defense. However, this does enable more dynamic playstyles: Place Dazey
Chain further in the back if you want more potential coverage for the cloud or
plant them further ahead if you want a more concentrated dose of stalling for a
specific lane.

- Hurrikale: (Nerf)
- Recharge: 20 -> 25
- Blow Duration: 3 -> 2.5
- Dev Comment: Hurrikale has still been blowing away the competition to a
considerable degree. His recharge takes another hit and his shorter blow duration
pushes zombies by 5 tiles instead of 6, so that he doesn't stall single lanes as

- Missile Toe: (Rework)

- Sun Cost: 200 -> 325
- Recharge: 15 -> 30
- Freeze Duration: 5 -> 7
- Chill Duration: 10
- Firing Rate: 15 -> 40
- Impact Area: 1x1 -> 3x3
- Dev Comment: After gathering feedback, it was apparent that the Iceberg PEZ
Dispenser version of Missile Toe was not very casual friendly because of her
precision and how often you would have to manage her. In response, we have now
turned her into an IceBLOOM PEZ Dispenser, sacrificing her speed to freeze zombies
in a whopping 3x3 area! This is a change that was frequently requested and we've
done thorough testing to make it work.

- Snow Pea: (Rework/Nerf)

- Sun Cost: 150 -> 175
- Note: Splash chill has been repurposed to a new Frosty Pea with a 15% chance of
being fired (all other Peas will only chill 1 Zombie at a time now). Frosty Peas
travel faster than normal and deal 30 damage instead of 20.
- Dev Comment: Snow Pea's cheap sun cost tied with his splash chill was far too
reliable at keeping Zombies at bay. Instead, Snow Pea goes back to his PvZ1 roots,
with an added chance to shoot a Frosty Pea that keeps the splash chill effect.

- Iceberg Lettuce: (Buff)

- Recharge: 20 -> 17.5
- Freeze Duration: 10 -> 13
- Chill Duration: 12 -> 15
- Dev Comment: Iceberg Lettuce has had it rough compared to its competitors, but
has kept a decent following for its nature as a free plant. To give it that extra
oomph, it gets a lengthier effect, plus a slightly faster recharge to make it a bit
more accessible to use.

- Hocus Crocus: (Buff)

- Recharge: 50 -> 45
- Damage: 0 -> 50
- Firing Rate: 20 -> 18
- Dev Comment: Minor touches to Hocus' recharge and firing rate will help give
her a little more oomph on the lawn. We've also given her attack some damage, in
order to speed up end-of-level scenarios where many Hocus Crocus (Crocuses? Croci?)
would otherwise repeatedly teleport zombies to no meaningful effect.
- Electric Blueberry: (Rework/Buff)
- Recharge: 60 -> 45
- Firing Rate: 13 -> 15
- Dev Comment: Electric Blueberry's slow recharge held back her powerful zombie
zaps, so she gets sped up to the same 45s standard as Hocus Crocus, Void Orchid,
Caulipower, etc. Her firerate has been slowed a bit to rein in the added potential.

- Witch Hazel: (Nerf)

- Recharge: 40 -> 45
- Dev Comment: This fix of a long-outstanding oversight also matches Witch Hazel
to the 45s standard.

- Pea Vine: (Buff)

- Sun Cost: 150 -> 125
- Recharge: 10 -> 7.5
- Dev Comment: Pea Vine's struggled to find relevancy amongst the Vine Plant
roster without Torchwood, so we’ve given him a cheaper cost and faster recharge to
better bridge the gap between him and the other attacking vines.

- Blastberry Vine: (Nerf)

- Sun Cost: 150 -> 175
- Dev Comment: A minor nerf to better bridge the gap between him and other
attacking vines, without hitting his attacking power.

- Shine Vine: (Rework/Buff)

- Recharge: 30 -> 20
- Stun Duration: 2.5 -> 1
- Stun Range: 1 -> 2.2
- Dev Comment: We wanted Shine Vine to sparkle with this update, so we've given
it yet another recharge buff, as well as an increased stun range so that it'll make
sun from zombies on the tile in front. Stun duration has been decreased in return.

- Dartichoke: (Rework)
- Sun Cost: 300 -> 225
- Crit Chance: 30% -> 100%
- Critical Damage: 160 -> 95
- Ammo Count: 10 -> 5
- PF Damage: 160 -> 1000
- Dev Comment: We wanted to go a different approach with Dartichoke for this
update by adjusting her stats to make her act more like a sniper for the specials
she targets. As such, Dartichoke is now cheaper, will now always land consistent
hits (though she will also tire sooner), and her Plant Food has been adjusted to
reflect her sniper role better.

- Spore-shroom: (Rework/Buff)
- Recharge: 5 -> 12.5
- Damage: 50 -> 100
- Firing Rate: 2.85-3 -> 5-5.15
- Dev Comment: Spore-shroom has finally gotten the change it's been yearning for,
an increased damage output. We have nerfed its recharge and firing rate in
compensation, but fret not, Spore-shroom will still deal more damage than before
and will make creating clones of itself easier to come by.

- Teleportato Mine: (Nerf)

- Starting Recharge: 20 -> 60
- Dev Comment: Don't worry, Teleportato Mine's base recharge is still 30. This
adjustment to starting recharge will make it tougher for her to thrive at her best
point; early game.
- Headbutter Lettuce: (Buff)
- Recharge: 15s -> 7.5s

- Lily of Alchemy: (Buff)

- Recharge: 12.5s -> 7.5s
- Dev Comment: This pair received a faster recharge to have an easier time with
plant setup and upkeep.

- Inferno: (Nerf)
- Note: No longer destroys Ice Blocks, but now ashes defeated Zombies too.
- Dev Comment: Inferno's been going through an offscreen character arc since
Hypothermic Hollows arrived. Don’t ask, we’ve already tried asking what happened,
didn’t end well.

- Chomper & Toadstool: (Quality of Life)

- Note: Both now treat Parrots like other Critters, and will deal damage to them
instead of fully digesting them.
- Dev Comment: They both read a falsely informed article that said Zombie Parrots
are as appetizing as normal zombies and have only now realized that they had been
lied to.

- Snap Pea: (Bug Fix)

- Note: No longer ignores Bug Bot Imps and Imps dropped via ambush.
- Dev Comment: Snap Pea's taking on a new motto in life; “If it fits, I bits.”

- Imp Class Zombies: (Bug Fix)

- Note: Fixed a few hitboxes to ensure they pass by Celery Stalker without biting
- Dev Comment: Celery Stalker knew he wasn't going mad, he remembers everyone
that leaves a battle scar on him.

- Boosts: (Rework)
- Wall-nut: Fast Recharge -> Shovel Bomb
- Tall-nut: Fast Recharge -> Shovel Bomb
- Endurian: Fast Recharge -> Shovel Bomb
- Chard Guard: Fast Recharge -> Shovel Bomb
- Primal Wall-nut: Extra Toughness -> Shovel Bomb
- Pea-nut: Fast Recharge -> Shovel Bomb
- Sweet Potato: Fast Recharge -> Shovel Bomb
- Zoybean Pod: Sun Discount -> Fast Recharge
- Grimrose: Fast Recharge -> First Strike
- Aloe: Fast Recharge -> Extra Toughness
- Tangle Kelp: Shovel Bomb -> Sun Discount
- Garlic: Shovel Bomb -> Extra Toughness
- Electrici-tea: Shovel Bomb -> Sun Discount
- Imp Pear: Shovel Bomb -> Fast Recharge
- Cattail: Sun Discount -> Fast Recharge
- Dazey Chain: Sun Discount -> First Strike
- Cactus: Sun Discount -> First Strike
- Dev Comment: Just some quality of life boost reworks to give some plants a
better advantage when grown in the Zen Garden. Also, just in case you forget any
boosts in the future, you can now read up on every plant's boosts in the Almanac.

- Zen Garden: (Rework/Nerf)

- Marigold Frequency: Every 4 Sprouts -> Every 8 Sprouts
- Marigold Coin Production: 500 -> 300
- Growth Times: 3.5 Hours/5 Hours/7.5 Hours -> 2 Hours/2.5 Hours/3 Hours (24
Hours for Ultomato specifically)
- Sprout Deal Lineup: 5/10/25 -> 10/25/50/100
- New Sprout Deals: 10 Sprouts = 1,000 Coins, 25 Sprouts = 2,350 Coins, 50
Sprouts = 4,500 Coins, 100 Sprouts = 9,000 Coins
- Flower Pot Prices: 20 Gems -> 5 Gems
- Boost Prices (Select Your Seeds only): First-Strike Plants = 10 Gems, Ultomato
= 70 Gems, Everything Else = 5 Gems
- Dev Comment: With Penny's Challenges now working as an incentive to earn more
Coins (and because it was already a bit too good for Coin grinding), we have
reworked the Zen Garden to now encourage Marigold less and boosted plants more when
it comes to growing sprouts. Sprout deals and purchases have been made better and
fairer, Marigolds now show up much less often and produce fewer Coins, and flower
pots and boosts now take much fewer gems to afford and a bit less time to grow.

- Gem Rewards:
- Thymed Events: 20 gems -> 35 gems
- Gem Jam Epic Quest: 25 gems -> 40 gems
- Daily Quests for replaying world levels: 6 gems -> 10 gems
- Pinata Parties Note: Less valuable rewards like sprouts and powerups are now
less common, gems are higher in amount and small pinatas can now drop smaller
amounts of gems
- Dev Comment: As Penny's Challenges and Premium Quest content roll around, we
wanted to improve the gem grinds for those players who may not play as frequently
or do the daily Inzanity quest. These changes should help ease the grind, and allow
more players to check out the upcoming Penny's Challenges too!

Version 1.2.1 Patch Notes - January 21, 2024:

New year, new update!

Content Additions:
- Added two new gemium plants: Headbutter Lettuce and Teleportato Mine!
- ZCorp Invades... again! Their illegal advertisement must be stopped!
- Runs from January 22nd through January 31st.
- ZCorp has innovated new Puzzle Parties and a special invasion Thymed Event!
- Good fortune is in your favor. Celebrate Lunar Zoo Year with the zombie herd!
- Runs from February 1st through February 10th.
- Celebrate with new Pinata Parties, and put a stop to Zomboss's latest scheme in
the Thymed Event!
- Got a date? No? Better get one, because Valenbrainz is near!
- Runs from February 11th through February 20th.
- Get smitten and bitten in lovely new Pinata Parties and a new Thymed Event!
- Go green, get lucky. Luck O' the Zombie is returning!
- Runs from March 10th through March 20th!
- Test your luck with new Pinata Parties and a new Thymed Event!
- Added a fresh batch of new costumes.
- Included are the costumes from our Harvest Festival Costume Contest hosted back
in September!
- Congratulations to ArcticBlue, Arthumgo, Copy Studios, David Jojo's, emihead,
Fishymiracle1, HARDEN, headset, Snaksi XD, and Uriel Xero for winning the contest
and having their costumes added! Check out the in-game credits to see which ones
they did!

General Additions/Changes:
- Added Demonstration Mini-game music for Big Wave Beach.
- Originally composed by Peter McConnell but lost due to a bug in PopCap's audio
- Levels 23, 34, 39 and 40 of Big Wave Beach have been adjusted to use this
- Big Inzanity update! We've made some key improvements that we think you'll
- Detailed patch notes in the Inzanity Changes section of this changelog!
- Added new Costume Bundle offers that allow players the ability to purchase a
selection of grouped costumes for gems.
- Changes to event scheduling throughout the year. These changes are primarily on
the backend and will help us release certain events without the need for game
- Various internal clean-up that has ultimately reduced the space consumed by the
game! This actually cut a lot of space off!

Bug Fixes:
- Implemented a candidate fix for various issues stemming from music and sounds
cutting out mid-gameplay, with varying severities. This issue was more prevalent in
extremely intense levels or on lower end devices. We're hoping this time we've
finally shut down this bug for good. Fingers crossed!
- Fixed an issue where the Calamity Calendar's unlock item on Holiday Mashup Day 20
was appearing as a missing sprite.
- Fixed issue where Grimrose was able to instantly destroy phases of the Zombot on
Modern Day Day 34.
- Fixed issue where during certain Pinata Party events, iceblocks pushed by
Troglobites could contain sun sprites.
- Fixed an issue where certain plants such as Gloom Vine were incapable of spawning
via the Zen Garden.
- Fixed issue where various costumes that should have been in the party rewards
pool were missing.
- Fixed an issue where Gold Bloom's Boost was likely not working as intended.
- Industrial Imp's almanac entry now correctly refers to him going backwards when
- Removed a layout from Inzanity that would cause an instant game-over.
- Our audio system has received some adjustments. This has tweaked how certain
music plays, and we're hoping it makes our music system more accurate to the base
game's system!

Inzanity Changes:
A note from Design Lead PeaMix:

"Hello gardeners! PeaMix here to update everyone on Inzanity changes this time
around. I've done the majority of the code for Inzanity for 1.2.1 and intend to
continue to help Slimeakku make Inzanity the best it can be. We've heard your
feedback. You can expect the gameplay that Inzanity is capable of generating to be
a lot more varied. Let's get into the details.

First of all: Inzanity rewards were upped from 20 gems to 25 gems! This was done to
encourage players to try out the new changes, make grinding for gemium plants
easier for newcomers, and because we have certain plans for new gem uses down the
road. It also pairs nicely with the release of our first new gemium plants since
launch! (excluding Void Orchid)

Secondly, the new variety. Inzanity is now capable of generating levels for any
individual holiday! That includes Valenbrainz, Luck O' the Zombie, Springening,
etc. All the holidays with Holiday Drinks have them as the gimmick, while the new
ones that don't have them as of now were given foreigners that fit the theme to
make up for it, as well as maybe additional gimmicks like modern slider tiles.
Speaking of "foreigners"...

Foreigner setups! You asked for it, and we delivered! There are now more rare
setups for Inzanity for 11 worlds (all except Modern Day and Holiday Mashup) where
various foreigners from other worlds can appear! As well as some other super rare
set ups done just for fun. See which ones you're gonna get! And that brings us

Chances. The chances for worlds getting picked have all been adjusted. All default
world setups have the same (and highest) priority, so you can expect Inzanity to
STOP GIVING LOST CITY all the time. Additionally, the holiday setups are all much
less prioritized, so they won't be replacing worlds entirely. The foreigner setups
are the least common of all, but they still have good chances to be encountered
during your natural playthrough.

Thank you everyone for your feedback, it helped a lot in determining our
priorities! Keep 'em coming and I hope you enjoy the brand new Inzanity

Balance Changes:

- Moonflower:
- Plant Food Shield HP: 1000 -> 3000

- Threepeater:
- Plant Food Effect: 2 Seconds -> 4 Seconds

- Blastberry Vine:
- Plant Food Bomblet Damage: 15 -> 60

- Witch Hazel
- Plant Food Targets: 1 -> 2
- Dev Comment: With four vastly underwhelming Plant Food effects, comes four
bountiful buffs to spice up how you defend your lawn.

- Ultomato:
- Sun Cost: 250 -> 150 (Note: Sun ramp-up unaffected.)
- Final Stage Damage: 1600 -> 1200
- Dev Comment: For a plant with an escalating sun cost, it costs a lot to plant
at first, doesn't it? Of course, that's the price you've gotta pay for such a high
damage output - but we and many in the community felt that was overtuned as well.
To kill two birds with one stone, we lowered the initial price for Ultomato as well
as its final stage damage, encouraging his use in the early-game while weakening
his potential in the late-game.

- Jack O' Lantern:

- Flamethrower DPS: 300 -> 150
- Fuel Cost to Attack: 20 -> 10
- DPS ramp-up removed.
- Dev Comment: Jack's a plant that many find either pretty good, or outright
insane. We didn't wanna totally knock him out of business for the former crowd, so
we chose to keep most of Jack's melting potential, instead slowing down how quickly
he can reach said potential. His DPS ramp-up after one second of attacking has also
been removed.

- Thyme Warp:
- Sun Cost: 200 -> 100
- Recharge: 60s -> 75s
- Starting Recharge: 120s -> 75s
- Dev Comment: Thyme Warp's previous change made it much too difficult to play
him in the fast-paced vanilla environment, and didn't tackle the issue which
prevailed over longer levels; a spam-to-win mindset. We chose to revert this
change, then adjust it and his normal recharge to 75 seconds, while also decreasing
his sun cost to 100. These changes will encourage more reactionary gameplay,
especially against the harsher hordes.

- Banana Launcher:
- Damage: 1000 -> 1800
- Firing Rate: 20s -> 30s
- Dev Comment: Banana's quick and powerful shots made it very easy for him to
dominate hordes by himself. Similarly, the change to 1000 damage just didn't feel
all that satisfying for anyone. By making him a hard-hitting but slow attacker,
Banana will shatter tougher zombies even better than before - though you'll have to
make those shots really count. Without proper support, missing or using him on
weaker foes will leave you with nothing but an empty launcher for a while!

- Fire Peashooter:
- Plasma Pea Chance: 15% -> 25%
- Dev Comment: While we're happy with Fire Peashooter's new ability, upping the
chance for it to happen will better justify the price gap between her and Repeater.

- Escape Root:
- Cost: 100 -> 50
- Dev Comment: A reduction in his sun cost was found to best suit Escape Root's
new functionality as an easy to plant mini wall, as well as his role as a cost-
efficient switcher.

- Chomper:
- Removed delayed reaction time.
- Dev Comment: This makes it so that Chomper can chomp at a more consistent rate.

- Marigold:
- Now produces coins every two minutes. (in normal levels)
- Dev Comment: So as to not alert the IRS.

Version 1.2.0 Patch Notes - November 24, 2023:

All aboard! Next stop: Steam Ages!

Content Additions:
- Steam Ages Part 2 has finally arrived! Enjoy 16 new levels with many new zombie
threats, new plants, and more!
- 2 new plants: Lotus Root and Maypop Mechanic. Pea-nut leaves his premium status
to become unlockable in Steam Ages as well!
- Many new zombies to encounter, such as the Inventor Zombie and Furnace Zombie.
- New Endless Zone: Brain Drain Factory! Can you survive the never-ending-9-to-5?
- Dr. Zomboss has returned with an all-new Zombot. Knock him down a peg or two!
- New industrialized costumes for Dazey Chain, E.M.Peach, Electrici-tea, and Pea-
- Added a Vasebreaker Challenge Pack for Steam Ages.
- Get ready for the yearly Hero Convention! A new SUPER-POWERED Thymed Event, Hero-
Con 2023, will be available from November 24th through December 3rd!
- Food Fight returns! A bit belated (Dr. Zomboss had some hold-ups), play through
the Food Fight Thymed Event from November 24th through December 3rd!
- Game day arrives when Backyard Brain Bowl returns!
- Runs from December 4th through December 10th.
- New Thymed Event and Pinata Parties!
- Feastivus returns once more! It's time for the most wonderful time of year once
- Runs from December 11th until January 2nd, 2024.
- Our longest handmade Thymed Event yet, with 25 brand-new levels!
- New parties and some returning parties from last year!
General Additions/Changes:
- Massive overhaul to audio in Steam Ages! Including:
- New Zombie groans for the world.
- Gentleman Zombie and Barrel Zombie have exclusive groans.
- New ambient noises.
- Inzanity updates! Similar to our batch of changes last update, we've continued to
make some more improvements.
- Detailed patch notes in the Inzanity Changes section of the changelog!
- Improved almanac entries for various plants and zombies.
- We've adjusted some plants which had information that wasn't fully up to date
with their abilities, such as Missile Toe.
- Added more info about certain plants' abilities, such as Torchwood's stacking
mechanic and Fire Peashooter's random plasma pea.
- Fixed incorrect stats for zombies.
- Updated main menu artwork for Steam Ages!
- Added a system that will allow us to send important information right to your
main menu!
- Requires Internet access to see updates.
- We'll be using these to communicate any information for those who may not be on
Discord or other sites!
- More new Pinata Parties have been added into rotation.
- Thymed Events will now have dialogue accompanying them.
- Restored some missing sound effects related to Zomboss podiums.
- Missile Toe has received some quality of life improvements to her animations,
making her recharging animation more apparent.
- Removed unintentional condition immunities from ZCorp Zombies.
- Some adjustments to Dr. Zomboss Battle music in certain worlds.

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed UniverZ Collides - Level 7 not having dialogue.
- Shine Vine can no longer be used in UniverZ Collides - Level 13 due to her added
stun ability.
- Further fixed some inaccurate dialogue across the Penny's Classroom Epic Quest.
- Fixed janky animations with the fans on the Steam Ages world map.
- Fixed a few inaccurate almanac stats that didn't reflect changes done in the last
- Fixed Primal Sunflower's "Violet and Violent" costume appearing even if the plant
was not owned.
- A collection of fixes for missing balance changes from the 1.1.4 update:
- Fixed Red Stinger's buffed plant food effect not applying.
- Fixed Snap Pea's buffed standard projectile damage not applying.
- Fixed Ice Bloom not being plantable on sewers.
- Fixed some issues with expiring schedules into the new year.

Inzanity Changes:
A note from Design Co-Lead Slimeakku:

"Hello gardeners! Slimeakku here to give some personal noting to Inzanity. A

majority of the new additions added this update were done by me, and will in the
future probably be also done by me. The long term goal for Inzanity is to simply
broaden the variety within each major update till we are satisfied with the replay
value it offers. Of course new worlds added will broaden this naturally.

Our Inzanity already has a lot but when you actively play it all the time, you
start to find repeating patterns in level generations. So with this in mind, I
looked at what gameplay elements currently had some low generations and increased
them. With this update, Endangered Plants now includes every plant in the game
currently (except Instant Use Plants, of course)! Gold Tiles and Frozen Zombie
placements have also been increased, and because its Steam Ages Part 2, sewers have
gotten even more layouts! More wave generations for zombies have also been added by

If there's any part of Inzanity you would like to see more of, please let me know!
You can bring it up in our discord server, there might even be a thread dedicated
to inzanity so you can recommend where I should look into. Currently my plans is to
just add more to random game mechanics but perhaps you'd like to see more focus put
onto a singular world? Who knows!"

Balance Changes:

- Murkadamia Nut:
- Is now plantable on sewers.
Dev Comment: Throughout his life, people have told Murkadamia Nut that he's too
small. Too weak. He'd fall right through that sewer, that pathetic nut. Today,
Murkadamia aims to prove them wrong. If Peanut could fit...so can he... because
he's floating, that's what we're going with.

- Magnet-shroom:
- Now instantly kills All-Star Zombie and ZCorp Chair Racer.
Dev Comment: A small, but handy change to give Magnet-Shroom extra utility
against two dangerous zombies. Unfortunate that the All-Stars switched back to
metal from plastic, eh?

- Hot Potato:
- Now plantable on tides.
Dev Comment: Ever get annoyed that you can't get that octopus off your Cattail?
This little tweak solves that problem for ya. If you're running Hot Potato,

- Escape Root:
- PF Duplicate Count: 2 -> 5
Dev Comment: An effect that became a tad weaker after our last change. Plus, did
you know that sometimes, this effect can (partially) fail? Like if there's some
other plant in the way or somethin'? Isn't that screwed up? This change
accommodates for both factors.

- Melon-pult:
- Fire Rate: 4.5/4.55 -> 4/4.05
- Splash Damage: 50 -> 45
Dev Comment: For a long time now, Reflourished's Melon brothers have been a
controversial topic, you either like 'em or you don't. We've liked them for a while
but ultimately, they *could* be more fun. We've retuned their fire rate to be more
reliable and decreased the splash damage, so that the direct DPS is higher but the
splash DPS remains relatively the same. Now they're a lot more fun to mess around
with and more efficient to bring as primaries!

- Winter Melon:
- Fire Rate: 4.5/4.55 -> 4/4.05
- Splash Damage: 50 -> 45
- Chill Time: 3.8 -> 3.44
Dev Comment: Despite the nerfs, it will melt even more hordes!

- Draftodil:
- 5% chance to blow away critters and shrunken zombies.
- The Plant Food is a 20% chance.
Dev Comment: This was just added for fun.
- Pea-nut:
- Fire Rate: 1.30166/1.333 -> 1.1/1.2
- HP: 4,000 -> 5,000
Dev Comment: Pea-nut needed some extra flavor to survive the intensity of the
Steam Ages, so now he's back and better than ever. Give him a shot, and tell him
"hi" when you unlock him. hi peanut

- Sweet Potato:
- HP: 4,000 -> 5,000
Dev Comment: To make Sweet Potato just a more reliable pick, we've increased her

- Cattail:
- Damage: 22 -> 25
Dev Comment: A small change so Cattail can really pack a punch in the harsh
climate of the industrial revolution. Especially now that she has a fierce
contender in Maypop Mechanic!

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