Adobe Scan 27-Mar-2024
Adobe Scan 27-Mar-2024
Adobe Scan 27-Mar-2024
Analytics Predictive
Key Roles for Data Analytics project
There are certain key roles that are required for the complete and fulfiled
functioning of the data science team toexecute projects on analytics successfully.
The key roles are seven in number.
Each key plays a crucial role in developing asuccessful analytics project. There is
no hard and fast rule for considering the listed seven roles. they can be used fewer or
more depending on the scope of the project, skills of the participants. and
organizational structure.
Example -
For asmall, versatile team, these listed seven roles may be fulfilled by only three to
four people but a large project on the contrary may require 20 or more people lor
fulfilling the listed roles.
Key Roles for a Data analytics project:
1. Business User:
The business user is the one who understands the main area of
the project and is also basically benefited from the results.
This user gives advice and consult the team working on the
project about the value of the results obtained and how the
operations on the outputs are done.
The business manager. line manager. or deep subject matter
expert in theproject mains fulfils this role.
2. Project Sponsor:
The Project Sponsor is the one who is responsible to initiate the
project. Project Sponsor provides the actual requirements for the
project and presentsthe basic business issue.
He generally provides the funds and mcasures the degree of
value lrom thefinal output of the leam working on the projec1.
This person introduces the prime concern and brooms the
desired outpt.
3. Project Manager:
This person ensures that key milestone and purpose of the
project is mel on time and of the expecled qualiy.
6. Data Engineer:
Data engineer grasps deep technical skills to assist wilh luning
SQL queries for data management and data extraction and
provides support for data intake into the analytic sandbox.
Thedata engineer works jointly with the data scientist to help
build data in correct ways for analysis.
7. Data Scientist:
Data scientist facilitates with the subject matter expertise for
analyticaltechniques, data modelling. and applying correct
analytical techniques or a given business issues.
He ensures overall analytical objectives are met.
Data scientists outline and apply analytical methods and procecd
towards the data available for the concerned projeet.
Importance of AnalyticalSandbox
An analytical sandbox is atesting environment that is used by data analysts and data
scientists to experiment with data and explore various analytical approaches without
affecting the production environment. It is a separate. isolated environment that
contains a copy of the production data, as wvell as the necessarv tools and resources
for data analysis andvisualization.
Analytical sandboxes are typically used for avariety of purposes. including testing
and validating new analytical approachcs and algorithms. trying out dilterent data
sets.collaborating andsharing work with colleagues, and testing new dala
visualization techniques and dashboards.
Business Analytic
Analytical sandbox
1. There areseveral key criteria that an analy tical sandbox should meet in
order to be effective and useful lor data analysts and data seientists:
2. DataIntegrity: The sandbos should have acopy ol the produetion data that
is up-t0-date and accurate, so that analystscan work vith real data sets.
3. Dala Security: The sandbox should have the same seeurity controls as the
production environment, to ensure that sensiive data is protected.
4. l'rormanee: The sandbox should be able to handle larpe data scts and
complex analytical queries withoul aflecting thc perlormalce of thc
produetion environment.
5. Collaboration: The sandbox should have tools and features that enable
data analysts and data seientists to collaboraleand sharc their work with
their collcagues.
6. Flexibility:The sandbox should be flexible enough to allow analysts to try
out dillerent analytical approaches and techniques without being
constrained by the production environment.
with clear
7. Ease of Use: The sandbox should be easy to use and navigate.
documentation and support resources available to help analysts get up to
speed quickly.
An effective analytical sandbox should provide a safe and secure
explore and validate
environment that enables data analysts and data scientists to
the production
their work, while also protecting the integrity and stability of