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Advanced Java MCQ

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Advanced Java MCQ

Advanced Java MCQ Test to Test Your Knowledge

practice here the best Advanced Java MCQ Questions, that check your basic knowledge of Advanced Java.
This Advanced Java MCQ Test contains 25+ Multiple Choice Questions. You have to select the right answer
to check your final preparation for your exams or interviews. apart from this, you can also download the
Advanced Java MCQ PDF, completely free from the link given below.

Q1. What are the major components of the JDBC Core Components?

A. DriverManager, Statement, ResultSet

B. DriverManager, Driver, Connection, Statement
C. DriverManager, Connection, Statement, ResultSet
D. DriverManager, Driver, Connection, Statement, ResultSet

Q2. Which package is used for importing swing controls?

A. java.awt.
B. java.swing
C. javax.swing
D. All of above

Q3. In which file database table configuration is stored?

A. .sql
B. .ora
C. .hbm
D. .dbm

Q4. How constructor can be used for a servlet?

A. Initialization
B. Constructor function
C. Setup() method

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D. Both a and b

Q5. Hibernate XML configuration file name is?

A. hibernate.cg.xml
B. hibernate.cfg.xml
C. hibernate.config.xml
D. None of the above

Q6. Which element in hibernate maps java.util.SortedMap property ?


Q7. Which of the following is not a Java features?

A. Object-oriented
B. Architecture Neutral
C. Use of pointers
D. Dynamic

Q8. ____ is used to find and fix bugs in the Java programs.


Q9. ____ the first web browser developed in Java?

A. Opera
B. HotJava
D. Internet Explorer

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Q10. Which of the following is a reserved keyword in Java?

A. main
B. object
C. system
D. strictfp

Q11. _____ consist a data and methods?

A. Class
B. Vectors
C. Variable
D. None of the above

Q12. Which one of the following is a java keyword?

A. Void
B. Public
C. While
D. Switch

Q13. Java declaration statement must end with

A. Colon
B. Comma
C. Semicolon
D. Full stop

Q14. Which one of the following languages is pure object oriented language?

A. C
B. C#
C. C++
D. Java

Q15. The java visibility modifier is

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A. Public
B. Private
C. Protected
D. All of above

Q16. JDBC-ODBC bridge is

A. Multithreaded
B. Singlethreaded
C. Both A & B
D. None of the above

Q17. An Enterprise JavaBeans can be deployed in _____

A. Weblogic
B. Web sphere
C. J2EE server
D. All of above

Q18. Java Language is architechturally _______

A. specific
B. neutral
C. oriented
D. abstract

Q19. SSL stands for______

A. Secure Socket Layer

B. Server Socket Layer
C. Secure Server Layer
D. Session Service Layer

Q20. The business process file’s name needs to end in

A. xml
B. jpdl
C. jpdl.xml

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D. None of the above

Q21. Which of the following options shows the advantage of using the JDBC connection

A. Better performance
B. Slower performance
C. Using less memory
D. None of the above

Q22. Which of the following options shows the advantage of using the JDBC connection

A. Better performance
B. Slower performance
C. Using less memory
D. None of the above

Q23. How many types of JDBC drivers available?

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5

Q24. IN JDBC, thin driver is also known as -

A. Type 2 driver
B. Type 5 driver
C. Type 4 driver
D. Type 6 driver

Q25. What are the examples of protocol?

D. All of the above

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Q26. Which of the following method, returns the proxy object?

A. get()
B. load()
C. getDatabase()
D. None of the above

Q27. What does RMI stands for in Java?

A. Remote method invocation

B. Remote memory interface
C. Remote method interface
D. None of the above

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