Coastal Ecosystems and Resources
Coastal Ecosystems and Resources
Coastal Ecosystems and Resources
➢ food for humans and animals (fish, shellfish, shrimp, and seaweed);
➢ salt
➢minerals and oil resources
➢construction materials (sand, rock, coral, lime, and wood)
➢biodiversity, including the genetic stock that is important for biotechnology
and medicine
What are some of the services provided by coastal ecosystems
• Wetlands prevent flooding and help to maintain water levels in rivers. They also filter and
purify water.
• Wetlands release vegetative matter into the river, thus providing food for aquatic species.
• Are popular locations for tourist and recreational activities (swimming, boating, camping and
• Wetlands are highly productive ecosystem, provides nearly two third of the global fish
• Wetlands are migratory routes and reproduction sites for many animals. For example, herons
nest in large trees but need shallow areas to wade for fish and aquatic life. Amphibians also
often forage in upland areas but return to the wetlands to mate and reproduce
• Erosion control: support emergent plants (roots are firm in the mud, stalks are above the water
surface). Thus, they can slow the flow of water and counter the erosive forces of moving water
along lakes or rivers and in rolling agricultural landscapes
• Wetlands filter out sediments, thereby purifying water. They also aid in decomposing
vegetative matter and converting chemicals into useful forms.
• It provides water for agriculture, irrigation, livestock and domestic use. Pastures on inland
floodplain wetlands are more productive than those in adjacent areas.
Seagrasses ( read up on these types of ecosystems)
▪ Extents are declining: most seagrass habitat loss has been due to:
Habitat: Provides shelter and safety for many organisms, such as fishes
Nutrient cycling within the coral polyps is very efficient and contributes to the
high production of reefs.
• Coral reefs are also known as the tropical rainforest of the sea due to their
rich biodiversity and including many faunal species.
• since the ocean is water, pH and salinity are also considered important
abiotic factors that influence and sustain healthy and productive corals
Soft and Hard Coral
Concepts of Change in Coastal Environments/shoreline stabilization
• Coastlines are changing because of erosion and accretion driven by winds, waves,
storms, and tectonic processes.
• Shorelines respond to tides, storms, floods, long-term changes in sea level, and
human modification of coastal processes by attempting to move toward
• Shoreline stabilisation and buffering services are provided by coastal ecosystems.
- Coral reefs, mangroves, kelp beds, and seagrasses reduce erosion by mitigating
wave impact.
- Sandy and rocky shores serve as a first line of defence, mitigating and responding
to natural forces like waves and storms.
- Barrier islands, absorb much of the energy, leaving calmer, protected waters on the
leeward side.
- Wetlands, seagrasses, and mangroves help stabilise soils, reducing erosion and
associated sediment pollution.
- The presence of sea ice mitigates shoreline erosion
- Shorelines are also modified by humans through the building of artificial structures,
Literature sources
• Conservation International (2018). Setting the foundations for zero net loss
of the mangroves that underpin human wellbeing in the North Brazil Shelf
LME: State of mangroves in Guyana: An analysis of research gaps, and
recommendations. Report by Conservation International.