22-Pumping Lemma For CFL-11-03-2024
22-Pumping Lemma For CFL-11-03-2024
22-Pumping Lemma For CFL-11-03-2024
|vy| # ε
k y
For all k>=0, the string uv xy z∈L
Steps to apply pumping lemma
Assume that L is context-free.
pumped-> |w|>=n.
Now we have to find a string 'w' in L such
that |w|>=n.
We will divide string 'w' into uvxyz.
constant k.
Then, we have to consider the ways that w
Find out whether L={xnynzn|n>=1} is context-free
or not
Let L be context-free.
say n.
n n n
Now we can take a string such that s=x y z