Nursing - Skill - Completed 2016
Nursing - Skill - Completed 2016
Nursing - Skill - Completed 2016
STUDENT NAME______________________________________
Description of Skill
Nasogastric intubation is the insertion of a nasogastric (NG) tube to manage gastrointestinal
dysfunction and provide enteral nutrition via NG, jejunal, or gastric tubes
**Remove of gas or stomach contents Nursing Interventions (pre, intra, post)
Feeding * Review the prescription and purpose, Identify the Client, provide
** Provide oral nutrition and medications and/or supplements teaching, evaluate client understanding, preform hand hygiene, Set up
equipment, Provide Privacy
Lavage * Abdominal Assessment, raise bed, position patient to high-Fowler's (if
**Washing the stomach possible), assess nares, use correct procedure to insert tube,
* check placement; Aspirate gently to collect gastric contents, testing pH (4
Compression or less is expected), and assess odor, color, and consistency. Confirm
placement with an x-ray.
**Applied pressure to prevent hemorrhage Post:
maintain NG Tube, measure output, provide comfort, oral hygiene,
abdominal assessment
Client Education
Expected Outcomes
* Explain the procure to the client prior to starting the
* Distention, nausea, or vomiting relieved procedure
*Feeding and/or nutrition provided * Communicate with the client during the procedure to
* Active bleeding, ingestion of poison, gastric ensure the client is aware of what is happening and
dilation has been washed from the stomach what they need to do.
* hemorrhage prevented or stopped * Evaluate the client’s ability to assist and/or
Evaluation: * Establish a means of communication to signal
distress, such as the client raising a hand
Pt comfort, tube functioning properly