NOMA - D2D - Cognitive Radio - 6G 2020
NOMA - D2D - Cognitive Radio - 6G 2020
NOMA - D2D - Cognitive Radio - 6G 2020
Shangwei Zhang, Jiajia Liu, Hongzhi Guo and Mingping Qi are with National Engineering Laboratory for Integrated Aero-Space-Ground-Ocean Big Data
Digital Object Identifier: Application Technology, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, P.R.China (Jiajia Liu is the corresponding author).
10.1109/MNET.001.1900652 Nei Kato is with the Graduate School of Information Sciences, Tohoku University.
Fast Accurate
Core Intra-Ship D2D
Internet IR
Technical Objectives of 6G
Peak Data Rate (≥ 1Tbps) Energy Efficiency (100×)
Latency (≤ 1msec) Network Density (107 Nodes/km2)
Mobility (≥1000km/h) Area Traffic Capacity 1Gbps/m2
Average Data Rate (1Gbps) Spectrum Efficiency (5-10×)
Data Training
Local Full
AI Center Application
On-Device Machine Learning AR/VR/MR High Precision Manufacturing M2M/D2D (Smart Home/Healthcare)
work environment, efficiently and optimally adjust cal network and underwater acoustic network that
network parameters to meet different network provide wireless connections to those equipments
application requirements. over the sea and underwater area. It is believed that
Employing AI in D2D will lead to new oppor- terrestrial network will still be the most important
tunities and challenges in future 6G networks. As part for providing wireless mobile services for most
motivated by the aforementioned studies, we in human activities [8].
this paper envision a number of potential intelli- The SATSI network can make full use of the
gent D2D solutions associating with 6G in terms characteristics of global network coverage, full-fre-
of intelligent mobile edge computing (MEC), net- quency radio transmission and full application to
work slicing as well as non-orthogonal multiple achieve seamless high-speed communication in
access (NOMA) cognitive networking. space, air, terrestrial and sea domains, such as
automated driving, high precision manufacturing,
Architectures and Developing Trends of smart home/healthcare, AR, VR, MR, etc. With
6G Networks the participation of AI techniques, D2D commu-
nication will be employed to support low latency
Space-Air-Terrestrial-Sea Integrated Networks and high speed data transmission in different net-
Note that relying only on current terrestrial networks work scenarios, such as intra-plane two-hop D2D,
cannot fulfill the requirements of extremely broad intra-ship multi-hop D2D, D2D with fast accurate
coverage and ubiquitous connectivity. Therefore, beamforming in vehicular networks. In future 6G,
6G will further integrate sea/underwater networks massive D2D clusters will exist in local area due
with respect to 5G space-air-terrestrial networks, to the aggregation and social behavior of human
so as to support various applications and maintain beings. Users in each D2D cluster can be man-
ubiquitous mobile ultrabroadband everywhere. As aged and served via D2D connection.
shown in Fig. 1, a typical 6G SATSI network con-
tains four parts: a space network composed of Extremely Heterogeneous and Ultradense
interconnected satellites with different orbits; an air Terrestrial Networks
network containing a high altitude platform like an As wireless transmission distance will become
airplane [7], air ship, and low altitude unmanned much shorter in 6G, D2D communication is envi-
aerial vehicle (UAV) and flying base stations (BSs); sioned to continuously evolve into the 6G wireless
a heterogeneous ultradense terrestrial network communication systems to efficiently support a
that includes the core network (CN), cloud, edge, much larger and more diverse set of UEs and appli-
and M2M communication networks; a sea-based cations. Ultradense network integrated with D2D
network that contains shortwave communication, communication is considered as one of the pieces
ultrashort-wave communication, submarine opti- of the 6G jigsaw puzzle, making 6G terrestrial net-
work inevitably be an ultradense heterogeneous work, while the local AI center can be embed-
network structure. Note that further network den- ded into traditional MBSs or MEC servers so as
sification will lead to performance degradation due to provide AI proceeding on local network man-
to the severe interference, prohibitively high cost agement. Note that UEs like smart phones may
and energy consumption [3]. Ultradense networks provide opportunities for on-device data training,
may lead to frequent handover for high speed which can sense and learn from the local channel
moving UEs. As THz bands signal has very strong pattern, traffic pattern, moving trajectory, etc.,
directional characteristics, the transmitter beam to understand the features of user behavior and
should perfectly point to the receiver antenna to predict the network status. In future 6G, global
successfully deliver the information, which makes AI, local AI and on-device AI will cooperate and
the network management a very challenging task. leverage one another’s advantages to maintain
Accordingly, emerging new interference manage- the network operation and optimization.
ment approaches, channel allocation scheme as
well as spectral efficiency are still essential in 6G
ultradense heterogeneous networks. Considering
Evolution of Terminal User Equipment in 6G
the frequent handover, interference and energy From Mobile Phone to Mobile Workstation
consumption problem in 6G ultradense network, Considering the growth of computational power
D2D and NOMA based communication could be provided by Moore’s law and future 6G commu-
one feasible solution in future. nication requirements, it can be seen that UEs
will equipped with powerful high-end processors,
Innately Intelligent and Highly Dynamic Network extraordinary rich storage resources, plenty of
As 6G network will be much more complex sensors and ultra-long lifetime batteries (ideally
and dynamic than the preceding generations of unlimited). Combined with breakthrough bat-
wireless networks, traditional network manage- tery technologies and intelligent operating sys-
ment methods will become untenable. Hence, tems, the power of such UE can be equivalent
intelligent network management and optimiza- to a mobile computer workstation with immense
tion approaches shall be employed to fulfill the computational power, high-speed data process-
different QoS demands. Over the past decade, ing and networking capability. We envision that
many types of ML algorithms [5], like super- future UEs will be designed as a type of hand-
vised learning, unsupervised learning, reinforce- held mobile computer workstation that can per-
ment learning, etc., were adopted for intelligent form intense processes like machine learning,
resource allocation, network optimization, small environment sensing, holography processing, AR/
BSs or UAVs deployment, network design, etc. VR cloud gaming and photonic computing, while
It is believed that AI-enabled radio access and keeping the same thin and portable designs as a
core networks will allow future networks to sense phone. Moreover, future UEs will be embedded
and learn from the environment, make decisions with multiple radio interfaces with full frequency
through big data training, automatically predict radio access capability that can connect to various
and adapt the network changes, and achieve opti- network systems with different QoS requirements.
mal performance by self-configuration. Table I summarizes the frequency resources avail-
It is envisioned that multi-level distributed AI able for D2D communications [9]–[11]. One can
will be employed to provide global intelligent see from Fig. 2 that future UEs can either connect
management of 6G networks. Specifically, the to the nearby devices via short range communica-
global AI center will be deployed in the core net- tion technologies or establish long range links via