Hindu Marriage Act Handwritten Notes
Hindu Marriage Act Handwritten Notes
Hindu Marriage Act Handwritten Notes
among Hindus
Section 2 Application
of act
is Hindu its form developments
any person who by religion any of
Vinarhaiva Brahmo Pronouneror
is Buddhist Jain Sikh
any person who by religion
is not a Muskin Uninian Panic or Jew
anyperson who by religion
unless it is proved that is not governed
any such person by Hindu
law anton usage
Who are Hindus
both are Hindu
any child legitimate illegitimate of whoseparents
Buddhist Jain Sikh
by religion
any dried legitimate illegitimate one
ofwhose parents is any of
the above 9 who is broughtup as member
of the tribe community
group or family to which such parent belongs belonged
is a convert
any person who any of the above
re convert to
Section 3 definitions
custom A usage
signify any rule which having been continuously
incontitution uniformly observed for a long time has obtained
b w legislatedlaw curton
forceof law among Hindus in local area tribe
the formerprevails However
HMA is speciallegislation community group or family
which gives anions precedence over
some of its own provisions
provided it is certain not unreasonable
not opposed to publicpolicy
2 persons are said to be related to each other by
full blood α way free
bloodrelationships blood when they are descended
from common ancestor
onlymaharer by same wife α by hay blood when they are descended
from common but
by different wives
trample A B are born to Mn α Mr Sharma They are
full siblings
because share both parents but c is row Sharma
they if ofMr
then A C are
from previous marriage nay bloodsiblings
uterine blood descended
from common ancestress but bydifferenthusbands
Sapinda intends upto 3ʳᵈ generation inclusive throughmother's line
relationship entendsupto 5ᵗʰgeneration inclusive throughfather's line
countingstarts fromperson concerned whois corridered the 2 generatio
greatgreatgrandfather 5ᵗʰgun
It gen
Section 8 Registration
of Hindu marriages
Hindu marriage register state make rules
govt can for recording details of
Hindu marriages in a register
parties to marriage can voluntarilyenter irrein details
in the register under certain conditions
Section9 Restitution
If husband wife has withdrawnfrom society ofother left w o reasonable
as it never arrived
eitherparty can
filepetition againstotherparty
declared well decree
by of nullity
Section 12 Voidable marriages both marriages before after 1955
shall be voidable be
may bydecreeofmellity on followinggrounds
2 Husbandguilty or
ofrape sodomy butiality
3 maintanence awarded to wipe no cohabitationfor 1year or more
4 marriage solemnized before wife turned 15 0 she repudiates it before
turning 18
1 Theamentsources of Hindu law incended Sunnis Smitis Vedangas digests commentries
observations under
In applyingMinderlaw thejudge should not introduce his own concepts modern times
but shouldenforce the law as derivedfrom nuognised authoritative sources
on anions usages
may bedefined as a
a anion habitual course
of conductgenerallyobserved in a communit
as per sec3
of HMA definitionofcurious usage
Although the codified Hindulaw overrides all rules and unions practiced
byHindus yet
in certain areas this legislatedlaw itsey saves anion as theprevailinglaw unpersely
stated in this act
Hindu law has 2 main schools
m d fÉf
Mitakshana is a commentary on the code
of Yajnavanya smriti
α in Dayabhaga is a digertofare the codes
Dayabhag prevails in Bigal αMaintart states syringingschoolofHindu
Ty after the birth of a child one both of parents convert to another religion the child
See4 section 4
of this are provides it with an overriding yet as it seeksto repeal are
Marriage Introduction
1 Hindus marriage is conidered as a sacrament sanskaar which has the implication that it is
ofFactum valet
Doctrine a jart cannot be invalidated 100 statements
by a
driedmarriages in India present an unfortunate paradox where theguardians