In medieval India, subsequent to the conquest by the Muslims, the Mohammedan Criminal Law
came into prevalence. The British rulers passed the Regulating Act of 1773 under which a
Supreme Court was established in Calcutta and later on at Madras and in Bombay. The
Supreme Court was to apply British procedural law while deciding the cases of the Crown’s
After the Rebellion of 1857, the crown took over the administration in India. The Criminal
Procedure Code, 1861 was passed by the British parliament.
The 1861 code continued after independence and was amended in 1969. It was finally replaced
in 1972.
Cognizable offences are those offences for which a police officer may arrest without court
mandated warrant in accordance with the first schedule of the code. For non-cognizable cases
the police officer may arrest only after being duly authorised by a warrant. Non-cognizable
offences are, generally, relatively less serious offences than cognizable ones.
There is no definition of the term "bail" under the code though the terms "bailable" and "non-
bailable" have been defined.[4] It has however been defined by the Black's Law Lexicon as
security for the appearance of the accused person on giving which he is released pending trial
or investigation[5]
The First Schedule to the code refers to all offences under the Indian Penal Code and classifies
them into bailable and non-bailable. There is no test or criteria for determining which offence is
bailable and which is non-bailable. However, generally speaking, less serious offences are
usually bailable while more serious ones are non-bailable.
Summary Trials:
Section 260 Clause 2 of the Code lists certain offences which may be summarily tried by any
Chief Judicial Magistrate, any Metropolitan Magistrate or any Judicial Magistrate First Class. A
First Class Magistrate must first be authorised by the respective High Court to that effect before
he may try cases summarily under this Section.
The offences that may be tried summarily under this Section are:
1. Offences not punishable with death, life imprisonment, or imprisonment for a term
exceeding two years.
2. Theft under Section 379, 380 and 381 of the Indian Penal Code provided that the value of
the stolen property is below Rs. 2000.
3. Receiving or retaining stolen property under Section 411 of the penal code where the
value of the stolen property is below Rs. 2000.
4. Assisting in the concealment or disposal of stolen property, under Section 414 of the
penal code,the value of the stolen property being below Rs. 2000.
5. Lurking house-trespass (Section 454 of the Indian Penal Code) and house-breaking
(Section 456 of the Penal Code) at night.
6. Insult with an intent to provoke a breach of peace under Section 504 and criminal
intimidation under Section 506 of the penal code.
7. Abetting of any of the above mentioned offences.
8. Attempt to commit any of the above mentioned offences.
9. Offences with respect to which complaints may be made under Section 20 of Cattle
Trespass Act, 1871.
Apart from the above, a Second Class Magistrate may, if so empowered by the High Court,
summarily try an offence punishable with fine or with imprisonment not exceeding six months
or the abettment or attempt to commit such an offence.
A summary trial tried by a magistrate without being empowered to do so is void. The
procedure for a summoncase is to be followed, subject to special provisions made in this behalf.
The maximum sentence that may be awarded by way of a summary trial is three months with
or without fine.
The Magistrate may give up the summary trial in favour of the regular trial if he finds it
undesirable to try the case summarily. The judgment is to be delivered in abridged form.
Judgment is the final reasoned decision of the Court as to the guilt or innocence of the accused.
Where the accused is found guilty, the judgment must also contain an order requiring the
accused to undergo punishment or treatment.
Every court must deliver the judgment in the language of that court as determined by the State
Government. It must contain the points that lead to the determination of guilt or innocence. It
usually commences with facts and must indicate careful analysis of evidence. It must also
specify the offence under the penal code or such other specific law as well as the punishment
sentenced. If acquitted the offence of which the accused is so acquitted must be specified along
witha direction that the accused be set at liberty.
Judgments in abridged form
According to Section 355 of the Code, a Metropolitan Magistrate may deliver judgments in
abridged form and should contain:
Post-conviction orders
Having regards to the age, character and antecedents of the offender, and the circumstances in
which the offence was committed, if the Court convicting the accused considers it expedient to
release the offender, it may do so either on probation of good conduct or after due
admonishment. This provision is contained in Section 360 of the Code.
Thus the court may direct that the offender be released on his entering into a bond, with or
without surities. The offender is further required to keep peace and be of good behaviour as
well as appear thereafter before the court when called upon during such period as the court
may decide. This period should not exceed three years. The following conditions have to be
The Code and the Constitution of India together provide for multiple ranges of appellate
remedy.] A person convicted by the High Court exercising original criminal jurisdiction may
appeal before the Supreme Court. Where the High Court has, on appeal reversed an order of
acquittal and sentenced him to death and imprisonment for a term of ten years or more, the
accused may appeal to the Supreme Court. The Constitution provides that an appeal shall lie to
the Supreme Court against the direction of Supreme Court if the High Court certifies that the
case involves substantial questions of law as to the interpretation of the Constitution.
Judgments and orders arising from petty cases are not appealable unless the sentences are
combined with other sentences. No appeal lies when the accused pleads guilty and is convicted
on such plea by the High Court. If the conviction from a plea of guilt is by a Sessions Court,
Metropolitan Magistrate or a Magistrate of First or Second Class, only the legality of the
sentence may be brought into question in an appeal
1. Bharti, Dalbir (2005). The Constitution and criminal justice administration. APH Publishing.
pp. 320.
2. Menon, N. R. Madhava; Banerjea, D; West Bengal National University of Juridical
Sciences (2005). Criminal Justice India Series: pts. 1-2. Chandigarh. Allied Publishers.
pp. 229.
3. Mowu v. Suptd., Special Jail, 1972 SCC (Cri) 184, 189:(1971) 3 SCC 936
4. Moti Ram v. State of Madhya Pradesh, (1978) 4 SCC 47: 1978 SCC (Cri) 485, 488
5. Black's Law Lexicon, 4th Edn., p. 177
6. Section 374 (1)
7. Section 379
8. Article 132 (1) of the Constitution of India
9. Section 376
10. Section 375