SRS & Testing
SRS & Testing
SRS & Testing
SRS and Software Testing
Prepared by,
Alok Haldar
Assistant Professor,
Department of Computer Science and BCA,
Kharagpur College
What is Software Requirement Specification - [SRS]
A software requirements specification (SRS) is a document that captures complete description about
how the system is expected to perform.
Qualities of SRS:
Ranked for importance and/or stability
Types of Requirements:
The below diagram depicts the various types of requirements that are captured during SRS.
Following are the characteristics of a good SRS document:
1. Correctness:
User review is used to ensure the correctness of requirements stated in the SRS. SRS is said
to be correct if it covers all the requirements that are actually expected from the system.
2. Completeness:
Completeness of SRS indicates every sense of completion including the numbering of all the
pages, resolving the to be determined parts to as much extent as possible as well as covering
all the functional and non-functional requirements properly.
3. Consistency:
Requirements in SRS are said to be consistent if there are no conflicts between any set of
requirements. Examples of conflict include differences in terminologies used at separate
places, logical conflicts like time period of report generation, etc.Unambiguousness:
A SRS is said to be unambiguous if all the requirements stated have only 1 interpretation.
Some of the ways to prevent unambiguousness include the use of modelling techniques like
ER diagrams, proper reviews and buddy checks, etc.
4. Ranking for importance and stability:
There should a criterion to classify the requirements as less or more important or more
specifically as desirable or essential. An identifier mark can be used with every requirement
to indicate its rank or stability.
5. Modifiability:
SRS should be made as modifiable as possible and should be capable of easily accepting
changes to the system to some extent. Modifications should be properly indexed and cross-
6. Verifiability:
A SRS is verifiable if there exists a specific technique to quantifiably measure the extent to
which every requirement is met by the system. For example, a requirement stating that the
system must be user-friendly is not verifiable and listing such requirements should be
7. Traceability:
One should be able to trace a requirement to design component and then to code segment in
the program. Similarly, one should be able to trace a requirement to the corresponding test
8. Design Independence:
There should be an option to choose from multiple design alternatives for the final system.
More specifically, the SRS should not include any implementation details.
9. Testability:
A SRS should be written in such a way that it is easy to generate test cases and test plans
from the document.
10. Understandable by the customer:
An end user maybe an expert in his/her specific domain but might not be an expert in computer
science. Hence, the use of formal notations and symbols should be avoided to as much extent as
possible. The language should be kept easy and clear.
11.Right level of abstraction:
If the SRS is written for the requirements phase, the details should be explained explicitly.
Whereas, for a feasibility study, fewer details can be used. Hence, the level of abstraction varies
according to the purpose of the SRS.
Software Testing
Software testing is widely used technology because it is compulsory to test each and every software
before deployment.
Software testing includes
1. Black Box Testing,
2. White Box Testing,
3. Visual Box Testing
4. Gray Box Testing.
Levels such as
I. Unit Testing,
II. Integration Testing,
III. Regression Testing,
IV. Functional Testing.
V. System Testing,
VI. Acceptance Testing,
VII. Alpha Testing,
VIII.Beta Testing,
IX. Non-Functional testing,
X. Security Testing,
XI. Portability Testing.
1. Black Box Testing is a software testing method in which the internal structure/ design/
implementation of the item being tested is not known to the tester
2. White Box Testing is a software testing method in which the internal structure/ design/
implementation of the item being tested is known to the tester.
Differences between Black Box Testing vs White Box Testing:
• A. Functional Testing
• B. Non-functional testing
• C. Regression Testing
Types of White Box Testing:
• A. Path Testing
• B. Loop Testing
• C. Condition testing
Types of Testing:-
1. Unit Testing
It focuses on the smallest unit of software design. In this, we test an individual unit or group of
interrelated units. It is often done by the programmer by using sample input and observing its
corresponding outputs.
2. Integration Testing
The objective is to take unit tested components and build a program structure that has been dictated
by design. Integration testing is testing in which a group of components is combined to produce
Integration testing is of four types: (i) Top-down (ii) Bottom-up (iii) Sandwich (iv) Big-Bang
(a) Black Box testing:- It is used for validation. In this we ignore internal working mechanism and
focuse on what is the output?.
(b) White Box testing:- It is used for verification. In this we focus on internal mechanism i.e.
how the output is achieved?
3. Regression Testing
Every time a new module is added leads to changes in the program. This type of testing makes sure
that the whole component works properly even after adding components to the complete program.
Example :
In school record suppose we have module staff, students and finance combining these modules and
checking if on integration these module works fine is regression testing.
4. Smoke Testing
This test is done to make sure that software under testing is ready or stable for further testing
It is called a smoke test as the testing an initial pass is done to check if it did not catch the fire or
smoke in the initial switch on.
If project has 2 modules so before going to module make sure that module 1 works properly.
5. Alpha Testing
This is a type of validation testing. It is a type of acceptance testing which is done before the
product is released to customers. It is typically done by QA people.
When software testing is performed internally within the organization
6. Beta Testing
The beta test is conducted at one or more customer sites by the end-user of the software. This
version is released for a limited number of users for testing in a real-time environment
When software testing is performed for the limited number of people.
7. System Testing
This software is tested such that it works fine for the different operating systems. It is covered under
the black box testing technique. In this, we just focus on the required input and output without
focusing on internal working.
In this, we have security testing, recovery testing, stress testing, and performance testing
This include functional as well as non functional testing
8. Stress Testing
In this, we give unfavorable conditions to the system and check how they perform in those
(a) Test cases that require maximum memory or other resources are executed
(b) Test cases that may cause thrashing in a virtual operating system
(c) Test cases that may cause excessive disk requirement
9. Performance Testing
It is designed to test the run-time performance of software within the context of an integrated
system. It is used to test the speed and effectiveness of the program. It is also called load testing. In
it we check, what is the performance of the system in the given load.
Checking number of processor cycles