English9 Q4 WK7 Done
English9 Q4 WK7 Done
English9 Q4 WK7 Done
C. Learning ‘’ Expand ideas using ‘’ Expand ideas using ‘’ Expand ideas using ‘’ Expand ideas using
Competencies/ principles of cohesion and principles of cohesion and
Objectives principles of cohesion and principles of cohesion and
coherence’’ coherence’’
( Write the code for coherence’’ coherence’’
II.CONTENT The lesson will focus on The lesson will focus on The lesson will focus on The lesson will focus on
( Subject Matter) understanding and understanding and understanding and applying understanding and
applying principles of applying principles of principles of cohesion and applying principles of
cohesion and coherence in cohesion and coherence coherence in writing and cohesion and coherence in
writing and speaking. in writing and speaking. speaking. writing and speaking.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Material
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource LR portal
B. Establishing a purpose Explain the importance of Explain the importance of Explain the importance of Explain the importance of
for the lesson using cohesive devices using cohesive devices using cohesive devices and using cohesive devices
and principles of and principles of principles of coherence to and principles of
coherence to expand ideas coherence to expand expand ideas and coherence to expand ideas
and communicate ideas and communicate communicate effectively. and communicate
effectively. effectively. Share the lesson objectives effectively.
Share the lesson Share the lesson with the students. Share the lesson
objectives with the objectives with the objectives with the
students. students. students.
C. Presenting examples/ Show examples of texts or Show examples of texts Show examples of texts or Show examples of texts or
instances of the new speeches that lack or speeches that lack speeches that lack cohesion speeches that lack
lesson. cohesion and coherence. cohesion and coherence. and coherence. cohesion and coherence.
Discuss how these Discuss how these Discuss how these Discuss how these
examples are challenging examples are challenging examples are challenging to examples are challenging
to follow and understand. to follow and understand. follow and understand. to follow and understand.
D. Discussing new Introduce the concept of Introduce the concept of Introduce the concept of Introduce the concept of
concepts and practicing cohesion and its role in cohesion and its role in cohesion and its role in cohesion and its role in
new skills. #1 connecting ideas in written connecting ideas in connecting ideas in written connecting ideas in written
and spoken written and spoken and spoken communication. and spoken
communication. communication. Present various cohesive communication.
Present various cohesive Present various cohesive devices such as pronouns, Present various cohesive
devices such as pronouns, devices such as conjunctions, transitional devices such as pronouns,
conjunctions, transitional pronouns, conjunctions, words, and repetition. conjunctions, transitional
words, and repetition. transitional words, and Provide examples of how words, and repetition.
Provide examples of how repetition. these devices can be used Provide examples of how
these devices can be used Provide examples of how to create cohesion in these devices can be used
to create cohesion in these devices can be sentences and paragraphs. to create cohesion in
sentences and used to create cohesion sentences and
paragraphs. in sentences and paragraphs.
F. Developing Mastery Provide a writing prompt or Provide a writing prompt Provide a writing prompt or a Provide a writing prompt or
(Lead to Formative a speaking topic and ask or a speaking topic and speaking topic and ask a speaking topic and ask
Assessment 3) students to create a ask students to create a students to create a students to create a
coherent piece using coherent piece using coherent piece using coherent piece using
cohesive devices. cohesive devices. cohesive devices. cohesive devices.
Review and provide Review and provide Review and provide Review and provide
feedback on their work. feedback on their work. feedback on their work. feedback on their work.
G. Finding practical Discuss the importance of Discuss the importance of Discuss the importance of Discuss the importance of
application of concepts cohesion and coherence in cohesion and coherence cohesion and coherence in cohesion and coherence in
and skills in daily living various forms of in various forms of various forms of various forms of
communication, such as communication, such as communication, such as communication, such as
essays, speeches, and essays, speeches, and essays, speeches, and essays, speeches, and
reports. reports. reports. reports.
Share real-world examples Share real-world Share real-world examples Share real-world examples
of well-structured and examples of well- of well-structured and poorly of well-structured and
poorly structured texts or structured and poorly structured texts or poorly structured texts or
speeches. structured texts or speeches. speeches.
H. Making Generalizations Summarize the key Summarize the key Summarize the key Summarize the key
and Abstraction about concepts of cohesion and concepts of cohesion and concepts of cohesion and concepts of cohesion and
the Lesson. coherence discussed coherence discussed coherence discussed during coherence discussed
during the lesson. during the lesson. the lesson. during the lesson.
I. Evaluating Learning Which sentence Which sentence Which sentence demonstrates Which sentence
demonstrates cohesion and demonstrates effective effective cohesion and demonstrates effective
coherence in expanding ideas?
Created by: GREG M, Et al
coherence in expanding cohesion and coherence in a. The experiment was cohesion and coherence in
ideas? expanding ideas? successful. It followed the expanding ideas?
scientific method.
a. The weather was cold. I a. The concert was b. Following the scientific a. The research was
wore a jacket. enjoyable. It featured our method, the experiment was comprehensive. It covered
favorite band. successful. various aspects.
b. Since the weather was c. Despite following the
cold, I decided to wear a b. Enjoying the concert, our scientific method, the b. Covering various aspects,
jacket. favorite band was featured. experiment was successful. the comprehensive research
d. The successful experiment was conducted.
c. Cold weather necessitated c. The concert, featuring our followed the scientific method.
wearing a jacket. favorite band, was c. Despite being
enjoyable. Answer: b. Following the comprehensive, various
d. Wearing a jacket, I faced aspects were covered in the
scientific method, the
the cold weather. d. The concert was research.
experiment was successful.
enjoyable but featured our
favorite band. Identify the sentence that lacks d. The research,
Answer: b. Since the weather coherence: comprehensive in nature,
was cold, I decided to wear a a. The festival was enjoyable. covered various aspects.
jacket. Answer: c. The concert, Many people attended.
featuring our favorite band, b. Despite many people
was enjoyable. attending, the festival was Answer: b. Covering various
Identify the sentence that aspects, the comprehensive
c. The festival, with many
lacks cohesion and people attending, was research was conducted.
coherence: Identify the sentence that enjoyable.
lacks cohesion: d. Many people enjoyed the
a. The new library is well- festival. Identify the sentence that
designed. It has a variety of a. The scientific discovery lacks coherence:
books. was groundbreaking. It Answer: b. Despite many
revolutionized the field. people attending, the festival a. The trip was enjoyable. We
b. Despite being well- was enjoyable. visited historical sites.
designed, the new library has b. Despite the
a variety of books. groundbreaking discovery, it Which sentence demonstrates b. Despite visiting historical
revolutionized the field. effective cohesion and sites, the trip was enjoyable.
c. The new library, which is coherence in expanding ideas?
well-designed, has a variety c. The groundbreaking a. The technology is advanced. c. The trip, with visits to
of books. discovery revolutionized the It has transformed historical sites, was
field. communication. enjoyable.
d. The new library is well-
b. Advanced technology has
designed. Also, it has a d. The scientific discovery, transformed communication. d. Visiting historical sites
variety of books. groundbreaking, and c. Despite being advanced, contributed to the enjoyable
revolutionized the field. technology transformed trip.
Answer: d. The new library is d. The technology, being
well-designed. Also, it has a Answer: d. The scientific advanced, transformed Answer: b. Despite visiting
Answer: c. The
performance, with a
standing ovation, was Answer: c. The exhibition,
outstanding. with various artworks
showcased, was impressive.
J. Additional Activities for Provide additional practice Provide additional Provide additional practice Provide additional practice
Application or exercises or writing practice exercises or exercises or writing prompts exercises or writing
Remediation prompts for students who writing prompts for for students who need more prompts for students who
need more reinforcement students who need more reinforcement in using need more reinforcement
in using cohesive devices reinforcement in using cohesive devices and in using cohesive devices
and achieving coherence. cohesive devices and achieving coherence. and achieving coherence.
achieving coherence.
A. No. of learners earned
80%in the evaluation.
Created by: GREG M, Et al
B. No. of learners who
required additional
activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lesson
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learner who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I
wish to share with other
Prepared by:
Checked by:
Teacher III
School Principal I