Os QB by Namma Vtu
Os QB by Namma Vtu
Os QB by Namma Vtu
Module -1:
1. Define operating system Explain the services of operating system with need
2. System call? Explain types of system call
3. Explain the dual mode operation of operating system
4. What is process? Explain different states of a process with neat. Diagram
5. Explain various operating services
6. Explain concept of virtual machine with neat diagram
7. Different types of operating systems
1. What is inter process communication?
2. Differentiate client server computing and peer to peer computing
3. Discuss the implementation of IPC using message passing system in detail
4. Explain the direct and indirect communication with respect to message passing
5. Explain multi threading model with diagram
6. Different types of multi threading models
7. Various benefits of multi threading programming
8. Problems
9. Explain cpu scheduling criteria
Module -3:
1. What is critical section? What are the three requirements for critical section to
2. Illustrate Peterson’s solution for critical section problem
3. What are monitors? Explain dining philosopher’s solution using monitor and
using semaphore
4. What is synchronisation? Explain synchronisation Hardware
5. What is deadlock? What are necessary conditions for deadlock
6. Banker algorithm problems and programme
7. Various methods of recovery from deadlock
8. What is resource allocation Graph? Explain how it is very useful in describing
deadly embrace by considering an example
9. Deadlock characterisation (explain)
1. Explain segmentation in detail with Diagram
2. Explain paging hardware with TLB
3. What is paging? Explain the structure of page table
4. What are TLB? Explain TLB in detail with a simpler paging system(diagram)
5. Write a note on contagious memory allocation
6. What is demand paging? Discuss with a neat diagram. Steps to handle the page
7. Illustrate how demand paging affects system performance
8. Explain various operation performed on the files
9. Explain the various excess methods of files
10.What is thrashing? How it can be controlled?
Module -5:
• Explain Access Matrix model of implementing protection in operating system
• Explain various disk scheduling in detail
• Discuss briefly about the attributes in a file system
• Explain the various access method of files
• Explain in detail implementation of Access matrix
• Explain in detail about overview of mass storage structure
• Distinguish between Single level directory structure and two level directory
structures? what are advantages and disadvantages
• Explain Access Matrix method system protection with domain as object and its
• Implementation of free space list
• Various operations performed on files.
• Various directory structures with required diagram