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Comparison Between The Peaks-Over-Threshold Method and The Annual Maximum Method For Flood Frequency Analysis

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Hydrological Sciences Journal

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Comparison between the peaks-over-threshold

method and the annual maximum method for
flood frequency analysis

Nejc Bezak, Mitja Brilly & Mojca Šraj

To cite this article: Nejc Bezak, Mitja Brilly & Mojca Šraj (2014) Comparison between the
peaks-over-threshold method and the annual maximum method for flood frequency analysis,
Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59:5, 959-977, DOI: 10.1080/02626667.2013.831174

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Hydrological Sciences Journal – Journal des Sciences Hydrologiques, 59 (5) 2014 959

Comparison between the peaks-over-threshold method and the annual

maximum method for flood frequency analysis
Nejc Bezak, Mitja Brilly and Mojca Šraj
Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Jamova 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Received 18 January 2013; accepted 19 June 2013; open for discussion until 1 November 2014

Editor D. Koutsoyiannis

Citation Bezak, N., Brilly, M., and Šraj, M., 2014. Comparison between the peaks-over-threshold method and the annual maximum
method for flood frequency analysis. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (5), 959–977.

Abstract Flood frequency analysis can be made by using two types of flood peak series, i.e. the annual maximum
(AM) and peaks-over-threshold (POT) series. This study presents a comparison of the results of both methods for
data from the Litija 1 gauging station on the Sava River in Slovenia. Six commonly used distribution functions
and three different parameter estimation techniques were considered in the AM analyses. The results showed a
better performance for the method of L-moments (ML) when compared with the conventional moments and
maximum likelihood estimation. The combination of the ML and the log-Pearson type 3 distribution gave the best
results of all the considered AM cases. The POT method gave better results than the AM method. The binomial
distribution did not offer any noticeable improvement over the Poisson distribution for modelling the annual
number of exceedences above the threshold.
Key words flood frequency analysis; annual maximum series; peaks-over-threshold method; threshold selection; method of
L-moments; maximum likelihood

Comparaison entre les méthodes de dépassement de seuil et du maximum annuel pour les
analyses de fréquence des crues
Résumé Les analyses de fréquence des crues peuvent être réalisées en utilisant deux types de séries de débits de
crue, soit les maximums annuels (MA), soit les débits dépassant un certain seuil (POT pour Peak Over
Threshold). La présente étude présente une comparaison des résultats des deux méthodes pour les données de
la station de Litija 1 sur la rivière Sava en Slovénie. Six fonctions de distribution couramment utilisées et trois
techniques d’estimation des paramètres ont été pris en compte dans les analyses des MA. Les résultats ont montré
une meilleure performance de la méthode des L-moments par rapport aux moments classiques et à la méthode du
maximum de vraisemblance. La combinaison de la méthode des L-moments et de la distribution log-Pearson 3 a
donné les meilleurs résultats parmi tous les cas considérés sur les MA. La méthode POT a donné de meilleurs
résultats que la méthode MA. La distribution binomiale n’a offert aucune amélioration notable par rapport à la
distribution de Poisson pour modéliser le nombre annuel de dépassement du seuil.
Mots clefs analyse de fréquence des crues ; série des maximums annuels ; méthode des débits dépassant un seuil ; choix d’un
seuil ; méthode des L-moments ; maximum de vraisemblance

INTRODUCTION failure of a structure is an important part of engineer-

ing practice (Khaliq et al. 2006). Improvements to
Quality discharge measurements or water-level mea- FFA techniques are still the goal of hydrologists,
surements and effective flood frequency analyses because efficient planning and design of water struc-
(FFA) are the precondition for reliably defining tures require good estimates of the behaviour of
design discharge (Bonacci and Ljubenkov 2008, extreme hydrological events, which can be highly
Šraj et al. 2008). Estimation of a flood magnitude destructive and cause major economic losses, envir-
corresponding to a chosen risk of flooding or even onmental damage and even loss of life (Mikoš et al.

© 2014 IAHS Press

960 Nejc Bezak et al.

2004, Brilly and Polič 2005). The relationship probability distribution functions were compared and
between discharge and return period is unique for the parameters were estimated with the MOM and the
every gauging station. The traditional annual maxi- probability weighted moments (PWM). Chi-square,
mum (AM) series approach is still the most used Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S), Anderson-Darling
method in FFA in many countries, including (A-D), probability plot correlation coefficient (PPCC)
Slovenia. An AM sample is defined by the maximum and other tests were used to assess the performance of
peak flow of each year. However, defining the sam- the individual cases. Generally, the GEV distribution
ples in such a way can result in loss of information gave better results than the Gumbel, log-normal (LN),
(Langbein 1949, Lang et al. 1999, Bačová-Mitková Pearson type 3 (P3), log-Pearson type 3 (LP3) and
and Onderka 2010). For example, some peaks that other distribution functions. Seckin et al. (2011) made
were not AMs, but are still relatively high, are not FFA on the data from 543 gauging stations in Turkey.
considered in AM analyses. However, some very low The ML was used for estimation of the distribution
discharge values can be part of the AM series sample. parameters. The GEV distribution gave better good-
Another shortcoming of the AM series is that the ness-of-fit values than other distributions, such as the
sample is usually rather small. An alternative to the generalized logistic (GL) and LP3 distributions.
AM method is the peaks-over-threshold (POT) Shane and Lynn (1964) were the first to propose
approach (also called the partial duration series the Poisson distribution for modelling the annual
approach). The POT sample is defined by all peak number of exceedences and an exponential distribu-
values that lie above a certain truncation level tion for the magnitudes of exceedences. Some other
(usually called the threshold or base level) (Lang distributions were also used for modelling the annual
et al. 1999). Major difficulties in using the POT number of events above the threshold and description
method are assuring the independence of the data of the magnitudes of exceedences. Besides the
series and choosing an appropriate threshold value. Poisson distribution (Todorovic and Zelenhasic
The next step is to select an appropriate statisti- 1970, Cunnane 1979, Tavares and da Silva 1983,
cal distribution function for the time series of extreme Kjeldsen et al. 2000), one can also choose between
discharges, which describes the random process best. the negative binomial (Cunnane 1979, Lang et al.
Several distribution functions are available for mod- 1997, Önöz and Bayazit 2001, Bhunya et al. 2012)
elling magnitudes of exceedences. Generally more and binomial (Lang et al. 1997, Robson and Reed
than one distribution may fit the data well and select- 1999, Önöz and Bayazit 2001) distributions.
ing the best model can be difficult (Salas et al. 2012). Cunnane (1979) made analyses on the data from 26
Many countries have developed guidelines suggest- gauging stations in Great Britain; however, the nega-
ing which distribution to use. However, finding the tive binomial distribution function did not seem to
best method is still a challenge for engineers. Next, offer any substantial improvement over the Poisson
the estimation technique for distribution parameters distribution. Bhunya et al. (2012) found that the
has to be chosen. The distribution parameters can be Poisson distribution was better than the negative
estimated through different methods, such as the binomial distribution in cases when the difference
method of moments (MOM), the method of between the mean and the variance of the annual
L-moments (ML) and the maximum likelihood esti- number of exceedences was small. They used the
mation (MLE). GL distribution function for modelling the magni-
Sankarasubramanian and Srinivasan (1999) com- tudes of events above the threshold. Other distribu-
pared the MOM and the ML for parameter estimation tions, such as the generalized Pareto (Van Montfort
of the generalized normal, generalized extreme value and Witter 1985, Rosbjerg et al. 1992, Lang et al.
(GEV), Pearson type 3 (P3) and generalized Pareto 1999), LN (Adamson and Zucchini 1984, Rosbjerg
distributions. The performance of the methods 1987) and Weibull (Pekarova et al. 2008, Bačová-
depended on the sample size and skewness of data. Mitková and Onderka 2010), can also be used for
Ahilan et al. (2012) analysed data from 172 gauging modelling magnitudes. Rosbjerg et al. (1992) applied
stations in Ireland and investigated which of the the MOM and PWM for parameter estimation for the
extreme value (EV) distributions is most appropriate partial duration series. They found that if the para-
for FFA. The Gumbel distribution was preferred over meters were estimated with MOM, the result of the
two other types of EV distributions (EV II or Frechet, statistic mean square error (MSE) was smaller than in
and EV III or Weibull). Önöz and Bayazit (1995) the case of PWM. Önöz and Bayazit (2001) derived
investigated data from 19 gauging stations. Seven expressions for the asymptotic sampling variance of
Comparison between POT and AM methods 961

the estimate of the T-year event. Cunnane (1979) selected. The magnitudes were modelled with the
suggested a simple test statistic, which checks the exponential distribution, while the Poisson distribu-
suitability of the Poisson distribution for modelling tion was used for the distribution of the annual
the annual number of events above threshold. Van number of exceedences. Cunnane (1973) reported
Montfort and Witter (1985) proposed two statistical that on average at least 1.65 peaks per year should
tests to check the adequacy of the exponential dis- be selected to achieve an advantage over the AM
tribution for modelling the magnitudes of series method. An EV type 1 distribution was
exceedences. applied to the AM series, the MLE was used for
The main drawbacks of partial duration series estimation of the distribution’s parameters and the
are the threshold selection and assuring independence sampling variance was used for comparison.
criteria. Cunnane (1979) and USWRC (1982) pro- Madsen (1996) performed similar analyses for the
posed two different types of independence criteria. MOM and PWM. He found out that if a partial
Tavares and da Silva (1983) suggested that the duration series contains more than, on average,
threshold value should be as low as possible provid- 0.91 peaks per year, the variance, which was
ing that model assumptions are still valid. Ashkar and again chosen as the performance index, is smaller
Rousselle (1983a) found that if the Poisson and than in the case of the Gumbel distribution.
exponential distributions are applicable with a certain Recently, Bhunya et al. (2012) compared different
threshold, this should remain so with any higher combinations of the partial duration and AM series
threshold value. They also showed that the threshold methods. The POT model has more physical back-
should be so high that the Poisson model is still valid. ground because it is compounded from the distri-
Langbein (1949) suggested that the base level value bution of the annual number of exceedences above
should be equal to the lowest AM series event. Lang the threshold and their magnitudes (Önöz and
et al. (1999) suggested some graphical tests that Bayazit 2001). Bačová-Mitková and Onderka
should be used to make the appropriate threshold (2010) used data from five gauging stations on
selection. Begueria (2005) also investigated the influ- the Danube River to compare the AM and partial
ence of threshold selection on partial duration series duration series. Which of these two methods gave
model assumptions, stating that a unique optimum higher estimated discharge values depended on the
truncation level cannot be found. Silva et al. (2012) data properties and not just on the method selected
also investigated the influence of threshold selection for FFA.
on FFA results. They analysed streamflow and rain- The objectives of this study were: (a) to explore
fall data from Portuguese watersheds, while the tests the influence of the threshold value in the POT
proposed by Lang et al. (1999) were used to assess method on FFA results, (b) to compare different
the POT analysis results. The Flood Estimation statistical distribution functions and evaluate three
Handbook (Robson and Reed 1999) states that the parameter estimation techniques (MOM, ML and
main advantage of the POT method over the AM MLE) and (c) to compare the POT and the AM series
method is for the case of short data series (less than method.
14 years of data).
The dilemma of which approach to use is not
new. In one of the first articles concerning partial
duration series, Langbein (1949) investigated the The Litija gauging station on the Sava River is one of
relationship of recurrence intervals of floods on the oldest stations in Slovenia (Kobold 2011)
annual and partial duration series bases. He found (Fig. 1). The Sava River basin is the largest in
that the difference between return periods con- Slovenia (Šraj 2001) covering an area of
verges to 0.5 years as the return period increases. 10 746 km2 and is part of the Danube River basin,
The POT method contains more information about which is located in Central and Eastern Europe
flood peaks than the AM series, because the sam- (Pekarova et al. 2008). The Litija 1 station has a
ple is larger. Much research has compared the AM drainage area of 4281.43 km2 and lies at 230 m
and partial duration series methods. Tavares and da a.s.l. (Frantar and Hrvatin 2008). The station is
Silva (1983) found that the partial duration series equipped with a Seba Omega recorder (limnigraph).
method had a lower estimation of the asymptotic Measurements began in 1893 and daily discharge
sampling variance than the AM method, assuming values are available from 1895. However, in 1953
that, at least on average, two peaks per year were the station was relocated and the station’s name was
962 Nejc Bezak et al.

Fig. 1 Location of the Litija 1 gauging station.

changed from Litija to Litija 1. A period of 116 years METHODS

of data was used for FFA (1895–2010) to compare
AM series, partial duration series and time series
the AM series and partial duration series methods. A
models can be used for FFA (WMO 1989). The
comparison between distribution functions, parameter
POT modelling provides additional flexibility and a
estimation techniques and different threshold values
more comprehensive description of the flood process
was performed on data for the period 1953–2010.
(Lang et al. 1999). Besides the magnitudes of excee-
An Alpine pluvial-nival discharge regime is typi-
dences, the POT model also considers the annual
cal for this station. The characteristic of this regime is
number of peaks above the threshold. The return
two fairly equal peaks in autumn and spring. In the
period for the AM model differs from that of the
case of Litija station, the main peak is in autumn
POT model: TPOT is the average interval between
(Frantar and Hrvatin 2005). Below average water
the high flows that exceed threshold value Q; TAM
quantities usually occur in winter (January–March)
is the average interval between the years containing a
and in summer (July–September). The seasonal beha-
flood with flow of at least Q. This definition of the
viour of AM events is shown in Fig. 2, which indi-
return period is mostly used in hydrology. The rela-
cates that most of the annual peaks occurred between
tionship between the return periods is defined using
October and December, when the density of events is
the following equation (Langbein 1949):
greatest. The resultant of all AMs also occurs in the
autumn period (Fig. 2).
TAM ¼ 1  exp  (1)

POT model
The POT model can be composed of the Poisson,
binomial and negative binomial distributions for
modelling the annual number of events above thresh-
old, and of exponential or generalized Pareto distri-
butions for magnitudes of exceedences. The
dispersion index test (Cunnane 1979) and the Chi-
Fig. 2 Seasonality of annual maximums. square test were used to check the adequacy of the
Comparison between POT and AM methods 963

chosen distribution function for modelling the annual Threshold selection Defining the threshold
number of exceedences.
pffiffiffi The statistic G (maximum/ value x0 is one of the main disadvantages of the
median) and r n test, both proposed by Van POT method. The selection of the threshold is a
Montfort and Witter (1985), were used to check the subjective process. It is important that the threshold
adequacy of the exponential distribution against the value selected is high enough, so that the model
Pareto distribution for modelling the magnitudes of assumptions are not violated (Lang et al. 1999). But
peaks above threshold. The POT method includes the the truncation level should be selected as low as
steps discussed in the continuation. possible, so that the highest number of exceedences
is selected and more reliable parameter estimates can
be made (Ashkar and Rousselle 1987).
Independence criteria The first step of the POT Langbein (1949) suggested that the truncation
method is consideration of the independence condi- level be selected as equal to the lowest AM event.
tions. Cunnane (1979) introduced the criterion that This means that at least one event per year is
consecutive peaks must be separated by three times included in the analyses. Madsen et al. (1993) recom-
TP (average time to peak of five hydrographs), or that mended the use of the standard frequency factor k
the smallest discharge value between two consecutive and data properties (mean value and standard devia-
peaks must be higher than two-thirds of the first peak tion). The threshold value can be calculated using the
value. These two conditions were also considered in following expression:
the POT analyses on the Danube River (Bačová-
Mitková and Onderka 2010) and in analyses of the x0 ¼ μx þ kσ x (3)
data from Portuguese watersheds (Silva et al. 2012).
The Water Resources Council suggested (USWRC The frequency factor k with value 3 can be selected.
1982) the following criteria: The low k value means that a low threshold value is
selected and more events are included in the FFA. In
θ < 5 days þ logðAÞ the Flood Estimation Handbook (Robson and Reed
or xMIN < ð3=4Þ min½xS1 ; xS2  1999), the threshold value is defined so that, on
average, one, three or five events per year are
where A is basin area in square miles, and xS1 and xS2 selected. On average, four events per year were
are two consecutive peak values. The second peak selected for the Danube River analyses (Bačová-
should be rejected if one of the conditions in equation Mitková and Onderka 2010). Some researchers have
(2) is valid. These conditions were also considered in suggested using a return period as a basis for thresh-
the POT analyses for Litija 1 station. old selection. A return period of 1.2–2 years was
Ashkar and Rousselle (1983b) suggested that used by Irvine and Waylen (1986); Lang et al.
independence criteria should be considered only if (1999) proposed three tests for threshold selection.
successive peaks are correlated and none of the other The results of the tests give an interval of possible
possible steps for reducing correlation is possible. threshold values. One of these tests confirms the
They also showed that the main weakness of the hypothesis of the Poisson process. This graphical
first condition in equation (2) occurs in the case of test is based on the dispersion index (Cunnane
larger basin areas. It will be shown in the Results 1979). An alternative to these possible truncation
Section that the consideration of independence cri- levels that have no physical background is to set the
teria for Litija 1 station is reasonable. The difference threshold as the overflowing water level value (bank-
between the average daily discharge value and the full level). In the latter case, only floods are consid-
local maximum is relatively small. This means that ered in analyses.
only in the case of very large threshold values is the
average daily discharge value rejected and so only Distributions for modelling the annual num-
the local maximum is considered in the POT sample. ber of exceedences above threshold x0 The Poisson
If a lower threshold value is chosen, both the average distribution is the first choice for modelling the
daily discharge value and the local maximum are annual number of exceedences m. The alternatives
considered. Both values are part of one flood event are the binomial and negative binomial distributions.
and it is not reasonable to consider one event more If the mean value of m is the same as the var-
than once. This is one of the reasons why the use of iance of m, then the Poisson distribution is appropri-
independence criteria is necessary. ate for modelling the annual number of events above
964 Nejc Bezak et al.

a certain threshold level. The probability mass func- Instead of the above-mentioned distributions, one
tion of the Poisson distribution and the first three can also use the LN distribution (Adamson and
moments are (Önöz and Bayazit 2001): Zucchini 1984, Rosbjerg 1987), the Weibull
(Bačová-Mitková and Onderka 2010) or the GL
eμ μk (Bhunya et al. 2012) distribution functions. The
Pðm ¼ kÞ ¼ k ¼ 0; 1; 2; :::
k! cumulative distribution function of the exponential
EðmÞ ¼ E ¼ μ (4) distribution and the first two moments are (Önöz
and Bayazit 2001):
varðmÞ ¼ V ¼ μ
μ3 ¼ μ  
GY ð yÞ ¼ 1  exp  y  0
If the mean value of m is larger than the variance of (8)
the annual number of exceedences, the binomial dis- Eð yÞ ¼ E ¼ β
tribution can be used. This means that the time dis- varð yÞ ¼ V ¼ β2
tance between the events above the threshold is
approximately constant. The probability mass func- If the magnitudes are not exponentially distributed,
tion of the binomial distribution and the first three then the generalized Pareto distribution is one of the
moments of m are (Önöz and Bayazit 2001): possible alternatives. The cumulative distribution
  function and the first two moments of the Pareto
γ k
Pðm ¼ kÞ ¼ α ð1  αÞγk k ¼ 0; 1; 2; ::: distribution are (Lang et al. 1999):
EðmÞ ¼ E ¼ μγ (5) k
GY ð yÞ ¼ 1  1  ð yÞ kÞ0
varðmÞ ¼ V ¼ αð1  αÞγ β
μ3 ðmÞ ¼ αð1  αÞð1  2αÞγ β
Eð yÞ ¼ (9)
If the mean value of the annual number of excee- β2
dences is smaller than the variance of m, the negative varð yÞ ¼
ð1 þ k Þ2 ð1 þ 2k Þ
binomial distribution is used as an alternative to the
Poisson distribution. This means that the peaks some-
If the distribution for modelling the magnitudes of
times occur in bunches. The probability mass func-
exceedences is combined with the distribution for
tion of the negative binomial distribution and the first
modelling the annual number of peaks above thresh-
three moments are (Önöz and Bayazit 2001)
old, the following expression can be derived (Shane
  and Lynn 1964):
γþk1 k
Pðm ¼ kÞ ¼ α ð1  αÞγ
k X
1  k
k ¼ 0; 1; 2; ::: FX ð x Þ ¼ Pðm ¼ k Þ Gy ð yÞ (10)
αγ k¼0
EðmÞ ¼ E ¼
ð1  αÞ (6)
αγ The POT model with exponentially distributed peaks
varðmÞ ¼ V ¼ yields the EV type I distribution of AMs, and, when
ð1  αÞ2 the peaks are modelled with the generalized Pareto
αγð1 þ αÞ distribution, this leads to the GEV distribution
μ3 ðmÞ ¼
ð1  αÞ3 (Madsen et al. 1997, Lang et al. 1999, Önöz and
Bayazit 2001). The following probability distribution
functions are combinations of Poisson and exponen-
Probability distributions for POT modelling tial distributions (Önöz and Bayazit 2001), binomial
Exponential and generalized Pareto distributions can and exponential distributions (Önöz and Bayazit
be used for modelling the magnitudes of 2001), negative binomial and exponential distribu-
exceedences: tions (Önöz and Bayazit 2001) and Poisson and gen-
eralized Pareto distributions (Lang et al. 1999),
y ¼ x  x0 (7) respectively:
Comparison between POT and AM methods 965
x  x0 The LP3 distribution is mostly used in FFA in
FX ð xÞ ¼ exp μ exp  (11a) Slovenia. Using frequency factors is the simplest way
of obtaining design discharges (Haktanir 1991). This
   γ distribution function was also suggested by the Water
γ α x  x0
FX ð xÞ ¼ ð1  αÞ 1þ 1  exp  Resources Council (USWRC 1982). The GEV and GL
1α β
distributions were proposed in the Flood Estimation
(11b) Handbook (Robson and Reed 1999) for FFA on data
   γ from the rivers in Great Britain. LN distribution and
x  x0 LP3 distribution were used for the AM analyses on the
FX ð xÞ ¼ ð1  αÞγ 1  α 1  exp 
β Danube River (Bačová-Mitková and Onderka 2010).
(11c) Karim and Chowdhury (1995) used the LN, Gumbel,
LP3 and GEV distributions for FFA in Bangladesh.
(    1=k ) The distribution functions and equations for para-
FX ð xÞ ¼ exp μ 1  ðx  x0 Þ (11d) meters estimation that were used for the AM analyses
β are shown in Table 1.

where FX(x) is the distribution function. The expres-

Goodness-of-fit tests
sions for the estimate of the T-year event (discharge)
can be easily obtained from equations (11a–d). One of the purposes of this article was to find which
distribution function gives the best fit with the AM
series sample. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Anderson-
Darling and PPCC tests were used to check the
Annual maximum series model
adequacy of the tested distribution functions. The
The AM series method is still frequently used in root mean square error (RMSE), mean absolute
FFA. Using the AM series method there are no pro- error (MAE), relative mean absolute error (RMAE)
blems with independence criteria (usually), threshold and Akaike information criterion (AIC) were used to
selection and distribution of exceedences. The LN, define the best fit distribution. These tests were also
P3, LP3, Gumbel, GEV and GL distributions were used to compare the MOM, the ML and the MLE for
used for FFA with the AM series on the Sava River estimation of the distribution parameters.
(Litija 1 station). The Gumbel distribution is a special The RMSE, MAE, RMAE and PPCC tests were
case of the GEV distribution, while the GL and GEV also used to define with which truncation level the
distributions are special cases of the four-parameter POT model gave the best fit to data. Different thresh-
Kappa distribution. The MOM, the ML and the MLE old values were used to define different POT samples.
were used for parameter estimation in the AM The results of K-S, A-D and PPCC tests can also be
method. The MOM gives good results in the case used to compare different distribution functions.
of symmetrical data, but, in most practical cases, Critical values for different significance levels are
flood data are asymmetrical, in which case the ML easily found in the literature (Haan 2002, Kottegoda
gives better results. L-moments are analogous to and Rosso 2008), but if the distribution function para-
conventional moments and are more robust and less meters are estimated from the sample used in the test,
sensitive to outliers; they also give better parameter the critical values are modified. Different authors have
estimates for small samples (Hosking 1990). L- provided critical values for the PPCC test for different
moments are linear functions of PWM and are distributions: Vogel (1986) for the Gumbel, normal
described in detail by Hosking and Wallis (2005). and LN distributions, Chowdhury et al. (1991) for
The MOM equates the sample moments with theore- the GEV distribution, Vogel and McMartin (1991)
tical moments of the distribution function. This for P3 and LP3 distributions and Kim et al. (2008)
method is simple, but it is known that the numerical for GL and generalized Pareto distributions. Modified
values of sample moments can be rather different critical values for the K-S test can be found in the
from those of the population from which the sample literature for the following distribution functions: nor-
has been drawn (Sankarasubramanian and Srinivasan mal and LN (Lilliefors 1967, Crutcher 1975), GEV
1999). The MLE defines the distribution parameters (Chandra et al. 1981, Chowdhury et al. 1991),
in such way that the probability of occurrence of our Gumbel and gamma (Crutcher 1975) and the logistic
sample is maximal (Haktanir and Horlacher 1993). distribution (Stephens 1979). Different authors have
966 Nejc Bezak et al.

Table 1 Equations for parameter estimation of different distributions with the MOM, ML and MLE methods for the log-
normal (LN), Pearson type 3 (P3), log-Pearson type 3 (LP3), Gumbel, generalized extreme value (GEV), generalized
logistic (GL) distributions, respectively.
Distribution CDF, equations for MOM, ML and log-likelihood function, respectively
ðx   1=2
LN 1 ðlnxμY Þ2 =2σ 2Y σ 2X σ2
FX ð xÞ ¼ e dx; σ Y ¼ ln 1 þ ; μY ¼ lnμX  Y
xσ Y ð2πÞ 1=2 μX2 2
μY ¼ y; σ Y ¼ Sy
μY ¼ l1 ; σ Y ¼ π1=2 l2
1 X n
ln LðμY ; σ Y Þ ¼ n lnð2πÞ  n ln σ Y  ln xi  2
ðln xi  μY Þ2
2σ Y i¼1
1 x  c α1 ðxcÞ=β
P3 FX ð xÞ ¼ e dx
βΓðαÞ β
4 σ x csx
α¼ 2 ;β¼ ; c ¼ μx  αβ
csx 2
1 þ 0:2906z
For: 0 < |t3| < 1/3: z ¼ 3πt32 ; α ¼ .
z þ 0:1882z2 þ 0:0442z3
0:36067z  0:59567z2 þ 0:25361z3
For: 1/3 < |t3| < 1: z ¼ 1  t3 ; α ¼
1  2:78861z þ 2:56096z2  0:77045z3
For all t3values: β ¼ signðt3 Þπ1=2 l2 ; c ¼ l1  αβ
Γða þ 0:5Þ
1X n
ln Lðα; β; cÞ ¼ n lnðβÞ  n lnðΓðαÞÞ  nðα  1Þ lnðβÞ þ ðα  1Þ lnðxi  cÞ  ðxi  cÞ
ðy   i¼1
β i¼1
1 y  c α1 ðycÞ=β
LP3 FY ð y Þ ¼ e dy; y ¼ log x
ΓðαÞ β
4 σ y csy
α¼ 2 ;β¼ ; c ¼ μy  αβ
csy 2
Same equations as for P3 distribution
n X
1X n
ln Lðα; β; cÞ ¼ nα lnðβÞ  n lnðΓðαÞÞ  yi þ ðα  1Þ lnðyi  cÞ  ðyi  cÞ
i¼1 i¼1
β i¼1
Gumbel FX ð xÞ ¼ ee
ðð61=2 Þ σ x Þ
α¼ ; u ¼ μx  0:5772α
α¼ ; u ¼ l1  0:5772α
ln 2
1X n X
ln Lðu; αÞ ¼ n lnðαÞ  ðxi  uÞ  eðxi uÞ=α
α i¼1 ! i¼1
x   1=k
GEV FX ð xÞ ¼ exp  1  k
k Γð1 þ 3k Þ þ 3Γð1 þ k ÞΓð1 þ 2k Þ  2Γ3 ð1 þ k Þ k 2 σ 2X α
cs ¼  3=2 ;α¼ ;  ¼ μX  ½1  Γð1 þ k Þ
jk j Γð1 þ 2k Þ  Γ2 ð1 þ k Þ Γð1 þ 2k Þ  Γ2 ð1 þ k Þ k
2 ln2 kl2 αðΓð1 þ k Þ  1Þ
c¼  ; k ¼ 7:8590c þ 2:9554c2 ; α ¼ ;  ¼ l1 þ .
3 þ t3 ln3 Γð1 þ k Þ 1  2k k
X n Xn    
1 xi  
ln Lðk; α; Þ ¼ n lnðαÞ  ð1  k Þ yi  eyi ; y ¼  ln 1  k
k α
GL FX ð xÞ ¼ 1 þ 1  ½x  1=k
k ¼ 3π
tan1 ð0:59484cs Þ; α ¼ signðk Þ kσ X
1=2 ;  ¼ μX  k ½1  Γð1 þ k ÞΓð1  k Þ
½Γð1þ2k ÞΓð12k ÞΓ2 ð1þk ÞΓ2 ð1k Þ
l2 l2  α
k ¼ t3 ; α ¼ ;  ¼ l1 þ
Γð1 þ k ÞΓð1 
 k Þ X k    !
1 n
xi   X n
xi   1=k
ln Lðk; α; Þ ¼ n lnðαÞ þ 1 ln 1  k 2 ln 1 þ 1  k
k i¼1
α i¼1
Comparison between POT and AM methods 967

Table 2 Test statistics for the applied tests. Kendall test (Kendall 1975, Douglas et al. 2000)
Test Test statistic
was used to detect the presence of trends in selected
samples for the periods 1895–2010, 1895–1952 and
K-S D ¼ max Fx Qmax;i  Fi ð xÞ 1953–2010. The AM sample and three POT samples
Pn ð2i1ÞlnF Q
x ð max;i Þþlnf1Fx ðQmax;niþ1 Þg (POT 1, POT 3 and POT 5) were analysed. Samples
A-D A2 ¼ n  n
i¼1 Pn were defined based on daily discharge series with
ð x 
x Þð Q  max Þ
i max;i
1=2 Pn included local maximums. Negative trends could be
PPCC i¼1
2 1=2
ð i¼1 ðxi xÞ2 Þ ð Q max;i Qmax Þ

1=2 observed for the samples of the whole discussed
P 2
RMSE RMSE ¼ 1n xi  Qmax;i period and for the first part of the period 1895–
1952, whereas positive trend could be observed for
MAE MAE ¼ n 1
xi  Qmax;i the samples of the second part of the period (Fig. 7);
in all cases the Mann-Kendall test results were not
Q statistically significant.
AIC AIC ¼ nlog RMSE2 þ 2k The Von Neumann ratio test (Von Neumann
1941, Sahin and Cigizoglu 2010) and the standard
Notes: Fi, empirical distribution function; Fx, tested distribution function;
Qmax,i, sample discharge value; xi, calculated discharge value for the normal homogeneity test (Alexandersson 1986, Sahin
chosen distribution function; n, sample size; k, number of distribution and Cigizoglu 2010) were used to assess the homo-
parameters; K-S, Kolmogorov-Smirnov; A-D, Anderson-Darling; PPCC,
probability plot correlation coefficient; RMSE, root mean square error; geneity of data from the Litija hydrological station on
MAE, mean absolute error; RMAE, relative mean absolute error; AIC, the Sava River. AM series samples for the periods
Akaike information criterion.
1895–2010, 1895–1952 and 1953–2010 were used to
check if the data are homogeneous. Critical values
provided critical values for the A-D test where the provided by Sahin and Cigizoglu (2010) were used
parameters of the distribution are estimated from the for the Von Neumann test and critical levels calcu-
tested sample: Kottegoda and Rosso (2008) for nor- lated by Khaliq and Ouarda (2007) were applied with
mal, LN and exponential distributions, Zheng (2002) the standard normal homogeneity test. Both tests
for gamma distributions, Charles Annis has published showed that the analysed data are homogeneous for
critical values for Gumbel and Weibull distributions the whole of the discussed period. Because the ana-
based on D’Agostino and Stephens (1986) on his web lysed sample is homogenous and stationary, FFA can
page (http://www.statisticalengineering.com) and be performed.
Ahmad et al. (1988) for GEV and GL distributions.
All the critical values could also be obtained using
Monte Carlo simulations. POT model
All the test statistics used here are shown in
Table 2. This type of AIC test was used by The POT analyses were made for different threshold
Karmakar and Simonovic (2008, 2009). values. Many possible choices for threshold values
that were found in the literature were applied to Litija
1 data for the period 1953–2010. The RMSE, MAE,
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION RMAE and PPCC tests were used to find out which
of these possible truncation levels gave the best fit to
Data analyses
the POT sample. The results of the tests for different
The characteristics of the AM samples and some threshold values for partial duration series are shown
POT samples are shown in Table 3. The Mann- in Fig. 3.

Table 3 Characteristics of the AM and some POT samples in selected periods.

Characteristic 1895–2010 1895–1952 1953–2010


Sample size 116 580 58 290 58 58 174 290

Mean (m3 s-1) 1234 847 1234 874 1234 1348 982 822
SD (m3 s-1) 397 317 407 314 391 296 321 317
Skewness 0.29 1.56 0.05 1.38 0.57 1.17 1.56 1.78
Kurtosis –0.35 2.53 –0.53 1.89 –0.07 1.19 2.39 3.44
968 Nejc Bezak et al.

Fig. 3 Test results of RMSE, MAE and PPCC for different threshold values for the POT method.

The POT sample that was composed of, on Ashkar and Rousselle (1987) suggested that the
average, eight peaks per year gave the best fit to threshold value should be chosen at the point
data. Only slightly poorer test statistics were calcu- where the curve starts to stabilize around the line
lated with the sample that was composed of, on d = 1. It can be seen from Fig. 4 that the POT
average, five peaks per year. The Poisson distribu- sample with an average of five peaks per year
tion was used for modelling the annual number of (POT 5) gives satisfactory results. Because the
exceedences. This distribution function could not be threshold selection is a subjective process, one
rejected by the Chi-square test and the dispersion could easily select a different truncation level
index test (Cunnane 1979) at the significance level (higher or even lower values). The POT 5 sample
0.05. Magnitudes of exceedences were modelled was also suggested by the Flood Estimation
pffiffiffi an exponential distribution. The G test and Handbook (Robson and Reed 1999). The hatched
r n test (Van Montfort and Witter 1985) could not line in Fig. 4 shows the results of the dispersion
reject the tested distribution function at the 0.05 index test when the independence criteria were not
significance level. Different POT samples were also considered. In this case, the variance of the annual
checked with a simple graphical test, based on the number of exceedences is larger than the mean
dispersion index, as proposed by Cunnane (1979) and value. This means that the events occurred in
also used in other studies (Lang et al. 1999, Begueria bunches, because daily-scale data sets that included
2005). A similar graphical plot was also used by local maximums were considered in the analyses.
Ashkar and Rousselle (1987). The test statistic is This graphical test defines the interval of possible
defined using the expression: d = var(m)/E(m). threshold values.

Fig. 4 Dispersion index test for the original series and the series for which independence criteria were considered.
Comparison between POT and AM methods 969

Fig. 5 Comparison of distributions for the annual number of exceedences for the threshold value of 508 m3 s-1.

Ashkar and Rousselle (1983a) found that if the test statistics were generally better than those in the
Poisson distribution is valid for some threshold value, case of the other two methods. The LP3 distribution
it should remain so for any higher threshold level. The gave the best results in most of the applied tests. When
results of the dispersion index test for the discussed the parameters were estimated with the MOM, the LN
data are in agreement with this conclusion (Fig. 4). distribution came second and the GEV distribution
If, instead of the Poisson distribution, the nega- third. In the case of ML, the P3 and GEV distributions
tive binomial (or binomial) distribution was used for came second and third, respectively. When the distri-
modelling the annual number of exceedences, the butions parameters were estimated using the MLE, the
results of the RMSE, MAE, RMAE and PPCC tests best results were obtained using the P3 distribution
were generally not so good, as in the case of the function. LN and LP3 distributions followed as the
combination of the Poisson and exponential distribu- second and the third, respectively. Poor test results
tions. Figure 5 indicates that the Poisson and bino- were obtained with the GL distribution. The results
mial distributions gave similar results in the case of of PPCC, K-S and A-D tests showed that the LP3
the POT 5 sample. The dispersion index value for distribution could not be rejected at the 0.05 signifi-
this POT sample was slightly below 1; however, the cance level for any of the cases of parameter estima-
Poisson distribution was not rejected by the disper- tion considered. All the tested distribution functions
sion index test or by the Chi-square test with the could not be rejected with the chosen significance
significance level of 0.05. But the results of RMSE, level of 0.05. All critical values for the 0.05 signifi-
MAE, RMAE and PPCC tests showed that the cance level are given in parentheses in Table 4.
Poisson distribution gave a better fit to the data The ML gave higher estimated discharge values
than the negative binomial distribution. The differ- for larger return periods than the MOM and lower
ence in the estimated discharge values is less than 1% estimates for smaller return periods. The difference
for smaller return periods and converges to 0% for between the MOM and ML in the estimated discharge
larger return periods. Cunnane (1979) and Önöz and value for the return period of 100 years was 25 m3 s-1
Bayazit (2001) also found that the negative binomial for the LP3 distribution function. In Fig. 6, the results
(binomial) distribution does not offer any satisfactory of AM analyses are shown for all considered distribu-
improvement of the Poisson distribution. tion functions and all three parameter estimation tech-
niques. The Weibull plotting position formula was
used for graphical representation of the AM series
Annual maximum series model sample. In the case of the MLE, the curves that link
The K-S, A-D, PPCC, RMSE, MAE, RMAE and AIC the estimated discharge value and the return periods
tests were applied to the AM series data for the period are more dispersed than when using the ML or MOM.
1953–2010. The results of the tests for the case when The L-moments ratio diagram was also used
the parameters were estimated with the MOM, the ML for data from Litija 1 gauging station. This plot
and the MLE are shown in Table 4. When the para- confirmed the test results in Table 4. The best
meters were estimated with the ML, the results of the results were obtained using LP3 and P3
970 Nejc Bezak et al.

Table 4 Tests results for the AM method for the period 1953–2010 and parameters estimated with the method of moments,
the method of L-moments and the maximum likelihood estimation.
Distribution/Test K-S A-D PPCC RMSE MAE RMAE AIC

Method of moments
LN 0.069 0.311 0.996 38.02 32.65 0.026 187.28
(0.116) (0.762) (0.98)
P3 0.066 0.275 0.996 41.81 33.87 0.027 194.07
(0.117) (0.752) (0.98)
LP3 0.069 0.289 0.997 38.09 32.38 0.026 189.37
(0.117) (0.752) (0.98)
Gumbel 0.088 0.531 0.995 49.96 43.05 0.035 201.04
(0.117) (0.777) (0.97)
GEV 0.068 0.277 0.996 40.98 33.44 0.027 193.05
(0.115) (0.56) (0.98)
GL 0.089 0.545 0.992 40.01 50.31 0.041 212.27
(0.102) (0.698) (0.97)
Method of L-moments
LN 0.062 0.277 0.996 34.87 29.60 0.024 182.92
(0.116) (0.762) (0.98)
P3 0.059 0.239 0.997 34.31 28.58 0.023 184.10
(0.117) (0.752) (0.98)
LP3 0.063 0.251 0.997 33.05 27.60 0.022 182.22
(0.117) (0.752) (0.98)
Gumbel 0.068 0.348 0.995 40.45 35.03 0.028 190.41
(0.117) (0.777) (0.97)
GEV 0.062 0.254 0.997 34.86 29.24 0.024 184.91
(0.115) (0.56) (0.98)
GL 0.076 0.389 0.994 46.42 38.20 0.031 199.34
(0.102) (0.698) (0.97)
Maximum likelihood estimation
LN 0.069 0.311 0.996 38.02 32.65 0.026 187.28
(0.116) (0.762) (0.98)
P3 0.063 0.288 0.996 36.47 31.56 0.026 187.19
(0.119) (0.752) (0.98)
LP3 0.069 0.285 0.997 38.61 32.67 0.026 190.06
(0.117) (0.752) (0.98)
Gumbel 0.068 0.335 0.995 39.46 34.27 0.028 189.17
(0.117) (0.777) (0.97)
GEV 0.071 0.303 0.997 41.55 34.63 0.028 193.76
(0.115) (0.56) (0.98)
GL 0.077 0.389 0.991 53.63 40.09 0.032 206.61
(0.102) (0.698) (0.94)
Note: See Table 1 for explanation of distributions.

distributions. This type of a graph is appropriate are preferable at lower skewness, particularly for
for defining the best fit distribution function in the smaller samples. L-moments have the advantage at
case of data from more than one gauging station higher skewness values for all sample sizes. Rosbjerg
(Peel et al. 2001). But it was also used in the Litija et al. (1992) compared the MOM and the method of
1 analyses to see if the plot results are in agree- PWM for estimation of partial duration series model
ment with the test results represented in Table 4. parameters. The MSE test was used and they found
The results of the AM analyses in the case when that MOM gave better results than PWM. The gen-
the parameters were estimated with the ML were eralized Pareto distribution was used for modelling
better than those obtained by using the MOM or the the magnitudes of exceedences.
MLE. In our study, the skewness of data from Litija 1
station is 0.57 (period 1953–2010) and the sample
Comparison between POT and AM series
size is relatively large. The ML gives better results
than the MOM. These results are in agreement with The comparison between AM and POT series was
the findings of Sankarasubramanian and Srinivasan based on daily discharge values with included local
(1999). They found that the conventional moments maximums for the period 1895–2010. Figure 7 shows
Comparison between POT and AM methods 971

Fig. 6 Quantile functions of the AM series when distribution parameters are estimated with (a) the method of moments,
(b) the method of L-moments, and (c) the maximum likelihood estimation.

Fig. 7 Comparison between the AM sample and the POT sample with, on average, five peaks per year for different time
periods (left to right): 1895–2010, 1895–1952, and 1953–2010.

all events above the threshold for the POT sample majority of additional peaks lie just above the thresh-
with an average of five peaks per year, and the AM old. The POT 5 truncation level was chosen as opti-
series sample (for different time periods). The POT 5 mal for the data from gauging station Litija 1.
sample is five times larger than the AM sample. The Figure 8 shows histograms of both AM and POT 5
972 Nejc Bezak et al.

Fig. 8 Histograms of the AM series and the POT 5 data for different time periods (left to right): 1895–2010, 1895–1952
and 1953–2010.

samples for different sample lengths. It can be seen advantage over the AM method when the parameters
that the AM series data are more symmetrical than are estimated with the MOM. For the observed data
the POT sample and therefore the MOM might have from the Litija 1 gauging station (1953–2010), the
an advantage over the ML. POT sample with an average of one peak per year
One of the main disadvantages of the POT gave better results than the AM series with the use of
method is the selection of the truncation level. the LP3 distribution function. With lowering of the
Tavares and da Silva (1983) suggested selecting as threshold value, the POT results became even better
low a threshold value as possible. In the case of the than the AM series results. Önöz and Bayazit (2001)
Litija 1 data, the POT 5 sample was selected as opti- also found that the POT model was more efficient
mal. A higher threshold level could be selected, but the than the AM series method.
POT 5 sample gave good results in the applied statis- The results of the AM and POT methods for the
tical and graphical tests. The sample with an average cases that were selected as optimal are shown in
of five peaks per year above threshold is also used in Fig. 9. For smaller return periods, the estimated dis-
the Flood Estimation Handbook (Robson and Reed charge values with AM series method (MOM, ML
1999). The best statistical test results were obtained and MLE) were slightly higher than in the case of the
with the POT 8 sample, but this sample gave worse POT 5 sample. For larger return periods, the POT
results in the graphical tests than the POT 5 sample. method gave higher estimated discharge values. The
From Fig. 4, the interval of possible threshold difference between the AM method and the POT
choices can be defined. Tavares and da Silva (1983) method increases with increasing return period
found that a POT sample with an average of two values. Bačová-Mitková and Onderka (2010) found
peaks per year gave better results than the AM that the POT method did not always give higher
method. Cunnane (1973) reported that an average of estimated discharge values. Önöz and Bayazit
at least 1.65 peaks per year should be selected in the (2001) applied the POT method and the AM series
POT method to gain advantage over the AM method. method to two data sets. The estimates of the T-year
Madsen (1996) found that more than 0.91 peaks per event from the POT sample were smaller than those
year should be selected for the POT model to have obtained from the AM series. In our study, the POT
Comparison between POT and AM methods 973

Fig. 9 Results of the AM and POT flood frequency analyses.

model gave higher estimated discharge values than The estimated discharge values with return per-
the AM model with the LP3 (MOM and ML) and P3 iods of 10 and 100 years for the AM and POT series
(MLE) distributions for larger return periods. The are shown in Tables 5 and 6 (for different time
difference becomes even more significant with the periods). The ML gave higher estimated discharge
samples for 1895–2010 and 1895–1952. In these values than the MOM for all six probability distribu-
cases, the difference between the AM sample with tions considered (sample 1953–2010). The difference
the use of LP3 distribution (ML) and the POT 5 between MOM and MLE, and MLE and the ML, is
model is larger than 500 m3 s-1, and some other not so unambiguous (sample 1953–2010). Lowering
distributions gave higher estimated discharge values of the threshold value does not mean higher esti-
than the LP3 distribution (Table 5). mated discharge values (Table 6). The dispersion

Table 5 Estimated discharge values (m3 s-1) for the AM series for all three parameter estimation techniques for different
time periods.
Distribution 1895–2010 1895–1952 1953–2010
LM LM MOM L-moments MLE

Q10 Q100 Q10 Q100 Q10 Q100 Q10 Q100 Q10 Q100

LN 1815 2615 1857 2727 1764 2458 1784 2509 1764 2458
Gumbel 1780 2555 1799 2592 1741 2453 1770 2523 1776 2534
P3 1763 2286 1767 2215 1750 2300 1768 2368 1773 2438
LP3 1774 2261 1781 2129 1758 2398 1775 2423 1755 2378
GEV 1770 2260 1778 2167 1754 2304 1768 2376 1748 2346
GL 1739 2411 1750 2327 1709 2352 1736 2513 1783 2815

Table 6 Estimated discharge values (m3 s-1) at different threshold values (m3 s-1) for the POT series for different time
1895–2010 1895–1952 1953–2010

Threshold Q10 Q100 Threshold Q10 Q100 Threshold Q10 Q100

1060 (POT 1) 1748 2467 1088 (POT 1) 1743 2426 1021 (POT 1) 1758 2527
683 (POT 3) 1800 2583 707 (POT 3) 1852 2655 785 (POT 2) 1755 2530
512 (POT 5) 1807 2597 529 (POT 5) 1856 2665 662 (POT 3) 1734 2486
629 (x0 = μx + kσx) 1708 2435
579 (POT 4) 1706 2431
508 (POT 5) 1723 2463
442 (POT 6) 1738 2491
392 (POT 7) 1744 2501
347 (POT 8) 1746 2504
974 Nejc Bezak et al.

(range) of estimated discharge values for the POT the Poisson and exponential distributions, and the
model is smaller than in the AM method (Tables 5 binomial and exponential distributions. Similar con-
and 6). However, the differences between the two clusion were drawn by Cunnane (1979) and Önöz
methods are not very large, especially if we look at and Bayazit (2001).
them in the light of accuracy of the data (measuring Different parameter estimation techniques were
errors, rating curve extrapolation), which can lead to used and some frequently used probability distribu-
errors of up to 10%, or even 15%. The ML results tion functions were applied to the AM data. The LP3
were in a narrower range than results obtained with distribution gave the best fit to the AM data (sample
the MOM and MLE. We can conclude that, in our 1953–2010) using the MOM and the ML. For the
case, the results depend mostly on the distribution MLE, the best results were obtained with the P3
selected, especially for high return periods. Similar distribution function. The GL distribution gave a
conclusions can be made for the other two samples poorer fit to the AM sample. The LP3 distribution
(1895–2010 and 1895–1952), where only the ML could not be rejected by the K-S, A-D and PPCC
was used and three threshold values were considered tests with a significance level of 0.05. The three-
(POT). For these two samples, the differences parameter log-Pearson distribution is often used in
between the POT and AM methods are a bit larger, FFA and was also suggested by the Water Resources
and the LN distribution gave the highest estimated Council (USWRC 1982). The ML generally showed
discharge values. better results than the MOM or the MLE (sam-
ple 1953–2010). This conclusion is in agreement
with the findings by other researchers
(Sankarasubramanian and Srinivasan 1999, Hosking
This article presents analyses of high flows in rela- and Wallis 2005). The difference between the MOM
tion to the data from the Litija 1 gauging station on and MLE is not so unambiguous; the MLE gave
the Sava River for the period 1895–2010. Flood better results than the MOM in some distribution
frequency analyses were carried out with the AM functions (P3, Gumbel) and, in the case of the
and partial duration series (POT). Gumbel distribution function, even better results
One of the main disadvantages concerning the than the ML.
POT method is the selection of the threshold value. The POT method gave better results than the AM
Several different truncation levels were applied to the series method. Cunnane (1973), Tavares and da Silva
Litija 1 data (sample 1953–2010). Tests were applied (1983), Madsen (1996) and also Bhunya et al. (2012)
to find which threshold value gave the best fit to data. found that the POT method with an average of two
The POT 5 sample was selected as optimal. This events per years had an advantage over the AM
truncation level is also used in the Flood Estimation method. The same can be said for any lower threshold
Handbook (Robson and Reed 1999). Since the value. In the Litija 1 analyses (sample 1953–2010),
threshold selection is a subjective process, one even the POT sample with an average of one peak
could easily choose any higher or even lower thresh- per year above the threshold gave better results than
old value, but the chosen base level (POT 5) pro- the best of the AM combinations (LP3 and ML). For
vided enough advantage regarding sample size, and lower truncation levels, the test results were even bet-
the results of statistical tests were considerably better ter. Tavares and da Silva (1983) state that the threshold
than in the case of the AM series. The POT model value should be selected as low as possible; however,
used the exponential and Pareto distributions for the model assumptions must remain valid. The POT 5
modelling the magnitudes of exceedences, and the sample was composed of the Poisson distribution for
Poisson, binomial and negative binomial distribu- modelling the annual number of exceedences and the
tions for the annual number of events above the exponential distribution for modelling the magnitudes
threshold. Independence criteria that were suggested of events above the threshold. Both distributions were
by USWRC (1982) were applied to the Litija 1 data. tested and could not be rejected with a significance
Four tests were used to check the adequacy of the level of 0.05. The POT method gave higher estimated
Poisson and exponential distributions. For modelling discharge values than the AM series method (for all
the annual number of exceedences above the thresh- three periods: 1953–2010; 1895–2010; 1895–1952);
old, the Poisson distribution gave better results than however, some other research has found the opposite
the binomial distribution. The estimated discharge (Önöz and Bayazit 2001, Bačová-Mitková and
values were almost identical using combinations of Onderka 2010). Some research states that the main
Comparison between POT and AM methods 975

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