Systematic review and meta-analysis of exercise interventions for the treatment of chronic back pain
Daniel Belavy, Clint Miller, Helena Brisby, Simone Verswijveren, Niamh Mundell, Patrick Owen, Scott Tagliaferri,
Steve Bowe. Systematic review and meta-analysis of exercise interventions for the treatment of chronic back pain.
PROSPERO 2017 CRD42017068668 Available from:
Review question
1) Are exercise interventions more effective than non-exercise interventions for decreasing pain, improving strength,
endurance and function, improving psychological status and reducing medication use in patients with chronic low back
2) Are there specific physical activities or exercise interventions that are more effective than others for decreasing pain,
improving strength, endurance and function, improving psychological status and reducing medication use in patients with
chronic low back pain?
MEDLINE (Filters: All Adult: 19+ years; Randomized Controlled Trial; Human)
SPORTDiscus (Filters: Academic Journal)
CINAHL (Filters: Exclude MEDLINE records; Human, Randomized Controlled Trials; Journal Article; All Adult)
EBSOHOST (MEDLINE, SPORTDiscus, CINAHL; Filters: Journals)
EMBASE (Filters: RCT; Not Medline; Adult; Article)
Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) (Filters: Trials)
Exercise search terms (applicable to all above):
(((((((((((((((((((("exercise") OR "physical activity") OR "aerobic") OR "resistance") OR "strength") OR "endurance")
OR "yoga") OR "pilates") OR "tai chi") OR "physiotherapy") OR "physical therapy") OR "kinesiology") OR
"feldenkrais") OR "core stab*") OR "motor control") OR "hydrotherapy") OR "training") OR "core stability") OR
"motor control"))
Pain search terms (applicable to all above):
(((((((((((((((((((("exercise") OR "physical activity") OR "aerobic") OR "resistance") OR "strength") OR "endurance")
OR "yoga") OR "pilates") OR "tai chi") OR "physiotherapy") OR "physical therapy") OR "kinesiology") OR
"feldenkrais") OR "core stab*") OR "motor control") OR "hydrotherapy") OR "training") OR "core stability") OR
"motor control"))
Additional searches (previously published systematic reviews):
The Cochrane database of systematic reviews – search terms = chronic back pain exercise; limiters = none
GoogleScholar – search terms = systematic review chronic back pain exercise; limiter = previous 10 years
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International prospective register of systematic reviews
RCT only
• Minimum of 4 weeks intervention duration
• Exercise compared to (a) non-active intervention control (e.g. no intervention, 'education', usual care, manual therapy)
or (b) specific exercise forms run up against one another
• Two or more groups (comparisons)
• n>20 (n>50 may limit some functional outcomes that are less likely to be feasible with large samples)
• Language: no restrictions
• Include only journal publications (no grey literature)
• Cluster RCTs will be included.
Age: 'Adult' ('19+') .
Race: Any
Chronic, = is defined as existing for a minimum of 12 weeks pain (Koes et al 2010). If unclear from manuscript, based
on duration listed in inclusion/exclusion criteria
Non-specific low back pain, defined as low back pain not attributable to specific pathology (infection, tumour,
osteoporosis, fracture, structural deformity, inflammatory disorder, radicular syndrome, or cauda equina syndrome). If
any studies include those conditions, then they are excluded. If not clear then include. "Low back pain is defined as pain
and discomfort, localised below the costal margin and above the inferior gluteal folds, with or without leg pain" (van
Tulder M, Becker A, Bekkering T, et al. Chapter 3 European guidelines for the management of acute nonspecific low
back pain in primary care. Eur Spine J 2006; 15(Suppl 2): s169-s91). If have studies with this as an inclusion, then the
study is excluded.
Further exclusion criteria: pregnancy related pain - study includes people who have cervical or thoracic pain (but not
lumbar pain)
Rehabilitation post surgery is excluded.
Intervention(s), exposure(s)
The intervention to be reviewed is: I. Exercise based intervention and II. Types of exercise intervention in multi-
treatment comparison, including
1) Resistance exercise (based on ACSM definition, Garber (2011) Med Sci Sports Exerc 43: 1334-1335);
2) Stabilisation/motor control (includes trunk stabilisation, lumbar stabilisation, core stabilisation, core strengthening
(excluding high load));
3) Pilates;
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4) Yoga;
5) McKenzie;
6) Flexion exercise;
7) Aerobic exercise (walking, cycling, jogging in any land-based mode);
8) Water based exercise;
9) Stretching;
10) Other exercise;
11) Physical therapy with exercise;
12) Multi-modal exercise (i.e. any combination of exercise types 1-9).
The comparator group will be non-exercise based interventions, including:
• no intervention at all, therapist hands-on treatment (e.g. manual therapy only, chiropractic only, passive physiotherapy,
osteopathic, acupuncture),
• therapist hands-off treatment (e.g. GP management, education, psychological interventions, pain education).
These will be combined to compare exercise based interventions with non-exercise based interventions and considered
separately as:
1) no intervention;
2) therapist hands-on;
3) therapist hands-off in multiple treatment comparison.
All settings (e.g. community, primary care, specialty, inpatients) will be considered.
Main outcome(s)
Physical function (e.g. Oswestry, Roland Morris, physical function subcomponent of SF-36)
Endurance (i.e. all objective measurements of back extension endurance, e.g. hold times, number of repetitions until
Measures of effect
Timing: The specified end point of the trial will be used as the end-point in the assessment.
Effect measure: Standardised mean difference at the end of the study
Additional outcome(s)
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Measures of effect
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29 March 2019
Funding sources/sponsors
MOVE muscle, bone & joint health provided the funding for this project.
Conflicts of interest
None known
Australia, Sweden
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The record owner confirms that the information they have supplied for this submission is accurate and complete and they
understand that deliberate provision of inaccurate information or omission of data may be construed as scientific
The record owner confirms that they will update the status of the review when it is completed and will add publication
details in due course.
14 June 2017
01 November 2017
06 September 2018
01 May 2019
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