Sonus Faber (1992), Family Specs
Sonus Faber (1992), Family Specs
Sonus Faber (1992), Family Specs
Mid woofer 110 mm Mid woofer I 70 nt m Mid woofer 180 mm Mid woofer 140 mm Mid woofer 180 mm Mid woofer 190 mm DRIVE UNITS
cellulose acrilate cone cellulose acrilate cone PP tar6onium acrilate coated PP treated cone PP cone PP ea rbon iu1n acrilate
Tweet-er 28 mm Tweeter 26 m1n Tweeter 28 mm Tweeter 28 mm Tweeter 28 mm Tweeter 28 mm
silk dome ferrofluid silk dome ferrof/ttid soft dome hight resolution silf1 dome ferrofluid silli dome ferrof/uid soft dome ftiglit resolution
Acustical first order Acustical first order Acustical first order Acustical first order Acustical first order Sine cap (tight pass CROSSOVER
without capacitors in series
8 ofims nominal 8 ohms nominal 8 ofims nominal 4 oftms nominal 8 ohms nominal 4 o/ims noniinal IMPEDANCE
Solid walnut Solid walnut Solid walnut Solid walnut Solid walnut Sandwich,1 CABINET
individuals struts individuals struts individuals struts individuals struts individuals struts combination of solid walnut
of quartersawn of qua.rtersawn of quartersawn of quartersawn of qua rtersawn and 6/ack satin laquer
3 15 H 2Q0 W 240 D 350 H 230'W 280 D 220 H 370 W 350 D 340 H 200 W 31 0 D 270 H 380 W 240 D 270 H 550 W 460 D DIMENSIONS
I !i Kg. 20 Kg. 27 Kg. 19 Kg. 27 Kg. 80 Kg. WEIGHT PACKET PAIR