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Artificial Intelligence and The Future o

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International Journal of Applied Research 2018; 4(6): 113-116

ISSN Print: 2394-7500

ISSN Online: 2394-5869
Impact Factor: 5.2
Artificial intelligence and the future of hr practices
IJAR 2018; 4(6): 113-116
Received: 19-04-2018 Dr. RA Rathi
Accepted: 20-05-2018
Dr. RA Rathi Now a days, AI-Artificial Intelligence is on the threshold of piercing each and every segment from
Assistant Professor, V. P.
health-care to finance, legal, logistics, education including HR Service which isn’t a surprise anymore.
Institute of Management
The advent of technology has brought significant changes in the last decade in the Human resource as a
Studies & Research, Sangli,
Maharashtra, India function. Advanced data-driven technology is rapidly making its way into the HR industry as
Affiliated to Shivaji businesses are concentrating more on creating an employee-oriented corporate culture. AI and machine
University, Kolhapur, learning (ML), the contemporary terms in technology, have significant implications for human resource
Maharashtra, India management practices. The collection of “Big Data” and the expansion of the Internet of Things (IoT),
has made a perfect environment for new AI applications and services to grow. In today’s
organizations using AI to assist in hr functions is becoming more common AI has the ability to reduce
the administrative burden on HR professionals and help them make decisions based on proven data
patterns rather than instinct alone. The paper focuses on use of AI in HR, the advantages of AI,
challenges being faced in its implementation and the road ahead. AI and ML are two essential tech-
trends that need to be embraced for driving inch-perfect decision-making and effective people
management. In order to undertake the obstacles, HR teams should be encouraged to lessen their fears.

Keywords: Artificial intelligence (AI), big data, data-driven technology, internet of things (IOT),
machine learning (ml)

1. Introduction
Artificial intelligence (AI) is gaining much importance in the recent years. The advance
through internet, along with impact of the technology in socio-economic and ethical aspects,
brings AI to the forefront of many current debates. Industry investments in AI are quickly
increasing, and governments are trying to comprehend what the technology could mean for
their citizens. The collection of “Big Data” and the expansion of the Internet of Things (IoT),
has made a perfect environment for new AI applications and services to grow.
Organizations are increasingly shifting to analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) to help
improve numerous business functions. Yet we need to know whether it is finding its way into
the human resources (HR) field. HR is one step at the rear in the digital transformation and
AI now offers the chance to catch up. AI can help eliminate repetitive tasks, speed up the
search for talent, reduce employee attrition and improve employee engagement. “People
analytics” in HR is related with collecting data about employees and measuring metrics, AI
can be described as a machine learning where applications have the capacity to learn from
and make – or recommend – decisions based on data collected. The advent of technology has
brought significant changes in the last decade in the Human resource as a function.
Advanced data-driven technology is rapidly making its way into the HR industry as
businesses are concentrating more on creating an employee-oriented corporate culture. AI
and machine learning (ML), the contemporary terms in technology, have significant
implications for human resource management practices. AI breaks down and transforms data
into a format that is easy to understand by ML, on the other hand, is an advanced form of AI
Correspondence that scans data to identify patterns and modifies programme actions likewise.
Dr. RA Rathi
Assistant Professor, V. P.
Institute of Management
2. Objectives of the study
Studies & Research, Sangli, 1. To study the concept of artificial intelligence.
Maharashtra, India 2. To study the role of artificial intelligence in HR
Affiliated to Shivaji 3. To study the challenges for implementation of AI and give recommendations as necessary.
University, Kolhapur,
Maharashtra, India
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International Journal of Applied Research

3. Artificial Intelligence training teams. The HR benefits of artificial intelligence

 Capacitate virtual assistants through data collection and

Artificial intelligence (AI) means an artificial creation of include:
human-like intelligence that can learn, reason, plan,

 Increasing employee skills for maximum competence in

perceive, or process natural language. distribution
Automation, robotics and AI are advancing rapidly

 Constructing statistics based on needs of different

noticeably varying the nature and number of jobs available assignments requiring cross-training abilities
and the way we systematize our work relations. The
potential for digital platforms and AI to make stronger and
 Managing workflows through automation, regulation
grow the world of work is uninhibited. To understand the
role of AI in this better, it is useful to study three levels of and conditional situations
intelligent digitalization.
Recruitment and people management strategies
Assisted Intelligence The technology is already widely AI algorithms can be regularly changed and updated as HR
available today, and improves what people and departments hardly focus on their ideal recruitment and
organisations are doing by automating repetitive, people management strategies. The human programmers set
standardised and time-consuming tasks and providing algorithms, or formulas, for situational parameters, which
assisted intelligence as in chat bots. As for example, the can be made to order based on the type of job, work
GPS navigation customary in cars today is a programme that environment, hours, competition and other business-related
offers directions to drivers and adjusts to road conditions. factors. AI provides solutions in this area primarily by
reducing faulty logic and valuating soft skills.
Augmented Intelligence This emerging technology brings a
fundamental change in the nature of work by enabling man Reducing faulty logic The traditional recruitment process
and machine to make decisions together. It helps us to do requires human action from beginning to end-- sourcing
things which otherwise we couldn’t do. For example, car candidates, screening resumes, conducting interviews, and
ride-sharing businesses exist because of the combination of making hiring decisions. The human decision making
programmes that organize the service. AI powers and directs process is susceptible to error because of flaws in human
this. logic.

Autonomous intelligence this is the most superior form of Identifying soft skills Numerous new solutions are coming
technologies based on AI, establishing machines that act on into the marketplace with growing the power of AI. A
their own and reach out to the hidden level of information. notable example of an emerging AI solution for recruiting is
An example of this will be self-driving vehicles, when they an algorithm which evaluates candidate speech patterns and
come into extensive use. But we also see algorithms in looks for signs of soft skills like empathy.
parallel taking over decision making and selection
processes. This creates a new industry of data science and Coaching Success
data-governance and makes data ethics, privacy and data HR departments are helped by AI programs in the ways to
security C-suite issues. train their staffs, earn certifications, cross-train and learn
new skills. An AI program allows people to work at their
3.1 Role of AI in HR own speeds, but a really great program can support faster
The companies are investing into AI and cognitive development by introducing rewards and incentives based
computing for their HR workflows. No sector has more on each worker’s profile. People who are lacking with a
complex data management and analytical needs than HR. AI skill or concept can be referred to outside resources or a
technology can boost any department’s ability to gather and human mentor.
process data and make preliminary forecasts based on
changing conditions. Reducing favoritism
Nowadays, AI is being touted as tool to prevent
Reducing administrative burden discrimination and promote diversity by reducing
HR leaders are more and more expected to contribute to unconscious favoritism. This favoritism find their way into
strategic planning on an organizational level. But, the job descriptions, as well as resume selections. To help
burden of administrative tasks can often hold HR employers spot and remove the bias patterns in language
professionals back from serving in this decisive role. AI can that they use to improve their hiring process and receiving
provide a solution to this problem. HR professionals spend diverse applicants AI algorithms can be planned. AI
on administrative tasks. This indicates a large growth area applications can be used to analyze job descriptions to spot
for the use of AI. If more companies rely on AI to perform gender bias or language which might dishearten strong
administrative duties, hr departments may become more applicants.
efficient, and hr professionals will be able to focus more on
strategic planning on an organizational level. Improving retention & internal mobility To help
employers to improve internal mobility and employee
AI driven HRIS retention the tech companies are now developing programs.
As Data collection is vital in HR to use data to the fullest The employers must be aware of the business case for
prospective, AI software can computerize intricate tasks retention in a world where young talent is changing
such as gathering information from several contact points, employers at double the rate of previous generations and
seperating employees and HR problems into profiles and losing an employee can cost a company up to twofold of the
individual’s annual salary. There are several ways in which
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International Journal of Applied Research

artificial intelligence can help with internal promotions and Ensuring a rational approach in the regulatory space is
retention. The first is by identifying employees who are at important, to make certain the benefits of Internet-enabled
risk of leaving the company. The Tech Company Veriato technologies.
has developed a variety of AI platforms to particularly point
out escape risks among employees. Their software tracks Lack of expertise to adopt automation the organizations
employee computer activity—emails, keystrokes, internet lack expertise to adopt automation. Aditionally HR is
browsing, etc.—and stores it for thirty days. Based on that currently using technology for mainly administrative
knowledge it flags exception and reports them to the purposes. People really need to think about how new
employer. The changes in the overall tone of employees’ technology can play a practical role in the workplace. They
communications to predict when employees might be must consciously focus on it and take a proactive rather than
thinking of leaving can also be detected by Verito. a reactive approach.

Estimating workplace morale: AI/ML are adapt at 3.3 Recommendations

identifying performance patterns over time so the HR The two essential tech-trends AI and ML need to be
industry is increasingly leveraging. To identify gender and willingly accepted for decision-making and effective people
measuring employees’ psycho-emotional behavior on a management. In order to deal with the obstacles, HR teams
scale from very sad to euphoric these robotic technologies should be encouraged to lessen their fears. Employers
advance with face-recognition technologies that are should train the HR department to work in concurrence with
competent of doing the tasks. With the data collected by advanced technologies so as to realize the power of robotics
these technologies, organizations can develop a closer bond in HR. Following are some of the recommendations to be

 Ensure Human Interpretability of Algorithmic

with their workforce by utilizing the resultant insights to followed:-
give power to employees so that they can identify their true

 Empower Users
potential. Decisions

3.2 Challenges  Algorithmic Literacy must be a basic skill

The factors responsible to the challenges faced by  Humans must be in control
stakeholders with the development of AI, include the  Make safety a priority
following:  Privacy is key
 AI systems that are connected to the Internet should be
Financial barriers financial barriers can be held
 Ensure legal certainty
responsible for the lack of wider implementation of AI tools
to assist in administrative tasks. When senior leaders do not
see the value in using AI for human resource functions, it
4. Conclusion
can be hard to justify the cost.
Artificial Intelligence based software will enable HR to
perform and deliver the best. Thus freeing up HR staff to get
Decision-making: transparency and “interpretability.
on with more meaningful responsibilities and assignments
The transparency around algorithmic decisions is sometimes
which truly matters for the organization perform.AI helps to
restricted by things like corporate or state secrecy or
lessen the administrative burden on HR professionals and
technical literacy. Since the internal decision logic of the
help them to take decisions based on data patterns rather
model is not always understandable even for the
than gut feeling alone. AI is also being used for recruiting,
programmer so the Machine learning further complicates the
reducing favoritism and retaining top talent. Moreover AI
decision making.
use is expected to grow as the technology becomes more
trustworthy and reasonable. There are strong economic
Safety and Security There are many challenges related to
incentives for the development of new technologies to take
its safe deployment because the AI agent learns and
place as fast as possible without killing time on costly risk
interacts with its environment. There is also a risk that
analyses. These unfavorable conditions increase the risk that
autonomous systems are subjugated by malicious actors
we slowly lose our hold on the AI technology and its use.
trying to maneuver the algorithm. For example the attacks
This should be disallowed on all possible levels, including
that try to manipulate the spam filters or systems for
politics and the research itself. A elementary precondition to
abnormal network traffic detection.
directing AI development will be to broaden the field of AI
safety. Thus to conclude by pleading that AI risks and
Accountability Accountability becomes an issue when not
opportunities be recognized as a global priority similar to
being able to explain why a specific action was taken.
climate change or other burning issues.
Nevertheless with the advancement of IoT technologies,
such issues may become more instantaneous. As faults in
5. References
algorithms result in greater damages, there is a need for
1. Amodei Dario et al. Concrete problems in AI safety,
accountability on the part of the manufacturer, operator, and
2016. https://arxiv.org/abs/1606.06565
the programmer. With AI, the training data, may be the
2. Burrell J. How the machine ‘thinks’: Understanding
problem rather than the algorithm itself. And as with many
opacity in machine learning algorithms,
fields, it may well be liability that drives change.
2016. http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/205
Governance The governance of AI are still in the premature
3. Frey CB, Osborne MA. The Future of Employment:
stages. The current governance efforts relates to the ethical
How Susceptible are Jobs to Computerization?
dimensions of artificial intelligence and its implementation.
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2013. http://www.oxfordmartin.ox.ac.uk/publications/vi
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Proceedings of the 4th ACM workshop on Security and
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5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artificial_intelligence
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