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CORM2-3 Secret of The Queen of Thorns

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Secret of the
Queen of Thorns
A Dungeons & Dragons® Living
Forgotten Realms Adventure

By Ryan W. Roberts
Reviewed by Andrew Schneider and Pieter Sleijpen
Playtested by Buddy Arnold, Simona Assenova, John Bafford,
Scott Cahn, Timothy Cheng, Morgan Childs, Monica Fulvio, Tim
Gentile, Omar Jenkins, Stephan Kendall, Matt Lewis, Rand
Montoya, Matt Ries, Mike Rizzo, Greg Sanders, Andrew Schneider,
Francis Serpa, Mickey Tan, Montel Wysinger, and Fred Upton

The Queen of Thorns is coming to take the throne of Cormyr, but there is still time to bolster the kingdom’s defenses.
The race against the Queen’s gathering forces is on! A Living Forgotten Realms adventure set in Cormyr for characters
levels 14-17. This is the second part of the Queen of Thorns trilogy, a sequel to CORM1-6 Curse of the Queen of Thorns.
The trilogy concludes in CORM2-4 Fury of the Queen of Thorns (P3).

Based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and the new DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game
designed by Andy Collins, Rob Heinsoo, and James Wyatt.
This game product contains no Open Game Content. No portion of this work may be reproduced in any form without permission of Wizards of the
Coast. To learn more about the Game System License (GSL), please visit www.wizards.com/d20.
This is an official D&D® play document. To find out more about official D&D play and to learn more on how you can schedule and run DUNGEONS
& DRAGONS game events of all sizes, visit our website at www.wizards.com/dnd, and click on “Events.”
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, RPGA, Wizards Play Network, Player’s Handbook, Dungeon Master’s Guide, and Monster Manual are trademarks of
Wizards of the Coast LLC in the US and other countries. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any
reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of Wizards of
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© 2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC
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Permission is granted to photocopy this document for personal use.
often creates stories that live well beyond the play at the
The Wizards Play Network table. Always follow this golden rule when you DM for a
If you want to organize public LFR games at a retail group:
game store, you need to be associated with a Wizards
Play Network (WPN) store. If you want to organize Make decisions and adjudications that enhance the
public LFR games outside of a store, you should be fun of the adventure when possible.
associated with a Wizards Play Network store, but you
can be an independent organizer too. For these To reinforce this golden rule, keep in mind the
organizers, we have included a blank RPGA table- following:
tracking form at the back of the adventure. To learn
more about the Wizards Play Network, visit • You are empowered to make adjustments to
http://www.wizards.com/wpn the adventure and make decisions about how
If you want to organize LFR games at home, you the group interacts with the world of this
don't need to be associated with the Wizards Play adventure. This is especially important and
Network, nor do you need to schedule games or report applicable outside of combat encounters, but feel
them. You don’t need to report your event to anyone, free to use the "scaling the encounter" advice
and neither the DM nor the players need to have (usually for adjusting to different-sized groups) to
DCI/RPGA membership numbers. Just find the adjust combat encounters for groups that are
adventure you want to play, download it, and have fun! having too easy or too hard of a time in an
Preparing for Play • Don't make the adventure too easy or too
difficult for a group. Never being challenged
In order to play this adventure, you’ll need copies of the
makes for a boring game, and being
following D&D 4th Edition rulebooks: Player’s Handbook,
overwhelmed makes for a frustrating game.
Dungeon Master’s Guide, and the Monster Manual. Any
Gauge the experience of the players (not the
other rules referenced in this adventure will be noted in
characters) with the game, try to feel out (or ask)
the New Rules Items section at the end of the what they like in a game, and attempt to give
adventure. each of them the experience they’re after when
Throughout this adventure, text in bold italics they play D&D. Give everyone a “chance to
provides player information for you to paraphrase or shine.”
read aloud when appropriate. Information on nonplayer • Be mindful of pacing, and keep the game
characters (NPCs) and monsters appear in abbreviated session moving along appropriately. Watch for
form in the adventure text. stalling, as play loses momentum when this
Along with this adventure, you’ll find a session happens. At the same time, make sure that the
tracking sheet. If you’re playing this adventure as part of players don’t finish the adventure too early;
a WPN event (see above), complete and turn in this provide them with a full play experience. Living
sheet to your organizer directly after play. Forgotten Realms adventures are designed to be
played within 3.5 – 4 hours; try to be very aware
Reading Monster Stat Blocks of running long or short. Adjust the pacing
Most of the information should be easy to understand, as accordingly.
it mirrors the information presented in the Monster • Give the players appropriate hints so they can
Manual. Attacks may have a letter next to them make informed choices about how to interact
designating the type: M for melee, R for ranged, C for with their environment. Players should always
close, and A for area. A lower-case letter (used only in know when enemies are affected by conditions
some melee and ranged attacks) denotes that the attack and are bloodied. They should be given clues
about how to interact with their surroundings so
can be used as a basic attack.
they can tackle skill challenges, combats, and
puzzles without getting too frustrated over lack of
Important DM Information information. This helps to encourage immersion
As the DM of the session, you have the most important in the adventure and gives players “little
role in facilitating the enjoyment of the game for the victories” for figuring out a good choice from a
players. You take the words on these pages and make clue.
them come alive. The outcome of a fun game session

CORM2-3 Secret of the Queen of Thorns Page 2

In short, being the DM for a Living Forgotten Realms Character Death
adventure isn’t about following the adventure’s text
Adventuring can be a dangerous business. Your
word-for-word; it’s about creating a fun, challenging
character might succumb to those dangers. However,
game environment for the players. Chapters 1 and 2 of
death is usually a temporary situation for powerful
the Dungeon Master’s Guide are filled with good
adventurers (and even for less-powerful adventurers
information about being a DM for a D&D game.
who have powerful friends). If your character dies
during the course of an adventure, you always have at
Appropriate Character Levels least one option (accepting Death Charity) and you
This adventure is designed for player characters (PCs) might have additional options (such as the Raise Dead
levels 14 - 17. Characters that fall outside of the level ritual). Most importantly, the DM must decide if your
range may not participate in the adventure. Make group has access to the dead character's body.
certain to check the levels of the PCs before beginning
play to ensure that they are the proper level. • Pay for the Raise Dead ritual. If the group has access
Each adventure has a low-level version and a high- to the body and chooses this option, the component
level version. The low level is meant for a group whose cost should be divided evenly amongst the group
levels, on average, fall in the lower levels of the (500 gp for heroic tier, 5,000 gp for paragon tier, and
adventure’s level spread. The high level is meant for a 50,000 gp for epic tier). If a PC can cast the ritual,
group whose levels, on average, fall in the higher levels then the component cost is the only cost. If the group
of the adventure’s level spread. must locate an NPC to cast the ritual, that NPC
A group may decide to play the high level when charges a fee equal to 20% of the component cost.
their levels are more suited to the low level if everyone The total cost for Raise Dead when using an outside
in the group agrees to do so; however, some of the source is 600 gp for Heroic tier, 6,000 gp for Paragon
rewards may not be available to them. Conversely, a tier, and 60,000 gp for Epic tier.
group may decide to play the low level when their levels • Use a power that returns dead characters to life.
are more suited to the high level if everyone in the Certain characters gain powers that allow them to
group agrees; however, some of the rewards may be less restore life without using the Raise Dead ritual or
than what they’d ideally want from the adventure. paying a component cost. For example, the warpriest
Reading the Numbers: Each encounter has a level (a cleric build from Heroes of the Fallen Lands) gains
and sometimes other values (such as XP or skill check the resurrection daily utility power at 8th level. NPCs
DCs) listed with two numbers divided by a slash. The may not be used for this option unless an adventure
number before the slash is always the value for the low- specifically says so; otherwise, a player character with
level version of the adventure; the number after the the appropriate power must be at the table (assuming
slash is the value for the high-level version of the he or she isn't the dead character) and all other
adventure. conditions for using the power must be met. For
example, resurrection may only be used at the end of
an extended rest, and the character must have died
Failing to Defeat an Encounter within the last 24 hours.
If a group fails to defeat an encounter – that is, if they • Invoke the Death Charity clause. If the group
have to flee from a combat because it’s too tough or they doesn’t have access to the dead character's body, or if
reach the predetermined number of failures in a skill they have the body but cannot afford (or are
challenge before reaching success – they are only unwilling) to pay for a ritual, the player can choose to
awarded half experience points (round down) for the return the PC back to life at the end of the adventure,
encounter. If they manage to tackle the encounter later exactly as if the Raise Dead ritual had been used on
and defeat it, award them the other half of the the dead character. Some heroes seem to have been
experience points for the encounter. marked by fate to fulfill a special purpose; their
destinies do not include an ignoble demise. The
details of exactly how the character's body made its
way back to civilization are up to the player, or this
can be left deliberately vague. (To be clear, invoking
Death Charity is completely optional; some players
prefer to let their dead characters stay dead if the
circumstances seem dramatically appropriate. A
character that does not return from the dead is

CORM2-3 Secret of the Queen of Thorns Page 3

retired from play.) There is no cost for accepting common lasting effects are the death penalty and
Death Charity, but the character forfeits all non-XP diseases.
rewards for the adventure (including gold, Story Death Penalty: When a character dies and is
Awards, and the opportunity to select a Treasure). brought back to life, that character usually suffers a
The PC cannot participate in the same adventure a death penalty. For example, a character brought back by
second time. the Raise Dead ritual or a warpriest's resurrection power
suffers a -1 penalty to all attack rolls, skill checks, saving
Regardless of which option is chosen, any character throws, and ability checks until he or she has reached
who dies during an adventure gains less XP from that three milestones. The player should record the
adventure. At the end of the game session, when the DM character's death on his or her Adventure Log, and then
announces the XP each character earns, your character keep a running tally of milestones reached. Once the PC
suffers a 20% penalty (so you get 80% of the amount has reached the third milestone since coming back to
earned by those characters that did not die during the life, the death penalty ends.
adventure). If a character is killed in the final encounter, Sometimes the death penalty is paid by a character
but the rest of the party prevails, then the DM may other than the character that was returned to life. For
choose to waive the 20% XP penalty if the DM believes example, if a sentinel uses the restore life power, there is
that the group as a whole might not have succeeded a cost of four healing surges. These healing surges
without the dead character's sacrifice. The penalty also cannot be regained until the PCs who spent the surges
does not apply in the event of a TPK (Total Party Kill), (which cannot include the character who was returned
because the DM reduces the entire group's XP award to to life) have reached three milestones or taken three
reflect the fact that the party as a whole failed to extended rests. The character(s) who spent the surges
complete the adventure. track this on their own individual Adventure Logs. As
Sometimes, invoking the Death Charity clause is the each individual character crosses the appropriate
only option to return a dead PC to life. For example, if threshold, the death penalty ends for that character,
the group suffers a TPK and no friendly NPCs know regardless of whether it is still active on other
where to find them, then it's unlikely that their bodies characters.
can be recovered. The DM is the final arbiter of whether Diseases: Diseases take hold of a character and last
or not a dead character's body can be recovered. until they are cured or they reach their final state.
Remember, the Death Charity clause is always an Normally, a PC makes an Endurance check after each
option, no matter what happened to the PC. A death extended rest to see if the disease improves, worsens, or
penalty almost always applies to any character brought maintains its current condition. At the end of an
back from the dead (see the next section). adventure, any character suffering from a disease must
Mounts are not characters, and do not use these resolve the disease to either its cured or final state, using
rules if they are killed during an adventure. To resurrect the necessary number of extended rests to do so. Other
a dead mount, the owner must pay 20% of the mount's characters adventuring with the PC may aid the afflicted
market price at the end of the adventure in which the character during this time. If a disease reaches its final
mount died. state and the PC can get a Cure Disease ritual cast (and
pay the appropriate costs), they may do so.
Milestones Other Lasting Effects: Other effects that last
beyond the scope of the adventure should be resolved at
No matter if the characters succeed or fail in an
the DM’s discretion. Any effects that last for a specific
encounter, they reach a milestone if it is the second
period of time (that end after a certain number of days
encounter they’ve had since the start of the adventure or
or a certain number of extended rests) should be
their last extended rest. Encounters that do not give
resolved at the end of the adventure in which the effect
out experience points do not count for purposes of
was obtained (unless otherwise specified). Effects that
reaching a milestone. Make certain to mention this
use some sort of adventuring benchmark of unknown
information to the players when applicable, as it gives
duration (such as milestones) should be recorded on the
each PC another action point and affects how some
character’s Adventure Log and tracked across
magic item powers are used.
adventures. It is always the player's responsibility to
inform his or her DM at the beginning of an adventure if
Lasting Effects the character is suffering from a lasting effect.
Sometimes a PC suffers a lasting effect that isn’t easily
resolved before the end of the adventure. The two most

CORM2-3 Secret of the Queen of Thorns Page 4

scene. Any information the PCs share with him or Lord
Adventure Background Erzoured is known to Conquest and its allies.
Ages ago, in the days before man and elf, a flight of This adventure makes use of story awards from
dragons fought and subdued the entity known as the previous adventures in Cormyr. The DM should refer to
Queen of Thorns. She retreated deep into the forest and Appendix 2 to streamline play during this adventure.
concealed her location with powerful magics, The DCs are set according to the Rules Compendium. A
slumbering and recuperating until she could gather the version of this Appendix that is suitable for the players
might to again challenge those who occupied her home. to fill out (which might save time collecting story award
The dragons bowed to elvenkind, and they in turn gave information) is provided as Player Handout 3.
the Forest Kingdom to the Obarskyr family from whom
the current king, Foril, is descended.
An old Cormyrian tavern song foretells the rousing Player’s Introduction
of the sleeping Queen of Thorns, the one who will bring The PCs are of sufficient level that word of their exploits
about the end of King Foril’s family’s reign. Several has easily reached the ears of Lord Erzoured. PCs might
months ago, six Harbingers arrived all across Cormyr, be in the service of Cormyr, following the purple dragon
beginning the fulfillment of this ancient prophecy. knight or war wizard of Cormyr paragon paths or having
Heroic efforts were made by a small group of earned story award CORM11 Knighted. PCs should
adventurers (see CORM1-6 Curse of the Queen of Thorns) introduce themselves at this point.
to quash the influence of these Harbingers.
The kingdom of Cormyr is at an uneasy rest Having answered a summons to the royal palace in
following the passage of the Queen of Thorns’ Suzail, you are comfortably seated in the chambers of
Harbingers, but her threat has not passed. King Foril’s Lord Erzoured, the king’s nephew. Through an
subjects have begun to question their safety after feeling enormous east-facing window, the colors of sunrise
the effects of the blight left in the Harbingers wake. Use sparkle off the surface of Lake Azoun. Lord Erzoured
Appendix 1 to determine which Harbingers’ curses are and his vizier, Krimnos, have joined you for a hearty
extant and what effects they are having on the realm of breakfast. After catching up on your recent exploits,
Cormyr. Erzoured tells you why he has summoned you.
Note that a great deal of the background for this
adventure is established in CORM1-6 Curse of the Erzoured engages the PCs with the following talking
Queen of Thorns. It would be helpful (but is not points:
required) for the players and DM to be familiar with the • Six Harbingers recently appeared throughout
events of that adventure. These events are briefly Cormyr. They were (mostly) defeated, but news
recapped in the Player’s Introduction, as even those who of their appearance has leaked. Rumors are
did play the previous adventure might have forgotten spreading that they left curses in their wake, and
some of the details. it is becoming common knowledge that they
presage the rousing of the Queen of Thorns who
DM’s Introduction sleeps in the King’s Forest.
• Sages report that the Harbingers of the Queen
After answering a summons from Lord Erzoured, the are not done with Cormyr. A seventh Harbinger,
PCs learn of one final Harbinger, called Conquest. The Conquest, may even now be turning the minds of
PCs begin by researching artifacts and rituals that can loyal subjects away from the service of King Foril.
be used to oppose the Queen of Thorns. A loyal knight When the Queen herself comes with her armies,
who has been turned by Conquest attacks them. the entire Obarskyr family will lose its rightful
Afterward an agent of the king asks the PCs to seek out place on the throne if Cormyr’s subjects do not
allies and prepare them for the coming threat. The PCs answer the call to battle.
seek some of these resources before Conquest makes a • The Queen is said to be an apocalyptic force who
direct attack on Crown Prince Irvel. will lay waste to any part of the humanoid
Erzoured’s vizier, Krimnos, has become the “infestation” when she comes. No one knows her
manifestation of Conquest and has been so for some true nature or what form she will take when she
time. He has been using his power to turn the minds of enters the world.
Cormyr’s citizens to his will. The PCs should not learn • The prophecy tells of ancient artifacts and rituals
this information until the end of the adventure, and the which can weaken the armies of the Queen of
DM should downplay Krimnos’s presence in the first Thorns, though the sages have just begun to

CORM2-3 Secret of the Queen of Thorns Page 5

research where and what they are. These tools
might also be turned against Cormyr itself, so
they were hidden away to protect them from
falling into the wrong hands.
• Erzoured requests that the PCs discover the
nature of these tools and their hiding places,
retrieving them and returning them to him,
purportedly to bolster Cormyr’s defenses before
Conquest’s agents can find and use them to
further sow chaos among the King’s subjects.
• Some of the tools might be physical artifacts,
while others could be rituals. The PCs will need
to deploy all their information-gathering skills
and resources in order to learn whatever they
can. There are many libraries and sages within
the city of Suzail who might be able to help the
PCs get started. Erzoured promises to share any
information that he gains by other means with
the PCs, but right now, he has no good leads.
• Insight DC 32: Erzoured seems to be sincere in
what he is asking the PCs to do, and is genuinely
working to preserve the nation, but he doesn’t
seem as worried about the King’s personal
survival as one might expect. (In truth, Erzoured
hopes that the Queen of Thorns will overthrow
his uncle, at which point Erzoured can use any
resources gathered by the PCs to defeat the
Queen and take the throne himself, but of course
he will never admit this to the PCs. Even if the PC
are suspicious of Erzoured’s motives, gathering
the tools needed to defeat the Queen of Thorns
is the right course of action to take, and Erzoured
is a legitimate authority figure in this situation,
certainly enough for the players to agree to do
the research. Don’t let this derail the adventure,
but it’s OK if the PCs suspect Erzoured.)

Lord Erzoured obviously expects any PCs who are

dedicated to the service of Cormyr to immediately
accept. If any PCs require further convincing, he
promises them 1500/3000 gp each as payment for their
services. He also gives the PCs a writ of access to the
palace’s royal quarters so they can seek him when they
have news to report or resources to turn over.

CORM2-3 Secret of the Queen of Thorns Page 6

Encounter 1: An Empty Location: Planted in Suzail’s Royal Gardens.
Challenge: Lost amongst the numerous rosebushes in
Toolbox the palace’s Floral Gardens.
DM Note: Have the PCs make a DC 10 Intelligence
check. A successful check makes known the ability of
Skill Challenge Level 13/15, the rose blooms to resist Conquest’s mental influence on
Complexity 2 (1600/2400 XP) the bearer.

Setup 4 – Type: Artifact, the Royal Wand of Wonder

Ability: Wand that creates random effects when wielded
The PCs scour the length and breadth of Suzail for
by a member of the Obarskyr family.
legends and myths that tell them about rituals and
Location: Placed in a sealed room in the Elemental
artifacts mentioned in the prophecy of the Queen of
Thorns. There is a lot of interest in the prophecy at all
Challenge: Guarded by denizens of the Elemental Chaos
levels of society since the appearance of the first six
on the other side of a flickering portal in the Citadel of
Harbingers, so there are lots of leads, some of them
the Purple Dragons.
The PCs are aware that the rituals of legend require
As the day begins in Suzail, you leave the palace and
massive amounts of residuum to perform, well beyond
head into the city to track down any information about
the resources at the PCs’ disposal, but certainly within
the rituals and artifacts mentioned in the prophecy of
the capabilities of Cormyr as a whole.
the Queen of Thorns. The populace is abuzz with
Agents of Conquest are about in town, spying on the
rumors and songs, but houses of knowledge will no
PCs’ progress. They wear the colors of Lord Erzoured
doubt also have tomes that record pieces of legend and
and are relatively innocuous in appearance since royal
myth. servants are found throughout Suzail. A passive Insight
score of 30 or better informs a PC that these servants
During the skill challenge, each success reveals either are taking special notice of his or her actions.
the type and ability of one of the resources or the
location and challenge in obtaining a resource which
they have already discovered. Roll a d4 to randomly Skill Challenge: Sifting Rumors
determine the order in which the resources are Goal: The PCs gather information about the tools
discovered, but make sure that PCs gain two successes mentioned in the prophecy. They must discern each
on a single resource before they begin research on tool’s location and means of retrieval.
another. Complexity: 2 (6 successes before 3 failures)
Primary Skills: Diplomacy, Heal, History, Religion,
1 – Type: Ritual Perception, Streetwise, Thievery.
Ability: Breaks an army’s morale. Other Skills: Insight, Intimidate, Stealth.
Location: Locked in stasis in a remote cavern in the Victory: The PCs have discovered the true tools and
Underdark beneath Suzail. avoided mere rumors.
Challenge: Protected by both a guardian creature and a Defeat: Although the PCs may have discovered some
complex puzzle in the cavern. truth, they also believed a number of false leads that
make each attempt to locate a tool take longer. Add one
2 – Type: Ritual hour to the time required to pursue any path they
Ability: Creates a vast zone of earth binding. uncovered in this encounter.
Location: Pieces scattered throughout the library of
Vangerdahast, Mage Royal of Cormyr under King Foril’s In this and subsequent skill challenges in this adventure,
grandfather, Azoun IV. suggestions are made about what happens when a PC
Challenge: Recorded in non-catalogued notes and attempts a skill check. Feel free to embellish or change
books, sealed away by arcane wards. the descriptive text to match the players’ imagination.
Also, encourage the creative use of feats, powers, rituals,
3 – Type: Artifact, the Dragon Rose etc. to accomplish the goals laid out in these skill
Ability: Rosebush whose flowers bind the loyalty of the challenges.
bearer to the royal family of Cormyr.

CORM2-3 Secret of the Queen of Thorns Page 7

Diplomacy DC 20/22 (1 success; 2 maximum) Thievery DC 20/22 (1 success, 2 maximum)
The PC gains entry to a meeting at the royal palace and Requires a successful Perception check to unlock. The
learns some of what initially led Lord Erzoured to seek PC manages to pickpocket a document containing a
the party in the first place. piece of information about the prophecy.

Heal DC 20/22 (1 successes, 1 maximum) Using Rituals (special)

Requires a successful Streetwise check to unlock. The Various rituals may serve to gain successes in this skill
PC revives the unconscious human adventurer, Vita challenge. The DM is the final arbiter of how they may
Quelan, who was following a lead pertaining to the be of use, but these three examples provide guidelines:
prophecy. She is a benevolent and loyal subject of • Consult Mystic Sages (1 success, no maximum):
Cormyr and happily shares the quest that she will not be The PC is granted a single piece of information
able to complete. for each performance.
• Consult Oracle (up to 5 successes, no maximum):
History DC 20/22 (1 success; 2 maximum) The PC may ask up to five questions per
The PC engages in research at the palace libraries, performance.
piecing together disparate fragments of the prophecy • Detect Object (0 successes): The PCs do not
into a usable name or location. know what items they are looking for or how far
away they are.
Insight or Intimidate DC 20/22 (special)
One time only, when a PC fails a Streetwise check Ending the Encounter
during this skill challenge, a PC can immediately
The PCs only need to determine the type and location of
attempt an Insight or Intimidate check without any
three of the resources to succeed at the skill challenge.
other PCs’ aid. If the check is successful, the PC has read
However, if they reach six successes before three
the informant’s body language or frightened the
failures, they may press on to earn two additional
informant and learned that the rumor is false; do not
successes (thereby gaining all four true leads).
count the triggering failure against the total of 3 needed
Once they have either succeeded or failed at the
to fail the skill challenge. Only 1 failure can be avoided
skill challenge, the PCs wrap up their investigation at
in total through the use of Insight and/or Intimidate.
midday and proceed to Encounter 2a. If they choose to
continue researching after the encounter with Sir
Perception DC 20/22 (0 successes, special)
Severin and Navish, they spend an hour for every 2 skill
Unlocks the use of Thievery. The PC hears about an
exchange of documents relating to the prophecy. The
Success: The PCs have discovered enough
PCs can now attempt to steal the document from the
information to keep them busy recovering artifacts
courier carrying it.
and/or rituals for the rest of the day.
Failure: The PCs have discovered some
Religion DC 22/22 (1 success, 2 maximum)
information about the rituals and artifacts in the
The PC engages in scholarly discussion with priests of
prophecy, but they have been misled by some of the
Tymora at the Towers of Good Fortune; they jointly
rumors. Each of the encounters to recover one of the
determine a piece of relevant information.
resources (3a – 3d) takes an extra hour.

Streetwise DC 14/15 (0 successes, special) Experience Points

Unlocks the use of Heal. The PC hears news about an
The PCs earn 320/480 XP each for completing the skill
adventurer who was injured while pursuing a lead
pertaining to the prophecy. The PC also learns where
the adventurer is convalescing.
Streetwise DC 20/22 (1 success, 2 maximum) As the PCs share their quest with the people of Suzail,
The PC talks with locals in Suzail, listening to stories they are surprised at the love of Cormyr’s citizens for
about the prophecy and sorting out the difference King Foril. The PCs are offered surprising amounts of
between rumor and truth. coin to aid them in their efforts, totaling 100/500 gp

CORM2-3 Secret of the Queen of Thorns Page 8

Encounter 2a: Déjà Vu The roofs are heavily sloped; standing or moving on
them requires a DC 15 Acrobatics check. Creatures on
the back half of buildings have superior cover from
Encounter Level 10/11 creatures on the ground and other roofs and cover from
(2500/2750 XP) creatures on the front half of their roof.
Market Stalls: The wooden stands of the market
stalls are 3 feet high and provide cover to creatures
Setup standing behind them. The canopies provide
This encounter includes the following creatures at the concealment to creatures standing under them.
low tier: Sewer Grate: The sewer grate is difficult terrain.
1 Sir Severin (level 15) (S) Wooden Stage: The stage is 5 feet high and
3 sand knives bandits (B) provides superior cover to creatures behind it. The stairs
4 thugs of Conquest (T) are difficult terrain.
Water Trough and Fountain: These features are
This encounter includes the following creatures at the difficult terrain and provide cover to creatures standing
high tier: behind them.
1 Sir Severin (S)
2 sand knives bandits (level 15) (B)
3 thugs of Conquest (level 14) (T)
Sir Severin begins by moving close to the PCs and
A loyal knight of the king’s court, Sir Severin has charging into melee.
unfortunately succumbed to the influence of the The sand knives bandits fey step to nearby roofs and
Harbinger of Conquest. He has been ordered to attack rain arrows down on the PCs, focusing fire on one PC.
the PCs, and he has set up an ambush with a few They attempt to use the roof peaks as cover. If a PC
citizens of Suzail who are also under the sway of the moves to melee range, the bandits use mark of knives,
Harbinger. attack with their scimitars, and move across the roof. If
the curse of the Harbinger of Entropy is in effect, fey step
As you are walking the streets of Suzail, you see a knight becomes a power with recharge 6, and the bandits use it
heading your direction. As he approaches your party, he to move to nearby roofs when engaged in melee.
greets you warmly. Suddenly, he draws his sword and The thugs of Conquest use telekinetic grasp to
moves to attack you without warning or provocation. immobilize ranged attackers, and then close to attack
those PCs with demoralizing short sword. If possible, they
If any of the PCs have played either CORM1-1 The Black focus their attacks on the same PC the bandits are
Knight of Arabel or CORM1-5 In the Bleak Midwinter, they attacking.
have had interactions with Sir Severin and likely know
him as an honorable and loyal servant of Cormyr. Scaling the Encounter
Sir Severin gains a surprise round because of his Make the following adjustments to the combat based on
reputation as a loyal servant of Cormyr. Any PC with a the number of PCs present.
passive Insight of 26 can detect the outside influence of Four PCs: Remove one sand knives bandit and one
Conquest over Sir Severin and act in the surprise round. thug of Conquest.
If all of the PCs are surprised, start Sir Severin next to Six PCs: Add one bandit and one thug.
the party, instead of far away as shown on the map.
The sand knives bandits and thugs of Conquest do
not begin the combat in the encounter area. The bandits
Ending the Encounter
move into the displayed positions on their initiative Proceed to Encounter 2b.
during round one, and the thugs do likewise on round
two. The minions have only a standard action to use on Experience Points
their first round in combat. The PCs earn 500 / 550 XP each for defeating the
creatures in this encounter, but it does not count toward
Features of the Area a milestone (it is not a difficult challenge).

Buildings: The buildings are two stories (20 feet) tall. Treasure
Climbing their walls requires a DC 15 Athletics check.
The PCs do not gain any treasure in this encounter.

CORM2-3 Secret of the Queen of Thorns Page 9

Encounter 2a: Déjà Vu Statistics (Low Level)
Sir Severin (level 15) Level 15 Soldier Thug of Conquest Level 12 Minion
Medium natural humanoid, human XP 1400 Medium natural humanoid, human XP 175
Initiative +12 Senses Perception +12 Initiative +12 Senses Perception +9
HP 146; Bloodied 73 HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.
AC 31; Fortitude 28, Reflex 25, Will 27 AC 28; Fortitude 24, Reflex 23, Will 24
Speed 6 Speed 5
m Greatsword (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon m Demoralizing Short Sword (standard; at-will) ✦ Psychic, Weapon

+22 vs. AC; 2d10 + 6 damage and push the target 1 square. Sir +19 vs. AC; 7 damage, plus an extra 5 psychic damage if the target
Severin can then shift into the vacated square. is immobilized.
R Telekinetic Grasp (standard; encounter)
M Death Mark (standard; recharge 5-6) ✦ Weapon
Ranged 5; medium or smaller target; +15 vs. Fortitude; the target is
+22 vs. AC; 3d6 + 13 damage, and the target is marked (save ends).
immobilized (save ends).
While marked, the target grants combat advantage.
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Chondathan
R Crossbow (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon Str 16 (+9) Dex 14 (+8) Wis 16 (+9)
Ranged 15/30; +22 vs. AC; 2d8 + 6 damage. Con 12 (+7) Int 12 (+7) Cha 10 (+6)
Alignment Good Languages Common, Chondathan Equipment short sword, chainmail.
Skills Athletics +18, Diplomacy +15, Religion +13 Note: githyanki myrmidon – added human type; changed alignment,
Str 23 (+13) Dex 16 (+10) Wis 20 (+12) language, removed silver descriptor from short sword and basic melee
Con 18 (+11) Int 12 (+8) Cha 16 (+10) attack.
Equipment plate armor, greatsword, crossbow, 10 bolts
Note: ebon rider – skill, language, alignment changes; added
equipment and greatsword power from Dark Skull; added crossbow.

Sand Knives Bandit Level 13 Minion

Medium fey humanoid, eladrin XP 200
Initiative +15 Senses Perception +8; low-light vision
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.
AC 29; Fortitude 24, Reflex 27, Will 23
Saving Throws +5 against charm effects
Speed 6
m Scimitar (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon
+20 vs. AC; 6 damage (crit 9).
r Longbow (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon
Ranged 20/40; +20 vs. AC; 6 damage.
Mark of Knives (minor; at-will)
Melee 1; the target is marked until the end of its next turn.
Fey Step (move; encounter) ✦ Teleportation
The bandit teleports 5 squares.
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Elven
Str 18 (+10) Dex 25 (+13) Wis 14 (+8)
Con 16 (+9) Int 15 (+8) Cha 17 (+9)
Equipment arrow ×20, leather armor, longbow, scimitar
If the curse of the Harbinger of Entropy is in effect, fey step becomes a
power with recharge 6.

CORM2-3 Secret of the Queen of Thorns Page 10

Encounter 2a: Déjà Vu Statistics (High Level)
Sir Severin Level 16 Soldier Thug of Conquest (level 14) Level 14 Minion
Medium natural humanoid, human XP 1400 Medium natural humanoid, human XP 250
Initiative +13 Senses Perception +13 Initiative +13 Senses Perception +10
HP 154; Bloodied 77 HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.
AC 32; Fortitude 29, Reflex 26, Will 28 AC 30; Fortitude 26, Reflex 25, Will 26
Speed 6 Speed 5
m Greatsword (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon M Demoralizing Short Sword (standard; at-will) ✦ Psychic, Weapon
+23 vs. AC; 2d10 + 6 damage and push the target 1 square. Sir +21 vs. AC; 8 damage, plus an extra 5 psychic damage if the target
Severin can then shift into the vacated square. is immobilized.
M Death Mark (standard; recharge 5-6) ✦ Weapon R Telekinetic Grasp (standard; encounter)
+23 vs. AC; 3d6 + 13 damage, and the target is marked (save ends). Ranged 5; medium or smaller target; +17 vs. Fortitude; the target is
While marked, the target grants combat advantage. immobilized (save ends).
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Chondathan
R Crossbow (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon
Str 16 (+10) Dex 14 (+9) Wis 16 (+10)
Ranged 15/30; +23 vs. AC; 2d8 + 6 damage. Con 12 (+8) Int 12 (+8) Cha 10 (+7)
Alignment Good Languages Common, Chondathan Equipment short sword, chainmail.
Skills Athletics +19, Diplomacy +16, Religion +14 Note: githyanki myrmidon – added human type; changed alignment,
Str 23 (+14) Dex 16 (+11) Wis 20 (+13) language, removed silver descriptor from short sword and basic melee
Con 18 (+12) Int 12 (+9) Cha 16 (+11) attack.
Equipment plate armor, greatsword, crossbow, 10 bolts
Note: ebon rider – skill, language, alignment changes; added
equipment and greatsword power from Dark Skull; added crossbow &

Sand Knives Bandit (level 15) Level 15 Minion

Medium fey humanoid, eladrin XP 300
Initiative +16 Senses Perception +9; low-light vision
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.
AC 31; Fortitude 26, Reflex 29, Will 25
Saving Throws +5 against charm effects
Speed 6
M Scimitar (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon
+22 vs. AC; 7 damage (crit 10).
R Longbow (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon
Ranged 20/40; +22 vs. AC; 7 damage.
Mark of Knives (minor; at-will)
Melee 1; the target is marked until the end of its next turn.
Fey Step (move; encounter) ✦ Teleportation
The bandit teleports 5 squares.
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Elven
Str 18 (+11) Dex 25 (+14) Wis 14 (+9)
Con 16 (+10) Int 15 (+9) Cha 17 (+10)
Equipment arrow ×20, leather armor, longbow, scimitar
If the curse of the Harbinger of Entropy is in effect, fey step becomes a
power with recharge 6.

CORM2-3 Secret of the Queen of Thorns Page 11

Encounter 2a: Déjà Vu Map
Tile Sets Needed
Streets of Shadow x2

Low-level: White and black; High-level: White only; 6 PCs: add red
S = Sir Severin
B = Sand Knives Bandits (begin off the map, appear on round 1)
T = Thugs of Conquest (begin off the map, appear on round 2)

CORM2-3 Secret of the Queen of Thorns Page 12

The PCs likely pursue one of these paths:
Encounter 2b: Long Time, No • The guards believe without question the word of
See any PC with CORM11 who is a Knight Exalted.
They will follow that character’s orders.
• If any PC has story award CORM13 Suzail
Setup Deputy and wishes to make it known, the patrol
Important NPCs: recognizes his or her authority in this matter and
Navish Brightfoot, a halfling spy in the service of offers their assistance before departing.
Cormyr’s crown • If Sir Severin is dead, the PCs must make two
Sir Severin, a lesser knight of King Foril’s court successful skill checks (DC 20 Bluff or
Diplomacy) to convince the guards of their
Sir Severin was recently exonerated of charges of innocence. If either check fails, Navish arrives to
treason for assaulting a royal (Lord Erzoured) with prevent their arrest.
intent to kill. If any of the PCs have story award • If the PCs believe Sir Severin’s story and plead his
CORM11 Knighted and are in the service of Lord innocence, the guards quickly decide not to
Erzoured, the DM should remind the PC of these events investigate further and depart before Navish
and suggest that their lord might connect the PC’s arrives.
service to him and Sir Severin’s attack.
This cannot be a combat encounter (the PCs could easily
As the scuffle in the streets settles down, the sound of destroy a guard patrol in any case, but to do so would
jingling armor and heavy footfalls can be heard nearby. completely undermine their legitimacy as agents of
A small contingent of Suzail guards rounds a corner Cormyr). If story awards and roleplaying have not
and demands that all combatants drop their weapons dispersed the guard patrol after a few minutes, Navish
and submit to an immediate investigation. arrives to expedite the process. If the PCs have
convinced the guards to leave quickly, Navish appears
The patrol immediately recognizes Sir Severin, any moments after they leave.
purple dragon knight or war wizard of Cormyr PCs, and
any PCs with story award CORM11 Knighted. They A rotund goblin rappels down a nearby building and
are treated with respect but still questioned. jogs over to you. “Sorry I didn’t get here sooner. Too
The patrol’s lieutenant asks for details of the many places to direct my attention these days.”
combat. The lieutenant spends a few minutes talking to
the PCs while the other guards revive and talk with any No matter which way Navish appears, he shows his
members of Sir Severin’s group who were knocked credentials before proceeding.
If the PCs attempt to use the Intimidate skill against He snaps his fingers in a quick rhythm, and a
the guards, the guards respond in kind and the PCs translucent purple dragon appears over his head and
cannot end the investigation until Navish arrives. roars twice. It then winks out as quickly as it appeared.
If the PCs decided not to kill Sir Severin, he is The goblin introduces himself with a tip of his well-worn
completely freed from Conquest’s control. He knows the hat: “Navish Brightfoot, Eye of the Crown.”
• He first had the idea to attack the PCs this PCs with a passive Insight score of 30 or higher
morning but has no idea why or who gave him recognize that Navish is disguised partially by illusion
the idea. and partially by mundane means. Any guards still at the
• He realizes he was being controlled by an outside scene recognize this sign and immediately gather
force and is deeply ashamed at his inability to themselves into marching order and depart. Navish
resist the mind control. acknowledges those PCs whom he has encountered
• He hired the bandits and thugs but told them before (any who’ve played CORM1-4 or have story
nothing about why they were attacking the PCs. award CORM02 In Service of the Crown). He knows
• Sir Severin is honest with the guards and begs the about what happened to Sir Severin and quickly
PCs’ forgiveness. discounts any explanation except the truth. If Sir Severin
is still alive and present, Navish asks him to rally what
forces he can for the coming of the Queen of Thorns and
dismisses him with the authority of King Foril.

CORM2-3 Secret of the Queen of Thorns Page 13

Navish asks the PCs about their plans for what to do • If the PCs have at least one of the following story
next. He praises their efforts so far but adds that loyal awards, they know of nobles in Suzail whom they
allies may be hard to come by. He suspects that may wish to invite:
someone in Lord Erzoured’s entourage is a mole for the o CORE01 Tymora’s Token: Luckbringer
Harbinger of Conquest and insists that the PCs not Daran of Tymora, representative of the
reveal any more information than necessary about their temple of Tymora in Suzail.
search to Erzoured. o CORM04 Noblesse Oblige: Lady Mersha
Navish asks the PCs to consider seeking out those Valwater.
who might have reason to hear the PCs plans and who o CORM12 Karah Family Favor: Madam
command resources which might be marshaled to Mirasol Karah.
Cormyr’s cause. Navish offers them a planesplitter weapon o CORM14 Favor of Oris Grenfell: Oris
+4 and the teleport sigil sequences for the market in the Grenfell.
southwest corner of Suzail and the old shipyards in o CORM15 Favor of Cora Inyn: Cora Inyn.
Marsember to hasten their travel around the realm. He o CORM16 War Wizards’ Gratitude:
suggests the following people, including only those for influential representative of the War
which the PCs have the appropriate story awards: Wizards of Cormyr.
• No story award necessary; Navish automatically o CORM17 Haldoneir Unmasked: Lord
makes this suggestion: Find the plaguechanged Prio, Regent of Special Affairs.
wizard Taliss Muirwood. As a powerful former • CORM05 Eladrin’s Blessing: Seek audience with
member of the War Wizards, he is being recalled the Suzail emissary of the eladrin lords of the
to service. Since his mind is fragile, Cormyr needs Feywild border in the Vast Swamp. Ask them to
formidable adventurers to approach him and aid in the defense of Cormyr, cementing their
perhaps subdue him before reminding him of his new but untested alliance. Navish directs the PCs
duty to the crown. He suggests that the PCs to the apartments where the diplomat is
begin their search at the standing stones several currently staying.
hours outside Marsember which Taliss once
thought held the key to his cure. Navish gives Navish adjures the PCs not to kill any (more) natural
them a royal writ entitling them to the use of humanoids. Since the Harbinger of Conquest can turn
magically hastened steeds from the royal stables the mind of pretty much anyone, it’s impossible to tell
in Marsember, making travel to the stones who might be loyal to King Foril absent its influence.
possible in a single day. This begins a minor quest: Subdue, Not Slaughter.
• CORM02 In Service of the Crown: Go to
Wheloon and re-establish leadership of the Ending the Encounter
Lady’s Marauders. Gain the trust of Mother
If Sir Severin is alive and was not taken into custody by
Night’s enemies and negotiate for their aid in the
the guards, be sure to include him in the story award
coming war. Navish knows of a Sembian
CORM19 Standing Together.
merchant who recently stocked a stable in Suzail
Once Navish has told the characters all he has to
with flying steeds. He also hands the PCs a
faceted sapphire like the ones they used to tell, he leaves. Proceed with Encounter 3.
escape Wheloon with him.
• See story awards below: Announce a banquet,
Experience Points
inviting any dignitaries with whom the PCs have The PCs do not earn any XP for this encounter, and it
had contact. The dignitaries can gather does not count toward a milestone.
considerable forces to defend Cormyr and
support the king’s position if they stand with him Treasure
in solidarity, but they need to be convinced of the The PCs gain a planesplitter weapon +4 and learn the sigil
gravity of the situation and time to prepare their sequences for teleportation circles in the market in
resources. They are used to formal events to Suzail and the old shipyards in Marsember.
request their aid and are more likely to pay
attention if they have lavish attention paid to
them. If Sir Severin is still alive and on good
terms with the PCs, Navish suggests that the PCs
ask him to host the banquet at his Suzail estate.

CORM2-3 Secret of the Queen of Thorns Page 14

Encounter 3: Temptation Taliss Muirwood,
Encounter 3e (7 hours)
plaguechanged wizard:

• Wheloon prison gangs: Encounter 3f (7 hours,

Setup unlocked in Encounter 2b)
Encounter 3 can take many forms, based on the PCs’ • Cormyrian VIPs: Encounter 3g (4 hours)
successes in Encounter 1 and their story awards from
previous adventures in Cormyr. They cannot follow all After their first effort is complete, if the PCs have any
the paths; the PCs have seven hours until Conquest time left, they can pursue one or more of the following
makes a direct assault on the king’s son, and enemy encounters which they have unlocked and for which
agents are trying to thwart the PCs’ efforts in each path. they have enough time. Make sure to account for the
As the PCs depart Navish’s company in Encounter additional time required if they failed the skill challenge
2b and are deciding which course to pursue, they are in Encounter 1.
stricken with a vision from Conquest.
• Ritual of earth binding: Encounter 3b (key; 2
As you head back into Suzail, you feel a crushing weight hours)
in your mind. You see a vast hall decorated with the • Rosebush: Encounter 3c (key; 1 hour)
purple dragon of Cormyr. Surrounded by nightmare • Eladrin nobles: Encounter 3h (3 hours)
mists, Crown Prince Irvel stands in the center of the • Prepare for Conquest’s attack (since the vision
room, attacking in all directions with both blade and tells them where the battle will occur): each PC
spell. The mists seep into his nostrils, his ears, and his gains a +2 bonus to initiative and to his or her
eyes. As he opens his mouth to scream, a tentacle darts first attack roll during Encounter 4. (1 hour)
out of the mists and reaches down his throat, suffocating
If the PCs failed the skill challenge in Encounter 1, the
him as he falls to the floor and becomes still. In the
four “key” Encounters each take one additional hour as
enormous window at the far end of the room, you see
the PCs discover the false rumors upon which they are
the sun set behind the royal throne of Cormyr.
relying and are forced to retrace their steps.
A booming voice speaks in your minds: “The
Obarskyr line is failing. Serve the Queen of Thorns, and
your reward will be unmatched. Oppose her, and your Ending the Encounter
body will lie still beside the last of Cormyr’s princes.” This encounter ends when the PCs have decided how to
As the vision fades and your mind clears, you spend all seven hours between highsun and sunset.
realize that the sun is still high in the sky over Suzail. After running the chosen encounters, proceed to
Encounter 4.
It is about seven hours before sunset. Between their If the PCs are still engaged in an encounter when
research and Navish’s advice, they know that they can the seventh hour ends, Conquest teleports them into its
accomplish at least one of the longer tasks and may have presence in Encounter 4 and is disgruntled at their
time for others later. Tell the players how many hours having refused its invitation.
each encounter is expected to take. The more time an
encounter takes, the more powerful the associated Experience Points
resource is against the Queen of Thorns. The PCs The PCs do not earn any XP for this encounter, and it
obviously cannot complete all of these encounters in the does not count towards a milestone.
time allotted; they must choose what they think is most
important. The intent is for them to choose one Treasure
encounter from the first list, and if they have time The PCs do not find any treasure in this encounter.
remaining, a second encounter from the second list.
To be clear, the PCs can only choose encounters
that they have “discovered” via research in Encounter 1
or story awards in Encounter 2b. The list of longer
encounters is as follows:

• Ritual to break morale: Encounter 3a (key; 6

hours, unlocked in Encounter 1)
• Royal Wand of Wonder: Encounter 3d (key; 5
hours, unlocked in Encounter 1)
CORM2-3 Secret of the Queen of Thorns Page 15
Dungeoneering DC 21/22 (0 successes, special)
Encounter 3a: Shake, Rattle, The PC points out an unusual section of the cavern (in a
and Roll random location), unlocking the use of Acrobatics,
Athletics, or Thievery for one attempt by the party.
Encounter Level 14/15 (5600/6400 History DC 29/30 (0 successes, special)
XP) The PC remembers a detail about the construction of
the puzzle (in a random location), unlocking the use of
Setup Acrobatics, Athletics, or Thievery for one attempt by the
party. Also, the PCs learn that Arcana and Intimidate do
This encounter includes the following creatures and not require unlocking to use.
traps at both the low and high tier:
1 stentorian mammoth (level 15) (M) Perception DC 21/22 (0 successes, special)
1 purplespawn nightmare (level 15) (P) The PC points out a spot in the cavern (in a random
1 cave-in location) where the moss does not grow, unlocking the
use of Acrobatics or Athletics for one attempt by the
The PCs walk a route through the Underdark revealed party.
by their research in Encounter 1. The purplespawn
nightmare has been sent by Conquest to retrieve the Primary Skills
ritual book and is hiding 3 squares up the wall (DC 28 Each of these skills requires a standard action to
Perception to spot) in expectation of the party’s arrival. attempt. To attempt an Acrobatics, Athletics, or Thievery
check, the PC must be in a square identified by one of
After descending through the Underdark for almost six the Location Skills above. In any round in which the PCs
hours, you have finally come to your destination. fail to gain a success, they gain an automatic failure.
According to your research, the enormous cavern ahead
of you is an ancient puzzle designed to protect a ritual Acrobatics DC 20/22 (1 success, 3 maximum)
book of incredible power. A woolly mammoth, the The PC shimmies into a narrow crevice that leads to one
puzzle’s mystically sustained guardian, treads heavily of the puzzle’s triggers and activates it.
through the cavern, searching for intruders.
Arcana DC 20/22 (1 success, 3 maximum)
The skill challenge and combat begin simultaneously. The PC manipulates the arcane energies in the cavern
and activates a trigger for the puzzle.
Skill Challenge: Cavern Puzzle Athletics DC 20/22 (1 success, 3 maximum)
Goal: The PCs attempt to solve the puzzle before the The PC climbs up a stalagmite or the cavern wall to one
cavern’s collapse destroys the puzzle. of the puzzle’s triggers and activates it.
Complexity: 2 (6 successes before 3 failures)
Primary Skills: Acrobatics, Arcana, Athletics, Thievery Endurance DC 20/22 (0 successes, special)
Other Skills: Dungeoneering, Endurance, History, The PC holds up part of the cave-in or digs through
Perception some rubble. This does not create a success, but it
Victory: The PCs discover the ritual book. prevents the party from suffering an automatic failure
Defeat: The puzzle is buried and destroyed; the ritual for lack of progress during the round.
book cannot be located.
Thievery DC 20/22 (trained only; 1 success, 3
Location Skills maximum)
The PCs use these skills to locate a random square in the Cannot be attempted at a location identified by the use
cavern at which they can make a check to achieve a of Perception. The PC finds a particularly challenging
success. Each of the location skills requires a minor trigger for the puzzle and activates it.
action to attempt, and an unsuccessful check using one
of these skills does not count as a failure on the skill Features of the Area
challenge. Illumination: The ceiling, walls, and floor of the
cavern are covered in phosphorescent moss, providing
dim light throughout the encounter area.

CORM2-3 Secret of the Queen of Thorns Page 16

Ceiling: The cavern ceiling is 30 feet high position and attacks another PC in reach of its tail. If the
throughout the area. copied PC falls unconscious, the purplespawn
Large Skulls: These remains of former puzzle nightmare repeats this method on the nearest PC.
guardians are 3 feet high and provide cover to medium When reduced to 28 hit points, the purplespawn
or smaller creatures standing on the cavern floor. nightmare attempts to flee through the nearest entrance
Cave Slime: These blue patches on the floor of the to the cavern.
cavern are extremely slick. A creature that enters a
square of cave slime must succeed at a DC 20/22 Scaling the Encounter
Acrobatics check or fall prone.
Make the following adjustments to the combat based on
Loadstone: These rock formations (marked on the
the number of PCs present.
map by an L) dramatically increase the weight of objects
Four PCs: Reduce the complexity of the skill
in their square. They are difficult terrain; the stentorian
challenge by 1 (requiring only 4 successes).
mammoth’s earth walk ability makes it immune to this
Six PCs: Increase the complexity of the skill
aspect of the terrain. Ranged attacks that trace line of
challenge by 1 (requiring 8 successes).
sight through a square of loadstone take a -2 penalty to
the attack roll.
Thunder Shards: These crystals of solidified Ending the Encounter
thunder energy (marked on the map by a T) have grown If the PCs completed the skill challenge and defeated
in the floor of the cavern. They are difficult terrain; the the creatures, read or paraphrase the following:
stentorian mammoth’s earth walk ability makes it
immune to this aspect of the terrain. If a creature makes Having solved the puzzle and survived the attacks of
a melee attack against a target in a thunder shard both the puzzle’s massive guardian and Conquest’s
square, roll a d20; on a 10 or higher, both the attacker servant, you have retrieved the last remaining copy of a
and the target take 10 thunder damage and are pushed ritual that will diminish the morale of an opposing
1d4 squares from each other. army.
Random Locations: Both the cave-in hazard and
the skill challenge require the generation of random Also, the PCs discover a letter stored with the ritual
locations in the map. Each time, roll two d20s, one for book. Distribute Player Handout 2.
the horizontal coordinate and one for the vertical If the PCs failed to complete the skill challenge
coordinate. For the cave-in, it determines the center of (whether by gaining 3 failures or by fleeing the combat),
the burst; for the skill challenge, it determines the read or paraphrase the following:
revealed location of the next possible primary skill
check. Although you failed to retrieve the ritual, you can rest
assured that the cave-in has destroyed the puzzle and
Tactics that the Queen of Thorns will not be able to use the
The cavern begins to collapse immediately after the ritual against Cormyr in the coming war.
stentorian mammoth acts. The cave-in hazard rolls
PCs can use a teleportation ritual to return to Suzail, or
initiative at this time. Begin tracking rounds for the skill
they are teleported to Conquest after seven hours if they
challenge at the mammoth’s initiative count. If the curse
decide to try to walk back to the surface.
of the Harbinger of Destruction is in effect, the cave-in
hazard attack becomes a burst 2.
Experience Points
The stentorian mammoth moves toward the party
and uses deafening trample, attacking as many of the PCs The PCs earn 640/640 XP each for defeating the
(and perhaps the purplespawn nightmare) as possible. It enemies and 480/640 XP each for completing the skill
is sure footed and is not concerned with the terrain challenge.
features. The mammoth fights to the death.
The purplespawn nightmare drops off the wall Treasure
(reducing damage with an Acrobatics check) and moves If the PCs succeeded at the skill challenge, they discover
adjacent to the first PC within 8 squares, running if that the ritual book contains the legendary ritual (which
necessary; it then uses nightmare form on that PC. Each they cannot perform on their own).
round, it moves adjacent to that PC and attacks with tail; In addition, the PCs can bring back the tusks of the
if the copied PC is dazed, it moves to a better adjacent stentorian mammoth to Suzail and sell them for
600/2500 gp per PC.
CORM2-3 Secret of the Queen of Thorns Page 17
Encounter 3a: Shake, Rattle, and Roll Statistics (Both Tiers)
Stentorian Mammoth (level 15) Level 15 Brute Miss: Half damage.
Huge elemental beast (mount) XP 1200 Effect: The burst area becomes difficult terrain.
Initiative +5 Senses Perception +9 Sustain Standard: The cave-in attacks each round, targeting a
HP 182; Bloodied 91 different square.
AC 27; Fortitude 31, Reflex 22, Will 26 Countermeasure
Resist 10 thunder ✦ A character who makes a DC 31 Dungeoneering check as a minor
Speed 8 (earth walk) action can determine the square the trap will attack on its next
m Gore (standard; at-will) turn.
Reach 2; +20 vs. AC; 3d10 + 9 damage.
M Stamp (standard; at-will) ✦ Thunder
Purplespawn Nightmare (level 15) Level 15 Lurker
+18 vs. Fortitude; 2d8 + 9 damage plus 1d6 thunder damage, and Medium natural humanoid (reptile) XP 1200
the target is knocked prone. Initiative +16 Senses Perception +7; darkvision
M Deafening Trample (standard; recharges when the stentorian HP 116; Bloodied 58
mammoth is first bloodied or when it takes thunder damage) Regeneration 10 (if the purplespawn nightmare takes radiant
The stentorian mammoth moves 8 squares and can move damage, regeneration does not function until the end of its next
through enemy-occupied spaces, making one stamp attack against turn)
each of those enemies. AC 28; Fortitude 27, Reflex 28, Will 26; see also psychic edge
M Tusk Toss (standard; recharge 4-6) Resist 10 psychic
Reach 2; +18 vs. Fortitude; 2d10 + 4 damage, and the mammoth Speed 6, climb 6 (spider climb)
slides the target 5 squares. The target falls from a height of up to 30
m Longsword (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon
feet (6 squares) into the space where it ends the slide and takes
falling damage, if applicable. +20 vs. AC; 3d6 + 13 damage.
Resonant Charge (while mounted by a friendly rider of 17th level or M Tail (standard; at-will) ✦ Sleep
higher; at will) Reach 2; +20 vs. AC; 4d6 + 13 damage, and the target is dazed
When charging, the stentorian mammoth can use deafening (save ends). First Failed Saving Throw: The target is dazed and
trample or tusk toss instead of a melee basic attack. After the slowed (save ends both). Second Failed Saving Throw: The target
mammoth’s attack, its rider makes a melee basic attack as a free falls unconscious (save ends).
action. Nightmare Form (standard; at-will) ✦ Polymorph
Earthbound Footing
The purplespawn nightmare can alter its physical form to appear as
When an effect pulls, pushes, or slides the stentorian
an enemy of its choice. While the nightmare is adjacent to that
mammoth, the mammoth moves 2 squares less than the effect
enemy, roll 1d20 whenever a melee or ranged attack targets the
specifies. The mammoth can make a saving throw to avoid being
nightmare. On a roll of 10 or higher, the attack instead targets the
knocked prone.
copied enemy. The copied enemy’s attacks are not subject to this
Alignment Unaligned Language –
Str 30 (+17) Dex 10 (+7) Wis 18 (+11)
Con 22 (+13) Int 2 (+3) Cha 9 (+6) Nightmarish Torment ✦ Psychic
Note: Nyfellar mammoth – changed to fit an Underdark setting If the purplespawn nightmare’s melee attack hits an enemy it is
(energy types & terrain walk). Updated damage. copying with nightmare form or a sleeping target, that target takes
ongoing 10 psychic damage (save ends) in addition to the attack’s
other effects.
Cave-In Level 13 Lurker Psychic Edge
Hazard XP 800 A purplespawn nightmare gains a +4 bonus to all defenses against
A disruption of some sort sets off a chain reaction that doesn’t end attacks from enemies that are taking ongoing psychic damage.
until all the room is covered in rubble. Alignment Evil Languages Common, Deep Speech, Draconic
Hazard: When triggered, rocks and debris fall from above to fill the Skills Acrobatics +18, Bluff +18, Stealth +18, Thievery +18
area with attacks. It attacks a different part of the area each turn, Str 19 (+12) Dex 20 (+13) Wis 11 (+8)
on its initiative. Con 20 (+13) Int 13 (+9) Cha 20 (+13)
Perception Equipment longsword
✦ DC 31: The character sees that the ceiling appears unstable. If the curse of the Harbinger of Destruction is extant, the cave-in’s
Additional Skill: Dungeoneering attack is burst 2 instead of burst 1.
✦ DC 26: Same as for Perception, above.
Initiative +6
The trigger for a cave-in can be random, caused by the actions of
others, or timed. When triggered, the cave-in rolls initiative.
Between the rigger and the cave-in’s attack, characters in the area
know that a cave-in is beginning. On its turn, the cave-in attacks a
random square within the encounter area.
Standard Action Close burst 1
Targets: All creatures in burst
Attack: +16 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d12 + 8 damage

CORM2-3 Secret of the Queen of Thorns Page 18

Encounter 3a: Shake, Rattle, and Roll Map
Tile Sets Needed
Lost Caverns of the Underdark x2

CORM2-3 Secret of the Queen of Thorns Page 19

Selûne, both male humans. The PCs can gain a
Encounter 3b: No Card maximum of 1 success in this scene; the scene takes one
Athletics DC 21/22 (1 success, 1 maximum)
Skill Challenge Level 14/16, Group check. The PCs climb to a hard-to-see spot and
wait for the patrolling guards to pass them by. If at least
Complexity 2 (2000/2800 XP) half of the PCs succeed, they earn a success and proceed
to Scene 2; if not, they are spotted in the attempt and
Setup suffer a -2 penalty to further checks in this scene.
The PCs intend to enter the sealed archives of
Vangerdahast, the Mage Royal of Cormyr until just Bluff, Diplomacy or Intimidate DC 21/22 (1 success,
before the Spellplague, in order to seek the scattered 1 maximum)
pieces of a ritual to create a large zone of earthbinding. The PC manages to convince the guards that they have
Vangerdahast’s libraries have been sealed to prevent the been granted access to Vangerdahast’s libraries.
release of unpredictable forces following the
Spellplague’s upheaval of magic in the Realms. Stealth DC 21/22 (1 success, 1 maximum)
Group check. If at least half of the PCs succeed on this
At the east end of the Royal Court buildings, you locate check, they sneak past the guards to gain access to the
the Mage Royal’s tower. Your research tells you that to tower; if not, they arouse suspicions and suffer a -2
access Vangerdahast’s notes on the earthbinding ritual, penalty to further checks in this scene.
you need to locate and bypass the arcane seals on his
libraries. You’ll recognize the doors by his arcane sigil: Stealth DC 29/31 (1 success, 1 maximum)
three upright triangles floating in a blue flame, all The PC sneaks past the guards and temporarily
alight in the palm of an open human hand. incapacitates them. This grants the whole party access to
the tower, but gives them a -2 penalty to skill checks in
Before the PCs begin the skill challenge, they may want Scene 3 as Conquest’s agent can interfere without fear
to purchase a scroll of the Knock ritual. Suggest this to of being caught by the guards from behind.
any PC with the Ritual Caster feat who is trained in
Arcana. They can easily find one in Suzail for the market Holy Speech (special)
price of 175 gp. If a PC uses the benefit of this feat in this scene, it is an
exception to the maximum of 1 success for this scene.
The guards not only grant them access to the tower, but
Skill Challenge: Break and Enter also point out some details of the archive’s defenses,
Goal: The PCs attempt to gain access to the sealed reducing the number of successes required in Scene 2
libraries, locate the legendary Mage Royal’s notes on the by 1.
ritual, and assemble them into a complete whole.
Complexity: 2 (6 successes before 3 failures) Permission (special)
Primary Skills: Acrobatics, Arcana, Athletics, Bluff, The PCs can seek out Krimnos, Lord Erzoured’s vizier,
Diplomacy, History, Perception, Religion, Stealth, to gain permission to enter Vangerdahast’s libraries.
Thievery This earns them 3 automatic successes for the skill
Other Skills: Nature challenge and bypasses Scene 2, but the PCs suffer a -4
Victory: The PCs gain access to the sealed archives and penalty to all skill checks in Scene 3 as Conquest’s agent
assemble all the pieces of the ritual, making it available knows exactly what the party is doing and how to
to the crown in the coming conflict. complicate their efforts.
Defeat: The PCs are thwarted in their attempts and are
not able to recover the ritual before Conquest’s agents Scene 2: Get a Foot in the Door
make it impossible. The PCs must activate two hidden switches to unseal the
door. When the door is touched, beams of arcane
Scene 1: Citizens on Patrol energy rain down on the party and a repulsor field
The PCs must bypass the guards who patrol this section pushes them away; while the defenses are active, the
of the Mage Royal’s tower. Currently on patrol are Tarl switches are highlighted by arcane light. Any PC may
Silverflow, a monk, and Arterich Stonehew, a paladin of choose not to participate in this scene (hiding down the

CORM2-3 Secret of the Queen of Thorns Page 20

hall) in order to not risk losing healing surges. The PCs PC gains a +5 bonus to the check as per the Knock
can gain a maximum of 2 successes in this scene; the ritual’s description.
scene takes no time.
Scene 3: Jigsaw
Arcana DC 21/22 (trained only; 1 success, 2 The PCs must scour the vast quantity of tomes in the
maximum) archives to find the pieces of the ritual. Conquest’s agent
The PC manipulates the arcane seal to partially release is interfering with their search through magical means,
the lock and dissipate the defenses. A failed check but because the archives are covered in a permanent
requires a group Acrobatics check. Forbiddance ritual, scrying on the PCs is impossible.
Proceed to Scene 4a unless the PCs use a Religion check
Acrobatics DC 21/22 (group; 1 success, 2 maximum) to finish this scene, in which case proceed to Scene 4b.
Requires a failed Arcana or Thievery check to unlock. The PCs can gain a maximum of 2 successes in this
The PC acts quickly to dodge around the arcane scene; the scene takes one hour.
defenses of the seal and trigger a failsafe switch revealed
when the defenses activate. If at least one PC’s Arcana DC 21/22 (1 success, 2 maximum)
Acrobatics check succeeds, the Arcana or Thievery The PC works through the arcanists’ notes, thinking like
check does not count as a failure toward the skill they did, to find a piece of the ritual.
challenge and the PCs earn a success. A failed
Acrobatics check does not count as a failure toward the History DC 21/22 (1 success, 2 maximum)
skill challenge, but each PC who fails this check loses a The PC discovers a description of the actions involved
healing surge as the arcane rays strike the intruder. during previous uses of the ritual; the PCs discern part
of the ritual’s components and actions.
Endurance DC 21/22 (1 success, 2 maximum)
The PC approaches the door, undaunted by the arcane Perception DC 21/22 (0 successes, special)
defenses, and pushes through the repulsor field to Not available if the PCs delayed the ward’s activation in
activate one of the switches. All PCs participating in this Scene 2. On guard against meddlers, the PC hears
scene lose one healing surge. muttering at the door of the archive and investigates,
disrupting Conquest’s agent’s attempts to interfere. The
Perception DC 21/22 (0 successes, special) PCs gain a +2 bonus to skill checks in this scene.
The PC spots one of the switches and points it out.
Unlocks the use of Thievery for one success. Religion DC 29/31 (2 successes, 2 maximum)
The PC recalls a cipher used by devotees of Mystra and
Thievery DC 21/22 (1 success, 2 maximum) discovers in some religious tracts the location of a
Requires a successful Perception check. The PC complete copy of the ritual in the archives. Unlocks
manipulates the switch using deft hands and delicate Scene 4b.
tools. A failed check requires a group Acrobatics check
(see above). Scene 4a: Putting It All Together
After the PCs have gained enough pieces of the ritual,
Thievery DC 29/31 (2 successes, 2 maximum) they must work to assemble a complete copy of the
The PC treats the arcane ward like a trap, either ritual. The PCs can gain a maximum of 1 success in this
disabling it entirely or delaying it for long enough to scene; the scene takes no time.
enter the archives. If the PC delays the trap, they must
repeat the check after Scene 3 or all PCs lose 1 healing Arcana DC 29/31 (trained only; 1 success, 1
surge as the ward triggers on the way out, but they also maximum)
gain a +2 bonus to all checks in Scene 3 since All PCs may assist, trained or untrained. The PC
Conquest’s agent is deterred from interfering by the examines the discovered pieces and uses their mastery
ward. If the PC does not succeed on this check, treat it of arcane knowledge to fill in the gaps.
as a single failure, requiring a group Acrobatics check
(see above). Pay a Sage (1 success, 1 maximum)
The PCs seem baffled by the pieces of the ritual, so they
Knock (1 or 2 successes, 2 maximum) decide to pay an expert in the field to put it together.
The PCs perform the Knock ritual to open the seals, Blayne Coppervine is a gnomish sage near the Mage
allowing two Arcana checks, each DC 21/22. The lead Royal’s tower who is known for her expertise in law,
CORM2-3 Secret of the Queen of Thorns Page 21
religion, and the arcane. Her services can be purchased Ending the Encounter
for a total fee equal to 200 gp per PC.
Conquest’s agent uses magic to attempt to elude the
Scene 4b: The Hidden Cache PCs. If they manage to track her down, she is aware of
what she’s done, but has no idea who the PCs are or
The PCs have used their master knowledge of religion in
what gave her the idea to thwart their efforts.
Scene 3 and discovered a hidden copy of the complete
If the PCs manage to obtain a complete copy of the
ritual; now they must access it. The PCs may gain a
ritual and avoid Conquest’s agent attempts to destroy it,
maximum of 1 success in this scene; the scene takes no
make sure to include the earthbinding ritual in story
award CORM19 Standing Together.
The PCs may decide to abandon this path before
Thievery DC 21/22 (1 success, 1 maximum)
completing the skill challenge, or they may fail the skill
The PC works the complicated mechanisms hidden in
challenge; if so, only count the time used in the scenes
the archive to open the secret compartment in which
they reached against the seven hours available in
the ritual is hidden.
Encounter 3.

Mage Hand or similar (1 success, 1 maximum) Experience Points

The PC reaches far above the party to bring down the
The PCs gain 400/560 XP each for completing the skill
completed copy of the ritual.
Scene 5: A Spark of Interference
Conquest’s agent, unable to prevent the PCs’ acquisition
PCs do not gain any treasure in this encounter.
of the earthbinding ritual, would rather destroy it than
allow it to be used against the Queen of Thorns. Tailing
the PCs, the agent attempts to destroy the ritual by
setting it aflame with a minor spell. If the curse of the
Harbinger of Destruction is extant, increase the DC of
the Nature and Arcana checks in this scene by 5. The
PCs cannot gain a success in this scene; the scene takes
no time.
Note that if the ritual is hidden in an extra-
dimensional space (such as a bag of holding) the agent
cannot destroy the ritual and the PCs automatically
succeed at this scene.

Acrobatics DC 21/22 (0 successes, special)

The PC is able to act quickly to put out the fire before it
consumes the ritual and without destroying the pages
and ink with which it was recorded. The PCs can gain
failures for the skill challenge with this skill.

Arcana DC 21/22 (trained only; 0 successes, special)

The PC is able to speak a few arcane words to
counteract the agent’s spell as it is being cast, protecting
the ritual from any damage. The PCs can gain failures
for the skill challenge with this skill.

Passive Perception DC 21/22 (0 successes, special)

The PC is able to detect the agent’s spellcasting before
the spell is completed. Unlocks the use of Arcana above
for any PC to attempt.

CORM2-3 Secret of the Queen of Thorns Page 22

Encounter 3c: A Rose Among Diplomacy DC 20/22 (1 success, 2 maximum)
Thorns The PC speaks with Roger, the gardener and keeper of
the shrubbery, to discover that he can point them in the
direction of an oddly ageless and slow-growing
Skill Challenge Level 13/15, rosebush. Roger accompanies the PCs upon achieving a
Complexity 1 (800/1200 XP) second success.

Setup History DC 20/22 (1 success, 2 maximum)

The PC calls to mind a map of the royal gardens,
The PCs are seeking out an artifact that has been under
narrowing down the possible locations of the Dragon
the Obarskyr’s noses for centuries, a rosebush which
secures the bearer’s loyalty to the Cormyrian royal
Insight DC 20/22 (0 successes, special, passive)
The PC realizes that Roger is not a strong-willed fellow
Heading into the vast Floral Gardens outside the Royal
and easily submits to Intimidate, but Diplomacy garners
Palace, you wonder how you’ll ever find the Dragon
far superior aid.
Rose amongst the countless shrubs maintained here in
Suzail. Perhaps the gardener could help you to find this
Intimidate DC 14/15 (1 success, 1 maximum)
magical shrubbery.
Removes the option of using Diplomacy. The PC can
easily frighten Roger into pointing the party in the right
If the curse of the Harbinger of Pestilence is extant, the
direction, but he is too shaky to be specific or to
PCs, upon completing the skill challenge, discover that
accompany them.
the Dragon Rose is covered in a swarm of aphids and
beetles. The Dragon Rose is in danger and must receive
Streetwise DC 29/31 (1 success, 2 maximum)
immediate attention from the royal gardeners. In this
The PC seeks the word on the street about a rare
case, do not include the Dragon Rose in story award
rosebush in the Royal Gardens, but it’s an uncommon
CORM19 Standing Together unless the PCs display
citizen who has frequented there often enough to
mastery of the natural world (see Scene 2, DC 29/30
Nature check).
Scene 2: A Sticky Situation
Skill Challenge: A Shrubbery! Having located the Dragon Rose, the PCs must gain
Goal: The PCs are attempting to locate a magical access to obtain a bloom; the bush is surrounded by a
rosebush, the Dragon Rose, in the Royal Gardens. labyrinthine hedge of thorny roses. The PCs can gain a
Complexity: 1 (4 successes before 3 failures) maximum of 2 successes in this scene; the scene takes
Primary Skills: Acrobatics, Arcana, Athletics, no time.
Diplomacy, Endurance, History, Intimidate, Streetwise
Other Skills: Insight, Nature Acrobatics DC 20/22 (1 success, 2 maximum)
Victory: The PCs have located the Dragon Rose in The PC makes a narrow ramp over a portion of the
question. hedge with a wooden beam, walking and balancing
Defeat: The PCs have not been able to track down closer to the center of the maze.
enough information to distinguish the Dragon Rose
from ordinary floral shrubs. Athletics DC 20/22 (1 success, 2 maximum)
The PC leaps safely over a section of the maze.
Scene 1: X Marks the Spot
The PCs must locate the Dragon Rose. The PCs can gain Endurance DC 20/22 (1 success, 2 maximum)
a maximum of 2 successes in this scene; the scene takes The PC simply pushes through the maze hedge,
one hour. withstanding the pokes and scratches of the thorns. A
failed check causes the PC to lose a healing surge
Arcana DC 20/22 (trained only; 1 success, 2 (barring a successful Heal check).
The PC detects the source of a powerful magic, despite
the vast area covered by the Floral Gardens.
CORM2-3 Secret of the Queen of Thorns Page 23
Nature DC 20/22 (0 successes, special)
The PC deduces that the Dragon Rose blooms
incredibly slowly. Taking roses now means there will
likely be a shortage of blossoms when the Queen of
Thorns arises.

Nature DC 29/31 (0 successes, special)

In the case that the curse of Pestilence is in effect, the
PC realizes the danger to the Dragon Rose and can
inform Roger and others about how to care for the bush
to ensure its survival. Despite the lack of blooms now,
the gardener is able to remove the pests and encourage
some blooms in the coming weeks before the Queen of
Thorns arrives; include the Dragon Rose in story award
CORM19 Standing Together.

Intelligence check DC 14/15 (2 successes, 2

The PC simply walks the labyrinth and arrives at the
center to find the Dragon Rose.

Flight, Phasing, etc. (2 success, 2 maximum)

The PC flies over the hedge or passes through it to reach
the center of the maze and find the Dragon Rose.

Ending the Encounter

If the Dragon Rose is not affected by the curse of
Pestilence, the PCs have two choices for how to use its
• The PCs may take roses from the bush to give to
NPCs or to wear. Any PC or NPC who possesses a
Dragon Rose bloom is immune to Conquest’s
influence and resistant to any domination powers
used in Encounter 4. In this case, do not include
the Dragon Rose in story award CORM19
Standing Together. There are a total of three
blooms available for the PCs’ use.
• The PCs may allow the bush to continue
blooming, making sure there are blossoms
available to aid in the final fight against the
Queen of Thorns. (In other words, the PCs get no
benefit in this adventure, but can expect a larger
benefit in the next adventure.)

Experience Points
The PCs gain 160/240 XP each for completing the skill

The PCs do not gain any treasure in this encounter.

CORM2-3 Secret of the Queen of Thorns Page 24

Encounter 3d: Contagion Features of the Area
Loose Gravel: Squares on the map with small
Contained stones are difficult terrain.
Choke Frost: Squares on the map that contain
Encounter Level 15/16 (5200/6000 “water” are filled with clouds of choke frost. This light,
XP) white mist congeals into thick ice as creatures or other
sources of heat move through it. Each time a creature
enters a square of choke frost, it takes a -1 cumulative
Setup penalty to speed (minimum speed 1). As a move action,
This encounter includes the following creatures at the a creature can negate the entire penalty. Creatures that
low tier: have the cold keyword are immune to this effect.
1 white slaad (W) Jade Flame: The square with a green splotch
2 chaos phage swarms (level 13) (S) contains a tongue of jade flame. A creature that enters a
1 gray slaad havoc (level 13) (G) square of jade flame or starts its turn adjacent to such a
square takes ongoing 10 radiant damage (save ends).
This encounter includes the following creatures at the However, until the creature saves against the ongoing
high tier: damage, it has resist fire 20.
1 white slaad (W) Lava Crevasse: The opening in the cavern floor
2 chaos phage swarms (level 14) (S) reveals a river of elemental fire that is covered in a
1 gray slaad havoc (G) translucent floor of magical force. The royal wand of
wonder is floating beneath a small opening in the center
The royal wand of wonder was locked away in a sealed of this magical floor, protected and anchored by an
chamber in the Elemental Chaos after the Spellplague arcane bubble and a cloud of coins and gems (see
for fear of an item of chaos being used after the old Treasure). Anyone on the edge of the crevasse can reach
magics ceased functioning properly. A permanent portal into the fire river to retrieve the wand but suffers 30 fire
was created between the chamber and the Citadel of the damage in the process.
Purple Dragon and keyed to recipients of a particular
ritual. Captured slaad were sealed in the chamber to Tactics
deter idle investigation. The current keeper of the ritual
is a bard named Cane Teller who gladly performs the If the curse of the Harbinger of Entropy is in effect,
ritual in the service of the crown. increase the teleport distance by 2 squares of any
teleport in this encounter.
Behind the walls of the Citadel of the Purple Dragon lies Except for the gray slaad havoc closest to the PCs,
the other creatures remain at their starting positions and
a portal that leads to a chamber in the Elemental Chaos.
ready actions until they are triggered by the PCs’
In this chamber lies a wand of wonder guarded by
proximity. The slaads work to provide each other
denizens of that plane. Cane Teller, a lorekeeper of the
advantages in combat when possible although the
Purple Dragons, invites you into a circle of mystic sigils.
individual’s survival is its first priority.
He suggests you get comfortable for the duration of the
The gray slaad havocs attack with havoc bolt,
five-hour ritual that allows you to pass through the
teleporting and using reality shift to keep them selves out
of melee range.
The chaos phage swarms ready swarm swell to use
Once the ritual is concluded, the PCs may enter the
against the first enemy to come within range, and then
chamber and begin the combat. An agent of Conquest
attack relentlessly with a thousand tiny bites without
has been researching the portal and the access ritual in
regard for their own safety.
order to meddle with the PCs’ progress. Each time a PC
The white slaad readies temporal split to use when
attempts to exit the map (by entering the square marked
any enemy is adjacent to it. It uses five of its temporal
with a white X) before the slaad are defeated, roll a d6;
replicas to surround the triggering PC, sending one
on a roll of 6, the portal is open and remains so for one
replica away from melee to lead the PCs further into the
round. Otherwise, the portal is closed for that round.
cavern. When the last temporal replica is destroyed, it
appears adjacent to a ranged attacker if possible,
attacking with probability claw then spending its action
point to use temporal split. It uses temporal split one final

CORM2-3 Secret of the Queen of Thorns Page 25

time during its first turn after becoming bloodied. The
white slaad teleports into a flank whenever it does not
have combat advantage against a target and can gain it
by doing so.

Scaling the Encounter

Make the following adjustments to the combat based on
the number of PCs present.
Four PCs: Remove one chaos phage swarm.
Six PCs: Add another gray slaad havoc.

Ending the Encounter

It is possible for the PCs to obtain the royal wand of
wonder and flee the combat before defeating the slaads.
If they choose this avenue, award experience as though
they had defeated the creatures; the PCs have
accomplished their goal of retrieving the artifact.
If the curse of the Harbinger of Madness is in effect,
treat the initial stage of chaos phage as identical to the
first worse stage. The PC still can be cured with one
Endurance check and needs two failed Endurance
checks to reach the final state, but any PC who contracts
chaos phage takes the Will penalty immediately and
succumbs to madness while bloodied.

Experience Points
The PCs earn 1040/1200 XP each for defeating the
creatures in this encounter.

The royal wand of wonder draws to it all the scattered
wealth of those who previously attempted to retrieve the
wand; these coins and gems follow the PC while in the
Elemental Chaos in an odd sort of parade. The portal
dumps these riches, totaling 600/2500 gp per PC at the
PC’s feet when they return to the Citadel of the Purple

CORM2-3 Secret of the Queen of Thorns Page 26

Encounter 3d: Contagion Contained (Low Level)
White Slaad Level 16 Elite Lurker Chaos Phage Swarm (level 13) Level 13 Brute
Medium elemental humanoid XP 2800 Medium elemental beast (swarm) XP 800
Initiative +16 Senses Perception +14; low-light vision Initiative +10 Senses Perception +9; blindsight 10
HP 248; Bloodied 124 Swarm Attack (Disease) aura 1; each enemy that starts its turn
AC 29; Fortitude 29, Reflex 27, Will 26 within the aura takes 7 damage and is exposed to chaos phage.
Immune chaos phage HP 161; Bloodied 80; see also death burst
Saving Throws +2 AC 25; Fortitude 27, Reflex 25, Will 24
Speed 6, teleport 4 Immune chaos phage; Resist half damage from melee and ranged
Action Points 1 attacks; Vulnerable 10 against close and area attacks
m Probability Claw (standard; at-will) ✦ Disease Speed fly 6 (hover)
+21 vs. AC; 3d6 + 13 damage, and the target is dazed until the end m A Thousand Tiny Bites (standard; at-will) ✦ Disease
of the white slaad’s next turn and is exposed to the chaos phage. +14 vs. Fortitude; 2d10 + 5 damage, and the target is exposed to
Temporal Split (standard; recharges when first bloodied or when the chaos phage.
white slaad spends an action point) M Swarm Swell (standard; recharge 5-6) ✦ Disease
The white slaad splinters into six white slaad temporal replicas, Reach 2; +14 vs. Fortitude; 2d10 + 5 damage, ongoing 10 damage
each appearing in an unoccupied space within 5 squares of the (save ends), and the target is exposed to chaos phage.
white slaad’s previous space. The white slaad disappears, and it
cannot attack or be attacked until it reappears. The temporal
C Death Burst (when reduced to 0 hit points) ✦ Disease
replicas thereafter act on the white slaad’s initiative count. When The chaos phage swarm explodes in a burst of diseased matter:
the last temporal replica has been reduced to 0 hit points, the white Close burst 2; +14 vs. Reflex; ongoing 10 damage (save ends), and
slaad reappears within 5 squares of the space occupied by that the target is exposed to chaos phage.
replica and can act normally on its next initiative count. See also Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages –
advantage of time. Str 20 (+11) Dex 18 (+10) Wis 16 (+9)
Advantage of Time Con 21 (+11) Int 1 (+1) Cha 3 (+2)
Whenever a white slaad reappears after its temporal replicas have
been reduced to 0 hit points, all enemies it can see grant it combat Gray Slaad Havoc (level 13) Level 13 Artillery (Leader)
advantage until the end of its next turn. Medium elemental humanoid XP 800
Combat Advantage Initiative +9 Senses Perception +10; low-light vision
A white slaad deals 2d6 extra damage against any creature granting HP 104; Bloodied 52
combat advantage to it. In addition, that creature is dazed (save AC 25; Fortitude 25, Reflex 26, Will 24
ends) instead of dazed until the end of the white slaad’s next turn. Immune chaos phage
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Common, Primordial Speed 6, teleport 6
Skills Athletics +18, Stealth +17 m Havoc Claw (standard; at-will) ✦ Disease
Str 20 (+13) Dex 19 (+12) Wis 13 (+9)
+20 vs. AC; 2d8 + 5 damage, the gray slaad havoc slides the target
Con 22 (+14) Int 7 (+6) Cha 14 (+10)
2 squares, and the target is exposed to the chaos phage.
R Havoc Bolt (standard; at-will)
White Slaad Temporal Replica Level 16 Minion Ranged 20; +18 vs. Reflex; 3d6 + 11 damage, and the gray slaad
Medium elemental humanoid XP 0 havoc slides the target 3 squares. If the attack scores a critical hit,
Initiative +16 Senses Perception +14; low-light vision the gray slaad havoc can repeat it once as a free action.
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. C Fog of Chaos (immediate interrupt, when hit by a ranged attack;
AC 29; Fortitude 29, Reflex 27, Will 26 Recharge 4-6)
Speed 6, teleport 4 Close burst 20; targets the triggering attacker; +18 vs. Will; the
m Probability Claw (standard; at-will) triggering attack instead targets one of the target’s allies of its
+21 vs. AC; 8 damage, and the target is dazed until the beginning of choice.
the white slaad temporal replica’s next turn.
C Reality Shift (move; at-will) ✦ Teleportation
Combat Advantage
Close burst 10; targets one creature in burst; +18 vs. Will (no attack
A white slaad temporal replica deals 2 extra damage against any
roll required against an ally); the gray slaad havoc teleports the
creature granting combat advantage to it.
target to any space within the burst.
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Common, Primordial
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Common, Primordial
Str 20 (+13) Dex 19 (+12) Wis 13 (+9)
Skills Athletics +13, Stealth +14
Con 22 (+14) Int 7 (+6) Cha 14 (+10)
Str 14 (+8) Dex 17 (+9) Wis 19 (+10)
Con 20 (+11) Int 23 (+12) Cha 16 (+9)

Chaos Phage Level 16 Disease Endurance improve DC 25, maintain DC 20, worsen DC 19
The target < Initial Effect: A slaad < > The target takes a -2 penalty to Will. > Final State: The target
is cured. embryo is implanted in While bloodied, the target succumbs dies, and a slaad tadpole
the target. to madness and attacks the nearest burrows out of its skull.

CORM2-3 Secret of the Queen of Thorns Page 27

Encounter 3d: Contagion Contained (High Level)
White Slaad Level 16 Elite Lurker Chaos Phage Swarm (level 14) Level 14 Brute
Medium elemental humanoid XP 2800 Medium elemental beast (swarm) XP 1000
Initiative +16 Senses Perception +14; low-light vision Initiative +11 Senses Perception +10; blindsight 10
HP 248; Bloodied 124 Swarm Attack (Disease) aura 1; each enemy that starts its turn
AC 29; Fortitude 29, Reflex 27, Will 26 within the aura takes 8 damage and is exposed to chaos phage.
Immune chaos phage HP 161; Bloodied 85; see also death burst
Saving Throws +2 AC 26; Fortitude 28, Reflex 26, Will 25
Speed 6, teleport 4 Immune chaos phage; Resist half damage from melee and ranged
Action Points 1 attacks; Vulnerable 10 against close and area attacks
m Probability Claw (standard; at-will) ✦ Disease Speed fly 6 (hover)
+21 vs. AC; 3d6 + 13 damage, and the target is dazed until the end m A Thousand Tiny Bites (standard; at-will) ✦ Disease
of the white slaad’s next turn and is exposed to the chaos phage. +15 vs. Fortitude; 2d10 + 6 damage, and the target is exposed to
Temporal Split (standard; recharges when first bloodied or when the chaos phage.
white slaad spends an action point) M Swarm Swell (standard; recharge 5-6) ✦ Disease
The white slaad splinters into six white slaad temporal replicas, Reach 2; +15 vs. Fortitude; 2d10 + 6 damage, ongoing 10 damage
each appearing in an unoccupied space within 5 squares of the (save ends), and the target is exposed to chaos phage.
white slaad’s previous space. The white slaad disappears, and it
cannot attack or be attacked until it reappears. The temporal
C Death Burst (when reduced to 0 hit points) ✦ Disease
replicas thereafter act on the white slaad’s initiative count. When The chaos phage swarm explodes in a burst of diseased matter:
the last temporal replica has been reduced to 0 hit points, the white Close burst 2; +15 vs. Reflex; ongoing 10 damage (save ends), and
slaad reappears within 5 squares of the space occupied by that the target is exposed to chaos phage.
replica and can act normally on its next initiative count. See also Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages –
advantage of time. Str 20 (+12) Dex 18 (+11) Wis 16 (+10)
Advantage of Time Con 21 (+12) Int 1 (+2) Cha 3 (+3)
Whenever a white slaad reappears after its temporal replicas have
been reduced to 0 hit points, all enemies it can see grant it combat Gray Slaad Havoc Level 15 Artillery (Leader)
advantage until the end of its next turn. Medium elemental humanoid XP 1200
Combat Advantage Initiative +10 Senses Perception +11; low-light vision
A white slaad deals 2d6 extra damage against any creature granting HP 116; Bloodied 58
combat advantage to it. In addition, that creature is dazed (save AC 27; Fortitude 27, Reflex 28, Will 26
ends) instead of dazed until the end of the white slaad’s next turn. Immune chaos phage
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Common, Primordial Speed 6, teleport 6
Skills Athletics +18, Stealth +17 m Havoc Claw (standard; at-will) ✦ Disease
Str 20 (+13) Dex 19 (+12) Wis 13 (+9)
+22 vs. AC; 2d8 + 6 damage, the gray slaad havoc slides the target
Con 22 (+14) Int 7 (+6) Cha 14 (+10)
2 squares, and the target is exposed to the chaos phage.
R Havoc Bolt (standard; at-will)
White Slaad Temporal Replica Level 16 Minion Ranged 20; +20 vs. Reflex; 3d6 + 13 damage, and the gray slaad
Medium elemental humanoid XP 0 havoc slides the target 3 squares. If the attack scores a critical hit,
Initiative +16 Senses Perception +14; low-light vision the gray slaad havoc can repeat it once as a free action.
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. C Fog of Chaos (immediate interrupt, when hit by a ranged attack;
AC 29; Fortitude 29, Reflex 27, Will 26 Recharge 4-6)
Speed 6, teleport 4 Close burst 20; targets the triggering attacker; +20 vs. Will; the
m Probability Claw (standard; at-will) triggering attack instead targets one of the target’s allies of its
+21 vs. AC; 8 damage, and the target is dazed until the beginning of choice.
the white slaad temporal replica’s next turn.
C Reality Shift (move; at-will) ✦ Teleportation
Combat Advantage
Close burst 10; targets one creature in burst; +20 vs. Will (no attack
A white slaad temporal replica deals 2 extra damage against any
roll required against an ally); the gray slaad havoc teleports the
creature granting combat advantage to it.
target to any space within the burst.
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Common, Primordial
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Common, Primordial
Str 20 (+13) Dex 19 (+12) Wis 13 (+9)
Skills Athletics +14, Stealth +15
Con 22 (+14) Int 7 (+6) Cha 14 (+10)
Str 14 (+9) Dex 17 (+10) Wis 19 (+11)
Con 20 (+12) Int 23 (+13) Cha 16 (+10)

Chaos Phage Level 16 Disease Endurance improve DC 25, maintain DC 20, worsen DC 19
The target < Initial Effect: A slaad < > The target takes a -2 penalty to Will. > Final State: The target
is cured. embryo is implanted in While bloodied, the target succumbs dies, and a slaad tadpole
the target. to madness and attacks the nearest burrows out of its skull.

CORM2-3 Secret of the Queen of Thorns Page 28

Encounter 3d: Contagion Contained
Tile Sets Needed
Lost Caverns of the Underdark x1

High- and Low-level: Red

4 PCs: Remove either chaos phage swarm (S)
6 PCs: Red and White

G = Gray Slaad Havoc

W = White Slaad
S = Chaos Phage Swarm

CORM2-3 Secret of the Queen of Thorns Page 29

group who hunt the plaguechanged intended to pick
Encounter 3e: Blue Blood each of the Talisses off, one by one.

Encounter Level 16/17 (7200/8400 When you arrive, you find three copies of the wizard
XP) you seek. A young Taliss with a youthful look and a
deathly pallor to his skin; a middle-aged Taliss with
slightly feral features; and an elderly Taliss who is
Setup addressing the other two.
This encounter includes the following creatures at the “The man had an honest face and an undeniable
low tier: truth to his words: they planned to hunt us down, one
1 Taliss the Dandy, lich (L) by one. They hate us because we are plaguechanged,
1 couatl star serpent (S) but the surprise is on them: we are thrice the man
1 Taliss, archmage (A) each of them is. But it is unsafe to stay apart; we do
not know how long the gift should last and what will
This encounter includes the following creatures at the happen if we are apart when time runs out. Become
high tier: one with me, at least until this threat has passed.
1 Taliss the Dandy, lich (level 15) (L) Together we are stronger and can defeat these bigoted
1 couatl star serpent (level 16) (S) fools.”
1 Taliss, archmage (level 17) (A) The middle-aged Taliss seems about to retort
against their reunification when the young one cocks
Taliss Muirwood is a plaguechanged wizard with a
his head at an unnatural angle looks straight at you,
split personality: Taliss the Dandy is his youth, Taliss
and hisses: “They have come for us.”
the War Wizard is his time in service to Cormyr, and
Taliss the Archmage is his current self. In CORM1-4,
The Talisses are surprised when their argument is
Taliss was escorted to one of three sites to help deal
interrupted and immediately attack the intruders,
with his plaguechanged status and split personality.
assuming that the PCs intend to kill them. The War
He was dissatisfied with having to choose, so he
Wizards transmutes himself into a couatl star serpent
discovered a plaguechanged ability to copy his body,
before combat begins.
one for each personality, in order to pursue all three
Features of the Area
Teleporting to Marsember is just the first step in your Assorted Difficult Terrain: The marshy ground
journey to find Taliss Muirwood. Navish suggested next to the willow tree, the gravel by the PC Start
you start at the standing stones where Taliss was once Area, and the fallen tree trunk are all difficult terrain.
headed, so it’s probably best to get started on the long Boulders, Fallen Pillar, & Unfinished Obelisk:
walk up the Starwater and into the Hermit’s Woods. These large stones are blocking terrain (5 feet high),
but can be climbed by using 2 squares of movement.
The PCs may have faster means of traveling than Grass Mound: The Archmage begins combat on
walking, but they must travel for seven hours. The top of a 15 feet high mound. Any creature standing on
“standing” stones migrate magically to protect their the mound can see over the standing stones to the PC
powers. Even PCs who have been there before must start area clearly, but creatures in the stone circle have
search for them. superior cover from anyone on the mound (and vice
When they arrive at the standing stones, they versa). It costs 3 squares of movement to move onto or
discover three versions of Taliss. The Dandy has off the mound.
become a lich to prevent his elders from pulling his Pond: The pond is challenging terrain, requiring
personality back into their minds, and the War a DC 22/23 Athletics check to slog through the silt on
Wizard has pursued transmutation as a way to escape the bottom. A failed check means the character must
the depressing confines of this world and become an immediately stop moving.
immortal in the Astral Sea. The Archmage is trying to Standing Stones: The dark gray squares in the
convince the others that they belong together and this stone circle are blocking terrain. The light gray
temporary separation of selves is an unsafe solution in sections of the circle are horizontal stone beams; a
the long term. They have come together because an Medium or small creature can pass under these
agent of Conquest told the Archmage that a powerful unhindered, but larger creatures must squeeze to pass

CORM2-3 Secret of the Queen of Thorns Page 30

through. Creatures can also stand on these light gray Scaling the Encounter
squares if they climb the blocking terrain (DC 25
Make the following adjustments to the combat based
Athletics) or find some other way to the top of the 10
on the number of PCs present.
feet high structures.
Four PCs: Reduce the level of all the enemies by
Trees: All trees on the map except the willow
one. (Subtract 1 from each defense, remove 16 hit
next to the pond are difficult terrain that grants total
points from each, and subtract 1 from each bonus to
concealment to anyone standing in their square.
attack rolls).
Willow Tree: The willow tree next to the pond
Six PCs: Increase the level of all the enemies by
grants concealment to characters in its square. The
one. (Add 1 to each defense, add 16 hit points to each,
trunk at the center of the tree is blocking terrain.
and add 1 to each bonus to attack rolls).

Ending the Encounter
Normally, all three Talisses choose to knock PCs
If the PCs accept Taliss’s surrender or knock at least
unconscious if they reduce them to 0 hit points or
one of the enemies unconscious, Taliss listens to the
fewer; PCs do not need to make death saving throws
PCs request of service to the crown. As a former War
during this fight. However, if the curse of the
Wizard and in gratitude for the assistance of the king
Harbinger of Fury is extant, the Talisses are instead
with his plaguechanged curse, Taliss offers his services
overcome with anger at being hunted and attack
to Cormyr when the Queen of Thorns arises; include
without regard for the safety of the PCs or the other
him in story award CORM19 Standing Together.
Talisses; they attack to kill, and do not attempt to
exclude their allies from their area and burst attacks. Unfortunately, he has exhausted his resources for the
Taliss the Dandy uses frostburn first, centering the day and is not able to assist in the confrontation with
burst on the closest PC, trying to avoid any allies Conquest at sunset.
nearby. He then uses lich step to move on top of the The lich’s phylactery is stashed away with the
standing stones, recharging frostburn in the process. Order of the Blue Flame in Marsember, but if all three
Talisses are killed, his attitude toward the PCs and
He uses frostburn whenever it is available to hamper as
their cause is certainly not friendly. Do not include
many melee PCs as possible; he uses shadow ray when
him in story award CORM19 Standing Together.
frostburn has not yet recharged. He uses lich step when
available to stay out of melee and recharge frostburn. The PCs finish this encounter with about a half
hour left before sunset. Taliss offers them sufficient
The couatl star serpent moves into combat as
arcane components (or they find them on the fallen
quickly as possible. When the couatl has two targets
body) to perform a teleportation ritual back to Suzail.
taking ongoing damage, it uses its action point to use
If they choose not to teleport themselves, Conquest
purifying scream to hit as many PCs as possible. The
will do it for them when time expires.
couatl uses couatl’s radiance to heal both allies when
either one of them is bloodied and they are within 8
Experience Points
squares of each other.
Taliss activates true seeing as his first action and The PCs earn 1440/1680 XP each for defeating the
uses maze of mirrors to hit as many PCs as possible. He enemies in this encounter.
uses bend perception each round, using dispel magic to
eliminate the first zone or conjuration a PC creates. Treasure
He remains on the grass mound as long as tactically The expensive, embroidered clothing of the fallen
sound, using blast of cold and an action point to use copies of Taliss is worth 600/2500 gp each.
awestrike the first time a PC moves adjacent.
As each one of the Talisses is defeated, a mote of
blue flame burns across the air into one of the
remaining Talisses. They fight until two of them are
defeated and the remaining one is at one quarter of
his original hit points, at which point the remaining
Taliss begs forgiveness for their outburst of rage and
begs for mercy. However, if the curse of the Harbinger
of Fury is in effect, they fight until all are defeated.

CORM2-3 Secret of the Queen of Thorns Page 31

Encounter 3e: Blue Blood Statistics (Low Level)
Taliss the Dandy, Lich Level 14 Elite Controller Couatl Star Serpent Level 15 Elite Controller (Leader)
Medium natural humanoid (undead) XP 2000 Large immortal magical beast (reptile) XP 2400
Initiative +8 Senses Perception +8; darkvision Initiative +11 Senses Perception +18; low-light vision
Dandy’s Will (Fear) aura 5; any enemy within the aura takes a -2 HP 286; Bloodied 143
penalty to Will and to saving throws against psychic effects. AC 29; Fortitude 27, Reflex 27, Will 28
HP 218; Bloodied 109 Saving Throws +2
Regeneration 10 (if the lich takes radiant damage, regeneration Speed 6, fly 8 (hover)
doesn’t function on its next turn) Action Points 1
AC 28; Fortitude 24, Reflex 28, Will 26 m Bite (standard; at-will) ✦ Poison, Radiant
Immune disease, poison Resist 10 necrotic Reach 2; +20 vs. AC; 3d6 + 5 poison and radiant damage, and the
Saving Throws +2 target takes ongoing 10 poison and radiant damage and is slowed
Speed 6 (save ends both).
Action Points 1
M Couatl Radiance (standard; encounter) ✦ Fire, Healing, Radiant
m Grasp of Enfeeblement (standard; at-will) ✦ Necrotic
The couatl star serpent gains insubstantial and phasing until the end
+18 vs. Fortitude; 2d10 + 7 necrotic damage, and the target is of its turn and moves 8 squares. The star serpent can move through
weakened until the end of the lich’s next turn. enemies’ spaces. If the star serpent moves through an ally’s space,
r Shadow Ray (standard; at-will) ✦ Necrotic that ally regains 15 hit points and can spend a healing surge. If it
Ranged 20; +18 vs. Reflex; 3d8 + 6 necrotic damage. passes through an enemy’s space, the couatl makes an attack
A Frostburn (standard; sustain minor, recharge 5-6) ✦ Cold, against that enemy: +19 vs. Will; 2d6 + 5 fire and radiant damage,
and ongoing 10 fire and radiant damage (save ends). The star
Necrotic, Zone
serpent can attack a target only once with each use of this power.
Area burst 2 within 20; +18 vs. Fortitude; 4d8 + 6 cold and necrotic
damage. The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of the
M Righteous Coils (minor 1/round; at-will)
lich’s next turn. The zone is considered difficult terrain. Any Reach 2; +19 vs. Fortitude; 2d6 + 5 damage, and the target is
creature that starts its turn within the zone takes 10 cold and grabbed. A creature grabbed by the couatl star serpent grants
necrotic damage. The lich can sustain or dismiss the zone as a combat advantage to the star serpent, and the star serpent can
minor action. move the creature without making a Strength attack.
Indestructible M Constrict (minor 1/round; at-will)
When a lich is reduced to 0 hit points, its body and possessions Reach 2; targets a creature grabbed by the couatl star serpent; +19
crumble to dust, but it is not destroyed. It reappears (along with its vs. Fortitude; 3d6 + 5 damage, and the target is dazed until the end
possessions) in 1d10 days within 1 square of its phylactery, unless of the couatl’s next turn.
the phylactery is also found and destroyed. C Purifying Scream (standard; encounter) ✦ Psychic
Lich Step (move; recharge 5-6) ✦ Teleportation Close burst 5; targets enemies; +18 vs. Will; 2d10 + 6 psychic
The lich teleports up to 8 squares and recharges one encounter or damage, and the target is dazed (save ends). If the target is taking
recharge power (including lich step). ongoing fire, poison, or radiant damage, it is also stunned until the
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Supernal end of the couatl star serpent’s next turn.
Skills Arcana +18, History +18, Insight +13 Radiant Absorption ✦ Radiant
Str 11 (+7) Dex 12 (+8) Wis 13 (+8) If a couatl star serpent takes radiant damage, its attacks deal 5 extra
Con 14 (+9) Int 22 (+13) Cha 18 (+11) radiant damage until the end of its next turn.
Note: lich (Thayan) – swapped aura for baelnorn lich’s aura and added Twist Free
its grasp of enfeeblement power; changed alignment, languages, skills, A couatl star serpent makes saving throws against immobilized and
updated damage. restrained conditions at the start of its turn as well as at the end of
its turn. In addition, a star serpent can make saving throws against
immobilized and restrained conditions that do not allow a saving
throw and would normally end of its turn or at the end of an
enemy’s turn.
Alignment Unaligned Languages Supernal
Skills Arcana +17, Diplomacy +17, Insight +17
Str 20 (+12) Dex 18 (+11) Wis 22 (+13)
Con 15 (+9) Int 20 (+12) Cha 20 (+12)
Note: updated damage.

CORM2-3 Secret of the Queen of Thorns Page 32

Encounter 3e: Blue Blood Statistics (Low Level, continued)
Taliss, Archmage Level 16 Elite Controller (Leader)
Medium natural humanoid, human XP 2800
Initiative +9 Senses Perception +20
Shared Clarity aura 10; each ally within the aura gains a +2 bonus to
saving throws
HP 272; Bloodied 136
AC 29; Fortitude 27, Reflex 27, Will 30
Saving Throws +2
Speed 6
Action Points 1
m Mystery’s Touch (standard; at-will) ✦ Implement, Psychic
+20 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + 5 psychic damage, and the target takes a -2
penalty to attack rolls against the archmage until the end of the
archmage’s next turn.
R Bend Perception (standard; at-will) ✦ Illusion, Implement,
Ranged 20; +18 vs. Will; 3d6 + 5 psychic damage, and until the end
of the archmage’s next turn, the target is slowed and takes a -2
penalty to attack rolls and saving throws.
R Dispel Magic (standard; encounter) ✦ Implement
Ranged 10; targets one conjuration or zone; +20 vs. Will defense of
the target’s creator; the conjuration or zone is destroyed. All its
effects end, including those that normally last until a target saves.
C Awestrike (standard; recharge 5-6) ✦ Healing, Implement,
Close burst 5; targets enemies; +18 vs. Will; 3d6 + 5 psychic
damage, the archmage slides the target 6 squares, and the target is
dazed (save ends). Effect: The archmage slides one ally in the burst
6 squares, and that ally regains 10 hit points.
C Blast of Cold (standard; daily) ✦ Cold, Implement
Close blast 5; targets enemies; +18 vs. Reflex; 6d6 + 7 cold damage,
and the target is immobilized (save ends). Miss: Half damage, and
the target is slowed (save ends).
A Maze of Mirrors (standard; encounter) ✦ Illusion, Implement
Area burst 1 within 10 squares; +18 vs. Will; the target is
immobilized and takes a -7 penalty to attack rolls until the end of
the archmage’s next turn..
Veil of Inscrutability (immediate reaction, when the archmage is
missed by a melee or ranged attack; at-will)
The archmage shifts 2 squares and gains a +2 bonus to AC and
Reflex until the end of his next turn.
True Seeing (minor; daily)
Until the end of the encounter, the archmage gains darkvision and
can see invisible creatures and objects within 10 squares that are in
his line of sight. He also gains a +5 power bonus to Insight and
Perception checks.
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Supernal
Skills Arcana +20, Insight +19, Religion +20
Str 12 (+9) Dex 12 (+9) Wis 22 (+14)
Con 20 (+13) Int 24 (+15) Cha 15 (+10)
Note: human mystagogue –added wizard template, swapped Wis &
Int scores.

CORM2-3 Secret of the Queen of Thorns Page 33

Encounter 3e: Blue Blood Statistics (High Level)
Taliss the Dandy, Lich (level 15) Level 15 Elite Controller Couatl Star Serpent (level 16) Level 16 Elite Controller
Medium natural humanoid (undead) XP 2400 (Leader)
Initiative +8 Senses Perception +8; darkvision Large immortal magical beast (reptile) XP 2800
Dandy’s Will (Fear) aura 5; any enemy within the aura takes a -2 Initiative +12 Senses Perception +19; low-light vision
penalty to Will and to saving throws against psychic effects. HP 302; Bloodied 151
HP 234; Bloodied 117 AC 30; Fortitude 28, Reflex 28, Will 29
Regeneration 10 (if the lich takes radiant damage, regeneration Saving Throws +2
doesn’t function on its next turn) Speed 6, fly 8 (hover)
AC 29; Fortitude 25, Reflex 29, Will 27 Action Points 1
Immune disease, poison Resist 10 necrotic m Bite (standard; at-will) ✦ Poison, Radiant
Saving Throws +2
Reach 2; +21 vs. AC; 3d6 + 6 poison and radiant damage, and the
Speed 6
target takes ongoing 5 poison and radiant damage and is slowed
Action Points 1
(save ends both).
m Grasp of Enfeeblement (standard; at-will) ✦ Necrotic
M Couatl Radiance (standard; encounter) ✦ Fire, Healing, Radiant
+19 vs. Fortitude; 2d10 + 8 necrotic damage, and the target is
The couatl star serpent gains insubstantial and phasing until the end
weakened until the end of the lich’s next turn.
of its turn and moves 8 squares. The star serpent can move through
r Shadow Ray (standard; at-will) ✦ Necrotic enemies’ spaces. If the star serpent moves through an ally’s space,
Ranged 20; +19 vs. Reflex; 3d8 + 7 necrotic damage. that ally regains 15 hit points and can spend a healing surge. If it
A Frostburn (standard; sustain minor, recharge 5-6) ✦ Cold, passes through an enemy’s space, the couatl makes an attack
Necrotic, Zone against that enemy: +20 vs. Will; 2d6 + 6 fire and radiant damage,
Area burst 2 within 20; +19 vs. Fortitude; 4d8 + 7 cold and necrotic and ongoing 10 fire and radiant damage (save ends). The star
damage. The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of the serpent can attack a target only once with each use of this power.
lich’s next turn. The zone is considered difficult terrain. Any M Righteous Coils (minor 1/round; at-will)
creature that starts its turn within the zone takes 10 cold and Reach 2; +20 vs. Fortitude; 2d6 + 6 damage, and the target is
necrotic damage. The lich can sustain or dismiss the zone as a grabbed. A creature grabbed by the couatl star serpent grants
minor action. combat advantage to the star serpent, and the star serpent can
Indestructible move the creature without making a Strength attack.
When a lich is reduced to 0 hit points, its body and possessions M Constrict (minor 1/round; at-will)
crumble to dust, but it is not destroyed. It reappears (along with its Reach 2; targets a creature grabbed by the couatl star serpent; +20
possessions) in 1d10 days within 1 square of its phylactery, unless vs. Fortitude; 3d6 + 6 damage, and the target is dazed until the end
the phylactery is also found and destroyed. of the couatl’s next turn.
Lich Step (move; recharge 5-6) ✦ Teleportation C Purifying Scream (standard; encounter) ✦ Psychic
The lich teleports up to 8 squares and recharges one encounter or Close burst 5; targets enemies; +19 vs. Will; 2d10 + 7 psychic
recharge power (including lich step). damage, and the target is dazed (save ends). If the target is taking
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Supernal ongoing fire, poison, or radiant damage, it is also stunned until the
Skills Arcana +18, History +18, Insight +13 end of the couatl star serpent’s next turn.
Str 11 (+7) Dex 12 (+8) Wis 13 (+8) Radiant Absorption ✦ Radiant
Con 14 (+9) Int 22 (+13) Cha 18 (+11) If a couatl star serpent takes radiant damage, its attacks deal 5 extra
Note: lich (Thayan) – swapped aura for baelnorn lich’s aura and added radiant damage until the end of its next turn.
its grasp of enfeeblement power; changed alignment, languages, skills, Twist Free
updated damage. A couatl star serpent makes saving throws against immobilized and
restrained conditions at the start of its turn as well as at the end of
its turn. In addition, a star serpent can make saving throws against
immobilized and restrained conditions that do not allow a saving
throw and would normally end of its turn or at the end of an
enemy’s turn.
Alignment Unaligned Languages Supernal
Skills Arcana +18, Diplomacy +18, Insight +18
Str 20 (+13) Dex 18 (+12) Wis 22 (+14)
Con 15 (+10) Int 20 (+13) Cha 20 (+13)
Note: updated damage.

CORM2-3 Secret of the Queen of Thorns Page 34

Encounter 3e: Blue Blood Statistics (High Level, continued)
Taliss, Archmage (level 17) Level 17 Elite Controller (Leader)
Medium natural humanoid, human XP 3200
Initiative +10 Senses Perception +21
Shared Clarity aura 10; each ally within the aura gains a +2 bonus to
saving throws
HP 288; Bloodied 144
AC 30; Fortitude 28, Reflex 28, Will 31
Saving Throws +2
Speed 6
Action Points 1
m Mystery’s Touch (standard; at-will) ✦ Implement, Psychic
+21 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + 5 psychic damage, and the target takes a -2
penalty to attack rolls against the archmage until the end of the
archmage’s next turn.
R Bend Perception (standard; at-will) ✦ Illusion, Implement,
Ranged 20; +19 vs. Will; 3d6 + 5 psychic damage, and until the end
of the archmage’s next turn, the target is slowed and takes a -2
penalty to attack rolls and saving throws.
R Dispel Magic (standard; encounter) ✦ Implement
Ranged 10; targets one conjuration or zone; +21 vs. Will defense of
the target’s creator; the conjuration or zone is destroyed. All its
effects end, including those that normally last until a target saves.
C Awestrike (standard; recharge 5-6) ✦ Healing, Implement,
Close burst 5; targets enemies; +19 vs. Will; 3d6 + 5 psychic
damage, the archmage slides the target 6 squares, and the target is
dazed (save ends). Effect: The archmage slides one ally in the burst
6 squares, and that ally regains 10 hit points.
C Blast of Cold (standard; daily) ✦ Cold, Implement
Close blast 5; targets enemies; +19 vs. Reflex; 6d6 + 7 cold damage,
and the target is immobilized (save ends). Miss: Half damage, and
the target is slowed (save ends).
A Maze of Mirrors (standard; encounter) ✦ Illusion, Implement
Area burst 1 within 10 squares; +19 vs. Will; the target is
immobilized and takes a -7 penalty to attack rolls until the end of
the archmage’s next turn..
Veil of Inscrutability (immediate reaction, when the archmage is
missed by a melee or ranged attack; at-will)
The archmage shifts 2 squares and gains a +2 bonus to AC and
Reflex until the end of his next turn.
True Seeing (minor; daily)
Until the end of the encounter, the archmage gains darkvision and
can see invisible creatures and objects within 10 squares that are in
his line of sight. He also gains a +5 power bonus to Insight and
Perception checks.
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Supernal
Skills Arcana +20, Insight +19, Religion +20
Str 12 (+9) Dex 12 (+9) Wis 22 (+14)
Con 20 (+13) Int 24 (+15) Cha 15 (+10)
Note: human mystagogue –added wizard template, swapped Wis and
Int scores.

CORM2-3 Secret of the Queen of Thorns Page 35

Encounter 3e: Blue Blood Map
Tile Sets Needed
Ruins of the Wild x1
Sinister Woods x1

S = Couatl Star Serpent

A = Taliss, Archmage
L = Taliss the Dandy, Lich

CORM2-3 Secret of the Queen of Thorns Page 36

Scene 1: I Beg Your Pardon
Encounter 3f: Back in the The PCs need a bargaining chip to gain the service of
Saddle the prisoners in Wheloon. After all, they have been
locked away for life; why shouldn’t they just flee if given
Skill Challenge Level 15/17, the chance? The PCs can gain a maximum of 2
successes in this scene; the scene takes no time.
Complexity 3 (3600/4800 XP)
Story Award CORM03 Valwater’s Gratitude (2
Setup successes, 2 maximum)
Important NPCs: The PC pays a call to the Suzail residence of the
Jerrick Valwater, Cormyrian noble and pardoned Valwater family to find that Jerrick Valwater, pardoned
prisoner of Wheloon (for attempted regicide) prisoner of Wheloon, has ceased his wanderings and
Lazlo Gern, Sembian merchant returned home to learn politics at court. He gladly takes
up the cause of gaining pardon for any prisoners who
The PCs have decided to reconnect with their old prison aid the crown against the Queen of Thorns. The PCs
buddies in Wheloon. They once defeated the leadership gain a +2 bonus to checks in Scene 4.
of the Lady’s Marauders and became the leaders
themselves in order to rescue Navish Brightfoot from Story Award CORM11 Knighted (2 successes, 2
Mother Night, the cult of Shar in that prison city. maximum)
If a PC is a Knight Exalted, he or she may send word to
A decision to enter Wheloon is not taken lightly. The King Foril directly, requesting leniency for any prisoner
city is nearly a hundred miles away, and “escaping from in Wheloon who assists in the conflict and receiving a
Wheloon” is a euphemism for an impossible task. quick written reply that the request is granted. The PCs
However, you’ve escaped before, and an army of gain a +4 bonus to checks in scene 4.
hardened criminals would be a force to be reckoned
with, should you be able to convince them to fight on the Bluff DC 22/23 (1 success, 2 maximum)
The PC creates a forgery of pardon for any prisoner in
side of the crown.
Wheloon who serves the crown against the Queen of
Thorns. A second success creates a convincing seal on
The PCs need to obtain transportation to Wheloon,
the document.
almost 100 miles away, as the crow flies. Navish has
recommended a Sembian merchant who recently
History DC 22/23 (1 success, 2 maximum)
stocked a stable with flying mounts; this man is Lazlo
The PC recalls a snippet of a story about a case in
Gern, who stocked a stall with honey at Sir Severin’s
Cormyrian history where prisoners were conscripted
estate in CORM1-5 In the Bleak Midwinter. If the PCs
and pardoned in a time of great need.
provide a little assistance, Lazlo’s fee for the use of his
mounts is 500 gp. The drakkensteeds wear collars that
Stealth DC 22/23 (1 success, 1 maximum)
teleport the mount and rider to the stable in Suzail six
The PC sneaks into a royal scribe’s office to steal a
hours after they depart.
magically authenticated writ of pardon. It grants a +5
bonus to Bluff in this scene or removes one failure.
Skill Challenge: The Warriors
Goal: The PCs are attempting to travel to Wheloon and Scene 2: Hitch a Ride
gain the prisoners’ service to the crown for the coming Lazlo does not usually deal in livestock and his free-
conflict. spirited drakkensteeds have agitated and injured other
Complexity: 3 (8 successes before 3 failures) creatures in the stable. The PCs can gain a maximum of
Primary Skills: Bluff, Diplomacy, Heal, History, 2 successes in this scene. Unless otherwise noted, this
Intimidate, Nature, Perception, Stealth, Streetwise, scene takes one hour.
Other Skills: Insight Story Award CORM07 Sweet as Honey (2 successes,
Victory: The PCs have secured promises of service to 2 maximum)
the crown from the prisoners in Wheloon. The PC recovered Lazlo Gern’s stolen honey at Sir
Defeat: The PCs have fallen short in some stage of the Severin’s festival and tournament; because of this favor,
process and failed to secure allies in Wheloon.

CORM2-3 Secret of the Queen of Thorns Page 37

Lazlo is willing to loan the drakkensteeds to the PCs Nature DC 22/23 (1 success, 1 maximum)
with no collateral or fee. The PC is able to create a short-term bond between
drakkensteeds and riders. The first time each PC falls
Heal DC 22/23 (1 success, 2 maximum) from their mount, it buffets them into its side; the PC
The PC uses the medical arts to treat some of the injured must then spend a standard action to climb back into
animals in the stable, saving Lazlo a great deal of money. the saddle.

Nature DC 22/23 (1 success, 2 maximum) Perception DC 22/23 (1 success, 1 maximum)

The PC calms the drakkensteeds or soothes the agitated The PC watches the harrier(s) approach and is able to
animals, helping Lazlo to negotiate with the owners of direct the party into advantageous positions. The PCs
the other livestock. may place themselves anywhere on the map when
combat begins.
Cold Hard Cash (2 successes, 2 maximum)
The PCs can simply put up more cash to secure the test Stealth DC 22/23 (1 success, 1 maximum)
ride: 1000 gp each. The PC leads the party into a large cloud and can hide
the party enough to grant each PC a +4 bonus to
Rituals: Phantom Steed, Eagle’s Flight, etc. (2 initiative in Scene 3.
successes, 2 maximum)
Wheloon is 100 miles away from Suzail (and about 50 Mounted Combat feat (1 success, 1 maximum)
miles from Marsember through a dense forest), and as The PC is a trained rider and is able to lead the party in
such the PCs must travel at a speed of 15 to reach some complicated maneuvers to mislead the harrier(s)
Wheloon in time to speak with the prisoners and return and come up behind their enemies. The PCs gain a
before sunset. If the PCs already have a way to travel at surprise round in Scene 3.
that speed, they spend no time in this scene. Also, see
the chart below to see how long they spend in scene 3 as Scene 4: Skirmish in the Skies
an exception to the standard five hours. In this scene, the PCs engage Conquest’s agents in aerial
PCs’ speed Scene 3 combat; run Encounter 3f. The PCs cannot gain any
15 squares 5 hours successes; the scene takes no time.
20 squares 4 hours If the PCs are on land-based mounts or are flying
30 squares 3 hours with an altitude limit, the pact dragons do not fly under
The PCs have to devise a way to transport themselves the forest canopy and risk injury to their wings. Instead,
back to Suzail, likely through the use of the planesplitter each PC risks losing two healing surges as the breath
weapon and sigil sequence for Suzail’s market given to weapons and arrows of their pursuers rain down on
them by Navish in Encounter 2b. The faceted sapphire them before they give up the chase. Each PC can make
given to the PCs by Navish allows them to teleport out of two skill checks (DC 22/23 Acrobatics, Nature,
Wheloon. Perception, and/or Stealth) and avoid losing one healing
surge for each success; a PC with the Mounted Combat
Scene 3: Hot Pursuit feat loses no healing surges. The PCs gain full
The PCs take to the air on their borrowed drakkensteeds experience for defeating the combat encounter. The PCs
(or other means of travel) and hightail it toward cannot gain any successes; this scene takes no time.
Wheloon. Give the PCs Player Handout 1 if they are
using borrowed drakkensteeds. Shortly after half their Scene 5: Can You Dig It?
journey has passed, agents of Conquest overtake them. If New arrivals attract attention in Wheloon, and members
the PCs are on land-based mounts or have an altitude of the now-strongest gang in Wheloon, the Lady’s
limit, grant the PCs an automatic success for the skill Marauders, arrive to challenge the newcomers. Seeing
challenge and proceed to Scene 4. The PCs can gain a their old leader(s), the Marauders set about gathering
maximum of 1 success in this scene; the scene takes five the other gangs to hear what the PCs have to say. If the
hours total (accounting for travel time both before and curse of the Harbinger of Fury is extant, Charisma-based
after Scene 4). skill DCs are raised by 5 (listed in square braces after
the normal DCs). The PCs can gain a maximum of 3
successes in this scene, and they must gain at least 1
success with a Charisma-based skill to complete the skill
challenge. The scene takes 1 hour.
CORM2-3 Secret of the Queen of Thorns Page 38
If the PCs failed the skill challenge before reaching
Story Award CORM03 Valwater’s Gratitude (1 Scene 4 and decided to return via means other than
success, 1 maximum) Lazlo Gern’s recall collars, only count the time used in
Whether or not the PCs talked with Jerrick Valwater in the scenes they reached against their limit of seven
Scene 1, the Lady’s Marauders recognize the ones who hours.
freed a prisoner of Wheloon and all the gangs are Success: The PCs have managed to reach Wheloon
inclined to believe they can do it again. This success and convince the prisoners that their service will be
counts as a Charisma-based skill for the purpose of this rewarded by Cormyr’s crown.
scene. Failure: The PCs have failed to reach the prisoners
of Wheloon (either physically or philosophically) and
Athletics DC 22/23 (1 success, 2 maximum) will have to hope that others can aid the crown when
The PC is able to assert the PCs’ dominance in Wheloon the Queen of Thorns arrives.
by wrestling a dissenting prisoner to the ground in a
public display of power. Experience Points
The PCs earn 720/960 XP each for completing the skill
Bluff DC 22/23 [27/28] (1 success, 2 maximum) challenge.
The PC either uses the forged documents from Scene 1
or embellishes the details of the legitimate efforts to gain Treasure
the prisoners’ pardon in order to obtain their promise of Lazlo Gern is happy to reduce the crowding in his stalls
aid to Cormyr. by giving a drakkensteed to the PCs after the test ride
steeds are safely returned. The PCs also gain a satchel of
Diplomacy DC 22/23 [27/28] (1 success, 2 gems worth 600/2500 gp each from their encounter
maximum) with Conquest’s harrier(s) (either by retrieving it from
Requires that Scene 1 was solved by the use of History their fallen bodies or because it was dropped during the
or a story award. The PC speaks movingly on behalf of attacks through the forest canopy).
the crown and convincingly of the strong likelihood of
the prisoners’ pardon if they assist King Foril.

Insight DC 15/16 (1 success, 1 maximum)

The PC is able to read the mood of the gathered
prisoners and target their efforts to be convincing to the
“citizens” of Wheloon. The PCs gain a +5 bonus to their
next check in this scene or can remove 1 failure.

Intimidate DC 22/23 [27/28] (1 success, 2 maximum)

The PC indicates their escape from and subsequent
return to Wheloon as a demonstration of their power,
forcing the alliance of even these hardened gang

Streetwise DC 22/23 [27/28] (1 success, 2 maximum)

The PC walks through the gathered crowd, gathering
general sentiment and seeding the crowd with
supportive plants.

Ending the Encounter

When six hours have passed after Scene 1, Lazlo’s
drakkensteeds’ collars teleport them and anyone riding
them back to the stable in Suzail. The faceted sapphire
given to the PCs by Navish allows the teleportation to
function as an escape from Wheloon.

CORM2-3 Secret of the Queen of Thorns Page 39

choose between themselves and their riders. If a pact
Encounter 3f (interlude): dragon is knocked prone and succeeds on its Athletics
Skirmish in the Skies check to halt the fall, it uses its next turn to move and
then charge into melee combat with the PC who
knocked it prone. Otherwise, it is too far separated from
Encounter Level 11/12 (3200/3600 the PCs to catch up and that dragon and harrier are
XP) removed from the combat.
Conquest’s harriers use infernal summons
Setup immediately and maintain it each round, moving it
around freely since their move actions are freed up by
This encounter includes the following creatures at the
the pact dragons’ moving. They fire longbow volleys
low tier:
whenever possible.
2 adult pact dragons (P)
Conquest’s elite harrier uses infernal summons and
2 Conquest’s harriers (H)
thousand arrow awareness immediately, maintaining the
first and moving either each round; it also designates a
This encounter includes the following creatures at the
hunter’s quarry in this first round. The first time the elite
high tier:
harrier has combat advantage against its quarry, it uses
1 adult pact dragon (level 15) (P)
hawk’s talon. When its pact dragon is close to bloodied,
1 Conquest’s elite harrier (H)
the elite harrier uses healing herbs.
If a harrier is separated from its pact dragon, the
On their way to Wheloon on their borrowed
dragon uses its first action on its turn to activate astral
drakkensteeds, the PCs encounter the pursuing servants
jaunt and collect the harrier back into the saddle. On
of the Harbinger of Conquest.
such a turn, if astral jaunt is not available, the harrier falls
to its death and the pact dragon fights on alone.
Conquest’s hunters are approaching fast. You have
some of the fastest mounts available, but they have cut
you off on your way to Wheloon. Your only choice is to Scaling the Encounter
fight to keep them off your tails. Make the following adjustments to the combat based on
the number of PCs present.
Features of the Area Four PCs: Reduce the level of each creature by 1
(Subtract 1 from each defense, attack rolls, and remove
Clouds: The four patches of “trees” are clouds, as
8 hit points).
tall as they are wide. They are heavily obscured.
Six PCs: Increase the level of each creature by 1
Elemental Windchurn: The other sections of
(Add 1 to each defense, attack rolls, and add 8 hit
terrain (the blue-white cloud and the black/red marbled
block) are elemental windchurn. These areas are
difficult terrain for flying creatures, and a creature that
ends its turn aloft in the area slides 1d6 squares in a Ending the Encounter
random direction. Any PC who falls from his or her mount is removed
Wind Gusts: Anytime a creature rolls a natural 1 from combat, but the PC’s drakkensteed dashes down to
on a d20 in this encounter, that creature (and its mount) catch him or her before they reach the ground. That PC
are blown around by a natural wind gust. There is no takes no fall damage.
risk of falling caused by this movement. They slide 1d4 Return to scene 5 of Encounter 3f.
squares in a random direction.
Experience Points
Tactics The PCs earn 640/720 XP each for defeating the
enemies here.
The adult pact dragons start with breath weapon. They
enter melee by charging whenever possible, confident
that their reach keeps their riders from provoking
opportunity attacks. They use astral jaunt if they are The PCs do not gain any treasure in this encounter.
surrounded or unable to charge. They use pledged rider to
keep both themselves and their riders from becoming
bloodied, and to stay aloft themselves if they must

CORM2-3 Secret of the Queen of Thorns Page 40

Encounter 3f (interlude): Skirmish in the Skies (Low Level)
Adult Pact Dragon Level 13 Skirmisher Conquest’s Harrier Level 13 Artillery
Large immortal magical beast (dragon, mount) XP 800 Medium natural humanoid, tiefling XP 800
Initiative +13 Senses Perception +15; darkvision Initiative +12 Senses Perception +15; low-light vision
HP 134; Bloodied 67; see also bloodied breath HP 96; Bloodied 48
AC 27; Fortitude 26, Reflex 25, Will 25 AC 25; Fortitude 24, Reflex 26, Will 24
Resist 10 fire, 10 psychic Resist 11 fire
Speed 7, fly 10 (hover), overland flight 14 Speed 6
m Bite (standard; at-will) m Spear (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon
Reach 2; +18 vs. AC; 2d6 + 7 damage; see also skirmish. +20 vs. AC; 2d8 + 3 damage.
M Aggressive Charger (while mounted by a friendly rider of 13th
r Longbow (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon
level or higher; at-will) ✦ Mount
Ranged 20/40; +20 vs. AC; 2d10 + 3 damage.
When it charges, the pact dragon makes a bite attack in addition to
R Infernal Summons (minor; encounter) ✦ Conjuration
its rider’s charge attack.
C Breath Weapon (standard; recharge 5-6) Ranged 10; the harrier conjures a Medium beast of smoke and
flame in a space adjacent to an enemy in range. Any enemies
Close blast 5; +15 vs. Reflex; 2d12 + 12 fire damage, and the target
takes ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends). adjacent to the conjured beast grant combat advantage to the
harrier. As a move action, the harrier can move the fiendish beast 5
C Bloodied Breath (free, when first bloodied; encounter)
squares. The fiendish beast cannot be attacked, but it is vulnerable
The dragon’s breath weapon recharges, and the dragon uses it
to dispel magic and similar effects. Sustain Minor: The fiendish beast
Astral Jaunt (minor; recharge 6) ✦ Mount, Teleportation
R Longbow Volley (standard; requires longbow; recharge 4-6) ✦
The pact dragon disappears into the Astral Sea, teleporting 10
squares. Its rider teleports with it.
Ranged 20/40; targets one or two creatures; +20 vs. AC; 2d10 + 3
Pledged Rider (while mounted by a friendly rider of 13th level or
higher; at-will) ✦ Mount Combat Advantage
Any damage dealt to the pact dragon can be redirected to the rider, The harrier’s melee and ranged attacks deal 1d6 extra damage
and vice versa. against any creature granting combat advantage to it.
Skirmish +2d6 Infernal Wrath (free, when an enemy within 10 squares hits the
If, on its turn, the pact dragon ends its move at least 4 squares away harrier; encounter)
from its starting point, it deals 2d6 extra damage with its melee Close burst 10; the triggering enemy takes 2d6 + 9 fire damage.
attacks until the start of its next turn. Alignment Evil Languages Common
Alignment Evil Languages Deep Speech, Draconic, telepathy 20 Skills Heal +15
Skills Endurance +17, Insight + 15 Str 19 (+10) Dex 22 (+13) Wis 19 (+10)
Str 24 (+13) Dex 20 (+11) Wis 18 (+10) Con 12 (+7) Int 15 (+8) Cha 16 (+9)
Con 22 (+12) Int 15 (+8) Cha 16 (+9) Equipment leather armor, spear, longbow with 20 arrows
Note: carrion tribe sakah hunter – changed skill.

CORM2-3 Secret of the Queen of Thorns Page 41

Encounter 3f (interlude): Skirmish in the Skies (High Level)
Adult Pact Dragon Level 15 Skirmisher harrier. As a move action, the elite harrier can move the fiendish
Large immortal magical beast (dragon, mount) XP 1200 beast 5 squares. The fiendish beast cannot be attacked, but it is
Initiative +14 Senses Perception +16; darkvision vulnerable to dispel magic and similar effects. Sustain Minor: The
HP 150; Bloodied 75; see also bloodied breath fiendish beast persists.
AC 29; Fortitude 28, Reflex 27, Will 27 A Thousand Arrow Awareness (standard; daily) ✦ Weapon
Resist 10 fire, 10 psychic Area burst 1 within 20; +22 vs. AC; 2d10 + 4 damage. Effect: Until
Speed 7, fly 10 (hover), overland flight 14 the end of the encounter, when a creature moves into the area, you
m Bite (standard; at-will) can make a ranged basic attack with a weapon against that creature
Reach 2; +20 vs. AC; 2d6 + 8 damage; see also skirmish. as an opportunity action. You can move the affected area up to 3
M Aggressive Charger (while mounted by a friendly rider of 13th squares with a move action.
level or higher; at-will) ✦ Mount Shed the Mark (move; the elite harrier must be marked; at-will)
When it charges, the pact dragon makes a bite attack in addition to The marked condition ends, and the elite hunter can shift 1 square.
its rider’s charge attack. Healing Herbs (minor; daily) ✦ Healing
C Breath Weapon (standard; recharge 5-6) Targets one ally; the elite hunter makes a Heal check. The target
Close blast 5; +17 vs. Reflex; 2d12 + 13 fire damage, and the target regains hit points equal to half the result of the check. The target
takes ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends). can make a saving throw against one poison effect on it that a save
C Bloodied Breath (free, when first bloodied; encounter) can end.
The dragon’s breath weapon recharges, and the dragon uses it Hunter’s Quarry (minor 1/round; at-will)
immediately. The elite harrier designates the nearest enemy it can see as its
Astral Jaunt (minor; recharge 6) ✦ Mount, Teleportation quarry. Once per round, when it hits its quarry with an attack, the
The pact dragon disappears into the Astral Sea, teleporting 10 attack deals 2d6 extra damage.
squares. Its rider teleports with it. Combat Advantage
Pledged Rider (while mounted by a friendly rider of 13th level or The elite harrier’s melee and ranged attacks deal 1d6 extra damage
against any creature granting combat advantage to it.
higher; at-will) ✦ Mount Hunter Fighting Style
Any damage dealt to the pact dragon can be redirected to the rider, The elite harrier can sheathe a weapon as a free action, draw a
and vice versa. weapon as part of an attack action, and gains a +4 bonus to AC
Skirmish +2d6 against opportunity attacks provoked by making a ranged attack.
If, on its turn, the pact dragon ends its move at least 4 squares away Infernal Wrath (free, when an enemy within 10 squares hits the
from its starting point, it deals 2d6 extra damage with its melee harrier; encounter)
attacks until the start of its next turn. Close burst 10; the triggering enemy takes 2d6 + 10 fire damage.
Alignment Evil Languages Deep Speech, Draconic, telepathy 20 Alignment Evil Languages Common
Skills Endurance +18, Insight + 16 Skills Heal +16
Str 24 (+14) Dex 20 (+12) Wis 18 (+11) Str 19 (+11) Dex 22 (+13) Wis 19 (+11)
Con 22 (+13) Int 15 (+9) Cha 16 (+10) Con 12 (+8) Int 15 (+9) Cha 16 (+10)
Equipment leather armor, spear, longbow with 20 arrows
Conquest’s Elite Harrier Level 15 Elite Artillery Note: carrion tribe sakah hunter –changed skill; added ranger
Medium natural humanoid, tiefling XP 2400 template (replaced longbow volley with twin strike),
Initiative +13 Senses Perception +16; low-light vision
HP 240; Bloodied 120
AC 27; Fortitude 27, Reflex 29, Will 26; see also hunter fighting style
Resist 11 fire
Saving Throws +2
Speed 6
Action Points 1
m Spear (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon
+22 vs. AC; 2d8 + 4 damage.
r Longbow (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon
Ranged 20/40; +22 vs. AC; 2d10 + 4 damage.
R Twin Strike (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon
Ranged 20/40; targets one or two creatures; +22 vs. AC, two
attacks; 1d10 + 4 damage.
R Hawk’s Talon (standard; encounter) ✦ Weapon
Ranged 20/40; +26 vs. AC, ignore penalties from cover or
concealment (but not superior cover or total concealment); 4d10 +
4 damage.
R Infernal Summons (minor; encounter) ✦ Conjuration
Ranged 10; the elite harrier conjures a Medium beast of smoke and
flame in a space adjacent o an enemy in range. Any enemies
adjacent to the conjured beast grant combat advantage to the elite

CORM2-3 Secret of the Queen of Thorns Page 42

Encounter 3f (interlude): Skirmish in the Skies
Tile Sets Needed
Fane of the Forgotten Gods x1
Sinister Woods x1

Low-level: Black and Red; High-level: Black only

P = Adult Pact Dragon

H = Conquest’s (Elite) Harrier

CORM2-3 Secret of the Queen of Thorns Page 43

Cormyr, a lively, light-hearted, and chatty fellow.
Encounter 3g: An Evening Alain is sent by the War Wizards to hear the PCs
with Friends out.
• CORM17 Haldoneir Unmasked: Lord Exalted
Magranet Prio, Regent of Special Affairs;
Skill Challenge Level 15/16, Magranet is a trusted associate of King Foril, and
Complexity 3 (3600/4200 XP) she is personally grateful to the PC for uncovering
the Haldoneir family’s involvement in a drug
Setup cartel.

Important NPCs: Lady Mersha Valwater, Madam

Mirasol Karah, Oris Grenfell, Cora Inyn, Alain Sangrasi,
Skill Challenge: A Grand Banquet
Lord Exalted Magranet Prio. Luckbringer Daran of Goal: The PCs must secure the aid of the VIPs and to
Tymora warn them of the threat of the Queen of Thorns.
Complexity: 3 (8 successes before 3 failures)
The PCs have decided to solicit the aid of a number of Primary Skills: Special
Cormyrian dignitaries by inviting them to a banquet. In Other Skills: Special
successive scenes, the PCs must obtain a location and Victory: The PCs have gained the promise of aid from
kitchen staff, receive an affirmative RSVP from at least the VIPs and warned them of Conquest’s threat.
one dignitary, communicate the danger of Conquest and Defeat: The PCs have made a poor showing and may
the Queen of Thorns, and either prevent the dignitaries not be able to count on the VIPs’ help when the Queen
from consuming the meal which has been poisoned by of Thorns arrives.
Conquest’s agent or satisfy their suspicions afterward.
Scene 1: Booking a Fest Hall
Offering a banquet for dignitaries in Suzail means you The PCs are pointed to Taneth’s Fest Hall; its owner is a
have a lot to live up to. If you are to successfully solicit lively dwarven man, Nurik Taneth. The PCs can earn a
their aid, you have quite some work ahead of you. maximum of 2 successes in this scene; unless otherwise
noted, this scene takes one hour.
The VIPs whom the PCs may invite are those with
whom they’ve previously had favorable encounters. If Sir Severin’s Aid (2 successes, 2 maximum)
the PCs have the following story awards, they may invite If the PCs did not kill Sir Severin in Encounter 2a and
the corresponding VIP in Scene 2: did not ask that he be taken into custody by the guard,
he gladly makes his estate in Suzail available. This scene
• CORE01 Tymora’s Coin: Luckbringer Daran of takes no time instead of one hour.
Tymora is the right hand of the high priest of
Tymora from Arabel and his influence on the Bluff DC 22 (1 success, 2 maximum)
faithful of Tymora of Cormyr is great. The PC makes up a reason to explain why the PCs need
• CORM04 Noblesse Oblige: Lady Mersha a fest hall on such short notice or creates believable false
Valwater, recently returned to court after the PC identities to convince Nurik to allow them the use of his
helped her to regain influence following her son, space. If the check was made at 30/31 the lie reduces
Jerrick, made an attempt on King Foril’s life. the efficacy of Conquest’s agent, giving the PCs a +5
• CORM12 Karah Family Favor: Madam Mirasol bonus to skill checks in Scene 5.
Karah, a woman of influence among Suzail’s
guilds; the PC provided medical attention which Diplomacy DC 22 (1 success, 2 maximum)
saved her son, Garman. The PC makes a good impression on Nurik who gladly
• CORM14 Favor of Oris Grenfell: Oris Grenfell, a makes the space available for the banquet.
quick-witted, cunning, and friendly male knight
whom the PC aided on an errantry. Religion DC 22 (1 success, 2 maximum)
• CORM15 Favor of Cora Inyn: Cora Inyn, an Nurik had a stint as an adventuring cleric before
impetuous firebrand of a knight whom the PC becoming the proprietor of his family’s fest hall. Given
aided on an errantry, though she is intensely loyal the chance, he talks theology for endless hours, and
to her subordinates and friends. anyone who engages him gains immediate favor.
• CORM16 War Wizards’ Gratitude: Alain
Sangrasi, a representative of the War Wizards of

CORM2-3 Secret of the Queen of Thorns Page 44

Streetwise DC 15/16 (1 success, 1 maximum) attend via this invitation as one in person. The
The PC asks around town about a high quality messengers cost 10 gp for each VIP the PCs invite to
establishment and is directed to Taneth’s. their banquet. The PCs must still make Diplomacy or
Bluff checks for each VIP, but this scene takes no time
Payment in Gold (2 successes, 2 maximum) instead of one hour. However, this is only an
Nurik is a shrewd businessdwarf and gladly makes his approximation; if the PCs also enlisted Sir Severin’s Aid
establishment and staff available for 150 gp. in Scene 1, they can only save one hour total for this
Scene 2: Répondez S’il Vous Plaît (R.S.V.P.)
The PCs can earn a maximum of 1 success in this scene, Scene 3: Pre-Dinner Conversation
but they should make attempts for each VIP they intend This scene is another opportunity to role-play the VIPs.
to invite. Once the PCs have earned 1 success, do not The PCs should try to communicate the need for the
count subsequent failed skill checks in this scene as VIPs’ help in the coming conflict with the Queen of
failures. Instead, they simply were not convincing Thorns. They might also share what they know of
enough to have that VIP attend the banquet. This is a Conquest and the threat of turning loyalties, asking the
good opportunity to roleplay the various VIPs if you are VIPs to take precautions. The PCs can earn a maximum
familiar with them. Unless otherwise noted, this scene of 2 successes in this scene; the scene takes one hour.
takes one hour.
Arcana or History DC 22 (1 success, 2 maximum)
Bluff DC 22 (1 success, 1 maximum) The PC speaks intelligently about the prophecy of the
The PC makes up a false pretense for the banquet and Queen of Thorns and what scholars have learned from
gains the promise of the VIP’s attendance. When the the songs and writings about her.
VIP learns the real reason for the banquet, they are
upset; the PCs gain a cumulative -2 penalty to skill Bluff DC 30/31 (1 success, 2 maximum)
checks in Scene 5 for each successful Bluff check in this The PC embellishes or invents details about the Queen
scene. of Thorns and her Harbinger. Everyone in Cormyr is
learning about her, so it is difficult to convince these
Diplomacy DC 22 (1 success, 1 maximum) educated individuals of something outlandish.
The PC shows proper respect to the VIP and convinces
him or her to attend. Since the PCs have had a previous Diplomacy DC 22 (1 success, 2 maximum)
favorable encounter, they are inclined to hear what they The PC makes a convincing speech about the
have to say. importance of the VIPs’ aid, appealing to national duty
or personal honor.
Insight DC 22 (0 successes, special)
The PCs gain a +5 bonus to the Diplomacy check for Insight DC 15/16 (0 successes, no maximum)
this VIP. The PCs cannot use both Insight and the “Paid The PC reads the emotional atmosphere in the room,
Messenger” option. A failed Insight check does not granting a +2 bonus to the next skill check attempted in
count as a failure for the skill challenge. this scene. A failed Insight check does not count as a
failure for the skill challenge, but imposes a -2 penalty to
Holy Speech (special) the next skill check in this scene.
If a PC has the Holy Speech feat, they can receive an
exception to the 1 success maximum for this scene. If a Intimidate DC 22 (1 success, 2 maximum)
PC uses the benefit of this feat in this scene, they earn 2 The PC speaks strongly to create a fearful description of
successes toward the skill challenge and reduce the the Queen of Thorns. The VIPs are powerful and
number of successes required in Scene 5 by one as the experienced individuals, but they are still subject to
VIP assures the other attendees that the PC has convincing propaganda.
honorable intentions and could not have been the
poisoner. Scene 4: Dinner is Served
Conquest has turned the mind of one of the kitchen
Paid Messengers (0 successes, special) staff; the food being served at the banquet is poisoned
The PCs decide to save time and hire messengers to with black lotus. Only PCs with sufficient passive
deliver the invitations. This is common among the Perception avoid consuming the poison; the VIPs and
dignitaries in Suzail, so the VIPs are just as likely to other PCs consume the poison and are subject to its
CORM2-3 Secret of the Queen of Thorns Page 45
effects. The PCs cannot earn any successes in this scene; Heal or Nature DC 15/16 (1 success; 1 maximum)
the scene takes no time. This skill is not available if no one consumed the food.
The PC examines anyone who consumed the poison to
Passive Perception DC 22 (0 successes) determine that the poison is non-fatal.
The PC notices an odd color, flavor, or odor in the meal
and does not consume the poison. Insight DC 30/31 (1 success; 1 maximum)
If the curse of the Harbinger of Famine is in place, The PC examines the serving and kitchen staff and
increase the DC for this passive Perception check to DC determines who it was that added the poison to the food.
30/31. Everyone in Cormyr is affected by a supernatural
hunger and loses a bit of him- or herself in the face of a Intimidate DC 22 (1 success; 3 maximum)
meal. The PC frightens the kitchen staff into revealing
anything they know about the poison and whomever is
Purple Dragon Commander’s Ring, etc. (1 success, 1 responsible.
If the PC checks the food for poison through the use of Ending the Encounter
this item (or some other item or power), they are able to
The PCs have spent 3 or 4 hours seeking the aid of the
warn the other diners and prevent anyone from eating
VIPs. If this is the first path they have followed, return to
the poison. The PCs earn 1 success toward the skill
Encounter 3 and tell the PCs about the vision from
challenge. Reduce the number of successes required in
Conquest. If the PCs have not used all seven hours
scene 5 by one.
before sunset, they may attempt to follow a path for
which they have enough time or begin preparations for
Black Lotus Level 15 Poison
When prepared as a poison, black lotus is ground into a fine, black
Conquest’s attack. If the PCs are out of time, proceed to
powder that causes terrifying hallucinations. Encounter 4.
Poison 6,250 gp Success: The PCs have convinced the VIPs of the
Attack: +20 vs. Fortitude; while bloodied, the target uses its standard danger and of their innocence in the poisoning. The
action each round to make a basic attack against the nearest
creature, whether enemy or ally (save ends). The effect applies each
dignitaries are taking precautions against Conquest and
time the target is bloodied until it completes an extended rest. will answer the call for aid when the Queen of Thorns
Special: The target takes a -5 penalty to Perception checks until it awakens.
completes an extended rest. Black lotus can be delivered only by way
Failure: The PCs have failed to gain a reliable
of food or drink. It makes its first attack 1d6 rounds after its victim
consumes it. promise of aid from the VIPs. If the PCs accumulate 3
failures before reaching Scene 4, only count the time
Scene 5: A Sour Taste in Your Mouth spent in the scenes they reached against their seven
The VIPs are angry and begin to doubt the PCs’ hours.
intentions in calling them to the banquet. This scene
requires the PCs to earn 3 successes; the scene takes
Experience Points
one hour. The PCs earn 720/840 XP each for successfully gaining
the assistance of the VIPs.
Diplomacy DC 22 (1 success; 3 maximum)
The PC pleads the party’s case and helps to convince the Treasure
VIPs that they are not to blame. A PC that succeeds at a The PCs receive 600/2500 gp each from Nurik for the
DC 30/31 Diplomacy check instead earns 2 successes. publicity this event provides.

CORM2-3 Secret of the Queen of Thorns Page 46

Scene 1: Calling Card
Encounter 3h: It Would Be The PCs meet up with Naïlo and learn what she needs
Faerie Helpful to move the alliance forward. The PCs can earn a
maximum of 2 successes in this scene; the scene takes
Skill Challenge Level 14/16, one hour.

Complexity 1 (1000/1400 XP) and Story Award CORM09 Draconic Diplomat (2

Trap Encounter Level 12 (3500 XP) successes, 2 maximum)
Naïlo seeks out the PCs, having heard from the faerie
Setup dragons Raboäst and Alcien, whom the PC met at Sir
Severin’s festival, that they are friends to the fey. Naïlo
Important NPCs: Naïlo Quelani, female eladrin tells the PCs about her trouble and where they should
ambassador. head next.

The PCs plan to gain a pledge of assistance from the Diplomacy DC 21/22 (1 success, 2 maximum)
eladrin lords of the Feywild where it borders the Vast The PC gains a bit of trust from Naïlo, though she is
Swamp. Their emissary, Naïlo Quelani, is normally a hesitant at first to share the full nature of her plight for
stately woman. However, her official invitation to the fear it makes the eladrin lords appear weak.
royal court at Suzail and her lords’ messages of
friendship and alliance were stolen by a local thieves’
Insight DC 21/22 (1 success, 2 maximum)
guild whose leader now serves Conquest. The guild,
The PC can tell that Naïlo is both fearful and desperate.
known as the Dragon’s Shadow, has sealed the
The PCs gain a +2 bonus to checks in this scene as they
documents in their trapped vault. She is distraught and
use knowledge of the nature of Naïlo’s distractedness to
desperate to regain the documents.
direct the conversation.

Following up on the eladrin lords’ hopes for friendship Intimidate DC 21/22 (1 success, 2 maximum)
between their court and Cormyr, you head to the The PC takes advantage of Naïlo’s fear to convince her
apartments where Navish indicated you could find their that without their help, her mission in Suzail is an
emissary in Suzail with the intent to follow up on that absolute failure.
very pursuit.
Streetwise DC 21/22 (1 success, 2 maximum)
Before the PCs meet with Naïlo they know only that the Word on the street is that the eladrin lords’ emissary has
eladrin lords have an emissary in Suzail. The identity of not yet appeared at court. It’s also said that the Dragon’s
the diplomat and the progress of the diplomatic Shadow has performed some out-of-character heists in
proceedings are closely guarded secrets. The PCs have recent weeks.
never met Naïlo, so Scene 1 is an opportunity for role-
playing the PCs’ pursuit of the eladrins’ aid. Scene 2: Thieves’ Den
The PCs must find a way into the thieves’ guild to gain
Skill Challenge: Suzail’s Shadow access to the vault where Naïlo’s documents are being
Goal: The PCs attempt to further the alliance between held. The PCs can earn a maximum of 2 successes in
the eladrin lords and Cormyr. this scene; the scene takes two hours.
Complexity: 1 (4 successes before 3 failures)
Primary Skills: Acrobatics, Bluff, Diplomacy, Acrobatics DC 15/16 (1 success, 1 maximum)
Dungeoneering, History, Insight, Intimidate, Stealth, Requires a successful History check; group check. If at
Streetwise, Thievery least half the party succeeds on this check, they are able
Other Skills: Perception to squeeze into an unprotected access point and make
Victory: The PCs have gained access to the trapped their way to the vault.
vault, though they still must bypass the traps.
Defeat: The PCs have failed to gain access to the vault Bluff DC 21/22 (1 success, 2 maximum)
altogether. The PC convinces a member of the Dragon’s Shadow
that the party are members of the guild, albeit new ones
who have not yet met the patrolling thief.

CORM2-3 Secret of the Queen of Thorns Page 47

the Athletics check countermeasure described in the
Dungeoneering DC 21/22 (1 success, 1 maximum) giant rolling boulder trap’s description. Such a PC who
The PC examines the structure of the buildings and is knocked prone is not lying on the ground but hanging
surrounding streets controlled by the Dragon’s Shadow flat against the wall and must spend the normal action to
to determine a likely place to tunnel and gain access to “stand up”; an anchored “prone” character cannot crawl.
the protected vault. Unlocks the use of a Strength check. “X” Squares: The four squares covered by the blue
X and outlined in blue are the trigger spaces for the
History DC 21/22 (1 success, 1 maximum) giant rolling boulders. When any creature steps in any
The PC remembers seeing a blueprint of the buildings of these squares, the boulders release, smashing through
now held by the Dragon’s Shadow and knows a way to the false walls and beginning their runs back and forth
access the vault without running across any members of through the halls.
the guild. Unlocks the use of Acrobatics. False Walls: The “doorways” on either end of the
horizontal hall are false walls. The ceiling under the
Perception DC 21/22 (0 successes; special) boulder at the bottom of the map is also a false wall.
The PC sees some subtle signs or overhears a password False walls are described in the giant rolling boulder
between two members of the Dragon’s Shadow. The trap description.
party receives a +5 bonus to Bluff and Thievery checks Curved Squares: The curved squares (including
in this scene. the ones around the death strangler statue) are ramps
designed to reverse the direction of the giant rolling
Stealth 15/16 (2 successes, 2 maximum) boulders; these three-foot wide ramps make the space
Group check; if half the party succeeds on this check, between them just a single square, but any Medium or
they are able to sneak past any members of the Dragon’s smaller creature standing in that square is immune to
Shadow between the street and the vault. the boulders’ trample attack. When any square of the
Large boulder’s space enters these ramp squares, the
Thievery DC 21/22 (1 success, 2 maximum) boulder immediately begins moving in the reverse
Taking a head-on approach, the PC actually attempts to direction, using any remaining squares of movement to
join the Dragon’s Shadow by displaying his or her progress in the new direction.
prowess in the art of the guild. Any PC who succeeds on
this check gains story award CORM21 Infiltrated the Ending the Encounter
Dragon’s Shadow. A failed Thievery check costs the PC
If the PCs abort their pursuit of this path before
two healing surges as the guild beats and expels the PC
reaching Scene 2, only count the time for Scene 1
as a warning.
against their seven hours before sunset.
Success: The PCs return to Naïlo with the
Strength check DC 15/16 (1 success, 1 maximum)
documents, enabling her to pursue an alliance and
Requires a successful Dungeoneering check. The PC
gaining her promise of aid from the eladrin lords.
breaks a wall in the sewer system or tunnels down from
Failure: The PCs are unable to regain the
a secluded alley to reach the vault, bypassing the
diplomatic documents, drastically delaying the efforts at
existing accesses entirely.
an alliance and preventing the eladrin lords from aiding
in the coming conflict.
Scene 3: Hop, Skip, and Jump
The PCs enter the vault to regain the stolen documents, Experience Points
which are secured in plain sight at the base of the death
The PCs earn 200/280 XP each for completing the skill
strangler statue.
challenge and 700 XP each for defeating the traps in
This scene includes the following traps at the low
this encounter.
and high tiers:
1 death strangler statue (S)
1 electrified floor (level 13) (E)
2 giant rolling boulders (B) The PCs find incriminating evidence against the
Dragon’s Shadow that can be turned into the city guard
Walls and Ceiling: The ceiling is ten feet high. The for a reward of 600/2500 gp each. Naïlo also gifts the
walls are DC 20 to climb. A PC who takes a standard PCs with a +4 guardian staff of ruin.
action to anchor himself to the wall with a climber’s kit
or similar equipment can remain on the wall to attempt

CORM2-3 Secret of the Queen of Thorns Page 48

Encounter 3h: It Would Be Faerie Helpful (Both Tiers)
Giant Rolling Boulder Level 14 Minion Blaster Electrified Floor (lvl 13) Level 13 Elite Obstacle
Trap XP 250 Trap XP 1,600
Trap: A trigger you define releases a distant boulder that begins Trap: This trap consists of 10 randomly positioned squares that
rolling toward the trigger area, and it rolls until stopped. contain electrified tiles. when the trap is triggered, it attacks.
Perception Perception
✦ DC 23: A character near the distant false wall can determine that ✦ DC 29: The character can discern if any adjacent squares contain
it is thin and that a large space is behind it. electrified tiles.
✦ DC 28: A character realizes that the trigger is in tension and that Additional Skill: Arcana
setting it off releases something. ✦ DC 23: The character’s knowledge provides a +2 bonus to
Initiative +2 Speed 8 Thievery checks to disable a tile.
Trigger Trigger
The trigger might be an enemy pulling on a lever, a character When a creature enters or begins its turn in an electrified square,
pressing the wrong button, or someone taking the gem from a the trap attacks that creature.
statue’s eye. When the trap is triggered, roll initiative. On its Attack
initiative count, the boulder moves. Opportunity Action Melee 1
Attack Target: Creature in a trapped square
Standard Action Area trample attack in squares Attack: +16 vs. Fortitude
or Immediate Interrupt entered by the boulder Hit: 3d10 + 7 lightning damage, and the target is stunned (save
Trample: Each turn, the boulder moves its speed and enters ends)
creatures’ spaces. This movement does not provoke opportunity Miss: Half damage.
attacks. The boulder can end its move in an occupied space. Countermeasures
Creatures in the boulder’s space at the start of heir turns have ✦A character who makes a successful Athletics check (DC 6 or DC
cover and can act normally. When the boulder enters a creature’s
11 without a running start) can jump over a single trapped square.
space, the boulder makes a trample attack. If a creature enters a
square of the boulder’s space, the boulder makes a trample attack ✦An adjacent character can disable a tile with a DC 29 Thievery
as a free action. check.
Trample Attack: +17 vs. Reflex
Hit: 3d10 + 6 damage, and the target is knocked prone.
Miss: Half damage.
✦A character adjacent to the rolling boulder can stop it with a DC
28 Athletics check. Making this attempt provokes a trample attack
as an immediate interrupt, and the character’s Athletics check fails
if the boulder’s trample attack hits.
✦A character adjacent to the trigger can delay the trigger with a DC
23 Thievery check.
✦A character adjacent to the boulder before it begins to roll can
disable the trap with a DC 23 Thievery check. The character must
have broken through the false wall first (AC 4, Fortitude 12, Reflex
4; hp 30).

CORM2-3 Secret of the Queen of Thorns Page 49

Death Strangler Statue Level 16 Blaster
Trap XP 1,400
Trap: When the trap is triggered, this Medium statue lashes its chains
at nearby enemies, holding them in place and slowly squeezing the
life out of them.
✦DC 20: Just before a character enters the statue’s attack area, the
character notices that the statue moves slightly, as if it were ready
to pounce.
✦DC 25: The character notices a group of spidery runes carved
lightly on the statue’s base.
Additional Skill: Arcana
✦DC 25: The character realizes that the statue is made with the
help of magic, and it might be dangerous or even animate in nature.
✦DC 28: An Arcana check to detect magic sees an arcane aura that
surrounds the trap (5 squares in every direction) and recognizes
that this might be a trigger area for an effect.
When an enemy enters the magical aura radiating 5 squares around
the statue, the statue animates and attacks that creature with the
following attack, but as an immediate reaction instead of a standard
action. Then roll for the statue’s initiative. It acts each round on that
turn, until no creature is within its trigger area.
Initiative +2
Attack ✦ Necrotic
Immediate Reaction Melee 5
or Standard Action or Opportunity Action or Free Action
Target: One creature
Attack: +19 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d10 + 7 damage, and the target is restrained and takes
ongoing 10 necrotic damage.
Special: The statue can have only two creatures restrained at one
time, and if two are restrained, it cannot make another attack
until it releases a creature or a creature escapes. The statue can
release a creature from being restrained at any time with a free
✦ A restrained character can use an escape action (DC 25 check) to
free himself and end the necrotic damage.
✦ As a standard action, a creature adjacent to the statue can disrupt
the controlling enchantment with a DC 20 Thievery or Arcana
check. Doing so renders the statue inert until the start of that
creature’s next turn and causes the statue to release any creatures it
currently has restrained. If this check fails by 5 or more, the statue
can instead make the above attack against the creature, but as an
opportunity action instead of an opportunity action.
✦ Succeeding on a complexity 1 skill challenge (4 successes before
3 failures) using either Thievery or Arcana successfully disables the
statue. The characters disabling the statue must be adjacent to it.
Each attempt takes a standard action, and with each failure, the
statue can make an attack as a free action against the failing
creature (if it already has two creatures restrained, it releases one
before making this attack).
✦ The statue has AC 10, Reflex 10, Fortitude 28, and hp 200. When
it is reduced to 0 hit points, the trap is destroyed.

CORM2-3 Secret of the Queen of Thorns Page 50

Encounter 3h: It Would Be Faerie Helpful
Tile Sets Needed
Fane of the Forgotten Gods x1

S = Death Strangler Statue, holding the stolen documents

B = Giant Rolling Boulder starting squares; boulders roll to opposite end of hall and reverse direction
Red-Outlined “E” Area: Electrified Floor squares
Blue-Outlined “X” Area: Trigger squares for Giant Rolling Boulders
Curved “Alcove” spaces: ramps to reverse boulder direction; open walkway between, 1 square wide

CORM2-3 Secret of the Queen of Thorns Page 51

Encounter 4: The Veil, Lifted Krimnos is willing to engage the PCs in conversation as
long as they take no actions but speaking.
Krimnos/Conquest has the following talking points:
Combat Encounter Level 17/19 • The Queen of Thorns has been waiting for the
(8000/12000 XP) most opportune time to arise since the first
Obarskyr was given control of the King’s Forest
Setup by the elven empire of Cormanthyr.
• The Queen’s form is unknown and everchanging,
Important NPCs: King Foril, Lord Erzoured, Krimnos / but her presence is undeniable to those who
the Harbinger of Conquest have witnessed it.
• She will control Cormyr by force, by mind
This encounter includes the following creatures at the control, and by rewarding her willing servants.
low tier: Few will be given a choice as to their lot in her
4 harbinger spirits (level 15) (S) new realm.
2 purple dragon knight thralls (P) • The PCs will be given the roles of overseers and
1 Conquest (level 16) (C) slave masters if they choose to serve willingly.
They cannot be permitted to live otherwise; their
This encounter includes the following creatures at the will to maintain independence have proven too
high tier: strong.
4 harbinger spirits (S)
2 purple dragon knight thralls (level 17) (P) This should be enough to convince the PCs to fight; if a
1 Conquest (C) PC decides to accept Conquest’s offer, remember the
The PCs have arrived at the palace throne room just in • A PC may not attack another PC without the
time. Crown Prince Irvel is wounded and lying target’s permission. This effectively requires the
unconscious, precariously draped over a parapet on the DM to scale the encounter down for fewer PCs.
balcony behind the thrones. Conquest is obviously • Owning and trafficking in slaves is an evil act; a
expecting the PCs and has set his defenses in case they PC who agrees to Conquest’s offer effectively
choose not to ally with the Queen of Thorns. becomes evil in alignment, making the PC invalid
for play in Living Forgotten Realms.
Krimnos, Lord Erzoured’s vizier, stands before the
throne of Cormyr, the sun setting through the enormous As combat begins, four smoky tentacles slither out of
window behind him. You see an unconscious Crown Krimnos’s mouth and his eyes turn an opaque, glossy
Prince Irvel draped over the parapet of the balcony and black; this is the physical manifestation of Conquest, an
two creatures of black smoke standing guard over his aberration in the body of a natural humanoid.
body. Two purple dragon knights guard the way
between you and Krimnos. Features of the Area
Balcony: The balcony has a parapet 4 feet high,
If the PCs arrived of their own accord, read the
giving a +5 bonus to saving throws to prevent falling off
the edge. The fall is 60 feet.
“Welcome, my friends. I see you received my invitation.
Blue and Red Bowls: Any creature that starts its
Thank you for responding so promptly. So, what is your
turn or enters a square within 2 squares of a blue or red
answer? Will you serve my Queen?”
bowl is slowed until the end of its next turn. Any attack
against a bowl automatically hits (they are immune to
If the PCs were teleported here by Conquest because
Will attacks), and they have 100 hit points.
they were engaged in an encounter or they chose not to
Golden Sphere: The golden object behind the
thrones is enchanted to protect the sovereign. A
“It is rude to refuse the invitation of your superior. As
creature within 3 squares of the sphere benefits from
you can see, I have the means to command anyone’s
cover against all attacks.
will, even yours. Still, the Queen of Thorns would prefer
Pillars: The black dots are supporting columns and
that you serve willingly. So, will you serve my Queen
blocking terrain.
freely, or must I force your submission?”

CORM2-3 Secret of the Queen of Thorns Page 52

Red “X”: Crown Prince Irvel is unconscious, badly for the purple dragon knight thralls, Conquest, or each
beaten, and draped over the parapet here. other.
Stairs: The stairs are only accessible from the Conquest opens with enslave on a PC who uses
balcony; there is a solid wall between the throne room ranged attacks and is not engaged by one of the purple
and the stairs. They go up to a roof area exactly the size dragon knights, directing a dominated target to move
of the throne room with no special features and no adjacent to another PC. The next round, it uses illusion of
parapet. pain on those PCs. It closes some of the distance to the
Thrones: The thrones are blocking terrain. PCs, using mind blast and illusion of pain when it has
Window: The blue and white line behind the multiple targets and enslave when it is available and it
thrones is a glass window 8 squares long (ignore the has no target dominated). If it has no other attacks
black dot in the middle of the window). It is blocking available, Conquest closes to melee to use tentacles and
terrain unless it is broken. Any attack against it immediately spend its action point to bore into brain and
automatically hits and shatters all eight squares of the stun the target. It continues to bore into brain on that
window until the start of the attacker’s next turn. At that target, attempting to create a thrall, devouring the PC’s
time, the window is magically restored to wholeness. brain only if Conquest has fewer than one quarter of its
Yellow Arcane Circle: The large area in the center hit points. Conquest uses interpose thrall whenever able,
of the floor is an animated, illusory purple dragon. It is and uses cradle of the elder brain to teleport adjacent to
difficult terrain, and any line of attack into or through it another thrall if it is targeted by another type of attack.
is lightly obscured. Any enemies who are conscious after 10 rounds of
combat attempt to move toward Crown Prince Irvel and
Tactics push him over the parapet. This requires two standard
actions. Conquest also attempts this if it is reduced to 50
The harbinger spirits and purple dragon knights count
or fewer hit points. If Conquest is successful, it then
as thralls for the purpose of Conquest’s abilities. If any
attempts to flee, using cradle of the elder brain to teleport
PC is adjacent to a purple dragon knight, possesses a
to the ground if available and fleeing to the roof to wait
bloom from the Dragon Rose, and makes a successful
for the power to recharge if it is not immediately
DC 25 Thievery check, the PC can slip the Dragon Rose
bloom onto the knight’s person, immediately causing the
The harbinger spirits fight until they are reduced to
purple dragon knight to begin fighting Conquest’s
0 or fewer hit points. If Conquest is reduced to 0 or
influence; that purple dragon knight thrall is dazed for
fewer hit points, the purple dragon knights fall
the rest of the encounter. Likewise, if Conquest uses a
unconscious for the duration of the encounter and its
dominate effect on a PC who possesses a Dragon Rose
spirit leaves Krimnos as a wisp of black smoke that
bloom, that character is not dominated but is instead
quickly dissipates.
dazed for the duration of the original effect.
If the curse of the Harbinger of Entropy is in effect,
Conquest’s cradle of the elder brain ability becomes Scaling the Encounter
recharge 4-6. Make the following adjustments to the combat based on
The purple dragon knight thralls open with the number of PCs present.
beckoning gaze against any obvious strikers (activating Four PCs: Replace one purple dragon knight thrall
soul siphon if they hit) followed by sweeping strike, with a harbinger spirit. Conquest’s enslave power only
attempting to prevent them from moving and spending recharges on 6.
action points (with their soul void aura), following with Six PCs: Replace one harbinger spirit with a purple
blood pursuit if necessary. They use beckoning gaze every dragon knight thrall.
round, preferring targets who are moving toward
Conquest or who are attacking using ranged attacks. If Ending the Encounter
all the harbinger spirits are destroyed, one purple
The PCs have defeated the enemies. If Conquest was
dragon knight thrall moves adjacent to Conquest so it
able to flee, it means that Crown Prince Irvel has fallen
can continue to use interpose thrall.
from the balcony and is likely dead without intervention
Harbinger spirits try to keep two of their number
from the PCs.
adjacent to Conquest at all times so it can use interpose
thrall, the others passing freely through walls or the
Experience Points
window to the balcony and re-entering combat via the
wall next to the stairs. They attempt to provide flanking The PCs earn 1600/2400 XP each for defeating the
enemies here.

CORM2-3 Secret of the Queen of Thorns Page 53

Concluding the Adventure in thanks for saving his son or to prepare them in case
King Foril arrives at the throne room with a contingent Conquest seeks vengeance. He gives each PC the
of war wizards and purple dragon knights mere following equipment:
moments after the combat with Conquest ends. If the • medallion of the mind +4
PCs have saved Crown Prince Irvel, read the following • boots of withdrawal
to the PCs: • bloodcut armor +4

King Foril rushes into the throne room, followed by his

personal guard, and is immediately relieved to see his
son regaining consciousness. “I have no way to properly
thank you for the gift you’ve given me today. As both a
father and a king, I offer you my most sincere gratitude.
The Obarskyr family, indeed, Cormyr itself is in your

The PCs earn story award CORM20 A King’s

If Crown Prince Irvel was killed, read the following
to the PCs instead:

King Foril rounds the corner into the throne room and
searches around frantically. He shatters the window to
the balcony and peers over the edge of the balcony. He
crumples to the ground and weeps, screaming in his
agony and grief. You are ushered out of the throne room
quickly by his personal guard.

In either case, King Foril spends a few days in council

with his advisors and plans a ceremony to thank the PCs
for their services. The ceremony is filled with all the
appropriate pomp and circumstance, and the king’s
mood is elated or somber, as appropriate to his son’s
fate. He awards the PCs with equipment to aid them in
their future endeavors defending his realm.
If the PCs avoided killing any natural humanoids in
Encounters 3 and 4 (including Krimnos), they have
completed the minor quest Subdue, Not Slaughter and
earn 240/320 XP each.
The PCs may be interested in pursuing some of the
remaining allies or rituals/artifacts. Unfortunately,
Conquest commanded enough agents to destroy or
prevent access to the rituals and artifacts. It also sent
agents to the potential allies and caused them to commit
their resources to other tasks and prevent their
preparation in time to aid Cormyr when the Queen of
Thorns arises.

The PCs are given 1500/3000 gp each as a reward by
Lord Erzoured for gaining resources to aid in the
defense of Cormyr against the Queen of Thorns.
Additionally, King Foril gives the PCs equipment, either

CORM2-3 Secret of the Queen of Thorns Page 54

Encounter 4: The Veil, Lifted Statistics (Low Level)
Purple Dragon Knight Thrall Level 14 Elite Soldier m Ghost Bite (standard; at-will) ✦ Necrotic
Medium natural humanoid, human XP 2000 +18 vs. AC; 11 necrotic damage.
Initiative +12 Senses Perception +15 Insubstantial Defense (free action, when hit by an attack; at-will)
Soul Void aura 1; each enemy that starts its turn within the aura The harbinger spirit makes a saving throw. If the save succeeds, the
can’t spend action points until the end of its next turn. attack passes harmlessly through the harbinger spirit’s form.
HP 242; Bloodied 121 Alignment Evil Languages Abyssal
Regeneration 10 (if the purple dragon knight takes psychic or Str 24 (+14) Dex 22 (+13) Wis 14 (+9)
necrotic damage, regeneration does not function until the end of its Con 20 (+12) Int 11 (+7) Cha 20 (+12)
next turn) Note: ghost worg packmate – changed alignment.
AC 30; Fortitude 29, Reflex 25, Will 25
Saving Throws +2; +4 against fear and charm effects Conquest (level 16) Level 16 Elite Controller
Speed 7 Medium aberrant humanoid XP 2800
Action Points 1 Initiative +10 Senses Perception +12; darkvision
m Longspear (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon HP 292; Bloodied 146
Reach 2; +20 vs. AC; 2d10 + 7 damage, and the target is marked AC 30; Fortitude 25, Reflex 29, Will 28; see also interpose thrall
until the end of the purple dragon knight’s next turn. Saving Throws +2
m Spiked Gauntlet (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon Speed 7
+20 vs. AC; 2d6 + 7 damage. Action Points 1
m Tentacles (standard; at-will)
r Javelin (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon +19 vs. Reflex This attack automatically hits a dazed or stunned
Ranged 10/20; +20 vs. AC; 2d6 + 7. target; 3d6 + 7 damage, and the target is grabbed (escape DC 21)
R Beckoning Gaze (minor 1/round; at-will) ✦ Gaze m Bore into Brain (standard; at-will) ✦ see text
Ranged 3; +19 vs. Will; the target is pulled 3 squares and marked Grabbed or stunned target only; +19 vs. Fortitude; 4d6 + 12
(save ends). damage, and the target is stunned until it is no longer grabbed by
C Sweeping Strike (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon Conquest. If this power reduces the target to 0 hit points or fewer,
Requires longspear; close blast 2; +20 vs. AC; 2d10 + 7 damage, Conquest can do one of the following:
and the target is knocked prone. Eat Brain (Healing): The target dies, and Conquest regains 25 hit
Blood Pursuit (immediate reaction, when a bloodied enemy within 2 points.
squares of the purple dragon knight moves or shifts; at-will) Thrall Surgery (Charm): Instead of dropping to 0 hit points or fewer,
The purple dragon knight shifts 1 square closer to the enemy. the target remains at 1 hit point. It is dominated until Conquest
Threatening Reach dies.
The purple dragon knight can make opportunity attacks against all C Mind Blast (standard; recharge 5-6) ✦ Psychic
enemies within its reach (2 squares). Close blast 5 (enemies only); +19 vs. Will; 3d8 + 12 psychic
Soul Siphon (free, when the purple dragon knight hits an enemy with damage, and the target is dazed (save ends). Miss: Half damage.
a ranged attack; recharge 5-6) ✦ Psychic R Enslave (standard; recharge 5-6) ✦ Charm
The enemy hit by the ranged attack also takes ongoing 10 psychic Ranged 10; +19 vs. Will; the target is dominated (save ends).
damage and is dazed (save ends both). Conquest can use enslave on only one creature at a time.
Caged Mind
A Illusion of Pain (standard; recharge 5-6) ✦ Illusion, Psychic
A purple dragon knight that is dominated is instead dazed for the
same duration that the dominated effect would have lasted. Area burst 1 within 10; enemies within the burst imagine that the
area is filled with writhing, barbed tentacles; +25 vs. Will; 2d10 + 4
Purple Dragon Knight Healing ✦ Healing
psychic damage, and the target takes ongoing 10 psychic damage
If the purple dragon knight is reduced to 0 hit points by an attack and is immobilized (save ends both).
that does not deal psychic or necrotic damage, it rises on its next Cradle of the Elder Brain (immediate interrupt, when attacked;
turn (as a move action) with 15 hit points.
Recharge 5-6) ✦ Teleportation
Alignment Good Languages Common, Chondathan
Skills Athletics +17, Endurance + 15 Conquest teleports 20 squares.
Str 24 (+14) Dex 16 (+10) Wis 16 (+10) Interpose Thrall (immediate interrupt, when targeted by a melee
Con 20 (+12) Int 10 (+7) Cha 12 (+8) attack; at-will)
Equipment plate armor, longspear, 8 javelins in sheaf Conquest redirects the attack to an adjacent thrall.
Note: war troll –size reduced, equipment & energy types changed; Alignment Evil Languages Common, telepathy 10
added cursed guardian template from DMG2. Modified damage. Skills Arcana +17, Bluff +20, Insight +17, Intimidate +20
Str 11 (+8) Dex 16 (+11) Wis 18 (+12)
Con 18 (+12) Int 18 (+12) Cha 24 (+15)
Harbinger Spirit (level 15) Level 15 Minion Note: mind flayer mastermind – changed language. Modified for
Large shadow magical beast (undead) XP 300 Monster Vault variant (defenses, hit points, and the way a couple of
Initiative +13 Senses Perception +9; darkvision powers work).
Death Mist aura 1; enemies that enter or start their turn in the aura
take 10 necrotic damage. If the curse of the Harbinger of Entropy is extant, Conquest’s cradle of
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. the elder brain is a recharge 4-6 power.
AC 27; Fortitude 28, Reflex 27, Will 26
Immune disease, poison; Resist insubstantial
Speed 8, fly 6 (hover); phasing

CORM2-3 Secret of the Queen of Thorns Page 55

Encounter 4: The Veil, Lifted Statistics (High Level)
Purple Dragon Knight Thrall (lvl 17) Level 17 Elite Soldier m Ghost Bite (standard; at-will) ✦ Necrotic
Medium natural humanoid, human XP 3200 +20 vs. AC; 12 necrotic damage.
Initiative +13 Senses Perception +16 Insubstantial Defense (free action, when hit by an attack; at-will)
Soul Void aura 1; each enemy that starts its turn within the aura The harbinger spirit makes a saving throw. If the save succeeds, the
can’t spend action points until the end of its next turn. attack passes harmlessly through the harbinger spirit’s form.
HP 266; Bloodied 133 Alignment Evil Languages Abyssal
Regeneration 10 (if the purple dragon knight takes psychic or Str 24 (+15) Dex 22 (+14) Wis 14 (+10)
necrotic damage, regeneration does not function until the end of its Con 20 (+13) Int 11 (+8) Cha 20 (+13)
next turn) Note: ghost worg packmate – changed alignment.
AC 33; Fortitude 32, Reflex 28, Will 28
Saving Throws +2; +4 against fear and charm effects Conquest Level 18 Elite Controller
Speed 7 Medium aberrant humanoid XP 4000
Action Points 1 Initiative +11 Senses Perception +13; darkvision
m Longspear (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon HP 324; Bloodied 162
Reach 2; +23 vs. AC; 2d10 + 10 damage, and the target is marked AC 32; Fortitude 27, Reflex 31, Will 30; see also interpose thrall
until the end of the purple dragon knight’s next turn. Saving Throws +2
m Spiked Gauntlet (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon Speed 7
+23 vs. AC; 2d6 + 10 damage. Action Points 1
m Tentacles (standard; at-will)
r Javelin (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon +21 vs. Reflex This attack automatically hits a dazed or stunned
Ranged 10/20; +23 vs. AC; 2d6 + 10. target; 3d6 + 9 damage, and the target is grabbed (escape DC 21)
R Beckoning Gaze (minor 1/round; at-will) ✦ Gaze m Bore into Brain (standard; at-will) ✦ see text
Ranged 3; +22 vs. Will; the target is pulled 3 squares and marked Grabbed or stunned target only; +21 vs. Fortitude; 4d6 + 14
(save ends). damage, and the target is stunned until it is no longer grabbed by
C Sweeping Strike (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon Conquest. If this power reduces the target to 0 hit points or fewer,
Requires longspear; close blast 2; +23 vs. AC; 2d10 + 10 damage, Conquest can do one of the following:
And the target is knocked prone. Eat Brain (Healing): The target dies, and Conquest regains 25 hit
Blood Pursuit (immediate reaction, when a bloodied enemy within 2 points.
squares of the purple dragon knight moves or shifts; at-will) Thrall Surgery (Charm): Instead of dropping to 0 hit points or fewer,
The purple dragon knight shifts 1 square closer to the enemy. the target remains at 1 hit point. It is dominated until Conquest
Threatening Reach dies.
The purple dragon knight can make opportunity attacks against all C Mind Blast (standard; recharge 5-6) ✦ Psychic
enemies within its reach (2 squares). Close blast 5 (enemies only); +21 vs. Will; 3d8 + 14 psychic
Soul Siphon (free, when the purple dragon knight hits an enemy with damage, and the target is dazed (save ends). Miss: Half damage.
a ranged attack; recharge 5-6) ✦ Psychic R Enslave (standard; recharge 5-6) ✦ Charm
The enemy hit by the ranged attack also takes ongoing 10 psychic Ranged 10; +21 vs. Will; the target is dominated (save ends).
damage and is dazed (save ends both). Conquest can use enslave on only one creature at a time.
Caged Mind
A Illusion of Pain (standard; recharge 5-6) ✦ Illusion, Psychic
A purple dragon knight that is dominated is instead dazed for the
same duration that the dominated effect would have lasted. Area burst 1 within 10; enemies within the burst imagine that the
area is filled with writhing, barbed tentacles; +27 vs. Will; 2d10 + 5
Purple Dragon Knight Healing ✦ Healing
psychic damage, and the target takes ongoing 10 psychic damage
If the purple dragon knight is reduced to 0 hit points by an attack and is immobilized (save ends both).
that does not deal psychic or necrotic damage, it rises on its next Cradle of the Elder Brain (immediate interrupt, when attacked;
turn (as a move action) with 15 hit points.
Recharge 5-6) ✦ Teleportation
Alignment Good Languages Common, Chondathan
Skills Athletics +18, Endurance + 16 Conquest teleports 20 squares.
Str 24 (+15) Dex 16 (+11) Wis 16 (+11) Interpose Thrall (immediate interrupt, when targeted by a melee
Con 20 (+13) Int 10 (+8) Cha 12 (+9) attack; at-will)
Equipment plate armor, longspear, 8 javelins in sheaf Conquest redirects the attack to an adjacent thrall.
Note: war troll –size reduced, equipment & energy types changed; Alignment Evil Languages Common, telepathy 10
Skills Arcana +18, Bluff +21, Insight +18, Intimidate +21
added cursed guardian template from DMG2.
Str 11 (+9) Dex 16 (+12) Wis 18 (+13)
Con 18 (+13) Int 18 (+13) Cha 24 (+16)
Harbinger Spirit Level 17 Minion Note: mind flayer mastermind – changed language. Modified for
Large shadow magical beast (undead) XP 400 Monster Vault variant (defenses, hit points, and the way a couple of
Initiative +14 Senses Perception +10; darkvision powers work).
Death Mist aura 1; enemies that enter or start their turn in the aura
take 10 necrotic damage. If the curse of the Harbinger of Entropy is extant, Conquest’s cradle of
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. the elder brain is a recharge 4-6 power.
AC 29; Fortitude 30, Reflex 29, Will 28
Immune disease, poison; Resist insubstantial
Speed 8, fly 6 (hover); phasing

CORM2-3 Secret of the Queen of Thorns Page 56

Encounter 4: The Veil, Lifted Map
Tile Sets Needed
Fane of the Forgotten Gods x1
Arcane Towers x1

4 PCs: Replace Black P with S

6 PCs: Replace Black S with P (remaining adjacent to throne and C)

P = Purple Dragon Knight Thrall

C = Conquest
S = Harbinger Spirit

CORM2-3 Secret of the Queen of Thorns Page 57

Rewards Summary Treasure
At the conclusion of the adventure, the PCs earn Each PC receives treasure in the form of gold pieces (the
experience points, treasure, and possibly story awards. “Base Gold” listed above) as well as the option to select
All totals listed here are per PC. A number before the from a list of Treasures. A Treasure may give the PC
slash is the low-level value; after the slash is the high- more gold, a magic item, or something else of value.
level value. Each player makes one and only one selection for their
character; multiple players may choose the same
Treasure. Some of the listed Treasures may not be
Experience Points available if the PCs did not complete the objective
Give PCs a full award for each encounter they specified in the adventure to unlock that Treasure.
successfully completed, and a half award if they were If a character buys or sells gear during the
unsuccessful. Give no award if the characters did not adventure (or pays for services, such as NPC ritual
play the encounter at all. casting) add or subtract the amount from the base gold.
If a player selects a Treasure that gives their character
Encounter 1: An Empty Toolbox more gold, add that amount to that character’s base gold
320 / 480 XP award. It is possible and permissible for a character to
Encounter 2a: Déjà Vu spend more gold than he or she earns during an
500 / 550 XP adventure, but characters may not spend gold that they
Encounter 3a: Shake, Rattle, and Roll do not have. For details on selling items, see the Living
1120/1280 XP Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide.
Encounter 3b: No Card Catalogue If a player selects a magic weapon or suit of armor
400 / 560 XP for their PC that is not specific on the type of item listed,
Encounter 3c: A Rose Among Thorns they must select the exact item at the time they choose
160 / 240 XP that bundle. For example, if a duelist’s weapon +1 is listed
Encounter 3d: Contagion Contained as a Treasure, a player selects the form of the weapon
1040 / 1200 XP amongst the choices possible for that magic item (light
Encounter 3e: Blue Blood blades). If the player selects the item as a +1 duelist’s
1440 / 1680 XP dagger, the player writes that information down on the
Encounter 3f: Back in the Saddle/Skirmish in the PC’s adventure log and the item is forever after that
Skies specific weapon.
1360 / 1680 XP An asterisk next to a magic item means that it is an
Encounter 3g: An Evening with Friends item that appears in the New Rules section.
720 / 840 XP
Encounter 3h: It Would Be Faerie Helpful Each PC Selects One of the Following:
900 / 980 XP Treasure A: boots of withdrawal* (level 16; Adventurer’s
Encounter 4: The Veil, Lifted Vault)
1600 / 2400 XP Found in Encounter 4
Minor Quest: Subdue, Not Slaughter
240 / 320 XP Treasure B: planesplitter weapon +4* (level 19; Manual of
the Planes)
Total Possible Experience Found in Encounter 2
3840 / 5120 XP
(The PCs may earn slightly more XP than this total, Treasure C: drakkensteed* (level 16 creature, mount;
depending on which parts of Encounter 3 they choose to Draconomicon 2); Note: this mount counts as a found
pursue; this is the maximum available award for this magic item, and is considered to have a rarity of
adventure.) Uncommon. It carries no upkeep cost. If sold, the PC
receives gold equal to 20% of the market price of a level
Base Gold per PC 16 magic item.
2,200 / 6,000 gp Found in Encounter 3f
(Encounter 1: 100 / 500 gp, Encounter 3a, d–h: 600 /
2,500 gp, Encounter 4: 1,500 / 3,000 gp)

CORM2-3 Secret of the Queen of Thorns Page 58

Treasure D: +4 guardian staff of ruin (level 18; VIPs: Lady Valwater, Madam Karah, Sir
Adventurer’s Vault and Player’s Handbook 3) Grenfell, Lady Inyn, War Wizards, Lord Prio,
Found in Encounter 3h temple of Tymora.
Eladrin lords
Treasure E: medallion of the mind +4* (level 19;
Adventurer’s Vault 2) Note the status of the Harbinger of Conquest here:
Found in Encounter 4 Escaped / Defeated

Treasure F: bloodcut armor +4 (level 19; Player’s Additionally, you have been taught the sigil sequences
Handbook) for permanent teleportation circles in the market in
Found in Encounter 4 Suzail and the old docks in Marsember.

Treasure G: Any Common magic item of your level + 2 CORM20 A King’s Remembrance
or less, or any Uncommon magic item of your level or You saved the life of Crown Prince Irvel when he was
less, from any player resource. under direct assault by the Harbinger of Conquest. King
Found in Conclusion Foril has given you an expression of kingly gratitude,
and he owes you a great debt. You may call on him in a
Consumable plus Gold: If a player doesn’t want to case of dire need to aid your cause.
select one of the Treasures listed above for their
character, they can choose to add a sliver of salvation* plus CORM21 Infiltrated the Dragon’s Shadow
700 / 3,900 gp to their rewards from this adventure. You have proven your skills as a thief and been
The player should write the consumable gained on their welcomed into the ranks of the Dragon’s Shadow
adventure log. That character (and only that character) thieves’ guild as a novitiate.
then receives the consumable plus the listed amount of
gold (if any) instead of any other Treasure. Consumable
items obtained in this fashion do not take up found
magic item slots.

More Gold: If a player doesn't want to select one of the

Treasures listed above for their character, they can
choose to add 3,300 / 6,500 gp to their rewards from
this adventure. That character (and only that character)
receives more gold instead of any other Treasure.

Story Awards
Award these if the PC completes the condition for the
award in the adventure. Pass out certificates to the
players for their story awards. It is permissible for the
PCs to earn all three story awards in this adventure, if
they meet the criteria.

CORM19 Standing Together

You have worked to gain resources that aid Cormyr to
fight the armies of the Queen of Thorns. Cross out
resources that were not obtained:
Sir Severin
Legendary Ritual of Broken Morale
Legendary Ritual of Earthbinding
Dragon Rose
Royal Wand of Wonder
Taliss Muirwood
Wheloon’s prison gangs

CORM2-3 Secret of the Queen of Thorns Page 59

New Rules
All magic items have a rarity of Uncommon unless stated otherwise.

Boots of Withdrawal Level 16 (low-level only) Planesplitter Weapon Level 19

This footwear allows you to live to fight another day. The edge of this weapon is so sharp that it seems to cut through the
Lvl 16 45,000 gp unseen forces separating the planes.
Item Slot: Feet Lvl 19 +4 105,000 gp
Property: If you are bloodied and make no attacks on your turn, gain Weapon: Axe, Heavy Blade
a +4 item bonus to speed, AC, and Reflex defense until the end of Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
your next turn. Critical: +4d12
Property: While wielding this weapon, you can perform the Planar
Portal ritual (Player’s Handbook, page 311).
Guardian Staff of Ruin Level 18
Power (Encounter): Free Action. Use this power when you make a
This gnarled, jagged staff fits the hand of any wizard seeking to
melee attack using this weapon. The weapon’s reach increases by 2
devastate her opponent. It is formed from an uncut branch of a squares.
watcher tree, a variety of oak that grows only in the Feywild.
Lvl 18 85,000 gp Power (Daily ✦ Teleportation): Minor Action. You create a
Implement (Staff) dimensional rift connecting two squares within 10 squares of each
Enhancement: +4 attack rolls and damage rolls other that lasts until the end of your next turn. A creature that
Critical: +4d10 enters one of the squares can move to the other square as if it were
Property: Whenever you make an attack using this staff, you gain an adjacent to that square. A creature cannot pass through the rift if
item bonus to the attack’s damage rolls equal to the staff’s either square is occupied by another creature.
enhancement bonus.
Property: If you have the Superior Implement Training feat for this Sliver of Salvation Level 17
item, you gain the following benefits: You throw off the lingering effects of enemy spells and ill effects with
• Energized (force): When you use an attack power through this greater ease.
staff, you gain a +3 bonus to damage rolls if the power has the Level: 17 2,600 gp
force keyword. The bonus increases to +4 at 21st level. Other Consumable
• Shielding: Whenever you hit at least one target with an attack Power (Consumable): Minor Action. You gain a +4 power bonus to
power using this staff, you gain a +1 shield bonus to AC and the next saving throw you make before the end of the encounter.
Reflex until the start of your next turn. Special: Using this item counts as a use of a magic item daily power.

Medallion of the Mind Level 19

The amethyst pupil on this medallion glows softly when your
thoughts take root in the minds of those around you.
Lvl 19 +4 105,000 gp
Item Slot: Neck
Enhancement: +4 Fortitude, Reflex, and Will
Property: You gain an item bonus to insight checks equal to the
medallion’s enhancement bonus.
Property: You can communicate telepathically with any creature you
can see. Those willing to communicate with you can send thoughts
back to you, allowing two way communication. This telepathic
communication fulfills the requirement of a class feature or power
that a target be able to hear you.
Power (Daily): Free. Trigger: An enemy you grant combat advantage
to hits or misses you. Effect: The triggering enemy grants combat
advantage to your allies until the start of your next turn.

CORM2-3 Secret of the Queen of Thorns Page 60

Appendix 1: The Harbingers’ Curses
It is likely that not all six of the Harbingers were defeated during the events of CORM1-6 Curse of the Queen of Thorns.
If they were not stopped, their physical manifestations disintegrated and seeped into the kingdom itself. The DM
should determine at the beginning of this adventure what Harbingers’ curses are in place in Cormyr:

• If any PCs have story award CORM10 The Harbingers, the DM should use it to determine what curses are in
place. If at least half of those PCs who have the award defeated a particular Harbinger, count its curse as
inactive. Do no Count any PCs who do not have this story award.

• If none of the PCs have story award CORM10, then determine randomly three Harbingers which were defeated.
Roll a d6 three times; if the same number comes up more than once, simply move down the list until you reach
a Harbinger which has not yet been marked as defeated: 1 – Pestilence, 2 – Famine, 3 – Madness, 4 – Fury, 5 –
Entropy, 6 – Destruction

The following is a list of the curses and their effects on Cormyr. Also noted are the encounters in this adventure in
which the curses’ effects have a tangible effect.

Pestilence: Shrubs and flowers throughout Cormyr are being destroyed by a blight of pests. In Encounter 3c, the
curse of Pestilence has all but destroyed the Dragon Rose.

Famine: While crops in the countryside of Cormyr are suffering from the worst growth season in memory, the king’s
subjects are noticing an unnatural hunger. The nation’s food reserves are quickly becoming depleted, but people can’t
help but tear into meals with reckless abandon. In Encounter 3g, the guests are affected by the curse and it’s more
difficult for even the PCs to avoid consuming Conquest’s poison.

Madness: Anyone who is inclined to act impulsively or irrationally seems to give in. In Encounter 3d anyone who
contracts chaos phage immediately begins to suffer negative effects from the maddening disease.

Fury: Levelheaded citizens of Cormyr are reacting to slight irritations with enormous outbursts, leading to fist fights,
false charges of crimes, and general disease wherever crowds are gathered. In Encounter 3e, Taliss Muirwood, who
would normally fight with restraint and mercy, lashes out for being interrupted and attacks with lethal force. In
Encounter 3f, the prisoners of Wheloon are angry at the PCs for daring to suggest that they assist the very
government that gave them their life sentences and are difficult to persuade otherwise.

Entropy: An odd sense of disorder has begun to pervade Cormyr: people seem to misplace their belongings, no one
seems to arrive for appointments on time, and mistakes are being made in people’s everyday tasks. In Encounters 2a,
3d, and 4, creatures can teleport farther and/or more often than usual.

Destruction: Cormyr itself seems to be falling apart: sinkholes are opening up in all sorts of places, buildings’
foundations need renovation, and crafted objects are falling apart well before their lifespan has run out. In Encounter
3a, the cave-in hazard drops more rock on the cavern floor below than would normally result in an ages-old section of
the Underdark. In Encounter 3b, Conquest’s agent’s fire spell is more difficult to quench.

CORM2-3 Secret of the Queen of Thorns Page 61

Appendix 2: Story Awards
This adventure makes use of story awards from previous adventures in Cormyr. In order to make gameplay
smoother, it is recommended that the DM ask the players to retrieve the list of their PCs’ story awards in Cormyr and
the adventures in which their PCs have taken part (in case they did not earn story awards for a particular adventure);
players should have easy access to this information throughout the adventure.

CORE1~1 Inheritance
• CORE01 Tymora’s Token: Encounter 2b, 3 (unlocks Encounter 3f)

CORM1~2 Gangs of Wheloon

• CORM02 In Service of the Crown: Encounter 2b, 3 (unlocks Encounter 3f)
• CORM03 Valwater’s Gratitude: Encounter 3f

CORM1~3 Head Above Water

• CORM04 Noblesse Oblige: Encounter 2b, 3 (unlocks Encounter 3g)
• CORM05 Eladrin’s Blessing: Encounter 2b, 3 (unlocks Encounter 3h)

CORM1~5 In the Bleak Midwinter

• CORM07 Sweet as Honey: Encounter 3f
• CORM09 Draconic Diplomat: Encounter 3h

CORM1~6 Curse of the Queen of Thorns

• CORM10 The Harbingers: See Appendix 1
• CORM11 Knighted: Introduction; Encounter 2b, 3f

CORM1~7 Patronage and Pestilence

• CORM12 Karah Family Favor: Encounter 2b, 3 (unlocks Encounter 3g)
• CORM13 Suzail Deputy: Encounter 2b

CORM2~1 For Crown and Kingdom

• CORM14 Favor of Oris Grenfell: Encounter 2b, 3 (unlocks Encounter 3g)
• CORM15 Favor of Cora Inyn: Encounter 2b, 3 (unlocks Encounter 3g)
• CORM16 War Wizards’ Gratitude: Encounter 2b, 3 (unlocks Encounter 3g)

CORM2~2 Pain
• CORM17 Haldoneir Unmasked: Encounter 2b, 3 (unlocks Encounter 3g)

CORM2-3 Secret of the Queen of Thorns Page 62

Player Handout 1
Give this sheet to the PCs if they acquire drakkensteed mounts in Encounter 3f.

Drakkensteed Level 16 Skirmisher

Large natural magical beast XP 1400
Initiative +15 Senses Perception +12; low-light vision
HP 157; Bloodied 78
AC 30; Fortitude 29, Reflex 27, Will 26
Speed 8, fly 10, overland flight 15
m Claw (standard; at-will)
+21 vs. AC; 2d8 + 7 damage.
m Wing Swipe (standard; at-will)
+21 vs. AC; 1d6 + 7 damage.
M Flyby Attack (standard; at-will)
The drakkensteed flies up to 10 squares and makes one claw
attack, or two wing swipes against different creatures, at any point
during that movement. The drakkensteed doesn’t provoke
opportunity attacks when moving away from the targets of the
C Fearsome Roar (standard, encounter) ✦ Fear
Close burst 3; targets enemies; +19 vs. Fortitude; the target is dazed
(save ends).
Drakkensteed Action (while mounted by a friendly rider of 16th
level or higher; encounter)
When the rider spends an action point to take an extra action, the
drakkensteed’s fearsome roar recharges, and the drakkensteed uses
it as a free action.
Alignment Unaligned Languages –
Str 24 (+15) Dex 21 (+13) Wis 19 (+12)
Con 21 (+13) Int 3 (+4) Cha 10 (+8)

CORM2-3 Secret of the Queen of Thorns Page 63

Player Handout 2
This letter was stashed in the ritual book found by solving the puzzle cavern in the Underdark.

I am hiding this book of lore to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands and to
preserve it for the days when it will be sorely needed. The drow city of Sschindylryn lies
not even a day’s journey from the cavern where we will construct a puzzle to defend this
book, and the dark eyes of Lolth’s children hunger to gaze upon the ruin of those who live
in the light above. They are masters of constructing portals, so we must be ever vigilant to
stand against an attack for which there will be no warning. The hordes they could
unleash upon Suzail and Cormyr’s other outposts would undo the 600 years of
civilization we have brought to this savage land.

Beware the priestesses and portal-mages of Sschindylryn; their threat to Cormyr will
never fade!

CORM2-3 Secret of the Queen of Thorns Page 64

Player Handout 3
This grid may be helpful in collecting information about which PCs have earned which Story Awards.

PC #1 Name:

PC #2 Name:

PC #3 Name:

PC #4 Name:

PC #5 Name:

PC #6 Name:
CORE1-1 Inheritance
CORE01 Tymora’s Token
CORM1-2 Gangs of Wheloon
CORM02 In Service of the Crown
CORM03 Valwater’s Gratitude
CORM1-3 Head Above Water
CORM04 Noblesse Oblige
CORM05 Eladrin’s Blessing
CORM1-5 In the Bleak Midwinter
CORM07 Sweet as Honey
CORM09 Draconic Diplomat
CORM1-6 Curse of the Queen of Thorns
CORM10 The Harbingers
CORM11 Knighted
CORM1-7 Patronage and Pestilence
CORM12 Karah Family Favor
CORM13 Suzail Deputy
CORM2-1 For Crown and Kingdom
CORM14 Favor of Oris Grenfell
CORM15 Favor of Cora Inyn
CORM16 War Wizards’ Gratitude
CORM2-2 Pain
CORM17 Haldoneir Unmasked

CORM2-3 Secret of the Queen of Thorns Page 65

__________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________
(character name) (character name) (character name)

Has Received Story Awards From: Has Received Story Awards From: Has Received Story Awards From:
(cross out those not received) (cross out those not received) (cross out those not received)

CORM2~3 Secret of the Queen of CORM2~3 Secret of the Queen of CORM2~3 Secret of the Queen of
Thorns Thorns Thorns
CORM19 Standing Together CORM19 Standing Together CORM19 Standing Together
You have worked to gain resources that aid Cormyr to You have worked to gain resources that aid Cormyr to You have worked to gain resources that aid Cormyr to
fight the armies of the Queen of Thorns. Cross out fight the armies of the Queen of Thorns. Cross out fight the armies of the Queen of Thorns. Cross out
resources that were not obtained: resources that were not obtained: resources that were not obtained:
Sir Severin Sir Severin Sir Severin
Legendary Ritual of Broken Morale Legendary Ritual of Broken Morale Legendary Ritual of Broken Morale
Legendary Ritual of Earthbinding Legendary Ritual of Earthbinding Legendary Ritual of Earthbinding
Dragon Rose Dragon Rose Dragon Rose
Royal Wand of Wonder Royal Wand of Wonder Royal Wand of Wonder
Taliss Muirwood Taliss Muirwood Taliss Muirwood
Wheloon’s prison gangs Wheloon’s prison gangs Wheloon’s prison gangs
VIPs: Lady Valwater, Madam Karah, VIPs: Lady Valwater, Madam Karah, VIPs: Lady Valwater, Madam Karah,
Sir Grenfell, Lady Inyn, War Wizards, Lord Prio, Sir Grenfell, Lady Inyn, War Wizards, Lord Prio, Sir Grenfell, Lady Inyn, War Wizards, Lord Prio,
Temple of Tymora. Temple of Tymora. Temple of Tymora.
Eladrin lords Eladrin lords Eladrin lords

Note the status of the Harbinger of Conquest here: Note the status of the Harbinger of Conquest here: Note the status of the Harbinger of Conquest here:
Escaped / Defeated Escaped / Defeated Escaped / Defeated

Additionally, you have been taught the sigil sequences Additionally, you have been taught the sigil sequences Additionally, you have been taught the sigil sequences
for permanent teleportation circles in the market in for permanent teleportation circles in the market in for permanent teleportation circles in the market in
Suzail and the old docks in Marsember. Suzail and the old docks in Marsember. Suzail and the old docks in Marsember.

CORM20 A King’s Remembrance CORM20 A King’s Remembrance CORM20 A King’s Remembrance

You saved the life of Crown Prince Irvel when he was You saved the life of Crown Prince Irvel when he was You saved the life of Crown Prince Irvel when he was
under direct assault by the Harbinger of Conquest. under direct assault by the Harbinger of Conquest. under direct assault by the Harbinger of Conquest.
King Foril has given you an expression of kingly King Foril has given you an expression of kingly King Foril has given you an expression of kingly
gratitude, and he owes you a great debt. You may call gratitude, and he owes you a great debt. You may call gratitude, and he owes you a great debt. You may call
on him in a case of dire need to aid your cause. on him in a case of dire need to aid your cause. on him in a case of dire need to aid your cause.

CORM21 Infiltrated the Dragon’s Shadow CORM21 Infiltrated the Dragon’s Shadow CORM21 Infiltrated the Dragon’s Shadow
You have proven your skills as a thief and been You have proven your skills as a thief and been You have proven your skills as a thief and been
welcomed into the ranks of the Dragon’s Shadow welcomed into the ranks of the Dragon’s Shadow welcomed into the ranks of the Dragon’s Shadow
thieves’ guild as a novitiate. thieves’ guild as a novitiate. thieves’ guild as a novitiate.
Event Name: _______________________________ Event Code: __________________________
(This number was given to the organizer when the event was scheduled)

Adventure Title: ______________________________________________ Session Number: ____
(For administrative use only)

/ / Start Time: :
Give hour in military time standard (p.m. hours
Date of Play: = hour +12). Don’t record the exact minute the
Month Day Year Hour Minute adventure played. Instead list the closest 30- DM Name: _____________________
minute interval the game was scheduled to start
at (30 or 00).
A legal table has no less than four players, and no more than six players.
RPGA Number: May be less than a 10-digit number.

Name Number

a b c

6 Dungeons & Dragons is a trademark of Wizards of the

Coast LLC. © 2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC

Event Name: _______________________________ Event Code: __________________________

(This number was given to the organizer when the event was scheduled)

Adventure Title: ______________________________________________ Session Number: ____
(For administrative use only)

/ / Start Time: :
Give hour in military time standard (p.m. hours
Date of Play: = hour +12). Don’t record the exact minute the
Month Day Year Hour Minute adventure played. Instead list the closest 30- DM Name: _____________________
minute interval the game was scheduled to start
at (30 or 00).
A legal table has no less than four players, and no more than six players.
RPGA Number: May be less than a 10-digit number.

Name Number

a b c

6 Dungeons & Dragons is a trademark of Wizards of the

Coast LLC. © 2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC

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