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Diabetic Nephropathy: Review

Kidney Dis 2015;1:61–70 Received: March 31, 2015

Accepted after revision: April 2, 2015
DOI: 10.1159/000382028
Published online: May 1, 2015

Prevalence and Management of Diabetic

Nephropathy in Western Countries
Bancha Satirapoj a Sharon G. Adler b
Division of Nephrology, Phramongkutklao Hospital and College of Medicine, Bangkok, Thailand;

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Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, Torrance, Calif., USA

Key Words dietary protein intake, increased physical activity, weight

Diabetic nephropathy · Chronic kidney disease · Glomerular reduction, and smoking cessation can reduce the rate of
hyperfiltration · Microalbuminuria · Macroalbuminuria progression of nephropathy and cardiovascular disease. Key
Messages: DN is a complex disease linking hemodynamic
and metabolic pathways with oxidative stress, and systemic
Abstract inflammation. We summarize the current evidence of epide-
Background: Diabetic nephropathy (DN) often results in miology, clinical diagnosis, and the current management of
end-stage renal disease, and this is the most common reason DN in Western countries. Facts from East and West: The
for initiation of dialysis in the United States. Complications prevalence of DN is increasing in Asia and Western countries
of diabetes, particularly renal disease, substantially increase alike. The deletion (D) allele of the angiotensin-converting
the risk of subsequent severe illness and death. The preva- enzyme gene is associated with progression to end-stage re-
lence of DN is still rising dramatically, with concomitant in- nal disease in Asian patients with DN, but this association is
creases in associated mortality and cardiovascular complica- uncertain in Europeans. An association between DN and
tions. Summary: Renal involvement in type 1 and type 2 dia- polymorphism of the gene coding for acetyl coenzyme A
betes reflects a complex pathogenesis. Various genetic and carboxylase β has been reported in Asian and Western pop-
environmental factors determine the susceptibility and pro- ulations. Both in Japan and the US, criteria for diagnosis are
gression to advanced stages of the disease. DN should be a 5-year history of diabetes and persistent albuminuria. Re-
considered in patients who have had type 1 diabetes for at nal biopsy should be done in patients with severe hematuria,
least 10 years with microalbuminuria and diabetic retinopa- cellular casts and – in the US – hepatitis and HIV to rule out
thy, as well as in patients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes with other pathologies. Diabetic retinopathy is considered a key
macroalbuminuria in whom other causes for proteinuria are criterion in Japan, but the absence of it does not rule out DN
absent. The glomerular characteristic features include me- in the US. Enlargement of the kidney is observed as a diag-
sangial expansion, thickened glomerular basement mem- nostic criterion in Japan. The differential use of renal biopsy
brane, and hyalinosis of arterioles. The optimal therapy of
DN continues to evolve. For all diabetic patients, practical
management including blood glucose and blood pressure For the prevalence and management of diabetic nephropathy in Asia,
control with renin-angiotensin-aldosterone blockade com- see Tomino and Gohda, Kidney Dis 2015, DOI: 10.1159/000381757,
bined with lipid control, dietary salt restriction, lowering the www.karger.com/doi/0003881757.

© 2015 S. Karger AG, Basel Dr. Sharon G. Adler

2296–9381/15/0011–0061$39.50/0 Nephrology and Hypertension Division
Los Angeles Biomedical Research Center
E-Mail karger@karger.com
1124 Carson Street, Torrance, CA 90502 (USA)
E-Mail sadler @ labiomed.org
as diagnostic tool might account for a different prevalence significantly to the risk. The incidence of DN from type 1
between Asian countries. Some Japanese diabetic patients diabetes has declined over the past three decades. Patients
show typical histological alterations for DN with a normal with type 2 diabetes have a more variable natural history
ACR and GFR. The clinical classification is similar between and often a delayed diagnosis of diabetes. Many factors
Japan and the US including five stages based on ACR and including hypertension, insulin resistance, and hyperlip-
GFR. The Japanese guidelines do not include blood pressure idemia affect the albumin excretion rate (AER). However,
values for the classification of DN. Guidelines for DN treat- the overall clinical course is similar in DN patients with
ment are evolving quickly both in Asia and Western coun- type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
tries based on the numerous clinical trials performed world- Both environmental and genetic factors have been
wide. Targeting the angiotensin system for its hemodynam- postulated as DN risk factors. Risk factors affecting the
ic and nonhemodynamic effects is a common approach. progression of DN include baseline AER, age, hemoglo-
DPP-4 inhibitors are widely used in Japan and might have bin A1c (HbA1c), blood pressure (BP), serum choles-
a higher glucose-lowering effect in Asian patients due to terol, smoking, use of renin-angiotensin system (RAAS)
their specific diet. A randomized, double-blind placebo-con- blocker and genetic predisposition. Genetic factors con-
trolled study has been launched to assess the efficacy of the ferring a predisposition to DN have been sought, but

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Chinese herbal tea extract Shenyan Kangfu in DN. reproducible high-impact loci have not yet been identi-
© 2015 S. Karger AG, Basel fied. Several genetic strategies have been used to iden-
tify common disease risk loci and genes, including can-
didate gene analyses, family-based linkage analysis,
Prevalence and Risk factors transmission disequilibrium testing, population-based
admixture mapping, and genome-wide association
Globally, an estimated 387 million people, or 8.3% of studies [5].
the population, have diabetes according to the Interna-
tional Diabetes Federation (IDF) Diabetes Atlas update
of 2014. It is estimated that by the year 2035, 592 million Pathophysiology
people, or 1 person in 10, will have diabetes. The number
of people with type 2 diabetes is increasing in every coun- Many pathophysiological mechanisms have been pos-
try, including the United States, where approximately tulated as initiation and progression factors. Two main
29.1 million people, or 9.3% of the population, are esti- pathways have served as cornerstones for study [6].
mated to have diabetes. The prevalence of diagnosed dia-
betes is higher in racial and ethnic minorities among peo- Hemodynamic Pathways
ple aged >20 years, affecting approximately 15.9% of Na- Hemodynamic pathways contributing to DN involve
tive Americans, 13.2% of African-Americans, and 12.8% the activation of the local RAAS in proximal tubular epi-
of Hispanics [1]. Diabetes accounted for approximately thelial cells, mesangial cells, and podocytes. Angiotensin
45% of patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) in II (ATII) predominantly acts as a vasoconstrictor at the
the US Renal Data System in 2013 [2]. Rates of all dia- level of the glomerular efferent arteriole, leading to in-
betic complications declined between 1990 and 2010 in creased glomerular capillary pressures. ATII also stimu-
the United States, with relative declines in acute myocar- lates renal growth and fibrosis through ATII type 1 recep-
dial infarction by 67.8%, death from hyperglycemic crisis tors, which contributes to mesangial matrix expansion,
by 64.4%, stroke by 52.7%, amputations by 51.4% and podocyte injury, and nephron loss [7]. Moreover, the ac-
ESRD by 28.3% [3]. Reductions in these complications in tivation of various vasoactive cytokines and growth fac-
adults with diabetes do not significantly reduce the over- tors, including transforming growth factor β (TGF-β),
all burden of diabetes-related complications because of nitric oxide, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF),
the large increase in the number of prevalent cases. Thus, and endothelin play important roles in both the observed
the prevalence of diabetic nephropathy (DN) is still rising hemodynamic changes and aberrant molecular signaling
dramatically, with concomitant increases in associated in DN.
mortality and cardiovascular complications [4].
The onset of DN in type 1 diabetes is typically between Metabolic Pathways
10 and 15 years after the initial diagnosis, with the dura- Hyperglycemia can directly result in mesangial expan-
tion of prepubertal diabetes tending not to contribute as sion and injury by increasing intracellular glucose avail-

62 Kidney Dis 2015;1:61–70 Satirapoj/Adler

DOI: 10.1159/000382028
Table 1. Clinical stages of DN

Designation Characteristics GFR AER BP

Stage 1 Hyperfunction Glomerular hyperfiltration Increased May be increased Normal

Stage 2 Silent stage Thickened basement membrane Normal <30 mg/24 h or g/mg creatinine Normal
Mesangium expansion
Stage 3 Incipient Microalbuminuria GFR begins to fall 30 – 300 mg/24 h or g/mg creatinine High
Stage 4 Overt DN Macroalbuminuria <60 ml/min/1.73 m2 >300 mg/24 h or g/mg creatinine High
Stage 5 Advanced nephropathy ESRD 0 – 15 ml/min/1.73 m2 Decreasing High

ability, leading to the activation of signaling cascades fa- normoalbuminuria, microalbuminuria, macroalbumin-
voring glomerulosclerosis, including pathways mediated uria, and finally ESRD (table 1). The earliest stage begins
by TGF-β, advanced glycosylation end products (AGEs), initially with glomerular hyperfiltration and increased
protein kinase C, and various cytokines and growth fac- GFR. The next stage is microalbuminuria, defined as a

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tors [8]. Decreased phosphorylated p38 (pp38) mitogen- persistent AER rate between 30 and 300 mg/day. Micro-
activated protein kinase (MAPK) after chronic glucose albuminuria is a strong predictor for progressing to overt
loading can also contribute to podocyte cytoskeletal al- nephropathy and developing cardiovascular events [12],
terations and the development of abnormal albuminuria but some patients can spontaneously regress from mi-
[9]. croalbuminuria to normoalbuminuria [13]. Macroalbu-
High glucose can bind reversibly and eventually irre- minuria, defined as AER >300 mg/day, is considered a
versibly to free amino groups on circulating and kidney disease state with a high risk of progression to impaired
tissue proteins to form AGEs. AGEs form complex cross- GFR or irreversible kidney disease. It also is associated
links which accumulate over years of hyperglycemia. with a high cumulative incidence of ESRD (75%) at 15
They activate specific receptors, inducing cellular dys- years of follow-up [14]. A recent study reporting on
function and tissue injury. AGE receptor activation stim- long-term renal outcomes in patients with type 1 diabe-
ulates the synthesis of growth factors and cytokines, tes who developed incident macroalbuminuria during
which contribute to the accumulation of glomerular ex- the DCCT trial found that the cumulative incidences of
tracellular matrix proteins, albuminuria, and renal injury chronic kidney disease (CKD) and ESRD were only 32
[10]. Moreover, metabolic pathways activating the renal and 16%, respectively, 10 years after diagnosis [15]. This
immune system and inflammation response produce in- supports the observation that reductions in AER are
flammatory cytokines [TGF-β, interleukin 1 (IL-1), IL-6, common, with more than half of type 1 diabetic patients
IL-18] and growth factors [VEGF, tumor necrosis factor- with macroalbuminuria regressing to persistent AER
alpha (TNF-α)], which have all been implicated in renal <300 mg/day after long-term follow-up. This finding
disease progression. suggests that the clinical course of nephropathy in dia-
betic patients is modifiable, includes frequent AER re-
duction, and at times, complete regression of albumin-
Clinical Diagnosis uria. Thus, in many patients, control of risk factors of
disease progression, including glycemic and hyperten-
Clinically, DN has been characterized by a progressive sive control, may achieve stabilization of renal function
increase in AER, a decline in GFR, and an increase in BP. for long periods of time.
More recently, and with the increasing use of RAAS
blocker in diabetic patients, DN with normoalbuminuria
or low microalbuminuria but declining eGFR has been Diagnostic Criteria
described [11]. Renal involvement is diagnosed to be
secondary to diabetes in the setting of long-standing The clinical practice guidelines for DN outlined by the
diabetes with diabetic neuropathy or diabetic retinopa- Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative (KDOQI)
thy particularly in type 1 diabetics, where there is a good recommend that screening for DN should begin 5 years
correlation. Renal manifestations in diabetes are classi- after the diagnosis of type 1 diabetes and at the time of
fied into five stages including glomerular hyperfiltration, the diagnosis of type 2 diabetes [16]. It is common to find

Diabetic Nephropathy in Western Kidney Dis 2015;1:61–70 63

Countries DOI: 10.1159/000382028
Yes Class IV
Global glomerulosclerosis >50%
Advanced DN


Yes Class III

Nodular glomerulosclerosis
Nodular glomerulosclerosis

No Yes Class IIB

Severe mesangial expansion
Mesangium >
Mesangial expansion
capillary lumen
Class IIA
No Mild mesangial expansion

GBM >395 nm in females Class I

Fig. 1. Glomerular pathological classifica- GBM >430 nm in males GBM thickening

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tion in DN. GBM = Glomerular basement

renal involvement in a type 2 diabetic patient at or soon Renal Pathology

after the initial diagnosis of diabetes. This is presumably
due to the presence of type 2 diabetes for considerable Early diabetic pathological changes before the onset of
periods of time before it is actually discovered, particu- microalbuminuria are mesangial expansion and glomer-
larly for individuals without consistent health screening. ular basement membrane thickening [19]. More ad-
The preferred screening tests include serum creatinine vanced disease may include the nodular glomeruloscle-
for calculating eGFR and an AER with a first-morning rosis lesion, first described by Kimmelstiel and Wilson in
void spot collection. If the AER is abnormal, the test 1936, hyalinosis of afferent and efferent arterioles, glo-
should be repeated to assess for persistence. Microalbu- merular capillary subendothelial hyaline (hyaline caps),
minuria is present if two of three AER tests are between capsular drops along the epithelial parietal surface of the
30 and 300 mg/day over a 6-month period. Diabetes is Bowman capsule, or combinations of these. The patho-
the likely cause of albuminuria in patients with persistent logical DN glomerular lesions have recently been classi-
microalbuminuria or macroalbuminuria who have had fied into four classes. Class I consists of electron micro-
diabetes for at least 10 years and/or diabetic retinopathy. scopically confirmed thickening of the glomerular base-
In patients with diabetes, the presentation of a rapidly ment membrane, adjusted for gender and age. Class II
rising urinary protein level, a more rapid loss of renal consists of mild (IIA) to severe (IIB) mesangial expan-
function (≥1 ml/min/month), active urine red cell or sion. Class III consists of nodular glomerulosclerosis,
white cell casts, gross hematuria, systemic signs and/or and class IV consists of >50% global glomerulosclerosis
symptoms of other glomerular diseases, known chronic along with lesions of classes I, II, or III (fig. 1) [20]. In
infections such as HIV or hepatitis B or C, and/or renal addition, in this new pathological DN classification, tu-
impairment without diabetic retinopathy should lead to bulointerstitial and vascular lesions are scored separately
the consideration of renal biopsy. While the presence of on scales of 0–3 and 0–2, respectively. Tubulointerstitial
diabetic retinopathy strongly correlates with overt ne- changes are a strong predictor of the decline of GFR in
phropathy and declining GFR <30–60 ml/min/1.73 m2 DN [21]. Theoretically, identifying renal tubular bio-
[17], the association is not as strong in early and type 2 markers that would enable additional risk stratification
diabetes as it is in type 1 diabetes. Therefore, the lack of of this setting for propensity to GFR loss and ESRD
diabetic retinopathy does not rule out DN, particularly would seem to help focus more intensive therapeutic in-
in type 2 diabetes. Additional treatable renal diseases terventions on patients who are at the highest risk of pro-
may also be observed on a background of diabetic ne- gressive DN [22]. However, so far, that promise remains
phropathy [18]. unrealized [23].

64 Kidney Dis 2015;1:61–70 Satirapoj/Adler

DOI: 10.1159/000382028
Treatment RAAS Blockade in Type 1 Diabetes

The optimal therapy of DN continues to evolve. The key- In type 1 diabetes with persistent microalbuminuria,
stones in preventing and slowing renal progression are tight angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEi) reduce
glycemic control, BP and lipid control, and other adjunctive the risk of nephropathy [27]. The Collaborative Study
interventions. The following sections summarize the clini- Group [28] compared captopril with placebo in patients
cal evidence supporting current therapeutic interventions. with type 1 diabetes, urinary protein excretion >500 mg/
day and serum creatinine >1.5 mg/dl. Captopril signifi-
BP Control cantly reduced the composite risk of doubling serum cre-
BP lowering has clearly shown to be an important and atinine, death, dialysis, or transplantation. There are no
powerful intervention in slowing DN progression, reduc- equivalent large long-term clinical trials to demonstrate
ing cardiovascular disease events, and preventing prema- the efficacy of ARBs in patients with type 1 diabetes with
ture death in both type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients. nephropathy. Nevertheless, based on the similar proper-
However, the optimal lower limit for BP control in DN ties of ACEi and ARBs, there is sufficient reason to believe
remains unclear. Major guidelines published before the that both are effective in the treatment of type 1 DN.

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Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes BP In patients with normotensive and normoalbuminuric
(ACCORD BP) trial suggested that the target BP in dia- type 1 diabetes, early RAAS blockers in patients with type
betic patients should be <130/80 mm Hg. However, in the 1 diabetes did not demonstrate a substantial benefit on
ACCORD BP trial, there was no difference in the risk of renal progression [29]. Currently, no evidence supports
composite major cardiovascular events between targeting using a RAAS blocker for preventing nephropathy in nor-
a systolic BP <120 mm Hg and systolic BP <140 mm Hg moalbuminuric diabetic patients with normal BP.
[24]. Importantly, higher rates of serious adverse events
attributed to the low BP target, including impaired renal
function and hyperkalemia, were found among type 2 di- RAAS Blockades in Type 2 Diabetes
abetic patients with high cardiovascular risk [24]. A re-
cent systematic review suggested that a BP target of <125/ In the HOPE trial, in hypertensive normoalbumin-
75–130/80 mm Hg may be beneficial in adult patients uric patients with type 2 diabetes, ACEi demonstrated a
with CKD and proteinuria >300–1,000 mg/day [25]. The significant reduction in the risk of nephropathy, stroke,
KDIGO 2012 Clinical Practice Guideline for the manage- and cardiovascular morbidity and mortality [30]. The
ment of BP in CKD recommended thresholds to initiate BENEDICT trial showed that the use of an ACEi was as-
treatment to lower the BP to 130/80 and 140/90 mm Hg sociated with a decreased risk of microalbuminuria
for DN patients with and without AER >30 mg/day, re- among type 2 diabetic patients with hypertension [31].
spectively [26]. Overall, it is recommended to individual- After following the cohort of the ADVANCE trial for a
ize BP targets and agents taking into account age, coexis- total of 10 years, including the in-trial period and the
tent cardiovascular disease and other comorbidities, risk post-trial follow-up, there were significant reductions in
of progression of CKD, the presence or absence of reti- the rates of death from any cause and from cardiovascular
nopathy, and tolerance to treatment regimens. In addi- causes resulting from the 4.5-year period of BP control
tion, KDIGO also suggests tailoring BP treatment regi- with perindopril and indapamide, but there were no cu-
mens in elderly patients with CKD by carefully consider- mulative benefits with respect to any other secondary
ing age, comorbidities and other therapies, and closely outcome, including major microvascular events and
monitoring for adverse events related to hypotension. ESRD [32].
In the stage of microalbuminuria, the IRMA 2 study
demonstrated that the ARB reduced the progression to
RAAS Blockers overt nephropathy by 70% in hypertensive type 2 diabet-
ic patients during a 2-year follow-up period [33]. RAAS
RAAS blockade is highly effective and should be uti- blockade is recommended to slow the progression from
lized as first-line antihypertensive agent, particularly in microalbuminuria to overt proteinuria.
patients with albuminuria. RAAS blockade confers ben- In the stage of macroalbuminuria, two landmark trials
efits extending beyond simple BP reduction in hyperten- demonstrated a clear benefit for ARBs in the treatment of
sive diabetic patients. type 2 diabetes with overt nephropathy. In the IDNT tri-

Diabetic Nephropathy in Western Kidney Dis 2015;1:61–70 65

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al, in 1,715 type 2 diabetic patients with overt nephropa- (ALTITUDE trial), aliskiren plus standard-of-care RAAS
thy, irbesartan was associated with a risk reduction of blockade in high-cardiovascular-risk patients with type 2
doubling plasma creatinine by 37% and ESRD by 23%, diabetes did not reduce cardiovascular events, as com-
compared with amlodipine [34]. In the RENAAL trial, in pared with placebo. This clinical trial was terminated pre-
1,513 type 2 diabetic patients with overt nephropathy, maturely because of a larger number of adverse events in
losartan also reduced the primary composite end points the combination therapy group, including nonfatal
including lowering the incidence of serum creatinine stroke, hypotension, hyperkalemia, and renal complica-
doubling by 25% and ESRD by 28% [35]. Both clinical tri- tions [41]. Current guidelines document that there is in-
als support the benefit of ARBs beyond BP control for sufficient evidence to recommend combining ACEi with
slowing progressive renal functional decline in type 2 di- ARBs or direct renin inhibitors to prevent progression of
abetes. CKD [42], and dual RAAS blockers are not recommend-
ed in patients with diabetes [43].

ACEi versus ARB Treatment

RAAS Blockade Monitoring

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Compared with ARBs, data on the efficacy of ACEi in
type 2 DN are less strong, largely because the studies were Patients treated with ACEi or ARBs should be moni-
underpowered or follow-up was short. Nevertheless, tored for hypotension, decreased GFR, and hyperkalemia
some studies reveal that ACEi use results in greater reduc- within 1 week of initiating therapy and/or increasing the
tion in albuminuria and a slower decrement in GFR de- dose. In most patients, as long as the GFR decline over 4
cline compared with other antihypertensive agents. In the months is <30% from baseline and the serum potassium
DETAIL trial, enalapril was compared with telmisartan remains <5.5 mEq/l, then the ACEi or ARBs can be con-
in 250 diabetic patients with early nephropathy at 5 years. tinued. In some studies, a decline of eGFR <30% is associ-
Both treatments had a similar impact on the decline in ated with long-term renoprotection, and therefore the
albuminuria, GFR, and ESRD [36]. The results support RAAS blockade should not necessarily be stopped in
the clinical equivalence of ARBs and ACEi treatment in these patients. Increases in serum creatinine concentra-
diabetic patients with nephropathy. tion >30% after RAAS blockade initiation should raise the
suspicion of bilateral renal artery stenosis. ACEi and
ARBs should be used with caution in the setting of low
RAAS Blocker Combinations GFR levels, hyperkalemia, bilateral renal artery stenosis,
and women not practicing contraception.
Theoretically, dual RAAS blockade should be more ef-
fective than a single agent in the treatment of DN [37],
but the results of both the ONTARGET trial and the VA- Glycemic Control
NEPHRON-D trial failed to support combined therapy
with an ACEi and an ARB for preventing disease progres- Glycemic control can prevent early glomerular hyper-
sion, especially ESRD, cardiovascular diseases, and mor- filtration and microalbuminuria [44, 45], and it can slow
tality [38, 39]. In addition, in the ONTARGET study, dual progression in diabetic patients with overt nephropathy
RAAS blockade was associated with more end points, in- [46]. However, few studies address intensive glycemic
cluding the need for acute dialysis, doubling of serum cre- control in patients with advanced DN in whom it may be
atinine, severe hyperkalemia, and death, than monother- difficult to show a benefit. The efficacy of glycemic con-
apy [38]. Dual RAAS blockade was also associated with trol as a renoprotective strategy depends in part upon the
an increased risk of serious adverse events including acute stage of renal disease.
kidney injury and hyperkalemia in the VA-NEPHRON-
D study [39].
Aliskiren is an oral direct renin inhibitor that reduces Type 1 Diabetes
plasma renin activity. Aliskiren combined with an ARB
in the AVOID trial reduced albuminuria in type 2 di- Intensive glycemic control (mean HbA1c 7%) in the
abetes more than an ARB alone, independent of its BP- DCCT/Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and
lowering effects [40]. However, in a follow-up study Complications (EDIC) cohort has been shown to reduce

66 Kidney Dis 2015;1:61–70 Satirapoj/Adler

DOI: 10.1159/000382028
the development of microalbuminuria by 39% and the Table 2. HbA1c level in patients with advanced CKD and ESRD
development of macroalbuminuria by 54% [44]. The
lower incidence of CKD was detected after more than 10 Falsely increased HbA1c Falsely decreased HbA1c
years, beyond the period of the DCCT treatment inter- Carbamylated hemoglobin Shortened life span of red
vention [47]. Thus, early and long-term glycemic control blood cells
is the most important preventive measure and treatment
Increased glycosylation rate Blood transfusions
of kidney disease in type 1 diabetes. Moreover, after 10 Uremia
years, the complete correction of hyperglycemia with Metabolic acidosis
pancreatic transplantation in type 1 diabetes led to a sig- Hemoglobinopathy
nificant reduction in basement membrane thickening
and mesangial expansion demonstrated on repeat renal Erythropoiesis supplement
biopsies [48].

Type 2 Diabetes concluded that tight glycemic control delays the onset of

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microalbuminuria and macroalbuminuria but does not
In the United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study reduce the incidence of ESRD [53].
(UKPDS) trial, in 3,867 patients with newly diagnosed In advanced CKD, both uremic toxins and the dialy-
type 2 diabetes, intensive glucose therapy (mean HbA1c sis procedure itself can complicate glycemic control,
7.0%) conferred a lower risk of microvascular complica- with alterations that may predispose to both hypergly-
tions than conventional dietary therapy (mean HbA1c cemia and hypoglycemia. Advanced CKD and ESRD
7.9%) [45]. During 10 years of post-UKPDS trial follow- patients may develop severe insulin resistance due to
up, a continued reduction in microvascular and macro- deficiency of active vitamin D, secondary hyperpara-
vascular events, including myocardial infarction and thyroidism, and glucose loading during dialysis, partic-
death from any cause, were observed in patients with in- ularly in peritoneal dialysis. In contrast, deficient renal
tensive glucose therapy [49]. Benefits, described as a ‘leg- gluconeogenesis, uremic malnutrition, deficient cate-
acy effect’, persisted despite the early loss of within-trial cholamine release, extended half-lives of some glucose-
differences in HbA1c levels between the intensive-thera- lowering medications, and impaired renal insulin deg-
py and the conventional therapy groups. These observa- radation and clearance can contribute to hypoglycemia
tions indicate that intensive glucose control starting at the in this population [54]. Together, all of these factors
time of diagnosis is associated with a significantly de- contribute to wide fluctuations in blood glucose levels.
creased risk of all major vascular complications and mor- Therefore, glycemic control must be individualized in
tality. DN patients and precaution is advised due to the risk of
Three landmark trials including the ACCORD, hypoglycemic events.
ADVANCE, and VADT trial which targeted lower The 2012 Kidney Disease: Improving Global Out-
HbA1c goals (<6–6.5%), did not show a benefit of tight comes (KDIGO) guideline recommended that the target
glycemic control for macrovascular complications or HbA1c level for diabetic patients with CKD should be
mortality in elderly patients with long-standing type 2 ∼7% to delay the progression of microvascular compli-
diabetes [50–52]. In a post-ADVANCE trial follow-up cations of diabetes. It is also stated that target HbA1c
evaluation, there was a significant cumulative benefit levels >7.0% are acceptable in individuals with multiple
with respect to ESRD, but no differences were observed comorbidities, a limited life expectancy, and/or an in-
in the risk of death from any cause or cardiovascular creased risk of hypoglycemia [42]. However, this recom-
events between the intensive-glucose control and the mendation is not strongly evidence-based, since few
standard-glucose-control groups [32]. Moreover, in the studies address the benefits and risks of intensive glyce-
ACCORD trial, tight glycemic control was associated mic control in advanced CKD or ESRD [42]. In patients
with a 22% increase in mortality from any cause [50]. with CKD and diabetes, glycemic control should be part
Therefore, current clinical trials have not supported the of a multifactorial intervention strategy addressing BP
effects of intensive glucose lowering for the prevention control and cardiovascular risk, promoting the use of
of cardiovascular events or mortality in patients with RAAS blockers, statins, and antiplatelet therapy where
type 2 diabetes mellitus. Finally, a large systematic review clinically indicated.

Diabetic Nephropathy in Western Kidney Dis 2015;1:61–70 67

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Table 3. Hypoglycemic agents in diabetes patients with CKD

Class Drugs Dosing recommendations Complications

stage 3 and 4 stage 5 and dialysis

Sulfonylureas Glipizide No dose adjustment No dose adjustment Hypoglycemia

Glyburide Avoid Avoid Hepatitis, pancytopenia, hyponatremia,
nausea, rash
Glimepiride Initiate at low dose, 1 mg po QD Avoid Hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia,
agranulocytosis, dizziness, headache,
skin rash
Alpha-glucosidase Acarbose Avoid in patients with serum Avoid Ileus, hepatic toxicity,
inhibitors creatinine >2 mg/dl thrombocytopenia, diarrhea
Biguanides Metformin Avoid when GFR <30 ml/min/1.73 m2 Avoid Lactic acidosis
Probably safe when GFR ≥45 ml/min/1.73 m2
Meglitinides Repaglinide Ccr 20 – 40 ml/min: 0.5 mg before meals, HD: not defined Skin rash, leukopenia,
titrate with caution thrombocytopenia, hemolytic anemia,

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Ccr <20 ml/min: not defined pancreatitis, URI, headache, diarrhea,
nausea, vomiting
Nateglinide Initiate at low dose, 60 mg po HD: not defined Cholestatic hepatitis, flu-like symptoms,
before each meal dizziness
Thiazolidinediones Pioglitazone No dose adjustment No dose adjustment Black box warning: CHF
Rosiglitazone No dose adjustment No dose adjustment Black box warning: CHF, MI

Incretin mimetic Exenatide Ccr 30-50 ml/min: caution advised Avoid Pancreatitis, nephrotoxicity, nausea,
Ccr <30 ml/min: avoid vomiting, diarrhea
DPP-4 Inhibitors Linagliptin No dose adjustment No dose adjustment Pancreatitis, URI, diarrhea,
Saxagliptin Ccr <50 ml/min: 2.5 mg po QD HD: give dose after Lymphopenia, pancreatitis, headache,
dialysis edema, vomiting, angioedema
PD: not defined
Alogliptin Ccr 30 – 59 ml/min: 12.5 mg po QD 6.25 mg po QD Skin rash, hepatic failure,
Ccr<30 ml/min: 6.25 mg po QD PD: not defined headache, URI
Sitagliptin Ccr 30 – 49 ml/min: 50 mg po QD 25 mg po QD Skin rash, acute kidney injury, headache,
Ccr <30 ml/min: 25 mg po QD diarrhea, arthralgia
SGLT2 inhibitors Canagliflozin eGFR 49 – 59 ml/min: 100 mg po QD Avoid Renal impairment, hyperkalemia,
eGFR 30 – 44 ml/min: avoid pancreatitis, hypotension, UTI,
eGFR <30 ml/min: contraindicated hypermagnesemia, vulvovaginitis,
Dapagliflozin eGFR 30 – 59 ml/min: avoid Avoid Renal impairment, bladder cancer,
eGFR <30 ml/min: contraindicated orthostatic hypotension, vulvovaginits,
nasopharyngitis, increased serum
Empagliflozin eGFR 30 – 44 ml/min: avoid Avoid Orthostatic hypotension, renal
eGFR <30 ml/min: contraindicated impairment, UTI, vulvovaginitis,

DPP-IV = Dipeptidyl peptidase IV; Ccr = creatinine clearance.

Glycemic monitoring in CKD is complex. Advanced ject to this confounding. Other factors that limit the util-
CKD significantly alters the results of HbA1c testing (ta- ity of the HbA1c measurement in patients with ESRD or
ble 2). Elevated blood urea nitrogen causes the formation advanced CKD include a shorter erythrocyte life span,
of carbamylated hemoglobin and an increased glycosyl- iron deficiency anemia, recent transfusion, and erythro-
ation rate. Historically, the increase in urea carbamylation poietin treatment, all of which can cause an underestima-
falsely elevated the HbA1c measurement; however, newer tion of the HbA1c level. Despite these limitations, HbA1c
measures of glycosylated hemoglobin are no longer sub- is still considered a reasonable and probably still is the

68 Kidney Dis 2015;1:61–70 Satirapoj/Adler

DOI: 10.1159/000382028
best measure of chronic glycemic control in this popula- tion. Innovative approaches are needed for successful DN
tion [45]. In patients who are prone to glycemic variabil- treatment, but the results of many promising recent clin-
ity, glycemic monitoring should be assessed by self-mon- ical trials have been disappointing [41, 55, 56]. Further
itoring of plasma glucose plus serial HbA1c measure- clinical trials will be needed to develop new therapeutic
ments. agents in DN.
Oral antihyperglycemic agents including sulfonyl- In summary, there have been reductions in diabetes-
ureas, meglitinides, biguanides, and alpha-glucosidases related complications in adults with diabetes over the past
are excreted by the kidney, and most of these drugs are 30 years, but the overall burden of diabetes-related com-
contraindicated in advanced CKD. However, some glyce- plications including DN is still increasing because of the
mic medications may be used with appropriate dosage large increment in the number of people with type 2 dia-
adjustments in patients with CKD (table 3). For diabetic betes. DN is a complex disease linking hemodynamic and
patients receiving insulin treatment, it is important to metabolic pathways with oxidative stress, systemic in-
recognize that the kidney clears markedly less insulin flammation, cytokines, and growth factors. The keystones
when GFR is <20 ml/min. Thus, the insulin requirement in the disease management are optimal glycemic and BP
is reduced in advanced CKD and ESRD. On the basics of control. The specific use of agents that block the RAAS is

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the available evidence, the total insulin dose should be particularly beneficial for slowing renal progression. Lip-
reduced by 25% in patients with an eGFR between 10 and id-lowering agents, restricted dietary protein and salt in-
50 ml/min/1.73 m2 and by 50% in patients with an eGFR take, weight reduction, smoking cessation, and exercise
<10 ml/min. Finally, diabetic pharmacotherapy and ad- also confer benefit in this population. Further innovative
justments to the regimen in CKD should be individual- strategies and treatments that target pathophysiological
ized based on patient characteristics and lifestyle. mechanisms of the disease are needed.

Adjunctive Treatments Acknowledgement

This work was supported in part by DaVita Research and the

Although BP and glycemic control can slow DN pro- National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA,
gression, additional therapies may also aid to delay the P-13–00505), Thailand.
progression of CKD as well as reduce the cardiovascular
and overall mortality rate. Adjunctive therapies include
lowering LDL cholesterol to <70–100 mg/dl, reducing Disclosure Statement
dietary salt intake to <5 g/day, restricting dietary protein
B.S. has no conflicts of interest to declare. S.G.A. is a member
intake to ∼0.8 g/kg/day in adults with GFR <30 ml/ of the Steering Committee and a local participant in the Lilly Phar-
min/1.73 m2, engaging in moderate-intensity exercise, maceuticals JAGQ study to test the safety and efficacy of a JAK1/2
maintaining an optimal body weight, and smoking cessa- inhibitor in overt diabetic nephropathy.

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