The Impacts of Hazardous and Toxic Waste Management: A Systematic Review
The Impacts of Hazardous and Toxic Waste Management: A Systematic Review
The Impacts of Hazardous and Toxic Waste Management: A Systematic Review
E-ISSN: 2808-5051
I Nengah Sujaya
Udayana University, Indonesia
Hazardous and Toxic Materials or often abbreviated as B3 (Dangerous and toxic
substances) are substances, energy, and/or other components which due to their nature,
concentration, and/or quantity either directly or indirectly can pollute and/or damage the
environment, endangering the environment, health and survival. Human life and other living
things. B3 (Hazardous and toxic substances) waste is the residue of a business and/or activity
containing hazardous and/or toxic materials which due to their nature and/or concentration
and/or amount, either directly or indirectly, can pollute and/or damage the environment, and/or
can endanger the environment, health, human survival and other living things (Gupta & Babu,
1999). Hazardous waste has hazardous properties (such as toxicity, flammability,
carcinogenicity, reactivity, corrosiveness which makes it one of the potential hazards for
humans and the environment and thus requires strict control during handling, transportation,
processing, and disposal (Yilmaz et al., 2017).
The problem of B3 (Dangerous and toxic substances) waste that often arises in the
community, health facilities, and industrial places is disposal that does not comply with the
rules or Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). Disposal of waste into the environment will
cause problems that are evenly distributed and spread over a wide environment. Waste gas is
carried by the wind from one place to another. Liquid or solid waste that is dumped into rivers,
washed away from upstream to far downstream, beyond territorial boundaries eventually ends
up in the sea or lake, as if the sea or lake became a trash can. Problematic waste, among others,
comes from residential, industrial, agricultural, mining, and recreational activities. Therefore,
waste needs to be processed and controlled according to the requirements and with quality
standards in the applicable laws and regulations (Taufan & Purwanto, 2018).
Most people think that the source of B3 (Dangerous and toxic substances) waste comes
from industry only. But people do not realize that household waste also contains many types
of B3 waste, of course, this household waste has an amount that is no less large than industrial
waste (Fikri et al., 2017). Every day, households produce residual waste from household
activities from products that contain toxic and hazardous materials, and sometimes
manufacturers do not list the active ingredients used in their products. Insecticide or pesticide
products, porcelain cleaners, glass, floors, and anti-plugs are some examples of household
products that contain B3. This household B3 waste is easier to harm humans in the house itself,
such as materials belonging to the type of B3 that are disposed of on the ground in the yard of
the house that can contaminate underground water or plants that grow near the house (Florence
Lansana Margai, 1999).
The disposal and management of hazardous and toxic waste (B3) is a problem throughout
the country. Therefore, the legislators in each country must make regulations for the
implementation of safe hazardous waste management and the regulations must appoint a B3
Waste Generator as a legal entity that must ensure that waste is managed following its
regulatory standards. The objective of B3 waste management is to ensure safe, efficient, and
cost-effective collection, transport, treatment, and disposal of waste.
The United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) estimates that more than 400 million
tonnes of hazardous waste is produced worldwide/year and is estimated to be around 60 kg for
each individual in the world, mostly from industrialized countries. About 10% of this total
hazardous and toxic waste is sent across international borders, with the majority of transfers
occurring between countries. However, some unspecified portion of the total is shipped more
or less (±) legally or illegally from developed countries to less developed countries (Orloff &
Falk, 2003).
In Europe in 2014, identified (342,000 contaminated sites (5.7 per 10,000 population).
Based on data provided by 33 countries, in 2011 the activity that contributed the most to the
contamination or contamination of soil and water was the disposal of industrial waste (About
38% of sites) and industrial and commercial activities (Mining, oil extraction and production,
power generation – about 34% of contaminated sites) (Fazzo et al., 2017).
In Asia, there are seven countries, 679 regions identified as contaminated by hazardous
and toxic waste. 169 locations were polluted by lead which resulted in 245,949 children aged
0–4 years being exposed to lead. Estimated levels of exposure may be sufficient to produce
both acute and chronic side effects, such as decreased intelligence. Chatman-Stephens and
colleagues analyzed 373 hazardous waste sites in three Asian countries (India, Indonesia,
Philippines) and estimated about 9 million people at risk and an estimated 43 million others at
risk from unscreened sites to the exposed population causing about 4 million people. Million
people experience disability due to the impact of hazardous and toxic waste (Fazzo et al.,
Hazardous waste not only poses a risk to the surrounding air, water, and soil but also poses
a threat to the ecological environment and human health through various channels. Developed
countries (Such as the United States and some member countries of the European Union) are
the main producers of hazardous waste in the world. Hazardous waste management is very
important because of the environmental, social, and economic health impacts of two decades
the world has experienced a dramatic increase in the amount of hazardous waste generated. In
developing countries, the management of hazardous materials is not very good due to the lack
of comprehensive laws, landfills are not maintained and also those that handle waste are not by
B3 waste handling standards. Bad behavior and improper disposal methods carried out during
the handling and disposal of hazardous wastes increase the significant health and
environmental hazards of pollution due to the hazardous nature of the waste (Mbrandi et al.,
Currently, the problem of B3 waste is no longer just a regional problem for each country,
but has become a global problem, a serious threat to the global environment. Anticipating this
threat, a convention on B3 waste management was formed under the name Basel Convention
on the Control of Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal, namely
the Basel Convention on the Control of B3 Wastes Transboundary Movements in 1989. With
the international convention on B3 waste management, countries became countries, especially
countries participating and ratifying the convention, have roles and responsibilities in efforts
to manage B3 waste so as not to pollute the environment globally. A convention is a form of
global environmental protection arrangement in addition to other global environmental
protection arrangements (Dutta et al., 2006).
Looking at the environmental and health problems caused by the irregular disposal of
hazardous and toxic waste, it is important to manage B3 waste to prevent and overcome
environmental pollution or damage caused by B3 waste and to restore the quality of the polluted
environment so that it is under its function again. In this case, every activity related to B3
(Dangerous and toxic substances) must pay attention to environmental aspects and maintain
environmental quality in its original condition and prevent disease.
The writing of this Systematic Review uses the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for
Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses) method which is carried out systematically by
following the stages or procedures of the Systematic Review. Article search using the
keywords Impact of COVID-19, people's lives in various countries which are accessed online
from websites and visits to related university or research institute pages through Google
Scholar, Pubmed, Emerald Insight, and DOAJ. Article search is limited to articles in English
and international publications. The total number of articles obtained is 63 and out of these 63
articles, a selection process will be carried out to meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Selection Process
The selection process or article collection is carried out in stages, namely: 1) Relevant
Article Search; 2) Article submission from 2010-2020); 3) Screening according to the
Inclusion and Exclusion criteria; 4) Combining review results; and 5) Determining the results,
findings from the grouping that have been carried out need to be discussed to conclude the
context or results of the review.
Article Evaluation
Evaluation of this article to evaluate the quality and new findings of a scientific article
with an international category that is included in the Systematic Review. These criteria can be
used to select articles that will not be used. The assessment was carried out in journals related
to the topic of strategies for developing medical waste management interventions. It should be
understood that the so-called scientific literature can be in the form of papers from scientific
journals, papers from a conference (Proceedings), report from a trusted organization, and
Data Extraction
In this Systematic Review, data extraction is carried out by looking at the entire published
journal within the appropriate 10-year period, then writing down the important findings from
the article and proceeding to the next stage, namely data synthesis. The process of journal
tracing activities is carried out as shown in the following chart.
Of all the articles extracted, they were taken from several sources, namely Google Scholar,
PubMed, Emerald Insight, DOAJ with the types of journals published such as ELSEVIER, IJS,
NEJMC, OPHRP, Health Services research and six reports from WHO (World Health
Organization). Furthermore, screening of titles, abstracts, and the content selection or content
according to inclusion and exclusion was carried out, which obtained 10 articles that were
further analyzed. This data extraction is very important in helping and tracing articles that can
be analyzed and developed in the future.
Data Synthesis
Research journals that match the inclusion criteria are then collected and a journal
summary is made including the name of the researcher, year of publication of the journal,
country of research, research title, method, and summary of results or findings. The summary
of the research journals is entered into a table sorted alphabetically and the year the journal was
published and following the existing format.
The source of this systematic review is taken from studies conducted in various
countries. The analysis of the 6 articles showed that 1 journal with survey method, 1 journal
with mixed methods design, 1 journal with experimental design, 1 journal with the qualitative
design, and 1 journal with multiple regressions.
After assessing the quality of the study, the 6 articles can be categorized as high, then data
extraction is carried out. This data extraction is done by analyzing the data based on the author's
name, title, purpose, research method, and results, namely the grouping of important data in
the article. The results of data extraction can be seen in the following table:
The study
evidence that
the recycling
option has
potentials in
the areas of
recovery. The
data collected
show South
Africa to be
the most
advanced in
the African
continent in
the field of
For a
keen attention
must be paid
to hazardous
2. Dimitrios Hazardous ELSEVIE Quantitative Non Based on
Komilis, medical R descriptive Parametric non-
Anastassia waste parametric
Fouki, generation statistics,
Dimitrios rates of HMWUGR
Papadopou different were
los, (2012) categories of statistically
health-care similar for the
facilities birth and
hospitals, in
both the
public and
sector. The
private birth
and general
more wastes
compared to
g public
hospitals. The
ic and toxic
wastes appear
to be 10% and
50% of the
generated by
the public
treatment and
3. Ozge Hazardous ELSEVIE Mixed Explanatory This model
Yilmaz, waste R Methods sequential provides
Bahar Y. management design valuable
Kara, Ulku system design insight for
Yetis, under decision
(2016). population makers and
and facility
environmenta developers.
l impact Results
consideration obtained
s would help
authorities to
set priorities
and shape
their action
plans in terms
of the missing
that need
4. Cyril N. Effects of Central Experiment Parametric The results
Nwankwo, hazardous Asian al design test showed the p
Akuro E. waste Journal of method with values of the
Gobo, discharge Environm Cross- dumpsite dot
Chigozie from the ental and
➢ Income
bears a
hip to the
d of
with the
falling as
(see also
➢ As
d by
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is even
At this stage attempts to analyze and discuss the problem of B3 waste originating from
articles obtained from Google Scholar, Pubmed, Emerald Insight, DOAJ with the types of
JPHE, JSTFT, JET, AJEST, JCH, WMR, BMC Health Services research and two reports from
WHO (World Health Organization). Focus discussion on the problem:
The next step in B3 (Dangerous and toxic substances) waste management is one of a series
of activities that includes storage, collection, utilization, transportation, and processing of B3
waste including the landfilling of the processing results. In general, both factory and household
activities are not aware that the waste produced is included in the category of B3 waste, so that
waste is simply dumped in to the water system without any processing so that it can pose a
potential hazard to human health and the environment (Talınlı et al., 2005).
The impact of hazardous and toxic waste on the potential for environmental pollution
results in many diseases that can affect human health and the surrounding environment from
the mildest to the most severe. In addition, from direct contact with hazardous and toxic waste
or breathing polluted air. From the types of hazardous and toxic wastes such as infectious
waste, body part waste, medical and chemical waste, radioactive waste, which can carry a
greater risk to health such as skin infections, anthrax, meningitis, AIDS, dengue fever, hepatitis
A, B, C (Kumar et al., 2013).
Improper disposal of hazardous waste is an increasing problem in many developing
countries. Therefore, waste materials, hazardous and toxic need to be regulated under the force
of law. However, B3 (Dangerous and toxic substances) waste management is very complex
and regulations must be developed in the context of a comprehensive policy covering the
responsibilities of various parties, socialization to the community and business actors,
establishment of facilities (with special attention to criteria for determining location), and
systems to control and monitor movement and B3 waste disposal (Shapiro, 1980). So, law
enforcement instruments are preventive, namely in the form of preventive measures for efforts
to control pollution and environmental damage, such as the 1989 Basel Convention concerning
the supervision of the cross-border movement of B3 (Dangerous and toxic substances) waste
(Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and
their Disposal) with the aim of for:
1. Protect human health and the environment against the dangers of B3 waste.
2. Returning to a principle that a State must be responsible for the B3 waste it produces.
3. Intensively encourage efforts to reduce the amount of B3 waste generated (Dutta et al.,
In the Southeast Asia region, the country that ratified the 1989 Basel Convention was
Indonesia. The Basel Convention, which consists of a preamble of 29 articles and 6 anmexes,
has been ratified by Indonesia by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia
Number 61 of 1993. The ratification of the Basel convention reflects the awareness of the
government of the Republic of Indonesia regarding the threat of environmental pollution due
to the movement or transportation of B3 waste from abroad to the country (Maulidya et al.,
The main objective of any Hazardous Waste Management Plan is to ensure the safe,
efficient, and economical collection, transportation, treatment, and disposal of waste (Misra &
Pandey, 2005). The steps for effective B3 waste management are as shown in the following
The concept of B3 waste management is a very important aspect that needs special
attention. Communities in developed countries have adopted several hazardous waste
management strategies, which can be recommendations for people in developing countries
(Akpan & Olukanni, 2020), such as:
However, B3 (Dangerous and toxic substances) waste management can pose a great danger
to human life, the environment, plants, and animals if not managed properly. If managed
properly, B3 waste can be a source of economic benefits for the community and the state
(Nwankwo et al., 2020). Therefore, environmentally friendly and sustainable B3 (Hazardous
and toxic substances) waste management always demands a well-planned management system
for the collection, recycling, and final disposal of waste. Some of the household, industrial and
institutional waste contains materials that can be toxic or harmful to humans and animals. In
general, these materials are known as hazardous waste. At present, more attention is paid to the
handling of waste and B3 (Dangerous and toxic substances) waste, both the government and
society demand more in terms of protecting the environment and improving B3 waste
management (Shuckrow et al., 1982).
The European Directive 2008/98/EC stipulates that the priority for B3 (Dangerous and
toxic substances) waste management is prevention (Reduce), reuse, and recycling. If none of
these options is feasible, the next step in the priority ranking is burning with energy recovery
(Energy from waste), while the process of transporting and storing waste is also treated
differently (Meirinawati et al., 2018). Management of the hazardous waste that has been
generated is one of the combustion problems that require immediate attention. The main
objective of any hazardous waste management plan is to ensure the safe, efficient, and
economical collection, transportation, treatment, and disposal of waste. It should further ensure
that the system operates satisfactorily for the current as well as for the foreseeable future
scenarios. So, the B3 waste management system consists of components for the collection,
transportation, treatment, and disposal of waste (Misra & Pandey, 2005).
The Impact of Hazardous and Toxic Waste on the Environment and Health
Improper waste management and illegal shipping of waste can harm both the environment
and public health. Negative impacts can be caused by different handling and disposal activities
that result in soil, water, and air pollution. Other disturbances caused by uncontrolled or
improperly managed waste disposal can have negative impacts including impacts at the local
level, such as soil damage, local air and water pollution, and indiscriminate disposal of
hazardous waste. Managing waste properly and in an environmentally friendly manner is
therefore important for health reasons (WHO, 2015).
Environmental pollution caused by B3 waste is a problem that has become a concern for
all nations in the world since the emergence of cases of environmental pollution due to B3
waste such as in Japan's Minamata Bay, United States Love Canal, Canada's Wabigon River
and India's Bophal (Maulidya et al., 2019). Hazardous and Toxic Materials are substances,
energy, and/or other components due to their nature, concentration, and/or quantity, either
directly or indirectly pollute and/or damage the environment, and/or damage environmental
life, health, and survival. humans and other living things. Hazardous waste has a chemical
composition or other properties that must be managed to prevent its release into the
environment that can result in disease, death, or other harm to living organisms including
humans (Meirinawati et al., 2018).
Problems regarding B3 waste management can have an impact on environmental pollution
and can harm human beings, industrial players, and the environment itself. the process of
pollution due to hazardous and toxic materials industrial materials can occur directly or
indirectly. Directly when a pollutant has an acute effect and a direct toxic effect that interferes
with human health and adversely affects the environment, animals, and plants or disrupts the
ecological balance of air, water, and soil. While the indirect process is when the pollutant has
an indirect and delayed effect on humans and the environment and will only be felt after a
certain period. On the other hand, improper waste management can cause carbon to explode
into the atmosphere and create a domino impact on other environmental problems (Taufan &
Purwanto, 2018).
1. Oral i.e through the mouth and then the digestive tract, difficult to reach the blood
2. Inhalation, namely through the respiratory tract, is rapidly entering the blood circulation.
3. Dermal, namely through the skin so that it easily enters the blood circulation
4. Peritonial that is through injection, directly enters the blood circulation (Steensberg,
Humans have always been exposed to the dangers of substances going back to prehistoric
times when they inhaled noxious volcanic gases or succumbed to carbon monoxide from
inadequately ventilated fires in caves. Toxic substances that enter the human body will be
carried by the blood and distributed throughout the body and then interfere with body organs,
including neurotoxic poisoning, toxic substances will be carried to the brain, or toxic
substances will be stockpiled and processed in fat tissue, muscle, bone, nerves, liver, pancreas,
intestines and then after going through the process the rest will be secreted out of the body
(Misra & Pandey, 2005).
Given that B3 waste is a material that is hazardous to public health, the public must have
an understanding of the negative impact of B3 waste on public health. This is important so that
the community can be more careful and careful in using, disposing, and managing B3
waste. The health impacts of B3 waste can be seen in the following table:
To maintain health and prevent exposure to B3 waste as shown in the table above, in
carrying out B3 waste management it is necessary to pay attention to the hierarchy of B3 waste
management, among others, by seeking reductions in sources, processing materials, the
substitution of materials, regulation of activity operations, and the use of clean technology. If
B3 waste is still generated, the efforts are made to utilize B3 waste, which includes recycling,
recovery, and reuse.
B3 waste (Hazardous and toxic materials) is a substance that directly or indirectly
pollutes, damages, or endangers the environment. This waste can also endanger the health and
safety of humans and other living things. This can occur due to the nature, concentration, and
the amount of hazardous substances or components in them. Therefore, every person who
generates B3 waste is obliged to carry out waste management before disposing of it to a landfill,
such as: reducing the production of B3 waste, storing B3 waste, collecting B3 waste,
transporting B3 waste, and disposing of B3 waste.
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