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00 공학을위한컴퓨터과학적사고 Welcome

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공학을 위한 컴퓨터과학적 사고

Academic Year 2024

Prof. 김희숙

Course Objectives

◦ This is a course on program coding emphasizing the program design

process and pragmatic programming skills.

◦ It will use the Python programming language and will not assume
previous programming experience.

Course Objectives

◦ Materials covered will include data types, variables, assignment,

control structures, functions, basic input/output (terminal and file),
as well as more advanced topics such as Object Oriented Methodology
and GUI.


Bill Lubanovic(2015) Introducing Python, O’REILLY

Mark Lutz(2018) Learning Python, O’REILLY

천인국(2016) 어서와 파이썬은 처음이지, 인피니티북스

천인국(2017) 두근두근 파이썬, 생능출판

김진일, 윤장혁(2017) 파이썬으로 배우는 컴퓨팅사고, 연두에디션

최성철(2023) 데이터 과학을 위한 파이썬 프로그래밍, 한빛아카데미


Recommended Text

• Author : Dr. Charles Russell Severance

• Title : Python for Everybody: Exploring Data in Python 3
• Publisher : CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

Score Ratio
Score Ratio
Evaluation Items

Attendance 10%

Homework 30%

Midterm Exam 30%

Finals 30%

Lecture schedule
[파코세-1] 초급 과정 [파코세-2] 중급 과정 [파코세-3] 고급 과정

Subject week No Part Subject week No Part Subject

Ⅰ Introduction to Python Ⅰ Integrated Development Environment Regular Expressions [1/2]

Ⅱ Variables and Arithmetic Operations Strings [1/3] Regular Expressions [2/2]

Conditional Statement [1/2] Ⅱ Strings [2/3] Tic-Tac-Toe Game Programming [1/2]

Conditional Statement [2/2] Strings [3/3] Tic-Tac-Toe Game Programming [2/2]

Functions [1/4] Files [1/2] Object Oriented Methodology [1/5]

Functions [2/4] Files [2/2] Object Oriented Methodology [2/5]

Functions [3/4] Lists [1/6] Ⅲ Object Oriented Methodology [3/5]

Functions [4/4] Lists [2/6] Object Oriented Methodology [4/5]

Loops and Iterations [1/6] Lists [3/6] Object Oriented Methodology [5/5]

Loops and Iterations [2/6] Lists [4/6] GUI Programming [1/2]

Loops and Iterations [3/6] Lists [5/6] GUI Programming [2/2]

Loops and Iterations [4/6] Lists [6/6]

Loops and Iterations [5/6] Dictionary and Tuple [1/2] 8 중간고사

Loops and Iterations [6/6] Dictionary and Tuple [2/2] 15 기말고사

세계 경제의 중심 “SW”


창의력이 필요한 시대

Thank you.

Prof. HeeSuk Kim

M.P. 010-2614-8036
E-mail: 30472tina@jnu.ac.kr

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