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Electronics Exam

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1)The condition of a loud speaker is tested more c.

accurately using one of the ranges listed below: d. Volt
a. R x 1K 12) A category of a resistor which obey Ohm's Law is
b. R x 10 ________.
c. R x 1 a. linear
d. R x 10K b. non-linear
2)The common cause of an erratic or distorted sound of c. potentiometer
a transistor radio is a defective? d. resistance
a. Amplifier 13) Which is an electronic device that is used to limit or
b. Volume control oppose the flow of current in a circuit?
c. Antenna a. Capacitor
d. Tuner b. Resistor
3) The word electron was derived from the Greek word c. Diode
"elektron", which means: d. Inductor
a. to rub 14) An instrument that is used to measure the amount of
b. to flow resistance in a circuit is called ________.
c. amber a. DC voltmeter
d. friction b. ohmmeter
4) The peak to peak voltage in a 117 V AC outlet is c. AC voltmeter
________. d. ammeter
a. 620 V 15) Solder is a mixture of ________.
b. 165.5 V a. tin lead
c. 331 V b. zinc and lead
d. 220 V c. zinc and tin
5) Which is a type of modulation where the amplitude of d. copper and lead
the carriers is changed in accordance with demodulating 16) The common used soldering lead is ________.
signal? a. 40-60
a. FM b. 60-40
b. PDM c. 50-50
c. AM d. 50-40
d. PCM
17) A standard 220VAC has a frequency of ________.
6) The actual flow of current is from ________. a. 45 Hz
a. negative to positive b. 30 Hz
b. positive to negative c. 50 Hz
c. positive to positive d. 60 Hz
d. negative to negative
18) A low frequency speaker is sometimes known as
7) The rate of doing work is called ________. ________.
a. energy a. tweeter
b. power b. squeaker
c. voltage c. woofer
d. resistance d. howler
8) MilliHenry is equal to ________. 19) The three leads of a common transistor are a/an:
a. 10th Henry a. collector base emitter
b. 100th Henry b. emitter collector base
c. 1,000th Henry c. base collector case
d. 1,000,000th Henry d. collector base emitter
9) An inductor opposes any change in ________. 20) Connecting lead from the negative to the positive of a
a. voltage battery will produce a/an ________.
b. current a. high resistance circuit
c. frequency b. low current path
d. modulation c. short circuit
10) A circuit having two or more current paths is a d. open circuit
________ connection. 21) What is the approximate characteristic voltage that
a. parallel develops across a red LED?
b. series a. 1.7 V
c. series-parallel b. 0.6 V
d. cannot be determined c. 3.4 V
11) Which is an electrical unit of measuring a power? d. 6 V
a. Ohms 22) If two resistors are placed in series, the final
b. Ampere resistance is ________.
a. higher a. 10 mA
b. lower b. 0.001 mA
c. the same c. 1 mA
d. cannot be determined d. 65 mA
23) A 100n capacitor in parallel with 10n produces 33) A disadvantage of LCD (liquid crystal display) is
________. ________.
a. 90n a. high current demands
b. 110n b. slow reactance to input
c. 100n c. environmental temperature sensitivity
d. cannot be determined d. persistence limitations
24) The 10k resistor in parallel with 10k produces 34) Which is TRUE of a series DC motor with no load?
________. a. Tends to stop or not start
a. 10K b. Maybe damaged by excessive speed
b. 20K c. Has reverse direction
c. 5K d. Becomes an AC generator
d. cannot be determined 35) A fuse marked 250V, 650m can be used in circuits
25) The 2 pcs. of 3V batteries are connected in series. with an "open fuse" supply voltage of ________.
The output voltage is ________. a. 125 Volts
a. 3V b. 500 Volts
b. 6V c. 5,000 Volts
c. 0V d. 250 Volts
d. cannot be determined 36) To prevent transistor from getting hot, use ________.
26) An electronic device that is used to limit or oppose a. silicon grease
the flow of current in a circuit is called a ________. b. insulator
a. capacitor c. heat sink
b. resistor d. exhaust fan
c. diode 37) To obtain a higher value of resistance, resistors are
d. inductor ________.
27) Which tool is needed in removing soldered a. reverse
components in the circuit board? b. parallel
a. Long nose pliers c. forward
b. Desoldering pump d. series
c. Diagonal cutting pliers 38) Which fuse has its internal fusible wire wrapped
d. Wire stripper around an insulator?
28) Which tool is used in joining or soldering electronic a. a slow-blow type fuse
components in the circuit board? b. an inductive fuse
a. Soldering iron c. a capacitive fuse
b. Electrical pliers d. intended for high voltage fuse
c. Desoldering pump 39) Which would be considered "basic components of a
d. Long nose plier power supply"?
29) Which tool is used to hold or pick up components in a. zener, regulator, transformer
the circuit board? b. regulator, diode, AC power, load
a. Mechanical pliers c. transformer, bridge, capacitor, load
b. Long nose pliers d. filter, regulator, rectifier, transformer
c. Electrical pliers 40) Which presents the rise and fall of alternating current
d. Wire stripper and voltages?
30) Which tool is used in turning slotted screws? a. Graph
a. Flat screw driver b. Sine wave
b. Phillips screw driver c. Fluctuation
c. Electrical pliers d. Cycle
d. Wire stripper 41) When two capacitors are connected in parallel, the
31) Which is a pocket-sized tool that provides maximum capacitance will ________.
safety when pulling cartridge fuses and checking a. increase
electrical connections? b. have the same value
a. Fuse puller c. decrease
b. Screw driver d. increase and decrease
c. Desoldering tool 42) Which circuit has the most gain?
d. Mini drill a. Common emitter
32) If a 10K resistor is placed across a 10 v supply, the b. Common collector
current will be ________.
c. Common base 53) In what instrument is the ohmmeter found?
d. Emitter follower a. Ammeter
43) Which rectifier circuit uses four diodes for its b. Tube tester
rectification? c. Capacitor tester
a. half-wave rectifier d. VOM
b. full-wave rectifier 54) From what part of the ohmmeter do you derive
c. full-wave rectifier resistance reading?
d. split type rectifier a. Range multiplier
44) When a resistor is open, the resistance ________. b. Reading scale
a. increases c. Test probes
b. gets zero d. Pointer
c. decreases 55) Which instrument serves as 3 measuring instruments
d. is infinite in one?
45) A low voltage power supply converts ________. a. Audio generator
a. AC voltage output b. Oscilloscope
b. Pulsating DC voltage c. Signal generator
c. DC output voltage d. VOM
d. AC and DC voltage outputs 56) Which device produces simple waveforms?
46) When checking an open resistor using an ohmmeter a. Audio amplifier
the resistance reads b. VOM
________. c. Signal tracer
a. zero level d. Signal generator
b. high resistance but within the tolerance 57) What is the another name for connection diagram?
c. infinite a. Wiring diagram
d. low but not zero b. Block diagram
47) Moving one plate of a capacitor further away from the c. Pictorial diagram
other will ________. d. Schematic diagram
a. decrease capacitance 58) Which equipment is used to discharge electrical
b. increase capacitance charges produced by the human body?
c. decrease voltage rating a. Audio generator
d. increase mutual transductunce b. Signal generator
48) In checking capacitor to see if it is shorted, open or c. ESD
leaky, you would use the ________ ohmmeter range. d. VOM
a. lowest 59) Which term refers to the set of rules or practices to
b. highest ensure no accident prevention?
c. middle a. Safety practices
d. upper b. Rules and regulation
49) A schematic diagram shows the components of an c. Policy order
electronic circuit by means of ________. d. Action plan
a. a symbol 60) What tools are NOT recommended to be used in
b. a construction electronics works?
c. physical appearance a. brand new tools
d. linear appearance b. branded tools
50) If there are only two resistors with the same values in c. damaged tools
parallel circuit, which formula may be used to find its d. locally produced tool
total resistance?
a. Rt = R/n
b. Rt = (R1xR2) / (R1+R2)
c. 1/Rt = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + ......1/Rn
d. Rt = (R1+R2) / (R1xR2)
51) Which hand tool is used solely for cutting metals?
a. utility knife
b. saw
c. magnifying glass
d. paint brush
52) What is the reason why threads become stripped?
a. screws are over tightened
b. screws are heated
c. screws are molded
d. screws are painted

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