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CARAB 5.0 Deployments

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SAP Customer Activity Repository

applications bundle (SAP CARAB) 5.0

Deployment options
in SAP S/4HANA and SAP Business
Suite system landscapes

December, 2020

Deployment options for SAP CARAB front-end and back-end software
SAP Fiori for SAP
CARAB on SAP Customer Activity Repository applications
standalone FES
SAP Fiori for SAP (hub)
CARAB with ◼ SAP Customer Activity Repository, with the following modules:
embedded FES ◼ POS Data Transfer and Audit
◼ Multichannel Transaction Data Management
◼ On-Shelf Availability
◼ Demand Data Foundation
◼ Unified Demand Forecast
◼ Inventory Visibility w ith Omnichannel Article Availability and Sourcing
FLP content
◼ Omnichannel Promotion Pricing
UICAR001 5.00 ◼ …
FLP content
◼ Consuming applications for SAP Customer Activity Repository:
UICAR001 5.00
◼ SAP Promotion Management
◼ SAP Merchandise Planning
RTLCAB 5.00 RTLCAB 5.00 ◼ SAP Allocation Management
◼ SAP Allocation Planning
S4FND 104 S4FND 104 ◼ SAP Replenishment Planning

SAP Fiori front-end server (FES)

◼ SAP Fiori launchpad with FLP content
◼ SAP Fiori apps for SAP CARAB (UICAR001)
Deployment options for SAP CARAB in SAP S/4HANA and SAP Business Suite
system landscapes
Deployment options for SAP S/4HANA and SAP Fiori standalone SAP Fiori embedded
SAP Business Suite deployment (green) deployment (blue)
FES 6.0 FES 2020
SAP Business Suite system landscape

One single SAP S/4HANA system with

an existing SAP Business Suite landscape

Additional SAP S/4HANA system with

an existing system landscape

Multiple SAP S/4HANA systems

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