Ver Vs Hyp
Ver Vs Hyp
Ver Vs Hyp
But over the past few decades with the invention of new technologies
like utility computing and cloud computing, virtualization has regained
its importance.
Server Virtualization
· In case of virtual server error, quick restores can be done from locally
stored backups.
Desktop Virtualization
· Users love it because their machine is “never down” and they always
have access to their customization on their virtual machines. Virtual
desktops also reduce the carbon foot print and increase Total Cost
Ownership when compared to maintaining physical machines.
Application Virtualization
· Applications are run centrally so you don’t have to worry about having
enough storage space on the local desktop hard drive
· Multiple applications can run at the same time without bogging down
the system or conflicting with other apps.
· Virtualized applications can be installed, maintained, and patched as
soon as updates are available.
Network Virtualization
Businesses that would benefit from network virtualization are the ones
that have a large number of users and need to keep their systems up
and running all the times. With the distributed channels, your network
speed will increase dramatically, allowing you to deliver services and
applications faster than ever before.
Storage Virtualization
· One of the major benefit of abstracting the host or server from the
actual storage is the ability to migrate data while maintaining
concurrent I/O access.
Virtual Machines
Types of Hypervisors
Bare metal hypervisors are faster and more efficient as they do not
need to go through the operating system and other layers that
usually make hosted hypervisor slower. Type-I Hypervisors are also
more secure than Type-II Hypervisors.