Mercy Thomas Mechanism of Bilirubin Elimination in
Mercy Thomas Mechanism of Bilirubin Elimination in
Mercy Thomas Mechanism of Bilirubin Elimination in
Mini Review
Mercy Thomas*, Winita Hardikar, Ronda F. Greaves, David G. Tingay, Tze Ping Loh,
Vera Ignjatovic, Fiona Newall and Anushi E. Rajapaksa
for the transportation and clearance of bilirubin [8–13]. Bilirubin formation and clinical
Analysis of the age-related differences in hepatic membrane
transporters demonstrated low expression of these trans- implications
porters in newborns compared to adults [14]. This new
knowledge on age related differences in these hepatic Bilirubin is a by-product of haemoglobin metabolism,
membrane transporters combined with the emerging where the haem component of haemoglobin is oxidised by
research on these transporters led to the speculation that, a haem oxygenase and converts the haem into a green
proportion of conjugated bilirubin is excreted via the renal pigment known as biliverdin (Figure 1). An enzyme bili-
system as an alternative to intestinal excretion, even in verdin reductase reduces biliverdin into a water-insoluble
normal physiological jaundice with no associated patho- yellow pigment known as unconjugated bilirubin [16–18].
logical concerns [10, 12, 15]. The average concentration of bilirubin production in neo-
Excretion of bilirubin in urine is not considered as a nates ranges between 6 and 8 mg/kg/day, of which 80% is
normal physiological phenomenon, traditionally being produced from RBC destruction [17, 19, 20]. The remaining
associated with pathological problems of bilirubin meta- 20% is derived from ineffective erythropoiesis and turnover
bolism. The focus of this paper is to describe the possible from other haemoproteins such as myoglobin, cyto-
mechanisms responsible for the elimination of bilirubin in chromes and catalases [19].
urine in neonates and its associated clinical significance. Unconjugated bilirubin production is high in neo-
In the following sections, we have provided details related nates, at approximately double the rate in adults, due to
to bilirubin formation and metabolism of bilirubin in ne- the rapid breakdown of foetal haemoglobin, higher hae-
onates with the new insights gained on hepatic membrane moglobin mass and a shorter RBC life span [7, 21]. In utero,
transporters in the excretion of conjugated bilirubin, and the foetus uses the high concentration of foetal haemo-
the speculations inferred from these new findings. globin to more efficiently obtain oxygen from maternal
Figure 1: Bilirubin metabolism – a schematic presentation on the production, transportation, conjugation and clearance of bilirubin.
Newborn differences are highlighted with additional index.
Thomas et al.: Bilirubin elimination in newborns 1027
haemoglobin through the placenta [22]. Post-birth, insufficient bilirubin binding sites on albumin, resulting in
once breathing is established, neonates receive ample ox- high proportion of unbound bilirubin (free unconjugated
ygen, thus rapidly reducing the need for high foetal hae- bilirubin) in the systemic circulation [32, 33]. The binding
moglobin concentration. Subsequently, there is increased capacity of bilirubin to albumin could also be affected in
red blood cell destruction and haemoglobin metabolism altered pH circumstances including respiratory and meta-
leading to increased production of unconjugated bilirubin bolic acidosis that are commonly observed among pre-
in neonates [22]. mature neonates, resulting in high unbound bilirubin
The chemistry of unconjugated bilirubin (ZZ mole- among premature neonates [32].
cule – the natural bilirubin) is such that, the extremely There are several studies that have explored bilirubin-
compacted intra-molecular hydrogen bonding makes the albumin binding ratio and the significance of free bilirubin
bilirubin poorly soluble in water [23, 24]. Therefore, the in management of jaundice [32, 34, 35]. Currently, there are
ZZ-natural bilirubin requires biotransformation to become no commercial methods available in determining free
more water-soluble for excretion. This unconjugated bili- bilirubin. Instead, the measurement of bilirubin-albumin
rubin is processed in the liver to become more water- ratio is considered as an alternate parameter in measuring
soluble bilirubin (conjugated bilirubin) for excretion in the free bilirubin [32]. However, current laboratory methods in
bile [25]. The unconjugated bilirubin also when exposed to measuring bilirubin and albumin need better stand-
light, isomerisation of ZZ bilirubin occurs and results in the ardisation before bilirubin-albumin ratio can be more
formation of EZ, ZE and EE isomers. This isomerisation consistently applied clinically [36]
results in less intra-molecular hydrogen bonding, making Free unconjugated bilirubin is potentially toxic to
the bilirubin more water-soluble for excretion, a key factor brain tissue, especially in high concentrations (severe
responsible for the outcome of phototherapy. Hence the E hyperbilirubinemia) [33, 37]. Unconjugated bilirubin gets
isomers of bilirubin are efficiently excreted from the cir- deposited in the basal ganglia and various brainstem
culation via urine, although the major pathway for excre- nuclei of the brain leading to athetoid cerebral palsy,
tion of bilirubin is still through bile [24, 26, 27]. impairment of upward gaze, deafness or hearing loss and
Knowledge of this bilirubin chemistry is essential in corresponds to the pathologic lesions in the brain result-
understanding the different forms of bilirubin that could be ing from the amount and duration of exposure to free
excreted via bile as well as through urine. This paper will bilirubin deposition [37, 38]. “Kernicterus Spectrum Dis-
focus on the two major forms of bilirubin, conjugated and orders (KSDs)” is described as a spectrum of neurological
unconjugated bilirubin. sequelae associated with extreme hyperbilirubinemia in
neonates [39, 40].
Conjugated serum bilirubin concentration of approxi-
Bilirubin induced complications mately 6–12 μmol/L is considered to be normal [41], and
any concentration above 17.1 μmol/L requires further in-
Total serum bilirubin concentration, an average of 86– vestigations to explore the underlying pathology [42–44].
103 μmol/L is common among neonates in the first few days Conjugated hyperbilirubinemia indicates an obstruction of
of life and is considered to be physiological [16]. One in 10 the biliary tract, reduced hepatobiliary excretory function
healthy term neonates without any other risk factors, still or defective hepatic transporter protiens available for the
progress to clinically significant hyperbilirubinemia, clearance of bilirubin [43, 45].
where the total serum bilirubin(TSB) concentration ex- An understanding of the types of bilirubin and their
ceeds 250 μmol/L requiring monitoring and timely concentration in various biological fluids helps to explain
interventions [28, 29]. The rise in serum bilirubin can also the underlying abnormality in bilirubin metabolism.
be intensified in preterm and other high-risk group neo-
nates including neonates with erythroblastosis fetalis or Rh
incompatibility [30].
Unconjugated bilirubin, being hydrophobic as well
Current paradigms of bilirubin
highly lipophilic, tends to accumulate in tissues and can metabolism in newborns
cross the neonatal blood-brain barrier [31]. Physiologically,
unconjugated bilirubin is bound to albumin in serum, and This section will briefly discuss four critical steps involved
this albumin-bilirubin complex limits the movement of in the process of bilirubin metabolism in newborns incor-
bilirubin to tissues [4, 5, 23]. Conversely, with increased porating new knowledge in the various stages of bilirubin
bilirubin overload among certain neonates, there is uptake through to its eventual excretion (Figure 1).
1028 Thomas et al.: Bilirubin elimination in newborns
Bilirubin uptake by the liver internal hydrogen bond, and the resultant BMG and BDG
are highly soluble in water for easy excretion [48].
Several studies have examined the transport mechanisms The UGT1A1 enzyme activity is also observed to be very
responsible for hepatocyte uptake of bilirubin; however, low at birth progressing from no activity during foetal
the transporters accountable for this uptake are not fully period to a plateau similar to adult values by four months
understood [4, 46]. Once the albumin-bound unconjugated of age [49]. Due to the relative insufficiency of the UGT1A1
bilirubin reaches the microcirculation of the liver sinu- enzyme in the early postnatal age, a significant amount of
soids, it separates from albumin at the space of Disse and bilirubin remains unconjugated in the hepatocyte [5]. The
enters the hepatocyte, postulated to be partly mediated by unconjugated bilirubin with the capability of moving
a diffusion process and partly by an unknown transporter across the sinusoidal surface easily leaks back into the
[5, 12]. Once, inside the hepatocyte, the unconjugated blood and contributes to the high serum unconjugated
bilirubin binds to ligandin, a protein that belongs to bilirubin in newborns [47].
glutathione S-transferase (GST) family for transportation The relative insufficiency of the UGT1A1 enzyme also
to the endoplasmic reticulum of the hepatocyte [4]. Bind- contributes to the increased mono-conjugated bilirubin
ing to ligandin keeps the bilirubin in the cytosol of hepa- formation compared to di-conjugates in the first few days
tocyte and reduces the efflux of this molecule from the cell of newborn life and consequently an increase in the ratio of
[12, 46]. BMG is noted in bile secretions of neonates [50, 51]. The
Recent research exploring the age-related differences serum conjugated bilirubin in neonates is also predomi-
in hepatic membrane transporters revealed the fraction of nantly mono-conjugated bilirubin in the first 24–48 h,
GST is 1.5 to four times lower in newborns compared to followed by the appearance of di-conjugated bilirubin from
adults [11]. Consequently, the binding of unconjugated the third day of life [47, 51, 52] demonstrating progress in
bilirubin to GST is limited and besides with increased the maturation of the UGT1A1 enzyme and conjugation
bilirubin production, a proportion of free unconjugated capacity of the liver which occurs in the first few weeks of
bilirubin remains within the hepatocytes [7, 12]. Kaplan life [4, 8].
(2002) also demonstrated that there is a bidirectional
movement of unconjugated bilirubin across the sinusoidal
membrane of the hepatocytes and hence, the unbound Hepatic clearance of conjugated bilirubin
unconjugated bilirubin, rather than accumulating in he-
patocytes, may transfer back into the blood through the The conjugated bilirubin glucuronides being water-soluble
sinusoidal membrane [47]. This transfer of unconjugated is easily transported through the lumen of biliary canaliculi
bilirubin back into the sinusoidal blood is one of the factors into the bile, and further through the bile duct into the
contributing to the rise in serum unconjugated bilirubin in intestine for excretion [5]. Multi-drug resistance protein-2
newborns [10, 47]. (MRP2) based at the canalicular surface of hepatocyte,
plays a crucial role in the active transportation of conju-
gated bilirubin from the hepatocyte into the biliary canal-
Bilirubin conjugation iculi [5, 12].
Recent findings suggest that MRP2 transporters in
Conjugation is a critical step in bilirubin metabolism as it newborns are significantly lower, approximately 200 fold
converts unconjugated bilirubin into bilirubin glucuro- lower compared to that of adults, and compromises the
nides, a water-soluble form for subsequent excretion. efficient transportation of conjugated bilirubin glucuro-
Conjugation is a complex two-step process mediated by nides into the biliary canal [4, 5, 8, 11, 53]. Hence, whenever
enzyme uridine diphosphate-glucuronosyltransferase there is increased bilirubin load, biliary excretion of con-
(UGT1A1) present in the endoplasmic reticulum of the he- jugated bilirubin is compromised by insufficient MRP2
patocyte [4, 5, 7, 23, 47, 48]. Firstly, the UGT1A1 enzyme transporters [12]. Consequently, a substantial portion of
catalyses the transfer of one molecule of glucuronic acid to conjugated bilirubin is directed back to the sinusoidal
one of the two carboxyl groups on bilirubin and forms surface of the hepatocyte and secreted into the sinusoidal
monoglucuronide (BMG). Further, diglucuronide forma- blood [13]
tion (BDG) occurs at the canalicular region of hepatocyte At the sinusoidal surface of hepatocyte, MRP3 trans-
when another molecule of glucuronic acid is attached to porters (multi-drug resistance protein-3) are upregulated
the second carboxyl group on bilirubin [5, 23, 48]. Conju- under conditions of MRP2 deficiency [54]. The expressions
gation of bilirubin with glucuronic acid disrupts the of these MRP3 transporters are comparable among
Thomas et al.: Bilirubin elimination in newborns 1029
neonates and adults [54] and successfully mediate the Conjugated bilirubin in urine
hepatic clearance of conjugated bilirubin into the sinu-
soidal blood [55]. Further clearance of this conjugated Advancement in understanding the role of hepatic mem-
bilirubin from the sinusoidal blood is discussed in detail in brane transporters (MRP3 transporters) predicts that even
Alternate excretory pathways of bilirubin in newborns. in the normal physiological state, a significant amount of
conjugated bilirubin effluxes from the hepatocyte into si-
nusoidal blood and is excreted in urine [4, 5]. Due to the
Bilirubin excretion low expression of MRP2 transporters and the resultant
upregulation of MRP3 transporters in newborns, more
Several factors play a role in the efficient excretion of conjugated bilirubin is likely to be transported back into
bilirubin. Once conjugated bilirubin glucuronides reach the sinusoidal blood from the hepatocytes [4, 12, 55, 59].
the newborn intestine via the bile duct, it is then converted Interestingly, conjugated bilirubin concentration in
further to its derivates such as urobilinogen and stercobi- neonates is maintained at a ratio of 2% total serum bili-
linogen by bacterial flora in the large intestine for easy rubin, even in conditions where there is increased total
elimination through faeces. A certain percentage of uro- serum bilirubin concentration [10, 15, 51]. Recent research
bilinogen is reabsorbed back from the intestine, and is on patients with Rotor syndrome (deficiency of OATP1B1/
transported back into portal circulation for further excre- B3 transporters) advocates a new paradigm for conjugated
tion; however, a small amount is excreted through urine bilirubin transportation and provides insights into this
[7, 56]. serum conjugated bilirubin homeostasis. There is evidence
In neonates, due to reduced bacterial flora present in that OATP1B1/B3 transporters, based at the sinusoidal
the intestine, there is limited conversion of conjugated surface of the hepatocyte enables reuptake of conjugated
bilirubin to its derivatives for elimination [3, 47, 57]. bilirubin back into the hepatocyte and maintains excretion
Besides, the high beta-glucuronidase enzyme activity in of conjugated bilirubin through the biliary canal (Figure 2)
the intestine results in a significant proportion of con- [4, 8, 10, 12, 53].
jugated bilirubin being deconjugated back to its un- However, these OATP1B1/B3 transporters are signifi-
conjugated form. The longer the conjugated bilirubin cantly low in newborns in the first two weeks of life,
stays in the intestines, the further the deconjugation estimated to be approximately 500 fold lower compared
process may proceed. Deconjugated bilirubin makes its to adults [5, 11]. The substantial decrease of OATP trans-
way back to the liver through the portal circulation, porters, thereby impacts the reuptake of conjugated
adding burden on the liver for further conjugation and bilirubin back into the hepatocytes for biliary excretion in
excretion [23, 57]. The resulting increased enterohepatic newborns [13]. The ability to sustain serum conjugated
circulation of unconjugated bilirubin supplements the bilirubin homeostasis with remarkably low OATP trans-
already exaggerated concentration of unconjugated porters presents the possibilities of alternate bilirubin
bilirubin in serum [23, 58]. Hence, the predominant form excretory pathways. This leads to our speculation that
of bilirubin responsible for jaundice among neonates is there is potentially renal excretion of conjugated bilirubin
unconjugated bilirubin. in healthy term newborns as seen in cases of biliary
studies suggest there is glomerular filtration of unconju- life-threatening condition worldwide. Delay in diagnosis is
gated bilirubin; however, this is reabsorbed back into the the major contributing factor towards the mortality and
system by the renal tubules [10, 60, 62]. A small amount of morbidity associated with neonatal jaundice [69]. It is
unconjugated bilirubin is also found in the urine of pa- worthwhile to explore the notion of unbound unconju-
tients with jaundice in whom the unconjugated bilirubin to gated bilirubin excretion in urine among neonates who
albumin ratio is disproportionately high. Hence, a pro- may have high serum unconjugated bilirubin.
portion of unconjugated bilirubin not bound to albumin Delayed diagnosis of conjugated hyperbilirubinemia is
has the potential to be excreted via urine [23]. This theory also a leading indication for liver transplantation world-
provides an impetus to explore urinary excretion of bili- wide among biliary atresia patients [70]. Harpavet et al. [43]
rubin in neonates who may have high serum unbound observed infants who are diagnosed with biliary atresia
unconjugated bilirubin. had a rise in serum conjugated bilirubin shortly after birth
Limited literature exists that deals with bilirubin con- and have recommended early screening of conjugated
centration in urine of newborns with jaundice. However, a bilirubin for early diagnosis and better outcomes for these
small series of studies during the 20th century demon- patients. It is vital to explore a correlation between the
strated the presence of bilirubin in urine among newborns conjugated bilirubin concentration in urine and total
with jaundice [63–67]. Inadequate technologies in the past serum bilirubin concentration. If this correlation occurs,
could have been a constraint in detecting the accurate this, in turn, could facilitate the development of a new
concentration of bilirubin in urine. A schematic presenta- screening method for the early detection and diagnosis of
tion of the transport, conjugation and bilirubin elimina- conjugated hyperbilirubinemia.
tion, with emphasis on newborn differences supporting the A serum-based laboratory test is still the current gold
hypothesis of urinary excretion of bilirubin, is presented in standard method to diagnose conjugated and unconju-
Figure 3. gated hyperbilirubinemia [71]. A global effort is gathering
momentum to develop point-of-care bilirubin measuring
devices to promote better survival for neonates and to
reduce disabilities associated with unconjugated hyper-
Is bilirubin in urine a useful bilirubinemia [69, 72]. Exploring novel diagnostic urine
predictor of neonatal jaundice? testing methods in neonates may allow for early diagnosis
of hyperbilirubinemia and improve clinical outcomes.
Jaundice associated mortality continues to be in one of the Further research is required to determine the bilirubin
top 15 causes of neonatal mortality in low to middle-income concentration in urine in any case of clinically significant
countries [68]. Unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia, the most jaundice. This information is currently unavailable. The
prevalent type of jaundice and its severe forms remains a clinical reference intervals of bilirubin in urine and
Thomas et al.: Bilirubin elimination in newborns 1031
Figure 3: A schematic presentation of the transport, conjugation and bilirubin elimination, with emphasis on newborn differences supporting
the hypothesis of urinary excretion.
The normal process of production, transportation, conjugation, hepatic clearance and excretion of bilirubin is represented in yellow boxes and
the movement is indicated with blue arrows. Altered metabolisms seen in newborns are represented in red boxes, and the impact of these
altered mechanisms is indicated with orange arrows. Speculation of conjugated bilirubin (CB) excretion through renal system is represented
with the bold green arrow.
correlation with serum bilirubin levels (both unconjugated aim to examine if bilirubin (both unconjugated and
and conjugated) have also not yet been established. conjugated bilirubin) is detected in the urine of neonates
Exploring urine-based diagnostic tools in neonates and whether this could further accelerate the develop-
may have the potential to screen for neonatal hyper- ment of a screening method in early recognition of
bilirubinemia. Such development could be facilitated neonatal jaundice.
through increasingly advanced laboratory-based tech-
niques which could determine urine bilirubin levels that Acknowledgments: The authors wish to thank Mr Blake
were previously undetectable. This combined knowledge D’Souza for his support in drawings of bilirubin meta-
of improved lab-based methods and point-of-care methods bolism (Figure 1).
could advance screening for neonatal hyperbilirubinemia. Research funding: This study is supported by a National
Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)
Development Grant (GNT1139340) and the Victorian
Conclusions Government Operational Infrastructure Support Program
(Melbourne, Australia). AER is supported by an NHMRC
During the last 10 years, significant progress has been Early Career Fellowship (GNT1123030). MT is supported by
made in understanding the role of hepatic membrane an RTP scholarship governed by the University of
transporters in hepatic clearance of bilirubin. New in- Melbourne. DGT is supported by a National Health and
sights into hepatic membrane transporter’s function in Medical Research Council Clinical Career Development
neonates have established an understanding of the Fellowship (Grant ID 1053889).
mechanism for the serum conjugated bilirubin homeo- Author contributions: MT and AER developed the concept
stasis and subsequent excretion in urine. Renal clear- of the manuscript. MT prepared the first draft under the
ance of conjugated bilirubin has been postulated as a supervision of AER and RG. WH and DT contributed their
critical factor in maintaining the homeostasis of serum expertise in hepatology and neonatology, respectively, in
conjugated bilirubin in neonates. Future studies should reviewing the manuscript. TPL contributed his expertise in
1032 Thomas et al.: Bilirubin elimination in newborns
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