Autism Case
Autism Case
Autism Case
Case History
Socio-Demographic Details
Name - Mr. Y
Age - 5 years 7-month-old
Sex -
Address - Beta 1, Greater Noida
Occupation - student
Education - Play School
Religion - Hindu
Family structure - nuclear family
Socio-economic - Middle-middle Class Status
Date - 22/07/22
Referred by - GBU OPD
Relationship with the patient: patient’s mother and Father
Reliability and adequacy: Reliable and adequate.
Reliability and adequacy: Reliable and adequate as the informants were able to give coherent,
consistent information about the illness of the patient in a chronological manner.
onset Insidious
course Continuous
Duration 4 years
Precipitating Factors: the patient had seizer 4 years back which is the main cause of the
Negative History
• No history of stealing, lying and destructive behavior.
• No H/O persistent and pervasive sadness, elated and elevated mood
• No history of irrational fear, suspiciousness.
• No H/O of hearing voices, seeing images
• No history of elated and elevated mood.
• No history of irrational fears, suspiciousness.
• No history of hearing voices, seeing things.
• No history of clouding of consciousness, loss of consciousness ..
Treatment History
Past Treatment History
The patient first started his medication in 2018 from Kailash hospital Noida for his Febrile
seizure the prescribed medication was Monocef-o (50mg), syp Zincovit (5ml), Tab Frisum
(5mg), syp.ibugesic plus 95ml) The patient showed improvement in symptoms through
taking these medicines. No treatment taken for the current symptoms.
According to the patient’s mother In 2019 he has consulted to the speech therapist due to
unclear speech, lack of social interaction and poor of contact.
Family History
Family Tree (Genogram)
Family Dynamics
The patient is 5.7 years old belongs to middle socio- economic status. There are six members
in the family. The patient is the youngest one. His father is the businessman and his mother is
homemaker. his mother has a warm and affectionate relationship specially with the patient.
The patient has special bound with his mother and elder sister. The patient has two elder
sisters according to the informants he is very affectionate and caring towards his eldest sister.
The family members very cooperative and understanding towards the patient’s illness and are
willing to provide a supportive environment to the child there is no history of any psychiatric
illness in the family.
Personal History
Perinatal History:
The patient was a full-term child (9 months) delivered with no complication. It was a normal
delivery; birth cry was present. The patient had normal birth weight and no perinatal
complications could not be observed.
Developmental History:
According to the informants that all the mild stones were achieved on time and all the mile
stones within the normal range except his speech. The patient’s motor development was
within the normal limits for the major milestone of sitting, standing and waking but his
language development was delayed he started waking in 8 to 9 months and started speaking
at the age of one year. At the age of three the parents stared noticing that whenever they give
the toy to the patient, he started breaking them and they observed there was a lack of speech.
He did not respond to anyone whenever somebody ask for anything.
Educational History:
currently, the patient goes to the play school blooming flower greater Noida. The patient
mother reported that he does not play cooperatively with the other children. He also spits on
others started he started his schooling at the age of three years. According to the informants,
the patient cannot write and speak simple words asper his mother reported. He participates in
few sport activities. He does not have any close friend and the peer relationship is also not
good and cooperative. According to the informant he does not follow the instruction whatever
his teachers give to him and he repeats those instructions again and again.
Play history -
According to the mother the patient indulged in isolated. The patient wants to play with
others and wants to participate in group activities but due to his aggressive and unethical
behaviour (spits on others, shows temper tantrums) nobody wants to play with him. So, most
of the time the patient used to play with leaves, he likes to break them. He has minimal
interaction with other children cannot initiate or maintain communication with them. Further
she also reported that he shows aggressive behaviour toward other children and cannot wait
for his turn and also unable to play competitive games. he also suffers to understand the rules
and the regulation of the games.
Premorbid temperament-
Premorbidly, the patient was physically active. However, he was unable to respond to social
and environmental cues as reported by the mother. As per the mother “jab bhi koi iss se baat
krta to ye jawab nhi deta tha or bohot kam hasta bhi tha” his mother reported he also showed
inappropriate emotional responses.
Diagnostic Formulation
The patient Mr. M, 5years old, male, studying in Play School R/o Beta 1, Greater Noida,
belonging to Middle socio-economic status, nuclear, urban Hindu family was brought by his
parents to GBU Clinical Psychology OPD with complaints of poor eye contact, low attention
span, lack of social interaction, repetition of words and movements, impaired cognitive
ability and disturbed socio- economic functioning since four years with a insidious onset,
continuous course, with no family history of major psychiatric illness and also having
significance finding on behavioral observation as repetition of words and movements,
irritability and impaired attention and concentration with no history of suggestive any
organic involvement, loss of consciousness, or any psychotic symptoms was diagnosed as a
case of Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Provisional Diagnosis
According to ICD-10- F84.0 Childhood Autism
According to ICD- 11- 6A02.Z Autism Spectrum Disorder
According to DSM-5- autism spectrum disorder
Psychodiagnostics Assessment
Rationale of Assessments:
The patient had complaints of repetition, low concentration, poor eye contact, lack of social
interaction, temper tantrums thus there was a need to assess the psychopathology and its
severity. Further for effective management of the patient it is essential to understand the
interaction of intellectual functioning, personality and interpersonal relations with the
psychopathology of the patient. So, it was planned to assess these four areas. Areas to be
Intellectual and cognitive functioning
Interpersonal deficits
The Purpose of conducting Seguin form bord test (SFBT)is to evaluate the patient’s eye-
hand coordination, shape concept, visual perception and cognitive ability. The purpose of
conducting developmental screening test (DST) was to assess the developmental level of
the child and the purpose of conducting the Indian scale for identification of autism
(ISSA) was used to assess the level of autism and percentage of disability of the child. To
detect emotional and behavioral problem Child Behavior checklist (CBCL)was
Test Administered
● Vineland social maturity scale (VSMS)
● Developmental screening test (DST)
● Seguin form bord test (SFBT)
● Child behavior check list (CBCL)1.5 to 5
● Indian Scale for assessment of Autism (ISSA)
Test Behavior and Observation
The patient was ectomorphic built. The rapport with the patient has been established with
difficulty and eye contact was poor. He opened up in second session with the examiner. His
attention could be aroused but could not be sustained for desirable period of time. The patient
was easily distracted. The patient was unable to comprehend the instructions adequately
Test Findings
Cognitive and intellectual functioning
Vineland social maturity scale- (VSMS)-
Social Age (S.A.)- 49 months
Social Quotient (S.Q)- 73
Table – showing social age and social quotient in all domains of the overall social
S. No. Dimensions SA Computation Formula SQ Interpretation
1 Self- help general 52 52/73*100 71.2 Borderline
Insensitive to felling of
other/difficulty understanding Toe walking, flap hands
others emotions rocking back and forth
Avoid conversation and while sitting
social behavior
MPhil clinical Psychology trainee 1st year Dr. Anand Pratap Singh
Head of the department
Department of Psychology
& Mental Health, GBU