Space Physics
Space Physics
Space Physics
o The Sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Its approximate area changes
throughout the year.
The Sun is highest above the horizon at noon (12 pm).
In the northern hemisphere, the daylight hours are longest up until roughly the 21st June.
This day is known as the Summer Solstice and is where the Sun is at its highest point in
the sky all year.
The daylight hours then decrease to their lowest around 21st December. This is known
the Winter Solstice and is where the Sun is at its lowest point in the sky all year.
In the image above, the inner circle shows that exactly half of the Moon is illuminated by
the Sun at all times.
The outer circle shows how the Moon looks like from the Earth at its various positions.
In the New Moon phase:
o The Moon is between the Earth and the Sun.
o Therefore, the sunlight is only on the opposite face of the Moon to the Earth.
o This means the Moon is unlit as seen from Earth, so it is not visible.
• Satellites.
There are two types of satellite:
o Natural.
o Artificial.
Some planets have moons which orbit them;
o Moons are an example of natural satellites.
Artificial satellites are man-made and can orbit any object in space.The International
Space Station (ISS) orbits the Earth and is an example of an artificial satellite.
Light Speed
The planets and moons of the solar system are visible from Earth when they reflect light
from the Sun.
The outer regions of the Solar System are around 5 × 1012m from the Sun, which means
even light takes some time to travel these distances.
The Sun is so far away from Earth that the light we see actually left the Sun eight minutes
earlier and the nearest star to us after the Sun is so far away that light from it takes four
years to reach us.
The Milky Way galaxy contains billions of stars, huge distances away, with the light taking
even longer to be seen from Earth.
The speed of light is a constant 3 × 108m/s. Therefore, using the equation:
𝑆𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑 =
The time taken to travel a certain distance can be calculated by rearranging to:
𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 =
Elliptical Orbits
Orbits of planets, minor planets and comets are elliptical and an ellipse is just a
'squashed' circle.
Planets, minor planets and comets have elliptical orbits;
o However, the Sun is not at the centre of an elliptical orbit.
o This is only the case when the orbit is approximately circular.
In an elliptical orbit, the Sun is not at the centre of the orbit,
o However, in a circular orbit, the Sun is at the centre.
Prepared by Naveen Appuhamy
o Planets and comets travel in elliptical orbits, but the Sun is not at the centre of
these orbits.
Analysing Orbits
Over many years, data about all the planets, moons and the Sun have been collected.
This is not just for general interest, but to indicate:
o Factors that affect conditions on the surface of the planets.
o Environmental problems that a visit (using manned spaceships or robots)
would encounter.
Table of Data for Planets in our Solar System.
Surface Surface
distance / Orbital duration / Density /
Planet Temperature/ Gravitational
million days or years kg/m3
°C Field Strength/
Mercury 57.9 88 days 5427 350 3.7
Venus 108.2 225 days 5243 460 8.9
Earth 149.6 365 days 5514 20 9.8
Mars 227.9 687 days 3933 –23 3.7
Jupiter 778.6 11.9 years 1326 –120 23.1
Saturn 1433.5 29.5 years 687 –180 9.0
Uranus 2872.5 75 years 1271 –210 8.7
Neptune 4495.1 165 years 1638 –220 11.0
There are some common themes from the data of the planets is:
Orbital duration (how long it takes to travel around the Sun) increases with orbital
distance (distance from the Sun).
The circular path that the planet's travel in has a larger radius.
Both the weight of any body and the value of the gravitational field strength g differs
between the surface of the Earth and the surface of other bodies in space, including the
Moon because of the planet or moon's mass.
o How the speed of a planet is affected by its distance from the Sun.
This can be seen from data collected for a planet's orbital distance against their orbital
o E.g. Neptune travels much slower than Mercury.
Prepared by Naveen Appuhamy
Table of Orbital Distance, Speed and Duration.
Comets travel in highly elliptical orbits, speeding up as they approach the Sun
The Sun
The Sun lies at the centre of the Solar System.
The Sun is a star which makes up over 99% of the mass of the solar system.
The fact that most of the mass of the Solar System is concentrated in the Sun is the
reason the smaller planets orbit the Sun.
o The gravitational pull of the Sun on the planets keeps them in orbit.
The Sun is a medium sized star consisting of mainly hydrogen and helium.
It radiates most of its energy in the infrared, visible and ultraviolet regions of the
electromagnetic spectrum.
o Deuterium and Tritium are both isotopes of hydrogen. They can be formed through
other fusion reactions in the star.
A huge amount of energy is released in the reaction.
This provides a pressure that prevents the star from collapsing under its gravity.
o Our solar system is just one out of potentially billions in our galactic neighbourhood,
the Milky Way. There are estimated to be more than 100 billion galaxies in the entire
Astronomical distances such as the distances between stars and galaxies, are
so large that physicists use a special unit to measure them called the light-year.
o Light from a star that is moving towards an observer will be blueshifted and light
from a star moving away from an observer will be redshifted.
Graph showing the greater the distance to a galaxy, the greater the redshift
❖ All galaxies are moving away from each other, indicating that the universe is
An analogy of this is points drawn on a balloon where the balloon represents space and
the points as galaxies;
o When the balloon is deflated, all the points are close together and an equal
distance apart.
o As the balloon expands, all the points become further apart by the same amount.
o This is because the space itself has expanded between the galaxies.
❖ Comparing the light spectrum produced from the Sun and a distant galaxy.
Red-shift provides evidence that the Universe is expanding because:
Red-shift is observed when the spectral lines from the distant galaxy move closer to
the red end of the spectrum.
o This is because light waves are stretched by the expansion of the universe so the
wavelength increases (or frequency decreases).
o This indicates that the galaxies are moving away from us.
Light spectrums produced from distant galaxies are red-
shifted more than nearby galaxies.
o This shows that the greater the distance to the galaxy, the greater the redshift.
o This means that the further away a galaxy is, the faster it is moving away from the
These observations imply that the universe is expanding and therefore support the Big
Bang Theory.
❖ The CMB is a result of high energy radiation being redshifted over billions of years.
The CMB radiation is very uniform and has the exact profile expected to be emitted from
a hot body that has cooled down over a very long time.
This phenomenon is something that other theories (such as the Steady State
Theory) cannot explain.
The CMB is represented by the following map: