Biotech 9 Part 2
Biotech 9 Part 2
Biotech 9 Part 2
modify - Genetic engineering - serves as tool to clone, transter, and manipulate genes
natural - Selective breeding - DNA (rDNA) technology to alter the genetic makeup of an
May or may not have foreign DNA 2. Insertion of DNA into the vector. - hybrid DNA
- most transgenic organisms are generated in the laboratory Genetically Modified Organisms
for research purposes
British company Oxitec has created genetically modified
- genes of one species can be modified, or genes can be male mosquitoes that carry a "self limiting gene". When they
transplanted from one are released into the wild and mate with females their
offspring do not reach adulthood, so crucially do not
contribute to the spread of the Zika virus. Other researchers
Tracy the Sheep, 1997 are looking at using genetic modification to curb the spread
of malaria.
First transgenic animal to produce a recombinant protein
drug in her milk alpha Engineered to grow at twice the rate of regular salmon, it is
also believed to be the first example of a genetically
-1-antitrypsin (AAT) treatment for emphysema and cystic engineered animal bred and sold for human consumption.
1. Isolation of Genetic Material - involves enzymes such as 6. Isolation of Recombinant Cells-The transformation
restriction enzymes. process generates a mixed population of transformed and
non-transformed host cells. The selection process involves
2. Restriction Enzymes Digestion - technique 'Agarose Gel filtering the transformed host cells only. For isolation of
Electrophoresis' reveals the progress of the restriction recombinant cells from non-recombinant cells, a marker
enzyme digestion - it allows separating and cutting out the gene of the plasmid vector is employed.
digested DNA fragments. The vector DNA is also processed
using the same procedure. 7. Obtaining or culturing the Foreign Gene product - When
you insert a piece of alien DNA into a cloning vector and
3. Amplification Using PCR transfer it into a bacterial cell, the alien DNA gets multiplied.
The ultimate aim is to produce a desirable protein
PCR reactions are run on thermal cyclers using the following
The cells harboring cloned genes of interest are grown on a
•Template - DNA to be amplified
small scale in the laboratory. These cell cultures are used for
• Primers - small, chemically synthesized oligonucleotides extracting the desired protein using various separation
that complementary to a region of the DNA. techniques.