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Assigntment 4-Chat GPT

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TOPIC 1: In second language learning classrooms, some people argue that ChatGPT is a

perfect tool to help teachers and students in teaching and learning activities; others
claim that ChatGPT makes people too lazy to think. What is your stance on this issue as a grad
student who uses ChatGPT to support your studies? Provide good evidence and an argument
to prove it

As the world progresses, chatbots play a role as feasible instruments for acquiring language
skills thanks to the advancement in artificial intelligence. Developed by OpenAI, Chat GPT is an
advanced natural language processing model renowned for its various applications across
industries such as educational support. In my opinion, while there are numerous values that
Chat GPT offers to students and tutors, I believe that this digital intelligence tendency will
expose multiple drawbacks to those subjects.

On the one hand, there exists a correlation between the convenience of this cutting-edge
artificial intelligence chatbot and the success of pedagogical activities. First, while AI
unquestionably enhances educators’ efficacy by performing diverse functions such as teaching
and assessing students, it also adjusts to the unique learning requirements of students and
personalizes instruction according to their strengths and weaknesses (Oranga, 2023).
Furthermore, Barrot (2023) revealed that the OpenAI Language Model can fulfill the urgent
requirements of writers learning a Second Language (L2), such as providing prompt and
customized feedback, offering a platform for practicing writing, and serving as a reliable tool for
writing assistance. A recent study executed among a group of English teachers said that as
cognizant of the effectiveness of this means, they have applied Chat GPT to facilitate language
teaching and comprehension such as creating more task-based language teaching or being
introduced to some English-based websites, encouraging learners to actively engage in learning
materials through meaningful activities (Bang, Hang, Bao, 2024).

On the other hand, cognitive lethargy exhibited by students is attributed to GPT-3. According to
Al-Obaydi, Pikhart, and Klimova (2023), language acquisition requires a combination of practice,
repetition, and varied training methodologies, but the application only encourages students to
simply copy and paste content without genuinely exerting effort to grasp the language. Indeed,
certain universities implement temporary bans on students’ use of Chat GPT and similar AI-
based tools due to apprehensions regarding potential learning setbacks, particularly in the
development of critical and creative thinking skills (Barrot, 2023). One of the most typical
examples can be seen in the circumstance of Ms. Hang (2024) working as an ESL teacher whose
students have a habit of using chatbots excessively in writing practice triggering consequences
in which they cannot produce the ideas by themselves whenever being in an important
examination context.

However, it would be a significant shortcoming if individuals fail to utilize computer-assisted

learning in the education sector, given its numerous advantages outweigh any potential
downsides. Having the potential to stimulate students’ engagement, computers or
contemporary technology improve the foreign language learning environment and
consequently enhance the quality of foreign language instruction (Asrifan, Zita, Vargheese,
Syamsu, and Amir, 2020). Bao (2024) said that as a student pursuing a Master’s degree in the
English language, Chat GPT acts as a reliable tool in Research Writing courses to assist him in
finding logical ideas to support the research result. Furthermore, the computers’ “temporal
flexibility” (Ahmad et al., 1985) and “freedom from geographical constraints” (Yang, 1998)
empower students to engage actively in the learning process, enabling them to determine their
study schedule durations based on their personal requirements.

In conclusion, according to these arguments mentioned above, I contend that Chat GPT will be
more feasible for students and teachers thanks to the tremendous assistance of computer
technology, increased focus has been placed on educational technologies, particularly in their
widespread adoption of foreign language teaching and learning.
( 560 words)

Barrot, J. S. (2023). Using ChatGPT for second language writing: Pitfalls and potentials. Assessing
Writing, 57, 100745.


CHAT GPT HELPFUL?. International Review of Practical Innovation, Technology and Green Energy
(IRPITAGE), 3(3), 46-50.

Rasul, T., Nair, S., Kalendra, D., Robin, M., de Oliveira Santini, F., Ladeira, W. J., ... & Heathcote, L. (2023).
The role of ChatGPT in higher education: Benefits, challenges, and future research directions. Journal of
Applied Learning and Teaching, 6(1).

Al-Obaydi, L. H., Pikhart, M., & Klimova, B. (2023). ChatGPT and the General Concepts of Education: Can
Artificial Intelligence-Driven Chatbots Support the Process of Language Learning?. International Journal
of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 18(21), 39-50.

Yang, P. J. 1998. Networked Multimedia and Foreign Language Education. The Internet TESL Journal.
Online (http://iteslj.org/Articles/Yang- OnlineESL.html). R

Ahmad, K., Corbett, G., Rogers, M., & Sussex, R. 1985. Computers, Language Learning, and Language
Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University.
Trinh’s first As the world progresses, chatbots play a role as feasible instruments for
essay acquiring language skills thanks to the advancement in artificial intelligence.
Developed by OpenAI, Chat GPT is an advanced natural language processing
model renowned for its various applications across industries such as
educational support. In my opinion, while there are numerous values that Chat
GPT offers to students and tutors, I believe that this digital intelligence
tendency will expose multiple drawbacks to those subjects.

On the one hand, there exists a correlation between the convenience of this
cutting-edge artificial intelligence chatbot and the success of pedagogical
activities. First, while AI unquestionably enhances educators’ efficacy by
performing diverse functions such as teaching and assessing students, it also
adjusts to the unique learning requirements of students and personalizes
instruction according to their strengths and weaknesses (Oranga, 2023). Barrot
(2023) revealed that the OpenAI Language Model can fulfill the urgent
requirements of writers learning a Second Language (L2), such as providing
prompt and customized feedback, offering a platform for practicing writing and
serving as a reliable tool for writing assistance. As cognizant of those values,
considering the effectiveness of this means, many teachers have applied Chat
GPT to facilitate language teaching and comprehension such as creating more
task-based language teaching or being introduced to some English-based
websites, encouraging learners to actively engage in learning materials through
meaningful activities (Bang, 2024).

However, it would be a significant shortcoming if individuals fail to utilize

computer-assisted learning in the education sector, given its numerous
advantages outweigh any potential downsides. Having the potential to
stimulate students’ engagement, cAs the world progresses, chatbots play a role
as feasible instruments for acquiring language skills thanks to the advancement
in artificial intelligence. Developed by OpenAI, Chat GPT is an advanced natural
language processing model renowned for its various applications across
industries such as educational support. In my opinion, while there are
numerous values that Chat GPT offers to students and tutors, I believe that this
digital intelligence tendency will expose multiple drawbacks to those subjects.

On the one hand, there exists a correlation between the convenience of this
cutting-edge artificial intelligence chatbot and the success of pedagogical
activities. First, while AI unquestionably enhances educators’ efficacy by
performing diverse functions such as teaching and assessing students, it also
adjusts to the unique learning requirements of students and personalizes
instruction according to their strengths and weaknesses (Oranga, 2023). Barrot
(2023) revealed that the OpenAI Language Model can fulfill the urgent
requirements of writers learning a Second Language (L2), such as providing
prompt and customized feedback, offering a platform for practicing writing and
serving as a reliable tool for writing assistance. A recent study executed among
a group of English teachers said that as cognizant of the effectiveness of this
means, they have applied Chat GPT to facilitate language teaching and
comprehension such as creating more task-based language teaching or being
introduced to some English-based websites, encouraging learners to actively
engage in learning materials through meaningful activities (Bang, Hang, Bao,

On the other hand, cognitive lethargy exhibited by students is attributed to

GPT-3. According to Al-Obaydi, Pikhart, and Klimova (2023), language
acquisition requires a combination of practice, repetition, and diverse training
methodologies, but the application only encourages students to simply copy
and paste content without genuinely exerting effort to grasp the language.
Indeed, certain universities implement temporary bans on students’ use of Chat
GPT and similar AI-based tools due to apprehensions regarding potential
learning setbacks, particularly in the development of critical and creative
thinking skills (Barrot, 2023). One of the most typical examples can be seen in
the circumstance of Ms. Hang (2024) whose students have a habit of using
chatbots excessively in writing practice triggering consequences in which they
cannot produce the ideas by themselves whenever being in an important
examination context.

However, it would be a significant shortcoming if individuals fail to utilize

computer-assisted learning in the education sector, given its numerous
advantages outweigh any potential downsides. Having the potential to
stimulate students’ engagement, computers or contemporary technology
improve the foreign language learning environment and consequently enhance
the quality of foreign language instruction (Asrifan, Zita, Vargheese, Syamsu,
and Amir, 2020). Bao (2024) said that as a student pursuing a Master’s degree
in the English language, Chat GPT acts as a reliable tool in Research Writing
courses to assist him in finding logical ideas to support the research result.
Furthermore, the computers’ “temporal flexibility” (Ahmad et al., 1985) and
“freedom from geographical constraints” (Yang, 1998) empower students to
engage actively in the learning process, enabling them to determine their study
schedule durations based on their personal requirements.

In conclusion, according to these arguments mentioned above, I contend that

Chat GPT will be more feasible for students and teachers thanks to the
tremendous assistance of computer technology, increased focus has been
placed on educational technologies, particularly in their widespread adoption
of foreign language teaching and learning.
( 554 words)
Barrot, J. S. (2023). Using ChatGPT for second language writing: Pitfalls and
potentials. Assessing Writing, 57, 100745.


Practical Innovation, Technology and Green Energy (IRPITAGE), 3(3), 46-50.

Rasul, T., Nair, S., Kalendra, D., Robin, M., de Oliveira Santini, F., Ladeira, W.
J., ... & Heathcote, L. (2023). The role of ChatGPT in higher education: Benefits,
challenges, and future research directions. Journal of Applied Learning and
Teaching, 6(1).

Al-Obaydi, L. H., Pikhart, M., & Klimova, B. (2023). ChatGPT and the General
Concepts of Education: Can Artificial Intelligence-Driven Chatbots Support the
Process of Language Learning?. International Journal of Emerging Technologies
in Learning (iJET), 18(21), 39-50.

Yang, P. J. 1998. Networked Multimedia and Foreign Language Education. The

Internet TESL Journal. Online (http://iteslj.org/Articles/Yang- OnlineESL.html). R

Ahmad, K., Corbett, G., Rogers, M., & Sussex, R. 1985. Computers, Language
Learning, and Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University.

Bang’s 1. Redundancy: "As the world progresses, chatbots play a role as feasible
comments instruments for acquiring language skills..." (sentence 1) combined with "On
the one hand, there exists a correlation between the convenience of this
cutting-edge artificial intelligence chatbot and the success of pedagogical
activities." (sentence 4) Consider: "Chatbots are becoming increasingly feasible
instruments for acquiring language skills..."
2. Cohesion: "Barrot (2023) revealed that the OpenAI Language Model can
fulfill the urgent requirements of writers learning a Second Language (L2)..."
(sentence 6) Consider adding a transition word: "Furthermore, Barrot (2023)
3. Word Choice: "a combination of practice, repetition, and diverse training
methodologies" (sentence 10) Consider: "a combination of practice, repetition,
and varied learning methods"
4. Repeated Introduction: The first paragraph appears twice. Remove the
5. Missing Comma: After "On the other hand," add a comma.
6. Word Choice: "Cognitive lethargy" is a bit formal. Consider "laziness" or "lack
of effort."
7. Reference: The first reference to "Ms. Hang" (2024) lacks context. Briefly
introduce her as a teacher beforehand.
8. Comma Splice: "However, it would be a significant shortcoming if individuals
fail to utilize computer-assisted learning in the education sector, given its
numerous advantages outweigh any potential downsides." This sentence uses a
comma splice. You can either use a semicolon or split it into two sentences.
9. Subject-Verb Agreement: "Computers or contemporary technology improve"
- "Computers" is singular, so the verb should be "improves."
10. Word Choice: "Feasible instruments" sounds awkward. Consider "valuable
tools" or "effective resources."

Hang’s  “One of the most typical examples can be seen in the circumstance of
comments Ms. Hang (2024) whose students have a habit of using chatbots
excessively in writing practice triggering consequences in which they
cannot produce the ideas by themselves whenever being in an
important examination context. “=> should use a comma here as the
function of an adjective clause
 “In conclusion, according to these arguments mentioned above, I
contend that Chat GPT will be more feasible for students and teachers
thanks to the tremendous assistance of computer technology,
increased focus has been placed on educational technologies,
particularly in their widespread adoption of foreign language teaching
and learning.”= > it is a grammar mistake when the author uses “
comma” to separate 2 sentences here.
 “Having the potential to stimulate students’ engagement, cAs the world
progresses, chatbots play a role as feasible instruments for acquiring
language skills thanks to the advancement in artificial intelligence. ” => i
think this sentence is redundant when using the “cAs the world
progresses” here . This should be rewritten, maybe : “WITH the
potential to stimulate students’ engagement, chatbots play a role as
feasible instruments for acquiring language skills thanks to the
advancement in artificial intelligence. “
 “Having the potential to stimulate students’ engagement, cAs the world
progresses, chatbots play a role as feasible instruments for acquiring
language skills thanks to the advancement in artificial intelligence. => A
 “Having the potential to stimulate students’ engagement, computers or
contemporary technology improve the foreign language learning
environment and consequently enhance the quality of foreign language
instruction (Asrifan, Zita, Vargheese, Syamsu, and Amir, 2020).” =>
because the subject in this sentence is COMPUTER OR CONTEMPORARY
TECHNOLOGY, the verb should be followed by the latter.
 good vocab
 diversified grammar structures
 good cohesion
 Topic sentences and supporting ideas are obvious for the readers to

Bao’s - good vocab and grammar

- supporting ideas and examples are clear to understand

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