Design of An English Language Course
Design of An English Language Course
Design of An English Language Course
I. Introduction
Part I
II. Theoretical Summary
III. Background of The Study
IV. Purpose
1. General Objectives
2. Specific Objectives
V. Target Audience and Resources
1. Target Persons (trainees)
2. Source of Information
VI. Instrument
1. Chambermaids’ questionnaire
2. Interviews stakeholders
Part II
VII. Results of the Needs Analysis
VIII. Course Development
1. Syllabus
2. Sequence,
3. Content
4. Units.
Part III
IX. Teaching materials
1. Unit 2
X. Evaluation Unit 2
XI. ESP program
XII. Conclusion
XIII. References
I. Introduction
English is the most widely used international language to connect with the rest
of the world. It is the most spoken language as a second foreign language, with more
than 1.4 billion speakers, of which 379 million are native speakers (Fernández,
2022). In this regard, Venezuela ranks 67th in English, and one of the lowest in Latin
America (EF EPI, 2022). In a globalized world, this negatively impacts the country's
business development opportunities. However, this situation represents an
opportunity both for local language training centers, which must develop advanced
programs that adapt to the needs of the modern world and for companies with
international reach that need to prepare their personnel to be able to access greater
resources and opportunities.
Among the jobs that require adequate knowledge of English are those in the
hospitality sector, both in the front office (customer service, receptionists, cleaning
and maintenance, chambermaids, etc.) and in the back office (administration,
marketing, surveillance, and security, etc.). All profiles (top management, middle
management, and staff) must attend to customers of other nationalities who use this
universal language.
In this regard, the English teaching programs demanded by this industry must
be adjusted to each job, largely because the staff has different educational levels in
each job, as well as different needs, motivations, and interests to learn the language.
For example, a hotel chambermaid needs specific linguistic notions to communicate
properly with customers, mastering the variations of English in terms of word choice,
phrases, pronunciation, and a customer service manager must also have good
spelling, diction, and grammar in the context in which their work is developed. This
situation forces them to learn English for specific purposes according to their needs
and interests.
The objective of this project is to create an English course for Hotel
Chambermaids. In this first phase of the project, we will design the questionnaire that
will be applied to the staff working in this area. The purpose is to collect in this
instrument the training needs that these people have, and their current knowledge.
This will be done through the application of the survey. Additionally, we will elaborate
on various interview scripts for the actors who interact with these workers in their
jobs (human resources and area supervisor), as well as the interview with the
Linguistics Department of UNIMET, which will develop the course.
ESP is designed for students who want to learn English for a specific purpose
and then use it to achieve another objective. Hutchinson & Waters (1987) describe
ESP courses as those in which the subject matter and materials are developed from
prior knowledge of the learner's communicative needs.
In addition, González-Tourís (2023) traces the evolution of ESP since the early
1960s, to highlight it as the EFL teaching par excellence today, due to the needs
learners have in every real-life situation. These range from register analysis,
discourse analysis, target situation analysis (needs analysis), skill-centered
approach, and learning-centered approach.
Finally, analysis of needs in a commercial context requires two phases, the first
is to define the data collection and the second is to analyze this data. This allows the
training gap to be established. In the data collection phase, research is done on the
company, stakeholders, communication channels, inter-area issues, culture and
resources to be employed, and in the analysis phase the communication events, and
communication conventions used are evaluated to finally design the course for
specific purposes (Frendo, 2020).
III. Background of The Study
In this sense, this needs analysis is aimed at the staff working in the
chambermaid area of the Dorsia Hotel. This hotel belongs to a prestigious hotel
chain of British origin. It is located in the east of the city of Caracas. The hotel
facilities have comfortable areas to carry out the English teaching program. It also
has technological equipment, laptops, projectors, sound equipment, headphones,
speakers, air conditioning, and comfortable furniture.
IV. Purpose
The purpose for this needs analysis is to identify the English language training
needs of a group of twenty chambermaids of Dorsia Hotel. Then, the present
analysis is carried out by the following objective:
customer is understood and to enable the chambermaids to provide the
information that customers need.
2.1 Elaborate the needs analysis: Design the instruments to collect the
following information (survey to apply to future trainees and interviews
for related parties):
2.4. Create didactic materials for the program units.
2. Source of Information:
● Use phrases and expressions related to your area of work.
● Understand what safety and emergency issues are and how to address
them (emergency action plan guide and guide of measures to take, with
fire alarms, evacuation areas, first aid kit, etc.).
VI. Instruments
1. Chambermaids’ Questionnaire
The first section collects personal data, English language experiences, and
level of studies. The second section is to measure the degree of motivation or
learning attitudes towards the spoken foreign language. The third section measures
levels of language proficiency that are considered important in their area of work.
The fourth section focuses on the workers' expectations of this instruction so that
their learning would be more effective, taking into account their previous experiences
in acquiring English. The fifth section is a mailbox for any suggestions and/or
questions workers may have about the course. The instrument is shown below:
The following is a proposed questionnaire for the analysis of the chambermaids’
2. Interviews stakeholders
These interview guides will be carried out in order to obtain general and specific
qualitative information from the related parties, referring to the characteristics of the
job functions performed by the personnel working as chambermaids, the level of
English required in their job profiles, and the expectations about the English course
that Universidad Metropolitana wishes to offer.
● Hotel HR Unit: Coordinate a one hour meeting with the HR staff, explain the
purpose of the interview and the process of gathering information for the
needs analysis of the ESP course. Then ask the following questions and take
Do they receive instructions in English about cleaning? Yes, the Area Manager is British.
International guests ask where the social
areas are located (restaurant, gym, pool,
disco, convention hall, pharmacy, stores,
etc.). They also ask about laundry, and
Do they respond to guest requests (questions and
request room amenities such as bed
linens, soaps, shampoo, etc., ask about
first aid kits, doctors, and also about their
orders. These questions must be
answered in understandable English.
What will be the physical area designated to conduct The hotel has convention rooms, you
this course? can use the Blue Room which has
electronic equipment such as PCs,
headphones, microphones, video
What equipment does the hotel have to conduct the beams, capacity, good lighting, and air
course? conditioning for more than 25 students. It
is available on weekends.
Thank them for their valuable time and end the interview.
● Hotel Area Supervisor: Interview with the Supervisor in the work area for an
hour and a half, to observe the interaction that chamberlains have at their
work stations, and to observe and validate information with the supervisor
Table 2: Sample interview Hotel Area Supervisor
Do they understand what the safety and emergency They must, most of these documents are
issues are and how to address them? in English.
Thank them for their valuable time and end the interview.
● Metropolitan University ESP experts: Interview with the Unimet authority of the
linguistics department to gather the following information related to the
learning process, principles, and cultural aspects of UNIMET, and analysis of
learning media to be used.
Table 3: Sample interview Metropolitan University ESP experts:
integrates the training of all language skills
required in the acquisition of an L2.
Thank them for their valuable time and end the interview.
In order to analyze the information collected and obtain the training gap, the
data were consolidated in an Excel table, grouped by area:
● Human Resources Staff: Information related to the hotel's philosophy,
position profile, and experience of the interns (complements the
questionnaire in item 1), areas to teach the course, equipment
available, and expectations of the course.
The corpus analysis methodology was used to evaluate the linguistic discourse
of the data collected in the questionnaires applied to the trainees. This made it
possible to evaluate the level of the oral and written discursive formation of the future
trainees, their communicative competencies in English, as well as the type of
necessary expressions to be covered in the course associated with the activities they
perform in their workplaces. In addition, interview data related to the principles
required by the university allowed us to consider the scope of the content, which
should include the longitudinal approach, and aspects of cultural awareness, and to
determine the level of training. The summary of this methodology considers:
● The data record of the trainees participating in the research was collected
through the online questionnaire, where information about their level of
studies, etc. is collected. As well as the written production data from the
questionnaire, and the pronunciation collected in the interview with the
supervisor, observed in the data collection carried out to determine or
corroborate the level of competence of the ELE learner.
● Tabulation of results.
● The design of communicative tasks of written skills to be considered.
The corpus methodology was used to evaluate the data from the needs
analysis study. The results showed the following:
Table 4: General data of trainees.
Results summary
● Age: 85% of future learners are between 18 (55%) and 30 (30%) years old,
and 15% are between 21 and 35 years old. Some studies indicate that the
optimal learning rate of an L2 is around 18 years of age, so the teaching
system should consider the participants' interest in solving communication
problems, or satisfying their routine communication needs so that they are
motivated and decide to learn voluntarily.
● Educational level: All of them (100%) have a high school diploma as their
highest educational level. They have never taken an English course before,
they have only approached English in high school classes. The level is very
basic and they do not know how to write or formulate English phrases or
expressions to serve customers, they often have difficulty understanding and
reading safety instructions related to the hotel. Questions in English to assess
written skills were answered in Spanish.
on a regular basis from 2 to 3 times a week, being the most of these situations
exclusively spoken, and also when they need to read some instructions in the
cleaning materials, or to write some reports of the maintenance procedures.
● Frequency of language use: In the on-site surveys, it was observed that all
participants (100%) need to use the language to communicate with clients,
most of whom are of English-speaking nationalities, or to communicate with
their supervisor. In addition, the supervisor and the four floor managers (20%)
must read and write documents related to their work activities in English.
● Hours available to attend the course: The daily work shift requires staff
availability from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday.
● Level of interest in taking this course: All future trainees responded that
they had a high level of interest in taking this course and see it as an
opportunity to excel and prepare themselves to improve their levels of
communication at work.
● Some phrases to use: Greetings (Good morning, good evening, You work
here, If I work here, how can I help you, Housekeeping is at 9 a.m., Need
more towels? Need more pillows. What time should I come by? The coffee
shop is on the second floor, The gym is on the 10th floor, Continental
breakfast is until 10:00 a.m., etc.
Based on the results of the needs analysis the course’s main objective is to
improve the chambermaids English language proficiency in areas related to their job
specific tasks. Also to teach the participants basic phrases, responses, words, and
work jargon in English that would help them communicate effectively with English
speaking guests. The course will prepare the staff to greet, take orders, take
complaints, and provide information to the English speaking guests, furthermore it is
going to incorporate real-life scenarios and role-plays to improve practical training for
handling common communication challenges in the workplace. It’s essential to
specify that the course will only concentrate on the hotel’s directive’s interest,
therefore the lessons ought to be straightforward and assertive in order to have the
expected success.
1.1. Approach: The proposed approach for this course is based on the
principles of Communicative, Functional, or Communicative Language Teaching
(CLT). It aims to achieve communicative competence as the main objective in
teaching English, and to develop teaching materials for the four skills (speaking,
reading, listening, and writing), with emphasis on speaking skills to provide students
with the opportunity to use English for communicative purposes. As Zakime (2019)
notes, in the Communicative Approach, actual communication and interaction are not
only the goal of learning, but also the means through which it takes place.
1.2. Focus: The course is aimed at a specific work, professional and academic
environment, in which subjects are taught that address the communication needs of
hotel chambermaid staff. It is narrowly focused, based on the idea that successful
language learning involves communicating meaning that they use on a daily basis in
a real way. This is in order to engage motivated learners using their natural language
acquisition strategies.
1.4. Length: The duration of the course is 12 weeks, which classes will be
carried out on fridays and saturday mornings, according to chambermaids
explanation in the questionnaire where they say those are their free days. Then, the
classes will be developed in six hours per day, and the total hours by the end of the
course will be 288. Thus the duration responds to the established by the Common
European Framework which express that an intermediate speed course must last at
least 200 hours.
cleaning procedures trabajar - Limpieza - Parte
1 - YouTube
Regulars and irregulars
verbs in simple present
and simple past
Common prepositions
used into the hotel
Summative Activity
Test 1
Evaluation of completeness
with audios 5% and note-
taking activity 5%.
3 Unit 2 Common guests - Listen to the following
Responding to requests in english and video, and pay attention to
guest requests how to respond to them the examples:
and describing Hotel Vocabulary for IELTS
room amenities Correct grammar to - YouTube
and features. organize sentences - View the following videos
about the English Grammar
Verbs tenses: Present (verbs tenses, pronouns)
continuous, past and take-notes about the
continuous, future simple forms:
with will and be going to. ALL 12 ENGLISH TENSES
Personal pronouns:
possessives and Just watch present
demonstratives continuous, past
continuous, future simple
5 with will and be going to.
Polite and professional
language for guests
PRONOUNS | I, me, my,
mine, myself ... - YouTube
Common guests
Formative Activity:
complaints and how to
offer solutions They will be presented with
a group situation in which
they will have to find a
Vocabulary for
solution and present it in
describing furniture,
front of the whole class.
electronics and room
Summative Activity:
Make a video showing the
correct rules of customer
service, try to use the
vocabulary seen in classes
Week 5
6 Unit 3 Describing bathrooms - Watch the following
About fixtures and amenities videos and take-note:
bathrooms, Housekeeping - Level 3 -
floors and Vocabulary for bathroom Cleaning of a vacant room
carpets cleaning supplies - YouTube
Summative Activity:
Oral presentations about
effective cleaning methods,
present at least 3 tips per
group 15%.
Week 7 and week 8.
9 Unit 4 Using English to Summative Activity:
Priorities, safety communicate work Writing Workshop
and security schedules and priorities. Write your opinion about
the following article:
Planning written and Fire Emergency Plan and
prioritizing housekeeping Procedures Sample For
tasks Hotels | Resorts
10 (
Understanding 10% Week 9
emergency procedures Summative Activity:
and protocols Oral Defense
In class justify your opinion
Identifying and reporting about the article 5%.
11 safety hazards using Week 10
english to communicate
emergency situations.
Read the following articles:
How to Handle Emergency
Verb tenses: future Situations in Hotel &
continuous and future Restaurant (hospitality-
3 Tips on Communicating
With Hotel Workforce
During a Crisis
- Watch the following video
just for part of future
continuous and future
perfect tenses.
Final Test
(Comprehensive Exam)
Test of the content seen in
the subject divided into
languages skills 25%.
Week 11
2. Sequence
The sequence of the syllabus is aimed at the development of the English skills
gradually, which begin with the basics of the language, such as basic vocabulary,
names and terminology, and simples sentences structure, as well as common
phrases and expressions.Thus, learners will have a solid foundation of the language
in order to progress to more complex skills. According to a renowned English
language teaching expert, Harmer (2007) a good syllabus should include a focus on
grammar, vocabulary, functions, and skills with an emphasis on building a solid
foundation on grammar and vocabulary. Once learners have the basics solids well
established, they will be able to produce in the target language, therefore the
syllabus also includes the progressive introduction of more complex vocabulary and
all the verb tenses in order to make chambermaids able to communicate effectively
in any context.
The evolution of the units begins with simple terminology and phrases
regarding their job-tasks, therefore it includes names of the equipment used, parts of
the hotel, and the most important grammar and vocab structures that must be
consolidated previously to continue with the following lessons. After building a
foundation in the first unit, the course focuses on developing communication skills for
interacting with guests, which is the most important need to be attended to because
of their workplace demands. Also, knowing how to handle common guests' requests
and recognizing cleaning procedures, it will allow students to apply their language
skills in a practical setting. Finally, as students gain more confidence, they move on
to learn necessary vocabulary to cope with emergency situations. Overall, this
sequence is designed to provide students with necessary language skills focused on
their issues and lacks for them to perform their job and communicate effectively in a
professional and confident manner.
3. Evaluations
hand the summative evaluations, the ones that will prove whether the participants
are building enough English comprehension for them to be suitable for the hotel, will
consist of conversations that will simulate different possible scenarios that the
chambermaid could go through while interacting with a guest (taking an order or a
request, a guest asking for help or information, among many others), writing formal
emails for the guests who request more information through email, comprehension of
simulated complaints and the production of a formal written response.
Part III
1. Unit 2
Using the Predictive model to design the study materials to be used by the
trainees, exercises, and assignments were created that provide a framework for
teaching based on the use of students' creativity to select, organize, and present
information and data.
The following material is designed to practice vocabulary and phrases that
describe locations of areas in the hotel, as well as describe the elements of the
rooms, or respond to guest requests that are covered in Unit 2 of the syllabus.
The following is a recreation of the exercise material used to practice and test
vocabulary of hotel places and locations:
Part I: Grammar
the hallway.
i) Yesterday, the chambermaid ____ (vacuum) the floor in room
j) Next week, the hotel ____ (to provide) new uniforms for the
housekeeping staff.
Dear Chambermaids,
We are pleased to inform you that the hotel will be expanding soon.
As a result, we will be hiring more staff in the coming months. We will
also be renovating some of the existing rooms, which will require
additional cleaning duties. We will be providing training for all new and
existing staff to ensure that our guests receive the highest level of
service possible.
Sample answers:
Part I: Grammar
She is cleaning the bathroom right now.
When we arrived at the hotel, the chambermaid was making the beds.
Next week, the hotel will provide new uniforms for the housekeeping
XV. Evaluation
Evaluation Model
Read the questions carefully and select the answer that best fits the solution.
This test is given to assess listening, pronunciation, reading and writing skills in Unit
2. Please work in groups of three to take this assessment:
In this section you will be assessing the vocabulary and expressions studied in
unit 2, remember that phrases and sentences are formed with the correct verb
structure and forms normally used to make a complaint, for example:
- Present Perfect Tense verb form :
● Ask: We start the sentence with the auxiliary verb 'have/ has' + the subject
(you, she, he, they) +Present Perfect Tense verb + Direct Object.?
● Affirm: We begin the sentence as follows: Yes + S.+ have/ has + (already) +
V. 3 + O.
Yes, I have already cleaned the bathtub.
The following exercises assess all four skills in order to help students learn
more about the language and structure typically used when making a complaint in
the chambermaid's department.
I) LISTENING (5 points):
1.1. Listen to the audio that the teacher will place in the room, and listen to the Hotel
floor chambermaid supervisor talking to a guest on the phone. Pay attention to the
excerpt of the conversation, and then answer the following: (2.5 pts.)
1.2. Listen to the dialogue again and complete the following sentences: (2.5 pts.)
Good ________. What room are you ____ staying in? How can I reach
_______ you? Would you like me to call ________? I won't be long, I'll be
right there _____.
2.1. Practice with your teammates the following expressions uttered by people
related to the hotel chambermaid department. (3 pts.)
10. May I have one more towel, please?
11. Where I look for the ice.
12. How many pillows would you like, sir.
13. Thank you very much for the tip ma'am, we are not allowed to receive it due to
hotel policies.
14. I have already informed the supervisor that I need your assistance sir...
15. I will be right up with a mop.
2.2. Then exchange roles among your teammates and set up the dialogue between a
guest, the supervisor, and a chambermaid: (2 pts.)
Read the following text carefully. Discuss with your three classmates possible
answers to the comprehension questions about the floor chambermaid area:
The housekeeping department of the hotel consists of the 16 chambermaids
and 4 floor supervisors. They are in charge of the order and good appearance
of the hotel in general, in addition to the rooms and the common areas of the
hotel (entrances, lounges, restaurants, corridors, stairs, bathrooms, etc.).
They may also attend to customer complaints and claims related to their area.
When a complaint is addressed, the staff should respond immediately with a
friendly manner. Generally, the hotel asks its guests to leave a notice in case
they wish to change their towels and linens during cleaning, or you may
contact the supervisor by calling extension 0020.
Look at the picture and write 5 sentences that talk about situations that occur in the
chambermaid's department. Use the structures studied in unit 2. See the initial
Part IV
IX. Conclusion
stakeholders involved with the hotel, it is necessary to follow the specified evaluation
plan as well as the topics and vocabulary that are taught in order to produce
communicative competent staff members.
VII. References
language teaching.
⇁ Hutchinson, T. & Waters, A.. (1987). English for Specific Purposes.
⇁ Tan, R. (2015). Waiter can’t speak English, service is very slow, tasty,
cheap local food - Review of Pak Mid Cafe, Batu Ferringhi, Malaysia -
⇁ Univ-English. (n.d.). English for Specific Purposes (ESP). Lecture 04: Needs
RUBRIC. ESP Part 1. Análisis de necesidades
The students present hypothetical results for the Needs Analysis that they had
proposed 3,5/4
The students explain reasons for their chosen sequence, contents, and units of
the program. 3,5/4
I am glad to see that you have improved your project greatly. Keep up the good work
for the last part of the project.
Evaluation 3
The materials designed by the students will serve as evidence of the mastering of the
competence 1,5 /2
The complexity of the task is adapted to the level of the students 1,5/2
The students explain the pertinence and relevance of the materials for the language
learning process 1/2
There is relationship between each question and the skill that is being assessed
The students explain the evaluation and its objectives in detail