2014 Eng 2 07
2014 Eng 2 07
2014 Eng 2 07
The book Syntropy the Spirit of Love, published by ICRL Press, is available
from mid-January 2015. Whereas most of us are familiar with the concept
of entropy, the dissipative process that indicates the degree of disorder or
uncertainty in a closed physical system, less well known is its
complementary principle: Syntropy.
antonella.vannini@syntropy.org - https://upsol.academia.edu/AntonellaVannini
Syntropy 2014 (2): 85-91 ISSN 1825-7968
“The ICRL Press takes great satisfaction in offering this provocative treatise by
Ulisse Di Corpo and Antonella Vannini, fastidiously edited by Brenda Dunne, ICRL’s
Editor-in-Chief. The book presents, in a readily readable format, a rare review of the
work of the celebrated Italian mathematician Luigi Fantappiè regarding the concept,
interpretation, and implications of the complementary principle to physical entropy,
which he named syntropy. Along the way, the authors skillfully touch on a blazing
array of related issues, ranging from the Klein-Gordon relations of relativistic
quantum mechanics and their advanced wave solutions, to issues in evolutionary
theory. Presenting pertinent empirical data to support their thesis, they also discuss
the relevance of syntropy to time and water, negentropy and information,
determinism and free will, and a host of correlative matters rich in implications to be
contemplated and explored. If you are now holding this remarkable book in hand,
scan the Table of Contents and prepare to be fascinated by its sweeping coverage of
an alternative conceptualization of human experience and the nature of reality.”
—Robert G. Jahn, Dean Emeritus, School of Engineering and Applied Science,
Princeton University
“For many years now, Ulisse Di Corpo and Antonella Vannini have been furthering
the revolutionary ideas of the Italian mathematician Luigi Fantappiè who in the
1940’s coined the term syntropy to indicate order-producing influences propagating
from the future into the present; a concept complementary to the disorder-producing
entropic influences that propagate from the past into the present. Their message is
getting crisper and more convincing, as they bring ever more evidence in support of
this theory. They also show evidence that feelings, in particular love, may in fact be
the form in which non-specific information from the future manifests into the present.
These ideas bring a welcome sense of purpose and meaning into our worldview,
absent if only the disorganizing entropy exists. This theory can form the centerpiece
of a new worldview that allows the unification of science and spirituality into a new
paradigm where our inner aspects, exemplified by our thoughts and feelings, can be
unified with the physical aspects that alone are now granted reality by science.”
— Federico Faggin, co-inventor of the microprocessor and president of the Federico
and Elvia Faggin Foundation
“Rarely in one’s professional life as a physician and scientist does a book come
along that truly offers a new way of looking at life and the universe. Such a book is
that of Ulisse Di Corpo and Antonella Vannini on syntropy. A physical function in
opposition to entropy has been sought for scientists for hundreds of years, especially
for explaining the existence of life. Here, based on the original work of the
mathematician, Luigi Fantappiè in the 1940s and recent experimental evidence on
Syntropy 2014 (2): 85-91 ISSN 1825-7968
“While they continue to elucidate the rational fabric of the universe, few scientists
these days give much thought to the meaning of their theories. But their left-brain
world is far from being the whole story. Thus the authors of this book take an
enormous stride by expanding science to connect our rational world to our emotional
world—which, after all, is what really matters to us. Who would have thought that
there could be a science of love? And one just as precise and formally correct as the
science most of us have been brought up with?”
—Roger Taylor, PhD., independent researcher on subtle energy, and formerly Reader
in Immunology, University of Bristol
Most of us are familiar with the concept of entropy. Based on the second law of
thermodynamics, it is a dissipative process that is a measure of the amount of thermal
energy in a physical system that cannot be used to do work, and indicates the degree
of disorder or uncertainty in that system. For example, it predicts that when heat
flows from a region of high temperature to a region of low temperature the hot region
becomes cooler and the cold region becomes warmer over time. This process occurs
spontaneously without the need for any extra external energy. When it occurs we say
that the entropy of the system has increased. The entropy of an isolated system
always increases as it loses information and becomes less ordered. Expressions such
as "you can't unscramble an egg" or "you can't take the cream out of the coffee"
indicate the irreversibility of such processes.
In 1942 Luigi Fantappiè proposed a law symmetric with entropy, which he named
syntropy. Syntropy produces a continuous increase in complexity through the action
of “attractors” that emanate from the future and provide systems with their purpose
and design. Rather than generating disorder via increasing differentiation, syntropy
Syntropy 2014 (2): 85-91 ISSN 1825-7968
draws individuals and systems together based on their similarities. In a certain sense,
syntropy can be regarded as the action of love, which Louis de Broglie described as
“that force which directs all of our delights and all of our pursuits. Indissolubly
linked with thought and action, love is their common mainspring and, hence, their
common bond.”3
Concluding observations
The implications of the extension of science to include the negative energy solution
was described by Fantappiè in the following letter to a friend:
L. de Broglie, “The Role of the Engineer in the Age of Science.” In New Perspectives in Physics (1962),
trans. AJ. Pomerans. NY: Basic Books, p.213.
Syntropy 2014 (2): 85-91 ISSN 1825-7968
The change that is emerging on the horizon involves the paradigmatic shift from the
mechanistic vision to the new supercausal and syntropic vision which requires the
counter-intuitive fact that time flows differently from how we perceive it in our
conscious everyday experience.
While dealing with mechanistic and simple systems, the cause and effect approach is
adequate. But in dealing with complex living systems retrocausal forces take a
prominence, as quantum forces enter into the equation of life. In human life, and in
Wharton, K.B. (2009). “A novel interpretation of the Klein-Gordon equation.” Foundation of Physics, 2009,
40(3): 313-332.
Syntropy 2014 (2): 85-91 ISSN 1825-7968
all living and self-organizing systems, both causal and retrocausal forces
continuously interact.
Although much of this book has focused on the logical and pragmatic implications of
the entropy/syntropy theory, perhaps the most profound aspect of it is that it
introduces love into the realm of modern science. Syntropy, like love, has the power
to transform and unite the disparate elements in our lives. As the organizing principle
of creation, evolution, and life itself, love deserves a primary role in our world view.5
Nobody has expressed this recognition better than Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, when
he predicted that
“Someday, after we have mastered the winds, the waves, the tides and
gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love. Then for the second
time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire.”6
Luigi Fantappiè and the Concept of Syntropy
Time and Water
An Extension of Thermodynamics
Negentropy, Syntropy and Information
Experimental Evidence
Determinism and Free Will
The Unconscious Mind and the Autonomic Nervous System
Superconscious Mind and the Attractor
Mind/Matter Interaction
Heart or Brain?
Love or Instinct?
The Heart-Brain Axis
Vital Needs
The Theorem of Love
The Mystery of Life
The Limits of Evolutionary Theory
Di Corpo, U. (1996). Syntropy: the Theorem of Love, Kindle Editions.
P. Teilhard de Chardin, On Love. NY: Harper & Row (1967), pp. 33-34. (From P. Teilhard de Chardin,
“The Evolution of Chastity.”)
Syntropy 2014 (2): 85-91 ISSN 1825-7968