SRS - Template 3
SRS - Template 3
SRS - Template 3
1. Introduction.............................................................................................................................3
2. General Description.................................................................................................................3
3. Functional Requirements.........................................................................................................4
4. Interface Requirements............................................................................................................5
4.1 User Interfaces...................................................................................................................5
4.2 Hardware Interfaces...........................................................................................................5
4.3 Communications Interfaces...............................................................................................5
4.4 Software Interfaces............................................................................................................5
5. Performance Requirements......................................................................................................5
6. Other non-functional attributes................................................................................................6
6.1 Security..............................................................................................................................6
6.2 Binary Compatibility.........................................................................................................6
6.3 Reliability..........................................................................................................................6
6.4 Maintainability...................................................................................................................6
6.5 Portability..........................................................................................................................6
6.6 Extensibility.......................................................................................................................6
6.7 Reusability.........................................................................................................................6
6.8 Application Affinity/Compatibility...................................................................................7
6.9 Resource Utilization..........................................................................................................7
6.10 Serviceability...................................................................................................................7
7. Operational Scenarios..............................................................................................................7
8. Preliminary Use Case Models and Sequence Diagrams..........................................................8
8.1 Use Case Model.................................................................................................................8
8.2 Sequence Diagrams...........................................................................................................9
9. Updated Schedule..................................................................................................................10
10. Updated Budget...................................................................................................................10
11. Appendices..........................................................................................................................10
11.1 Definitions, Acronyms, Abbreviations..........................................................................10
1.3 Overview
The product is an Access Database with import/export capabilities from Excel that will
hold information on auctions, bid items and their bidders, including auction income,
auction expenses, bid amount, bid increment, bid ID, item donor, item’s original value,
payment type, bidder name, and bidder email.
2. General Description
2.1 Product Functions
The product should make input of data and the entire checkout process easier and
streamlined for the users (employees) and time efficient for the bidder.
3. Functional Requirements
1. Items provided to the IDANRV shall be stored in the Access Database.
1. Items shall be stored on the laptop machine and have complete fields.
4. The above stated factor is a risk we have encountered. Eliminate it by reducing the
5. This requirement is the basis of the project; all other aspects depend on it.
4. The only factor we can encounter here is the user of the system not being able to use
it correctly. We will overcome this by training those who will be using it.
4.1.1 GUI
The user interface for this program is the interface provided by Microsoft Access 2007.
Access includes forms and reports for the users to query and organize data to suit their
needs. Forms and reports both have builders that let the user specify which fields they
want to use and which constraints they want to define.
4.1.2 CLI
There is no command line interface
4.1.3 API
There is no API for the product
4.1.4 Diagnostics or ROM
There is a troubleshooting and help section provided by Microsoft
The program (Access) uses the hard disk. Access to the hard drive and other hardware is
managed by the operating system and Access.
If we decide to implement an Ad Hoc network for a shared database, the operating system will
handle those connections.
The Access system may be used to import and export data with Microsoft Excel. This
functionality is built in to the user interface.
5. Performance Requirements
The database is designed to be operated through Microsoft Access 2007, thus no additional
system requirements exist beyond those required to run Microsoft Office 2007, except for a
negligible amount of hard drive space to store the database.
6.1 Security
The system shall be designed with a level of security appropriate for the sensitivity of
information enclosed in the database. More interaction is needed with client about the volatility
of the information. Since there is no obvious information that is of a high security level such as
credit card information, the only requirements that could be implemented are encrypting the
database and/or making the database password-protected, by user’s request.
This system will be compatible with any computer that has Microsoft Office Professional 2007
or later installed (whether PC or Mac), and will be designed with more than one computer in
6.3 Reliability
Reliability is one of the key attributes of the system. Back-ups will be made regularly so that
restoration with minimal data loss is possible in the event of unforeseen events. The system will
also be thoroughly tested by all team members to ensure reliability.
6.4 Maintainability
The system shall be maintained by Sheila Roop, of the IDA, or delegated to another employee.
6.5 Portability
The system shall be designed in a way that shall allow it to be run on multiple computers with
Microsoft Office Professional 2007 or later installed.
6.6 Extensibility
The system shall be designed and documented in such a way that anybody with an understanding
of Microsoft Access shall be able to extend the system to fit their needs with the team’s basic
6.7 Reusability
The system should be designed in a way that allows the database to be re-used regularly for the
various silent auctions that the organization shall hold.
This system requires the Microsoft Office Professional 2007 suite or later, as it operates
primarily through Microsoft Access, in conjunction with Microsoft Excel.
The resources used in the creation of this system include: Dr. Lewis, the client (Sheila Roop), the
computers in Davis Hall, and the internet.
6.10 Serviceability
The maintenance of the system should be able to be sufficiently performed by any person with a
basic understanding of Microsoft Access.
7. Operational Scenarios
Scenario A: Initial Item Definitions
The user shall enter the information about the items into the database for its initial
construction and evolution. The fields will be completed via a form that will manipulate the data.
11. Appendices
11.1 Definitions, Acronyms, Abbreviations
IDANRV- Intellectual Disabilities Agency of the New River Valley