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Jesus Name Research

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We see in historical documents that the name “Jesus” did not even come into existence

until the 1600’s when the letter “J” was introduced into our English language. So the
name “Jesus” is only around 400 years old! The Greek "Iesus" comes from the name
Zeus, the ruling God in the Greek pantheon. "Jesus” is a transliteration of a Latin name
only ONE letter off “Ioesus” pronounced hey-sus - which has no meaning in Hebrew, but
in Latin it means “Hail Zeus”. If Yahusha’s name had been transliterated into our
language, it would have been Joshua. If the name was treated properly using the
compound naming convention YHVH intended it would be YAH(weh)(ye)SHUA
shortened to “Yahusha” using the short contracted form maintaining the meaning of the
name and fulfilling prophecy that the Messiah “came in the NAME of YHVH”.

If the name was handled properly in Greek by the uninspired pagan scribes, it would
hold true to the “meaning” of the name as given by the Angel to Joseph and Mary; then
“shua” or salvation would have been translated “soterion or soter” not “sous”. So we see
a gross mis-handling of the Messiah’s name at best but when you look back in history
we see a Hyalinization of the name with the intent to give glory to the pagan god Zeus.

One simply would need to open up their Greek Lexicon to know the truth behind this;
below is the entry from The NAS New Testament Greek Lexicon:

Strong's Number: 4992: soterion, adjective. Meaning saving, bringing salvation he who
embodies this salvation, or through whom God is about to achieve it the hope of (future)

The name in Latin of the Messiah therefore would have been something closer to Iesoter
or Iesoterion if the intent of the meaning of the name was honored by the Greek and
Roman pagan scribes and modern day translators. The name would never have been
“Iesous” taking on the suffix of every other Greek name given to give glory to Zeus…

The reason behind this abomination is clearly seen. The name “Jesus” has the exact same
suffix as the name of the Roman Emperor who created it: Flavius Valerius Aurelius
Constantinus Augustus. “Why” does every word in Constantine’s name end in “us”? It
would only stand to reason that the all powerful Emperor would give a name to his new
god in his own image with the suffix “us”. After all, Constantine believed himself to be re-
incarnated Apollo (the son of Zeus). And he remade the Messiah in his own image then
elevated that “image of the false messiah” in the name “Jesus” as god to be worshipped.
This act of paganizing the messiah and worshipping an image of a man above YHVH is
condemned by Paul in a letter to the church in Rome!

Romans 1

21 Because that, when they knew YHVH, they glorified YHVH not as God (elevating
Jesus/Trinity in their hearts as God), neither were thankful; but became vain in their
imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened (to believe a pagan lie). 22 Professing
themselves to be wise, they became fools 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal
YHVH for images made to look like mortal man (the image of “Jesus”) and birds and
animals and reptiles (signs of The Zodiac).

24 Therefore YHVH gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity
for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged the truth
about YHVH for a lie (pagan Trinity), and worshiped and served created things
rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.

When we simply take the first step and admit to ourselves the obvious, it becomes
abundantly clear both “why” and “how” the name “Jesus” was easily accepted by a pagan
population that worshiped Zeus, Hesus, Horus, Krishna, Julius Ceasar and the demi-god
son Apollo the god of the sun. To the pagan Romans of their day, the name Iesous
(Jesus Christ or JC) looked and sounded almost identical to their god-man Julius Ceasar
or (JC). This is true today even in English (Julius / Jesus) even their initials remain the
same an have nothing in common with Yahusha the Messiah. The English translation of
Yahusha looks nothing and sounds nothing like “Jesus” it is “Joshua” or even truer still

The obvious truth is the Messiah’s name was changed and he was given a name like
every other Greek in honor of Zeus.


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