Defense Mech Stress Psych Midterms
Defense Mech Stress Psych Midterms
Defense Mech Stress Psych Midterms
Defense mechanism win the race because she hadn’t gotten a good
Mental mechanism night’s sleep.
▪ These are mental processes that are usually ▪ Unconsciously, people use it in an attempt to
unconscious, protective barriers that are used identify with the personality and traits of
to manage instinct and affect in the presence of others.
stressful situations Reaction formation
▪ Defense mechanisms are thought to safeguard ▪ The person exaggerates or overdevelops certain
the mind against feelings and thoughts that are actions by displaying exactly the opposite
too difficult for the conscious mind to cope behavior, attitude or feelings from what he
with. normally would show in a given situation.
Functions of Defense Mechanism ▪ This mechanism is considered a protective drive
▪ To resolve mental conflict by which the person prevents painful,
undesirable, or unacceptable attitudes toward
▪ To reduce anxiety or fear others from emerging.