Paper 3 Questions
Paper 3 Questions
Paper 3 Questions
1a. [2 marks]
A spherical soap bubble is made of a thin film of soapy water. The bubble has an internal air
pressure 𝑃! and is formed in air of constant pressure 𝑃" . The theoretical prediction for the
variation of (𝑃# − 𝑃$ ) is given by the equation
(𝑃! − 𝑃" ) =
where 𝛾 is a constant for the thin film and 𝑅 is the radius of the bubble.
Data for (𝑃# − 𝑃$ ) and 𝑅 were collected under controlled conditions and plotted as a graph
showing the variation of (𝑃# − 𝑃$ ) with &.
Suggest whether the data are consistent with the theoretical prediction.
1b. [2 marks]
Show that the value of 𝛾 is about 0.03.
1c. [1 mark]
Identify the fundamental units of 𝛾.
1d. [1 mark]
In order to find the uncertainty for 𝛾, a maximum gradient line would be drawn. On the
graph, sketch the maximum gradient line for the data.
1e. [2 marks]
The percentage uncertainty for 𝛾 is 15%. State 𝛾, with its absolute uncertainty.
1f. [1 mark]
The expected value of 𝛾 is 0.027. Comment on your result.
2a. [1 mark]
A student studies the relationship between the centripetal force applied to an object
undergoing circular motion and its period 𝑇.
The object (mass 𝑚) is attached by a light inextensible string, through a tube, to a weight 𝑊
which hangs vertically. The string is free to move through the tube. A student swings the
mass in a horizontal, circular path, adjusting the period 𝑇 of the motion until the radius 𝑟 is
constant. The radius of the circle and the mass of the object are measured and remain
constant for the entire experiment.
2b. [2 marks]
In reality, there is friction in the system, so in this case 𝑊 is less than the total centripetal
force in the system. A suitable graph is plotted to determine the value of 𝑚𝑟
experimentally. The value of 𝑚𝑟 was also calculated directly from the measured values of
𝑚 and 𝑟.
Predict from the equation whether the value of 𝑚𝑟 found experimentally will be larger, the
same or smaller than the value of 𝑚𝑟 calculated directly.
2c. [2 marks]
The measurements of 𝑇 were collected five times. Explain how repeated measurements of
𝑇 reduced the random error in the final experimental value of 𝑚𝑟.
2d. [1 mark]
Outline why repeated measurements of 𝑇 would not reduce any systematic error in 𝑇.
3a. [1 mark]
A student investigates how the period T of a simple pendulum varies with the maximum
speed v of the pendulum’s bob by releasing the pendulum from rest from different initial
angles. A graph of the variation of T with v is plotted.
Suggest, by reference to the graph, why it is unlikely that the relationship between T and v
is linear.
3b. [2 marks]
Determine the fractional uncertainty in v when T = 2.115 s, correct to one significant figure.
3c. [3 marks]
The student hypothesizes that the relationship between T and v is T = a + bv2, where a and
b are constants. To verify this hypothesis a graph showing the variation of T with v2 is
plotted. The graph shows the data and the line of best fit.