The story “Discovering Tut: The Saga
Continues” is written by A.R. William. This
story is all about the detailed description of
the Pharaoh dynasty’s last heir
Tutankhamun. Tutankhamun was a teenage
king who ruled for about 9 years and was a
center of concern because of this
mysterious death. All possible mysteries,
associated with this king’s death are
mentioned in this story.
In this story, a curse, upon the family of
Howard Carter and again mystery about his
death as well is depicted. Technological
advancements and their necessity in
resolving any unsolved mystery are
important parts of this story.
Problem faced by the carter when he
reached the mummy.
Three nested coffins were found by Carter. In
the first, he found the garlands made of leaves
and flowers, but on reaching the mummy, he
got into trouble. Carter found that the ritual
resins had become quite stiff. These had fixed
the body of Tut to the bottom of his solid gold
coffin. Even the sun’s heat could not melt it.
So, Carter decided to remove the solid resins
using a chisel and hammer in order to free the
King’s remains from the coffin. Even they had
to remove Tut’s mummy part by part. Having
taken out the gold coffin, Carter’s men
removed the mummy’s head and cut off every
joint in order to remove the golden ornaments.
Then they reassembled the body parts on a
layer of sand in a wooden box and filled it with
sand to hide the damage they had caused.
Result of the CT scan
Another Revelation
As the archaeology changed with the
advent of time, it focused more on
details of life and mysteries of death
than on treasures. Some 40 years after
Carter’s discovery, in 1968 a startling
fact was revealed, in the discovery of an
anatomy professor who had X-rayed the
mummy. He claimed that the
breastbone and the front ribs of the
mummy were missing.
Advances Technology that has Improved
in Forensic analysis
Technology has been making a rapid
development. The advancements in
technology are responsible for
improvements in the field of forensic
sciences. From the use of X-rays,
technology has advanced to the use of
advanced Computed Tomography
(commonly known as CT scan). In a CT
scan, hundreds of X-rays are created in
cross-section, like slices. They create a
three-dimensional virtual body with
intricate structures. This change in
forensic analysis has helped in
discovering the mysteries behind
Egyptian mummies.
Curse of Pharaohs
2. https://www.vedantu.
Muskan Public school
2. About The Author 02
3. Character Sketch of king Tut 03
4. The Mummy of King Tut 04
5. Funerary Treasures 05
6. Problem Faced by the Carter 06
7. Tut’s Family History 07
8. Result of CT scan 08
9. Another Revelation 09
10. Curse of Pharaohs 10
11. Technology That has Improved 11
12. Pyramids And Mummy 12
13. Moral of the Story 13
14. Conclusion 14
15. Bibliography 15