Lec-3 EMR
Lec-3 EMR
Lec-3 EMR
Electromagnetic Radiations, Spectrum
and Energy Interaction
Interpretation of remote sensing imagery depends on a sound
understanding of electromagnetic radiation and its interaction with the
atmosphere and the surfaces
The most important source of EM energy at the Earth’s surface is the Sun
Sinusoidal Wave Propagating Through Space and Time
of time
wavelength interval
• Relationship between wavelength and frequency
– Wavelength (µm): c
– Frequency (Hz): c
How EM energy interact with matter
• Rate at which Photons strike a surface is termed as Radiant Flux (Φe )measured
in Watts ( W)
watts per square meter. Irradiance measures radiations that strikes a surface
• The rate at which radiation is emitted from a unit area is termed as Radiant
• Light which our eyes- and “remote sensors” – can detect is part of
Electromagnetic Spectrum
• Infrared (IR) region covers the wavelength range from
approximately 0.7 µm to 15 µm – more than 40 times as wide as
the visible portion
Division Range
Gamma rays < 0.03 nm
X-rays 0.03 – 300 nm
UV radiations 0.30 – 0.38 µm
Visible light 0.38 -.72 µm
Infrared radiations ( Near IR) 0.72- 1.3 µm
Mid IR 1.3- 3.00 µm
Far IR 7.0 µm – 1
Microwaves radiations 1 mm- 30 cm
Radio > 30 cm
The color of an object is defined by the color of the light it reflects
radiation includes:
– Absorption
Interactions With The Atmosphere
• Occurs when particles or large gas molecules present in the
becomes shorter
• The fact that the sky appears “blue” during the day is because of
Rayleigh Scattering.
• Occurs when the particles are just about the same size as the
• Occurs when the particles are much larger than the wavelength of
• Causes fog, haze and clouds to appear white to our eyes because
General Effects Of Scattering
within a shadow
• Reduces contrast
Atmospheric Refraction
• Speed of light c is 3 x 108 m s-1 (same as Electromagnetic Radiation EMR)
– Refraction occurs because the media are of differing densities and the
speed of EMR is different in each
– This index is the ratio of c, to the speed of light in the substance, cn:
speed of light in vacuum
n= __________________________
speed of light in the medium
Atmospheric Refraction
Atmospheric Refraction
Incident Normal to
radiant energy the surface
n1 = index of
Optically refraction for
less dense 1 this layer of
atmosphere the atmosphere
Path of
energy in
n2 atmosphere
more dense 2
less dense
atmosphere 3
• Ozone, carbon dioxide and water vapour are the three main atmospheric
constituents which absorb radiation
Interaction with Earth Features
• Radiations that are not absorbed or scattered in the atmosphere
reaches and interact with the Earth’s surface
• Interaction with the target depends upon the properties of both the
target and the radiation
• Reflected
• Absorbed
• Transmitted
where all (or almost all) of the energy is directed away from the surface
in a single direction
glasshouse roof
electromagnetic radiation
Reference/Reading Assignment
• Chapter 2, J B. Campbell
• Aerial Photography and Image Interpretation,