Income From Business
Income From Business
Income From Business
Profits and gains from business/profession
Income derived by trade/professional association from
specific services provided to its members
Export incentives to exporters
Interest, salary,bonus etc received by a partner from
partnership firm
Sum received for not carrying our any activity related
to any business/professionor non sharing of patent,copy
right etc.
Sum received under a keyman insurance policy
Salvage value received from any capital assets if the
whole of such expenditure was allowed as a deduction.
General principles governing business income
• Exceptions:
• Payment to bank/govt
• Payment to farmer/producer of agricultural goods
• Payment to person residing in a place not covered by
banking services
• Payment made on a bank holiday
• Payment to agent
• Payment by authorised money changer in the course of
his business
6.Excessive or unreasonable payments made to
related persons.
1.Payments made by
➢ Individual to relatives
➢ Company to a Director or relative of Director
➢ Firm/AOP/HUF to a partner/member or
relative of such partner/member
2. Payment made to a company/firm/HUF/AOP which
has substantial interest in the payee’s business
3.Paymnet to a person in whose business the
payer/relative of the payer has substantial interest.
1200000 1200000
0 0
Salaries 800000 Rent received from comm. 121500
2.From the Profit & Loss A/c of Mehta Ind. determine income from business .
complex 0
Rent, rates & taxes 120000 Rent received from workers 200000
Legal charges 40000 Dividends from Indian Co. 150000
Miscellaneous expenses 20000
Provision for doubtful 30000
Provision for Income Tax 40000
Patents acquired 120000
Depreciation 40000
Contribution to appr. 25000
Interest on loans 42000
Net profit for the year 568000
604500 604500
0 0
(i)Depreciation as per Income Tax 45000 (ii) COGS includes Rs.50000 paid for
purchases by bearer cheque
3. X Ltd is engaged in the business of manufacture of goods for domestic
market. The foll. is the company’s P&L A/c for the y.e 31/3/2024: